Автомобили на воде – скоро Прощай бензин прощай Tesla

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Hello friends, subscribers and hello to everyone who watches my videos. Our topic today is a car on water. I have the most interesting questions and answers for you at the end of the video. So let's watch until the end. Recently, TOYOTA announced that it is working on a water engine design and will soon see the light of a car that will run entirely using ordinary water and no gasoline or electricity. Sounds fantastic - running out of WATER - FUELS? There is no need to worry - take water from a well or a river, pour it into the tank and ride as much as you want.

Yeees. Today, scientists know how to surprise us with the latest technologies and inventions, but there are still too delicate questions: Will oil magnates and corporations allow this? I think it's hard to believe - what do you think? Even the state does not benefit from such a technology because the budget will not be supplemented by the huge funds paid by corporations, gas stations and ourselves. It’s no secret that by pouring every liter of gasoline or diesel fuel into the tank, for every liter we pay too much money to the state. And this percentage often reaches 30% in many countries.

For example, we filled the tank with 1 liter of gasoline costing 1 dollar. Of this, about 30 cents goes to the country’s budget, and this is how the country’s budget is replenished. Here we pay not only but also corporations that extract, import or export oil products.

Gas stations pay. Millions of employees who work in these corporations receive salaries, and the state receives approximately 20% of their salaries as donation to the budget. And we wonder why fuel costs so much.

Do you understand what funds the state and tycoons will not receive? Do you understand how many families will be left without income if, for example, some Vasya comes today and declares that tomorrow he will begin producing water-powered engines and now no one needs oil? Let's pause the video and write in the comments what you think about it. Maybe I'm exaggerating here and nothing bad will happen from this ? A car on water is a hypothetical car that gets its power from water alone. Water cars have been the subject of numerous international patents, articles in newspapers and popular science magazines, local television news and Internet publications - that's what Wikipedia says. Indeed, today a car on water still seems to belong to the realm of science fiction, and if anyone believes that engines on water can still be invented, they doubt that such cars will see the light of day. And oil magnates and all sorts of global secret organizations will be especially against the development of such technologies . Remember what happened some time later to Karl Diesel when he invented the diesel engine.

After some time, he disappeared without a trace as he invented the diesel engine. They say that the invention of the diesel engine did not suit the coal magnates at that time, but then judge for yourself. There are many such examples and I will not list them here as this will take a lot of time. Because of these reasons, many will agree with me that engines on water are unrealistic and unfeasible, but many, on the contrary, will argue the opposite. What do you think? Let us remember, for example, what happened 10-15 years ago.

Vedas I and many then thought that electric cars were unrealistic and this should not happen. But let's see what's going on in our streets today. Today you won’t surprise anyone with an electric car. Gradually there are more and more of them. The European Parliament decided not to produce cars with internal combustion engines from 2035 . And Norway , the largest producer of oil products in Europe, joined this resolution . Norway will of course lose a lot of money from this, but they realized that environmental cleanliness is better than money.

Yes, today Norway receives large sums from oil production, but it is better to refuse such funds and it would be better if we leave clean air. I repeat once again - the European Parliament decided not to produce cars with internal combustion engines from 2035 . This means that the green light has been given to electric cars, which are more environmentally friendly. It follows that no one will mind if, for example, today the same Vasya says that he has invented a cleaner engine than electric ones. Why are they cleaner than electric ones? Yes, because the production of lithium batteries is a more expensive technology. It all has to do with chemistry. Everything related to chemistry is already considered unenvironmentally friendly and the most important problem will be in the future, when there is a need to dispose of old batteries.

Here are the financial and environmental costs involved in mining lithium to produce lithium batteries. This means we are turning the territories of countries where raw materials for lithium batteries are mined into a desert and environmentally unprofitable for further residence. Then batteries are made from these raw materials somewhere - nature is also polluted there. Then we bring cars with these batteries to our country and the problem for us becomes even worse - disposal of old batteries after use. We are practically turning our country into a dangerous garbage dump.

And here the TOYOTA company appears as a rescuer and our guardian angel. It states that they are working and in the future they are going to release more environmentally friendly cars with an engine that will run on water. No environmental pollution or difficulties in the future.

Yes, TOYOTA is a large company and they have sufficient financial and intellectual resources. Since TOYOTA has conceived of this, other companies are thinking and already working on it. But wait wait – why TOYOTA first? As we already know when dividing water into hydrogen and oxygen, in such a simple process as electrolysis, hydrogen can ignite and, therefore, release energy. This method of energy extraction was used back in the 1990s by Neil Brown, and the resulting gas was named “Brown’s gas.” While working in this direction , Stanley Meyer received several patents; he proved that stable electrolysis of water is possible using 12 volt car power.

