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that's all, it turned out to be a good story interesting funny useful couple a little sad and most importantly inspiring she taught me not to be afraid of the challenges that life is preparing for me helped me achieve my goals no matter what But the most important thing is that this story has a happy ending and how it usually happens when it ends one story begins another I'm no longer Motility Ambassador Hello everyone, get in touch Ilya Cyborg and Let's see in this video Who are ambassadors Why each of us needs to become a blogger and why I decided to leave Skolkovo from the Motility company, but first Let's figure out what I did in general in motor skills, I was a brand ambassador, I represented the brand at various events and in the public field, I was also a brand advocate, I defended the brand and products in the form of prosthetic hands from hater attacks and also implemented the mission so that every person without a hand could go through Cyber ​​activation and get their own modern prosthesis to learn how to use it and create positive emotions from the process of using it, I also formed New attitudes to prosthetics And to the fact that any person without a hand needs to join his cyber community where he will receive rehabilitation support and, most importantly, he will probably be able to regain the balance that he lost And now catch life hack How to become an ambassador of absolutely any company Everything is very simple, you just need to find the company or product that you like madly and write to the support service or in feedback, as a rule, these contacts are always located in the footer of any site, you just need to write your story and why you want be a brand ambassador And what do you like about this brand or in this company with a 50/50 chance someone will answer you Say you are leaving this position or not suitable, but you can choose such brands an unlimited number, so how many attempts will not be made early or later you will find the brand with which you want to cooperate this scheme works absolutely everywhere it is the fastest scheme from point A to point b just write and just suggest many people for some reason Even they do this also I was a tester there and this is probably the most interesting part for me, because I had the opportunity to touch technologies and influence them directly, while I didn’t need to know how the gears of the microcircuit are arranged and which soldering iron is better to solder, I tested cyber prostheses in the fields and gave all the feedback from users that could be handled by modern prostheses that could be improved what functions are sometimes superfluous which are built into them feedback is always very useful for developers and companies that produce their products because thanks to feedback their products become better every time with every operation with every release better and better Without feedback It would be very difficult to live and all the things around us would most likely be very uncomfortable, but we would still use it because we thought that Well, it makes no sense To say anything to anyone but nothing will change, so you always need to give your feedback whatever it is living room negative feedback allows companies and their products to get better every day Here is an example of this idea so stayed only with me she already left and left the company so magnets stay with me this is incredibly cool convenient thing a lot of analog people envy me because now I can carry the phone like this with the help of magnets, I can also magnetize various metal forks, spoons, I don’t know if there are nails if the hand is covered with magnets, a cup with nails, then it seems to me that it will already be straight, really edged weapons will be all nails and will not stick out and I will already like a killer cyborg, the next big direction of my motor skills work was creating content, and how useful it is so entertaining, of course, they need to be interfered with because entertainment content allows you to attract the attention of viewers and even analog people in general to grab the focus of attention and attract it to corporate blogs and educational content is necessary in order to first pump society and change the upper levels in it in the association about people with disabilities and also carry meanings to people so that they have already gone and finally tried the technology modern functional prosthetics, they stopped waiting there for some kind of miracle to happen that a miracle has already happened and already now we need to go and try this technology and educational content for the cyber community a big online rehabilitation course to teach a cyborg a person gets a prosthesis and gets a whole big online that allows him to learn how to use his new prosthesis Why did I decide to leave the motor company and leave the post of ambassador Well, probably because I already outgrew this moment I got all the necessary experience is the opportunity to perform on stage Deal with the fears of the public finally learn how to speak blog shoots put a camera mount optimize make a cover find topics communicate with people epichitsya in general, I closed all these my needs for pumping myself as a person as a blogger and realized that I want to move on And most importantly, now I want to share this knowledge, I am at that stage of age when I want to not only take, but also give as much of my knowledge as possible to everyone I can only reach for the last time I spoke at an inclusive shift for children with disabilities of a raw perspective And when I saw how the eyes of the guys are burning when I tell them about the fact that Modern technologies allow them to work without leaving home at all . this is to earn on monetization on affiliate programs on advertising and