아틀라스 부터 사이렌 오더 까지 스타벅스의 DT 분석 f 최재홍 교수

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Hello Professor Hello. Hello. Hello, we have changed our atmosphere a little. very good. We talked about DT last time. If we don't do DT at that time, our job could be blown up if we do it wrong. We talked about this, but

today, then , I would like to have a empirical talk about how companies are doing DT . The T- shirt I wore today is the same as the T-shirt. Like this, so is the PPL. We didn't receive anything, but since it's a company to do analysis, we've always been a good fit. So, today I am going to talk about Starbucks. We have an office right now in Gwanghwamun, and there are 4 or 5 Starbucks within the radius of lunch.

In the past, there were only one or two, but it seems to be increasing tremendously . In Korea, there are already more than 1,500 accurate statistics a few years ago, and now there are more than 2000. It's not only in Korea, but Starbucks isn't doing well. Looking at the US stock market, it seems that Starbucks' stock price has risen a lot recently. It's a story that Starbucks is doing well right now.

Why, but Starbucks is when I begin're going to first talk Could you explain to me why that act is taking off the traditional Starbucks now come so conclusions eopjanahyo fun then waein to taste a moment the fact that there were a few ups and downs Starbucks About 10 years ago, the term digital transformation didn't exist at the time, and I started to pay attention to digital now, but recently, the corona effect made it very ready for customization. I have been preparing, but it was a good thing when the corona broke out. It is not a good news, but rather a part that made it an opportunity. In a way, other companies prepared very well in the early days , despite the fact that restaurants, theaters, trips, and all of these things were all blown up. Then, as a means of preparing for such things, it is said that digital is used as a means of preparation for such things, and the prepared things that were used in the past become such a role that the ready-made things that have been used in the past come to power now, so now customers also know that.

That's why this company is really great. As I heard about it, I heard that I am doing a lot of digital activities related to Starbucks without knowing whether I was digitally converted and called Siren Order and Starbucks as a bank . Those stories are the subject of the day, so let's take a slow look at it in the second half.

Yes. Then, from the beginning, you said that Starbucks had a crisis several times before, but as we analyzed the Amazon series so well, how about analyzing Starbucks quickly? Let's weave it as you know. Then I'll try it from the beginning. Starbucks is also Seattle . Yes, it's Seattle. Amazon's Seattle Seattle is a good place. Coffee and Boeing Sales Force

Microsoft Amazon There are a lot of companies, and first of all, there is a Starbucks store in Seattle, so a lot of coffee enthusiasts visit Starbucks a lot. Shall how, where standing start to the are you him even ever dream of Chungwoon founded hasidaga think you here to determine Seattle will that is so self turning point in Who'll do you, I see people once I am now doing Oh, I called the president said here compendium yet been to where the boss to boss Howard Schultz had graduated from college and the first job is to sell the coffee machine. But at that time , eating coffee at a restaurant or at home with a coffee machine was the culture of coffee there in most of the United States, so it wasn't the first time to sell coffee to Starbucks, but only coffee beans and machines. After establishing Starbucks, it's not like they sell coffee, and President Ha didn't make Starbucks. Not something we have made the wrong misunderstanding something Starbucks Chairman Howard Schultz, the original one minute three in the town's teacher was one minute will have created something that was a minute to sales thus three minutes together with Starbucks, then now beans million selling high'll to the beans now imports initially sold in the neighborhood that sold're heading straight to the president said a salesperson day when this is to have more Ipanema So the coffee machine than the US Macy deoni been to Starbucks I think this is fine early 80s Let's join. Starbucks was created in 71, and when he joined in early 1980, he was a salesperson there as a sales manager.

Mr. Ha wasn't even a co-founder at first, and he was just an employee . Then, I got to taste the true taste of coffee. While traveling in Italy , I found an espresso bar and went into coffee shops, and it was unique. Italian people are a little optimistic. Oh Solemio.

It's optimistic, but when I see you talking there while drinking coffee, this is a little different from the US . The US just got out of the house and drank like this. So this is it. I have to make

my home, work, and third place into Starbucks. In this way, the coffee shop doesn't just sell coffee beans, but he says that he has to sell coffee, so he came back and made an offer . After this, I came out and started a business. Now it is a coffee shop. So, wasn't it Starbucks before? It wasn't. The name was Starbucks, but the place that sold only coffee beans and only machines did not sell coffee after making it. Then, if President Ha came out and started a business, who would take the name Starbucks? Starbucks was originally owned by three founders. Then what will happen later? Now, I divide the period into 10 years , and the 10 years when Starbucks was founded and President Ha worked.

Then, President Ha came out, and what was the company name, the company name was difficult. After creating a coffee shop called il giornale , and running it for about 10 years, three founders of Starbucks said , "Hey, buy us one. Buy our company." Since then, it was 3.8 million dollars in money at that time, and 4 billion dollars in money at that time. So, after taking over that, Starbucks expanded it like a wingspan from then on.

