“ChatGPT and AI Welcome To Your Future ” with Natalie Gallagher

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hi I'm Jenny Robertson founder of the on-purpose woman Global community and founder and publisher of on purpose women magazine and I'm here to share the speaker portion of our connections over coffee Gathering of the on-purpose woman Global Community Natalie Natalie Gallagher is talking about chat gbt and AI welcome to your future Natalie is the founder of virtually Nat and co-founder of the brand new iomi digital both companies are full-service digital agencies specializing in web design search engine optimization digital marketing and Cutting Edge Technology Solutions that help companies increase revenue and streamline operations through digital business transformation she has over 25 years of combined experience in it web design and marketing she leverages open source technology such as WordPress to deliver affordable and accessible solutions to her clients she stays ahead of the curve by keeping abreast of emerging Technologies to ensure she offers the most efficient Solutions possible to her clients and The Wider world Natalie has been a Pioneer in remote works Institute since 2007 well before it became mainstream due to the covid-19 pandemic she has honed her online collaboration skills and is adept at working with diverse teams and work Styles she's physically based in Bel Air Maryland and serves clients worldwide offering digital marketing solutions to local National and Global businesses alike you can find out more about Natalie on her website which is linked to the text of this video so Natalie thank you for being here today you're on thank you Jenny um so hello everyone and thank you for the very warm welcome so um like you have already heard I'm not a stranger to Ginny um I've been in Ginny's groups for many years mainly when they were in person in Maryland before covert um and I've been in a space a couple a couple of times since then on the online zooms so thank you for having me Jenny I appreciate it So today we're chatting about something super exciting and to be honest a little bit sci-fi but you know isn't it crazy that um today sci-fi maybe tomorrow's reality so let's buckle up because we're about to embark on a super exciting Journey check GPT and AI welcome to your future so I will be screen sharing a little bit today where I'll be showing you a couple of screens and I'll be doing some demos but I'm hoping that this talk can be interactive feel free to um inter um interrupt me with questions if I'm not speaking clearly or if my accent is a bit confusing um or if I'm using jargon that you don't know the meaning of um I'm happy to be interrupted to take those questions but there will be also time at the end for Q a so if you feel like your question is like a big one um you can feel free to hold that until the end so at this point I need to put in a disclaimer because this field of AI is changing so very fast I literally log on to my computer every day and I'm bombarded with media about Ai and new advances that have happened seemingly overnight so all this information I'm about to give you is current as at the date of the presentation the preparation of my talk which is only a couple of days ago but that can and will change at any minutes and also I don't know everything there is to know about this field it is massive so saying that putting my disclaimer out there I'm happy to tell you everything I do know um so this is a wild wild west folks it really is the Wild Wild West so hang on to your horses and clutch your pearls so I'd like to ask you all the questions and feel free to put it in the chat and I will try to watch the chat and talk at the same time which is tough to do but um my question to you all is what was the first feeling that you have had or you have now or have had about the thought of AI and chat gbt becoming so prevalent around us um I really would like to know what that first feeling is for my own research so feel free to drop that in the chat alright so we're seeing curiosity come up we're seeing creepy come up anything else it's going to change us for the worse okay good I mean not good for the worst but but good feedback um openness is something new intrigued all right good good good um most people that I speak to outside of the marketing and Tech worlds their first feeling is a lot of fear um and I think that's very it's very natural it's a very it's a very natural reaction to change um it's also very natural considering we've had years of movies about how robots are going to take over our world and just create havoc now I'm not here to tell you that that's not going to happen because I can't predict the future I'm not psychic that way however I do think it's important to keep in mind that any fears that we have are being seen we're seeing it through the lens of years and years of um media so that's the first thing to keep in mind I'm not saying that your fears are not valid because they're very much are valid but understand that it is a lens that we have been exposed to for many many years all right those who are open to it and excited um that's good too and and and I'm going to show you the flip side is that it is they're people who are scared of it and are fearful they they are right as well and so the people who are hyper excited they need to take a cue from those other people's books then we need to find a balance is what I'm is what I'm saying we need to have an open mind and we need to find a balance so first let's talk about AI because AI came first so what is AI it stands for artificial intelligence I think maybe we all know that but maybe some don't so I just wanted to be real clear it means artificial intelligence and at its core it's the concept of machines and computers learning to mimic human intelligence so somebody on Facebook said loss of jobs yep also also good one and I'll come back to that we're gonna I have a whole section on some of the concerns um we're going to come back to that we're first going to talk about what it is and how to get on it and then we'll talk about about the concerns um it is going to change the job world no doubt the key is are we going to be part of that change or are we going to fight it are we going to find ways to harness it anyway I'll come back to that that little piece um and Jenny I may