He demonstrated this on his car. However, due to strange coincidences, these inventors died. But later, with the advent of the Internet, these technologies began to be used all over the world by self-taught craftsmen. At the moment, it is not particularly difficult to find videos of cars that use water as fuel, although all these engines were made by garage craftsmen, but the fact remains a fact. In 2008, the Japanese company JeniFax introduced a water vehicle.

Just one liter of water is enough for 80 kilometers. A generator is installed in the rear compartment of the car , which splits water molecules into oxygen and hydrogen. This hydrogen is then used as an energy source. For the driver, it doesn’t matter if he has a bottle of carbonated water, rain water or just TEA. Fill the hole with 1 liter and ride 80 kilometers.

Patents for this invention lie in many patent organizations, but no one is paying attention to them yet. Even this Japanese company has disappeared. They probably paid them a lot of money back then or simply forced them to shut up, but now is not that time. Many people will think that water engines are the same engines as hydrogen engines. After all, both there and there use hydrogen. It turns out that this is not entirely true.

In a car on water, the process of energy production occurs directly in the engine. While hydrogen cars are filled with pure hydrogen at gas stations. The appearance of the hydrogen engine dates back to the distant 1806, when in France one scientist made the first engine of this type.

But we are already talking about engines where the tank is simply filled with water and then the system does everything itself. Many scientists are trying to prove that it is impossible to create a car that runs on water, since a small amount of energy cannot be converted into enough energy to power the car. However, as practice shows, these statements are incorrect. Water is like a battery containing enormous energy potential, namely hydrogen and oxygen.

Thus, the amount of energy contained in water is quite sufficient. But the question is how to split the water molecule. Experts have finally come to the conclusion that the holy grail will be found when we finally find the true formula for the water wave.

If this happens, a very small amount of energy will split the water molecule into a highly explosive substance, and the reaction will be violent enough to allow the car to run on ordinary water. We do not lose hope of solving this problem. The next question that worries not only scientists but also of course us: How justified is the use of water as fuel? Could it be that as a result we will exhaust all our water reserves and destroy the precious balance of the Earth's ecosystem? If we continued to use water as fuel for too long, of course it would become potentially dangerous. But there are also huge advantages.

But until the stranglehold of the oil companies is loosened, these higher technologies will never come to light and the use of gasoline will continue. Everyone unanimously agrees with this. But when we start using water engine technology , it will open the way to even simpler and more interesting technologies that are clean and harmless. So in 100 or 150 years, water engines will remain a thing of the past, just like steam engines - scientists will come up with even more harmless technologies.

Planetary water supplies are not static, as most of us believed. The amount of water on Earth is growing every day. How does it grow? And like this. In the last few years, it has been discovered that large amounts of water are coming to Earth from space every day in the form of water asteroids! These huge, multi-ton water asteroids burst into the upper atmosphere, immediately evaporate and gradually settle to Earth.

But it remains a mystery why these water asteroids fly only to Earth and do not visit other planets, such as Mars. Another question that no one knows the answer to is whether this is just happening now or has been happening all along in Earth's history. Finally, due to the melting of polar ice, the level of the world's seas is rising. As a result, too much water is already accumulating on Earth . Scientists already believe that if we now somehow use a small amount of water - for example, for car fuel - this will really help solve the problem of excess water that awaits us due to the melting of the Arctic oceans. The use of water fuel will help improve another environmental situation.

We are talking about reducing the supply of oxygen on Earth. The only thing that will be emitted from the exhaust pipes of cars running on water is oxygen and water vapor. This is steam that quickly condenses back into water. Switching cars to water fuel will help replenish the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere. So the use of water engines in the future will solve the problem of not only harmful emissions into the atmosphere, but we will also receive additional oxygen, which is gradually decreasing on our planet.

But despite this, there are still issues that will not be so easy to solve. For example, there are countries where there is more oil than water. Such countries will not be in a hurry to switch to water engines. But imagine this situation - we arrive at the customs of the European Union, on a gasoline engine, and the customs officer tells us: sorry genatsvale, but your car has a gasoline engine engine and I cannot let you into my country. Leave your car there in the parking lot where parking per day costs 1000 euros and walk as much as you want.

Yeees. There will be more such and more unforeseen situations, but as the situation shows, the future is still in water engines. Now this seems more or less incredible, just as 10–15 years ago we did not believe the appearance of electric cars.

Time will tell what will happen in the future. We can talk about this topic endlessly, but here I will stop my story and please write your questions and your answers in the comments. Take part in the discussion of this topic and everyone is interested in how you see our future.

We subscribe to the channel and in 10 - 15 years we will meet here - watch the video again and sum up how we have progressed in the past during this time.


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