EXAM PREP MS-101 Microsoft 365 Mobility and Security BRK1052

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Good. Morning thank you very much for coming, out on a. Rainy. Wednesday morning, welcome. To BRK, 105 to which is the exam prep session, for MS 101, the. Microsoft 365. Mobility. And security or as I titled it everything you want to know about enterprise, administrator. But we're too afraid to ask. This, session is only 45 minutes yesterday's, was 75. So it's a bit, of a faster go, today good to see some faces from yesterday, from the MS 100, today, my aim is to give you three things what. The session objectives are. For this session are to prepare. You for the exam without. Giving you any answers it's not an exam cram it's not designed to be walk, out of here take the exam if you've not done thing before it's designed, to give you an understanding of, the sort of areas the exam will cover what. Microsoft exams do generally, and. Some. Hints and tips as to the areas you should be thinking about and what may be examined, more heavily than others and then some links and materials. That you can use to study for Microsoft, exams for this one and generally. My. Name is Ed Baker I'm. A certified, trainer I work in the UK and, I've. Been teaching, for, a long time but I've been teaching this topic since it came out 12 months ago. Extensively. So. Microsoft certification, changed, dramatically in the last 12 months 12. Months ago at ignite Microsoft, announced they, were moving to role based exams so, historically, you would take a server exam, or a. System. Center exam or any other product based exam now you take exams based on a role. Long process to work out what the roles are and who does, the roles but the role you're here for today comes, under the modern workplace roles, and it's, the one on the right hand side in gray the certified, enterprise, administrator. Expert, it's one of the top level exams in Microsoft, now the, expert level you. Need to take two exams to get this certification. Starts. Right at the back end on the left hand side with fundamentals, which is a single exam about an hour long and to. Get the one on the right you need to have one of the certifications, from the middle as well, it's. Not to stop you taking Ms 100, and 101 if you don't have. But you won't get that certification unless, you've taken, one of the others. Fastest. Route to it is either the. What's. Actually the security. Administrator, because that's a single exam the MS 500. Not. The easiest but definitely the quickest. So. What role have we come up with this. Is designed, the enterprise administrator, is the person who. Maybe. Creates the tenant certainly, sets the tenant up adds domains, sets, the services up external, sharing they, know all about the. Top level, administration. Of a tenant. Less. So the day to day. Functionality. Of managing, desktops, and managing Windows 10 and managing of the devices, but, you need to know all the policies, and procedures and ways of managing those devices as well.

Underpinning. All that you also need the industry, knowledge and the technical knowledge things, like networking, DNS. Active Directory and. Especially Azure, Active Directory. How. Do we get this exam or how do we study for this exam as, I said you take the first path. And then, after that you. Need to study, two exams one I did yesterday and the one today at, the bottom are the three areas that you study for this exam the, areas the questions, are based on which, is modern. Device services. Security. And threat management and. Governance. And compliance. This. Is very much a design, planning. Based. Exam, rather than a functional, doing exam. Microsoft. Exams themselves are, evolving, they haven't changed that much yet there. Are still on, average between 40, and 60, questions you, could sit next to somebody taking the same exam and get almost, identical, or you could have 15 questions different, it depends how they come down they're, all weighted each question is weighted individually, so you could have different questions, and answers and different. Weights. On each question you. Should, expect to be in the room for up to three hours if you take. The entire time of the exam you get up to 30 minutes to make comments at the end of it and you. No longer just get multiple-choice there are all, sorts of questions, top. Tip on the case studies, is do not read the case study, read. The first question look. At what the question is asking go, to the case study and find, the areas that relate to that question the case studies can be really long and if. You read the case study and, then go to question one that's great go, to question two you've forgotten half of the case study because you focused on question one so always read, the question in the, case though there might be five or six questions go back to the case that E and find the areas you want it'll, say something like you need to deploy app one bearing. In mind the security requirements and there's, a big tab that says security requirements, so go to the security requirements and then find everything else in the case study that relates to app one otherwise. You will read, the case study about five times I also. Forgot to mention come, and ask questions anytime but please ask them the. Microphones so the people at home and everybody else can hear, so. That's the questions themselves there is also a new addition, to Microsoft exams I don't know if anybody a canary, yet but. Performance-based. Testing, not just testing you on what you know but what you can actually do, you'll. Click a button after a few questions it'll take you into launching, a portal. And it. Will have a time between. Five and eight tasks, and it'll say go and do this go, and do that, doesn't. Matter how you do it as long as you do it right at. The end of that test or that particular. Part of the test it will be scored and added, to your final score, you. Can get one or two of these up to ten, to fifteen tasks. Available. So. That's exams run, through from exams what. You're really here for is what, the exam contains. Again. Top tip on this is go to the exam, webpage. So, Microsoft com either learn or learning find the exam you want and list, the objective, domains the. Objective domains will be in three areas and under each domain there will be lots of sections that it will examine you on copy, them create, a OneNote drop, them into the OneNote and then. Follow your study through OneNote, if it, says you need to go and create, a domain for a tenant or verify.

