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Do you know what i'm doing now? I'm testing GuliKid KingKong 3MAX Or KK3MAX as i call it This is very cool gamepad It's a new thing With a lot of possibilities With metal petals With Hall sensors on chips With Hall sensors on these analog... On these analog joysticks And they are replaceable And it's multiplatform Android, Switch You can connect it to Dongle or to anything You can connect it to Windows And we'll test it on our Windows I already tested it And of course we'll test it on Android TVBox Because it's a specialization of our channel So, KK3MAX We'll see how much it costs Then we'll unbox it and test it On TECHNOZON channel, let's go! Feedback Look, it's price Even if you want it in other way That it's full of possibility I'll find it It's red in white And it's for 60 60.72 With 2.4GHz Anet I'll explain you, it's not only Anet Not only Anet It's wireless connection Because it has 1Ghz feedback With instant feedback With this set of back panels We'll see it on the unboxing With replaceable buttons For computer, for switch You can replace them With covers and box So, guys, very good set For 61 I'll leave the link in the description Subscribe, turn the notifications on Not to miss our future videos And now, let's take a look Hall effect, joysticks and triggers Patented vibration motors These joysticks with 2200 gradations 1000Hz connection With this dongle And we'll see a lot of it Here we go again These vibration motors And here we can see Maglev vibration motors They have variable frequency Fast feedback And strong Strong feedback A lot of things 6 independent levels of vibration 2 hall effects 2 hall effects of analog triggers For all versions of controllers And you can make these triggers analog or hall effect Here we have switches Next We have joystick micro control Improved On these sticks This is good And super fast feedback 1000Hz dongle As you can see 125Hz This is usual bluetooth connector And 1000Hz with USB connector Next Mechanical buttons Switches Smart triggers Patented We have system You know what? I'll show you This is triggers No, this is one system 8 directions 4 pedals Now Autopilot gaming APG Very cool thing You can record some actions with this button Here it is And then you can use it With KingKong 2 this files are not compatible You can download them Here we have 950mAh battery And it's enough for more than 20 hours of gaming 28 hours And with backlight it'll be 15 hours Next Metal sticks With antifriction And this is patented motion aim assist This is assistant for aiming When you start to aim in small moments It'll increase range of aiming This is pretty cool thing I want to try it I was on KK2 They have this thing too 6axis gyroscope It works good It's great They say that it's better than Xbox controller PS5 controller But i can tell you everything Now we'll unbox it And then we'll test it I need to see it Hoolikid KK3 MAX KK3 This is one of top gamepads I really like it From China By the way it has replaceable sticks We made review on KK2 Let's see What we have What we have here Look Look Box Wow, replaceable Did you see it? This one is shorter This one... Wait Different lenght Yes Great Let's look on gamepad What we have here What we have here So Triggers And buttons Here we have sticks Rubber It's in this cool case Listen Hoolikid started to make great things Look Wow This is extractor This is extractor And dongle USB Look Dongle USB And this is extractor for buttons Like this That's it Also we have cable TypeC cable We have... How many things we have here Hoolikid stickers Hooray Let's look on gamepad Wow Did you understand what it is? Of course I'll explain This is...

Back buttons Wow Like this They can be inserted Let's see I turned it on With backlight Plus and minus House Wow It vibrates And buttons Of course Let's look on manual How to change it What to do X, A, B, Y Cross This is gamepad style For Xbox Here we have buttons and triggers Also here we have triggers limiter Or full Full And 50 Everything is great We have G1, G2, G3, G4 Customized buttons They can be pressed like this But they have special buttons Like this Like this How to use them We have switch buttons Switch buttons Y, X, A, B For different platforms For example for Nintendo X, Y, A, B Here we have extractor It allows to change buttons Just take it And put new button That's all I'm interested These things are removable Let's see Is there any app? Or not? Wow, so many things Here we have... Oh, this is advertising Advertising What we have here We have here Electromagnetic sticks Hall sensors Mechanical buttons These buttons are not mechanical Ok, let's see This is advertising You can buy something And that's all How to change buttons Here we have firmwares How to update firmware How to install this How to remove this So, small update I figured out how to install Here we have instructions Here we have places with dot You can install it Like this See? That's all And it looks in this way We have same petals You can make them with same way And this is G4 But you can do this with G1 This is G3, and this is G4 I have done everything, by the way Done This is how you can press it And now you can put additional petals On the top we have buttons, and they work in off Andorid, switch... What we can change with dongle? Let's samoerthing It will work on Android Here...

