【一席】Bibop G. Gresta:第五種出行方式--超迴路列車(Hyperloop)

【一席】Bibop G. Gresta:第五種出行方式--超迴路列車(Hyperloop)

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And. The chairman. And chief operating, officer, of the, Hyperloop, transportation, technologies, my, team called me chief, bebop officer. So. I don't know what for you guys if it's the same but for me, transportation. Is broken so. If you analyze what's happening in our city. People. Are piling, up and we are building sitting or or it's on telly and you, know cities. Like Shanghai, are. Basically, sinking, onto itself and it's happening everywhere in the world even in Venice or somewhere. Else if you analyze the, traffic that, we are building up we're, building more roads and, the more Road we build the, more cars are, in, this road so, at the end of the day I think we will all die, by, our own, pollution, that's, how it will end up but, we, think we have a better solution to analyze. Our future, we should look. At our past right, so. We. Want to bring you to the past and, it's the, year, 1870. And a, very courageous company. Called. California. Pena, Matic Beach transit. Started. To build something, that it will become the, new, york subway and, it was a train, inside. The vacuum like, the system that we are building right now and it, was if, you look at the. Historic. Images, it was, pretty, comfortable right but, after a year they basically went bankrupt they did I add the technology. To build that in. 1904. A famous. Inventor, Robert. Godard tried, to do the same again, there was a train inside. The tube and was, supposed to connect New, York to, San Francisco, and it, was claiming to be able to arrive at 300. Km/h there. Were studies. About, how, human, being can die at, that speed at the time so, there was a lot of naysayers, in. 1969. The American government, published. A document inside. Popular, science, through, John Volpe it was the Ministry of Transportation there. Famous guy at the time and he, was disclosing. For, a secret, travel. System they, were actually, very similar to the Hyperloop so. And and the, imagination. Of people went, on and on we've seen you know the Jetsons. Inside. The Simpson, there was a similar, Hyperloop. Like transportation. System, even, Disney designed, something, in the 60s, that, was very similar so, when Elon Musk the, billionaire. Genius came, out with the, idea to, build something, like the Hyperloop, and he named it the Hyperloop, he was too busy in SpaceX. Tesla, and SolarCity and, he said I cannot build it so whoever wants to build it just, pick it up and do it so. How. I get involved, in this project is very funny. Because I, was in, a complete different, environment. I started. Up when I was really young. As. A child, prodigy. I was. A knocker and 40. Became, a. Developer. For a multinational company but. My, passion was music, so I created a record he hit the first place in the chart and then I started, all of a sudden of turning Europe singing. And dancing, and during. My career I did 20, records and six number-one, they. Offer me a job in MTV, I accepted. I was hosting, shows was, fine but. My. Knowledge. About, money. Was very scarce. Because, I wasn't making a lot of money and I need, to to, make money to live it right so, I started to think yes famous, is good but I should, make, some money right so I.

Created. My first company, it was called bebop and it. Was basically putting together all my knowledge I was doing internet, in, video, and, combined. Together, I created the biggest. Community. That. I sold, for. A lot of money for, it a telco company, with, that money started to invest in startups. I created 68, startups. Three of them brought it in the IPO, it, was a dream come true, but, Italy. Was too small for me so, I moved to America in, search of something, bigger I wanted. To change the world so, I was, in a meeting and. A, friend, of mine introduced, me to a very interesting, guy, it, was a German big. Guy tall. It seems a giant, but it's in reality, is like a teddy bear it's very very friendly, and, he started to speak to me in Italian hey Chacko nice tie yeah Laura cuz I have a father and, he was like surprised. About his knowledge. Or, read in Italian, and he was starting to explain to me you, know when, Ilan published, the idea I took the idea published. In my sight and I. Am crowdfounding. It and come sourcing, it and, I was what, crafts, what, yeah, basically I put together, this. Document. Is I'm excited, and ask whoever, wants to join I will, give stock, option, to, everyone. That wants to participate and, what happened I have 200, people working for me I was like what, yeah. But these. Guys will, be students, right no, they were the biggest, and, more is martes people in the planet, scientists. From every. Industries, now as the Tesla, SpaceX Boeing. The. Smartest. Mind came, together and, said, we, want to do it we want to help out and also big companies, started. To contribute, Microsoft. Gave software. And Ciskei, v'. Computing. Power and an amazon, and the list goes on and on so Dirk, al born my business partner, we became partners, in. 2014. And we started to work out what it is now the, most advanced, transportation system. Jump. Start was, the start of everything it's, a crowd source inside but it's more than that we, are demonstrating. That, we can solve the biggest problem, in the planet by putting together the best people all, around here, there's, probably the smartest, people. In, this, region and if, we come out together we. Can solve a lot of problems and, then start, to think what, we can do if we multiply. This you power for.

