How to Think About China s Innovation & Tech Crackdown With Cyrus Janssen

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China is here and it will be here and it will be a part of our world, the technology that Alibaba and Alipay and Tencent you know, the technology that these companies have made, you know, these have become the staple in Chinese lives. You know, WeChat is a staple that every Chinese person has on their phone and you can do everything with that. But one of the interesting things is, for example, China is giving the power back to the people as far as, you know, do you want to be part of these algorithms? One of the things that I really focus on my channel Marcel is my, my big goal is to try to, to try to improve United States and China. Relations. I hope you all have a wonder weekend and you can spend some extra time watching this full length video that I've recorded previously with Cyrus Janssen that are brought here onto the China. He is an expert about China. He will give you more insight and context to investing in China, because this is also of course about politics, about us China relations, about how to interpret the Chinese crackdowns on technology.

And this one should be worth watching it in full length here as well. Let us know down in the comments, what you think about all of the topics that we've discussed and then enjoy our conversation and make sure to also follow and subscribe his channel. So, first of all, thank you for having me on the show and I really appreciate the work that you're doing on YouTube. And it's a great honor for me to be here today. So thank you for that. Yeah, I'll tell briefly my story, you know, I first went to China in 2007. I was able to work for seven years in Shanghai. Three years after that I was working in Hong Kong and even in Hong Kong, I was doing a lot of business, you know, back in, in China and mainland.

So I had a good 10 years there. And then I've been able to, you know, transition to my new role here. I'm in Vancouver, Canada right now. We have a marketing and consulting firm here that we do some cross border consulting between north America and China. In addition to running, you know,

various social media platforms and, you know, content creation. So it's been, it's been very nice, you know, being here in Vancouver, we have a very large Chinese population here very connected, you know, back to China still. And I think, you know, China, for me, China is always going to be playing a very large role in our world moving forward. You know, we live in a global economy. You'll hear me often say that, you know, we need to have a good trade relationship with China. No matter where,

what country you are in the world, you know, building that trade relationship will be, you know, provide some great opportunities for, you know, locals in that country. And, you know, just the opportunity to get things at a better price point. And also, you know, again, that global economy being able to import and export you know, why wouldn't you want to trade with one of the, of fastest growing, you know, countries in the world. And as we see China continue to grow, you know, this is just something that is going to become more and more important. You know, China is China is here and it will be here and it will be a part of our world, you know, moving forward. So we better take some time to understand it. And that, that was really, you know, why I wanted to start a YouTube channel.

I said, look, I've, I've got a lot of experience in China. I have, you know, I, I realized that they are going to be a big part of our world. Let's talk about it. Let's try to help more people understand the importance of this relationship. And did your perception of China change, like from visiting the first time? Like, did you come with a different image and like what did, what changed during this time, like 10 years you mentioned right in China? Yeah. You know, I think when I first went to China, I was a very typical westerner that didn't really understand much about China at all. You know, just the very,

very typical I had no knowledge about China when I, I first went there, you know, I, I, I just had, you know, growing up in Florida, you know, I went to some Chinese restaurants. I learned how to use chopsticks. You know, I know China has the great wall of China. I mean, that's about. It, authentic restaurants in Florida, or. No more the Chinese, like Chinese America style. So definitely, definitely not that an interesting and off, you know, I, I always loved the Chinese food and then you know, in America. And then when I went to China and I found the real Chinese food, I thought, wow, this is even even better. You know, this is the real deal. This is fantastic.

So I think, you know, I think the key thing for me, Marcel is as an expat, I've been living abroad for 15 years and I always try to approach things with a very open mindset. And I try to never come to the table with some preexisting thoughts. And, you know, sometimes people said, you know, China's a communist country, you know, are you sure you want to move there and work there? And I said, you know, look, it's, you know, there's many expats that work there, you know, I, I want to, you know, it's also a very different style, you know, it's not really communist the way that we typically think, think about communism. You know, and, and so I said, you know, when I, when I decided to graduate, when I graduated university and I decided to go to China, I went with an open mind. And what I saw was it was a really great time to be in China. In 2008, there was the Beijing Olympics in 2010 Shanghai hosted the world expo.

And these two events really propelled China to new levels. And, and it was amazing. It was really incredible to be in Shanghai just to see how fast the city was growing. New industries were born new, you know, completely new sections of the city were built overnight. I mean, when I went there, there were six Metro lines, and I believe there's now, you know, 14 or 15, and it's the longest Metro system in the world in terms of the length of track.