Domain For a tenant go, to the domain do the tenant copy, it and, add. It in so, you can see your study journey and make notes for yourself link, it to lots of Docs Microsoft, comm, sections. As well I. Particularly. Learn by doing so, I would want to do that each time. So. We got three areas modern devices, security. And threat management and governance, and compliance and, you can see here the amount of time that's. Or the amount of, waiting. That's placed on those three areas. 30%. To. 40% on, each of them. So. You should spread your study over all three. Quite. Evenly. First. Section modern device. Services. You. Can see here this is focused very clearly. As it states on devices it's focused on MDM. Compliance. What. You're going to deploy to those devices, and we're, not limited, to Windows. Microsoft. 365. Includes, Microsoft Intune, Microsoft. Intune manages. Just. About every platform. IOS. Android, and. Then. Deployment, of Windows 10, so. You should spend your time fairly, evenly around. Those. So. As an example what I'm going to do for each of these sections is bring up a few slides with some information and the old hint and tip about where you would study, so. Here the. Section says plan for MDM. Questions. In Microsoft exams where it says design or plan will. Normally, be fairly wordy questions, and often. With fairly short answers, or, they might be drag and drop answers, or build a list of what you might do in what order. So. You need to work at a slightly different level than oh I need to go and click this button to achieve this you need to read the question with it with a focus. On how, would I get to this level how would I get to this stage what would I need to do. So. Obviously here we've got cloud-based management, versus, hybrid management, and in, MDM in the Microsoft, world we're talking about the difference between Intune, and configuration, manager or as they both now fit under the Microsoft endpoint, manager, title. So. You need to know something. About conflict manager. Which. Might be a shock to the majority of you who don't know anything about config manager but you you wouldn't need to be an expert in config manager but you'd need to know what it does how it does it and how, you would configure it in terms of using, Co management, with your devices. Integration. With Active Directory. The. 100. Exam is very very heavy on identity, and authentication and, ad, connect and connecting into your a directive, directory and synchronizing, your identities, this, is less so. But. You need to understand, how you can integrate your, devices. Into Azure Active Directory so. If you're using Windows 10 you can join them to Azure Active Directory rather, than drawing them into a normal, as Active. Directory domain. And. Again, in knowing, system, center configuration. Area. Z' you'll, get questions, about you, want to prevent your users from. Enrolling. Too many devices you want to limit the number where you want to take and prevent, them from enrolling, in certain types of devices you, would need to know where to go and do that and you'd, need to know what the limits are. Quite. A few questions may well cover how, can I do this and what is the maximum or minimum I can do it's. Also really important, with. Windows 10. Having, an evolution, every six months or so things. Get built in and they're rarely back ported. So. You could only. Do. Automatic, MDM. Enrollment and Azure ad join. From. 1709, onwards. As. We go on each six months that'll become less and less relevant because obviously it doesn't support it for much further beyond that therefore.