Ten, Times hundred. Times a billion. Times that's. What's happening, right now and that's, a way to, solve humanity's problem. What's, the I per loop is very easy, there's. A capsule, inside the capsule there are 28, people and, we. Levitate, this capsule, inside the tube we're, back um-- the tube in, a way that. We are simulating the, same atmosphere, that you have above. 200,000, feets, so, basically, we are doing exactly the same that, the airplane, does when they are above the sky there's no resistance, so, the lack of resistance allow, you to move the the capsule, at almost, the speed of sound that's, as simple, as that so. We, build the system using, a. Compressor. In front so, the compressor is able to suck air and to, push it on the back so, the residual, air that is inside the tube is basically sucked up and pushed, on the back it's, not that complicated and as. You see there's, no resistance inside the tube so we can go fast with very few energy, this is the key because, you know the other system. Are yes. Levitating. But, the energy that you require to move the training for example in a high speed rail is too much that's. Why we are more efficient, than any other system, we, use renewable. Energy, and not only renewable. Like, the Sun, we're also looking, at annalistic. Way to, use wind to. Use a, kinetic. Energy, inside the tube so, the wind itself, that, there is inside the tube is generating, electricity and we can harvest, this, electricity, and. Basically. Be more efficient, we also use regenerative. Braking, what does it mean we, consume energy while, we accelerate, but we can recoup, energy, while we brake and in, climates, that Solar is not that efficient, we can use geothermal. So. We are able to produce more, electricity than, we consume it's. Amazing. So we have a system that actually can sell energy to. The grid. Now. If you look on how we build today the structure. It's build on pine on the, reason why we do this is very simple pylons, are earthquake. Efficient, it. Means that we can resist the air to wake above. 8.0. Richter. Scale and, this system was there since the 80s you know we build pipelines. All, over the world and already. Demonstrated. That this system are, the. Strongest, and the better way to. Develop. Because they footprint. That we have on the ground is, very minimum with, a foot, per six so, then the landowners are very happy for. For us a pylon. Is an eco system so, we are looking at new ways to, develop this, as. Be. Able to nest birds. Animals. Reproduce. Plants. And also clear, the air were able to absorb. Carbon dioxide there. Is oxygen. So, the people living around there are breathing, better air. When. We are talking about a system like this we have to consider, how, we built, the inside because, you know the experience, that the people has to feel doesn't. Have to be claustrophobic, or. Like. Feeling, enclosed. Into, a jail. Laying, down so. We, have designed, the capsule, in, a way that's very similar to an airplane but. We, can't build, windows. Because, of the, dynamic. Shape of the capsule, but, human. Eyes looks, at. 120. K the definition, that we see in, reality, above. 15, k we, already tricked we cannot distinguish, reality so. What we do is we put screens, at 15, K and more and we, are able to show you outside or, maybe. If you want to travel in another place, you can select it or, you, want to travel. In the future or in the past we, can do that so, the entertainment. Experience, would be one, of a kind the, system. Is basically, and, done, in, a way that is frictionless, so. All the very broken things I don't know you guys went in the airport it sucks just. So. Many things broken, I mean you go there you wait forever there's, a line and, they, check you and we discovered, that all these checks doesn't, really, are effective because, if, you want you can literally, you, know bring, some very bad things out there so, what we have done is completely different from, the moment it comes to arrived to the station the. Capsule. Is composed, of two elements so, the outer shell, detach and, the. Inner shell is able to go to your, pod and, the part is the, arrival. Place. Where people can disembark. Of course we pass through a airlock. So the pressure goes. Down in 15 seconds, and you're able to disembark. And the, capsule, proceeds, and it's. Able to basically be, ready to, embark, people, and. Seamlessly. And the, experience. That you have to experience is not the one that you are at you have in the airport right now I don't know you but I feel like in, a military. System. After, I pass the check-in I feel, like I'm inside. Something, that it's a bubble that I cannot exit, in, our system, it's frictionless. You enter, there's, a passive, scan that analyze all around you and the atoms, that you are emitting so, we are able to do passive scanning, and we stopped only the people that are not. Bringing. What, we like and you, know we can see they're safe and the. General, experience that you have is very comfortable, you come there you have seven minutes to load inside the capsule if you don't take this capsule there's another one so, we, conceived, it as easy.

