Jobs Of The Future Webinar Study Melbourne Career Catalyst

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so i could settle down so hello and welcome everyone to another employment post uh focused webinar brought to you by and the good folk at study melbourne my name is dom i'll be your host today and we we're going to look into what i feel is probably the second most important issue facing students graduating the first of course is getting your first job the second is that there are these things called jobs of the future which is going to determine what we're doing in the future so why is this so important well for starters sadly most of you are studying courses that are currently not going to provide you with the skills for these jobs of the future and extra learnings outside of your formal studies i think will be required for graduates if they do wish to access its exciting jobs in the future in fact in a recent report commissioned by deakin university and ford motor company totaled 100 jobs of the future an amazing 53 percent of the top 100 jobs of the future don't exist today 53 and although this may sound scary you know this is not the first time that technology and innovation and just things that happen around us change the employment landscape you only need to look back to the recent pandemic to show how there's dozens of jobs that have been created that didn't exist before things like covert 19 testers caregivers give us contact traces using big data um temperature screeners by law enforcement officers um and and also other industries such as face mask makers screen manufacturers as everyone is at home with extra screens and and of course the big one and you'll see that this is our lovely production person enya zoom support specialists because now zoom production of meetings is a big thing so hence you know i see innovation and change um and you know creating a lot of these jobs of the future it's an incredible opportunity for graduates um and i think you need to be aware of them in order to secure them so um what we're going to do today we've got three exciting guests uh that you will see on your screen first of all cameron um who's got the headphones on cameron uh the founder of um think robotics of business creating autonomous robots to help solve the shortage of labor issues faced by our farmers we also have uh vashek batra engineer entrepreneur and innovator in sustainable packaging and we also have a good friend of mine adam crow hardware and software engineer entrepreneur and inventor and uh you know welcome gentlemen uh it should be a lot of fun um so cameron let's start with you i told you you're going to go last but i'm going to actually make it so hopefully i suppose there's no bigger industry at the moment um that needs to embrace technology more than farming and horticulture and one of the things that's really affected them lately is that without the backpackers um and international students that have come into the country there's a lot of places that simply can't harvest their fruit and and it appears as though a lot of it is all going to just go to waste but cameron tell us about what you're doing because i think the students are going to find it very interesting um and what you see happening in the areas that you're um involved in the future oh thanks tom uh yeah the pleasure to be here and to share my experience so as dom illustrated i've been running a startup called think robotics and we're focusing on automation of field robotics so essentially building machines that are autonomous for the farm to do functions in the farm that otherwise you would have somebody sitting on a tractor or manually doing work in the field and you know this has been a big issue for farmers even well before cobert if i talk to a farmer in the last couple of years i've been doing this for three years now and every farmer i've talked to has said labour is their number one challenge and of course covert has made that even more so because in australia we really rely on a lot of international imports to do the jobs that frankly most australians don't want to do and that's been the challenge for farmers you know it's regional work it's very difficult and tough work to be out in the field all day so a lot of people just don't want to do that manual labor and that's where opportunities like robotics and automation have really in the last few years become quite possible you know it's not exactly new technology your automation and ai are many decades old but the cost point has got to a point where it's actually starting to become viable for us to offer this as a service and to develop products for that so you know that's that's an area that we've been actively working in and it really does highlight these jobs of the future that paradigm where you know 10 years ago people wouldn't have been dreaming of robots in farms uh it's something that we've had to rethink you know how do we support that what sort of people what sort of skills would we need to do so we're definitely moving further away from manual labor and much more towards a highly skilled labor that you know it may not be locational you know a bad technician for example you're a mechanic for a robot might be a a future job you know as we build robots and we deploy them in the field somebody has to maintain them and you might be quite a mobile position where there's lots of machines to attend to over the over the vast country that we farm but that said farming itself is changing too you look at different food systems and people doing more like moving towards different proteins such as your crickets and grasshoppers and these sorts of things becoming more mainstream foods and not even you know yes that's becoming food for human but a lot amazingly a lot of the food we produce is actually food for animals not necessarily food that we eat directly so a lot of these things people might turn their nose up at eating crickets but a lot of that protein is actually going into fish feed it's going into animal is actually what then supports the food for humans so there's these industries popping up which we couldn't have really dreamed of you know even a decade ago so it is shows how things are so dynamic in terms of the workforce and how things are changing and i guess that's the key thing if you read through the hundred jobs of the future report you the key thing is it's about change uh anyone entering the workforce now is unlikely to be doing the same career for their whole job uh there's gonna be the that old concept of you get a job for life is far far gone and that's you know that's just the reality there are people who once upon a time got a job worked for the same company for 40 years that's not happening anymore and people will have to learn different skills so i think that's the key thing being adaptable it's not just technology skills but technology's certainly becoming part