You, Wouldn't be asked questions about operating, systems, that are no longer supported. One. Of the big areas is device compliance. Device. Compliance, is a fairly simple solution. It tells you lots of things about your device you can use it for audit you can use it with conditional, access you can use it in lots of ways, but. A nice, little flowchart to help you with device compliance. Know the prerequisites. What must you have to use compliance. Where. Does compliance, sit in the Microsoft Office 365 or, Intune stack. What. Devices can be marked compliant, or an Orion compliant, or non-compliant rather. So. This this flowchart here is quite simple it says start is the, device enrolled in Intune know therefore its marked, non-compliant. If. It is have, you assigned a policy to it. The. Default is no so it would be marked as a non compliant or optional, marked as compliant, if you want to mark an on policy. Device as, compliant, work, your way through there, practice. It, learn. By doing get. A device build. A virtual machine on Windows 10 you've got hyper-v on Windows 10 build a Windows 10 virtual machine in your Windows 10 so. That you don't mess around with your own devices build, a trial tenant. If. Any or you have partners, you, can sign up for demos Microsoft, comm that will fire you up a brand new tendon lasts for about a year full, of data and information you can use to, practice with so. I, mentioned that, device. Compliance, works very well with conditional, access. So. Conditional, access. Conditional. Access is one of the tricky ones in this exam. Because. You can use, or instigate. Or set up conditional, access in a number of different places and, you, can. Use multi-factor, authentication, with. Conditional. Access in a number of different places so. Knowing. Where. You can do it and how you can do it is very important. It. Gets even more important. When. You start doing it when, you look at all the levels you can set so, just saying yes you need to do a conditional access policy, it's fine but. A conditional access policy, can work at different levels in different ways with different levels of access and different.

Methods. So here we've got a slide that says, you. Can use it on particular users or groups, you. Can use it against applications, or against complete sign in. You. Can set conditional, access based. On a sign in risk if the user is a medium, or high-risk don't. Allow access so you can set conditional, access as allow or deny, so. You I can imagine a number of questions being, asked in a particular way that would not be confusing, but have to lead you through a path of if I want to do this in my, mind I've got to think about the chain, of this set, of, settings. Added. To that. We're. In a cloud world things. Change every week so. These interfaces, will not remain the same all the time the settings will of it often. Remain the same but. The interfaces, won't always be the same so don't rely on thinking, oh I know I click this this and this and it's there because when you come to the exam if it is a performance-based test you'll go yes, oh no. That's gone, as. A trainer in office 365 or in Azure you, prep on a Sunday you come on the Monday morning to do the demo you practiced, on the Sunday and everything's changed so. It's an exciting world but. That's, the world you will face when you are doing it for life because, you've signed, up to this modern. Solution. So. Here's your overview of conditional access user. Tries to sign into an application. Conditions. Are checked against whatever policies, exist is, it. An application policy, is it a location policy, is it based on the user or device or, any or all of them. What. Conditions, am i checking. Am. I checking whether it's compliant, or not, and. If. All of those are allowed and it's an allow policy, you will event you get access to your, application or. Without the user knowing. So. We need to know all of those that we also need to know planning for apps and devices any, section. That says plan don't. Expect the questions to be, deep. Deep into the interface they'll be about you, want to deploy this application in, this way what, would I need to do and it would be what policies I would need to create or how I would set it up. Another. Area that not many people use when. They're. Starting. With Microsoft, 365, is the Microsoft Store for business and the. Private store. Obviously. If you're an autopilot user then you might be using that method, of deploying autopilot, if you're not then. The. Store for business is the area in which you can deploy applications and, licenses, to users and groups for either line of business or other. Applications. That you've purchased. So. You need to know what permissions do I need how do I publish, these things what, role-based access requirements. Are that on the store for business. What. Browsers can I do it with. There's. A hint there the answer is never Internet Explorer for any of those. Another. Little tricky one here features on demand and, configuring, language Pat packs, how. You manage, those and how you use, those has changed, dramatically, as. Iterations. Of Windows 10 come through so, at the bottom they say what's, us for features, on demand and language, packs is. Only available prior, to 1709. Doing. On a share is only available prior, to 1809, and. In, Windows Update you can use group policy from. In 1709, but, in 1809 that's the only way you can do it I. Forgot. To mention at the beginning there's, practice test questions in, here so, there's one for you. In. This section as well under. Mobile. Device management you will find things about mobile application, management whether, enrolled, or unenrolled, so. We have here a question. You. Need to design a man policy for Android devices that enforces, a pin request if outlook is inactive, for, more than 10 minutes. What. Policy type do we need and. This. Would this question wouldn't be presented, like this it would be presented, as to dropdowns and you just choose which you want from each drop-down. Anybody. Got any ideas. B&B. B&B. Access. Requirements, and a, protection. Policy. One. Of the. Minor. Difficulties, in a lot of these are a lot of policies sound, the same the. Difference between protection, and configuration, and if you think you know the product but you don't use the product or don't know the product you. Will often make a just. A slip of your pen when you're checking the answer the, other thing is that one word in a Microsoft exam question, can, direct you down a path. You don't want to go so, always read the question really carefully, we. Often read questions, thinking oh yeah I know that's going yeah and your mind takes you where you want it to go which, is often the distractor and not the right way you want it to go, so. The second section. Security. And threat management. Big. Section, on cloud app security cloud. App security. You, would need to know when you get it, which.

