Прости меня Sony Я тебя больше не люблю

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By a happy coincidence, an Xperia 5 Mark 5 fell into my hands, which I now use to photograph myself. We write everything: Many thanks to Nikolai, who provided this smartphone to me for review. Let me remind you that since I’m not a very big blogger, no one sends me smartphones for free - that’s why I’m looking for sponsors. If you want to become a sponsor, you buy a smartphone through me, and before I ship it to you, you allow me to unbox it, test it, and take a review or first impressions of it. Actually, that’s what Nikolai did, for which we thank him very much. Why Sony? Why Xperia 5? First of all, it's compact. No matter what anyone says, unfortunately there are not many relatively small smartphones left on the market. The era of true

compacts is over. What is left is what we actually have to take. And we are left with a choice between Xperia, Asus and Samsung without “Plus” and “Ultra” - all these set-top boxes. And if Samsung’s cameras are still going well, then Asus’s are complete trash, well, they’re just like that! Even with the Google camera it’s not the same, in general. And so it turns out that the golden mean is Sonya, and for some reason it’s customary that Sonya definitely needs to be criticized for the cameras. Before we move on to analyzing

the wonderful surprises that the fifth generation of Xperia has prepared for us here, I would like to be a little sad about the lost telephoto lens, because the Xperia 5 Mark 4 had a telephoto lens! Yes, not the coolest, but, nevertheless, it was there, and it was a unique smartphone! Because Zenfone only has two camera modules, iPhones have three camera modules only in Pro. But on the Xperia 5 before the current generation we had three camera modules, and it was great! Although it wasn’t very good, it was still there, and now we’ll have to be content with the crop from the main camera, which is now 48 megapixels, but for some reason Sony won’t let us shoot at 48 megapixels. Well , these are the unpleasant things! However, let's deal with pleasant surprises. And the first thing I want to draw your attention to is right here: look! There's a 4K button here! Attention, click on it - and Oh God! 4K 60! only it’s not just 4K 60 - it’s 4K 60 on the front camera! It's crazy how long we've all been waiting for this! And the cool thing is that now we don’t need to switch to the additional Video Pro application to shoot 4K 60. Previously, if anyone doesn’t know,

on Sony you couldn’t record 4K 60 in the native camera application, you had to exit it, here so, and - pay attention! Despite the fact that the application is half minimized, it still continues to work in the list of recently launched ones! This is actually some kind of surrealism, I have never seen this on any other smartphone. Let's go, then, to VideoPro, and here - again, firstly, we have a vertical interface! Look, I don’t think this has ever happened before. Vertical Video Pro interface! Previously, it was only horizontal like this. OK. Here we have this very interface. You need to go to the menu and here enable 59.94 cinematic ratio of these frequencies. In short, 60 fps is really only needed to

shoot Slow Mo, and I talk about this all the time. But if you're one of those people who wants to record 60 frames per second "just because I can do it" - well, actually, they now exist. Well , we now have a vertical interface not only in Video Pro, we now have it in professional photo mode as well. We go back to the camera and switch from Basic, for example, to full manual mode and we are shocked! We now have vertical mode! Guys, this is also just some kind of trash, I've been waiting for this for so long! Previously, it was only possible to shoot using the hardware shutter key. Also, if we switch to manual mode, we can use such an additional focusing assistant as focus peaking. Let's go to the focus settings, turn on edge detection, and now, if you turn on manual focus mode, you can enjoy this very focus peaking! Now we are turning this very trick, and we have squares in the place where we have this very trick. Very comfortably! Just like that, look, the squares are running around. Great! And,

most importantly, now these same focus picking squares have appeared not only in photo mode, but also in video! In VideoPro we now also have this same focus illumination, and in manual mode it also allows us to control where we focus. I see these little highlights, I think you can see them on the screen now too. Many are outraged that Sony smartphones have a camera application interface that is overloaded with all sorts of indications. I disagree, all this indication is very useful and allows you to understand what you are doing at any given time. If you take pictures with a zoom of more than 2x at night, then even the night mode does not help - it turns out to be a mess. But

if you take photos in native resolutions for each module, it turns out quite normal. Of course, you can extract a slightly more interesting color from RAW . Attention! There is very strong pincushion distortion on the ultra wide angle lens , but on the base everything is fine. Of course, you can pull out the dynamic range a little higher, you can comb the color of the detail a little, but I would not say that you will get significantly more detail from RAW, so RAW is here for those who want to comb the color rather than the detail, because that as a result of my experiments I was not able to obtain a significant advantage in detail or dynamic range.

