BITC 2023 CEOs take on new technologies

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[Music] um already we heard from the president of the chamber and also from Mr Rajiv Kumar uh about the topic of the day and as we created the topic for the business ID conclave this is the 14th Edition of the business I take Enclave please go ahead I think one of the things which we felt was that the focus on technology can't be only seen in the light of impact of technology and business we wanted this year to focus of the impact of technology on humans and hence this year's curation has been done with that in mind I would probably like to kick off with uh you know few thoughts of my own and you know I think Mr Rajiv Kumar touched upon a few very very important points which I wanted to highlight which are not only important from a technology perspective but also from an India perspective the first thing is that I think the world that we see for tomorrow is definitely going to be Tech powered but at the same time that same world is going to be human-led and I think we do not see a world where the human ingenuity can be totally taken over by the ubiquitous Tech that we see everywhere and I'll tell you why I think so we had a session on AI and prasun did a wonderful job but I think my own personal view is that in AI while there's a lot of hype we are probably at the stage in AI like we were in internet in the late 1990s People Like Us who are talking about AI today have no clue what AI will become in 10 years time people in 1998 had no clue where Google would be they did not know what Tick Tock would be in 2020 and I think in AI we are at that juncture yes it is a hype but I think for all practical purposes I would say it is not over hyped but it is under hyped AI is going to change our lives but at the same time to say that we know how AI will change our lives is kind of going a bit too far in my mind we heard about um things like AI will solve some of our bottlenecks it will bring in huge efficiency in some parts of a business I think one of the things which we need to keep in mind is that while it will solve a bottleneck if the entire supply chain is not driven by AI it will only shift the bottleneck to another part it is like creating a super highway suddenly in the middle of two places you can take that Highway at 200 kilometers per hour but then you will go into another side and you will again get a you know traffic the other thing is something with Mr Rajiv Kumar talked about this entire need of GPU and CPU I think as technology is becoming more and more available to every one of us I think we as a country would face GPU shortage and when we get the GPU if we do not take care today we as a country would suffer because we would share you know we would be facing power shortage the amount of power which These gpus suck is humongous and as we try to use more and more AI in our lives I think India needs to solve the power crisis if it has to write the AI wave right now the power can become the more limiting factor for our AI growth as a country than just the access to gpus India is of course done brilliantly and will here today you know from Mr Sanjay also about what we have done on the I.T side but overall India has done a brilliant job of creating an I.T superway I think the way we have been able to bring digital into each of Our Lives is amazing but at the same time you know if we do not solve some of these broader issues at a policy level at a regulatory level we will struggle India will take some time before things which are already happening in the west like autonomous cars you know we have cars running around in San Francisco they have completed about 50 million miles without any you know Fender scratch India will take some time to get there but if you look at India which is having so many languages so many different cultures latest technology around multilingual generative AI based Frameworks where it can not only talk to you in different languages it can also talk to you in different you know with different feelings you want them to talk a bit aggressive you want them to talk a bit more softer you want them to talk they you know talk in a more supportive way in a more empathetic way all these are realities which can come into India in a big way and I think Mr chakraborty talked about it that it will solve the rich issue for us and definitely it will change the jobs of the future I think some of the jobs which are coming up now like you know prompt design manufacturers from design managers visual artists I think these were not even heard of you know probably just a few years back but the coding needs will remain I think AI can probably at this stage be more of a companion more of a co-pilot and some of these terms are being used by some of the large you know Cloud providers in the world but as a co-pilot it will not yet become the pilot as a companion but it will not yet fully do the coding and to that extent the coding needs would continue yes some of it will be taken over by AI but we are looking at probably close to 500 million apps which would be created over the next three years in this world and to that extent the jobs will change but some of the jobs will also remain so with that as a context maybe I'll you know move around this August panel we have surrender Gupta ji from mstc Mr Gupta maybe I'll start with you you know your views around the e-commerce Revolution and what you think would probably make the change in the next one to 18 months one year to 18 months thank you thank you Mr basso uh we had a very interesting topic today and Mr Rajiv principal secretary I.T West Bengal has taken us through the basically evaluation evolution of mankind to Mechanical Revolution and now the it Revolution Mr chakravarti has very well said that none of us is left untouched by I.T District when we are sitting here not only we even the last man in the country is perhaps some way or other affected connected with I.T as on date there is lot of discussion as Mr Basu has put us across that AI what it will be I agree