He was in a company called Starbucks, came out, started a business, was doing something else, and conversely, like a subsidiary taking over the parent company, he took over his original job in reverse . There are a lot of such things in the United States. That's cool, but both the founders and President Ha are both win-win. If so, President Ha must have created a coffee culture that did not exist in America. Yes, in a way, let's have coffee and provide a place where people can enjoy . So, in fact, the coffee house in Italy was introduced as it was.

The name also seems to have a little Italian feel. Oh yes. Is it the Iljo Nale? Il Jornale I don't know what I mean. Something a little yes. It looks like a Japanese day, but a little bit... Nalti... Anyway, when I first introduced it, I went to an

Italian coffee shop, and I wear a bow tie and serve like that. Wearing a tuxedo. After that, I introduced classical music as it is, but Americans don't like it very much. So later, there is a thing that we call a pivot. By doing a pivot right here and there, you can freely dress up, replace the music with jazz and blues, and use American music in an American style. So in our western movies,

I changed it to a style like this, drinking coffee, wearing boots, and so on. Then I know it was in the early 2000s that it happened like a fire . But in fact, we know how Starbucks went well, it's actually more important than business-related aspects or things like that. That's what happens to all coffee shops in general.

And because it went so well, Chairman Schulz said, "Oh, I can quit now." Then, I quit in 2000, but when the company goes too well, there is always something to say . When things go well, it is the most dangerous. It's a crisis. So, in 2008, a great crisis came. And in fact, before that, even when he opened a coffee shop , he was looking for 240 vcs, one of which he could know the persistence of Mr. Ha . I'll give you a coffee shop. I'll give you a coffee shop. But I got rejected in 220.

Wow ... Persistence isn't a joke . 240 is so . I went looking for people with 240 VCs and money , but they were rejected in 220 places and started with investments of 150,000 or 200,000 dollars in 20 places . What was the reason? First, there was the Lehman Brothers case in 2008. The banking financial crisis. The financial crisis makes you drink less coffee. There is no such correlation, but because it expanded too much , competition was very intense by region. After that, the stores are also sprawling around and there is a lot of competition, so it is said that in addition to coffee, local products were sold, dolls were sold , and competition took place among themselves. Forget the essence now and you are right.

So now you've reappeared with a comet, you're back in 2008. So it is said that the reason why we made the sbuck today is that we usually talk about sbuck from this point on doing digital transformation, but it was about 12 to 13 years ago. It was a long time ago. Actually, it wasn't quite a long time ago. In 2008, we introduced the iPhone in 2007. Oh right.

So now, when President Ha comes in, this is a smartphone, and then we are in crisis again, so hey, I need to do something about this, but he said 7 things. Focus on the customer Focus on the coffee Focus on the beans Next, serve the community Well, I listed 7 things like this . Usually, after we list it, it's nice to say. How do I do this? right. Yes. That’s the most important thing. So, you have to mobilize digital right away. I will mobilize digital to realize these seven.

Yes I must mobilize digital. So, when we do digital transformation, the first thing is the will and philosophy of the CEO. Remember what the second is. Second, recruit people.

Recruiting talent Oh right. So, at the end of that year, I hired a Symantec vice president named Stenfan Gillette. So hey, you're good at digital, so try to push me harder than me. That's why Stefan Gillette's \ The first thing I did at that time was to create an organization. So create wealth Digital Ventures Then I'm following this guy that we have a flow of digital transformation creates a strong will and talent recruitment and governance CEO of doing this way Then I hired a second then said Adam Mandelbrot distant people I did all the digital of Starbucks.

After making an app, making mobile payments, making commerce, and moreover, putting Wi-Fi in stores in Korea is very fast, but Starbucks in the United States installed free Wi-Fi in stores between 2011 and 2012 . . So it was very fast. So, people came to drink coffee comfortably, use the Internet, and the people in the neighborhood were doing a lot of chattering , creating the basis for making it a third place where people gather together. So, in a way, what made today's Starbucks, in fact, after Chairman Schultz came in after 2008, brought people in, and those people gave their customers the exact and accurate service, and from then on, digital is mobilized, and this is now culturalized and corporate interests. As it comes out

, it is a company that has done well in digital transformation that we usually talk about. I'm talking like this. That would be a match. Take this opportunity to drink once in this yard and wait for Sbuck to contact you. Nowadays, we said, for granted, it's the third space right now. Except when you leave home and work at work , you can meet someone at a coffee shop or study alone at a coffee shop, except for drinking almost anything . This is because it takes up a lot of time in my life . I thought it was a very old story, but now I look back on my thoughts, and I don't think it was really that way even in the early 2000s.

I don't think I've met a friend and went to the coffee shop. In the past, let's meet in front of New York Jack. Let's meet in front of the enemy as a servant. Then, now I beep in front of the pay phone . Then, think of the next coffee shop, not the sbuck . Let's have a cup of coffee is not what

we call a third space . Let's meet. Let's meet at Sbuck. Let's meet him there. Let's meet at some point at some sbuck.

right. Now, coffee is laid out as one of the basics, and this is a third place, and it is said that we have chosen Sbuck a lot as a place where we can comfortably meet, talk, and meet people who are welcome . That's why Sbuck became a landmark. Based on what you said now, you created culture twice.