I don't know, for me this is smart It vibrates all the time It's interesting to see how to take it off A! That's it Now, we have to take this thing Either that This is more comfortable You can put your fingers here Well, ok Let's connect it We even have a lot of options RT and R Fern Can swaps A, B, X, Y If you've changed button You have to do some movements Next, sensitivity And... what is it? Apigee file record and file share Motion Assist Where this coming from? Docking Assistne Erase settings And sensitivity Also you can change DPad It can be for 4 switches As on old consoles Or 8point 8point means 2 devices will work on day Or 2 will not work You can switch DPad Cool functions, nice options I need to connect and see what that is Because, here is A lot of stuff Triggers Oh, by the way You can switch triggers in Analog and HF HF is on Full This is for analog Every time you press, this would work as cue Also here is AutoPilot Gaming Function Oh, damn We can choose some actions And use AutoPilot This has all these functions Okay, so, gotha Lets test it So, we are back This is gamepad tester Well, we can't test flipflops Here is flippingflops Development really slow I changed to analog Now, yes, it's analog It means that they will make shooting on and off For some games this more important than button and holehole effect And now, focus And i pressed, and they They are working And 8 channels dport I switched something Oh, house works good Now what we have here It's Steam I searched and it's all Tomb Raider started to shoot But i don't want to do it I'm interested in it I reruted it Well, sticks, everything is moving But it's very minimal So minimal, that i can't. And we have adjustable asurements But about dead zones Some people tell that they must be in the beginning But dead zones are decied It can stop here once and then become here This is middle dead zone And here are main dead zones You know, people say that this is great I would make bad mistake But in everything else supporting controls works fine Good in every blind spot No tiny holes No jerks Great They are great Even in height Top What else i can say Clapping Let's see what we have on Steam With Xbox 360 Everything is the same Minimal speed It detects minimum movement With the littleest touch But it's here Umm, i can't rule out that Start zones have very few Moving on Let's try Tomb Raider Some people from my channel know about my love with wolves I have lots of interesting wolves They really annoy me And it's really hard to aim on them OMG! It's just TOP Planing is really really great This feels like on PS5 I want to test it with Horizon Zero Dawn GONE One of top games I'll put it in TOP You have to find good movieplatforming gamepad for 60 This is good You can't feel movement And lari who played Tomb Raider knows that wolfhound a good gamepad Here? Come to me I have only this guy I have no words I never killed wolfs 2 times in a row Remember this day Really, remember this day Well, i'm not interested in Cyberpunk I need Horizon Zero Dawn Here it excludes aiming And in this spot turns are not bad So i will faggot this gamepad Let's look Well, not bad Wow, this game works as vibration I'm just playing on this computer Good vibrations Let's try again Yes, wonderful Wow, i need to be very serious Like on PS5 But this is Xbox' like gamepad But i have same feelings And if we take a close look Very slow This is aiming Very smooth Even for millimeter No, i have no questions Aiming is very good And now about Android TV Switching I'm interested in dongle connection Oops, it takes part Well, not yet Try to connected Here we have small button Switch ahead Works with USB 3.0 I don't want.. And dongle on Android TV is great too We have bluetooth Dongle is awesome For me, dongle standard is too Even i can use it without problems Game controller tester It works Just like Xbox 360 Oh, it's so soft Great Sooo soft Everything is working Now, RetroARC He saw controller in Xbox Because we have to understand If it works with emulators This is very important Let's start with role Ahh, we have it I can say it's working We have good button response And minimal delay I shot video about games Also on Rock Tech G2 We played on Bluetooth gamepad And there we had some delay On Mario i can feel it not the best Mario player Sorry, but there was some delay Retro It's easiest Android games They are great If we take in consideration on turbo modes And i don't really use it .

I wasn't a big cheater I really like it I was interested on holding on multiplayer This absence or a presence of deadline Now i can feeling that it's some branded gamepad Like Xbox or PS5 Here, let's play Working good How it should shoot...? Wow, turbo button is working I can choose and jump through the shock I pressing, and it shoots If i have to turbinate... Oooh, it's button And now it shoots Turbo mode working Very responsive And easy to set And i can recommend this gamepad I'll be happy Let's try it There is one more game on Android That i like to test Here it is SubDivivison Infiniti I have lots of languages in my head And i don't know them Oh, it's installing And we are on SubDivision Zero lish mess I'm getting Idle I'll test gamepad Kaka3 Wow, it's very cool It's cool to aim It's one of the best gamepads i've tested It's awesome Maybe it's system of aiming Really good I'm gonna pick these and show you I want to skip the dialog Where are they? I have one Really convenient I'm ready to resume I recommend it One of the best that you could buy in China With Holo trigger sensors With Holo joysticks I don't use it If you use KK2 KK3 and KK2 I don't know the reps I recommend you this Subscribe Bubble with you on TECHNOZON channel Bye

2025-02-03 03:25

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