Живее всех живых! Новейшая macOS 15.3 Sequoia на Mac Pro 3,1

Живее всех живых! Новейшая macOS 15.3 Sequoia на Mac Pro 3,1

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Oh, who’s here and here I am, yes, the holidays are over, the weekend is over, too, all the long short weekdays have begun, it’s time to work to replenish the budgets that were stolen from people on New Year’s holidays for gifts. Well, maybe someone isn’t there, so to speak, I was affected a little, but not in the sense that Look for me for something, but in the sense that I have become the object of some attention from those to whom I pay, yes, well, I’ll probably think about this later in a week, because for now the situation is not very clear. Okay, today about [music] macOS 15.3 Release Candidate should again release the third Trey release it turns out yes there 12 it was somewhere closer to April there March April so And now it turns out that it came out in February we are approaching Yes, and I decided to Remember who Rina macpro 31 Yes, first of all, I ignored him, I’ve probably already been ignoring him since September. If I’m not mistaken, when did I ever put a candidate on him? makos 15 Well, yes, it was a long time ago in general Sorry, it’s getting a little old, I already forget Yes, sometimes what I did when and that’s why I think that today we will finally turn it on Let’s see Yes, I turned it on just recently in December, but I wouldn’t show it to anyone Well, people are in the chat they saw that I put 56 GB of RAM there, now there are 56 GB of ddr2 memory, why I don’t know there is and everything is fine, I pulled out two of four there and sent them to Lyokhi Wedge adapter like this gave his to his comrades who came to me and picked up the motherboards from Ma 31 51 boats for study because no one still understands why the trays on 51 41 go out with the same problem. Well, I think that there is most likely a burnout error production and simply fails Okay, let's now turn on the macpro 31, listen to the ISU sound , connect to my poor video capture device and turn on the macpro Yes I’ll be here now and we’ll be here, we’ll turn on the start because there’s a lot of memory there, it’ll take a long time to remind you what kind of config I have there, I have a main system there on SSD kon hyx, here it’s loaded, yes you can see but there I have 47 turns out on the main H, it costs me 123, that is, monter vent and sonoma, and on a separate Sat 3 SSD Well, more precisely, in the working mode it costs already such a thing . it works poorly with eight cores of the Penrin generation, that’s why there is an artificial limitation to four cores only Yes, it’s sadder but the fact is so Thanks to my gorgeous video capture and the splitters that you are forced to use, you see such a picture, to put it mildly, not very pleasant , and Pus mind the monitor also in the comments 4K 120 Hz No it’s HD 23 inches old Monique which I want to change but with the latest events I probably won’t change it yet, we’ll see what happens I’m interested here, I think it’s something Igor asked me to get into, the sequoia tree doesn’t work, the OS there doesn’t work at all, yeah, interrupt, let’s see what’s wrong with the monitor first display so that it’s somehow acceptable or something to watch this process, something... then of course yes We need to change the position altogether where I’m sitting here I look like Buto I don’t

know comrade of Greek fate later dear later that’s it Give me the noka please that’s all now I can work normally yes Sorry for that such problems But Yes, I haven’t had time for that yet Unfortunately, yes, now I don’t have much time left and I’ll try to make more content, figure out all my poppies that I have, and Legacy for everything, try to see what’s where, So the cart has left here shouldn’t leave, we’ll close it Well, everything worked here again Let’s take a look We have here Yes, I turn the microphone away faster now here I can also see everything here, in principle, on the monitor which is my main worker So let’s look, yes You see there’s one The processor is visible here because the value for cores is limited, I manually set it myself. Yes, the video card is flashed with a Polish BIOS 56 memory As you can see, I have 151 candidate, everything would be some kind of one from Here But in general, what we need now is to update our Open, which is already asking update As I see with three cores, it’s just a masterpiece of work speed, but in general, you know, it can work, I’ll say it can work, let’s talk about safri here, remember that saris don’t work now, but Farik doesn’t work at all didn't work but look here it works 151 beta it's still it works fine in avx Yes, systems are such bullshit In short, where there is no avx Yes, look, it works here because already at 15 2 it no longer works, it turns on and it’s still not functional, only Google chr Dava right away because for us And what do the chickpeas then we say we’re in a trap and take another short-term computer of some kind and with Windows I don’t care from there Chrome installer, we don’t need it so that right away Here’s everything it worked correctly, come on, you won’t be able to do it like that, it won’t show you. Well, what does he have on Google’s website? Yes, what is Chrome? And under mos there is such an opportunity, I told you that it’s very interesting, but it’s cramped like this. Varick turns out.

Okay, now we’ll install Let's immediately check the speed of work. Yes, it 's opened there. So okay, let's give it here and there. So let's go. Let's make the interface more convenient for me.