And I just saw the entire city grow and, and, and just so much economic prosperity being brought to the locals and, you know, people really enjoying their quality of life and just seeing, you know, a great sense of pride as well, you know, from, you know, when you go into a Shanghai taxi, almost every taxi driver is, is local cool. They're Shanghai east. And so I always enjoy chatting with them, you know, what was it like growing up in Shanghai? And there's a great, there's a great pride, you know, I remember one time a taxi driver said, you know I used to live right here, right on, right in the right on the bun, that area, the famous area and the bun. And that's of course, right on the foo river, which separates the east and west of Shanghai.

And that is a prime piece of real estate. And he said, you know, we used to jump in this river and go swimming. You know, we used to have no shoes. I mean, we were so poor. And now look at it, look at this shopping while they've built, look at these streets, look at the people we walking and enjoying their quality of life every day. I mean, growing up as a poor kid in China, we could have never imagined our city would look like this and now look at it, you know, it's one of the best in the world. And so I saw, you know,

a very real experience and, and just a great pride in many, many people, especially the Shanghai taxi drivers, the Shanghai needs. They're very proud of their city. You know, most people from Shanghai do believe that it's the best city in China.

And so they're very proud of that. So I assume you can speak Chinese as well. And you're not like living this kind of typical expert life where you kind of, you have your own driver and you basically don't get in contact with the locals. And yeah. Absolutely. I think speaking Chinese is, is so important because as an expat,

but I, you know, you can only, you can live in a city like Shanghai and not being and not speak Chinese. Mm-Hmm, <affirmative> you miss out on so much the culture's perspective, you know, just the you know, the ability to really connect with the locals I think, is so important. And to be able to understand the cultural differences is really, really important.

Yeah. What, what I think is interesting, like we share kind of quite similar background. I think I came to China pretty much the same time, 2008 and yeah, share, share lots of your perspectives.

And actually I found your channel. I think the first time when I watched a video called the end of capitalism question mark, which was around your take or you a, the guest on the show as well. Actually I think my viewers should go and check out this episode around talking around the crackdowns in China because frankly it's been one of those topics that I cover here on the channel as well.

Besides the company names that I'm covering. And so I found it quite interesting to see another wide out there actually having kind of a similar understanding in a way, I. Think what we're surprised in from the west is we're, we're seeing a, a lot of change very frequently, you know, very, very, you know, in a very short amount of time. Mm-Hmm <affirmative>, and, and this is something that is different that, you know, for example, we all know about China speed, you know, when China wants to build a project they get it done remarkably fast. And, and this is one of the advantages of the one party state in China. Is that okay,

do we need to build this road? We need to build this bridge. You know, there's not a, a process of, okay, you know, does the local government agree, you know, should the citizens have a vote on this? You know, do we have the funding? You know, you know, for example, you wanna build a bridge in America, it's gonna take you two to three years to get everything passed. Whereas in China, it says, this is what we need. We're gonna do it the next day. It starts within a couple months it's done.

And so they move very fast at building projects and, and moving forward. The other thing that's really important, and I think people need to understand is that is how much technology has come into China and how it dominates life in China. For example, you'll know this Marcel. And for many people, if you don't know this, China is now a cashless society. So, you know,

everything is on the mobile phone, everything is mobile payments and this transition happened relatively very quickly. You know, it didn't take, you know, 10 to 20 years for China to stop using cash and to switch to mobile payments. It, it happened in a couple of years. You know, you'll be you, you were back in China at the same at the same time as me, you know, up until about 2012, almost 85 to 90% of transactions in China were done in cash.

And we're talking, even if you wanted to buy a car, let's say a car cost you 50,000 euros. You know, Chinese people would bring that equivalent in re B into the, you know, they would bring a suitcase of the cash and, and they would pay for the car outright. And so, you know, this was a very common in China for, I mean, even Chinese new year, you know, I mean, people would go to the bank and get out a lot of cash, you know, for the holiday and people would be carrying cash all the time. That was very much the culture. And then you're talking in a couple of years, it's now cashless, everything's cashless. Nobody takes re B. Everybody is, is you know, moved to the mobile phone now be because China happens so fast, they need to move very quickly in order to start regulating this tech because it's happening at speeds that we don't see anywhere else in the world.