that still we are at the tip of iceberg as far as the AI is concerned and we never know where it will finally reach evolve but one thing I'm sure any system designed by Human Being Human mind cannot match the human capabilities so whatever technology whatever systems we develop it has to be controlled and it has to be led by the human kind only of course in the Press process of evolution there will be ups and downs there will be uses there will be misuses so everything will be taken care of as we progress further the mankind progress further from this being in government sector msdc is a e-commerce company and we have seen the changes it can bring in the processes we have spoken about the how IIT impacts us as far as the reach is concerned as far as the efficiency is concerned apart from the efficiency and reach it is a big transparency tool fairness is something which is built with the use of it and that is what government is trying to bring today that more and more I.T

in everybody's life so that the delivery to the and my delivery to the person standing at the end of row gets the benefit in a transparent way Fair Way and it has minimize the corruption to a larger and so the petty inconvenience that a poor man a illiterate man had so those are slowly Vanishing we see msdc the com the company was set up for Import and Export of scrap it was a canalizing agent for scrap subsequently it entered into selling agency business for scrap when this crab was put on put in under ogl and in 2002 mscc took a very I'll say baby step physical auctions what changed to the manual option if we all know the how the scrap is sold and dealt perhaps this crap dealer are one of the most I mean I'm talking of 2002. these crab dealers were mostly illiterate person they had lot of money but very limited education we could see many of people were put there thumb impression they could not even sign but that was the kind of community who very well accepted this change their next Generation came now the situation has come and in country there's hardly any physio physical auction not only scrap perhaps each and everything is going through e-option mode only even Supreme Court has said that any government resource has to go through the auction model e-precurement mode so that is the kind of revolution the use of it has brought so from 2002 when we started the scrap option after that almost everything minerals auctions mines auctions were put under scrap we have seen lot of controversy arounding the allocation of call blocks and after the supreme court judgment msdc was engaged as a service provider for allocation of call blocks and there is absolutely no controversy around the process now all mines are being sold by msdc platform msdc platform without any kind of allegations there are bidders many times who have gone to courts but the court has established the transparency that the processes have brought about in the auction methodology so that is the strength of i t e-commerce that the processes can be built in a very Fair transparent way today msdc's volume of business in auctions and deeper government is more than three lakh Road and mstc's business is primarily for the government sector so that is the kind of resources being put on under auction and e-procurement by government so that's a huge step by the government for making the total processes transparent all kinds of minerals the agree powders Agri products is another area where we have very I mean the people who are very and Mild people the farmers who may not be their education level may not be that good so they are also very well adopting to this kind of I.T based processes because as the computing power has increased the processes have been made more and more customer friendly as Mr Basu spoke then language multilinguist so all the applications are slowly being converted to multilingual platform so the person knowing whatever language is not important so it's not only the English or Hindi so the person can talk to the IIT systems in the language of his preference so that is the power of i t and uh another thing is now with these Spectrum auctions going on where msdc has contributed by allocating the Spectrum 4G as well as 5G now government is in process of allocating satellite space based auctions s band C band will be much more important today we have the I.T Highway escape a lot of cable lot of

data transmission speeds are there but the user sitting at the end so there are the problems could be the connectivity I expect at my home at my factory is sometimes not as per my expectations so with these space bands Last Mile bands after the auctioning after the its use in the field will be able to connect everything every machine in a factory every equipment in a home will be connected sitting in your office you can see what is being have what is happening in our homes we can switch on the AC we can switch off the AC all the machines in a factory can be connected so sitting in a office everybody can money monitor the performance my car if I am driving a car so the my OEM company manufacturer can see that which are the systems which are not working in order which are the systems which need repair so perhaps they can give us an input that your vehicle needs to go to a workshop for a checkup or some kind of repair so that is the kind of power it is going to bring in our hands so these are the things some things we can visualize as on time as on date but there are things which as Mr Basu pointed out we cannot visualize and it they may become Realty in due course so what I can say is very interesting time ahead for the People of Our Generation and especially the people who are young our kids our grandsons granddaughters definitely they will see the much better time ahead and I will compliment the Bengal Chamber of Commerce who has organized such a beautiful conclave I'm sure by all the networking and connections will have lot of input in the technology thank you thank you thank you Mr Gupta so we will uh you know go over to a technologist and Mr sadashiva uh maybe would be good to