「Evolution ∞」4K /English version

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By. Such, a tragedy, her husband, and young child left behind' yes I know what, will they do in the future such, a little kid without, a mom to take care of her oh my. Deepest sympathy for your loss, thank you. Thank. You. I heard. The child. Mommy. I want. Mommy, shall. I don't. Cry grass, here grandma's. Here, oh. Don't. Cry. Grandma, will always, be there for you. Grandma. Grandma. It's show line grandma. Doctor. What's, going on with my mom. It's. Alzheimer's, you. Can't leave her home alone anymore. You'll. Have to do a makeup test. Yeah. Good-looking. Thanks. Don't. Just chat next to the court not, paying attention I. Hope. I get hit by you shuns basketball. So, that he'll finally, notice me do you have to be like this oh. We. Have to go change and get to class. Thank. You. Yeah. Hmm. I have, your test to return to you li, shu fan Joe. Jack I wooshii. Ji-sun. Xiao LAN. Su. Shuwa. Jen. Dong Yi, oh. I. Only, got 70, when, I get home my parents are going to be so mad. Oh. Hey. Buddy. Don't. Work too hard, don't hurt yourself. Okay. Oh. Help. Somebody. Help. We, are having a simulation, test, after the weekend good. Luck. Hey. Let's. Go to the library together this weekend. I, can go early and save us seats. Then. I want to see it next to the window not near the entrance, or the bathroom. I went my back to the aisle also oh. Hello. Dad. What. You're in the hospital, okay, I'll be right there, what. Happened sorry. I have to go. Dad. Shall. Live dad. Are, you okay. I was. Just x-rayed. If. I hurt my spine this time I might. Need surgery. How. Could. Mr.. Swindell. Mr.. Su what is your job I'm a driver for a logistics, company in. Addition to driving I. Load. And unload shipments. Your. Spine is not fracture. However, perhaps due, to long-term loading. And unloading of, heavy shipments, your spine has suffered severe, deterioration. What. Should I do. If. You. Can take, some time off work for a while or work shorter shifts. Work. Shorter. Shifts. I is. This miss Li are, you at home right now you, have a shipment Co, d12. Did. Someone call this number earlier, this, is dye for logistics, I have a package that needs to be delivered please hurry and pick it up excuse, me. Was. That. Oh. What. Exactly is the shipment I checked, and nobody ordered, a shipment for Zod Oh. Let, me check. Oh. Sorry. I was wrong. Your baggage is not CIA. Okay. That's, alright. I have so many deliveries, left. Today. Will be a long, day. My. Job requires long, hours. Hmm. I can't. Do anything about that I'm going to give you a prescription. If. You, have to lift heavy loads, I suggest, you wear a back brace to minimize your chance of injury that's. All I can do thank. You doctor. Dad, you. Rest I'm going to click dinner. These, are expired, already. I don't. Have school tomorrow I can go to the supermarket that's okay let's, eat. Dad. Do. You want to take some days off. I'm. Okay. It's. The end of the year it's, very busy I want. To make more money for, your tuition. Just. Eat. This. World, needs. A miracle. Wow. Welcome. To the NHC 3d, holographic interface, press, 1 for instructions. Press 2 for basic settings press, 3 for warranty, information if, you make no selection the machine will sleep after 5 seconds. Lucian. Our. Medical, university. Has. Discovered, a new treatment. Clinical. Trials. No. Side effects have been reported on. Hopefully. Curing. Myopia. It. Works. What. Will this become. The, heat. Oh. I. Understand. Oh I. Get, it. Awesome. This. Is too much. Aha. So, this is how to change it back. Oh. These, socks are so cute are. These for a baby yes. My. Daughter-in-law, is going, into labor I, have. To make more for her. Grandma. Do. You still remember me ah, ah. You. Must be the new nurse, nice. To meet you. Alzheimers. Medicine. Side. Effects. Nausea. Vomiting. Diarrhea. Insomnia. Limited. Efficacy. Unable. To cure. Mmm. That's. Okay, there must be away. What's. This. Low-intensity. Post. Ultrasound. Device. Developed. By national, university. Non-invasive. Neural, stimulation. Therapy. Stimulate. The brain aha. This is it grandma. Shall. On. Grandma. My, dear. Granddaughter. Are. You okay. I'm. So, happy. Grandma. Let's go home. Okay. Hey. Good. Morning, Wow, buddy, how. Did your uniform, become so cool this is the support system my daughter sewed it on she said this will make my work easier. Dad. I saw, the support system onto your work you know. The. Type the doctor, mentioned. Such. A good job. Wow. This. Support, system is really good I will have to thank the doctor. Wow. Buddy, you're, very strong today ah I. Feel, really good today see. You later. Delivery. Navigation, optimized, Wow. This. New system is so efficient. Dad. I downloaded. A new system, for you just follow the navigation, system. Grandma. The refrigerator. Is empty let's go buy some groceries, okay. Grandma. Is going to make your favorite, dishes grandma. So. Happy. Here. Please. Sign. Thanks. Hey. This. New system is so good I don't need to call the customers, to confirm it's so easy. Hello. This, is dye fog logistics, you have a shipment are. You available for delivery in 20 minutes are you available for delivery in 30 minutes.

