Cyber Effects in the MDO Environment 2019 Air Space & Cyber Conference

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Brigadier. General Bernie Scotch. Good. Afternoon ladies and gentlemen and welcome back from lunch we, hope you've engaged with, our exhibitors, downstairs, the, topic of this session is cyber effects and the multi domain environment and. I. Don't think there's been a presentation, made at this conference over the last couple of days that hasn't mentioned the significant, implications. Of the cyber world and particularly. How they apply in a multi domain environment we. Have a brilliant cast of panelists, today let. Me introduce them first is Lieutenant General - Jameson, deputy chief of staff for Intelligence, Surveillance, reconnaissance and. Cyber effects operations. We. Also welcome brigadier, general Bradley PI burn director. Of cyberspace, operations and. Warfighter communications. We're. Also pleased, to welcome Major, General Tim Hawk commander. 25th, Air Force. And. Finally, dr. david brumbley CEO, of for all secure, welcome doctor. General. Jamison the floor is yours ma'am, thank, you very much I, just. Got to start by saying I don't. Know about you all but I get fired up when the Vice starts talking, and I absolutely, am. Truly. Motivated. By the example. That he talked about about. Empowering. Our Airmen and I gotta tell you in my opinion, as the. New, Air Force a26. Where we rebranded, the. 6-2 talk about cyber effects operations. It, has been an amazing, year to, be in the cyber workforce, to, operate, in the cyber domain and to, execute, cyber operations. And cyber weapons, I I. Just, want to start by saying a few words about. This. Phenomenal. Year and I'm so thankful, to, AFA. For actually, saying this. Year's, symposium, is, air, space, and cyber, and I'm, just gonna say dominance, in all three domains let's. Have a shout-out for, that. The. Only thing, I do have is for those of us who believe were, six feet tall, but. Maybe we're really not and my, feet don't really reach the bar I'm. Just gonna stand, and, talk, I know, and I would have brought a hacksaw, and we would have fixed it on this. But. What an opportunity, to actually have a cyber, panel, here at IFA, because, it truly has been an amazing year while. You all know it. Does bear repeating that. The chief when, he reorganized the. Headquarters, staff and created. A separate, five from the eight so we could get to strategy, and then we could do our ppbe. Budgeting. Separate, our programming, separate from, our strategic plan what an outstanding opportunity and, then we stood up a flick to actually do, concept. Development, through. Fielding, to the force he. Also mentioned. That we combined, ISR. And cyber effects operations, into. One organization. And we. We, had the a26, merger and I will tell you in the 202. Days that I have had that distinct, privilege and, honor to be, in charge of the two, enterprises. With. Three main pillars it has been nothing short of amazing and, it, is amazing because, of the airmen, whether. They wear blue, suits OCPs. Or civilian, wear, have. Been truly spectacular, and, some, of the things that we have been able to accomplish in just, 202 days we.

Started With a merger at the headquarters and we. Swiftly. Went. Into how do we integrate, they're, two very different and distinct things and it, was mainly because of our operational. Focus. And our culture for war fighting that, our enterprises, could come together and look about, where do we you need to really knuckle, down and where, do we need to first look, at integration, the. First thing we did was take our career field managers, and they are literally all sitting, together working, together and under, one director, and as. A result, of that in, July, we. Were able to put out our, first. 17. X. Talent. Management framework, I'm really. Proud of what the team was able to accomplish because. Unlike. Career, Development, the. Headquarters, looks at talent management and we. Did away with a pyramid, and we, came up with because. The field had multiple, working groups to give, us information. And feedback we. Came up with a spectrum. A spectrum. Of opportunities whether. It be for. What. We have now coined as our, two career fields for our officers. 17. S's which are offensive. Or defensive cyber. Operators, or, our. Expeditionary. Warfighting, comms and comm maintenance, in combat comm, that. Are 17, X's, and we, have at least 10 different, examples, there, are hundreds, of how. You can, develop receive. Training and chart your own path because. Every airman deserves, the ability, and right to. Define success, for them. Following. Up on publishing, the framework we actually went into action and as, we, speak by, the end of the month for our, officer, corps for. All of our cyber warfare, officers. They. Are actually, inputting, their, experience. Their. Training, and their desire, to, become either a 17, s or a 17. X, because. We have got to empower that workforce, we. Are then starting, to establish our, working groups for. Our civilians, and our and, our enlisted to, get at the same things and look, at how do we define and chart, a spectrum. Of paths for them to, develop success. But. We didn't just stop there we. Also really. Have, been working, with, our leadership, and in listening. As the chief likes to say we've been