hear your views about you know as you hear about the business side of things the necessity of you know I would say moving to hybrid Cloud deployments how different Industries are you know sort of adopting that and you know some of your thoughts around the best practices maybe of such deployments maybe if you can elaborate a bit for us thanks anupa and good morning to everyone so interesting conversation uh I just want to start with what happened in the morning today I was taking a flight out of Bengaluru and coming here and there was this elderly gentleman who was talking about chat GPT to one of his uh grandson perhaps and you know he was saying is there an app for all of this and you know can I download this what can it do it was a side conversation but that triggered a thought right in terms of where Technologies are really coming into play today we are talking of lot of AI based capability in the in in technology space today and the number of use cases are tremendous you know Infinity is the number of use cases that you can really have so in that context uh you know I just want to throw back a few things in terms of the other changing paradigms right as we speak about these front-end Technologies whether it is iot in the car or whether it is digitization across the board or whether it is an AI tool that we have I would go back to about four fundamentals that really kind of shape up all of the activities that we are going to do you know I call it the text decs the d stands here for the data part of it right any artificial intelligence is as intelligent as the data that you would provide to it and today looking at data there are multiple things that you need to worry about one is the volume of data the variety of data the veracity of data there's so many things that one needs to look at when you're really coming to the active data that you need to put into use an interesting stat that might astonish you is out of whatever we generate it's it's only about 4.7 percent of data that's really been put into usage today so imagine if you have seen the movie Lucy you know you put your brain to test and it really scales over a period of time you are actually not doing Justice to the amount of data that's there and you know you could use it for intelligence intelligence means Innovation Innovation means time to Market it's a long long activity around it the second fundamental I see is around the Edge Edge here I mean all connected devices you know beat the hundreds of iot devices that you find in the car to whatever Edge that you have on your plan devices what's growing here is uh when you when you kind of look into that Digital World between what is virtual and what is physical you will find that you will get connected and you're creating a lot of experiences around it you know how do you know that you're going to reach home early today is not by a virtue of staying in this in the city for this long but what Google Maps tells you right you know your conventional wisdom is thrown out of the window and you're looking at a map right you better will say that so so or you could be challenged by your wife when you say you're going to come home at 40 minutes and it says one hour there so you're going to create a lot of experiences be it AR VR as a technology or XR that we saw as in use case here all of this essentially means that experience quotient and the amount of data that you're going to create at the edges lopsided you were creating a lot of data using structured data SQL and you know databases and stuff like that that's out of the window today you're going to create a lot of data at the ages 60 to 65 of your data is going to come out of the edge so that's a foundational change that I see next is the experience that you have around consuming it today I think many of us have seen the cloud evolution from being something like procuring few devices going through a life cycle there you're essentially doing self-service you're getting whatever you want at the click of a button so that is an experience that's here to stay it's going to not go down the drain everyone would want to do it very very differently and the last part around my tech strategy is around security as and when we open up a lot of our devices the landscape really grows very very big so it's important for us to look at that landscape and figure out how you can secure your transactions across the board right it's good to get an access to an application but remember you're opening up a port right into that into your device you know data could be you know anything and everything can happen and in India the entire landscape around threat and security is really really growing so these are the fundamentals that actually crossed my mind on up when you look at the new age experience that we need to have this also leads to one more thing that's happening today and very pertinent I would feel because Arna brought up the word hybrid hybrid essentially means that your it landscape today is moving from Edge devices to the cloud so anything in and around it is is your I.T landscape the boundaries are diminishing and a business requirement today is that your applications and data needs to reside everywhere you you can't say I will go to the bank to get your money today you would want the bank on your hand phone and you know how many of us have really gone to the bank in the recent few days we have never gone to the bank so when you're talking of a spectrum like that you know you're essentially talking of your it landscape to have spread from The Edge to the core and to the cloud today so so that's that's the given situation uh as as we speak but what do we have today what do we have is essentially a public Cloud experience or an on-prem experience right these are the two experience that we carry the need today however is to have something that manages both of this together you know your multimodal I.T as we call your ability to work with what you have and also have the experience that you get on the cloud is becoming very very important that's a significant chain that I