[Eng Sub] 迷網 On-lie Game 03/25 粵語英字 | Crime | TVB Drama 2020

[Eng Sub] 迷網 On-lie Game 03/25 粵語英字 | Crime | TVB Drama 2020

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Do you know how to drive? Sorry! It's a new car. I am not used to the brake. Now you have my phone number and my car plate shot. You don't have to worry about me stiffing you. OK. Shoot.

Peter is no pilot. He just took a pilot pic online to fool you. That's it for the Tai Chi Cloud Hands.

Easy, isn't it? However, Tai Chi is deceptively easy. The key is regular practice. It's your own body. If you want to always look 25, don't be lazy. If you think what I said is helpful, tell your friends to subscribe to my Always Look 25 channel.

And don't forget to give it a like. Hussy... Daddy has good news for you, my hit rate has passed 2000! Really? You didn't sound overjoyed. Shouldn't you be happy for your daddy? I am tired from reading files the whole day.

That's it? My new head is not very easy-going. I got it from others, he bears grudges. Offend him and there'll be hell to pay. Hearsay should be taken with a pinch with salt.

Your cooperation has just begun. Dealing with people is like doing Tai Chi, softness can overcome hardness. If you have time, pick up Tai Chi from me.

Let me pass you a move or two on how to use leverage on your head. Great! Let me pick up a move or two from you to give the jerk a hard time! A girl should mind her words. I am a retired school principal after all. Don't embarrass me. Sorry, Principal Siu. I punish myself with making dinner, doing dishes and laundry.

Good! Ming Chun Tong Morning... Uncle Zaam, morning. Uncle Zaam, morning... Boss Chow is not back yet? He's long back. He's since been in the toilet. I don't know what's wrong with him. He's not out yet.

Hey, Chow, how come you look so pale? It's my stomach. I don't know what's wrong with it. I have been having cramps and nausea since last night. Sit down...Let me have a look.

It stinks here. Do you guys smell it? Yes. I thought Boss had durian this morning. What durian? Go back to your sweeping.

You have bad breath. Give me your hands... Show me your tongue. Do you have sporadic pain in your stomach? Yes. You look tired and your hands are cold.

Your tongue fur is whitish. Your pulse is weak. What have you eaten? Nothing special. The usual dishes. How would usual dishes cause you nausea and diarrhoea? There's something else.

My wife put some supplement into last night's dinner. What supplement? She got it from Ping-hung, her cousin living in Yuen Long. I don't think it's the cause.

Why not? What else caused you the discomfort? You ask your wife for the details. She's busy at the moment. She and her cousin are in the Association, helping with Professor Mo's health talk.

There it goes again. Come in. Come join us. Welcome. Sun. We've been waiting for you. Get yourself a seat. Is there food? If no, count me out.

There is... What about freebies? Sure... Oh? Uncle Zaam...You here too? Yes...

It's about time. Go in... Right. One more... I have one already. Take one more... Welcome...

Welcome...Please go in. It's about to start. Come on. What took you so long to give out flyers? It's about to start. There are many people outside. Good! Let's do it again. Health is fortune... Health is fortune...

Good! Let's clap for our health and fortune. Bravo... Let's clap and welcome... our God of Health, Professor Mo! Bravo...Professor Mo... My dear neighbours, good morning! Bravo... I really am grateful. You care about your own health.

I promise you will not go disappointed. If you do as I say, your illnesses will be gone, you will become stronger, and I promise you, in three months, you will have good appetite and good sleep and...your diabetes will be gone. Bravo... Your high blood pressure will be gone! Bravo... I should tell you why you have high blood pressure. It's because you have bad blood.

You may ask, what caused strokes? It's because of the clots in your neck arteries. Some elders may wonder why their knees or legs go weak. It's not because you overused them when young. It's caused by the neurons in your third lumbar vertebrae. It's the reason why your legs go weak.

Get it? Oh... That's right. Your doctors won't tell you about it. Why? Because they want you to keep seeing them and taking their medications.