squinting, with our ears, listening. To what the field has said and. Yesterday. When the chief talked about multi-domain, operations. And on. Monday. When. Dr., Roper talked, about his, three hashtags, whether, it be hashtag, deft air force and okay. I did appreciate the. Definition. Cuz I thought he, said death air, force no, he said go fast go, smooth, and go smart, I was like okay now I get that one digital. We. All understand, that and disruptive. We're. Integrating. Our capabilities. To ensure that our acquisition. Arm understands. What, it is, cyber, brings to the table we. Are faster, and smarter we. Are about disruptive, technologies. We. Are about. Skill. Sets training. And tool sets in the digital age I thought. That was fantastic and, then we had Preston Dunlap who, talked about in MDC. Too and we. All know by. The depiction, that the chief put up on em do multi. Domain operations. The. Collaborative, sense agreed cannot happen without resilient. Global, communications. It. Also cannot happen without our. Ability. To project, power, from. Our cyber platform, to, defend, power projection, with, our mission, defense teams and our defense mechanisms, and, it also cannot, take place without. The ability to, what. We like to say is move. Pull. The keyboard and communicate. To one another to. Make sure that our situational. Awareness our battlefield. Assessments at the tactical, edge all the way back actually. Is able to happen and. We. Were able to conduct, all that because, for, the past six months working, closely, with, all, the match comes and in particular ACC. With, General Holmes at the helm we. Are looking to integrate, two, numbered, Air Forces together here. Shortly, to. Take what, we have and our is are now. What, we have in our cyber nav and look at how can we integrate to make sure that we have, extremely. Lethal. And red forces, not, just to. See. And identify, where. The adversary is, but, as the chief said how do we actually move. At the speed of cyber to, get inside, of the, adversaries, decision, cycle and it takes both those enterprises. Of, both ISR, and cyber, for. Offensive, defensive, and war fighting comms to actually, get that done and, then. Finally, we have been working very very diligently and. Very hard, coordinating. With a lot and I'm proud to say because. Of the outstanding teamwork. General. PI burns going to talk about because he really led the effort with, some extremely, talented, cyber. Operators. Not just on our staff but also from, our Cyber. Command and our Maj coms I'm. Proud to say the Secretary, of the Air Force Donovan.

And Chief golfing, have, actually, signed the airforce cyber warfare, plan. Our, flight plan that. Charts out the next 10 years of where, we're going to go, and what we're going to hopefully, innovate. And inspire, and actually. Turn to fielding as. We talked about yesterday. Flight. Plans and strategies, are really about prioritization. And. Effectively. Looking at where are we putting our money where our mouth is in resourcing. We. Actually, have a signed, plan, that. Says let's, talk about it up front let's, invest in our people let's, invest in our training, let's invest in our capabilities, with, that I'm going to turn it over to the master, 17's. That I'm fortunate to have on my team Brad. PI burn while, in the program it, has. Trout, gareki what. Has happened, for, those of you who aren't tracking is trout, gareki moved on to be in charge of our electronic, warfare. Enterprise. In our a five and we, were so fortunate the vice chairman or the vice chief gave. Us his top exec and our elite cyber, warrior, Brad, PI bar please, take it away Brad. No. Pressure. You. May not want to clap yet you had heard me speak and, I can see trout Gannicus sitting right there so what that means ma'am is when I get a tough question I'm just gonna phone a friend because I can see him I have a visual. AFA. And general scotch thanks for opportunity to speak today I, think, it'd be helpful just very quickly let me explain a little bit about what I think my job entails and I want to talk a little bit about our cyber, warfare flight plan that general Jameson was just talking about my. Duty title is director cyberspace. Operations and. Warfighter communications, and that's, very important, because his general Jameson talked about the career field activity, in cyber, warfare officers, those, are the two major categories of officers, that we're going to deliberately, develop, to, be able to fight and win in the future and. So cyberspace, operations cyber. Affects operations. Defensive. And offensive maneuver, our ability, to project power, and in through cyberspace and defend. Our power projection platforms. For, freedom of maneuver that's. What, offensive. And defensive cyberspace operations is, really about and, warfighter communications, it's something that for a long time I think we've taken for granted that when you hit the button and you need to communicate it's, just going to be there and, we've been in a persistent, or a fairly, permissive. I should say environment, for. The past few decades and as, we heard this morning from the SEC def and, great competition is back we have adversaries, that have watched and planned, and are, ready to take away these critical, capabilities, that we rely on and so, when you hear general kamishiro and mr. Dunlap talk about the.

