How To Use Zoom Step by Step Guide For Beginners

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Hi there and, welcome back to the lolly at, some point in our lives there is a need for online, correspondence while. Working on some project remotely, when that happens we tend to one, of many, video, conferencing, apps one of such apps is zoom today, we will look at the various ways we can set up zoom for everyday use there are three ways by which you can set up zoom one using. The mobile app - using, the desktop app and three from a browser let's, get into it. Let's. Begin with the web interface, to. Do. So we need to open a browser and, head. To zoom, dodge us. So. On the main page you. Either sign, up or sign in. Which is both, free so. You sign up if you are new, to, to. Zoom and you can, use your work email or, your personal email whichever email you want to use, to set up zoom, in my case I have already set it up so I would sign in with my Google account, and. Here. I select, my Google account, this. Is where we shut down meetings, and, send. A link out to people, so, my, the maximum capacity for, free, usage is hundred, people so. To, shadow a meeting this is what you need to do so. You click new meeting, you. Give the meeting a name you, need to have a purpose right so I could abuse the, purpose of the meeting as the topic so. It's. An online. Stakeholder. Meeting so I could, just its stakeholders. Meeting. As, their, topic. Well, the description, is not really, necessary, but if you. Want, you can just copy and paste this here and, that. Is that or you can write a description which, which. Is optional, by the way so. For the one part this one you select the date and time for the meeting so we said that the, dates to 8:00 at, 10. A.m. in the morning. For. The meeting and I think that is okay so notice that the time duration. You are allowed is 40. Minutes for the basic, plan because, we've not paid to use you and so. I'll set it to 30 minutes because there's, no 40 minutes in the options. For. The time zone you have to select where. You're you're, wherever, you stay belongs. To so for. Me I mean. GMT. So, I'll select the Greenwich, Meridian time, over.

Here, If. This is a recurring meeting you click recurring, so let's say I want to have this meeting every. Day for, five days, so, today's. 7th. I've set. The meeting for, tomorrow which is 8 but. I want to have the meeting from 8:00 to, 10:00 so. This, is what I'm going to do I'm going to select recurring. Meeting and, then say, the meatiness once every day and it's. Going to last so, throw. That time so. I can select that and then. I can continue but in our case the meeting is not recurring so I'll just, turn that off and then. The. Meeting ID will. Be generated, automatically. So. This, is checked, already here, there's a meeting password, for if someone. Wants to join the meeting, they. Will have to use a password to join the meeting you. Could just send, them a link and do a register, and join the meeting we, look at that as we move forward. So. It's good to leave this one's off just. In case you start the video and/or. You. Start the call and your video is on by default, you. Never know maybe, you might not be ready or you, might not be in right, position when the. Video starts so you might want to leave this this, options, of 4. Meantime you can change them as their call starts, so, we can move forward so. For the audio it's. Okay. To leave this one at boot and that. Is pretty much it, so, if you want your, participants. Those you are creating this meeting, to. Share. It if you want them to be able to join the meeting when. You haven't, started the meeting you, can you. Can check this and, you. Can also mute participant. Upon entry which is also a good idea because when, people join the call and the. Call is already ongoing you, don't want them. Distracting. Them the, call because their mic is it's, on and some, form of noise in their background, so you can, also record a call and, this. Can be done automatically, or you can actually, start this recording. Of call somewhere. Along the line where the call is taking place or you can just set it here to, start right from the beginning of the call based on what, qualities, so, after that we just go ahead and select save. So, after creating the meeting we see the summarized details of the meeting which is the topic the date and time and, we can. Add this, meeting, to our Google Calendar by clicking this button here you. Can also see the meeting ID and then the password but. Most importantly. We need to share this meeting with the respective, people so they are aware that there is a meeting to take place tomorrow at, such-and-such, time so. To do that we click copy the invitation. And. We. Once again click copy meeting, invitation so you can see this pop up here, about. The, text. Being copied and, then you can go ahead and paste the, copied text in. Your email, or, on. Whatsapp, or in text message, and send, to the respective, people now. Once that is done let's, take it we are in the next day and it's few, minutes to 10:00 a.m. and we want to start this meeting so, the, next thing we do is we start the meeting by clicking this button here. And. After. Waiting for a while it's. Going to give us a number of options, so it's either we download, the zoom up for. Desktop, and install. It and use that to run the meeting or.

