Самый странный храм на земле. [№ B-]

Самый странный храм на земле. [№ B-]

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Hi guys. In this episode we travel to a very ancient temple in a remote village called Javagal. Nobody visits this temple, including archaeologists. This is because they say that the carving here is so strange that no one can understand it.

Today I want to see if I can understand what these carvings show and who created them. But first, I must deal with this unique obstacle that I encountered when I tried to enter this ancient temple. She doesn't want to move. Well, that's better.

So from the outside, you can see that the temple appears to be quite small. But archaeological reports say there are over 1,000 carvings in it , and most of them are on the outer walls. Walking around, I find this. So, you might see something really weird here. This is a box, and there is a face on it, that is, there is a head. And here is such a hand.

There is a head sticking out of the box. When you look closer, you will see two hands on either side of the head. And all this is put on a box, as if they are trying to show us the head and hands.

But why? This is a very strange thread. Now let's take a look at the nearby carvings to see if we can find out more. Here you can see a giant figure and you can see that he has no head and both of his wrists are cut off.

Right next to it, you can see a smaller ape-like figure and a figure holding a bow. This is an improved compound bow because you can see the gears on both sides. The figure with the advanced bow is Lord Rama, and the whole event is explained in ancient Hindu texts. The giant's name is Kumbakarna, and his head and arms are cut off on the battlefield.

And there is another strange thread here. To all carving experts, this is completely confusing. Here you can see two giant monkey-like figures, and one of them holds a long top hat to its face . Some even claimed it was a telescope. But this cannot be, because the other end is held by another giant monkey. And above and below you can see five more monkeys.

So what is this story? Now let's see if we can find more information from the thread nearby. Let's go back a bit and take a look here. Here you can see waves and fish swimming in the water . So it actually happens right next to the water. Here you can see a monkey working on a pile of rocks, and right next to it you can again see waves with a lot of fish.

On the other side of the water, you can see giants. Again, ancient Indian texts mention that a race of monkeys named Vanaras is building a bridge between India and Sri Lanka. These two giant monkeys are named Nala and Nila, and they built a bridge to Sri Lanka. And this long thing must be made of some material, and they test it for strength. The Vanaras walk on it to see if it will be strong enough as part of a bridge.

Even today, we will place a board between two stones and walk over it first to see if it is strong . And these guys had superb strength. They held themselves on both sides and asked the monkeys to go through for verification.

Of course, the creation of a bridge across the ocean between the two countries seems to be pure mythology. But just a few years ago, scientists shyly admitted that such an ancient bridge, between India and Sri Lanka, does exist, and it is clearly not a natural formation. There are many such strange drawings here, but in order to decipher them, you need to know very well the ancient texts. It will take you years to study Hinduism.

Perhaps that is why most experts today are unable to understand many of these figures. Now, of course, there is cognitive dissonance. On the one hand, we can see images of monkeys doing a lot of technical work.

They are building a bridge across the ocean, and it seems incredible. But on the other hand, we have factual evidence. Remains of that very bridge. Thus, most people cannot handle it. They will choose one way or another. Some people will completely dismiss this as fiction, while others will say that every detail is correct.

But perhaps the truth is somewhere in between. The Vanaras were very much like Bigfoot or Sasquatches, and they coexisted with us. It is described that they possessed incredible strength, and could also work with people. Some even claimed that the Vanaras were actually Neanderthals who helped the ancient builders. So how did the ancient builders manage to build a bridge across the ocean? How did they cross the ocean? What advanced vehicles and vehicles did they have to travel to the island and defeat the great king? You can see something fantastic here. This is a tank.

The warrior woman sits in the chariot, but only her upper half is visible . The driver's legs are visible, but the woman's legs are not shown. Why? Look at the thickness or height of the vehicle. It turns out that the rest of her body is inside the chariot.

I am looking for another thread to confirm they had tanks like this. Here you can see another tank-like vehicle. Here the warrior is shown only above the belt, because his lower half is inside the chariot.

Of course, this is a chariot-like carriage. Because you can see the horse pulling it. But what do I mean when I say it looks like a tank? Today, if you see a cart with oxen and see people sitting on it, you can see their legs. Because the bottom of the cart is just a flat surface. But if you see an army parade and see soldiers on tanks, then only their upper torso is visible.