Collaborative, Sensing, grid and this critical, capability, for future war fighting war, fighting communications. Really are the building, blocks of that vision and our teams are going to be working very closely together as, we move forward to make sure we can we can deliver that to warfighter, okay. Cyber warfare flight plan so, as the Vice Chiefs exec I got to attend the last Corona and hear the chief talk about what. His vision was there, was a contested, Logistics, exercise, and there was much discussion over our ability, to, maneuver, and to move and how important, cyber capabilities. Are going to be in that fight and some. Of the things that he talked about is what is our ability like I said earlier to defend our capabilities, and then project power forward, and you've also heard the chief talk about, opening. A base and, receiving. Forces, fighting the bass and being able to see to and then present, and push power forward, to win the fight you, don't do that without effective, command and control to tactical edge and so. As we think through that what are the what's the real essence, of this cyber award for a flight plan it, is really to do those things I just talked about our North Stars we have to be able to defend, our power projection if, you remember the Chiefs lied 2030, there's. A lot of capabilities, and he talked about the, highway we. Have to make sure that highway is there when we need it and we defend it from adversary, activity, and. Then we have to be able to project power in and through cyber and to, increase the survivability, and, the lethality of our warfighting, capabilities. And our operators. Very, important, and then. Finally being able to communicate in a contested degraded environment that's, what we're trying to achieve with the flight plan how are we gonna do that well, as the chief says you know if you're gonna get something done the Chiefs big three items you got to have somebody that has a rose pinned on them you have to have a plan with a schedule, and you have to have accountability to, deliver outcomes that's, what the flight plan is all about and I would just give you this and I look forward to your questions we. Really are doing it through seven, particular activities. As described, in annexes, it. All starts with human capital we. Have to be able to recruit. Retain and develop talent. In this battle space and I look forward to a conversation on that because it's tough and. We acknowledge chief. Wright talked about it this morning that's. In cyber we, can't compete on dollars alone what, we have to compete on is, mission. An opportunity. And a calling, to something larger than ourselves. So. Human capital is very important it's all starts with our people our most critical war fighting system then. I would say it goes to ISR because, Intel, is going to drive and underpin, every operation, that we take and how do we get, intelligence, from cyber that informs multi-domain operations, and then how do we generate intelligence. That will inform cyberspace, operations as. We look to whole, adversary, capabilities, at risk, then. We're going to talk about defensive. Maneuver defending, weapon systems and mission. Defense teams and actually making that real defending, our capabilities, from cyber attack and cyber threats.

Another. Area we're going to explore is. Opportunities. For the air component command we're. Gonna build on the momentum that we have with US Cyber Command and the capabilities, and the operators, that we've presented but, we want to be able to turn to the air component commander through our new integrated, nav and look, at those opportunities what kind of capabilities what, kind of training what kind of concepts, that we need to have to, make that real for our Air Force. More. Fighting communications, you've heard me talk about that how, do we actually get, to the business of building a global. Resilient. C2. Grid that actually, enables, war fighting and then. There's two additional pieces that are very critical that underpin all this the first is emerging, and disruptive, technology, the, technology, we have today is not going to be the technology we have next, week or next month or tomorrow and we have to be agile and we have to move quickly and again you heard dr. Roper talk about that earlier this week and then, finally it's partnerships, and, when I say partnerships, don't just think interagency. Don't, just think. Academia. And industry is all that but there's also partnerships, even within the Air Force that we have to foster and develop and, grow to deliver, these capabilities, so. Again thanks for allowing me to speak for a few minutes I look forward to your questions. All. Right, Major General Tim Hawk commander 25th, Air Force first, Thank, You 2fa Thank You general Scotch not, just for this panel but also thank, you for FAS leadership, to grow interest, in STEM across the country through, high schools through CyberPatriot. That, is it enabler and that's an investment in human capital for a nation thanks for everything you're doing there thank you. When. We set up this panel originally. At that time I was the commander of the cyber national mission force so what I was asked to do today was addressed both where. We we were from US Cyber Command as. Components, and, and, also to address where we stand today as twenty-fifth Air Force in terms of is are formed from cyber so. From the the u.s. Cybercom, perspective, it's been a pretty rapid, transformation. Over the last few years which. Has been enabled by a change, in first, you've all heard the discussion of the national defense strategy which. Expects, us to compete, but, it's expects us to compete in all domains