KANADA DA EĞİTİM New York Institute of Technology Vancouver

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[Music] um [Music] i'm pretty good thank you for having me and making this uh time so let's start with nyit in general and of course about you what is it that you do at nyit and tell us about nyit a little bit sure so welcome to our campus uh you are right now in our second campus in vancouver the first one is downtown and this one is still vancouver very accessible through train and buses but it is vancouver east right so many people did not know that new york tech was here in vancouver and we actually have been here since the early 2000s so 20 years right of course everything evolved with time we started very small with like 30 40 students and then in the last four years we just expended like we were maybe maintaining 200 300 students per year and now we are at 730 and the good news is we are expanding even more so we expect to be able to accept around twelve hundred students per year uh because this niche of graduate programs master's programs here in bc is an underserved niche right you have many institutions offering diplomas certificates bachelors but not many offering masters exactly exactly and like you said you guys are expanding and i've been looking around the campus and it actually looks beautiful and you guys are just like growing rapidly um for the viewers um what's your role at nyit so i am a recruitment manager which means i am the one going out there meeting agents going to fairs promoting our programs and basically take care of all the different international markets loving it uh not because uh i work here but because the the testimonials that i receive from the students they all love the program they all get amazing jobs after graduating and this is what i'm here for i want to see happy yes i'm gonna i'm gonna get into that with the uh graduates right because i know it's very important for you guys to stay in touch with graduates but i'm going to start with the question that i was actually going to ask last but i'm going to ask it first what is it that makes nyit different than all the other colleges or technical institutions uh in canada like why should um a student for example a turkish student you know pick nyit over the other ones yes so like the name says is the institute of technology so this instantly connects you to uh applied professional right so not as much academic research right so we are very hands-on school and all our masters offered at nyt vancouver are applied masters right which means we are here to prepare professionals that will be ready to join the canadian market and the same thing happens in united states so new york tech has been around since 1955. so a long time offering education of course there they have undergrad programs uh phd programs because they are our mothership they're huge over there but then um they always had this applied nature right the pixar company that menu yes you guys know pixar of course toy story yeah the the first team came out of uh new york tech grads wow so they were studying the 3d modeling and ways of doing it and then once they finalize pixar we were really interested in that and then they joined pixar team and then started to do all those movies the way they are today wow that's amazing i didn't know that why don't we talk about them about the programs that nyit vancouver offers okay yes got excited so nyit offers more than 100 programs in new york right undergrad grad phd and here in vancouver we offer master's programs graduate programs we are right now offering four different masters so we have two different mbas so a general mba and a concentration in finance we also have a master of science in cyber security and a masters of energy management so those are the four masters we are offering today but soon i will be able to tell you a couple more programs that we will start to offer as well ah all right surprise surprise i have to come back i will definitely and um so mba program cyber security energy management program um you see that that's when i heard about nyit because two of those programs right is uh very special uh especially for people who are thinking long term about settling in bc becoming a permanent resident right and uh the bcpmp has picked two of those programs right which ones are those yes so uh when you ask me which are our main selling points besides the applied nature which helps with the employability we also have those two amazing programs cyber security energy management that are eligible for the provincial program called bcpmp international postgraduate exactly and why is this program different from the other programs because we know we have you know more than me hundreds of programs the difference is uh the province uh did a research and find uh industries and areas they needed they needed uh high uh skilled professionals to fill the gap right yes so those areas were computer science i.t technology sustainability engineering so all those things are included in cyber security and energy management so upon graduation those students can apply for this program right away and they don't need one year work experience or a job offer they can apply as soon as they graduate and why why would they apply for this program because if they are approved they get 600 points into their express entry profile which is the federal program to become a permanent resident and then as you know average uh score that they need to be invited to apply has been 460 70 80 kind of around that realm and if you have 600 points on top of your existing points for sure you'll be invited to apply in the next draw which is very attractive to all students but especially students over 40 right yes they start losing points here but with this points that they get from the province they kind of secure at least the spot to be invited to apply yes of course we are not responsible for their pr application they have to take care of that all the documentations etc yes and we recommend that they talk to uh our cic icis you know what i couldn't have uh explained it better that's a big um selling point can we also like talk about if it is possible for your students to up to actually also spend some time in new york while they study here in vancouver is that possible yes and that's another advantage another selling point that i believe that in vancouver there is no other institution that can offer a direct exchange within new york right so we know that new york is a dream for a lot of people in the world especially business people right so we do have some cases of mba students that did go to new york to spend one semester and not only the location of our