I have a keyboard from this friend's program somewhere. I'll still bring it here with something. this is a good one, this is the program here When you put on some programs, again yes And you guys And what and dada yes I don’t see it here I have my face here In short, it covers like this and a little bit we’ll probably do it like this VS Yes here it is here an indication will appear that something is being copied there, it’s actually quite convenient Yes, I haven’t switched to Khaki either, it’s also worth it to 152, it’s worth saying it’s very interesting, well, it’s subjective how to prepare to work, I haven’t dived hard yet exactly in the process because I still have the old Final C, I need a bunch of libraries because I have projects where there are 50 videos each, of course, even three projects, roughly speaking, three ply three 2T libraries Yes, and it turns out that I still didn’t get the camera normally it turns out that in each of them there are 50 In short, there are projects of events where, in other words, a lot of everything needs to be broken down into separate parts, then after that they can be converted into new ones. For now, I can’t do that. Yes, that’s

more of a problem I won't see you like that now we need to update to version 2 2.0 remember guys Open Legacy and Open are different [ __ ] things Yes, I'm sorry the word things are different things different concepts Open is a com people who make all sorts of videos there Yes about how to install this new to old ma yes Usually they are there So I finally got rid of the Apple ID of which Yes he wants I mean, he got attached Yes so that he doesn’t owe me anymore So what is this, this is the opencore compiler - the bootloader and when people say This is opencore what will say I will say what he will tell you about the leak, he can’t say, Lord, And you just people are starting, including you, my dear friend Yes, who looks and says Yes, what is the river carrying some kind of information Yes, some kind of information is obtained yes on this topic yes on this topic and what do you get? In the end, guys, it turns out that you are going to the wrong place, quite simply, you go to the NSH and not the Legacy ma yes section and create something crazy in the end that they write there, they write there in general, but it’s right for that What In short, you need Well, come on, let's talk well about what will happen, I'm not afraid, I can press whatever I want, in principle, I can always do it, I can boot from another system from another I always have the ability, here's what you do, call a spade a spade Yes, it's opencore opencore bootloader that will boot is a bootloader it is not some kind of program there yes although it is of course a program Yes binar there yes there are some but actually it’s not like that’s how you open it Yes in system and it will do something for you No, that’s not the case, the program is Open Legacy Patcher, but it’s not Open, that’s the problem with the systems on the old ones, don’t Support what to do, that ’s who wrote the channel, put the op, everything is good about downloading there [ __ ] next he has a lot of idiots there, in short, earlier there were comments after which he said that I have all the questions on the guys’ streams for Donat 1000 rubles and I won’t tell you anything, I won’t answer because they got me Really I understand him Mark is a great guy, of course he explains everything very well, there is something to learn if you are just trying to do something to take away There is something else there, change the glass there, clean the matrix, it’s generally priceless, just a video priceless advice Let’s load up So, we already have the introductory part seems to be slowly coming to an end minutes Yes, now, if everything is loaded, if now everything is loaded by the BCC, then we will understand how to pour tea for the masters because it will take a very long time. Well, it will take me a long time at x40 speed there, or whatever is more, above 20 seconds, it will take me a long time, I will torture you to do it something else interesting, maybe even something to eat I don’t know Hello, that’s all my view version opencore interesting the current version is already 13 If I’m not mistaken yes we have 102 here yes opencore version and 102 1 yes and the version pa 22 more precisely 2 is loading like this, we’re waiting for the cards to hear they’re chirping for now [music] everything is ready And what’s so ugly And what’s the resolution And it can be better, apparently it’s not possible like that So so Oh, that ’s cool, but he’s moved a little in short, the picture after applying the patch, we see these patches were not for Although what difference does it usually make no difference? Now let's see, yes, I forgot to add in addition to programs here more utilities that utilities are a necessary thing and we will also need it in principle, yes here ayyy how hard it works and my friend now let’s check how it’s loaded Well, the processor is obviously loaded and about in general to the eyeballs here we’ll fill the CPU load window, we’ll see we’ll display it separately like this Our four cores were unhappy, it was eight more precisely, there are them in them, but they They don’t work, friends, and memory The shaft of the processor is only four cores , and here it is, Yes, now it’s fully loaded, let’s wait a little while until they calm down Although in theory we don’t care, we need to update the system So, as Zheglov said, Yes, you’re not a swindler, you’re a human, yes, yeah. Although, in my opinion, I’m wrong again. Okay, so we have Macos Ikuya 153 what’s more here 153 update, click 15 gigs a lot this is a lot of listening Yes, I think something came out in my opinion. Around 7 GB there is a lot of pressure. 1471, in my opinion, the update went quickly Well, that's it guys, what are we listening to, I guess yes, yes, let's go ahead Okay, download it now, he will download us our L Bucket, which will be needed for the patch Yes, on this system, you are kind enough to prepare us for this Yes, yes, in my opinion I had another problem, some kind of problem with Wi-Fi, it’s cramped, now she finally decided to take a look, I’ll look here and Yes, it was decided, it works Yes, great, great, Okay, guys, I’ll go have some tea pour Now I think I'll be back now when everything is already interesting here in 20 seconds in an hour and a half you check the time 1844 [music] [music] So what do we have here, what do we have here in general, while I was walking there we were communicating something there We looked at what we have in general from the different options on our issue Yes I hope it’s all over And the main thing is that it’s the installation as usual Yes, well, all the phases of these here are the preparation Well, as usual, let’s log in now time has passed now 1944 we are fixing Yes, well there Compare the same, a few seconds have passed I have that time has passed in the chat there Kolyan in short with Lyokha on the poker sitting all sorts of useful things post to there all sorts of interesting things from the animal world rich so I brought myself tea after all I brewed it, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, I stirred the sugar, it’s anyway, I need it for what Glucose, and damn it, I bought it yesterday at the KB. In short, I took it for myself jelly