and clearly. An area, where we're in constant engagement. With our adversaries in constant contact is within the cyber domain so. Not, only do we have the NDS but there are a couple other significant, things that has changed the environment for, cyberspace operations and. Enabling multi-domain, one of those was, a change in the law in 2019. For the National Defense Authorization Act, that, made cyber, a domain of traditional military activity, really, began to start pushing the, department to, look at ways to also, look at the cognitive side, of this portion of the conflict, the other was the DoD cyber strategy, that set an expectation, for. Engagement with. Our adversaries, within. The cyber domain cyber, national mission force is the element within cyber command that, is responsible, for going after the adversaries, hackers both. Offensive, and defense and what, I've seen as one, of the biggest sets of transformation. In addition to authorities, and the policy, has, been the talent, that is growing within the services and as, a joint commander I gained the great benefit, of the work that, f cyber was doing to present, us a force of airmen. Both cyber and ISR, that. We could now employ, and engage our adversaries, in different ways than we've ever done in the past so able. To take something to take questions from a sea. Nmf perspective, but. As, you as, we've already discussed pending. Center Senate, confirmation, will. Establish a new information. Warfare nav but. What General Holmes has already charged 24th, and. 25th, Air Force to do is set the conditions, for that and what. We're we're seeing as, really, strong possibilities. As 25th Air Force as as. The organization, that executes global is as well. As electronic, warfare and presents. Those capabilities, to, all the air components, and executes, in support of COCOMs we're. Seeing dots connect, across missions, across 25th. And 24th, that, are going to enable. Intelligence. To support cyber. Operations. And generate, new possibilities. Both, in the cyber domain but also cognitively. As well. As what. Can we do within the cyber domain to.

Now Inform. Decisions. And all the other domains, to produce outcomes so. There's a lot of opportunity, space and we'll welcome any questions on that I. Guess. I'm the oddball. So. My. Name is David Bromley, I'm a professor at Carnegie Mellon University I'm also CEO of a startup called for all secure and the thing that really drew me to this panel is this idea that I think the job of academia. And also. Startups, is to help support everyone, in their mission here so everyone has talked about the workforce development problem, thank you for recognizing it's, actually hard everywhere it's not just in the Air Force and. One of the problems that we have is when, you look at young, men and women people in high school they, still don't necessarily, know cyber as a career, field and so, things like cyber Patriot, at CMU we were on picot CTF things that expose them to this career field are the first big step because if you don't know it exists you can't do it I. Think. The second component is to grow new original research and so a lot of the research when you look at things like AI or machine learning or all these hot topics it's really to me about autonomy, we know that cyber, moves fast and having, someone walk a piece of paper from one division to the other is just. A recipe for disaster in, toulouse we have to make those sort of quick decisions, and be able to act on them at internet or cyberspace and. So in 2016, DARPA shined, a light on this with, their cyber Grand Challenge it was like the self-driving car of computer security and, through. Organizations. In the DoD such as Diu they're, starting to be transition, of those into, the services as well as including. The Air Force so, that's the first big thing is not just driving for cyber speed but saying autonomy, is the way to do it and doing the research development, and not just stopping at that initial prototype, but making it usable for the warfighter is the first the, second thing I. Think. That the third thing that we can do is just offer Under coming, from an academic or, an, enterprise background. That, the mission inside the DoD and in the Air Force is, especially. Difficult because you have accountability, to, every US citizen I only. Have accountability to shareholders. Or to the Dean in my professor role much, easier than. Every, US citizen and so I think we need to think about how we can foster that understanding. That working with the DoD is not just good but. Also understand, their problems, so, that when we're designing solutions, we can work within those constraints and not just saying those are artificial, or you know it's just a bunch of red tape but, they're often there for a reason, and understanding, that then working with people to address, the, root things, that we need to address that were articulated by the six stars to my right. Very. Good well lady. And gentlemen, we've got far, more questions than we'll ever get to hear but I'll, direct the first one to you general Jamison and it, involves, the differences, in acquiring major weapons, platforms, and acquiring. Cyber, systems and, cyber services. What. Do you see is the challenges, in building the Fida in. Articulating. Requirements. And in getting support on Capitol Hill for the things that our Air Force needs in the cyber domain particularly. As it differs from major weapons, platforms. Thank. You so much for giving me the. Question. Really, how are we going to acquire. Capabilities. In the future that are secured, from cyber, vulnerabilities and, then. How are we going to convince. The. Populace, because.