As The, eye pearl of concept, itself we. Our departure. 28. People every 30 seconds, it means we are able to. To. Depart. 3400. People an hour, it means. 67,000. People a day 24. Million people a year with. One tube, we, are able to substitute, the, entire, flight. Market. From, Los Angeles to San Francisco. Four, times the. Concept. That we are building it's also, very. Efficient, not only in terms of energy, consumption. But also in terms of how to build it a normal, eye speed rail it, costs too much it's, not a business and, it's not efficient. Even in economic, terms let's. Take, for example the, Los Angeles San Francisco okay. They, are planning to spend sixty, eight billion. Dollars. And they. Already 2 billion over and they haven't hit the ground we've, seen this over and over right and they, are not profitable, the, energy. That they have to use, for. Superconductivity, like, the high speed rail it's, too expensive our. System. It, will be less than 10 billion so 6 timeless, and, guess. What why, we are more efficient, is very simple, if you analyze the. Industry. Of rail it's. A dinosaur, why. Because, it's based on a technology that it's ancient I'm. Not joking, so, I will, introduce you to a concept that it's very known in the rail system is, called, standard, gouge. So. If they the entire, way. To build, rails in the world is, based, on effect the. Distance. Between rails has to be 1.4. 35. Meters. So one meter and. 435. Centimeters. Between. One rail and another, why. Why. 70%, of the rail are built at that if you. Augment. This, gap, between, the two rails of 40 centimeters, you can transport, more people, but, also more, Freight almost. The double just, 40 centimeters, why, they, are not doing it, because. They don't need it everyone. Every, single rail. System, I speed, rail is financed, by the state so. They don't need to innovate, so. How. Are we doing this I was, mentioning you the, crowd storming. Part this is the part and now I got, more passion. Because it's amazing what's happening, if you analyze, what we created right. Now we. Have a community, of 20000. People coming. From 21. Different countries. People. Came together to help us out to figure out how, to solve the, biggest problem, so. We, have 420. People right now working for us in exchange, of stock options and, they.