Is An e5 tenant, if you go an e5 license, rather if you have a five you can use cloud app security you. Would need to know the functionality, so, get into cloud app security and, use it if you don't have an e5 license. Take a trial or, if, you do if you are a partner use demos Microsoft. Comm and you can sign up for a fully five. 12-month. M 365. Demo tenant. Threat. Management using, all the the AI and machine learning technologies. Are Microsoft using Azure advanced threat protection as, well where does that come in is that III or e5 you need to know what happens in each license, what you get what you don't get. Advanced. Threat protection in, in or Microsoft, now advanced threat protection. And. All. Of the security reports, and alerts another difficulty, we have with Microsoft 365, is that is our portals. Sorry. Our admin centers our, admin centers are fluid. So. I have a tenant that has security and compliance but, if I bring create a brand new tenant today I will have a security, admin. Center and a, compliance admin center and. What appears in each changes. So. You will find fewer and fewer questions based, on. Exactly. Where, you find things but, when you're doing the performance based test that's critical, because you need to know where, you find things yes ma'am. Can. We have the microphone on thank you. Are. There tests are, they gonna test on. Nuances. Between ATP, Bolton's, and, the, e3, e5. Version. Without. Giving things away I'm not allowed to give away. You. Will find differences, or you will find the exam focusing, in some ways on the, differences, between e3, 5 and business. Because. Microsoft 365, business, does things very differently and give things that doesn't appear elsewhere as. Well, Bolton's. Unlikely. But you should find. It. Should focus on the major functionality. Of the. Product. Some. Things are really hard to ask questions, about on the major functionality, and you end up asking questions about licensing. And that, sort of stuff and then, I'm assuming defender, is out of scope for this test defender. Ease is it out of scope. The. MD, 100, and 101 or the MD 101, exam is the one where you'll get lots and lots of questions about windows information, protection, defender. On the product itself defender, ATP, and agents and things this, is more about setting services, and how you, don't. Like the word how you see what is surfaced, on those portals. And admin, centers for you to take action on so, that would be more about reporting, and what actually does it report so a question could be you. Want to find this this and this which, one of these products, would you use to do that would it be defending Microsoft, Defender ATP, as your advanced threat protection cloud. App security, so. Some of them are quite high level but if you don't use, them you would not. Necessarily know. Okay. Also. Reporting. And alerting, if, you do the courses for these, reporting. And learning is normally, right at the end and module, 9 10 or 11 on the last day when everybody's ready to go home in the, 101 course it's one of the first modules, which shows you what they think about it and how important, reporting, and alerting is at the enterprise, admin level. So. Cloud app security this, slides really in just in here for you to be aware when you get the DECA afterwards, for you to read through what you can do it is a phenomenal, product if you don't use cloud app security at, least get the trial and test it you can do oh so many clever things with it you. Can even now do set conditional, access on apps and session control using, cloud, app security as, well. So. You just need to know what it does what. The limits of it are how. You can use it and what it applies to and of course what, license you get it with which is ePHI. The. Exam shouldn't, but could test you on the difference between office 365, M 365. EMS licences, it's, an M 365, exam if it's going to talk about licensing it will normally tell you at the top of the question you, have this tenant, and this subscription, and then, it'll ask you questions about what you can do it shouldn't try and confuse you about those things. So. Here's cloud app security. Integrating. Into defender, as well or. Defender ATP. So. You can do discovery, based on what's happening on individual machines as well as individual, users. Also. Allows you to do cloud, app discovery which is a separate product as well but it built in here you can bring your logs from your firewalls, into it to see what your users are doing and what your users are using. And. Allows you to take remedial action, so. A question could be you, want to quarantine a user that's copied, a file into a non secured area with confidential, in it that's. A cloud app security type, question. It. Also integrates into Azure information, protection very nicely. So. You can enforce, actions. On endpoint, devices as well.