That's Really who Capitol Hill is representing. That we need to invest, in that kind of security that's, the question I heard sure. And. I think that in some degrees. The. People, and Congress are already with us. We. Have heard about how, many times. Individuals. Have. Had their, accounts their bank accounts, hacked how. They have had the security, the, new security, systems, in their homes vulnerable. To attack how. Their, children, when, they're on the. Internet are very vulnerable to, predators, so, I think we already a great, understanding with, Capitol Hill and the American, people on why, we need cybersecurity. We. Just need to be a little more specific, and articulate. With. Our industry partners that. The. Vulnerabilities. Cannot. Exist, and we. Have to team and work this together we, have to come up with protecting. The data on our weapon, systems and not, just the internal, working, systems, of those. Weapons systems. Because. Now as general. Golfing talked about yesterday it is all about our software, so. If we take a look at the, f-35, it isn't just the platform, that's vulnerable. It's that fusion, engine. And all the data that it contains, and we're. Working very closely with general, bunch who's, in room. C right now having a panel. Who. Would say with their crows office, and with our mission defense teams that. We are looking to standardize. Our crews standardize, our training. And standardize, our tool work we. Will be able to, rapidly. Get. After the, magnitude, of this problem. Properly. Articulate. To, our corporate, process, just, how vulnerable we, are in. Certain aspects and and, maybe, not so much in others as we. Look to protecting. Our capabilities. Because, unless we protect our, power projection platforms. We. Really don't have them so. I. Look, at it like that and I think that once. We understand. We've, been doing a cyber review just like the Navy has done just. Like the Army is doing and we're about to brief that out here. Shortly to the, deputy. Secretary of defense on our, capabilities, and how we're going to get after all thank you for the Commun, general. Hawk I'll direct this question to you and it involves SCADA supervisory. Control, and data acquisition.

Systems. What. Do you see as the challenges of. The nexuses, it's represented, right now between us the Department of Defense and civil authorities, other. Law enforcement agencies. Intelligence, gathering agencies, how. Secure, do you feel right now that we're sharing what we should be shared we've, got the processes, in place because, every, system in the Air Force is vulnerable, to infrastructure, interruptions. So. That's, an area that that is a really good question and it's it's, an area that, that we spent a lot of time in in the cyber national mission force and it was general, knock Sony's effort to execute, Pathfinder. Projects, that. Would be done between the department, and Homeland. Security and the Department of Energy because, there are a lot of experts that are working these challenges, it's how, we're able to communicate and so a couple different things that went on to. Start to move that into a much into. A place. Where we could share data one of those is there, is a series, of councils, that do a runs that. Do er that the department defense had traditionally participated. In through. Our installation. Side of of, the of DoD now. We've added to, ensure that we're bringing cyber experts, to that and it's an engagement with all the CEOs, across the country inside. The energy sector starting. To be able to share what, we've learned from our operations with them through do-e the. Second is that, Cyber Command began, to expose. Adversary. Capabilities. Directly, to cyber security industry, so. Publicly, releasing. Capabilities. That they had collected. Through, defensive, operations, and other operations. And then passing, it industry, because really where the power in, cyber security is in our nation is through. The private sector and through. The the, expertise. That exists there and also their. Global presence so by Cyber Command exposing. Adversary, capabilities, it, allowed, the cyber security industry to more rapidly, deploy countermeasures. Against. Those that included, the energy sector in. Specific, capabilities, that were identified so that's a lot of work inside. The Air Force that's a partnership across a series of organizations. That are looking at it from installations, civil, engineering, and. Also is. Certainly, an area from, a cyber investment, perspective, thank you dr.. Bromley general. Jameson. In her opening comments, talked briefly, about the speed of cyber and she. Used the word integrate, four times in her opening comments. What. Do you see is the challenges, from the other side of the transom, from our friends in industry, and our friends in a khadeem with, respect to what. We're doing right in the Department of Defense what we might improve on in adapting. To this speed of cyber given our legacy, acquisition. Processes. Yeah. That's actually a really good question so there's really speed of cyber means two different things one is when you're engaged in combat how quickly can you react the second is as you're trying to maintain these systems how quickly can you update when there's a new vulnerability, it's really the second one that talks on acquisition, and that's often the root of the problems that we have today so I never, think, personally, of systems.