campus there is prime so they're very close to central park it's a very expensive real estate right they will be around all those different companies they will be like living and breathing uh the business one of the business capital of the world right which is new york so it is a possibility not only for mba but the other programs as well why because we are connected to new york we are the same company so our deans they discuss the program they built the program together and that's why the students can go seamlessly from campus to campus of course we don't recommend them to state more than one term not to risk uh you know harming their future work applications yes but because it's the same camp same company same course it shouldn't affect their uh post graduation work permit is there like one specific program that international students really love yes and those are the two programs we were talking before cyber security energy management not only because of the advantage they get with bcp and pe but also because of the field right those are the two fields that probably most demand in the world the whole world is changing to a clean uh tech where you you clean energy sources you know the electrical car revolution is happening and the whole world with the pandemic also switched to home offices right everyone's shopping online what is this cyber security increase you need more professionals defending all the information the data that goes online right so all those two areas are in high demand in the world that's why a lot of people want to enter and want to become professionals but of course they also want the peace of mind that they are investing this masters and once they are done they can get a pathway right an easy pathway to become a permanent resident yes that's for sure you have some statistics that shows like you know our students when they graduate they go straight like you know into the workforce yes and we do have a very active career services department that the students have access from day one till after they graduate so this is another tool that really helps the students to be ready for the market right because it's not only technical skills they will acquire during the program but also the soft skills how to do interviews how to write resumes how to create and expand their network so we have this department and we just recently had a job fair where we had more than 200 people attending in person so that was a record you know for us like in canada people are still a little bit you know i don't know cautious and we have more than 200 people attending 50 employers you know eager to meet those grads and as i said because our masters are applied and they're ready to enter the market they go to interview and they know what the employer wants to hear and they know how to behave themselves and of course the name of our institution we have a you know a weight on that whole process right now we are 94 of our grads get jobs within the industry so we do not uh consider jobs that are not related to their degrees we only consider jobs that are related to that degree that's very important six months after graduating but mba students yes and that's the point that i wanted to talk about it's the mba grads because mba is probably the only program we face more uh competition right the other two yes are are very unique uh and why are mba so different because of that you see people graduating and you see them going to the market with amazing jobs we have people working for google for mercedes-benz people going straight to be a project coordinator right a technical sales uh representative so did this tells me a lot about the quality of our program nyit is the only private institution in the western canada that has this accreditation called aacsb so that is a seal of excellence that only around five percent of the business schools in the world carry that and what this tells the employers it tells them that this is a program that is not only robust in terms of you know curriculum but also is graduating um ready to enter the market students wow that's very important so it's a 360 degree evaluation of your school to see if the students are actually going and joining the market with relevant job titles not as any job right right what are the uh main requirements like the general record like you know language or like you know do they need a degree right and also like uh how many intakes do you have like in a year okay so we do have three intakes per year we have spring which is january we have summer which starts in may in two weeks from now and we have fall which is september and in terms of requirements uh to be eligible to apply the students must have a bachelor's degree and we know in each different country they call different names uh you know but they usually a four-year program and if your title doesn't say bachelors in something you need to contact a credential evaluation uh institution here in canada to get a credential evaluation so they basically will see and and tell us if your degree is equivalent to a four years bachelor's in canada yes so that's first right because some degrees are three years too in different countries second language so we do accept uh ielts academic tofo ibt pte academic and are still accepting duolingo so in terms of ielts academic is 6.5 overall that they must show and then we ask them no band below six besides the bachelor's degree and the english test we do ask the students to upload their resume or cv a letter of admissions and if they have letters of recommendation especially on cyber security and energy management they are very competitive if you uh put the effort to go and ask for letters of recommendation that could be from professors or employers that you know will just make your profile more attractive right okay wow that's great um so what about um like financial awards does nyit provide like a a scholarship or an award uh any one of those yes both awesome of course for cyber security energy management we do not offer scholarships because they are so competitive and our cost we i don't know when we're going to talk about that but our cost is very competitive too compared to bc our reality here the one that we are offering scholarships is the mba program so we are offering five thousand dollars u.s each student right that applies and qualifies what they need to to have to qualify they need to have above minimum gpa so our minimum gpa for mba to be eligible to be accepted is 3.0 out of four so we use the scale of four which is kind of used around canada and us so if they have 3.1