need time remind us so um yeah okay so AI is the concept of machines and computers learning to mimic human intelligence they can learn reason problem solve perceive and even do some creative stuff I don't know who here knows but in 2011 the IBM's computer called Watson beat humans at Jeopardy that was an example of of AI another another famous one is Google's alphago invested the world champion in go in 2016 there was another famous instance real life not movies but real life of of um Bots you know best in humans um so let's talk about a big company in the space of AI called open AI I'm not sure who here has heard about them um it is a company that was formed in 2015 so eight years ago um one of the interesting things about chat GPT is it's it's hit um the media within the last six months or so and it's been it's been massive it's exploded but this is not a new field AI is not new it's been going since I don't know I didn't even get back to when it first because I went and researched like when it first started but it's been going for a long time and open AI as a company was founded eight years ago it is not a new thing but what is new is open AI released there you go Laurie said she took a course on AI in 1987. it's not new but it's been continually developing and one of the biggest changes that's happened in the last six months and why everyone is talking about well not everyone but a lot of people are talking about it now is because this company AI released a version of the software to the public it opened up access to the public and that is and that is at the basis of what's causing all of this um this interest in chat gbt so eight years ago open AI formed and its mission was and is very Noble and I feel it's important to bring this out their mission is to ensure that AI benefits all of humanity so Lisa's is I wonder if they're going to charge for Access Lisa we're going to talk about that um so I created some bullet points based on the mission statement from openai they want to build AI that is safe and helpful to everyone in the world they want to make sure that it is safe now but also going into the future they want to share things that they learn and they want to help to create the world a better a better place even before AI is fully ready and that point is key and that will become clear later on they want to work with others to solve big problems that are related to AI because there are a lot of problems related to it and they are promising to use their control over AI to help everyone and prevent it and this is really important prevent it from being used in ways that could hurt people or give too much power to only a few so they have a very Noble mission that mission is what drove them to release check GPT to the public so chat gbt let's talk about that chap gbt is a software um and program and service that was created specifically by open AI um and it's it's a software that truly speaks human language it's pretty um Jenny mentioned creepy I don't know if she said creepy because she's seen it in action but um it can kind of feel that way a little bit so can I teach you chat GPT has been in um development for many years it was in released in November 2022 and within five days so not even a full week they had one million users so I'm going to share a graph now hopefully I can share my screen Jenny let's see if that's going to work can you see my screen thumbs up yeah okay so this is a little um graph of open Ai and and their release of chechi BTS open AI in 2015 um testing check GPT it was released in November 2022 1 million users in five days um in two months we had a hundred million users that is phenomenal growth my next slide is going to show you some other popular services and software and how long they took to reach 1 million users Netflix took three and a half years Kickstarter took two and a half years Airbnb two and a half years Twitter two years 13 months Facebook took 10 months so you can see the growth of chat gbt has been absolutely phenomenal and that is reflected in in our media so I need to go back to my presentation now I mean my notes so I didn't forget so some people put what chat GPT is it's a smart language model basically it is a chatbot and GPT stands for generative pre-trained Transformer which is techy jargon and it means that AI has read a ton of stuff and it's stored all of that information and it can generate human-like text responses in a conversational tone relative for in response to questions so it uses machine learning to reduce human-like text and can have human-like conversations one huge limitation of check TBT in his current format is it was trained on 2021 data which means that any responses you get are from 21 2021 and before there's nothing current however you can use current news and current information informing um the prompts that get put into chat gbt can use for be used for many different things it can write stories poems narrations blog articles blog posts it can do translations it can write programming code and it can debug programming code um so I'm going to show you another entry another slide here so all of these slides are created by somebody else so um I have attributions in the bottom of these slides but this is an example of how check TPT could help business owners so if um try GPT operating as a project manager for example we talk about the terminology called prompt a prompt is what you put in it's what you type into check GPT so for example as a project manager you might say something like I want to um for like one of your main project is like right down this project and make a to-do list and suggest the time frames so those points that you can see on the screen where they have little um little brackets or little um yeah brackets is where you would put in your your project um if it was a CFO for example you would tell gbt to act as a Chief Financial Officer consultant so it has the intelligence to know what that means um you would tell it what the role is so the CFO is responsible for helping me to manage the company's financial resources and then ask me the most three most important questions to help you gather necessary information so these are kinds of the types of questions that you can put in there you can frame it for who what kind of expertise you're looking for and you can ask it to put it in the format that you want it