But you have to know, drugs are toxic. The more you take them, the poorer your health and the poorer you will become. However, you don't have to worry. You can quit your medication from now on, and you don't have to go to your doctor. It's because I'll ensure that you'll have good health. Bravo...

Neighbours, this is the Jade Foot Massager. It may look no different from other foot massagers, but it has colourful gems which correspond to the seven acupoints on the soles. It will help enhance your immunity, and your illnesses will be gone without having to take medications. It's a pity that this machine is not for sale. What? But I want one... It doesn't matter.

I'll let you try it for free today. It's free. Isn't it good? Bravo... You can try it later.

Let me now share some health info with you, alright? Yes... According to scientific researches, one element is the most potent anti-cancer agent. Do you know what is it? It's selenium. Selenium? Selenium is vital to our body.

New-born babies have the highest percentage of selenium. However, it becomes less and less as we grow up. As a preventive measure, we should eat food rich in selenium.

There must be one right for you. That's it for selenium. I have a question for you... Do you know what this is? It's tourmaline. It has medicinal value. That's right. It contains anions and far-infrared, It's very beneficial to our health! Right...

Look! I've worn it for a week only. My frozen shoulder's gone. I have good flexibility and spirits! Bravo... Me too! Since wearing it, 24-round of mah-jong everyday doesn't hurt my back at all! So good? Right... Since wearing it, my husband's night-time urination has become less frequent.

Don't talk about it in public. Good things should be shared. Good...

Very good. Users get the health benefits they want. I applaud you... Bravo... Yes, our health is in our own hands. However, we need external help to put us in shape as we get older. What can help us maintain our health? Jade massager...

Well said! Anything else? Selenium... Well said! Anything else? Tourmaline... Well said! Could you repeat it louder? Jade massager...selenium...tourmaline... Congrats! What selenium is this? Mrs Chow, Boss Chow suffered from nausea and diarrhoea after you fed him selenium.

He had a stomach problem. Maybe there's something wrong with this selenium. Nausea and diarrhoea? Maybe it's his constitution.

It's nothing to do with selenium. It's the normal reaction after taking selenium. It's diarrhoea before replenishment. You are an experienced TCM practitioner. Shouldn't you know about it? Neighbours, mind what you eat! Don't take selenium without consultation. Get it? Uncle Zaam, don't you smear Professor Mo for your re-election.

It's your way to hurt Mrs Chow's chance. Right... So it's for your re-election. No wonder when my cousin wanted to host a health talk, your wife tried so hard to stop her. Now seeing that it's a great success, you are here to sabotage it.

Uncle Zaam, come on... Please stop it... Neighbours, calm down... Uncle Zaam, I believe in TCM, and I respect you the chairman. I do hope you will put your prejudice aside.

Medicine has been advancing fast. What you don't know doesn't mean it's useless. I have the neighbours' health in mind. I am telling the truth. All these years, I have given help to those that needed it. If you have doubts, what about doing a bioelectrical test? Do it... Why not?

Bioelectrical test? How does this bioelectrical test work? Basically, the brighter the tube, the better your physical condition. Applause! Bravo... Congrats... Congrats...

Congrats... It shows that your body is very fit. Congratulations to this elder.

Stay healthy! Applause! Uncle, congrats... Thank you and congrats... Uncle Zaam, what about giving it a try? Oh... What gives? Zaam...you may have some undetected illnesses. But no worries... There is still time for replenishment.

Let me give you some selenium for free. It's good for conservation and consolidation. The tube will be very bright next time you try it. What about it? Uncle Zaam, have more selenium. Try it. Why didn't you ask me to go with you? Or you wouldn't have been humiliated. Indeed. If Sister 88 were there,

the outcome would have been different. Stop pouring oil on fire. Indeed. It's greatly undermined your pa's image as chairman. It may affect his re-election as well. Boss Chow had a hard time.