see as we look at and you know organizations are looking at getting that hybrid experience so it's not the cloud it's the cloud experience that matter how do I buy my Provisions today I carry a bag my son would use an app to do it so that's the cloud experience that we have bought on to the it table as well so we are talking of cell service capability we are talking of unlimited scalability of resources so that's another chain that I see as we speak of the new age applications in terms of how all of this is really really Transforming Our Lives it needs to happen on these fundamental changes as well so you know thought towards looking at your own strategies of enabling that experience to be very good depends on how you develop your devs you know Tech strategy right how do you ensure that your data is relevant you're collecting all the edge data for the right insights how do you retain the cloud experience and how secure you are I think that's the big fight as we speak today right you know that's where the hybrid world comes into play a lot of players people coming in from the cloud side who would want to give you the cloud you know hybrid experience people who are coming from the on-prem side who want to give you that experience so that's the Battleground that's the new kurukshetra that you're going to see and you'll have to decide you know who's the person of choice or a vendor of choice who's going to make the appropriate decision for your business and I think uh very interesting thoughts and something which we can possibly even think as this you know Revolution keeps continuing uh how this will start morphing even more but with that I think uh I'll come over to Mr Sanjay Das uh Mr Sanjay tell us a bit about Bengals foray into security and the security infrastructure that we have been able to create the kind of use cases which you are you know looking at and uh the kind of use cases which you think will help build this digital public infrastructure in a big way because security is something which you know it is always discussed but probably the least invested in many cases so would like to know about that thank you everybody and I hope it is still morning so have good morning to everybody first of all you know I would start with a catchline called so with that you know with the with the Advent of especially India's as well as particularly these states Journey towards a secured infrastructure in the I.T domain it all started when in 2016 we were actually engulfed with ransomware attack one after another between 200 2016 and 17 we witnessed ransomware like Pattaya not Peter and wannacry just like you know what I hope one night driver's middle and then there were two on the both sides so ah and still today people are really worried what were the iocs that incident of compromise how long that each of the organizations took to respond so I'd go back and you know tell you a real story like United Nations in 1952 1954 actually created disaster management vertical so they thought that the global change with the global changes you know after second world war a lot of industrialization was just around the corner happening on the verge of happening so they understood that you know the world will not be the same by the time Hiroshima nagashiki was there so a lot of you know global warming and other threats to the environment were looming in every possible manner so they thought that there should be a proper standardized process to deal with disaster so the disaster management vertical was created in United Nations you might be thinking why I am referring to this just imagine in 2004 that means after 50 years they created the vertical called disaster risk reduction so it took United Nations and the you know Unity of Nations 50 years to understand you cannot manage a disaster it is far better to actually try and reduce the risk of it so as we are speaking here sitting here and talking about information technology most of our you know devices are connected to multiple networks or redundant networks if it is connected to my dongle in my pocket or to the free internet Wi-Fi being provided by Third City so you know it is it is continuously uh identifying the same with my uh you know intent to remain connected so the the whole thing actually was the real reason behind behind those ransomware because people actually went ahead to get connected without taking due precaution or didn't think twice to reduce the risk of what is going to come so disaster risk reduction is the only way forward just Mr sadashiv ended by you know enumerating lot of points but he ended with security so when he ended with Cloud security I would like to pick it up from there because today not only the OEM driven Cloud that we are seeing we are also witnessing an avalanche of hybrid clouds so there is you know everybody is trying to enjoy the best of the both sides so if you if you go and see even in the state governments and the central governments you would see even when people you know the governments are having their own data centers they would rather prefer for some applications the private Cloud some application hybrid Cloud some would only take you know database as a service for high computational value you know multiple types of things are happening so in West Bengal we are having a clear idea of what we are doing post 2016 we have been bringing out you know structured policy in every aspect and with regards to security we thought that if we do not actually take it as a business case the security orientation will not grow in this state so in the year 2017 we created cyber security Center of Excellence it is nearly six years old so immediately after creating it we created we had the first national level conference on cyber security and post that we completely focused our attention into development of Professionals in multiple fora that means we actually invested heavily in in developing startups in security then supported a lot of professionals working individually with actually assessing the use case in the government then handshaking with them