《Military Technology》China Airborne Warning & Control (AWAC) Aircraft: Design, Innovation & Factory

《Military Technology》China Airborne Warning & Control (AWAC) Aircraft: Design, Innovation & Factory

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this is a new generation of Airborne early warning aircraft developed and manufactured independently by our country it has broken through numerous foreign technological blockades achieving the goal of high performance with a small platform for significant early warning capabilities in this new generation its emergence has positioned China's early warning aircraft Development and Construction among the world's Forefront ushering in a new era for the development of China's early warning aircraft industry in this issue of military technology we will introduce the advancements made in manufacturing the KJ 500 Airborne early warning aircraft hello audience and welcome to military technology I am your host langha before we dive in we need a small favor from you please take a moment to hit the Subscribe thumbs up and notification buttons below so you can stay updated on all our latest videos in recent years our country's aviation industry has made comp comprehensive breakthroughs in various aspects besides the frequently mentioned family of 20 series fighter jets our development in early warning aircraft has also made remarkable progress now everyone please take a look at the aircraft behind me which may seem quite unfamiliar to many of you this is the kj1 early warning aircraft derived from the Soviet 24 bomber however due to the limited technological capabilities at that time as well as numerous issues that could not be adequately added addressed the development was ultimately halted in 1979 and the project was permanently shelved fast forward to the 21st century our country's aviation industry Personnel once again overcame challenges by thoroughly analyzing the failed experiences of the kj1 leading to the development of the kj2 200 KJ 2000 and KJ 500 early warning aircraft today our reporters will take you on an in-depth journey into the production and research base allowing you to explor China's early warning aircraft up close early warning aircraft are an indispensable component of Modern Warfare playing an extremely crucial role in military operations in an increasingly information-driven modern Battlefield environment whoever possesses early warning aircraft will have a significant advantage in gaining control over Battlefield initiatives from the aerial combat in the bua valley in 1982 to the Gulf War in 1991 and extending to various hotspots around the world in recent years we have consistently observed the presence of early warning aircraft these aircraft possess a unique combination of functions including intelligence gathering control communication and command capabilities which makes them highly sought-after assets for many nations in fact some military experts have even suggested that a country with an effective early warning aircraft could potentially win a war even if it's combat aircraft or only half the number of those of the enemy what exactly is an early warning aircraft it is not merely an Airborne radar station it also serves as an Airborne command post utilizing onboard radar systems these aircraft can identify and analyze multiple Airborne Targets in various batches subsequently Personnel aboard including command and staff officers can optimize operational plans based on this information enabling timely and effective guidance of friendly fighter jets to seize air superiority what is even more important is that early warning aircraft typically have a very large platform enabling them to remain Airborne for extended periods this extended loitering time is particularly beneficial for high intensity and sustained aerial combat operations as it allows them to provide accompanying support and protection consequently these aircraft can ensure that radar stations and command centers continuously track and follow Airborne combat groups in to relevant operational areas to execute Associated combat missions modern early warning aircraft serve as a decisive weapon for achieving electromagnetic dominance allowing forces to see farther and perceive more comprehensively this capability enables the land sea and air combat units to form a network that integrates into a cohesive system providing robust informational support for joint military operations why then are countries around the world striving tirely ly to develop their own early warning aircraft what exactly are the advantages of early warning aircraft compared to groundbased radar systems why do we need to place radar systems in the sky to answer this question we must start by considering our planet Earth the reason is actually quite simple Earth is a spherical body and although we may not have a clear understanding of this concept in our daily lives it has significant implications for radar technology when radar systems need to detect targets that are thousands or even tens of thousands of kilometers away even a slight curvature of the Earth can impact their detection range at this point if we Elevate the position of the radar it will still face challenges posed by buildings and mountains no matter how high we set it there will always be limitations for low altitude targets there will still be blind spots which can hinder effective detection however when we install radar systems on early warning aircraft the situation changes entirely at this altitude there are no longer any terrain limitations and the effects of curvature are effectively eliminated allowing the Radar's detection range to extend significantly farther that being said when radar systems are installed on the ground they function merely as a fixed Point capable of waiting for incoming signals but unable to conduct real-time detection like early warning aircraft can while moving alongside military unit units as the saying goes to see a th000 miles one must Ascend a level higher which is an apt description of the operational characteristics and functions of early warning aircraft although early warning aircraft are critically important in Modern Warfare a high level of manufacturing complexity and technical difficulties associated with their production means that there are only a handful of countries in the world capable of constructing such aircraft the aviation industry company shanly is a state owner large military industrial Enterprise specializing in the development of medium-sized medium-range Transport Aircraft and special purpose aircraft with over 50 years of innovative development it has made significant contributions to National Defense and the growth of the national economy although early warning