of almost every job these days so it's quite interesting to look through that list of different jobs and i guess i've sort of set myself up in terms of how i got to this point through a very very background so starting out as a motor mechanic studying engineering and industrial design ended up going into architecture and web development so i've had a few careers in my own time and run a few businesses along the way and about six seven years ago i started a makerspace which is essentially a community workshop and that's what really got me back into the hardcore technology space and led me into the business i'm in now but alongside that i've actually run a co-working space for tech for really for hardware startups so you'll see lots of co-working spaces around but not many of them actually offer you the opportunity to have a workshop and an office alongside each other and so that's where i've really specialized in terms of being able to support others who have the same situation as me that need a bit of space so we've got some really interesting people in our space which is in brunswick east we've got a company uh who are doing concrete products using robotic technologies to create molds that are flexible and can change we've got company doing underwater robotics alongside my agriculture robotics we've got an electronics engineer who works very regularly with startups we even have a distillery who are working on non-alcoholic gin so all these things are reflective of the future well the gym still have to be made somewhere so these guys have built their own skills they've done all the hard work so it's still a hardware company at heart uh but you see like that's consumer preference is changing people want non-alcoholic beverages so they're really trying to accommodate for that change and i guess like the ultimate thing is change you have to really prepare yourself for change wow cameron um you know a lot a lot in there and uh you know i've visited your facility out there and uh it's amazing i think a lot of students think of themselves that um if they're engineers they've got to go to an engineering firm that's not the case you can go to a gin manufacturer you can go to a concrete molding design factory you can you know and vishek will tell us more about his sustainability work that he's doing you know you can often combine what you've learned and also what your passions are like a lot of people in australia don't realize that the horse industry in australia is our third biggest employer and and we get a lot of students that come out of um south america who for whatever reason love horses and they need project managers they need engineers they need designers they need accountants they need all of these people um and so hence you know you can you can combine what you've learned and also put it into an area that's your passion well that's that's really interesting thing that you say there don because i had a note exactly about that and i see you know right now you should not be studying to get a job absolute last thing you should be doing you should be figuring out your passions and improving your skills in that area so you can become an expert in that area your your study doesn't always have to be formal study formal study is great to get you to a point where you can differentiate yourself from other potential job seekers but do everything you can to really prove what you you know to real i guess follow your passion outside of your study hours it's not just get a degree get a job anymore you know we as employers we're looking for people who have followed their passions who spend all their waking hours tinkering with the things that we're trying to work on you know the people i work with are software engineers who love robotics they're people who are really hardcore into this and they spend their their time for fun working in robotics that's the sort of person i want in my organization yeah and and cameron um uh you've taken on a few interns um um and given them some incredible hands-on training and a couple of them were you were left a bit wanting with their skills that they didn't have um and and mainly in that autocad area can you can you let people know out there um that you know some of the things that if you're going to take on an intern what are some of the things that are absolute must for them to hit the ground running when they come and do some work for you for sure i think in this day and age if you're in the engineering space you have to be very proficient in 3d cad it doesn't have to be particular package because most of them are close enough that you could probably pick up whatever the company is working with pretty quickly but if you're looking to target a particular company find out what software they're using and get yourself a little bit of experience you know most software you can get free trial licenses and you can spend a month just tinkering away at it and getting experience because what we need is people who are very competent in 3d modeling competent in 3d printing and additive technologies there's a lot of these things that are relatively accessible now it's easy enough to get hold of a 3d printer or find somewhere you can use one if you learn the nuances of the how to design for that that really gives you a head start so absolutely 3d cad is a critical thing for engineering uh 3d modeling experience 3d printing all of those sort of advanced manufacturing because that's that's interesting too so again looking at that report the report was released in 2019 yes obviously didn't predict the global issues we had last year and one of the big things they said you know the world was about globalization and so years ago you would have said that but these days i think a lot of it is actually coming back in-house and we're i guess with through automation it doesn't really matter if we've got machines producing things it doesn't matter if they're in china or if they're in australia the cost of operation is basically the same because it's not huge human labor content so we need people who are skilled in manufacturing we need people who can operate these advanced machines so we envisage the future where our machines will be built locally it'll be a 3d design file that we can ship to any part of the world it will be built and assembled locally it'll be supported locally so no globalization is of course a thing i think you need to also look very closely at your local environment and see that people are going to be especially for the next few years very cautious about moving around the globe to the extent that they were and i think there's opportunities in that for people who want to have those skills that they might have thought otherwise were only available offshore and and cameron also too with the work that you're doing um it's interesting that that you know you've got your robot um operating um in echuca which is on the murray