Hi all my name is Sergey NEO and you are on channel "the0" very often in car services or car repair shops you have to see how the motor and very important components hydraulic blocks from automatic transmission are washed gasoline and collect after that happy and satisfied all supposed to be clean what about garages? I recently told about a technology that even garage conditions allows perfectly clean parts it's aquablasting who are interested go on the link in the description watch my videos water jet washing aka aquablasting sandblast shotblast all these technologies are great clean the parts and their appearance after it becomes almost like new but everywhere they use abrasive but apply these technologies when washing parts there where generating is guaranteed can't wash - can't of course there is iceblasting - this is ice processing there is a laser, but in general it is not at all garage technology I think a lot of time will pass when everyone in the garage will have such an installation but just though maybe in sheikh's garage of course - easy also a garage How do you feel about garage services? Do you repair your car with them or not? write in the comments and now I'll tell you how to use conventional construction basin 85 liters conventional heating element or water heater and two meters of copper eight-millimeter tube make a great car wash parts in the garage and of course it won't no secret ingredient see below I twisted the copper tube in the form of a spiral and drilled into it several dozen holes in increments of approximately 3-4 centimeters I blocked one end of this tube hung a quick-release fitting on the second edge By the way this is another "expensive" detail in this car wash in order to supply air all you need is a compressor any small compressor even I think that the camera from the bike will do in order to constantly blow air into this tube next we need any water heater, which will heat water over 60 degrees I chose some heating element from an industrial installation it has its own thermostat and it is very convenient in general, it remains to fill this tank with water 50 liters of water is enough for me now it's about half of that pelvis Now I turn on the heater at 70 degrees here he earned hissed... how quickly it heats up that even the plugs are knocked out The heating element turned out to be very powerful, so I had to move to another outlet and all process started seething The temperature is currently set to 70 degrees. if you can see the water is slowly boiling already hot! now you can enable the bubbling process for this we connect the fitting to our tube and the process started the whole bath is bubbling, this is the process of mixing he is barbatage but now one is missing that secret ingredient but even now that, without which all this washing is unlikely to wash the details as it should it's chemistry chemistry from himiklife.ru there are several types of this tool it is dry concentrate such a jar (2 kilogram) enough for 100 liters of mixture two compositions differ from each other in that one with anti-corrosion additives that allow you to wash iron parts and after that they won't rust when applying this composition, the parts will be rust, but it is better cleans aluminum parts so let's start with aluminum First of all, prepare the solution so white powder I won't taste it I don't know what it tastes like although the manufacturer says that it is the most environmentally friendlyty almost 96 percent it is biodegradable during operation at this sink you can be and it does not produce any harmful fumes let's check! let's try! now I'm going to pour out about half one kilogram for my 50 liters about as much as you need like this! to say that there is no smell at all there is a smell, but not so pungent Now I'm going to mix it all up immerse in the bulk of the water this is the mess well, I didn’t even mix everything small remnants remain then it gets mixed up let's assume it's ok the first thing I will throw in our the pelvis is such a detail it's part of the motor aluminum pallet here you can see a good soot she's all dirty and filthy But let's see what will happen to her now! I'll be there in a while take it out and see what it looks like let's see what happens but the whole process usually takes like 30 minutes We'll see well, I put all the details into the camera specifically in the pelvis good that the pelvis allows fit almost everything not really... like this
I had to add another 10 liters Of course, this part didn't fit. Well, it doesn't really matter now. will have to see how it works by the way, the process has begun already oil stains are separated, but now we need to turn on those very bubbles, that will speed it all up Well, it's been exactly 15 minutes. reduce bubble pressure and turn them off completely.