aircraft possess no offensive Firepower and cannot independently carry out offensive or defensive combat missions they play a crucial role in the construction of a nation's military equipment providing essential informational support and Assurance for modern joint military operations earning them the esteemed title of Airborne Command Center the aviation industry company Shan fly which is situated behind me serves as the production and research base for our country's early warning aircraft and is also regarded as the Cradle of China's early warning aircraft development our nation began its research and development efforts on early warning aircraft as early as the last century however due to the limitations of national science scientific research capabilities and construction techniques at that time our first early warning aircraft the kj1 was forced to Halt its development in 1979 after several years of testing and trials as we entered the 21st century our country's first operational early warning aircraft the KJ 2000 successfully completed its Maiden flight marking the end of a historical Gap in the people's Air Force's lack of early warning aircraft although the KJ 2000 early warning aircraft is the first early warning aircraft independently developed by our country it is based on the IL 76 Transport Aircraft platform which can lead to situations where we are constrained by external factors therefore accelerating the development and production of early warning aircraft with independent intellectual property rights has become an urgent priority in this context the aviation industry company shanly swiftly organized research and development efforts to successfully complete the design and production of the kj2 200 which was then delivered to the military after its Maiden flight the kj2 200 represents a highly pragmatic Choice indicating that we have made significant advancements in the technology of onboard phase aray radar systems by utilizing this very mature Transport Aircraft platform specifically the Y8 we have effectively combined the radar system with the flying platform firstly this approach offers a very high cost performance ratio as the modification of the Y8 transport aircraft to create the kj2 200 allows it to carry out aerial Patrol missions on a regular basis the kj2 20000 early warning aircraft can conduct surveillance over the vast airspace of our motherland particularly in coastal regions or border areas where it can serve as an aerial radar Sentinel in such relevant areas especially concerning Airborne situations it enables timely and effective situational awareness on September 3rd 2015 a grand military parade commemorating the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese people's war of resistance against Japanese aggression in the world anti-fascist war was held at tenen and Square during this event aj10 fighter jets from the people's Air Force escorted a new type of early warning aircraft as it made its debut roaring through the skies and eliciting cheers of Joy from the public this occasion also marked the unveiling of the new generation of early warning aircraft independently developed by China furthermore this event represented yet another successful delivery of a new domestically produced early warning aircraft to the military following the kj2 200 and KJ 2000 given that we already have the kj2 200 and KJ 2000 early warning aircraft why is our country accelerating the development of a new generation the KJ 500 early warning aircraft I believe this signifies that the tech technology behind China's early warning aircraft is continuously improving particularly in terms of research and development as we have generated new ideas and identified entirely new requirements firstly the KJ 500 represents a fully indigenous system as we are utilizing the Y 9 Transport Aircraft as its platform which allows for longer endurance during missions additionally in terms of platform utilization it will not be constrained by external factors making it a completely domestically produced an entirely new platform the internal space of the KJ 500 is sufficiently large to accommodate numerous control consoles and additionally we have employed a dish-shaped radar Dome inside this Dome it is equipped with Advanced phased array radar allowing for the detection of targets at long distances in the airspace as well as the simultaneous identification of multiple Targets on December 29th 2012 our country's first KJ 500 early warning aircraft carrying the hopes of countless researchers and the people's Air Force took off from the runway beside me years later the KJ 500 has evolved from being merely an Airborne radar station into a fully operational Airborne command post truly becoming the Thousand M eye in the skies as we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the cloud Sky military tent let us once again step into this venue and explore the KJ 500 revealing both its front and behind the scenes aspects one the KJ 500 early warning aircraft is a new type of early warning system developed and produced using our domestically manufactured y 9 Transport Aircraft as its platform incorporating World leading digital phase aray radar technology it serves as a core node in China's Airborne Network information system and can perform early warning detection command and control and crossplatform Joint strikes of air ground and Naval Weapons Under all weather conditions and in complex electromagnetic environments this capability provides essential early warning detection information for the Air Force and other military branches to conduct coordinated operations and Implement Battlefield command guidance at the outset of the KJ 500's development the choice of radar did not follow the similar balance beam design approach of the kj2 200 instead it directly adopted a prototype radar similar to that of the KJ 2000 however for a mediumsized Transport Aircraft the question arises whether a relatively oversized radar system can be supported by the flying platform even if it is feasible to carry such a large radar into the air it would inevitably increase the aircraft's flight resistance and weight affecting its range so how was this issue resolved in 1971 when our first early warning aircraft the kj1 made its Maiden flight a similar situation occurred as the disc-shaped radar altered the aircraft's aerodynamic layout causing severe vibrations between the radar and the airframe during flight in fact this situation even rendered the pilots unable to operate the aircraft normally so what were the reasons that led to such occurrences let us take a closer look we all understand that the aerodynamic shape is extremely important for an aircraft as it relates directly to the aircraft's