beans damn what am I doing me what there yes continue continue Of course yes we're dying periodically continue the story Okay we'll melt the memory until I open their sex so I opened it for myself So okay What do we have to continue Yes I eat and drink In front of the camera we're sorry so don't sit down we need ours again I’ll show you what’s here completely in Akhtung here Yes, so that you can see 54 dras to the eyeballs, how interesting and the color scheme is so cool, everything is yellow now we will work out the processes necessary Yes, and our oh dadada Darlene will appear Let me have some marmalades Yes, these are the ones I love these sweet lasika was Sahara, these are the ones I can actually use as a child, I like all sorts of fish and so on, they’re really cool Yes, Sanya also sent hot spicy ones there Chili there with pepper marmalades Thank you Sanya Matera half is very happy with your adjustment so about e so far everything is tough Yes 153 shka here ready 2460 it’s hard to see me in the window here so-so And although I can take a screenshot now 27 has passed in total, that is, about an hour 05, probably an hour, it was all shorter, yes I’ll stand there according to the timing of the recording So where is ours Yes all this we are closing, there is a struggle between who will get sick, the patcher or the system Yes, the patcher is so small Yes 8 did it all faster clearly And what should I do Yes, I have an interest, the next interest Yes, this is what we want to check, I want to check for there, Sonoma is also ancient Yes no well, like the ancient one, I updated everything in September and it’s so very there now 1471 the last one there there there in my opinion 61 Uh, how’s that patcher starting I have there in that sonomedine As they say that it will be done with the config if I update it there and automatically Oh, for me, too, it will drop the cores by four, it will limit it to eight, so there will be such an interesting question, and here I’m missing something. Maybe I’m not doing something wrong. It’s all in my opinion there is, yes, one idro, in the sense of one processor, four idras [music] so now I see that the patcher has won, that’s all, yes, sly is still going crazy there, too, as usual, an amateur. Sly is going crazy, I have an empty system. I have nothing. synchronize There’s nothing to look for there and index

Okay, where were they still Malaki because it overheated too hard , in short, go through change the thermal paste, change the gasket that’s on this on the GPU on Rodion something like this Well, most likely it’s the thermal paste of the pump because there it’s in a calm state, in short, he says there [music] what’s interesting there? And I understand that it seems to say that everything is ok. Everything is fine. Such brakes were interesting, it showed the processing, yes. This is a backward movement. Okay, there is something to work on. Okay. Why do you buy a mother’s mini and a twenty-four year old and don’t make your own brains, yes, that’s right, the brains are not composting, but for now everything is loading there. In short, yesterday, after all, I picked up a macpro 21 2007 there, tried to install this Fallout third on it and was going to I was talking about this in the chat, I wanted to put it in this one, but unfortunately there is no driver there. Yes, I’m still struggling with the firmware, so I solved the issues I’ll take I don’t know anything tasty, in short, something to drink, have a snack and probably go over. What is the danger of the firmware there is Mac 21 31, and their chip is