pumping a personal brand and at the same time be in demand and receive a lot of love, empathy and acceptance from society and this can be done in the modern world Only thanks to a simple tool called social networks and I learned how to do it Knowing how gain millions of views on videos I know how to search for topics, which platform to choose and what is the difference between them, and now I want to start sharing this knowledge with other people so that as many people with disabilities as possible become bloggers and as many as possible just an analogue of people start blogging on deep conviction in the modern world If you do not blog, then you look very strange because many large companies Now that hire employees to work, it is very important for them to know what kind of person you are, what values ​​\u200b\u200byou have in order to publish on your blog To understand that you can go Hand hand in hand and you won’t throw tomorrow in the event of a crisis in the company, many spells just look at the fact that a person has some kind of block or page on social networks, and if a person does not have such a page, then for me personally, such people always look very suspicious when I meet a person who does not have any social network It is unlikely that I will continue to communicate with him and probably one on one I will hardly agree because for me he will be a completely gray spot and I will have a lot of questions for him Well, what if you are an expert And we are all specialists in something, this is a great opportunity a tool to find customers for yourself find an opportunity to give advice or share your goods and services and Using other people is the easiest way for someone to recommend you to someone -then he will simply send a link to your blog and your future client will come in to see who you are, what your values ​​are, what you do and will be able to assess how much you really are a specialist in the content that you make and the last one is probably a plus arising from the fact that Why is it necessary to maintain social networks in the 21st century, in the 20-23rd, this is an opportunity not to tell the same story to your friends and relatives who are in parts of the country of the planet. And you can’t collect them all at the same time and tell, for example, how you went to have a great vacation at sea for the last time, but you can do it about broadcasting your blogs when a person asks a question and you can just send him, for example, here is a video and here you need to understand that you don’t need to turn the whole block into life, you need life to be on the blog, you just broadcast those moments that you would like to share and these moments, by the way, do not always have to to be cheerful, to my shame I do not share with sad moments of my life because it’s always hard for me to go through them at first. I need this time to pass, I survived it, and only then I can share some super difficult moment of my life and only if I understand that it can be useful who can be in the same situations and in all these my projects the blog helped me So if you don’t lead in the forehead, then I want to say that it’s already very late Especially for you For those who are late I created a special guide it can be found in the description on the boost guide is dedicated to how to get millions of views this is such a concise maximum instruction of all my knowledge that I have acquired over the past four years there will be no instructions How to put on the light how to talk to the camera How to do SEO How to do targeting but there will be clear instructions and the Bible of any video how it needs to be done in order for it to score thousands of millions of views for the first five Cyber ​​people I will give a guide absolutely free before that you need to write me in private messages the word guide the most memorable moments in motor skills Of course, this is the start of a blog on YouTube and those incredible the interviews that are published there I recommend that you watch this interview with Katya Kharitonova, for example. I think it is the most sincere. But honestly, in 1020, when we all went into quarantine during our lifetime, there was a tick-tok and I realized for myself that people with disabilities are interesting to analog people and that such videos can gain millions of views. I now have more than one million subscribers on the channel and monthly views are about 35 million, and this is what motivates me to make content further . when I was already a popular blogger I had 300 thousand subscribers I didn’t understand who these people were for me for some reason they were all some numbers for some reason I don’t believe at all that these people are real and when I came to speak as a speaker at artlaster Tavrida I met with my subscribers when I saw that they are alive they are real they are real And most importantly they are insanely critical all the younger generation that is already growing after me is somehow insanely empathic and my tik tok subscribers are also insanely empathic they empathize rejoice that I got a new prosthesis or learned something new with this prosthesis, they willingly share feedback, this is also very motivating and inspiring, and this is the part with me when leaving the position of the company's ambassador, we also did a cool comic with the team It's called This is a story about Kibi the fight that protects the city and the little boy who is in this comic Kibi hero This is a real person his name is Tim and according to his story and my story this cool comic was made Let's play this comic By the way I have three copies of the comic Kibi fight This is the first issue we can say that this is a super mega valuable story and plus it still comes sealed in a cover That is, in principle, you can never open it and after a while When the