to create solutions for those government use cases then allowing them to conduct POC with the government data coming to that you know government is actually sitting on tons of data captive data without understanding the power of it everybody is saying that you know every organization is trying to actually use the data but consent driven data usage is a threat to that if you read gdpr if you read CCPA you would never touch data because gdpr says our rule follows our data so if you go to CCPA it is only penalty penalty penalty so there is nothing else you know in every line there is penalty so if if you really read those rules you are not going to touch the data so where do we stand we have structured i t you know act even when everybody is waiting for the Privacy Act to come up I would rather ask all of you here and Beyond please go back and read the it Act and the associated rules with that there are many many You Know Places which if used properly we can very well ensure that data privacy could be you know actually handled in a more pragmatic way to that state government of West Bengal has been the Pioneer in launching a hackathon on data anonymizer what is data anonymizer as government is sitting on top of you know huge and you know great lake of public data or public transactional data for that matter let me tell you most of the you know startups today are failing because they are unable to access the live transactional public data because they are actually you know conducting their POC on Legacy data when they are bringing out that solution and allow the users to work upon that then they are not getting good results because by that time usage variance led to change of data so it is high time we shared our public transactional live data with our children who are creating you know there's this startups and all so how to do that so that's why it comes anonymizer data anonymizer is a tool which actually identifies the attributes in an information which are you know particularly person oriented or personally identifiable they are being identified and strained that means just like a you know strainer it strains just like tea leaves from the tea and the anonymized data is created in a data Lake let me give you an example of data Lake the aadhaar data is our data Lake you are not giving access to it that's does not mean that it is an anonymized data because on the other side of it it is not an anonymized data at the same time we used without knowing or unknowingly the data Lake of during our Corona period because the entire Health Data was collected and given to the industry for usage and Community to use and that's why that's how we fought with it so this anonymized data Lake will actually provide the government data for the startups and to for your information on 12th of August we be holding the final round of it and before that even we have received first you know this patent from our 836 participants so those Solutions will enable our startups and organizations Industries to use government data the data that the state government is having in its 52 departments so the these are the things that businesses can take actually note of and then start Building Solutions upon it when we talk about business insecurity often the solution providers forget about the expanse of a state government let me tell you our state government has more than 36 hundred that means 3600 you know Gram panchayats 343 blocks each of the blocks is having nearly thrilled act population 69 subdivisions 23 districts and more than 10 crore population the highest amount of personal consumption in Internet the highest number of dual connectivity in Telecom the highest number of you know rural women folks using internet so we are actually at the threshold of a situation of of uh you can say of of a time where if business is actually generated upon this uh you know key performance indicators Security will be another key factor to enable it securely so that's why five years back there were actually there were there was no one no solution provider no one who has an or had an office in Kolkata today most of the solution providers are having good Offices here and not only that they understood the you know expanse of it only three two three days back I sat with Mr sudeep Das of tenable and understood how exposure management system could do wonders for you know the entire network and you know data centers and and and the connected systems and devices so it is time that government talked to the industry industry came and participated with the government efforts and collaboratively the you know business ecosystem develops and that is what is happening in Bengal and thank you Mr Das so I I know that we'll come for maybe a final comment to all of you but before that if you have any questions for our panel uh maybe we can take a few questions yes please go ahead just tell us who the question is for please and then give you ask your question hi I'm Amar Agarwal and I'm a business consultant uh this anybody could answer AI or in fact when we come to Securities you know small firms small people they use just plain simple antiviruses right but when it comes to see when they have 10 people 15 people in the organization and there are leakages data Man Financial transactions all sorts of things now I have these questions coming to me I'm not an ID person and it becomes very difficult for me to you know help them because whenever they go to a higher category software company their charges are 25 lakhs 50 lakhs maybe a crore or something like that now how do medium-sized companies small scale companies take care of all these issues that we are facing today and now ai has become something you know again it's a big thing uh thank you so much I forgot to tell actually in 20 just have a seat in 2020 uh nascom brought out a report wherein it it wrote actually if I am not wrong that around 25 lakh you know Security Professionals were needed in the country between 2020 and 2025 and we don't have 2 lakh professionals so you understand why we are not having the two lakh profit