such a disaster, why the hell are you singing just like that, it’s unusual and the programmer, damn it, we’ll also collect more for it Separately, there is a weird theme under everything, in short, there is a risk that this is, well, this is the driver, it turns out that it can do something there Yes, it’s useless for Masya because the captain is not friends with him But how would there be 1500 for example for writing there and for reading there for writing there I don’t know how much then that there are two IPO GTs it turns out yes but the upper port works X8 Yes when the Lower x16 that’s how An interesting option is the X8 SSD, an expensive sulfur thing, but it doesn’t work under MacOS, and for us and for us and for us, everything has been updated , so let’s see what concerns us as for the resolution, now he will remember or forget, or maybe not will forget yes I didn’t forget now let’s check Yes display [music] display Beauty yes classic Theme yes Lasika style again come on let’s give birth yes good So I wasn’t mistaken it means it didn’t seem like that to me now in short he will finish his lyans there to do in general so the next interest my topic is that I guess I played Fallout the third In short, a long time ago I don’t know how many years ago 15 probably yes 14 years ago 16 years ago I started 14 years ago in short I tried again and in general, at some point with these UFOs, I shut up and didn’t get there somewhere I lost Well, I’ll probably find it, maybe I don’t know, in general I’m thinking again Maybe I’ll start going through it, I have it, it starts up , so generally speaking, I installed it on 21 Mac general shit 1660 GTX Well, it’s not easy to have 240 there Sams 860 for toys for Steam I came to install the old 16 gigs because there are gigs in regular armor in short, it would be bad and he needs to change his shoes Well, in principle, it was understandable and expected, here’s what to do, but I think that the gib is launched there, we also need to Russify it with all these shka Yes, there is a Gun Run Mod, but it’s a mod, in my opinion nan Vegas Yes this mod Yes yes yes or no I don’t remember it was a long time ago Here the kids there in principle are not bad in this foot I remember des was this yes there but okay to hell with it in short We've all run out of it, let's close this, let's see what we have here in terms of responsiveness, it's always the worst here Well, it holds its mark Of course, yes, by the way, where is this I didn’t understand something, who didn’t understand anything? I also didn’t understand, oh, hurray, yes, I was a little stupid, okay, so everything works for us now, yes, well, of course, our Great Dane is a joint venture interesting , well, you saw what happened now Yes, think about it, he took the koche, he takes the koche, he took Safari from me, which I have on Haken Toshe Listen, well, Cool Yes, interesting, yes listen, well, Asya, let's go come on, listen Yes, yes, just now, who else is Tony ma? Yes, that’s all, he got in there, it ’s cool, something like this I haven’t seen before, that is, it turns out He’s working on safri here Oh well, but he’s working himself, no, it’s working, so it’s fixed, it’s good So the fari works for us, it turns out, but we have a question about how exactly it [music] works, so try to find something Yes, so now I’ll close everything here Oh, I’m here, of course, I’m called stupid Well, yes, this is already here, it’s already here, it turns out here Music Nogovitsyn Maxim is here Yes Oh well, let's relax some music works like that Listen to it works Yes it's just music something Why just YouTube is not that the lads YouTube Just is Well, that's ours Well, something like there is [music] Yes, it's okay to come like this to the beach, yes, yes, you come to the beach Yes, it’s that there’s some kind of kitchen there. In short, it works for us Safari, which is already good that it didn’t work for me on 51p Why not only I have to write that it was Safari that didn’t work. Is it really either Yes no it was even before the release of Pomu 2 2 let’s see In general We’ll see that such and such damn thing Yes okay everything in general that we have one processor here Unfortunately Yes so much memory, six strips of memory, two by four, now so , well, in general, let’s finish with this for now. In general, this 153 candidate works better than 151, which was yes, we’re waiting. Now that it’s dawn, in my opinion, apparently these Gru Safari com there were some

exactly unrelated yes Or related I don’t know but turn it off you’ve already screwed something up And yes my mouse seemed to be stuck Let me check no Magic M is working Yes I’ll need what will happen Benya has fallen asleep now apparently okay Well This evening of experiments is coming to an end for us. Damn, I’m eating again, in short, what? So, overall, it’s a 3. If you have 31, you already have something. Maybe there’s something in the office somewhere, so you can basically use it Yes, I usually say that it’s fucked, but now, in principle, it’s not bad even on the normal one. Yes, it works for me for a second. Yes, it’s always better for some reason, it’s the release version that’s hard to go there, then it’s no longer optimized in general; it works on my hack, too. on this, yes, comrades, in my opinion, it also works better, but many people note that it also says that it is better than the rank, but with the BT version it was better to work there Yes, but I couldn’t afford to upgrade what I had the flow of video projects and so on I had to constantly produce content Yes yes Say Not on this channel Yes, not on this Yes, alas, but now it will be more often, although I said that it will be more often in reality, 20 days have already passed since the last video yes, well, what can I do, I think the next one will be faster before the end of the month, I think we’ll do something else, all sorts of different poses, including now a C grade again there, we’ll sort out the rest of everything with her too, but for now, be healthy guys Take care of yourself Max was with you bye

2025-01-30 13:13

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