to be in there is information on you you cannot get away from the information online now where um people are giving you these prompts you can buy you can buy products you can you can write your own you don't have to buy prompts but they're all over you'll see offers come up all over for them so question in my mind is why was chat gbt released to the public because although we've got open ai's statement their mission statement which is very Noble my belief everything comes down to money and so I want to know why they really released it and um they released it because of um they want for testing really is for testing they want to understand it strengthen its weaknesses and they want to understand the applications in the real world so never forget that the fact that we have access to the software is for their testing purposes um and and it also supports open ai's core Mission which is to democratize access ibility has been banned in certain countries like Russia China Iran and North Korea and it was banned for a short while in Italy as well the Italy courts put out a um a to-do list to say we will allow access under the following circumstances and open AI made those changes and now it is available in Italy um the law is very slow like we know and so the law is try is scrambling trying to understand how to to handle chat gbt all right I'm gonna share a screen another screen on the types of plans because I don't know if you guys know this but there are different plans that um oh sharing the wrong screen there are different plans for chapter there is a free plan and there is a plus plan plus plan is 20 bucks a month I have that I need that um the free plan they can be problems accessing check gbt because they bring it down when the demand is too high you get a standard response speed um and you can't get any links so you can ask Chef TPT for references for what it's saying but you can't actually get any links to those those underlying resources however under the plus plus plan um I'll check tpt4 you can so we'll talk about that but the plus plan actually gives you um availability even when demand is high so that's why I needed the plus plan you get faster response um to the actual messages coming through so I'll demo that real quick there are different versions as well check GPT 3.5 and check t54 3.5 it's faster but the information is not as good and as thorough as chat gpt4 check tpt4 is only available on the plus plan though so I think we may be coming close to being able to actually demo this let's see okay so how to get started that's a big question I know that some of you are already using it so that's awesome but some of you are not so I'm gonna share my screen again and go into I'm going to log I should have logged out here already so that you guys can see how to do this so if you go to let's just go to um AI .com so go to openai.com and I have all of these links in a resource document that I can send to you all if so don't worry about coming down links but you would go to openai.com and this is the Open Eye website and login nope that's not going to the right place yes it is okay this is all their products they have Chachi BT but they also have Dali which is a image AI program you might have heard that one too so this is where you want to go in for chat GPT three and we are not using my husband's login we're using my login so for people who don't have an account you can just create it with your Google ID if you have one or you can sign up with an email address so they just want your email address and command don't do that because I did it I signed up with my Google address of course this would do it while we're recording this wouldn't it so it has the capability of storing all of the queries that you've done which is really handy because you can go back into these and look at them like for example oh I don't know web design verticals I asked it something to worry about what I asked it but I put in something there and it gave me the information this was back in March I still have access to that I can continue with this query and put in a new message and start there but we will start from the very beginning to start a new chat you go to new chat and it opens up this window because I have the pro account the Plus Account it gives me access to gpt4 and it also gives me access to GPT 3.5 um I am going to copy one of the prompts that I saved that you can put in whatever you want here some of those questions that we had from earlier we can put them in here and I want to show you um how well I'll get to that okay so you would paste in whatever or type in with whatever you want to do that's so my query is I have a healthcare marketing agency and I would like to find better clients that pay at least 10K a month and it starts generating it goes pretty fast because I'm in version 3.5 gives you a lot of information [Music] and say for example the first one is the finding your target audience which is marketing 101 I know this I'm in the field I know this I will say at this point that um Chachi PT has the tenancy doesn't always do it but it sometimes does it where it makes up answers may not be the right answers so you do want to check you want to verify the information it gives you I'm remarketing I know that defining your target audience is marketing 101 it's the first step however um let's say for example I'm reading through this and and I just I just want more information so I could say um um Four Points one give me five bullet points to help me Define so what I've done there is and you scroll down and it's giving me information what I've done there is I've um I've given it a way of organizing the information a little better and being much more specific this is where they talk about generative queries now I want to take the same query that I put in right at the top and I want to start a new one using check gpt4 so you can see how it might look different so I toggled across the chat topt4 it's slower however it's giving me formatting out of the gate already I didn't have to say put it in numbered list order it's giving me bold so I can read it more clearly let's say for example I don't like what it's saying I can stop it I can give it a thumbs up or thumbs down so I begin to train this session you can train sessions so for example um I could say that you are a marketing agency with um you know 10 years