We, Could just click here which. Will present us with an option, to start the meeting from the browser in, our case we've not installed, zoom so. We will have to use the browser for now later, on would look, at how to set up the desktop, app so, we'll click start, from browser and. The. First thing. It will do is access, to set up our audio, for, the call so, we will select join by computer, audio and. Once. You do that it, would ask. You to allows, you to use your microphone, which is also, important. To the call because you'll be talking so, you allow, it, ok. So once in the call we, can see that, the mic is active, but the video is not because. We choose that option while, setting the call up so now let's look at the various controls, or the various, things. That we can do in the call starting, from the left so over here we have the mic. Button. This, means. That we've moved the mic by clicking the mic button to show the red line on it means. That we've mute the mic so whatever you are saying will, not be heard by the people, on the other side of the call by, clicking, it for the red line to go away means, that everyone, can hear whatever you are seeing to select which specific. Mic you want to use you, can click on the arrow by the side of the mic and select which specific, mic device you want to use or it's always better to select see my system so whichever mic your computer. Or system is using is what will be used for this call also, so. By enabling the webcam we can now see the video feed from our webcam, and, you. Can select which, input. You want to use or which device you want to use as, your source, of video for your call alright so next we have the invite, button which, allows, us to invite people by using just, the link to or by using a more, summarized. Write-up, about the cold we can send it to these. Mediums, or you can just copy, the invitation, and still, paste the true what's up or Java, platform you using contact in your various, team members so, with the moneyed participants, option this allows you to control, what participants, can do and cannot do this money, participant, option so over here you can see I'm the host and unfortunately, I'm the only one in this call and if, I had a number of participants in here and someone's, mic was muted and, distracting, the call all our do would be to click this mute off button, and this, will meet every, participant, with the exception, of me this option here shows that allow, participants, to unmute, themselves so if you don't want participants to unmute themselves and, continue. Talking during. Your session uncheck, this and that, would prevent them from committing, themselves to for them to unmute themselves do you have to raise their hands which is an option, they as participants, will also see as a button, oh you they click it and I need to show a palm they, are raising their hands to accept question or they want to say something then, you can unmute them manually by yourself, and then, we can talk but if you want them to be able to unmute, themselves and, Coco.

Anybody Want we can leave that checked and and, that is more option, you, see the same options, I just spoke about and this was o Allah participant to rename themselves, during, the meeting so as you can see my name here they can also change the s during the meeting said let's move to the next one Scioscia screen allows, me to share, whatever I have on my screen at that time so, this is the option you use making, some form of presentation, and. You want the slides that are playing on your screen to, show for. Other participants to also see in this case you have to click Share and a screen or you, can select the option to share a specific application window. Or you want to share a particular card. In a browser these, are the options available to you so if you want to share your entire screen you, click this one. You click, which, will start sharing your screen instantly. So I would click it as his shoes right now I'm sharing my screen so, whatever. I'm doing here my mouse clicking, and opening, my chrome, and all everyone. Can see that so you can stop sharing when you want and you can continue, with what you are doing so with this option this allows participants to share their screen just as we are also able to share our screens with, the chat section of the meeting, it allows people to, send. Some form of textual, correspondence. Between themselves. And, you the host or between, themselves. And the rest of the people on the call as you can see if I type a message here this, message goes to everyone. On this call as you can see with the everyone, bye-bye if I wanted to go to a specific person, I would have to click the everyone. And if, there were other people on the call that would be a list of names, in this option and then I can select the person the message should go to anything, I type will now go to the person so that's that for the chat section so, when you are done with. The meeting all you, need to do will, be to click the live, meeting button which, would ask you to either, end the meeting or just leave, the me what, happens with the end meeting is the, meeting comes to an end altogether where all the participants, are dropped from the call so the meeting is over before the live meeting you are the only one dropped from the call and the rest of the, participant, or team members or people in the car with you can continue, having the meeting now, that we are done using the web, app would want, to close it by ending the meeting. So. There are instances where, you want to start a meeting but not, necessarily, by. Scheduling, it you want to have that meeting right, at the moment what you do is you go up here to host. A meeting and then you select one of these three options which is add a meeting without a video with, a video, and just. Share your screen we want to start a meeting with a video so we just click start a meeting with video which. Would load. And bring us to this very same screen once, again over here you either select one of the available options which, is to download the zoom desktop, client and install, it and then use the client to have your meeting or you can click this option, to use your browser to, start the meeting we click the browser once again just, like before to. Access, to join using our computer, audio the, meeting has started so then, you can once again go to invite, and copy the URL or.