I worried about the neighbours meeting the same fate, so I went there to see what's going on. I was attacked on all fronts. Pa had the guts. He went there alone. But he's vastly outnumbered. That Professor Mo was strange indeed.

He's conning people with health food as a front. Bro, shouldn't you the police go to work? Such cases happen all the time. However, making arrest depends on evidence. They know the loopholes of the law.

They use health talks to attract people, and then sell them products with exaggerated claims. It's what happened! They all claimed selenium is an anti-cancer agent, almost like an elixir. If they aren't stopped, the elders may be conned of their every penny. Selenium is one kind of trace elements. It can be found in many kinds of food. Experts say we just need 55 micrograms per day.

A piece of white bread has 6 micrograms. A 3-oz steak has 33 micrograms. We don't need too much selenium.

Overdosage may lead to bad breath, hair loss, stomach upset, nausea and diarrhoea. No wonder Chow couldn't leave the bathroom. It must have been selenium. It's Mung-dip's fault. She let in a wolf into the henhouse. For the neighbours' health and for you, I have to call that Professor Mo out.

It needs to be done. But it still baffles me. How come holding the light tube could tell whether I was healthy? Don't believe the hype. It's just smoke and mirrors.

It's the working of static electricity. Electric currents were made to pass through your body. It's like what Ching's doing. Rubbing with the ruler will create static electricity and attract paper pieces. As for the dimming of your light tube, it's done by a secret switch. It's so simple yet I couldn't guess it.

The neighbours have been looking up to me for decades, calling me a wise man. I embarrassed myself in front of them today West Kowloon Community Association Uncle Zaam, Sister 88. It's quiet. Where are the people? Miss Chan, I thought there's a health talk here today. Yes. But Mrs Chow said Professor Mo was not free today. The talk is cancelled.

What about the people? They've gone to her house for a treat. A treat in her house? Something's not right. Let's go! Help yourselves...

Dig in... Thank you... All the dishes here... Help yourselves... Sure. Comments welcome. Mrs Chow, it's flavourful.... Really?

The fish is yummy, it's not fishy at all. The rice is aromatic. It has this clay-pot rice flavour. The credit goes to those tourmaline stones. Put some on the fish before steaming. They draw out the fish's flavour.

If we want fruit, put some tourmaline stones in a bowl of water, and then put the fruit in. It'll make sour fruit sweet. Really? So magical? Have some fruit as dessert before you go.

Of course... Fruit? Cool... It makes the blind see. It's sour! What turning sour sweet? What now? Are you sabotaging me? No...But it really is sour. Answer the door. It really is sour. Have more. The chicken is yummy. Coming...

Sister 88, Zaam... Boss Chow... What a crowd! Come in. Sister 88? Sister 88, you guys got wind of the treat and so you are here for the dishes? Neighbours, don't eat the food here. It may upset you... Hey, what upsetting people? You and Professor Mo tried to sell them selenium. You think I don't know? The health food they sell aren't healthy at all.

If you don't believe me, ask Boss Chow. Chow, you had nausea and diarrhoea, It's because you ate too much selenium. Are you here to stir up trouble? I got it! You can't stand the success of my health talk. You are upset.

That's why you are here to ruin it, right? Sister 88, you are naive if you think this trick can help Uncle Zaan's re-election. I am telling the truth. The neighbours can see. They won't be fooled by you.

You mean to help Uncle Zaan keep his chairman position only. It's not true! I only have your health in mind! Really? Uncle Zaan went to the Association to crash the talk. Professor Mo was very unhappy. That's why he cancelled today's health talk. What are you doing here? Professor Mo worried he would be called out. That's why he wouldn't show up.

It's what you say only. Stop it... Honey, you all stop it. A fight never ends well. Why don't we all sit down and talk it over soup and greens? Let me take the soup out. Come on, you all sit down...

Zaam, sit down. Well? Good? Right...Let's talk it over... Sister 88, are you alright? For the time being.