And. We've, got the Microsoft Defender ATP, now it's been released on Mac OS it's now called Microsoft, ATP, a defender. ATP instead of Windows. Questions. On those could focus on agents, could focus on how you onboard devices, because onboarding is a particularly do it in a particular way how. You off board devices, as well and. Then. We've got the focus on the security centers and secure, score or, your incidents, all your devices at risk. Quite. A focus on secure score and the office score as well. And. Here's the difference between the security. Looking. At your compliance. So. Section 2 practice question. Your. Company uses cloud app security to, monitor user behavior, you need to enable a custom alert when the file downloads, exceed, a defined, threshold, and suspend. The account until an investigation, is launched. What. Type of cloud app security policy. Should you create. Session. File access, or activity. Any. Ideas. Its. Activity you've done something it's, about a file but, it's an activity one that so that's, a typical type, of the, distractor there shouts file doesn't it I've done something with a file but it's not it's activity. Also. Be aware when you're creating things or when you're testing yourself on cloud, app security go. And create policies, of different types because. The workflow, of the policies is different and what is available in Microsoft, apps and other apps is different who, you can alert how many times you can alert all, those sort of things. Final. Section would be your governance and compliance. And. When I was putting this deck together I passed it through the powers-that-be, and they, said please focus on this. Which. Is great for me cuz I'm English that's fine I don't mind talking about gdpr I. Know. It was 12 months ago but gdpr, is a big thing there is even a GDP our dashboard, in your portal to help you understand, what areas, you're compliant in and what areas you're not. So. Focus, on all. Of the reporting, and governance, areas, in here so we're, looking at data. Loss prevention. As. Your information, protection, and, I would look at the is your information, protection not only from the service level and the, PowerShell, level but look at it from the client app as well if. You don't use it download the client app integrate, it track, and trace track and revoke look at the web interface for that, understand. That as an administrator. Of a tenant you can track and revoke, anybody's. Files that they have made available, in, a IP, so. If you go into the app, right click look. At the file you've you've protected, go. Into the top right-hand corner there's a little icon there for administrator, click it put the name of the person you want and it will list all the files they've ever used, not. Not a widely, known or why do you use feature. Auditing. Always, a big thing especially in exchange exams and some. Of this will be exchanged, so you need to look at auditing. Audit. Policies creating, policies, this is a planning and design so you're going to want to configure, your policies as well and. Then. The dreaded litigation. Hold e-discovery, content. Search, who. Can do it what can you see what can you access role-based. Access will come into this as well. And. Of course GDP, are. So. Microsoft's, approach with this to information, protection is we've. Got the azure information, protection tool that will classify. And, if you've got the e5 it will auto classify, documents and, files as you want them based on the content, as does DLP, it. Integrates, into DLP, and now we have Universal, unified, labeling, across both a IP and the Microsoft 365, areas. As well that, could be a focus. So. We can then place. That base, policy, and. Take. Action, across whether it be a device, and app service. Or even something on-premises as well because we can use the IP scanner on-premises, to scan our documents, in our. File. Shares. So. Got a number of different protection, solutions, on. The devices you think here windows in for my information, protection. Unlikely. I can't promise but unlikely, to be an answer in this exam but it's highly likely to be a distractor, Windows, Information protection it's, more likely to fit into the MD 101, but I couldn't say cousin. Wouldn't. Know and, then of course on the devices which would be.