Copy. The invitation, for the meeting and share. It to the respective. People and when the meeting is done once again you, can just end the, meeting just like, before. Next. Let's look at how to set up webinars. Notice. That I can't set. Up a webinar because I don't have a paid account so, from here you can see what are some of the advantages, of, using, the, webinar, all right so let's. Go ahead and look at the plans, and pricing. For, zoom. So. For the pricing. And plans you can see there is a free. Or basic one which is the one we are using right now for. Part. Of this tutorial and so, you can see the pro version you can see the business version and you can see the Enterprise, version you can see the various advantages, and. Support. Structures, in place for each of the profiles, I have, a paid accounts, for work which I would use to demonstrate the, webinar, parts and then we can move on to using. The desktop app for doing, the same things we've done so far so we go to the. Accounts, and we, log out this. Time around I'm going to log back in with, a, paid, account. All. Right so to, shuttle that webinar we click shuttle and webinar button and just. Like we we, shut out the meeting early on in this video we type a topic for the meeting, and then, we we, also input a description for, the meeting the, time and, then, the date for. The meeting. We. Go ahead and select the duration of the meeting and notice this time around it does not give us and limit, to how much time, we, can use in the meeting unlike, before and we, can set our time zone and then if this meeting is a recurring, one we, can select up to what date, it is retiring, and then we can proceed to select whether. People, should join this webinar which in this case would. Be probably. A large group of people who, want to select what I do register to join the seminar or not so. Over here if you if you check the registration button you, can see that it gives you a number of options based, on my, experience, over the past few months using this platform, selecting. Attendees. Register, once and can I think any of the occurrences, has worked well the next is the webinar password. The. Rest of the settings, just as before so at this point you, can see a number of options which, are a little bit different from what we had when, we scheduled, in the meeting area so, over here because it's a webinar days questions, and answers so, you can enable that or not, and you. Can enable whether, you should have a practice. Session with, your participant or not, in. This case you have selected, up here that. People should register before. They can join the webinar, so.

I Don't. Think it is going. To be a problem to leave this unchecked and then the next part is to, record, the webinar so who do you want to record the webinar in, the cloud or do you want to record it locally on your computer also, if you have other team members who are helping you with this webinar and you would like to make them posts, so that they can lead, the session in your absence you can add their email here, but those, people, you are going to add all those team members you are going to add should. Also have a paid account. Like you else it will not allow them to join. So, I have a number of shadowed course already so let's, just take this mobile. Phone photography webinar. There is an extra, row, down, here where you can email the, invitation, to yourself, and you, can also copy the invitation, to the call and as you can see because it's a paid account it will allow up to 500. Attendees in. This webinar so that is how to go. About creating a, webinar scheduling, and hosting, a meeting on the. Web so let's proceed to look at how to do the very same things we've done from the, desktop, client to install the desktop app we, need to first open a browser in, the browser we visit zoom dot, US, oil / down, low. So. Over here we download, the zoom client, for meetings so which is the first option over here on this list to download, and after. A short while it should finish just, about 10 megabytes, so we run, allow. It. Takes about 10, seconds, to install. And. Then after that we can sign in using, the. Account we created earlier or you, can sign, up on zoom in the browser and then sign, in here so we'll go ahead and sign, in once, again we use our, Gmail. So. Nanda we are done this, is the interface. For the zoom client, so, when the software is done installing this is the interface this is the same option we saw when we in the browser went to start, a meeting where we could. Start the meeting with the video or without the video and this was the other option, where we could start the meeting, by sharing our screen this spot is where, we shuttle a meeting, which is just like we did in the browser enter a topic you choose the date and time the, duration of the meeting whether, the meeting is recurring, or not you set up the. Meeting ID and then you set, the password, that should be required while joining a meeting and then the audio, preference, and then what I want to use a Google Calendar or other related calendars, and then you can shadow the meeting. Just. Like that that's. How they dekstop. Up wakes so. It's not very complicated, it's. Just as simple as the web version, and. This. Also allows you to join some already, existing, meeting to configure, the settings for your microphone. And video. You, click the little. Icon, here and. Allows. You to change, your settings, for video and then you can go to audio, and then leave, it at say, my system, to. Use the zoom up on your phone we. First need to install the zoom app so. Let's, proceed to the App Store now. Let's. Search for the zoom up. There. It is and, then. We download. And. Go, ahead and open so. Right away we can join a meeting or we. Can sign up or sign in just as. We did with the web interface so go ahead and sign, in and we. Are going to use our Google account once, again. So. We continue, with. The Google account. So. Just, as, we did with the web interface we will select one, of these accounts, and. So we select this one. We. Have to allow the. App to send. Us notifications. And our let's. Allow. The app to also, access. Our calendar, in, the top section you. Can see the new meeting joint, meeting shadow, meeting, and share screen just, like we saw with the web interface and with the desktop. App so you can just go ahead here and. Perform. Some. Tasks so, let's say we want to create a meeting, this. Is how, you go about it you just select, new meeting, with. The video on and then we just start a meeting. Kindly. Give us a thumbs up if you learned something here today if. You are new to this channel, subscribe. And ring, the notification, bell to, stay in touch see. You next time.


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