Either Secure, and secure I think about do I operate with speed enough to win so we engage, in mock, battles and DEFCON CTF and we win because we're faster, than anyone else at when we recognizing, a new vulnerability, fielding. It and so. I think there's, the technology behind that things like the DARPA cyber Grand Challenge and project Voltron to do it but it also has, to change in acquisitions, we have to stop doing waterfall, requirements. Where it's like it's it's you're, gonna have to follow this particular process, because you know what next, year people. Are gonna still think about new cyber vulnerabilities they're, gonna come up with row. Hammer meltdown. Spectre, and you're gonna have to adapt to those and you can't wait 20 years to feel the next system that adapts to it so I think one of the big challenges is everyone's. On the same page but how do we change the process. From. When, something was specified two, years ago to what we know today to make sure today actually, not, just the DoD is getting the best but even the contractor building it they need line items that they can say, this is meeting that requirements, so, it's like a whole process, that needs to be updated throughout. The acquisition, Thank. You general. Piper in. Your flight plan which I'm excited to read I truly, am I'm eager to do that as soon as I can. Talk. To us briefly about the human component, in there particularly, career, field mergers. Especially. In the enlisted tract what. Do you think the challenges, are that you're going to confront and executing, that flight plan and can you talk specifically, about plans, for future or planned. Mergers. In enlisted. Career fields in particular. Yeah. That's something on the enlisted side it's something that we're taking a look, right now and. Broadly and. I think it's been acknowledged, it's not just the Air Force or DoD it's industry, it's, how do we recruit the talent and, we talked about cyber patriot but you, know everyone, thinks recruiting, is Air Force recruiting, service and that's what, happens on a planet far away everybody. In this room is a recruiter, we're. All recruiters, and when, we have a chance to engage at a school at, a community event and represent. The United States Air Force and talk about the opportunities, that we have in the Department of Defense and the great mission, and the amazing, folks you're going to get to work with the. Rest of that ought to be about and how we're going to develop you as an, Airmen as a cyber space operator, with. As general Jameson talked about an MDT's but it's broader than that what is our deliberate. Specified. Training, path on the, officer side as we talked about we have cyber space effects, operators, and we have war fighting communicators, and those are two fundamental, pieces and our Air Force that are absolutely essential to winning if you don't have you.

Don't Have war, fighting communicators, that can build architect. Design resilient. Capable, global command, control networks we're, not going to win if. We don't have cyberspace, operators, that can defend our capabilities, and project, power we're, not gonna win the, SEC Deb said it this morning the. First shot is probably going to happen in cyberspace in space so we have to be ready for that how do we develop that talent how do we retain that talent and there, are some initiatives that may be considered, with. Regard so I think the Army is taking a look at some incentive pay things and, we're having those conversations, but not, to get ahead of the plan and the team part of the plan is to have the conversation, as a community, about how, do we get to right, how, do we retain, and develop the. Talent that we need so. The officer side we have a good path forward on the enlisted side we're, continuing that evaluation. And a conversation, but, at the end of the day we, want to recruit, retain and develop the, talent and. Ideally, keep them as long as they're willing to stay and something, else we have to think through and this is a broader perspective. I, would offer is, you. May have an airman or young officer that you know for eight years into their journey they make a decision, for family reasons for other reasons and there's a great opportunity in industry and there's nothing wrong with that they've already served, their nation but. There's an opportunity to maybe to go into the reserves or the guard and continue to serve and. Wouldn't it be great if we had a way for folks to come back in if it was easy if somebody went to Google or Amazon and, did great things and. Missed, the calling, missed the opportunities, in the airforce missed being part of this team would, it be great if it was just easy for them to come back those are the kinds of things we have to think about yeah, I'm gonna jump in here because we also are looking at things not just for