Bright Cyber ​​​​future comes, sell the comic at auction for many, many, many million rubles, but it’s up to you do it with him. The main thing is you can win it. To do this, you will need to leave a comment subscribe to the channel and the randomizer will select three Winners in the next video, we will find out who will receive the next memorable motor skills event was acquaintance with elinaz davletov this child lost his hands as a result of an accident never we met at the time of his prosthetics when he became a test pilot of two cyber prostheses from the shoulder so that they could understand from the shoulder this is a very complex prosthetics and it is very difficult for pilots to learn how to control such hyper arms he was hydroactivated We got together with our community to congratulate Ilnaz And so I spent the whole day with him and he motivates me insanely I will leave links to his telegram channel in the description of this video conference sense if you do not know what aunts are, then this is a world conference that Bill Gates spoke and many other talented people or people who have some kind of unusual experience that they didn’t carry through life I had the opportunity to speak in Moscow at theta auxes and tell the whole world my story about how it’s generally born without an arm to live without an arm and what to do with it so as not to give up these very hands when the world sometimes collapses around you, this dream of mine came true and I am really grateful for this opportunity and the event of the North Pole movement joint companies this collaboration became possible due to the fact that I had already introduced a blog was quite popular for me the organizers who organized this event were signed by this trip and I was offered to become one of the speakers on the icebreaker so that while we go to the North Pole we would take care of teenagers and pump our knowledge, share our experiments The North Pole, of course, it was an incredible event I think that this video is just insanely underestimated so please give me some likes there so that YouTube can see it offered to her As many users as possible during my work I visited a large number of forums and technology exhibitions I want to tell you that in Russia, in fact, a very large number of educational projects are being done for young people Here I am, as a speaker riding around these forums and educational projects, I really envy them. Sometimes I envy them indecently, because in my childhood there weren’t

such opportunities that the modern generation has now. why why didn’t this happen to me in my childhood Well, I’m glad that now the modern generation has such cool opportunities during my work at the company I gave hundreds of interviews for various programs about technology and found out that we actually have a very large number of media that they are engaged in the popularization of innovation technologies and this is very cool, I also had dozens of speeches at various events where I learned to act as a speaker so that you understand for me it was always the worst Phobia because I was afraid to go out to people at all I think now they won’t look at me and to think why I don’t have a hand, I overcame all this for a very long time and thanks to such performances I learned to fight it and now I began to get just an unreal pleasure buzz Every time I perform on stage with any topic or lecture, the main acquisition is the community and acquaintance with the same cybers as me before proved to me that I am the only one so exceptional I showed that there are actually a lot of people without hands And I am glad to get to know my community and understand that I am not alone because it took me about a year to master all the possible actions and functions and interactions with objects and life that I encounter daily How do I see the development of motor skills in the future Well, of course, the company should become a leader in neuroprosthetics Yes, yes, we are talking to you just under the same cyberpunk when we all will be embed various gadgets implants neuro-implants in order to improve the quality of your life or add new functions to yourself I think that the motor company will become just such a leader in the field of neuroprosthetics in 2030 feel that they don’t touch or why they leave they are developing their new control based on optical sensors I was a test pilot of this control I want to say that if it is in the release version I’m ready to buy a prosthesis for myself with such a control on bail because it will really already look like that the most cyberpunk and management with the help of just thoughts that you wanted Here the little fingers only one little finger bends, so we are waiting for the release version of these technologies to be released Well, I also wish them that they go to IPO so that you and I have the opportunity to buy shares of the company about investing in it don’t get shares in return and wait for these shares to grow I believe in the company so I’m waiting for them to go on an IPO What plans do I have next Well, firstly, I have a top dream to make it popular all over the world if you don’t have an over dream, then I recommend you get it because it will motivate you getting up every day from the couch from the bed and doing something in this direction almost four years of work in motor skills was an incredible event for me that will remain in my memory and in my heart forever and ever I am extremely grateful that such an event happened in my life that I then I wasn’t afraid I didn’t write my letter hacked the mail and everything happened I’m happy and continue to share happiness and move on let’s see what happens next as they said in the program of my childhood [music] [applause] [applause] [music] [music]

2023-08-14 07:29

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