river and so regional victorian and we've had a chat with um collet last time we met how there's so many opportunities in regional victoria which is really good for those students who are looking to immigrate here to australia there's so many opportunities out there and so these are these jobs of the future are also in other places not just in the urban cities yeah couldn't agree more i come from the country myself and i i imagine a lot of our future manufacturing will happen in the country there's no reason people can't live out in the countryside and actually have these advanced manufacturing jobs and to me you know when you look at the cost of rent the improved lifestyle you know the city isn't the be all and end all and it's quite especially for us in agriculture you know to be just centrally located doesn't make a lot of sense so ultimately our goal is to have local manufacturing happening around the country so that we can have local support so and i think coven's actually helped in that sense and made a lot of employers realize that hey there's nothing wrong with having remote workers you know many of us have done it for years but it was always a challenge to get people to accept that as a norm now it's become the new norm and i don't think that'll change dramatically i think you'll see a lot of your opportunities are actually remote working but it brings challenges yeah it's discipline you have to be able to sit there and actually focus on your work and not be distracted so it's very challenging and different environment for sitting in a workplace where you kind of got no choice but to sit down and work when you're at home it's a little bit more challenging so i think for students at this day and age it's really building up that discipline to focus on what they're focusing on for for their period of work and you know flexibility is is great abilities to be able to stop and start work and do other things around it but i can assure you everybody can see through when people are putting an effort in and when they're not so the fact that you're hidden behind a screen and people can't physically see you doesn't make a difference the work output you put in the work ethic you have is very very obvious to people on the other side of the screen so as a you know as a future worker i think you just have to learn that discipline and learn how to show that you're actually putting in the effort that's expected of you and it is challenging i've worked from home for many years myself and it is you have to just really focus on that so it's a new paradigm it's something you have to learn that you might not have otherwise done if it was where i was just having the traditional way of going into the office and working with colleagues that's definitely a different environment yeah and uh and and so it it requires a new type of thinking and and when i think about your robot too and adam you would you would talk about this a lot and i know we're going to talk about this your robot um because it's autonomous this whole thing of work having to be done between nine and five is a thing of the past like your robot will leave um the shed at two in the morning in pitch black and will go out and do it spraying and do its mowing and do whatever it needs to do and then even when it needs a charge or when it needs to fill itself up with more spray or whatever it would just go back to home base and replenish itself and then go back again which means that now the whole workplace the jobs that we're doing in the future we're absolutely turning it on its head and it's so exciting and and you know we really want for um all our students and graduates to be able to access these but if i can ask you one last thing um cameron before we move on to vashek is that you know how do you keep yourself up to date with what's happening and what's new like where do you go to get your information i think it's more where you go to avoid information though yeah there's too much of it it's way too much of it and and i think that's actually part of you know opera being able to manage yourself and being able to manage how you operate in a digital world is actually another skill that's very very important you know it's very easy to be distracted by all these things that are around us so i would say it's the opposite factor you know i i personally intentionally don't get involved in social media anymore i don't i don't do anything that has real distractions you know i other than my business phone i don't i turn it off when i'm not not at work so i find that distractions are a thing that's very easy and when i need to focus on a particular thing i make that a real point of turning things off and saying look this is this is my time to focus on this so there's so many new sources out there you can find news on any topic you can possibly imagine so definitely it's useful to get involved in some of those but i think it's also a discipline to actually you know actively take it in when you need to and when it's right for you rather than just having things ping ping ping ping that constantly distract you i think distraction's actually one of the biggest challenges of of the future workforce huh yeah excellent no that's great all right well well thanks cameron vashek let's let's have a chat with uh with what you're doing at the moment and and you know sustainability obviously is a massive issue in the world at the moment so so tell us what you're up to yeah so um i joined this refresh so we are focusing on producing reusable packaging for businesses and customers and um initially we started with silicon now we are looking into different other products materials which are more sustainable and this led to another discussion within the company where we like okay we are producing some prototypes or different companies different clients you know we want to build this sustainability habit in the core of the company so how we could do that so finding right sustainable materials even if it's like a plastic product trying to reduce single-use plastic within the company so encouraging employees you know why don't you have a reusable cup and when we create our prototypes we focus on finding materials which we can keep reusing again and again so one of our latest prototype what we did is um we did 3d printing and we used recycled plastic to produce the prototype for the client and then from there um we made some silicon products and then any silicon product we have made we're trying to collect and then do some experiments test it out how we can keep reusing silicon again and again so it was one of our like cool pictures where we like we need to like think more about the environment rather than you know just keep producing some virgin material products even the initial products that made virgin but at the end of its life cycle we don't want it to be end up in landfill or you know in ocean or waterways we want