This. Will, optimize our, food usage so, it doesn't expire. Wow. This. Smells so good. It's. Almost done you can set the table okay. Dad. Happy. Birthday hahaha. My, birthday, is. Today. Wow. Work. Was so smooth today I finished, my work very quickly uh-huh. Mom. Why. Are you both still standing, there come here and eat. Grandma. I'm going to the library web CT tomorrow, are you sure you're okay to be home alone hmm. Don't, worry remember. To come home in time for dinner, okay. Mmm. Let's eat. This. Is some delicious. Happy. Birthday. Ooh. Shaolin, do, you know how to solve this problem. Apply. This formula. Here, and then simplify. The expression. Oh right, I didn't, think of that. Hmm. It's, weird. Normally. When we study Shaolin. Teaches, me but, Shaolin, scores on tests, are not as good I don't really know why that is. Um. I don't know why that is either. Let's. Take a break go outside and get some fresh air. Don't, worry. Maybe. One day the score on the test won't matter. In. The era of the Internet we can easily find all the information we need, while. In the era of artificial, intelligence. We. Will find the answer even more easily I. Think. Then testing. Won't have the same meaning people. Can focus on creativity, and innovation. More. Sokar. PPP. Driving. Here driving. There you, and mommy drive, to worry trying, to school then, go. In. The era of the internet we can easily find all the information we need well, in the era of artificial, intelligence we, will find the answer even more easily. Huh. Joke. Hey, why. Did you ask me to go to a future tech exhibition, with you you mentioned, artificial, intelligence, yesterday, I thought you might be interested let's, go. Look. Wow. Let's. Go. What's, that let's, go take a look. Oh. Hello. Can, I tell you about this product okay. Our. Device, is unique this. Is a wireless neural. Device that. Uses this dry, electrode. Sensor, the. Sensor requires. Contact. With skin alone in order, to measure neural, signals. If. You have any further questions, feel. Free to ask thank. You let's. Go. I. Hope. This works. Here. Hey. Hey. Sheldon, this is no chance go. Hey, give. Us the ball you. Wanted to get close to you shun who. Do you think you are. Hey. Hey. You Ling Ling what are you doing, what, does she think she's doing she's, not his girlfriend. They're. Right, compared. To early Ling I'm a nobody. Oh. Please. Comparing, yourself to others is just an excuse for doing nothing how, can you put yourself down what. Truly defines you, is what you do not your appearance. Yeah. Yeah. You shall you so handsome Ling. Ling is so pretty. Mmm. If my. Eyes were bigger if, my, nose were higher, if my. Mouth was smaller. Wow. Wow. Even the toothbrush, is so advanced. Would. You like to activate chromosomal. Aberration. Detection oh. Well. Yes, extracting. Saliva DNA, performing. Chromosomal, abnormality. Disease and Alice disease, aha. Eldane, chromosomal, pairs analyzed, no abnormalities. Detected probability. Of developing Alzheimer's, is less than 5% that's. A relief. This. Is so easy. Initiating. Biometrics, analysis. Make, up suggestion. Wow. A little, makeup and I can look this good too. What. Truly defines you, is what you do not your appearance. You, want to get close to you shun who. Do you think you are. Comparing. Yourself to others is just an excuse for doing nothing how, can you put yourself down. Yeah. Yeah, you. Shall you so handsome. Ling Ling is so pretty. You. Know you, shall get so handsome Ling, Ling is so pretty. Dec. Hey, hey. Xiao, LAN. We're. Down with the simulation, test why don't you relax a bit I'm not reading for the test. What. Is this a. Philosopher. Once said the. Human brain is a predictive, machine imagining. The future is the most important, function of our brain, how. Does this relate to what you're reading the. Human brain has about a hundred billion, neurons. To. Build an AI modeled. On the human brain it. Will require similar, computational. Ability. Similar. Computational. Abilities, so. You mean a quantum.