Many people also complain that it is difficult to take a good picture with Sony at night when there is little light. I don’t know what you are going to take pictures of when there is no light, it’s so important - but when there is enough light, the pictures turn out normal. Of course, everyone is waiting for some kind of Revolution. Unfortunately, it did not come here. As you can see, the photos come out really normal. That is, I cannot say that they are some kind of beggars. And yes, this is a crop from the main module, unfortunately, there is no telephoto lens here, as we have already found out, but, as I will show you a little later, everything is fine here in terms of quality. I looked at it in comparison

with Vivo. Photos from the ultra-wide-angle lens are decent in this generation, even though it’s the same module. Slightly better detail, slightly better dynamic range than the previous generation. Again, this is only 16mm - not like all the others, 15, 14, 13, or even 11. Even though this is not a QuadBayer, everything is fine here with dynamic range and detail. See for yourself. Overall, it's impressive. And the light is visible from the window, and the shadows in the room are normally detailed. The Vivo's ultra-wide lens is wider than the Sony's,

but lacks detail. However, Sony's white balance is too cold. On the basis of both smartphones everything is fine, but Sony draws shadows a little more dramatically. The 2x zoom on Vivo is a separate module, but nevertheless, Sony for some reason got a slightly sharper picture. With an ultra-wide-angle lens, the trend continues - due to the fact that it zooms in further, it also shows better detail. On the main module, in principle, it is approximately

the same on a level with other smartphones - plus or minus colors. But the 2x telephoto lens, which is not here, shows a very interesting static picture in digital zoom. But the dynamics, unfortunately, are still blurred, because there are no strong algorithms that do gluing. When taking pictures with the main lens in artificial lighting conditions, you can also catch blur, even though the shutter lag on the Sony is lower. I just don't like the colors. Everyone praises these

colors - they say they are natural. In my opinion, it doesn't look like it at all. Some just gloomy colors. But all this is nitpicking. In general, there is nothing to be upset about here. Everything here is fine with detail, color rendition, and dynamic range. But 2x, if you take a photo of something in the distance, it simply doesn’t pull out the texture anymore. The same applies to higher zoom ratios - 3.5x Zoom simply doesn’t work anymore. Overall, the new Quadbayer -

Sony's main module - is a very big step forward compared to what it was. Here you can perfectly crop and get a completely normal picture. The main thing is to understand where the potential of this module ends, so that you don’t take a picture of something like that at a zoom factor of more than 2x and then, looking at the bottom, wonder why it turned out to be such a terrible picture. I'm sure

you're as surprised as I am at how Sonya performs in this photo comparison. Of course, this is not the most thorough comparison. Unfortunately, I've only had Xperia in my hands for a very , very short time, I already need to give it to the owner in the morning, but, nevertheless, What we saw is sufficient material to draw some conclusions, and Sonya shows herself very, very worthy. Of course, in my personal top the first place is occupied by Oppo Find X6 Pro, and it will simply destroy both Vivo and Xperia at night, especially the Ultra wide-angle lens and e, because they have the largest Ultra wide-angle and telephoto lenses on the market, but nevertheless, Sonya shows itself very, very worthy, and considering that it is a compact, it is wrong to compare it with such a huge shovel of the Oppo Find X6 Pro. Because those who look at this Xperia