Why? Because the other part of their body is inside the tank. That is why the car under the warrior is shown with such a high side. Because part of his body is protected inside.

Look at the driver. We see his legs, he sits on a thin flat plane. But in the center, where the warrior stands, the height of the car is much higher.

Because it is a fence behind which a person can hide his legs. I am sure that in ancient times people used armored vehicles, we even have Mesopotamian carvings very similar to modern tanks. Here you can see the driver sitting on top, but the warriors are half inside, which is very similar to what we see in this Hindu temple. Here is another ancient carving that also shows a warrior with the bottom half inside a tank. But as I look further and further, I begin to find more and more strange things in this temple .

What is it? There are three spherical structures, 3 spherical compartments, 2 of which are on the lower level, and one is at the top. You can even see people sitting inside each sphere. This is a strange and very advanced machine. Judge for yourself. What other vehicle has three ball - like structures that can roll, and each ball contains people? This is really weird.

Now I understand why archaeologists and historians stay away from this temple. Because no expert would agree that such advanced technology existed in ancient times. Let me see if I can find some more thread to understand what it is. Take a look at this. This is again a huge ball-like car.

It looks like one large sphere on the outside, but on the inside you see two more balls or spheres. Within these spheres, you can see people. And two people stand on these balls using bows and arrows.

This is shown as part of the battle, isn't it? Because a semi-armored tank is visible next to it , and its lower part is protected. I think this is a fully armored spherical tank. But how did he move? Others had animals attached, and this one has no animals to pull it forward. Perhaps it was running on some kind of fuel or electricity? How did he actually move? This is definitely some kind of technological transport that was used in the war. If you are looking at ancient temples, the carvings in them are divided into different layers. You can see a bunch of levels.

At the top you will see the gods. In the middle, you will see a lifestyle. But when you go downstairs, you will almost always see animals and their behavior.

I distinctly remember that when I was a small child, all I could see in the temples were animals and what they did. This is an ancient version of the Animal Planet or Discovery Channel, carved in stone. But even today, these animal carvings fascinate me. Because something strange can be seen here.

Here you can see a row of elephants, and on this side we have three elephants. If we go to the other side, we see these three elephants. Do you see something strange about these carvings? Maybe if I show the angle, you will understand it. These two elephants must have two heads. But they share one head in two because it is a corner.

These two elephants have only one trunk. In other temples, we see two elephants depicted in the cornerstone . This is good, but not very good. Because carving out two different heads is a waste of space, time and energy. But the Javagal Temple is a masterpiece, so two elephants share one trunk for two to save space. And the angle looks perfect.

Let's take a look at the next level above the elephants. We have a lot of horses here. There is one horse, and another horse, and then, on this side, another horse, and then another. And again, the corner figure is two horses that share one head in two. Think for yourself how many people will actually sink to the floor and notice this detail. But the ancient builders still took care that someone noticed this detail and appreciated it.

We saw the artistic talent of the sculptors depicting elephants and horses. But what other animals can we see? Here we can see a strange animal. It looks like an elephant, but it does not have a long trunk.

He has a slightly elongated muzzle and a bizarre blot in his mouth. Now there is no such animal. But there was once a prehistoric animal called the Bariterium. Experts have found fossils of this animal.

But they say it became extinct millions of years ago. And the strangest thing is that you can see people carved next to this extinct animal. This is strange because according to modern science, humans did not even exist when this animal roamed our planet. Surprisingly, images of prehistoric animals can often be found in ancient Hindu temples . We showed you an elephant with four tusks in Angkor Wat, again, this species became extinct millions of years ago.

We showed you dinosaurs and many other extinct animal species found in ancient temples. Interestingly, Hinduism believes that humans have existed for millions of years and coexisted with many giant animals. Here you can see a bird with feathers, and on its head there is a huge spectacular bump of feathers, as well as a sharp beak. But if you look below, you will be shocked. Because it has more than just a pair of legs, like ordinary birds. She has 4 legs.

This is very unusual because today we do not have birds with four legs. But experts confirm that there was a prehistoric animal called Caudipterix Zoe, which looked a lot like a peacock with bizarre feathers and had 4 legs. They say this species became extinct about 125 million years ago. And here is another strange animal. Is it an extinct dinosaur? Or is it a mongoose? Or a komodo dragon? Or something like that? Even stranger, some people even tried to disfigure this carving.