And that's where a lot of people don't understand in the west. They think that China's becoming too aggressive. China's, government's becoming a little bit irrational. How can they just do this, this, this, this, well, they have to move very quickly. And the same thing is very similar. For example, the T group IPO mm-hmm <affirmative> many people were very surprised and, and they said you know, for example, the T group IPO was about to go, you know, it was about to list on the stock market. And at the last second,

the Chinese regulators came in and they stopped the entire thing. And many people said, well, look at what they're doing. They're taking down Jack ma they're taking down one of China's greatest companies. But what we don't realize is is that China was having some very big problems in the, this small you know, like the mortgage and the debts. There was a very, there was this kind of personal loan structure. That was, that was, that was very devastating to China's local economy back in around 2016.

And, and basically what they saw is they said, look, you know, again, because of the scale of China and how fast things are moving, if this goes in and it's unregulated, this could potentially lead to some very long term problems. Mm-Hmm <affirmative>. And, and this is kind of a disconnect that I see, I think many people at China and they say, well, the government is acting too quickly. They're not thinking things through, it's actually the opposite. China's saying, look,

we need to regulate this now because we're looking 5, 10, 15 years down the line on how this is going to unfold. You know, if, if ant group, if ant group made that IPO, you wouldn't see anything drastic happen in the first six months, 12 months, maybe 18 months. But as that snowball starts going down and the debt keeps growing, you know, you could potential see a, a catastrophe, you know, three years down the line. And that's what people don't real lives. You know, Jack ma is a phenomenal entrepreneur. I mean,

he has created Alibaba Alipay, for example, is this, this you know, is the mobile payment app that we see that is, you know, so popular in China, the, the technology that Alibaba and Alipay and Tencent you know, the technology that these companies made, you know, these have become the staple in Chinese lives. You know, WeChat is a staple that every Chinese person has on their phone, and you can do everything with that. But one of the interesting things is, for example, China is giving the power back to the people as far as, you know, do you want to be part of these algorithms? You know, when we're talking about social media and, and, and this is something we see very different between the United States and China in the us, big tech goes largely unregulated. You know, we've seen multiple stories now with Facebook, you know, the, the CEO, they, you know, the, the high ranking executives know that if they can, for example, if they promote content that has more dislikes, you know, it's actually gonna get higher engagement levels because you're creating a controversy in society. The more eyeballs are gonna be on the screen. The more ads are showing the more money we can make. And, you know, you have many us tech companies, everybody from Facebook to, in Instagram to you know, Pinterest and, and these executives have left. And they said, you know,

we've left for ethical reasons. You know, we don't feel comfortable being in, you know, working for this company because they are doing things that are endangering our society. And, and this is something where I believe China has seen what is happening in America. And they have said, we don't want to have that happening in China.

We want to have the tech regulation. And, and, and, and I think what we need to do is, again, a lot of times there's fear. We, you know, we don't understand what's happening in China. We need to take a step back, you know, and realize that China's not trying to end. You know,

they're not trying to be end capitalism. You know, China allows people to start businesses, but they wanna make sure that it functions inside that society. And, and China is striving for what we call socialism, you know, which is that everybody has good opportunities. You know, they want to create a society where, where everybody's boat will be risen in the tide. You know, some people will be very wealthy. You know, some people will have just a little bit of increase, but everybody should be getting better and everybody should be, you know, having a more prosperous life. That is what China is aiming to do. It's hard to,

it's hard, hard thing to accomplish, but that is certainly what they're trying to do. One of those. Fears right now is basically saying that with all of this new regulation coming in China, won't be able to compete anymore. And this type of Chinese innovation that we've seen. Will be gone. What are your views on Chinese innovation? And do you think they can still happen around this tighter regulatory framework? Yeah, I, I, I think what we see with China is that, you know, they, over the last few years, I mean, they have been inventing the future technologies of this world. And, and one of the interesting things that I, I, I really like to look at, for example if we look at social media, I think one of the most underrated stories is a company like TikTok because as this is the brainchild of a very young man, that is really a genius. I mean,

he's, I think he's 37, 38 years old. You know, the founder of TikTok. And again, he he's, he want, he sat down with his friends and said, you know, we need to invent something that is going to become global. And, you know, and how do you, you know, a few years ago, think about how can we create something that's going to TA that's going to tackle Facebook and that's going to compete against Instagram and tick to, and Snapchat and these, some of these very popular, how can anybody think of it, of a new something new that's going to actually be able to compete against Facebook and Instagram. But what you saw was, is you saw that, that they were able to, to do is they, they created a short video platform and they, they had an even better algorithm and they had an ability to create something that was truly remarkable. And, and as a result of that, you know, Instagram now has completely shifted its business model.