will clearly choose between it, the Zenfone and the S23, the non-Ultra, which is small and therefore everything here is very, very decent. And I hope we have cleared this up for you with the photo. I would like to talk a little about video capabilities, but before that I will make a short comment. Please don’t write to me in the comments under the video that the beginning of the video has a disgusting picture and stupid sound. I won’t pick up epithets, I know. In short, I had a situation - I went outside with my camera in the rain

and it became moldy! Just imagine, my optics got moldy and my camera got moldy, and I had to take it in for repairs to get the mold cleaned, because it could spread there and everything would get even worse. And so I decided to film the beginning of the video on a smartphone. You and I are constantly discussing what cool cameras smartphones have... As you can see, nothing good came of it. That is, smartphones can still write normally only when the light is well exposed. But if you’re already tired of setting the light normally, then why don’t you be tired of putting, after all, a normal camera on a tripod? Actually, let’s discuss how Xperia shoots video at night in comparison with Vivo, and then we’ll discuss everything else. Testing video recording. This is our Xperia 5 Mark 5, and this is Vivo x90 Pro Plus. Super wide-angle lenses,

both smartphones are in full auto mode without any show-off. Let's take a look at these signs. Here we have Vivo - it can barely cope with the sign. Xperia overexposes this sign. On Vivo we see some shadows. On Sony, all the shadows are drowned in black. Switch to the main lens. On Sony we now have a little better with shadows, after all, the main lens is a little better. We switch to

Vivo, look - I hate this slider! Here, in principle, on Vivo the picture is even more detailed. Here both shadows and lights are visible - everything is fine. In general, on Sony, of course, with the dynamic range, everything is not very good at first glance. On the other hand, it cannot be denied that many people use drama

as a means of artistic expression. Therefore, while the wider the dynamic range, the better - still such drama in the Sony picture is not bad. This is such stylization. In Sony's world, if you want wider dynamic range, you need to use all sorts of extra features. Now I will demonstrate this to you. Everything we had was by default, Cinetone was disabled, all kinds of dynamic ranges were also disabled. We leave, in general, from here and go to Video Pro. In Video Pro we definitely need to enable HLG because we want to record 4K with high dynamic range, and Sony think that for high dynamic range you need to enable true 10-bit video. That is OK. Okay,

we are now shooting with a 16mm ultra-wide-angle lens and on Vivo I will have it in pro mode, also an ultra-wide-angle lens... I hate this ugly slider! I will swear about him every time ! Well, actually, this is what the ultra-wide-angle lens on Sonya looks like. Let's see. And this is what our ultra-wide-angle lens looks like in pro mode on vivo with noise reduction turned off, that’s why there’s such grain. Let's walk through it, now, of course, on Sony with dynamic range everything is much better, here the shadows are drawn a little better. Although the lights are still knocked out, but if you try a little in post, you can pull out at least something like this, and now we will have lights comparable to Vivo, but for this it is assumed that you will have at least a little knowledge of editing and on You'll fix this whole thing in a post. Let's switch

to the main lenses. On Sonya, unfortunately, in Video Pro you need to stop video recording for this, but on Vivo we use this nasty slider and catch this nasty 1X. Looks like they caught it, ok Fine! Here we have the main lenses. I would say that the picture on Sony... Well, at least what I see on the screen is quite decent, however, again, it is assumed that you understand what 10-bit is, what HLG is, you you know how to use it all. Well, that's it. Living, as they say,

with wolves means howling like a wolf. Let's take a walk and look at the stabilization. I had the strong impression that everything was very good with stabilization in the new generation of Sony. By the way, write in the comments whether the voice is normal, because on the Sonya 1 Mark 4 I had complaints about how the voice was recorded, because on the Pro-I, in my opinion, the voice was recorded better. Well , look - signs, shadows, everything is fine, Sony just thinks that if you need a wide dynamic range, you will use HLG. Let's switch back to the regular camera and take a look. Here's a regular camera. As you can see, the shadows are recessed. The lights are toast, and here is Vivo. On