Have To work at least an hour a week and, we give them in exchange one. Stock for every one hour worked, and, guess what they. Are growing and growing at the speed that is incredible, so, when I was, financing. Startups, usually, people come to me and say I need money. Say. Ok what, do we need it for I have, to build a website, say. Ok so, you don't need money you probably need a programmer, you, need a graphic designer. You need people the apps you have to build it so what, I was suggesting is, that especially, at the beginning you, don't need money you need people you need people they are passion, and can help you out to build, the best system, with you and that's, what we are doing right now and, we are growing so fast we, have 5 new application, a day and sometimes. 2, days ago was in the CCTV. And only, that day we received 100, requests. From, China and amazing. People so. We. Haven't raised any money yet because, first, we were interested on demonstrating. That we were able to build it but, now we're. Gonna build it and we are raising, money and 400. Accredited. Omastar, asked. To, put money inside, the company, and it's amazing, even the team when they join. The team they have a special field where we say do you wanna have skin in the game just put, some money in in, exchange of stocks and the, total, amount of committed, money are seven million dollars that, is amazing, because people, are working. With, the passion, and with the willingness to participate, and, also land owner are starting to give us land and in. The place, that I will show you in a second, there's, a builder, that donated, 12 million dollar so right away in. Perpetuity, this. Is amazing. And we used is a system, called crowd, storm, it's like a brainstorming, but basically. You do it with crowd so. We ask in all kinds of things like for example you, know how, do you do this or how. Do you solve this problem or. Questions. Like do, we need a ticket, but. Not only do we need a paper ticket we, ask things like, you know does, it mean really, cause he has any meaning to ask for a ticket, ticket, is something, of the the 18th, century, right so, I added a full attention for, 35, minutes of a person, inside the capsule there, should be a better way to monetize, these users and guess what ten new way of monetizing, the user came out from there and. Imagine. If you. Are inside, the capsule and you want to be active you, there's probably your knowledge, can be useful, for someone else and maybe someone is is also willing to pay you for that so, imagine instead of paying a ticket you're, able to earn money while traveling, this, is a disruption, and we, are completely, redefining the way we think about, transportation. Not. Only people join the team there are big companies now, we. Have the biggest, engineering, company, in the world Akon we, have the, inventor of the vacuum pump the one that created, the CERN accelerator. Particle. And in, certain Geneva. We, have Amazon. We have people, that donated software clouds. And, the, number, of these companies are increasing. More and more. From. The crowd storming, came, out also this map this. Shows the route the people wants in America, and what's surprising to us to see for example that the, less. Expected cities, will, be the one that, people wants, the Eiffel of most it, was funny when we published this they. There. Was some little cities in the mouth like a bukkake and we.

Ended Up three times in the news people. Were saying oh my god I Booker T will be the center, of the I per loop in America, it's, funny, but what it shows also it's the way. We see the Hyperloop, it's a metro. System that, will connect, series. In, a sub-continental. Way but. We see if we solve the problem of moving people from point A to point B very. Fast and then. You take two hours to go to the station we. Haven't solved anything right so you need a system that allow you to also, resolve. The last mile so. We see the. AI per loop has a new, way to conceive, transportation. You, push a button and then, a self-driving car a taxi, and uber whatever you choose picks. You up brings. You to the local Hyperloop, station, and then, from the AI per loop station you go to. The main station, and from the main station to, destination. Everything. In 50 minutes now, you can go 2 times from, Beijing, to Shanghai. In. What. Little. More. Than one hour 1 hour and 10 minutes and that would be amazing because you can basically, go, and eat, in, Shanghai, in English in two times this is in the same day or, we. Say the. More, we, shrink the, world, the. More the human heart become, big because, you can reunite families. You, can see your girlfriend that, it's maybe, machine, and you're in Shanghai, or see your parents this, will change us forever I think this will be better and. Yeah. I can see from your eyes that you're excited. But when. It will be you, know when we will be able to ride in, the iPod in 50 years right no. I have, a good news we're going to build it we're starting to build it this year we are filing the permission, of built in, a very special, place it's, in California. It's called Kwai Ballet a, builder. Is going to transform a little piece of desert into. The best city of the 21st, century, it's, very futuristic but, very feasible it's. A sustainable. City. It, will have 20,000. Houses it, will have. Amusement. Parks. You will have the. Most, advanced, technologies, to peel that and guess, what we will be the, transportation. System, for this city we, are along the five one, of the most trafficked. Iowa. In California. It will be eight kilometers, we, can't go at the full speed of. 1275. Km/h, but, we, will be going, fast. Enough to test. Amazing. Speeds we're talking about 600. 700 km/h. Without. The passenger, it, will be a very very brutal, stop, but, while. You ride you. Will be able to see all the future of the, hyper loop we will be able also to test all the passenger, end link we, are expecting, 10 million, people inside. This. Installation. So. The. World can. Be a better place if we all together, we. Join to. Solve the biggest problem in humanity, we, are not creating, a company, we are creating a movement and, we would like to, have all the brightest, mind to, join our team, what. Happens when, the best geniuses, the best engineers. The, best and, brightest. Mind in the planet comes, together to, solve, one problem they. Solve it thank. You. You.

2017-12-20 20:50

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