of experience and it will remember that throughout this entire chat you can also copy this click on the little clipboard it will copy it so now that's on your clipboard you can paste it anywhere whether you paste it into you know email or whatever a Google I mean an Instagram post you know where wherever you want to wherever you want to put it um they are also coming up with plugins for chat gbt and I actually already have one in here most of you probably don't care about SEO or search engine optimization I do because it's part of my job and so it's automatically added in a plug-in for one of the up the programs I use called keywords everywhere so I'm not suggesting you use keywords everywhere I'm just saying that when you use the software there may be plugins that become more relevant to your field and help you create prompts what this is is a prompt template so they're already talking about Job losses they're already new jobs that have been created for this prompt engineer is one of the jobs a new job that's been created for this so we will you know we will lose jobs jobs will change but there's going to be new jobs as well so for my particular thing here let's say I was interested in social media and let's say I want to create Instagram posts and I want a template so let's say I just want something I just want some captions you can ask you can put in the language what kind of tone this is really important um whether you wanted to be a dry academic tone or a humorous or funny like a humorous okay lets you put humorous and I want it to be satirical for example and my topic is going to be Vedic meditation just because that's one of the things I do and now this is automatically so this to be clear this is not part of gbt it's something that sits on top of chat gbt but it's automatically created this prompt so it says please ignore all previous instructions please respond only in the English language you are an instagramer with a large fan following you have a humorous tone of voice you have a historical writing style write an Instagram post description in a few sentences blah blah okay so let's copy that because their button is not working to execute that yet and let's I'm still in check TPT four let's create a new chat let's go to church gbt4 and put it in there and it is thinking now and it is creating me some Instagram posts which sounds pretty cool wax on wax off kids um it's got emojis because it knows that you know um Instagram is all about the oh and it's already it's automatically without me asking it's automatically put in um hashtags which are very important for for Instagram so there you have one one post you could say to her give me five more Instagram posts and there you have your Instagram now it I want to stop at this point and say how important it is though for your own voice to come in here so one thing that you can do before you even start this is you can take if you have blog posts or articles that you've written you can take those articles and blog posts post it in here and say this is an example of my writing Please assign the voice of Natalie to this piece of writing and then as part of this this other prompt that you put in first year you can say in the voice of Natalie write Instagram posts and it will bring in your tone so where are we on time I think I I need to wrap this up I haven't even gotten halfway through through my talk but that's okay um I wanted to demonstrate real quick um another type of AI for canva who here uses canva put up put up your hand canva is an image tool that's very very powerful they are also using AI I did a quick example real quick if anybody wants to learn how to use canva talk to me separately because I love canva but this was an image I was working on with their how with their help I changed the I don't know if you can notice but the second slide here is her hairstyle I changed her hairstyle and I changed the color of her hair just using the artificial intelligence and the way that I did that I see a couple open mouths in the audience yay the way I did work that was to click on the um the little image and go to edit photo and Magic edits and you will use the brush and highlight the hair I'm trying to do it real quick because because I'm running out of time and then click continue and then you want to say blonde hair oh if I could spell that would work even better and click generate and it's going to sync for a while and come up with four options that you can choose and it is as easy as that it takes a little bit of time though so you do have to give it some time so my point of this this the reason I wanted to do this talk was to show that there is a lot you can do it is not all um scary but it is very important so you can see these little options and it just changes it for you amazing stuff so let me stop sharing and wrap up here okay the reason why I'm doing these talks is to try to lower the fear associated with Chachi PT and Ai and also because we want the good people involved in this conversation this tool is massively powerful and it's going to it is changing the word of the world and we need um we need all of the the good people let's just put it that way the light workers the the spiritual workers the people who are thinking about Humanity um involved in this conversation and that is why I am part of it um trying to keep on top of all the new the new um things happening um my husband is building his own app called Lima chat that is using chat GPT as the back end um so we'll see when we get with that but this is this is why we're involved in this all right so I think we are probably at the end Jenny um I don't know if we have time for questions or not but thank you for letting me speak and hopefully it wasn't too boring and I'm happy to take questions and Jenny you're on mute I'm muted I want to thank let's let's unmute those of you who are on camera with us unmute and let's let lately hear our thanks and our Applause yes quite a lot of it for me and I want to thank anyone who's watching this also if anyone wants to join us for one of our in-person meetings in Columbia Maryland Richmond Virginia or Tallahassee Florida or one of our nine online Gatherings just look in the text of this to see our website and you can check it all out there thanks for watching everyone thank you


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