more than 2 lakh because those who are actually getting graduated post graduated or you know special specific certification in security they are working for mnc's other countries work from home has done that so most of the MSM is just like you are talking about or startups they don't have proper type of you know security consultancy the thing that I am you know referring to here similarly in case of AI and others so right now what it is needed and that's where whisping all started the you know you can say Revolution three years back West Bengal created diploma in cyber security and it got aict approved and this year you know from two colleges to polytechnics you know 60 60 120 uh this Polytechnic pass outs are coming up and all of them have been taken up or laptop by just you know startups msme's mid-size companies of our country so and today after three years around one thousand polytechnics across the country they have adopted this you know cyber security diploma course similar things have to apply you know we need to bring in you know this this type of course curriculum specific industry-centric courses in the Polytechnic or vocational trainings so that organizations like yours need not go to such an expensive you know company to actually attend to that and with regards to privacy I would say that if we do not collect unnecessary data we need not protect them but if we collect unnecessary data just like if you ask my father's name it is of no use to you but you have the you have you know explicitly given consent to protect my father's name so that is how we should look towards privacy without getting frightened at you know how to how to comply do not accept or collect the data so need to know basis if you do not have any need to know don't know so that is one thing about privacy and for you that if we start you know creating courses curriculum in the school colleges or or polytechnics vocational level they the the products will definitely attend to organizations like yours and and course of others thank you any other questions hello I'm from LK mine tree well I have a question for for all the people around here that the theme being that we are actually looking for connected devices and we will be presenting them to our business for acceptance now in this forum actually we are all talking about AI isn't it now now suppose I present a scenario to you that a company comes up with a product where it can fit it to their automobiles which will sense using their proximity sensors and it can trigger whether a accident is imminent or not okay and it's going to give you a beep if the person sitting behind the driver seat is is not careless then he has to manually switch off the width so that system understands that he has taken the manual control if the person is not switching off the beep then the system is going to park his side park his car to the service Lane and it's going to dial the Emergency Services now suppose this is a scenario and these are product which has been created by a company now suppose we have got five more companies who have also created product in the same lines okay now these companies goes to a set of business person they say that sir we have got products from five companies now you being a business person now suppose you don't have that much expertise in it right now but you have got the hunger for acceptance of Technology okay so what are the yardsticks based on which you would be actually accepting the product even that there are five providers okay why I am saying is because suppose in case of our Androids we have a score known as antutu score so which actually qualifies the overall rating for our Android device so when we are talking about the products which are created by AI Technologies uh don't you think there should be a concert team or or a body who should be giving the rating to the product so that the business who is coming they should be actually looking into the ratings of that product instead of trying to digest the knowledge of AI and then trying to understand that what features are offered so this concept of rating of AI products should also be there isn't it for for a Layman business to accept the usage it's as good as suppose you go to buy a car your wife say that I want the red color car however you have to you have to keep the question short I would like to take a few more questions okay so I think I've understood your point uh so I think the maybe I'll attempt to give an answer and you know if you can just add on see the technology has to mature for regulation to come in and ratings to come in uh as I said before that AI is very new and I think it's you know even the use cases are being found out uh as we go along the journey so there would be different products coming in different products trying to compete some would remain some would die some would get you know sort of swallowed up by another Product Company that's how we have seen most of you know the digital Technology Innovation and the digital Revolution happen where you know some companies would grab over some others and it is a very accusative environment for technology but I think we are all saying that we need regulation we are all saying we need ratings but for Ratings to come in the benchmarks have to be you know decided it needs to decide what we want I think as of today the world itself is divided as to what we want so but if you can add on yeah a few things with respect to autonomous cars I I know very closely zenziac which is a Volvo company who's doing autonomous cars globally and the kind of work that's going there so you know firstly it's about what you're going to deliver while while looking at AI per se and regulating it you have it has versions that are available and conformance to those versions that really matter when it comes to technology that you really spoke of so it again goes down to what is the requirement and what is it that you would want to achieve in the ways and means could be varied whether it is through AI or whether it is through intelligent data that you've collected or it is