Instagram of course, started as a photo sharing app, you know, share, share your photos and the, then they started to introduce videos. And now, you know, moving forward, the CEO said, you know, we are no longer a photo sharing app. The, the future is all is, is basically, it's only going to be short video content, which is Instagram reels and Instagram reels is essentially exactly what TikTok is. So again, like, I think you, lot of times you know, Chinese tech is still innovating things and, and there's, and, and it's, and it's both ways, you know, there's certain things that America has invented that China has learned to adapt. And we see the other way as well. You know,

there's certain things that China has invented that it goes back to you know, that America is adopting as well. Your, your ex experience on Instagram right now is a result of Chinese innovation. You know, Instagram has fundamentally completely shifted their, their their future.

And it's because of China and similar thing as well. You know, if you look at Airbnb, one of the things that they did is, you know, Airbnb initially started as a, as an app that you can book a room, right? Basically a hotel app, you know, you're booking private homes for a hotel, then they added in the Airbnb experiences. So let's say that you're flying to Las Vegas. Okay,

you're going to be able to book the home, but you're also gonna have a dinner and then a show and you kind of book everything together. It's an experience as opposed to just a hotel room. Well, seari had been doing experiences for three to four years prior to Airbnb. So this was not something new that Airbnb invented instead.

It was actually something they learned from China. So I think this is where a big, my personal belief. I think it's really important for, you know, to us to have a good relationship with China, because China is investing in the future. We look at Baidu. Baidu for example,

we think of Baidu as the Google of China, but actually Baidu is the world leader in AI. You know, they're, they're the ones making the robotaxis in, in China. They're the ones that are producing this incredible amount of AI.

And AI is an area that I've covered a lot on my channel because, you know, China's greatest advantage is having a tremendous amount of people to input all the data. You need a lot of data to make AI better and better. So that's a strategic advantage for China. They have people, they have large AI data centers where people are constantly working on putting in the data and analyzing, and the more and more data you have, the better your AI is going to be. So it's interesting, cuz AI is a shift from the human to computer, but actually China's greatest advantage is the human cuz they have more humans and they have more data and that allows them to even produce better AI products.

So I think that there's still going to be innovation in China even though there's regulation, you're still gonna see that innovation there, but again, it's gonna be controlled and, and it has to be safe, you know, and that's the key thing that, that China wants to see is that it's safe for the entire. Community. Well, I would say that China's innovation in a way is working much different than we are thinking around in the west. And yeah, I think there is a huge like business savvy mindset in Chinese entrepreneurs. And so I don't really buy those stories that yeah, China is now coming to a standstill also.

That would be my next question. Like kind of how do you think about that the whole, our issue around this tech crackdowns and so are really like an expression of China for turning inwards and kind of building up their own domestic markets with their tech giants and not relying so much anymore on global trade or also, you know, becoming a global leader in some of these technology aspects like AI. So for example, in U of use, would AI developed in China, stay in China and be just used domestically? Or will we see possibly at some point in time by do robot taxis going somewhere else, do Chinese companies in your view, even think about this global level and stage. I mean, I think, I think you brought some good questions there. I mean, I think what's, what's interesting is, is I, I feel for in, in China, what the interesting thing over the last couple of years, since the trade war really started with Donald Trump, you know, you've seen Donald Trump come out and say, you know, we need to, you know, we need to win this trade war with China. We need to not,

we need to bring back American factories. We need to stop our trade with China or, or reduce it significantly. And I think what you see with China is if, if, if let's put ourselves in China's shoes, if, if the world, if the EU, if, if America, if people are saying, you know, we wanna reduce our trade with China, you're gonna say to yourself, well, you know what, we should probably build up our, you know, domestic production and let's try to produce more for ourselves here. You know, there's a big initiative made in China, 2025 where they say, you know, look, we want to be, you know, creating these new products, these, these great technologies, you know, we want to be inventing the future of this, you know, China of before, you know, for example, growing up you know, I was born in the mid eighties and, and, you know, growing up, we always think of China, okay, it's a cheap place to make toys or a cheap place to make, you know pens or things like that, where you think of China, just the, the, the, the smaller, cheaper, everyday goods that we make.