balance in the air at this time when we install a large radar Dome on the back of the aircraft it disrupts the aircraft's aerodynamic profile when airf flow comes from the front the protruding radar on the rear Alters the direction of the airflow around the aircraft this creates a resistance that hinders the aircraft's flight and additionally turbulence can form at the tail of the aircraft interfering with its normal operation we noticed that many countries When developing early warning aircraft tend to use dish-shaped radar does or what we refer to as disc-shaped radar covers to add such protrusions on the flying platform namely the transport aircraft when adding such an object or in this case a large radar Dome the flight resistance of the aircraft will increase according to General statistics installing such a large radar Dome on a transport aircraft can increase its resistance by approximately 30% this increase in resistance can potentially impact the flight speed stability of the the platform as it is not merely a matter of increased drag the entire center of gravity of the platform may also undergo significant changes therefore after the addition of the dish-shaped radar Dome the platform's overall shape and aerodynamic layout will also experience some alterations for example adjustments to the tail section will be necessary to ensure that the early warning aircraft maintains greater stability during flight through modifications to the platform itself or improvements in technology it becomes possible to enhance its stability and reliability this includes addressing the increase in drag as well as other related factors the negative factors arising from changes in the center of gravity can also be offset through modifications or refinements in detail in addition to the effects of drag on the aircraft another issue stemming from the installation of a disc-shaped radar is that the aircraft itself will become significantly heavier for instance a large disc radar like that used on the KJ 500 is also quite heavy leading to the question of how to reduce weight for the carrier aircraft indeed the issue of weight reduction in early warning aircraft is extremely important as it is not only necessary to accommodate this large radar system but also to incorporate many electronic devices within the cabin including various control consoles consequently the weight of the aircraft itself is increasing necessitating the use of comprehensive technological approaches to achieve weight reduction for example on the y9 platform we have extensively utilized Composite Materials which help to make the airframe lighter in addition to these considerations we will also put significant effort into weight reduction across the entire system design focusing on various subsystems this includes the application of new materials and the implementation of innovative technological Concepts which can achieve targeted weight reductions at different levels and within various subsystems a transport aircraft carrying a radar system faces challenges beyond the aerodynamic layout and weight issues there is another critical problem to address electromagnetic compatibility we know that modern radar systems often operate at high power levels with detection ranges extending from hundreds to thousands of kilometers additionally the transmission of large amounts of electronic signals over long distances whether from within the atmosphere to outside it can cause severe interference with other electronic equipment such interference can at best affect detection ranges and at worst it can destroy the entire platform a historical example is the incident in 1967 when the USS forestal aircraft carrier mistakenly launched a zi rocket due to electromagnetic issues nearly resulting in the sinking of the entire ship moving on to the 19 82 fand's War the HMS Sheffield Destroyer was forced to shut down its air surveillance radar due to electromagnetic compatibility issues which ultimately led to its sinking these incidents highlight the critical importance of electromagnetic compatibility for modern Weapons Systems and platforms for the KJ 500 early warning aircraft which is essentially a transport aircraft it must possess its own independent flight control radar and communication systems on this Foundation adding a radar system significantly increases the complexity of the electromagnetic environment it must operate within electromagnetic phenomena are invisible and intangible yet they constantly surround us I am sure that during your flights you have heard reminders to turn off your mobile phones or switch them to airplane mode this is primarily to prevent the signals emitted by mobile phones from interfering with the aircraft's electronic systems the environment in which we now find ourselves can be likened to an electromagnetic compatibility laboratory so let us delve into the answers regarding electromagnetism together conducting electromagnetic compatibility tests is essential to verify the rationality of the electromagnetic protection design for the aircraft platform structure ensuring compliance with safety standards for personnel and Equipment within the electromagnetic environment these tests also assess the electromagnetic compatibility between the various subsystems and Equipment throughout the aircraft providing a datab basis for the overall electromagnetic compatibility evaluation the goal is to ensure that onboard equipment operates compatibly and safely guaranteeing the safety of personnel and the proper functioning of equipment the safety of aircraft operations is Paramount it can be said that the issue of electromagnetic compatibility in a combat environment is a matter of life and death as there have indeed been similar cases in real world scenarios this includes instances where weapon guidance systems and targeting systems have faced interference or compatibility issues which could have dire consequences in such situations there is a possibility of becoming flustered when responding which can significantly shorten the effective reaction time the early warning aircraft is also an extremely complex platform it is equipped with numerous electronic comp components used for flight control and navigation and in addition to this the radar equipment itself serves as a massive source of radiation furthermore many early warning aircraft are capable of electronic reconnaissance if electronic reconnaissance is to be conducted the electromagnetic signals emitted by the early warning aircraft including radar signals May interfere with its operations this results in a highly intricate array of electronic compon components including various radar systems and electronic signal interception systems how can we ensure that all these