President Ha allowed me to eat coffee at a coffee shop in the past, and then I made it a place where I could chat and chat while using a digital machine comfortably while using Wi-Fi . You are President Ha, right. So this is the visible and invisible strategy. I've told you once before, and I'm not trying to sell this coffee, it's a place that gives people an experience and delights, and then there's always what they're talking about. It becomes such a stag that contributes and contributes to the local community . There is something like this. It's our coffee house. Without talking like this, coffee is basically laid out, but there are a lot of hidden IT technologies and services in it.

For example, we've heard of Atlas. We only heard of Atlas, but I don't know exactly. Oh, that's great. We talk about the new world, a city that was previously submerged in water, called Atlas, and there are various meanings . The great thing about this is the location of the store, the traffic of the people in the surrounding commercial districts, the flow, and the like, and so on, and the local economy is all analyzed. Oh, if the store goes in here, I will sell a lot of coffee. People can get together well.

Inside, you have to talk about how much sales you have per month when you enter here . But if you put a store here, people can gather and comfortably gather and enjoy the local community . You're really good at packaging, and then coffee is the basics. But not only does such a commercial district analyze the store, but it also gives you data about what's in the store. There is a lot of population here. And recently, a local festival has emerged.

In a little while, the weather will be hot from tomorrow. Then, you put ice in advance, and then stock up in advance, and then there are partners there . The working people also took everything in advance and filled it up and analyzed all the parts of it and prepared for it in advance, so no one dissatisfied with it. I don't have it. Why isn't coffee coming out? That's great. Yes. Go to Starbucks for sure I'm certain the waiting time or something like elsewhere are when driven go to such an Shortly after built where the film is to wait an hour is also very mechanically, the Starbucks I came out virus in 10 seconds Star is an awful lot flocking usual It was done quickly and quickly. That fact is going bring people

do not even someone vibration level and then on what man apparently get to people watch out because a word any more hot, to give it short, even these stories these various procedures that though despite already one of the examples are things like analyze Atlas So , when it comes to preparing everything in advance, it 's not necessary to know about it because it benefits from the standpoint of our customers. It 's very careful from the standpoint of the person who prepares it. What we feel directly is the siren order, the app's frequency savings, etc. We only think about these things, but the really important thing is behind that. In a way, you know that this coffee tastes the same whether I go to a Byeolchabang in Korea,

Japan, the United States, or whatever in Spain. It 's a product called Clover, and it has a contract with Microsoft's Azure, so the temperature of the water, the amount of water , about roasting, etc. They are provided in the same format. And when I use mobile, the part of who this person is and what kind of preferences I like is already filled in the cloud. So what does this customer like? Things like this. So these are the elements in that famous flywheel Oh, what happens? You're talking about Starbucks flywheels. Yes Starbucks flywheels are so famous.

But the companies we do that all have flywheels. What such a lift Airbnb is so out room cheaper then so many more people serving them the room is the price is cheaper then our customers further more then this one yet so turning again go and keep virtuous lift Yes Uber is then driver When there are more, there are more customers, cheaper and more drivers. This is the same with Coupang. Actually, it is the same with Kakao. So, I'll ask you. Don't be nervous about Tesla.

Coupang. Tesla Coupang. Well, after Kakao, do you know what are the characteristics of Airbnb companies ? What are the characteristics? Uh... did you make money so late? Oh, these are companies that are less than 10 years old. Companies that are only 10 years old. Companies that have been around for about 10 years now, like Coupang, were companies that said that even if there were so many deficits, Kakao said that sales increased almost 3 million times . And Amazon is said to be very old , but it's only twenty-seven years old, but these companies are all digital companies and have flywheels. The characteristics of the companies I mentioned earlier are that they have achieved an unexpected big bang within 10 years .

There was no one trillion dollar company in the past. But, a trillion dollar company was created. Then, the company with a deficit became 100 trillion. Then the sales jumped several million times. This has all happened in the last 10 years. Then, the reason why Starbucks has happened since 2008 is, honestly, a company that has benefited from smartphones. You have to thank Steve Jobs.

You are too far now. right. It's a little far away, but I think that Steve Jobs didn't make a smartphone or an iPhone. The iPhone came out in 2007, and the smartphone was there in the early 2000s.

But Steve is not a gun smartphone Jobs created made all industry much less coffee industry Heavy Industries Shipbuilding it as well without having to commerce this side not it contributed kkichin His greatest mankind and caused a wind of innovation the iPhone's a lot of money in Apple It has nothing to do with earning. Then look. IPhone You caused all innovation after entering something flywheel of the flywheel is talk of innovation that had tell me now so wear out in full what the mouth Starbucks just do what Flywheel what can you tell us again point out once whether to do seep in there Let's move on


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