Who knows what will happen later? You are ignorant indeed. It's like casting pearls before swine. The soup is made with tourmaline stones. Professor Mo says it has the curing and consolidating benefits. Do you mean it's an elixir? It's much more than an elixir. It tastes good.

Professor Mo, any comments... Hey, Professor Mo is arrested. What? It's on the news. Right...

It really is Professor Mo... Give way... Professor Mo... He's taken away by Customs officers. He really is a con man! He's arrested for exaggerating the benefits of his health food.

It's a violation of the Trades Description Ordinance. I told you so. Mrs Chow, what now? What about our money? Professor Mo really has conned us? You are responsible. It's a lot of money. Thailand Tell her that you are an official in Guangzhou. Brother Lung, not bad at all.

Money makes the world go around. Greed is the driving force of making money. I missed you. How come you had not contacted me for days? I missed you too. I wish I were there watching the sunset with you.

But how come the money is still not transferred? Without it, my leave application won't be approved. I can't fly over to see you. My bank card is not working.

It takes a week to get a new one. I know...But my bank card is not working. The bank said I had to wait a week the earliest for the new one. I can't wait that long. If the money is not in my account before 10 pm tomorrow, my leave application will be cancelled. I can't go to Hong Kong to see you.

Be more emotional... Roger... What to do? No! I think of nothing else but meeting you. I have to see you.

I don't care how much money it takes. I really have money in my bank account. I know...I miss you too.

Make him show up. Tell him you miss him. Ask him if there are other ways to give him the money. She asks me if there are other ways to give me the money. She can give me cash in Hong Kong.

Brother Lung, is it a trap? She's so horny after missing her man for several days. What trap? You go back to Hong Kong in a couple of days to take care of it. It's money. Make a date for it. Great! I'll be in Hong Kong in a couple of days to see you.

Yes! That Peter finally agrees to show up. Well done! Give him the date and venue. Get ready to arrest that pilot in Hong Kong. Yes, Sir! How's it? No suspicious person so far. It's all quiet. Nothing here.

Quiet here. No discoveries. Quiet here as well. No discoveries so far. Alert us if you see someone suspicious. Don't be rash. No action before I've given the order. Roger.

Roger. Roger. Roger. A suspicious black rat crossing the road. On your toes. Are you ready to give me the money? Send me a pic of you.

He's here. False alarm. On your toes. The target should be nearby.

Roger. Where are you? What color you are wearing? Ah-Den, 7 o'clock. Going your way. Black top and bottom, with a cap. Thin in figure. Peter? Ah-Den, no chase! Let him go! Ah-Den, no chase! Let him go! No chase! Everyone, take action! What now? What now? Come try it... Dr, how's the patient? She has suffered a concussion. She needs some rest.

She can't give deposition for the time being. Thank you. This way... Szeto Sir, Madam, she's suspect Choi Suk-ngor's elder sister.

Where's my sister? She's inside. She has suffered a concussion. She hasn't come to yet. What happened? You called me and said she's involved in a cyber scam. She's a good citizen. How could you treat her like a thief? What's wrong with you the police? Aunt, where's Mommy? I want to see Mommy... Is he Choi Suk-ngor's son? What about her husband? When will he come? She has no husband.

He fled after knocking her up. Choi Suk-ngor, 37 years old. Both her parents passed away. Her sister is her only kin. She had a gambler boyfriend. Before their son was born, he fled for owing people money.

Choi Suk-ngor raised her son up on her own. We've learned that she makes her living working as a cashier in a restaurant. The boss and her colleagues said she's a nice person. She played mobile games or binge-watched dramas. She had no bad habits.

There's nothing suspicious about her so far. We've checked her bank account. There's no strange transaction.

However, two weeks ago, she took out a hundred grand from her account. So Choi Suk-ngor is not the scammer that conned Coco. She probably is a victim too. She's used as a collector.