them to be you know bring it back to us we want to create some meaningful products for you from that perspective which is which is something that we're doing right now we are doing some research and development in terms of sustainability and um also on the side note i'm working to develop some processes to produce recycled 3d filaments i know a lot of people are building them there's not much success in the world out there this has been some quality issues contamination issues so my job is to tackle all these issues and you know come up on top and be like yes we have a solution out here and the best possible way is like there's a lot of things available open source right now and you know you don't need to have such a niche experience sometime you can just go online because you want to do smart work you don't want to do hard work so if anybody has done something you want to learn from the mistakes rather than you doing the same mistake again and you know starting from the zero you want to start somewhere which is already there and try to improve the whole process so that is one thing so we do all the additive manufacturing there is some mechatronics involved some robo-mechanics involved where we have to you know if a machine breaks down how we could fix it rather than you know buying virgin material parts so one thing we did was we rescued some e-waste and we researched recovered couple of like wires some method we used all these extra materials which were you know gonna end up in the landfill we rescued all of it um fabricated create new parts for our own machines so that way you know trying to foster this kind of thinking in our employees and future um future employees who might want to join our company and you know support the calls and at the same time i'm running parallely another cooperative where we are focusing on reducing single-use plastic and trying to um reuse the plastic economy and create a new plastics economy i think ellen mccarthy foundation they have signed and created a new agreement worldwide where all the plastic manufacturers come together and try to find a new solution for all the plastic because we all know that plastic is not going anywhere like it exists in the environment for hundreds of years even if it's single use even if it's reusable so we need to find innovative ways where it doesn't end up in landfill or an ocean base it just comes back to this you know source and all these people can just actually create new beautiful products and you know put some more impact in the environment yep and and that's why i got you on here today beside because i think that you know a little bit like um cameron and also adam when he'll speak shortly is that when i ask you guys to talk about yourselves you instantly talk about your passion you don't actually say that i'm an engineer or that i'm whatever it is that you study it's it's the passion and you can feel it and this is the thing i want to get across to all the students remember that in sex business and and also cameron's business he needs everyone as i say engineers he needs designers he needs software they need all this stuff but one thing if we can if we can impress upon you is that follow your passion because then you'll end up speaking just like exactly 100 i totally agree with you and the talent is like you need to have passion like if you don't have passion and you're just working like you're not going to produce good quality reasons like you might produce good results but you know like it might not be that satisfactory um like we had a couple of interns where it's like they're really good at designing they're really good at you know doing simulation work building but they lack the passion and you know when you're trying to make them understand the whole story behind the cause it's just very difficult so even it doesn't matter which industry you're working in like you need to find your passion like materials because being a mechanical engineer and from the manufacturing background is just like because there's plenty of materials out there there's hundreds and thousands of materials and it's very difficult and challenging to know every single material but you can always find one material that you're really interested in so i found that yes silicon is really cool and it's flexible it's um you know it has so many applications you can stretch it you can produce whatever you want you can just go and play with it it's like a play and it's derived from silica and then it's like yes you can you know there's so many things you can actually produce like people might have not found this potential yet and then making sure that they are reusable on top which is another challenge so it just brings a whole lot of new learning experience for all these um students or for myself as well so yeah cool and and also um i was chatting um the other day um with the president of the waste management association of australia and he was saying to me how they're real how they really have to compete hard to get good talent now to me um some advice for students if you if you are really keen to get into the sustainability area um you know check out their website join their association uh they've got a lot of members all around australia and uh it's a good place for you to start hunting for those uh for those jobs of the future um but you you had a look through um uh that report on the jobs of the future were there any um jobs that stuck out to you as being quite interesting that students might want to have a look at yeah of course like um the top three job that i found like that attracted my attention was like a detailed manufacturing engineer which is basically 3d printing is one side using fdm technologies and then other aspect in additive manufacturing technologies knowing the cnc side of the machines because essentially it's just a normal cnc machine and it's keep injecting plastic or any material you can imagine in the world and do that and having that knowledge of you know how the actual machine works and how you can do it layer by layer because it's such a detailed process having that knowledge in the background is really important and able to simulate that whole environment within your computer is another important thing here and after that i was looking at mechatronics interior and mechatronics is just they're like on above mechanical they have knowledge of electronics computers id and you know full mechanical and they know how computers work how machines work and how programs work so that person can actually you know go out there and doesn't have to be within a company like having a little bit knowledge of every software how they work and how you can actually get around and you can use one program for yourself to do something good for another company and for yourself also another another example is like on open source you have so many um codes available you can just pick one code