our, specific, cyber. War fighters, we. Actually have launched, with, the help of a1 and M are our computer. Language, initiative. That, we were able to get out surveys. To our Airmen to say what coding capability. Do, you already possess. And, and. Let's, look at evaluating, what really is ground truth on are they, HTML. Or are they really a Python. Coder and now, we're taking that to the next step because, we have some of our data is how, do we resource. Incentivize. Train. And equip them, to do that it is not limited just to our cyber operators, we. Open that up to the entire Air Force when, we took a look at our 17, career, field and we came up with our s and our, Delta, we, also have a Z and our, Z is a software, coder, and it's, not just available for, our 17s, we've, also opened that, up to our engineering. Fields our 6x. Career. Field, one two three four we're also looking at opening up that, to other career, fields because. We have to look at the. Digital age is different skill. Sets are different the Air Force has to be different and I'm, going to tie in general. Hock on this one because, cyber command is actually, looking at identifying, new. And different, skill sets based off of what, we've learned as we, have conducted live operations. Around the globe Tim, I'm just going to throw it to you to kind of highlight how, cyber con is really looking at what, we thought seven, years ago four, skill sets is not where we're at today and thank, God it's not we. Are evolving, our tactics, techniques and procedures and, we're, listening to our warfighting, element, our cocom, on how, and what skills they need to actually war fight and. I think what we've really found in, terms of conducting operations one, we've, got to be very flexible into, the type of kit that we give to the force that allows them to adapt really quickly and and, when we do when we empower that force and we give them the opportunity. They're, now able to apply skills and get after our adversary, the, areas where we're seeing more and more as the as the catalyst, is that partnership, between ISR. And cyber as to where that really becomes an area, where there's there significant, overlap and some of the skills that we need to, be able to really understand, what an adversary is doing rapidly. Adapt and pursue that that. Is an area where we can look at some very common things many, of those come back to the ability, to do some scripting, the ability, to understand, and pull, data in rapidly. Analyze, that data and. Then we know that we're gonna need every, element of that force to understand, how to handle analytics, so.

That That whether you're on the defensive, side whether. You're looking at it from an offensive perspective, or that you're. Operating, from a warfighter calm perspective, you've, got to really understand, what's happening in the environment so that will be an area that we're going to will see investment, and the. Very analogous, side from an Intel professional, is if. We're, gonna compete in the information, environment then. We're going to need experts, to be able to handle publicly available information and, integrate that rapidly, into our operations, so, those are areas and, I'll touch on one last thing that I think is also from. Our workforce, perspective, as we look at those professionals. Our airmen, our NCOs, our officers and our civilians, we want to employ them we want them on the battlefield, so, one of the challenges that we've had is ensuring that we get them all clearances, and so, one of the initiatives that General. Brian started is twenty-fifth Air Force Commander in close partnership, with the Air Force recruiting service is to go all the way back to the beginning to make sure that we're identifying the right talent that's going to be clearable and now. 26%. Of those Airmen that need security, clearances, coming out of basic military training are leaving, BMT approved. For clearance and that's, hard work across our service so that we can take, this talent, and immediately, employ it when it hits our operational, force, like. To add just one thing, yes. Definitely. I think one thing that I didn't didn't, hear but one thing we found effective and I think I've seen this in the Air Force but you didn't mention it is cross-training you can't do defense, unless you understand offense techniques, you, can't do offense if you don't understand defense technique so this idea that hey, you're a defensive, guy only you're just gonna get owned all day long because. You don't understand what the attackers, are actually doing and. I think there's been a recognition of this and. It's starting to build out as part of the curriculum that you have to cross train across these different roles that doesn't mean the defense person is doing an offense mission it just means he has to be aware of those techniques and one.