From suspect to victim, what a dramatic twist! She's the breadwinner and has a son to raise up, it's bad enough. She's a scam victim and was used. It's doubly bad. It's what we think only. We have to wait till she has come to before we can get the details from her. Before it happens, we have to be vigilant. We can't miss anything.

Yes, Sir! Ah-Den, a word with you. You owe me an explanation, right? Sorry, Sir. My mind was on catching the suspect. I didn't want the suspect to get away. I didn't mean the accident to happen.

Are you telling me you had not taken the scene into consideration? I kept calling you to stop chasing. Money collectors are often underlings. Someone else is in control. Choi Suk-ngor would go to this person once she got the money. That's our trail. Choi Suk-ngor tore my earphone when she grabbed the money bag.

That's why I didn't... But before it happened? I told you guys not to be rash. Did you hear it? In a disciplinary force, it means obeying orders, especially during an operation. The situation keeps changing. A wrong judgment may put everyone in danger. You are an inspector. You should have known about it.

Losing the earphone is not an excuse for an inspector. You made a mistake. Period. Understand? Yes, Sir! Furthermore, manage your EQ. Your mind has been elsewhere since coming back from the hospital. Such an EQ is not enough for leading a team. Roger.

I need a detailed report for what happened today. Put it on my desk before 9 am tomorrow. Yes, Sir. Don't work right away after coming back. Have some red bean soup for relaxation.

Daddy, thank you. Sweet stuff clears our mind and soothes our mood. Whatever the obstacle or unhappiness at work, trust me, eat it and it will go away. How do you know I am unhappy? You have gone to work in a new department. Encountering obstacles is normal.

Do you want to share it with me? The suspect fell during today's operation. I had made mistakes during the process. But it's not entirely my fault.

However, I got a dressing down from my head. It irks me. It's because I bumped into his motorbike and offended him.

He has since been picking on me. It may not be the case. It's just a matter of perspectives. Daddy, you won't back your daughter up? I remember when I was principal, there was a fat boy. He's so fat he's like a balloon. He was teased all the time.

Then he decided to lose weight. He said he would do it in a month. He tried every method, including taking diet pills. And then? He was too impatient and took the whole bottle of pills. It led to diarrhoea. It lasted a week. He missed the mid-term exam and almost had to repeat the year.

So? The moral is: haste makes waste. Let things run their courses. Too eager to distinguish yourself will lead to mistakes. Get it?

Don't be upset. Finish the red bean soup or it will turn into red bean slurpy. It's a lousy gag, Daddy. What a pest! Mung-dip got herself into big trouble.

Yet she still wants to run for chairman. She's a dog in the manger. She has the right to do so. Don't be mad. It's not good for your liver.

How can I not be mad? Hey! Where are you going? I mean to ask you, do you still have the tourmaline stones? Give me some for my fish tank. Mrs Chow, here you are! What now? We want our money back. Our money back... What money back? The one who conned you is Professor Mo. You read the news. He's the one arrested. I got nothing to do with it.

I am a victim too. Save it! You spared no effort selling his health food in the talk. You sure got a cut. You must be an accomplice. Indeed... Save it...

Hey, I lost tens of thousands too. I have receipts to prove it. If you want your money back, let's go to court together, alright? Don't go...Don't take me for a fool... don't go... Stop! Don't go... Pay us back first... Hey, what are you doing? The selenium has gone to your heads? You alright? Sister 88, I am fine...

We want our money back. What's wrong with it? If Mrs Chow was conning you, how would she feed her husband selenium? Right. Boss Chow was harmed by it. I am helping him with his restoration. See? You are no different from debt collectors. If you turn physical, I'll call the police.

Mrs Chow is a victim too. It's no use asking her for your money back. Lynching is a crime in Hong Kong. If you want your money back, do it the legal way to get it from Professor Mo. If you won't stop, we really will call the Police.

We listen to Sister 88 and Chairman and let it go... Let it go... We can't take her to the Police... Sister 88, thank you. Western Kowloon Community Association Well? How's your arm? Better? Much better. Sister 88, thank you.