they already qualify to apply and of course we're going to receive many applicants and then out of that we will pick the top applicants and then we will talk to them and say hey you got the scholarship and this scholarship will be paid on the next term so first they pay for the first term and then the second term they will get the the five thousand dollars award okay and another thing that you have the award another um way to see that our institutions are connected canada and u.s we recently got three of our vancouver campus students awarded with a edward giuliani scholarship which is mainly in new york they get five thousand dollars that they can apply towards a project they have created so two of our students had a education project they traveled to peru to teach communities english right to teach them how to access education so they went there they spend a month there and they use this five thousand dollars the other student uh was an energy management student and she had a project within the cleantech industry she went to texas to a conference to be presenting her project you know in front of all the different professors different universities so that was really cool to see the connection between our campus and the students can apply for different awards too not only this entrance scholarship but there are other opportunities too perfect wow that's just like uh additional information and really good to know like for future uh students so now that we talked about the financial awards and scholarships um i'm sure you would like to tell us a little bit about the costs at nyit yes so our master's programs are two years programs and the average cost is 35 000 u.s so our tuition is still in american dollars since we do we are connected and we send the money back and forth so analyzing other institutions offering programs similar programs uh we are not the most expensive school but we are not the cheapest school because as i said our goal here is the to see the students succeeding and going to the market so all this you need good professors you need good facilities right so we're never going to be the cheapest school because we are offering quality we are offering return on investment so that's the word that i use every time with the agents with the students you will invest this 35 000 dollars in your program but at the same time when you graduate you have all those possibilities to apply different visas and usually students that graduate from our programs they start making fifty thousand dollars enough like within time in the industry cyber security especially they make more than a hundred thousand right yes so it is the those areas are great areas to be in as a professional and good salaries you just have to put effort during those two years to build your resume your canadian experience your network and i'm sure you will succeed and then join a career that you're excited about vanessa thank you so much um is there like anything that you think that maybe we didn't talk about that you would like to uh add before we you know go around and like you know explore the campus i think we've pretty much covered everything i just want to remind everyone that from next year onwards uh nyt will have one big campus and will be here and we are going to be able to accept more students as well and soon we'll be able to tell you more about two other programs there ah the surprise and we are waiting for the ministry uh to disclose but there are amazing programs in amazing areas as well and i would just would like to thank you for coming and i can't wait to welcome all the turkish students in our campus oh thank you so much for bye are outside right now uh in front of nyit vanessa right yes so we just came from this building here where we have a suite where we have classrooms labs uh faculty offices which is here and we also have a suite over here this building so at broadway tech center at this time we have three suites in three different buildings and then we're going to show you the facilities yeah well nyit is growing right so you have these two buildings and um here also in the field there are also like other like big companies that i mentioned like uh early uh in the interview when i first came here like bell is here belle hsbc rbc insurance nintendo bc uh lottery nintendo we have some clothing companies here mining big mining company golder he's also here that's like actually like another um good thing for the students in terms of like networking exactly and then being here also gives us access to those people we can invite them to our career services events as well that will facilitate the network between students and employers yeah and we are very lucky that the weather it's nice and sunny so nice um otherwise uh normally in vancouver it's raining so we are lucky to actually uh show you guys um the campus here and the flowers everywhere it's very nice calming yep that's actually like you know another selling point for nyit right like it's vancouver right when people are looking for a school the city is also like so important right yes and the city i traveled a lot and i can tell the city is one of the most beautiful cities in the world you have nature you have beach you have mountains for ski so it's really like one size fits all kind of city it's very beautiful you can see the flowers growing here it's another attraction are the gardens that vancouver had and i think uh you guys also do um like a barbecue here yeah so we are right now in the outfit outside area where the students can come here any time to have their lunches and nyit student life department also plans a lot of fun activities with the students in one of them during the summer time when it's warmer we will do a barbecue here with the students on the other side we have a soccer field we have a basketball field and those are all accessible to our students that's perfect i mean like this place in my opinion it's a perfect place for the students very accessible through buses and the skytrain as well so the skytrain station is just down the street here so it's very easy to get to uh students are sometimes worried about location where they're gonna live you know calculating where the campus is right so being here you are still in vancouver but uh we are also not downtown area which sometimes is more expensive for students to live exactly so this area here is called east vancouver and it's very close to even if you want to live far away for the quit them burnaby other greater vancouver cities you can because you are connected through this country perfect all right anything else or should we uh call it again i just hope to see you guys here soon enjoying this beautiful campus all right see you guys bye [Music] [Music] you


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