Vivo, the picture out of the box, as if in auto mode, looks a little more ready, perhaps, for social networks. By the way, Vivo also has a button like this - this is the button, I’ll press it now. It turns on noise reduction and the voice should now be a little better. Sonya also has a similar mode. Naturally, we also need to stop filming. Now let's go into the settings here in the menu, where it is located here... So the microphone is all directions. Okay, smart noise filter - let's turn it on and see if the voice has changed. Now we start filming video on Sonya and listen, has anything changed? Of course, there’s not much wind here, but write in the comments if the voice has changed, because it usually eats up the frequencies a little and becomes less deep, less bassy. I don't usually speak with a bass though. Just like that. And let's take

a look at Cinetone, just in case. Stop filming and turn on Cinetone. Cinetone lifts the shadows. As you saw, now we turn off and turn on Cinetone. As you can see, the shadows are rising. The highlights are still knocked out, but the shadows are now a little richer in detail. We can now make out something in the shadows

. You can't see anything on the display at Sony. But on Vivo it’s still visible. Let's zoom in a little and take a look. 2x zoom on Sony and 2x zoom on Vivo... of course, a completely different level, right? Still, at night an additional Sony lens would be very, very useful, there’s not enough range. Let's see again, will HDR save the situation here? We stop video shooting, go to VideoPro, we have everything pre-configured here, and we have this one turned on, and switch to 48mm. Like this. Now we look at this - I don’t even know what to call it - it’s like a stall, you see, the dynamic range is now sufficient. There are no knocked out highlights, now it’s even the other way around - the dynamic range on Vivo is worse than on Sonya. That's what 10 bits do! Cool, yeah! Of course, if you shoot haphazardly, then the picture will be haphazard. And

if you find normal light somewhere or simply set up a good scheme yourself, then, of course, your picture will be much more delicious. This is how our ultra-wide-angle lens takes pictures. Let's think a little closer. So here we are, zoom, zoom, zoom, the smartphone, by the way, got warm and gave me a message, now I’ll show it to you. And this is the main lens. Of course, if the light is set properly, the smartphone takes pictures much

better, and the picture looks much nicer. Released a couple of years ago for the Xperia Pro-i, Vlog Monitor works great on the Xperia 5 Mark 5. The only issue is that getting people to buy all these additional accessories will be very, very difficult, although in my opinion it is absolutely worth it. but only for those people who often write vlogs. Because you need to carry all this with you. Although this, of course, is a small compact thing, although the radio microphone allows you to record much higher quality sound than the built-in microphone, because you can bring it to your mouth. But you need to carry all this with you, and, naturally, most people are simply not ready to carry additional equipment with them. They

just want to take their smartphone out of their pocket and start, roughly speaking, watering. This is wrong, because a good video, a good photo always starts with preparation. But damn, this is such a complex topic, that I don’t even know who will actually need all this, even though, in my opinion, it’s worth it. You definitely need to take a complete case for this Sonya. It's not really complete - you have to buy it separately, but it's worth every penny you pay for it. Here at the bottom of the cover there is such a thickening, in which the leg is hidden. Thanks to this leg, you can place your smartphone vertically, just like that - very chic, there are very few such cases on the market. And you

won’t find anything like this from third-party manufacturers for Sony. Therefore, if you buy Sonya, you will definitely have to fork out for the original complete case. You can take two at once! Even though it is quite reliable, it does rub a little in the corners, I speak from the experience of using previous generations of cases. In general, the fact that it protrudes a little from the bottom does not interfere at all, and the smartphone as a whole lies very nicely in the hand, both with and without a case, but with a case it is a little safer. I also highly recommend trying this vlog monitor. If you like to record video, this is the coolest thing, and unfortunately it costs extra money, although it is worth the money. I really admire her. And despite the fact that technically it’s just

a damn display, it’s a really cool feature that will give you a lot of pleasure when used with a smartphone, and when you write some blogs somewhere while traveling, it’s not bad for you These will free your hands, you will see what you are filming, and you will be able to film yourself with the main camera of your smartphone. Also, while I was playing around with Vlog-Monitor through the VideoPro application with a smooth zoom between all modules, my smartphone issued a warning that it was heating up and stopped video recording. Of course, there is no need to do this - I turned on everything that was possible, and, nevertheless, this is the normal mode - we have been blaming Sony for how many years because they overheat...