It's no big deal. I taught you some Catch-Can moves before. You should have used them. Let them know how awesome my Grasping Hands are.

It was so long ago, I've forgotten about them. Now we are at it, when I was still a restaurant usher, many dirty old men tried to get fresh with me. Thanks to you, or I would have gone stale due to them. It was more than ten years ago.

I later became your matchmaker. I introduced Boss Chow to you. You called him a dirty old man the first time you two met. Have I come early? I wonder how Boss Chow looks like.

Getting fresh with me? You rascal! Groper! Hey... I was not groping you... No? I meant to pick up the umbrella for you. Really? You are wearing red? Yes... I see you are a woman and you are wearing red... you are Boss Chow? You are Miss Kung? It's what you would do, mistaking a good guy for a bad one.

It's lucky I didn't teach you the Nutcracker move, or Boss Chow couldn't be your husband. Time really flies. It's more than ten years. I am pushing seventy. Sister 88, you have been so good to me. I don't know how to repay you.

Come on, cut it out. We are sisters. How would I not give you a hand? I never take things personal. I have been carrying it with me for a long time. I mean to give it to you. I bought one pure gold monkey pendant for you as well. You've been getting into troubles.

Wear it to fend off bad luck. You bought it for me? I was so nasty to you, yet you are still so good to me. Sister 88, you are my benefactor... Come on, don't make yourself cry. Now you have given me goose bumps. Come on...

Say no more... Let me help you wear it. It'll fend off bad luck. What? Only one tiger will be left standing.

How come the two tigresses would patch up? They have. You don't believe it? They are on their way back. Boss, it seems to be the case. Good! You two tigers won't be caught in the middle again. Nosy! Go back to work! Alright...

Boss Chow, how come you look dazed? There's something wrong with his eyes. Yes... I think it's heatiness. I have eye crusts. Weirdo... I bought egg tarts, fresh from the oven. Dig in...

Good... Boss Lady, thank you... Come on... Honey, you are conned tens of thousands by that Professor Mo. Why are you still so generous? Money can be made again. It's no big deal.

Sister 88 is so forgiving, I am happy indeed. It's worth it. Hubby, Sister 88 has some coughs. Make her a loquat drink. Roger. The premium one. Boss Chow, thank you.

Egg tart... Miss Chan called again this morning. She wanted to confirm her bridal gown fitting the day after tomorrow. Brenda, call the designer to confirm the exact day of delivery.

No problem. Right away. Oh, Miss Tsang's wedding has changes. She changed her mind on white balloons. Ada, order pink ones instead.

OK. Deep, I fought hard with boss for you. He finally approved the budget for new cameras. You can no longer blame the cameras for customers' complaints. Sister Vincy, I always say you are the best. What an oily tongue.

One more good news to share with you. It's about our first six months' performance. Boss was pleased with us. Our turnover has recorded a growth of 30%. We can expect a fat year-end bonus! Yeah! Great! Keep up the good work! Back to work! Yes...

What now? No reply from the designer? It's Benjamin. It's still bluetick since last night. I don't think he's so busy he had no time for a reply. If you care about it so much, call him. I don't want to. Then focus on your work.

You only have your boyfriend in mind. I don't! Don't worry. I am a professional wedding planner. When there are customers, I'll be back on professional mode.

It's the funniest joke I've heard today. It's pretty... Vincy, I brought you Tsim and the future Mrs Tsim.

They are in your hands. It has been some time. Tsim, congrats. Vincy, thank you.

It has been some time, you are still so pretty. What an oily tongue. Your future wife may get jealous. Let me introduce. My future wife...Chi-ching. Hello! Call me Joyce. Hello! Call me Vincy. Here's my card.

Tsim and I are good friends. Just tell me what you want. Don't stand on ceremony with me. Sunny said you have a great collection and they are all pretty. Could I check them out?

2021-11-15 11:36

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