And obviously some of that still is made in China, but now we're seeing it shift to making the iPhones and the best technology and things like that. I would say that I, I do believe that, you know, once the technology becomes very very good that, that, that it is the goal for Chinese companies to begin to export around the world. You know, I think they, they do want to create products that they can sell. A great example is is a high sense, which makes the televisions, you know, they've, they've been a very big sponsor of the FIFA world cup, also the UFA world cup. And, you know, that was their goal. They said, look,

we've, we've done very well domestically in China, we're producing a television that has fantastic quality. And now, you know, we want to get to that international stage and sell our products around the world. So I think it's, I think it's smart for China to build up domestically. I mean, you should, you know, if you're, if you're a growing country like, like China, and even let's say Germany, for example, you know, you're still gonna see innovation in Germany and still companies saying, look, I want to, you know, let's build these resources in Germany, you know, but, you know, ideally, you know, there's still, I mean, look at for example, and, and, and China, how they cooperate on, you know, machinery and, and different technologies in that I know there's many German engineers that come to China to work on these engineering projects because they need that strength from German management, you know, Germans are very good at engineering. They're very, they know how to manage these factories and they know how to manage very large projects. And, you know, but on the flip side in Germany, I'm sure there's been a lot of innovation coming from China. That's helped, you know, German engineers manage projects in Germany.

So I think you're gonna see a bit of both. Once again, I think this is spot on, and I would also say that this is actually a, a more general narrative that I also see, like that kind of sometimes like even the basic facts are turned into something else. If I just read on the, the Western media and articles, how they're trying to, for instance, cover the crackdowns now. And also what I just mentioned, like you gave the example of building up their own chip industry, which I would also say makes sense. Because it's an reaction,

it's not their idea in the very beginning, but it's kind of a reaction to the trade war. And I would even argue that if China wouldn't have been put into the position to actually have been forced of doing that, then they would possibly still be on the way of mostly purchasing it overseas. Right. Yeah. I mean, I think what's important to understand is that, you know, China has been portrayed very negatively in, in the media. And,

and I think that what I try to do is try to bring a little bit more balance to that equation. I'm never gonna come mountains say that China's perfect, that China doesn't make mistakes, that China doesn't have its own domestic issues. I think obviously every country in the world has that certain issue.

But I remember this this example, there was a headline in an article that said China has just released a new vaccine and they have used, you know, the sperm of this animal to produce it. That's common vaccine practice. We've actually been doing that for since the early 1960s. Like for like for, you know, for, for basically 60 years, we've been using that technology. Now, the only reason that you've made that headline is because you want people to jump to a conclusion, you want people to think what's, China's doing what with that animal, like, oh, geez, like what, you know, why would China do that? You know? And, and so, and so even the scientists came out and said, well, that article is really very poorly done because again, people are not, people don't understand it from a scientific perspective, obviously 99.9% of people have no idea about how vaccines are made. So, you know, we just see read a headline and we're thinking, oh, great, China's doing something terrible with another animal. You know, what,

what are they gonna do next? But actually that's that technology was invented in Boston, you know, by an American scientist. And again, it's been the it's been the standard. And so I, you know, things like that really do irritate me because I say, look that an article like that is not objective and it's not helpful. And again, like you wrote that article specifically, for one reason, you were trying to make China appear in a negative light. That is the only purpose for writing that article. And so again, I think if you have, you know, what I like to look at is I like to look at you know, people that are really doing business, because I think that is really, you know, the most important thing, you know, when we're looking at, you know, how do we get along between countries? We are never gonna see eye to eye.

You know, if I'm gonna talk from an American perspective, you know, we're never going to see eye to eye with China politically, right? America's a democracy, China's a one party state, you know, China values certain things, and that government, America values other things. We will never ever come to an agreement on that. However, what we can come to an agreement on is facilitating trade and building a relationship and kind of respecting each other, Hey, I understand your government's different. You understand that my government's different, you know, I'm, I'm gonna respect you. You respect me if we have a little bit of more mutual respect, I think.

And then, and, and, and the best example I can say was actually a Pierre Trudeau, who was the a prime minister of Canada. He's the father of the current prime minister, Justin Trudeau, you know, Pierre Trudeau was the first Canadian prime minister to go to China and up relations between Canada and China. And he visited in the 1970s. And he said, you know, I'm, I'm observing your model of government. And it's very unique.