Of course, just in case, I should also say about this - In all the reviews I've seen of the 1 Mark 5 , the guys left the Xperia in the heat - it recorded 4K 120fps and everything was excellent, there was no overheating. That is, in 1, the heating was corrected. But the five - either it’s smaller, or I don’t know what, but it overheated for me. Although it’s certainly hot at home, I understand that it’s also quite hot here, I, after all, live in Hainan, and this vlog monitor - it also consumes power, which leads to additional heat generation, but, nevertheless , this is the normal mode. That is, I installed a smartphone in a vlog monitor and I want to record. And the fact that it’s so hot here... Well, if I go outside, there will be additional sun on my smartphone... That is, these are all some kind of excuses. For so many years, damn Sony have been overheating...

and I’m just not ready to tolerate it anymore, because my Vivo doesn’t overheat. I can simply write in whatever modes I want, without ever thinking that the smartphone might overheat. This is really just infuriating. Well, how much damn can you have in the end? Those who have been with me for a long time probably remember that my first major review on this channel was a review of the Xperia 1 Mark 3, and to all Sony boys, thank you so much for sticking with me until now. And if it weren’t for you, my channel would not have become what it is today. But a lot of time has passed since then, and now I can’t be as passionate about Sony as before, because I’ve used other smartphones - Huawei, Vivo, Honor, I even used iPhone for a long time... and for the last year I I use Vivo as

my main device - and I really liked it, I liked it so much that I just don’t want to get off it! And it's not that I liked its cameras - although they are really good. It's the whole point. That is, I use a smartphone, and not only are its cameras good, and that’s why I’m on Vivo... I liked the shell, I liked the sound. I liked what the smartphone is like as a whole. And now, when I pick up Sonya, I miss a lot about Sony. And, probably, I’ll even say, after all, this is already an objective drawback,

because in Vivo the sound is louder from the speakers... even in comparison with the iPhone, look for yourself: And, on the one hand, the sound on Sony has become better than before - yes, I hear that a little has appeared here even deeper low frequencies, high frequencies also became a little more pleasant, not as flat as before... but against the backdrop of an apple - where is the bass? where is the volume? Of course, there is still a wonderful dynamic vibration, and I use it all the time. When you listen to a

clip, it’s nice that the smartphone not only makes sound, it also vibrates in your hand and immerses you. It really works, but all this show-off is great, but where is the volume? Can we just turn up the volume, after all? Where's the volume? That is, these quibbles are not out of nowhere. When you use other smartphones, then you pick up a Sony and something is missing in them - this is an objective drawback, because everyone has it, but Sony doesn’t have it. And everyone has it, not because everyone agreed to do it, but because users have such a request, and the fact that the volume here is low compared to competitors is an objective disadvantage. And I’m talking about this because the volume wasn’t enough for me. I go to the shower, I want to listen to some video, and I have to make a smaller stream so that I can make out what is sounding from the Sony speakers.

Brightness, again. The brightness here is 1500 nits in creator mode, 1400 in normal mode. Some have already 2000, 2200, 2500 competitors . Why can't we make a brighter screen? I don’t know, Sony didn’t have enough money? I don't know! Why? With PWM, everything is fine here, in principle, but around 40% brightness, as in the previous generation, there is a slight increase to 40% ripple. Therefore, it is better not to keep the brightness around 40%; it is better to

keep it either below 20%, or at 50 and above. Your eyes may get tired, again, here it’s only 480Hz, just like before PWM. Therefore, some people's eyes may get tired. Again, Vivo Oppo and everyone else are gone already - 1920 Hz ripple. This shows the technological level, and the Japanese are behind the Chinese! Where! Where is PWM, where is PWM 1920Hz, Japanese? Where, after all, is high display brightness? I understand that all these True Tone, all sorts of X-Bright, all these marketing names - it sounds cool. But where are all the banal technologies? There has been no high-speed charging for years in a row. This smartphone here charges over the air,