now you can get the part good thing I have a piece sticking out here and this is what it looks like 15 minutes after the start of the wash Well, you can say that of course she is not perfectly clean, but already very clean this side is straight aluminum shines but oil leaks the oil residue is still there so we put it on for another 15 minutes temperature is 70 degrees raise this is more precise and turn on the bubbles another 15 minutes passed now i'm gonna take it all down so what happened after half an hour of work of this chemistry here is a detail in general, of course it is possible say she is being cleaned, but still not enough this place is not clean at all although the internal soot passes that is, the feeling you have to set it for 15 minutes in general I put another 15 minutes an experiment is an experiment nothing to do about yes of course, ideally this is all cover the structure because it all evaporates a bunch of condensation here is my improvised cover from a simple polycarbonate sheet I won't even consider the price. some rubbish so what happened here Well, everything looks very, very nice. at least all the oil soot was washed off that is, I do not see oil stains at all and that without any impact other than bubbles yes, this coating of dirt remained, but I'm afraid that almost no car wash will take it only abrasive washes will wash it away so I'll put this detail in next in the sandblasting chamber more precisely in the aquablasting camera and see how it goes look after processing,finally for now, this is such a clean detail you can say right inside like new but given the fact that the process is going on at a high enough temperature 70 to 90 degrees detail from this camera Gets hot and dries instantly that is, there is not an ounce of moisture left on it which is really good for iron or even though it is aluminum and with the iron we will still talk ahead in the meantime, I put her in the camera for aquablasting we'll see what happens to her in the end, but this is of course already a restoration and now it's going to cost more design of this sink this is a regular grill grate, which often used on barbecues I don't know what my wife when she sees this video, but I have an old rusty grate on the grill and of course, buying a new one in the garage is blasphemy well, by the way like your family wife, girlfriend or mom relate to garage costs? write in the comments This lattice makes an excellent lattice for small details or organize the process in two layers remove something larger on the bottom layer something smaller here it will wash fine here the next thing that comes from aluminum here is such an oily detail it's part of the engine I will lower it to the bottom of our sink bracket Also aluminum here's another of the truth two bolts By the way, let's see what happens these bolts after this wash I hope nothing In vain I tula climb with my bare hands gotta wear gloves on top I will put a grate a few small details here maybe even like this all turn on the bubbles let it work here is the detail after aquablasting I walked over the entire surface except for this part that is, this part remained after washing it's like cement here and I don't know what it consists of it's just such ingrained dirt, which is not washed by any chemical but mechanical action she cleared up everything about the inside then I didn’t even touch him with aquablasting she washed herself in the sink i.e. for all oil stains, for any soot, everything was fine
yes of course aquablasting is a technology already more restorative than just cleaning in our garage conditions quite applicable and perfectly used but for cleaning in aquablasting contaminated parts oil, fuel oil definitely need washing you can not put an oily part into the chamber More precisely, you can, but then the effectiveness of this abrasive will drop it will get dirty and will only stain the part so one without the other but washing without aquablasting works, aquablasting without washing is not always So we get the next washed parts well, here's the oil filter housing too glitter and shine generally cleaned up like new. pipes from the cooling system external pollution again remained, but all the plaque was washed off now what was under the bars here are all the channels if it were the cylinder head In terms of pollution, it is very similar channels that are supplied by the cylinder head really delicious it's all cleared again, everything that is oily all plaque clean-clean well, only external dirt or caroding of the aluminum itself remains but it will all go further in abrasive washer in aquablasting that's where he is and the road and then it will shine and shine so far, apart from bubbles, we are nothing we do not mechanically affect the part but ideally, of course, such a camera would be build on ultrasonic emitter then the details would be washed much faster and much more efficient but unfortunately build a camera ultrasound costs a lot of money even the simplest Chinese emitters with aliexpress go beyond any for the garage budget I don't know Is anybody home erased with the help of such a device it's an ultrasonic washing machine I haven't tried washing yet underwear, but they say it helps here's a try to throw it in I really wanted a solution of chemistry I took a BU washing ultrasonic car and will try what happens if i add solution with washable parts? this time there will be a very dirty detail stored in a garage for several years try ultrasonic emitter here, in addition to all dirt age-old oil soot what will happen to him? We'll see! Don't know something is buzzing inside her she probably works at least I bought a BU not so sorry but given that the ultrasonic cleaner built on a different principle bubbles will have to be canceled all I'll do a little experiment not sure if this will help although it is quite possible for such a penny if there is an ultrasonic washing, then it will be just fine in general, we will conduct an experiment, and then turn on bubbles and wash the item normally I can't check if it helped