It's very different than we have in Canada. I don't think your model would ever work in Canada. However, I don't think our Canadian model would work here either. So here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna go read not to talk anything about politics, because we're never gonna get anywhere on that. However,

the best thing that we can do is how, how do we talk about trade? Because if we have Canadian factories go to China, that's gonna help out Canadian life. One of the things that I really focus on my channel Marcel is my, my big goal is to try to, to try to improve United States and China relations specifically as an American. I'm, you know, I, I, I like to talk about you know, really focus on that, us China. And I, I think that there's a few things that I'd like to mention here. Number one, I, I do believe that a big catalyst to the deterioration of this started really with the, with the trade war. You know, I think up until that point, you know,

everything was moving pretty smoothly. That was really a turning point in this relationship. And things started to escalate from there. And there's many other issues. I mean, there's many issues involved with China you know, in the United States. But I do, I wanna say that I feel is, is really the big starting point where we saw a big decline.

And the other thing is, is I don't believe it's going to be resolved anytime soon. You know, this is not something that we're going to see. You know, for example, in the next month or even the next year. I mean,

I think it's going to be several more years of a battle between the United States and China. I think we're seeing, you know, China, as it continues its rise and it inevitably will become the largest economy in the world. You know, there is a lot of you know, speculation, how is the United States going to deal with that? How is the United States going to deal with not being the number one power in the world anymore? I think it's important for Americans to understand this, if there's Americans watching this. And, and I always say, I, I want America to win. I want, you know China to win. I want Germany to win. I want us to, you know, going back to that global economy you know, perspective that I shared earlier, you know, when we're building bridges and we're building better relationships, that's how the entire globe is going to work.

I think from an American perspective, you know, America is always going to be a leader in the world. It doesn't really matter if China is going to have the largest economy in the world, you know, any ways you know, and it could be the simple fact that for example, English is the, is the, is the universal language in the world and American culture, American tech companies, you know, these are the ones that are truly, you know, building are kind of representing around the world. And I always say this, I say, look, if you go to China now, you know, Chinese people are drinking Starbucks coffee, they're wearing Nike shoes, they're using apple iPhones, they're eating at McDonald's, they're driving Teslas. You know, they're going holiday to Shanghai, Disneyland, you know, Hong Kong Disney. I mean, like they, there's so much of American life that is existing inside of, of China. I mean, I I'm involved in the sports industries. I mean, we have golf, basketball soccer, all of these sports are just thriving in China right now at, at levels that we've never seen before. And I mean,

even more accelerated because of the pandemic, but this Western culture and this you know, this love for Western products, even in Western music. I mean, this is what really, I mean, and you can see the similar thing in Germany. I mean, you'll see those same companies. I just mentioned, you know, having a big presence in Germany, in Australia, you know, in south America. So there's, so I really feel from almost from a cultural perspective, you know, America's still going to be the world leader. So I,

I don't ever worry about that from an American perspective. Oh, what if China overtakes America as the number one economy, you know what, they have four times the population it's kind of inevitable. It's, it's not really such a big surprise. And in, in addition to that, you know, we opened up a relationship with China with, for two reasons. Number one, you know, we obviously wanted to benefit it from it. You know, if Americans can open up factories in China, we're gonna be able to produce a, our goods at a substantially lower cost. We make more money you know,

and that's, that is very important. You know, all of these stocks, you know, why they have been such great investment vehicles, you know, again, like the first stock that I ever bought was Starbucks in 2005. Starbucks has been an incredible investment since 2005. Why?

Because a lot of growth has come from China, apple, you know, I bought first year as an apple, 2008, it's been an incredible investment because of that relationship with China. And that those are really good examples. And, and there's many other companies that, you know, that have this relationship.