for yourself which you feel comfortable and then you know you can start playing around with it and who knows you might come up with something interesting that other person might not have and again it's like if the machine breaks down a lot of people buy these printers and everything but at the end if you can't um maintain them then that creates another issue because then you don't know you bought a printer but you don't know how to fix it so it's creates another headache where you might have to run around find somebody who could you know fix it for you rather than you fixing it create a learning experience for yourself and again it's just passion that just speaks for itself where you're really keen that how actually these things work and you know how i could improve all these things and make them more efficient and on top of that is the sustainability like okay i have this virgin material if i have find a way to recycle these how can i do it yeah so material knowledge of materials machines and you know id little bit of id like all these ex-savvy things is like really important and i feel like in future these things matters a lot and everybody has to you know know how these things work especially in like computer knowledge because everything is digitalized now and with because of it people are working from home you must be able to diagnose remotely so that plays a really important role here and robot mechanics was another field i found that yeah maybe you know in long term a lot of production is all automated even if you're not in the assembly line then if you can just have a remote access and then you just go there instead of going there and you can man just sitting at your home and you can fix the robot how cool is that yeah and also i feel like having joining some associations like robot associations or engineers australia and other you know like budding associations where you can actually meet these like-minded people because i feel like in my experience that meeting these people play a really important role because then it just you know drives your mind and like yes this is the passion i like talking to these people it just switches you on straight away you're like yes you know this drives me and i like it i like this knowledge feeding into my brain and then again passion like passion is really important here and and and also when we we talk about this all the time that employers actually go to many of these meetups and they generally you know meet once a month you don't have to go to all of them during the year but if you go there and you show you're interested in the topic that's being discussed many employers they're going there to find stuff i cannot tell you the number of international students um without pr that have gone to these meet-ups and have met someone you know yeah for the old people say like adam and i not so much cameron and besheck but um sorry adam but um look out for for us and talk to us because if you can show us your passion the likelihood of us offering you a job is incredibly high and and don't worry all companies especially now that we're coming out of covert everyone is understaffed and they're looking to put people on and if you go to these meetups and chat with people and show that you've got an interest in this area you know you're not one of a thousand applications um that have just been received from seek you know that's the interview right then and there and you'll be surprised at how many people can get jobs um out of you know these simple meetings exactly like another thing was like i used to do a lot of hackathons because that is just like a spring you're like challenging yourself is like okay in three days can i come up with this solution okay in one day can i find this solution you're just challenging yourself in the area that you want to actually work in if that's not the right hackathon for you you can always go to another one and there's plenty of companies you know who do all these small sprints you just have to look out for maybe on c or on linkedin and maybe connect with university as an alumni and then keep interacting with all these um university um lecturers like what i did was at rmit i used to go to rmit activator all the time and every week they have some workshops going on and every week i used to meet new people and then you know share my thoughts chat with them it's like hey i'm doing this something really cool here do you wanna like hear about my story and then that's the way i started and met all these other entrepreneurs and they're like they're doing really well what they passionate about and then that's how i like got absorbed into this this industry well well on the weekend i caught up with um a hr director um her name was petrina and she is the hr director of a the biggest employer of consulting psychologists in australia i employ 1800 of these people and she was saying that you know behavioural interview is behavioral interviewing is really important and most students have learned about behavioural interviewing but i can tell you now that in a behavioral interview interview to talk about what you've done during a hackathon there is no better answer because you've volunteered to go there covers the volunteering thing you've had to work to a very specific project and you've had to work under pressure and you had to work as teams you know a lot of students you know and rightfully so complain that um you know you can't get experience until you get a job but you can't get a job unless you go to the experience hackathons is fantastic experience especially for young people and certainly does show that you're committed to go out there and make things happen and so you know thoroughly recommend that students participate in hackathons um and things like that yeah um and vivek we we got involved in a little project recently um because with your association with um what's it called again something plastic this is called it's called rethink recycling so it's a it's a small cooperative like we started this cooperative last year and then now we have at least 22 members right now so within it's not even a year now like we got 22 members so we have um some data association and then there is lotus energy there's a couple of really good charities and other corporate companies who have partnered with us as a co-op and then it's just like a community like where we want to bring all these businesses together and you know find a solution to this growing problem and yeah and and you were looking at some um actually providing people with the plans um and instructions on how people can build their own shredders and build their own um uh extruders exactly yeah and those type of things like we got all these blueprints name is like if you if you don't want to build the machines like you can come help us to just fabricate one because every week we are like either building a new machine either we're