Now let's look at another interesting bas-relief. Here is a human woman, you can even see her individual hair strands. This figure is usually called Naga-Kanya or Vishakanya. This means Poisonous Virgo. You can identify Naga Kanya because you see a very beautiful woman with snakes or scorpions. Here you can see that she is holding a cobra.

Apparently, in ancient times, young girls were raised as assassins to kill the enemies of the kingdom. According to this theory, from a very young age, they will be given very tiny doses of poison every day, and they will become immune to the poison. This practice is now called Mithridatism. Because it was effectively practiced by the Greek king Mithridates the fourth.

He did take poison on a regular basis and acquired immunity, so no one could poison him and kill him that way. But in India, the practice has gone to a different level. It is said that these women were not only immune to poison, but also their body fluids became poisonous. Therefore, if a man enters into intimate contact with them, he will die.

Some also claimed that they put a strong poison on their nails , and even a small scratch could kill a person. What if this girl becomes a double agent? What if she gets close to the king of her country and wants to kill him? How will the king determine if she is the Poisonous Maiden? Of course, she's wearing high heels or platform shoes. But look, her toe has been cut off. This is the second toe on her right foot, and it was surgically removed. Perhaps this happened when she was still young.

You may have noticed that Hindu women wear a ring on their second toe. They still wear it today to show that they are married. It looks like a wedding ring in the western world. An Indian will look at a girl's feet, and if she has a ring on her toe, she is married, and if she does not have a ring on her toe, she is unmarried. We now understand that in ancient times there was a third category.

The absence of a second toe means no contact at all. And this surgical removal was done so that they could be identified later . So, if she goes to the other side and tries to kill her own, the king or any other person can identify her just by looking down and instantly understand that she is a poisonous maiden.

Now, of course, you may be wondering how this kind of strange practice existed in Greece and India at the same time? It seems that ancient civilizations around the world were indeed interconnected. For example, here's a figure that differs markedly from other carvings. He has long, sleek hair, or perhaps a headdress that goes down to his shoulders.

There are no decorations on it. He is wearing a long, knee-length coat. And he's got no shoes on.

This is the complete opposite of most Indian carvings. In one hand he holds a long cylinder and in the other a bowl. He's definitely a foreigner. But where is he from? You can compare it yourself with ordinary Indian figures.

Here you can see a couple sitting on a bed or sofa. Look at their ears and neck. They have a lot of decorations. But what's really interesting is what's under the bed. There is a small stool here, probably for climbing onto the bed.

The bed seems very high. See where his legs are, even though they are hanging off the bed. And there are two more little things. I'm sure one of them is just a container of water. Today, many have a water bottle under their bed.

I have seen this water bottle on many antique carvings . Usually under a chair or bed. But I don't know what that other subject is. Maybe a container for food, drinks, or something like that . Other carvings show more things under the bed. There are four of them here.

The carvings artfully show that this is not next to the bed, but directly under the bed. See that they are located exactly inside, so as not to accidentally hook them with your feet. What's under your bed today? Here is another very mysterious figure. The person is standing in a strange position, as if doing namaste. He looks very strange.

His head looks very strange here. And it has a weird thing on top, and you can see the decorations. He wears a sacred thread, so we know for sure that he is a Hindu.

And he wears a loincloth like a modern underpants. Below you can see that he has beautiful bracelets on his legs . Who is he? What's the story with him? It looks very strange. Because you cannot fully understand what is behind it.

But when you see the next panel, you can figure it out. This is definitely Narasimha. God is half lion and half man. And this person's name is Prahladha. He was a faithful devotee of Lord Narasimha.

And who is being killed here? Actually, Prahladha's father is being killed. So, I hope you enjoyed the tour of the temple, which bypasses the official history. Try to explain for yourself what, in this video, I could not explain.

For example, the presence of extinct animals or these spherical machines. Be sure to write your thoughts in the comments. And there are still many mysteries in the world, but they will not all fit into one video . Until next time. Thanks for watching.

All links to sources of information in the description under the video. So write comments, press your fingers, share this video with your friends, subscribe to the channel, and for now we'll look for something interesting for the next video. Editing, translation, voice acting and animation of ELMUCON studios.

2021-10-14 07:37

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