So I think what we need to see is I, I think you know, and that, and that's something that, you know, for example, when Biden came to power, you know, you're not going to just see, you know, an immediate transition of okay, everything, you know, everything that Trump did, we're just gonna resolve it. And we're gonna start off on a new foot because in American opinion, peop Americans want to be more hard on China. And I think that's that's ironically, the one thing that actually is uniting Republican and Democrats in America is being anti-China and, and really coming together and trying to be very aggressive towards China. So I think what I'm, what I worry about is that the United States, as our former president, Jimmy Carter has said, we're the most war-like nation in the world. That is a quote from Jimmy Carter,

not myself and in our entire history. We've had about 16 years of, of peaceful time. You know, we've always been at war. And my fear is that we really are moving closer and closer to a potential conflict, but I believe that the American public is being conditioned to respond positively to a potential of a conflict with China. You know, 76% of Americans in a recent poll have stated that they have a very negative view about China. What happens if, for example, you know, the US government says, you know, should we attack China? Should we invade China? Should we, you know, militarily get involved in a conflict with China? I think American public has been condition to respond. Yes, I think we should. And that's really where I'm trying to say, look, you know, we need cooler heads to come to the surface. You know,

we really need to engage in more dialogue. And, and this is something that's, that's difficult because, you know, couple weeks ago, president Biden met with president Xi, I think that's a great thing. I think when the two lead of, of these important countries are sitting down and talking with each other dialogue is so important. And, and I think there's nothing wrong with that. That was scheduled to go for two hours. It went three and a half hours. And honestly, in this day of zoom, I think these guys should be communicating once a month. I don't see why they couldn't be communicating more often.

I wanna see more dialogue between the United States and China. And, and I think what was crazy though, is that you had Fox news, they came out and they blasted president Biden because they said, can you believe that he sat down at that meeting and Xing ping called him a old friend. Well, you know what we need, we need Donald Trump to go in there. And if Trump was there, he would've went in and told him, who's boss, America's who's boss. That's right. And I said, no, no, no, you guys don't even understand why he would call him that, you know, there's, there has, there's not another world leader in the world, like that has spent as much time with Cing as, as Joe Biden, you know, president Biden has a tremendous amount of time. And I highlighted that in a recent YouTube video where I said, look, in 2011, Joe Biden spent a lot of time with, with vice president, CJ ping. At the time I was vice president Biden, vice president C you know,

they were touring Beijing together. They were touring local classrooms together. They spent, you know, days together having successful dialogue between each other. So I think you do see a warm dialogue there. And I was very happy with, with both United States and China, you saw from both sides, both sides said, wow. You know, the leaders communicated very openly, very candidly, very direct with each other. There was nothing, you know,

these guys know how to talk to each other. And, and that you heard that from both. China said that America said that. So I think what we need is, is we really need to have more dialogue with China. We need to have more engagement. You know, if there are specific issues,

you know, if there are you know, issues that we want to talk with, you know, we need to figure that out. Taiwan's a big issue. You know, we are gonna need to talk about that. We're need to figure out a, a peaceful solution because this is the, this is the main goal of my channel. Marcel is when the United States and China work together, the entire world is going to win. You know, and, and Americans don't understand that if we are in a conflict with China, a military conflict, there will not be a winner of that war. It will not be a us winner or a China winner.

It'll be the entire world's going to lose. We all lose. And there's no winner in that. That's is that is the end of civilization as we speak. And, and that is a really key point that we, you know, we need to understand.

Yeah. I think what's really insightful talking to you, and I hope we could do this again, maybe on some of these. Specific topics, first of all, Marcel, thank you so much for allowing me to come on your show and your channel. You're doing great work. I'm really, I'm so happy that we connected and also,

you know, for everybody out there, if you're interested you know, I also have a full interview with Marcel where we really get more into the Chinese stock. That's on my channel. So we'll put the link down to that episode as well. And it's just a pleasure to connect with you. And, you know,

I think you're doing a great job. And I think my biggest advice to anybody that really wants to understand China, you need to connect with people that have, that are on the ground in China, or that have been on the ground that have that experience. And, and really just always remember, there's two sides to every story. You know,

you really need to seek out both sides. And that's really where, what I want people to do is try to find, you know, more balance in how you are. And this is really with any topic out there. Even if you're interested in American politics, look at it from both angles, you know, look at it from the left side, from the right side, look at it from, from independent media around the world as well. You need, you need to do your research and not just have one, you know, only one source, you know, you need to talk to many people. And, and anyways, I,

I think the other, the last thing I'll say is, you know, again, how I opened China is going to be a part of our world moving forward. I think it is in everybody's interest to better understand China. I think it's in our interest to build that relationship and, you know, just do your research like you would with anything else. Just was great to listen to you and thanks for all of the insights and opening up our minds. And let's do this soon. Again. Sounds good, Marcel. Thank you so much.


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