testing the machine and it's always something going on and a lot of people have volunteered with us is like hey i want to help you build your website and another week there is another person and he's like i want to volunteer with you because what you're doing is really passionate and i really enjoy doing it and it's like of course you're more than welcome to join like this is the whole part where you want to bring like-minded people together and you know find a solution in sustainability and create something like you know just close the loop and sustainability is i feel like it's one aspect but you know having a whole system where you can just keep going around and around just in a closed loop that is really important and that's where i think in future it's really important to have that sort of thinking and having those problem solving abilities like actually play a really important role yeah and and so um and a question from uh lavish 28 years old working in a warehouse i want to change my career this is how you do it and and you know volunteering joining groups um going to meetups you know showing people what you're passionate about and as employers and and i keep saying this but no one believes me no one cares what university you go to no one cares what marks you got well adam won't say that but i agree with that but um uh but really the most important thing is about what you know and what value you can bring and and so um you know show that you're passionate about things out of the box you know like just get out of your box like if you don't put yourself out there then it's like you're not doing good enough so to check if you can do us a favor perhaps um um put a couple of links to websites um the precious plastics one um where people can perhaps have a look at yeah what i can do is i can put my website link for my co-operative so if still the website is still under construction what i can do is i can post my facebook and instagram you can follow yep and maybe too if you're comfortable um you know paste your linkedin address in there as well so last so last but not least adam who's been a dear friend of mine for many many years now and a serial entrepreneur has invented some amazing stuff all the indie cars in in the us run on his timing system he um co-invented um the world's first um commercial voip system for malcolm turnbull our former prime minister um and continues to invent and create terrific things adam welcome uh tell us about you know what you think about jobs of the future i think jobs of the future is going to be a massive spectrum um at the moment the jobs of the future are always going to be tied to the economic philosophical times okay as inequality grows you're going to get jobs of the future where people have to deliver email personally manually that's how bad things might get but at the other end of the spectrum you're going to get the one percenters who are going to have incredibly lavish jobs where they just swan around and be preps social media influences okay these are jobs we we look back and say how on earth can you get paid for just being a celebrity right we're going to see some absurd jobs appear so but we we don't want to talk to those people we want to talk to those who want to actually do something for humanity and um for us for us three engineers here engineering wasn't a passion all right we you we overuse the word passion i'm just going to be different here and that is a passion is very emotional i don't want actually i don't want emotional people because they have downers too and they can get into all sorts of weird things what i really wanted and i think we're talking about the same thing here is directed curiosity we get an intense satisfaction out of understanding the world around us and that's what drives us to do things okay we don't just read stuff read stuff we have to understand how things work and this is where the hands-on thing comes about if you want to get jobs in the future you've got to start getting your hands dirty right now with the tools and the materials that are out there now any any one of us can get on youtube and learn how to extract gold from circuit boards that's fascinating learn how we do can recycle stuff learn just how bad plastics out in the environment can be right learn what ai can do and what it can't do i still understand a lot of people out there um think ai is much better than it is all right it's it's patchy bit like the mathematics i would advise everyone out there who's planning for the future and we all should do that is to start playing with stuff now it may not seem like it's a serious thing but just you know buy stuff and start glimpsing the future right it's not until you start playing with stuff that all of a sudden whoa i never believed that was possible all right so it may sound weird you know putting on a vr dog headset now but in two years time may well be what we're all doing remotely because it allows us to do a tele right the technology is just going to get smaller and lighter we'll be just wearing glasses with augmented reality right there's going to be some misses like google glass wise but it's going to get there right we have to play with the stuff 3d makers right print some 3d stuff out go to a friend's place print it out understand what it can do right now you've got to start imagining what you can do we want more polymaths okay not many people get called back and i don't understand why we're not all trying to be polymaths and understand a wide variety of disciplines because more options you have in terms of your capability and abilities the more job opportunities that will also come your way right ask questions i know lots of passionate people who talk about talk a lot about stuff can't do anything they don't do anything because i think as cameron mentioned this distractions galore and we can pull ourselves into thinking that we're learning a lot by just reading reddit or hacker news all right i i fully support what vishek said too about engineers australia the institute of engineers ieee these are organizations that every single person who wants to get a job in the future should join now not complain about how what are they doing for me they're not your mother use them as resources use them to help market yourself and learn to do stuff i'm surprised people do personal trainers to make them get them to do stuff they don't want to have to do they get tired i don't want to go on yes you can right where are the personal trainers for your brain where are the people who say you've got to learn you've got to overcome this particular lack of study you are weak when it comes to say critical thinking or your weak your knowledge in this particular area how many people seem to know much about material engineering yet it's all around us because no one can be bothered doesn't interest them but i guarantee you everyone who studied these subjects