via wireless charging, in 40 minutes. This one still charges to 100% in 2 hours. Of course, I understand that the battery here will probably last longer, but the Chinese are not standing still. I am sure that many people use the old Xiaomi tenth generation, eleventh generation, which already had fast charging at that time, and their battery life is still more or less normal. But they should have already burned out if everything was true, what we

wrote in the comments then on 4pda.ru, like “how is that! There’s fast charging - you’ll burn out the battery in a year!” - and people still use these smartphones. There is no fast charging. The screen is not that bright. The volume from the speakers is not enough. And these are also, you know, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

The most important thing that I am missing now is the functionality shell. Where is the functionality? Why do I have to pay for some features in Google Photo that are free out of the box in Vivo? Let’s say I can shoot some video on Vivo right in the Vivo camera, and edit it right there, and it will all be done using the smartphone’s native built-in tools, and I don’t need to install or download any additional programs... Of course, we can say that Sony is a smartphone for professionals. Download professional software and do everything like a professional. Seriously? Is this a professional tool? At the very beginning of the video, we

saw how this professional tool films in any conditions. The video, of course, again, you can put it on a tripod... you can set the light... but if you're really confused, then put the camera on this tripod - in the end, and you will have even better quality... On During the installation stage I decided to make a small insert. I realized literally now that for some people working on social networks is a profession, and they really shoot videos professionally on a smartphone. Not because it’s the same thing as filming,

but because it’s a way for them to make money. This has become their profession, and therefore for them the tool, naturally, should be convenient, and it should be optimized for their work, according to their profession. Now, if we are talking about Chinese smartphones, everything is right out of the box. You don’t even need to download any applications to apply all kinds of virtual makeup for girls. Here in Vivo everything is out of the box. Moreover, in the native gallery you

can immediately download music and add it to videos. That is, everything is here out of the box! This is professional optimization. Everything is done conveniently on an iPhone. Everything is done conveniently on Chinese smartphones. And on Sony... You see, professionalism lies in the fact that you will manually pick the ISO! Of course, I understand that Sony is for these people who understand video production a little more than any of these girls. But, nevertheless,

this is a smartphone, damn it, and not a professional camera, and it’s really difficult for me now, after I’ve become acquainted with all the other brands of smartphones... it’s very difficult for me to swallow this - what, like, Sony is the Big Camera Companion. It should be usable like a smartphone, and not try to resemble a real camera. While I like the interface of this professional mode on Sony - it’s really convenient and logical... But for me,

as a person who began to engage in social networks, Sony is inconvenient. And this... This is sad to realize. In general, all these lyrics mean that I don’t have enough software. Now this bare shell doesn’t seem to me to be as big a plus as before. And, of course, the traditional flashlight test - and it’s still sad. Now I'm going to cry... Where is the flashlight? Here's a Sony flashlight... Vivo... In short,

I wanted to praise this smartphone. I really like him. I really still root for Sony with all my heart, because these are the smartphones that I have been using for a very long time... These are my first favorite smartphones!!! I have piled up a bunch of firmware on Sony... in general, I still have an Xperia XZ

Premium, which I constantly use as an on-camera monitor. In general, I like Sony, but I can’t openly praise it this year. Yes, there is progress on the cameras. Eat! There is progress in all other aspects as well. Small, but not as big as I would expect, after all, from a smartphone for this kind of money. Still, it costs a lot of money. Yes,

again, this is a compact. People who look at the Xperia will choose between this Xperia and, say, a Zenfone and between a small Pixel, maybe. And there, after all, in this segment everything is not so, so I’m exaggerating a little. But, nevertheless, I wanted to praise him. But

I can't do it. Does not work. That's all for me, see you in the next video, bye.


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