Computer A, quantum. Computer is - a conventional, computer what, a conventional, computer is - an abacus. Alright. Tomorrow. You have a basketball. Game I want, to give you something. What. Is it will. You give this to your son for me. Okay, I will. Give it to him for you, thank. You. So. That's why I didn't, have the quantum, computing, technology. Yes. Roshun. Looked. At me strange, so, scary. You. Some water. Hey-hey. Uh-huh. Who. Are you. My. Name is sunshine. Huh. Hello. I'm. Gao you shun. What. Are you doing here I need to see you. Whenever. I feel anxious as, soon as I see you I feel calm, immediately. Just, like the first time I saw you. But. Your. Makeup is wrong today choose. A different color lipstick, too. Mmm. Much. Better. Hey. Huh. Hello. I'm. Gao you shun. Is. This true love what's. Funny is I will. Never know the answer. Shaolin. Hurry, turn on the TV why. Oh my. God. I'll. Go let, you two have time together. So. Jack hi. Hello. Mr., Joe can. You tell everyone, about the memory system, your company is working on yes. We, are using AI to identify. Neural pathways, associated, with specific memories, in the, future we hope to be able to process the neural feed to retrieve audio and video from knowledge by, recording, these neurons we, can add or subtract knowledge at will this. Is a very, exciting, technology. Can. You talk about your motivation. Behind this technology. There, was a girl I had a crush on in high school she. Didn't do well on tests, which made her very upset. From. Then on I hoped gaining knowledge could be more intuitive easier. Transcending. Space, and time. No. Need for memorization, no. More studying for tests no. Longer worrying about Industrial, Revolution merely, uploading, or downloading information. To gain new knowledge. Allowing. Everyone. To, focus more on developing. Happiness. Let's take a break go outside and get some fresh air, don't, worry. Maybe. One day the score on the test won't matter. Will, you give this to your son for me okay. I will. Give it to him for you. Thank. You. Thank, you. This, year. Siobhan. What's, wrong. Class. Completed. Congratulations. On finishing this, class who. Would. You like me to change to another book. Okay. Much. Better, through. This class your cognitive ability, increased, 2,000, points your, creativity increased, 3,000, points, and you, earned 7,000. Litecoins. Wow. So. Much you, can also check your personal chip, to see the changes, to your scores oh. Wow. But. I seem. To make some mistakes too. The. Reason the storyline has so many possibilities, is to determine how we use technology differently. That. Is the purpose of virtual reality classes. To. Allow us unlimited, opportunity, to grow finding. The correct path from our mistakes. Aha. I think, when desired conflicts, with morality is when our choices are most difficult. Next. Time I. Want. To try it again, no. Problem, your, progress has been saved we're, looking forward to your next see. You soon. Hey, Chelle on what's, on your mind nothing. I was just thinking, that NPC, from the course was, very handsome, haha that's just an AI character, he could be as handsome as you can imagine so. What. Color did you reach in infinity evolution, oh I, think it's purple, what, Wow your, level is really high I have, to go back for more training you go ahead. Welcome. To lone lone transportation. Please, select your destination. 200. Light coins babe. You.


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