thermodynamics it's after you've done the hard yards you think that was worth it i now understand the world a lot more and that's where it came back to it again cameron said the education you shouldn't ever go to a university to try to skill up for a job you want to skill up do an online youtube course or something and employers don't want people who want skills i don't want to see people you should never market yourself as having say a certificate in one narrow type of technology usually just some tool so as an example you've got a certificate and say microsoft you know it or something well that tells me that sends me the wrong message i want to see people who are around it because you're just going to tell me that there's a microsoft solution to every single problem you encounter right so the jobs of the future you've got to be more open-minded you've got to not lock yourself down into pre-prepared solutions all right there's going to be a lot more exploitation of workers in the future a lot more and some of us employers are going to do it without even realizing that we're exploiting you right i want to see jobs that have ethics a lot more front and center the ieee code of ethics is a wonderful thing for every every aspiring developer and engineer to print out and put on their wall all right and the code of ethics isn't just for you it's your workplace right we lead by example so your teammates your friends you do the right thing and hopefully they'll follow you so so employers are looking for people open-minded hands-on okay you can't you will fail at stuff you'll toss away a lot of the toys that you use but you understand a bit more about these things but they're good things to talk about um adam because um often especially when i know that when you recruit you ask people um to tell us about what you've done that failed because that you know that's really important because if if you're not you're not pushing the boundaries enough if you succeeded everything i also ask that students always aspire especially when you're younger and have a bit more energy aspire to do tough stuff don't just go lazy throw away your education and just do you know web forms all right here's another web form great we need here's another menu delivery app yeah the world needs that if you've got an education fix world hunger fix fix the things like agriculture for example um and i'm sure cameron's in the box seat here i don't want to see farms and i'm i'm from country too cameron um wimber mally i don't want to see farms just use up all the land just to grow um you know food okay and that and then you're doing the hard work of trying to get autonomous vehicles trying to work out how to work in a wild situation whereas we know that the future is going to probably be more controlled environmental settings where we set up vertical farms around populated centers and the robots have then got a much more concentrated and more consistent manner of doing agriculture and so farms you make no money growing food i'm hoping and that the farm land becomes more accessible to people we make more money perhaps off of energy creation we make more money off tourism one of the better work knock down the fences if we're not if we don't have as many meat eaters if we can produce meat in a factory what's you're not going to make money with cattle so why have fences okay let's make the land enjoyable to live in let's do better water management these are challenges that i want to see young people take on and try it fail before they just do the easy boring stuff that anyone can pretty much do so play by rant yeah good great rant now adam um we talk a lot about automation how if the last 10 years was about mobile and social the next 10 years is about automation what are your thoughts there scaling it's about scaling we need to have a mindset if you want a job in the future think of scaling i talked about the one percent of people who are going to do most of the work that could be 0.1 okay how do you as a person scale okay and it's your time management it's how you're studying to be efficient but it's also automating your general processes and and that's going to be a big one if you can code just have a coding mindset that automates everything you're going to get higher quality repeatable quality and obviously it's going to be faster and the world is is providing these services to you like clouds by robots okay and i love robots you know i used to do some too i love them but you know just yeah and and our workforce is um is changing too and it is interesting that cameron was saying that you know before um people used to travel but now because we're all stuck because of this pandemic and we've got to assume there's going to be more pandemics in the future that working remotely is going to be really important but also applying for jobs as a team you've spoken about this before tell us about that yeah i i also find it odd that when people apply for work and by the way it's the other it's employer's side too why don't we say i've got a job through for a team for a pair and actually interview a team two people who work closely in and had that experience working together and in some cases the sum is greater than the whole okay so i'd like to see i think there's going to be a lot more of that especially with remote working you may find your work soul mate perhaps in cambodia or south america and the two of you somehow may click and work together more efficiently how do we find our work soul mates okay there seems to be a lot of emphasis on creating e-harmonies and you know date things but no one's actually trying to find people that you can work with not necessarily in the same company but people you can work with maybe the meetups can help but it's a big wide world out there yeah i've read a lot lately that um you know corporations are going to be employing teams rather than individuals and and you know there's no better example than pfizer who i think it was a husband and wife team that um developed um the fisa vaccine um so you know yeah that's it yeah so one last thing we talked about the jobs for life and and we've seen that over the past you know 50 years the jobs for life that our grandparents have seems to have gone but at the same time we're going to start seeing what we call fellowships where that one percent are going to give are going to be grabbed for life with a company there will be legal contracts and everything they'll be made like a fellow and they can work on anything they want because those people are rare and you don't want to let them go a lot of those yeah a lot of those one percenters actually run their own company for life okay well many of those people may find it easier because we just want to have fun really and get paid for it it's the bigger companies are going to start doing that like and and just a reminder everyone if you do want to ask a question to any of the to