Way To do that is to practice them in closed Safet environments, things like CyberPatriot, do this at the high school level and then the. CNM F has their own set ups through these sort of things as well so I just wanted to call that out as a really. Important component thank. You all general, Jamison your Trailblazer, bringing. A two and a six together and making this work well a member of our audience would like to know do you see this extending, to the magic on level and if so why and if not why not I, think. It already has ACC, with general Holmes is leading, the integration, of 25th, and 24th, Air Force, and. It's about how do you execute, this integrated, capability I think general Hawk has actually, highlighted, the, the. Relationship, the intersection. The synergies, of different. Skill sets training, an opportunity, you actually, have to know patterns, of the adversary, you have to know where the adversary is you, have to have insights, on the adversary, what is our brings to the table and you have to be able to take action to do it a lot, of times the difference between what, is our for. Cyber, operations. Airmen are doing and what cyber warfare, operators. Are doing really. Rests in one keystroke so. We have to look at from. An execution standpoint, from. What ACC, is is starting. To do of integrating. Those nafs is actually. Empowering, and embolden that, integration, but, I don't want to just talk. About that, I think we also have touched around and some of us have mentioned, this. Is a Waypoint it isn't, just about integrating. Eye cyber operations. We. Have heard extensively. About our contested, information. Or influence, operations. Or hybrid. Warfare or, gray. Zone, operations, that our adversary, our competitors, are actually. Conducting, every day we. Are in a persistent, engagement. Environment. Today, and we. Have to integrate is our, cyber. Warfare. Electronic. Warfare and information. Operations. To, actually, identify and, come up with what, do we do what do we mean how, do we train and what tools are required for. Information. Warfare, because. Out of all of the domains. Today. Every. Day around the globe in, cyberspace. We, are at, conflict. We. Aren't just in competition, we. Are in conflict, and the. Vice and the chief talked about our intellectual. Property is, just. Being, ripped off from us that, is conflict. So. I look, at that and I go it's not just about a magical. Integrating. It's, about our entire. Evolution. Of how, are we conducting warfare. And where. Are we going with information, warfare for tomorrow I don't. Know Tim, pending. Confirmation, you. Might have some other aspects. And then I'd. Like for Brad, to be able to talk about some things that are in the flight plan because, we have an annex on information, warfare in the flight plan so, ma'am I'll, speak from an ISR perspective, and in terms of one of the areas that that really is kind. Of builds on some of the things that I talked about with what Cyber Command did to expose, adversary. Capabilities. So. As as we do that enabling, shining. Light on. Malign. Activity, and being then to expose that across. The world what does that look like in, an, ISR, enterprise that's competing in the information, environment that. Is is focused, on generating outcomes. In. Addition, to informing. Commanders, at all levels so, is there opportunity for. Us within our is our enterprise to, expose, adversary. Activity. Bring it to the light of day so. That now we, can show our allies, our partners what. Some, of what really specifically, China and Russia are doing as malign, activity, on, a more, routine basis, and enabling, that discussion, for. COCOMs, and for air components. Before. I turn, it to you oh I'm sorry go ahead I was, just gonna add so does Jamison, said we do talk briefly about this, need to pivot to information, warfare in the flight plan and, what.

Are The tangible things we can begin to do as an Air Force to build, this out and to make it real to support, the. New naff as it integrates and stands up and. There's some pretty basic building blocks so. We have these individual, disciplines, that you've heard mentioned of ISR. And electronic. Warfare cyberspace, operations and, information operations, how. Do we build depth, and credibility and capability, in each of those disciplines, and continue to do that which is vitally, important to the airforce but. Then how do we begin the magic really is in the integration how, do we begin to integrate how do we do things like what are the training opportunities, that we can begin to create and leverage that will build that connective tissue what, are the concepts, that we need to develop concepts. Of operations and how we might employ capabilities. And operators, to do the kinds of things general Hawk just mentioned and. Then how do we go out and exercise and practice and wargame these concepts, in these, ideas and sharpen, them and learn from them that's, really what we're talking about that's. What we wanted to have a conversation about and. If I could ma'am so what. We would like to do AFA. Was very gracious to allow us to have a room we're gonna be in Chesapeake, jaye we're, gonna have three different sessions, this afternoon at 1400, 1500 and 1600, where. We invite you to come and we're just gonna have a conversation we. Just want to throw some ideas out there and listen to your thoughts on, how we can make this real because, at the end of the day the best ideas, are not on this stage the, best ideas, are in our junior NCOs, and our young officers, and our young civilians, who have these amazing creative, ideas and we want to listen to you it. Is all about information, warfare and without, each and every one of you participating. You, might have that one nugget that gets, us that integrating, piece, that we all need to hear I know dr. u you have talked about this when we when, we were chatting earlier, from, your. Side of the house weird, what do you see about information, warfare and where we're at it sorry. To pass the question one, thing integration, is the right way so I don't think that there's boundaries, between. For. Example a computer IT system, that you use DW, you need is r4 information. To help you be, able to see what people are doing and know how they're gonna react, so. I think it makes a lot of sense because when, I go look at at, least from the enterprise, sector, people, aren't drawing the sort of boundaries that. You would typically have and you know this guy's only defense or this guy's only is are they, don't care I mean the job here is not to, say, you did your job it's to win and, really. Switching to that mindset is important. General. Jameson, gentlemen the message I heard clearly throughout was let's roll up our socks and get to work so we'd like to give you some socks that you can roll up thank, you very much for a brilliant session. You.


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