the host of other things that you look at and then bring that Intelligence on to it so and and in in terms of maturity of Technology yes it's still a long way around you know we spoke about some regulations that's going to happen but till then the kiosk is going to be there right so in that context you will have to kind of work that through but let's focus on what's the outcome you know instead of regulating Ai and doing what it needs to be done how is it really delivering autonomous car capabilities or it has capabilities is what we need to look at thank you thank you sadashiv I think uh okay I'll take one last question sir from you in the green shirt can I take a question okay ma'am go ahead okay I have a question related to the certification regarding the reliability of AI systems because sometime back I was quite shocked to hear that there was a case this even squats in in the north New York who was uh penalized legally because he used chap GPT and they came up with false cases so how can this happen in an AI related environment and how do we know when we're using something like chat GPT that the information we are getting is correct and not false I think this is a very critical part of AI that we need to look at so yeah what are your thoughts on that I think with generative AI I think you will probably have more and more situations where you can not really look at a video or look at a report or look at a document and understand whether it's true or false or whether it's it has been completely generated even pictures are you know fully generated in generative Ai and I think regulations around reliability are still quite a distance away in my mind so as I said we are running a bit against time because we have speakers lined up and I think as you were saying that in the I.T Enclave today we have sessions on connected systems we have sessions on Robotics and automation we have sessions on infrastructure another session on generative AI which is going to come up so I would probably say that you know stay on enjoy the day and listen to some of these speakers who are coming up many of your answers would be answered questions would be answered in those sessions because those are more specific uh to this you know different topics we also have a session with our colleagues from Bangladesh we have a delegation from there who are also going to discuss some of the issues which they see in their country but with that I'm gonna if I can bring this session to a close uh handing it back over to you I I will come over to you and we'll get take the question offline thank you so inclusion of the formal opening session and I would request Dr bhattacharya co-chair person of IIT committee and chairperson of IIT entrepreneurs and e-commerce Committee of the Bengal chamber and CEO of White City to please uh share with us the way forward thank you so much so my sincere thanks to the Learned speakers for the wonderful insights sincere thanks to the distinguished guests for your patience so just to add one point on the way forward the evolution of products into intelligent and connected devices which are mostly today embedded in broader systems has created a radical shift in processes in organization structures and relationships industry boundaries getting blurred competition getting redefined as one of our distinguished guests was speaking about see today a tractor manufacturer does not compete only with the tractor manufacturer tractor manufacturing has evolved into farm management leading to seed optimization for example Soil and Water Conservation irrigation drainage and Analytics so so tractor companies are actively into analytics and the days have come when they are also competing with analytics companies today uh an entertainment provided at home or AC manufacturer or a security device manufacturer does not compete only with the product he or she competes with a smart home provider so with industry boundaries getting blurred competition getting redefined in my opinion The Way Forward should be rethinking of strategy by companies when we talk of rethinking of strategies we need to appreciate the fact that platforms are becoming key instead of products competition is between systems and not between products connectivity is becoming more and more critical and therefore collaboration becoming most critical and hence it's important for companies to start reimagining their business models re-evaluate their value chains reconnect with customers and rebuild organizations in terms of skills now on behalf of the Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industry we would like to continue our commitments to enable and encourage msmes and startups the Bengal Chamber of Commerce industry has evolved from being a platform of networking and collaboration to hand-holding businesses today and therefore our Endeavor would be to connect MSA means startups with larger organizations create support connecting them with VCS bees and other interested stakeholders thank you so much for everything would you like to conclude no I think we've had quite a few deliberations I think as I said in the beginning it's been my privilege to chair this session also I think we have a few sessions which I think would be very very informative for the audience would request you to listen to some of those we have curated some focused discussions on AI on connected systems connected platforms and the focus is of course technology for humans I would probably finish by saying that I still believe that the future is going to be human-led tech-powered and not the other way around thank you ladies and gentlemen [Applause] foreign to please present a token of our appreciation to Mr surinder Kumar Gupta to Mr ranganath Sada Shiva I would request Dr bhattacharya to please present took enough for appreciation to Mr Sanjay Dash thank you so we are closing the opening session here and the next session very interesting session uh it is on security what's next Beyond nessus you were requested to stay seated please


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