uh 20 of our speaks today please put it in the chat or in the questionnaire i've been monitoring it um adam there's there's one thing that you talk about a lot and that is swimming against the tide can you explain that concept well this is the old martial arts in judo isn't it where you try to let your opponents um power be used against them and that in others you have to just be smart and if the whole if a whole industry is going in a certain direction okay you may find it more advantageous to to also serve that okay some there's a lot of people who say well i'm going to continue working on a doe because flash will make a comeback happens a lot in our industry we have to constantly look to see where the markets are heading all right some if you're smart you're able to actually identify opportunity that's where the entrepreneurial bit comes in but entrepreneurs don't have to be stupid about it all right an opportunity isn't just oh look no one's doing this there's probably good reason why people aren't doing it right so we see a lot of stupid entrepreneurs out there it happens it happens all the time yeah so so you know the technologies that you're that you're adopting just just have a look at where the world is going and and and if the world is traveling you know towards web for example don't get stuck in servers in your office you know the world's going towards hosted services so you know that's what i will also point out that there's a jobs of the future aren't necessarily always going to be completely new jobs right just as people think of evolution and get to humans and they say well why are there still monkeys well the new jobs of the future they're still going to be old jobs and oddly enough they may be left behind as everyone goes past them so just be aware there's always going to be jobs with people who focus on the old retro stuff okay and the massive opportunities if you actually say well if everyone doesn't want to learn cobol anymore when all cobol programmers die what are all those massive multinationals going to do who are they going to call hi i'm 25 i know cobalt and i'm experimenting and they get paid a fortune at them can you believe it military they they pay it sorry siri they they um they pay a billion dollars or so for f-35 fighters right and that's primarily primarily software how many programmers do you think are going to be around in 40 years time to the program still program those things and and and also and siri actually brings up a good point adam i was um i was actually the biggest um uh civil engine privately owned civil engineering company on friday having a chat to the cto there and believe it or not he was saying that he wants every single one of his systems to be voice activated and that he wants his systems to ask people questions at the appropriate time but they're never ever to touch their equipment sorry their device because whilst you're on a three million dollar tractor that could kill people as well as carve up the land they're not allowed to touch their devices so that's what he's looking to do so there's a lot of things out there that you know such as um you know siri and google assist and whatever the one for aws is called you know adapting that to current things that we are doing that poses incredible opportunities for people um and so this stuff's exciting as well it's all very exciting we're always we just want to hands-on and play with this stuff okay again control our passions all right because they don't they actually make things worse in the end okay so it's all about managing ourselves managing our curiosity managing other people's curiosity driving them to optimal levels because burnout's going to get worse and worse as that 1 get more and more ask for them um i used to think drawing cartoons as a kid was fantastic i could do it all day until i actually started getting paid to do it then i realized i i don't want to do this all day and and that that was the burnout sometimes i was passionate about cartooning but reality was i i wasn't emotion takes you only so far okay energy levels you know go up and down we all have to manage these things and help manage our friends and colleagues and that too jobs in the future are going to be a lot more um interactive with each other not just at that dumb work level but there'll be a lot more personal efforts as we all realize we're all in this together fantastic well well thank you gentlemen for having a chat with us today we've run out of time as you can probably tell i can talk about this all day i absolutely love it and uh and i do you know sincerely thank you guys for coming on and giving up your time and chatting about what you do and what you're passionate about um and so once again big big thank you to study melbourne um to all the international students study melbourne is there for you they do wonderful services so if any of you or any of your friends um are struggling you have a legal issue employment related issue even if you're having trouble just coping and we know that you know covert has put a massive stress on everyone the the wonderful people that study melbourne are there give them a buzz have a chat with them look up their services on their website everything they do is free okay they're there for you they're a terrific organization we also have as part of career catalyst a lot of other seminars and webinars that we run all about employability so please check that out you'll see that anya's put the link in there tomorrow we actually have a wonderful webinar on how you can utilize linkedin to increase your employment opportunities linkedin these days are far more important than actually your resume think of it your resume sits on your hard drive but your linkedin profiles out there 24 7 working for you get that working for you to get that wonderful first graduate role so thank you everyone there is one let's see if that question's coming up here thanks guys for that fantastic experience louis we love you thank you for saying that um that is wonderful um uh with victorian regional agencies looking um lewis hit me up on linkedin um i'll have a personal chat about that with you there are so many people in regional victoria that are looking for work depending on what you do whether you're an i.t person or engineering or whatever i'll actually give you um some uh tailored advice as to where you can go and uh and get some help but there's lots and lots of people out there willing to help so again cameron adam thank you so much thank you study melbourne we really appreciate it and we look forward to seeing you next time where i think we're talking about um quite specific industries um uh and and what you can do to make yourself employable in those industries so thanks everyone hit me up on linkedin i'd love to connect with you and we'll see you next time thanks very much bye you


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