me this ultrasonic tablet or not I hope it helped although maybe The best remedy here is... ouch! Hot! there will be such a mechanical brush she will handle all the dirt Dirt breaks down instantly thick layers followed by washing of course it will wash much better no homegrown ultrasound can't do better than a brush an elementary brush that washes everything I've been waiting for almost a week composition will fall into disrepair I washed all the aluminum that was needed and everything you don't need I cleaned the valve covers washed all aluminum brackets all oil pans rubber tubes plastic covers even stainless exhaust manifold gaskets and those too laundered in the end, I downloaded this set of pistons there are 12 of them I even left this solution overnight of course no temperature and now we can say that chemistry practically ceased to function at all Yes, she washed them, but here's some soot, which I could not take deep and I think a few more hours at a temperature and it will wash but this is already apparently the limit of this composition he is all black and swims there more dirt than chemicals in all this time I have not added chemistry and not a drop of water water evaporated chemistry neutralize and that's all that fell asleep with the first time is here Now we have to change this composition to another yes of course this chemistry is not one there are many different chemical compositions although, to be honest, I'm a little met them online if you have used or know any worthy chemical compositions write in the comments and give a link to them We will see let's analyze everything will be helpful now I can move on to the second composition this is 'MK' I understand that the index 'K' means preservative it contains a preservative that is allows iron parts to rust after washing and in it I can already wash more components such as the whole engine! links to all this chemistry you will find with me telegram channel and also on Yandex Zen so go ahead and subscribe these are also important resources where I am online post a lot of useful information follow the link in the description but in order for the solution to work faster, it must be diluted in a small container and let it settle for a while preferably a couple of hours after that it will work almost immediately now add water And you can start experimenting this motor is assembled and I don’t need to disassemble it but I need to wash it all deposits and raids I would like to clear everything I also want to clean the heads of the block cylinders without separating them from the engine block not to change the gasket well, in general, do not pull out the crankshaft though to see what is there happens, the crankshaft still has to be removed who wants to follow for the fate of this motor ?! subscribe to the channel As part of 'Save The ECLIPSE' I will assemble this motor I'll show you what's inside after all this washing but for now it's stillwe lower it into our solution here about one third of the motor plunged into this basin now I can add a little more liquid and the crankshaft will be completely covered and then it is desirable to turn everything over each cylinder head down and also wash washing in 3 stages I don't know what will show But everything should be beautiful according to previous details let's assume that the soup is ready it's time to turn it off and see what happened there well... like the previous chemistry this chemistry washed everything exactly the same i.e. all oil deposits oil soot everything cleaned up nicely and it is even clear that the shortblock was once painted black in some places what parts were only in oil they actually look like new and most importantly, what's underneath underneath everything looks like new crankshaft and connecting rods, all bed mounts, protection, everything was washed off from oil deposits everything shines and most importantly does not rust which is very very cool now I would be in the same mode wash cylinder heads this oily mud and it would be great Yes, this one is definitely more up to date. because they can wash all the nodes in the assembly
on most nodes such as air conditioning compressors, generator generators by the way are rarely in oil especially in oil there is power steering on all these nodes a bunch of iron elements, which of course can rust in principle, if you close everything technological holes, then it is possible in this sink to wash these parts to a shine yes of course there are many technical washes inkjet under pressure and temperature, ultrasonic and all this perfectly washes the details but I showed the simplest cheapest opportunity wash all the same details no worse in many of these professional car washes you can apply the same chemistry and get much more decent results, but us within the garage or a small workshop is not at all accessible What's next for this engine? and also how the rest of it will be washed I will definitely tell the components on my channel so subscribe to my channel put likes and dislikes don't forget the sponsor section about super likes in general, any coin that you throw on my channel I will be very grateful yes, washing the part is half the battle You also need to protect after this wash. but if it helps with iron parts the preservative itself built into this chemistry then with aluminum parts this will not work and by the way, hack all this chemistry apply after aquablasting when cleaning iron parts also after that we dip the part in camera and it covers with a protective film I will continue my experiments with chemistry and restoration of parts here I have a can in my hands without a label it's another secret ingredient well, if you support my channel with likes, dislikes, subscriptions, reposts, and most importantly, the recommendations of my channel to my friends and acquaintances, then I will definitely I'll tell you about this chemistry too let's do an experiment I hope today's content was helpful for you put likes, dislikes subscribe to the channel that's all good luck to all bye everyone
2022-05-24 11:29