systems can operate normally and reliably this requires us to devise various strategies in the overall design phase such as determining whether their usage times need to be staggered Additionally the installation positions and the distances between components must also be precisely calculated through extensive early testing including tests on on this platform particularly those conducted on experimental platforms we can effectively address issues related to electromagnetic compatiability the early warning aircraft is regarded as a force multiplier for military combat Effectiveness under informationized conditions it serves as an Airborne command and coordination Center becoming an indispensable part of Modern Warfare so what serves as the force multiplier for the early warning aircraft for a piece of equipment better production and faster delivery to the military are manifestations of its combat Effectiveness in the case of the KJ 500 early warning aircraft its Force multiplier is the pulse production line it employs but what exactly is a puls production line as the name suggests a puls production line operates like the human pulse allowing for a continuous flow of production and construction various components produced in the workshop enter the production ction line at one end and rhythmically pulse down to the next station until the final assembly of the aircraft is completed at the end of the line This production method integrates intelligent and information-driven Concepts enabling the aircraft to be rapidly mass-produced this means that there must first be a substantial Aerospace industrial system in place to support this process ensuring that all subsystems and Supply chains are in a state of normal Supply the production of military aircraft involves many related fields this includes components such as engines specialized materials for the airframe and various avionics equipment all parts of the production chain or supply chain must operate at high speed to ensure efficiency only then can we witness one military aircraft after another and one air combat platform after another being rapidly assembled and produced on the final assembly line This puls production capability can be regarded Ed as both a guarantee of quality and a guarantee of quantity more importantly it enables the rapid updating and replacement of equipment within a short time frame this continuous advancement enhances the new operational capabilities of our people's Air Force from its successful Maiden flight in 2012 to its delivery to the military the KJ 500 early warning aircraft has maintained an air of mystery with the development team overcoming a series of technical challenges along the way this has transformed it into one of the most advanced early warning aircraft in the world it was not until 2015 during the September 3rd military parade that people first experienced its Allure as it roared ped over tienan Square although it only passed overhead for a brief few seconds those moments encapsulated the arduous development journey of China's early warning aircraft over the decades from inception to realization by the time of the 20 21 juhi air show the KJ 500h made its appearance with a new paint scheme yet it was so understated that it did not attract much attention the promotional display nearly indicated that the KJ 500h had enhanced Maritime adaptability based on the original KJ 500 design this simple introduction led many to mistakenly believe that the KJ 500h was nearly a straightforward repainting of its predecessor the KJ 500h has undergone optimization and adjustments regarding its Maritime adaptability as it is designed for prolonged flight deployments in corresponding airspaces over relevant sea areas this necessitates operating in environments characterized by high humidity and elevated salinity for instance such moist and saline air can lead to corrosion of the aircraft skin and potentially affect other components and systems as well therefore we may incorporate new materials in its construction to enhance resistance to these conditions additionally when deploying the aircraft in coastal regions there are specific requirements for maintenance and upkeep that need to be addressed beyond that in the context of operating in Maritime airspaces the Radar's operational modes may also require optimization to ensure Effectiveness the early warning aircraft must not only target Airborne threats but also possess long range detection capabilities and the ability to handle multiple targets simultaneously for low-flying targets such as fighter jets flying close to the Sea surface and other similar aerial objects the radar on the early warning aircraft is required to have strong clutter filtering capabilities this means it must effectively filter out the tumultuous waves of the sea eliminating interference from such clutter the radar must be able to accurately identify low-flying threats such as cruise missiles drones and even some low altitude penetrating fighter jets by by doing so the aircraft can achieve not only long range detection but also the ability to see low and to do so with Precision at last year's air show another new variant of the KJ 500 designated the KJ 500A made a lowprofile appearance having been developed based on the original KJ 500 design the primary modifications were made to the upper section of the aircraft's nose the KJ 500A has been equipped with a long and robust aerial refueling probe enabling it to perform inflight refueling operations this enhancement significantly increases the operational range and Airborne dwell time of the early warning aircraft holding major strategic significance for our country China's aviation industry is grounded in domestic Innovation and has successfully developed a new generation of early warning aircraft in collaboration with the electronics Industry the KJ 500 early warning aircraft has successfully achieved the goal of high performance from a smaller platform marking a new Leap Forward in the early warning aircraft sector well dear viewers thank you for continuing to follow the National Defense military Channel's military technology program we look forward to seeing you again at the same time next week these aircraft are the shining stars in China's 2022 Armory they represent China's military industrial capabilities showcasing the confidence of the Chinese people in defending the sovereignty of our nation from the Seas and skies to the vast expanse of our territory there are new appearances changes and Trends in Chinese Weaponry everywhere in the next episode of military technology we will explore the impressive features of domestically produced weaponry [Music] [Music]

2024-10-18 19:06

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