Focal Into an MDM and mam what, sort of policies would you create to protect the things on those devices or the files and resources on those devices. At. The service level you've got office, 365, DLP, notice that's a cross office that's, not just exchange DLP, so it covers sharepoint, it covers onedrive. And. Exchange. So. Knowing where you create a policy for that is, important, and where it will take action and who you're applying it to and. Then. At the cloud service, and. And on-premise, this you've got a IP and, cloud, app security which, covers across both areas. Within. The em 365. Portals, DLP, becomes easier. Than it used to create than it used to be in the exchange, because. You now have a nice workflow, to create it go, and create yourself DLP. Policies, open. Them up look at all the options look at what you can do look at work you can apply it to because you can choose now where you apply it whether, you apply to individuals, which applications. Or services you apply it to. Automated. Reporting, as well you get emails now. And. Then, we get the incident review level at in, these this, one happens to be showing the security, and compliance portal. Rather. Than the, compliance, portal. So. I. Can't. Give any advice about what portal II going to face in an performance-based, test I would imagine it, will be a brand new tenant which means you'll get the security. Portal. And a compliance, portal but. Just make sure you know both make, sure you know what's working in each what, you can do in each and, what each applies to. And. Then. We've got content, search. Perfect. Question for role based access content. Search who, can see what is searched you can scan. What people have searched. Are. You searching across your entire environment what. Does it work on quite. A few questions could focus on you want to carry out this across this this and this does and it'll give you a number of services, does that service work across all those platforms, content. Search works across everything and. Then. We've got the ediscovery, litigation. Hold type searches, as well. And. Archiving. Quite. A focus on that as well. Also. Need to create, the self a couple of investigations, have. A look at them see what information you get on investigations. Look at all the tabs to. Me if I open something new I don't know or haven't used before I see the number of tabs let's go and read the tabs and look at them and see what I can do in each. And. Of, course we've got advanced, e-discovery as well set up a case carry. Out the advance the discovery, know the difference between things like content, search a discovery. Supervision. The. Supervision, features, a great feature. Filter. A number of internal, or internal, and or internal, and external emails, from a user or a group of users to see, what they're sending in and out of your organization, it's. Not an e-discovery it's, not a litigation, hold it's just, a Content search and. Then. If EMS, isn't your thing, it. Should be but if it isn't understand. What you get with each level of EMS III, e5 know, what Adams you get know what you get from Azure ad p1, and p2 that comes with them.

So. The products. Could. Even get questions on the advanced threat analytics. Which. Doesn't really sound like a Microsoft, 365, type question, but it's a high level service, tool you deploy on your domain controllers to. Analyze what's going on in your environment it's. A protection. Tool you should know it. Download. It use it play. With them in an environment you control. And. Your final practice question. Your. Company uses Microsoft 365, you're the company administrator. Users. Protect documents, using Azure information. Protection, you. Need to ensure that the users in the data supervisors. Group, can. Read protected, files of users who have left the company, what. Should you do. Add. The user to the compliance, data administrator, role in security, compliance, center at, the user to the security, operator role in the circus, security. And compliance center, run. The add a IP service. Role based administrator. Paschal commandment or, run the add a IP service. Superuser, powershell, commandlets. Sorry. Shout. I'm. B&D. Sound very similar votes 4d. Votes. For be, the. DS have it. Super. User can be enabled how. Powershell. You. Will find. Increasingly. I don't know if it's still the case but PowerShell now in exams tends, to be only. Really examined, if it's the only way you can do something it's not gospel. But that's, how i found it over the last few. Exams it tends to be. Far. Less prevalent than it used to be two three years ago you take an examine it be on parish, shell city but it isn't so much anymore so, run the AIP service, super, user, powershell. Commandlets. So. Those are the three sections you, need to concentrate on governance. And compliance security, and threat management and modern. Device services. How. You prepare, I, prepare. In a particular way I'll use my OneNote, I do I build, everything, if it's, in the exam domain I will go and do that thing so, I understand, how that thing works and how it impacts now, you can't, really do it across every setting and every option but, at least if you understand, what that part of that service does when you get the question that's at high level and say which service would I use in. Azure exams you get them about it. Will give you an answer of security center monitor. And. They do soman or adviser and they do so many similar things that you really do need to know which one does what, so. How can you learn well Microsoft, has changed its learning experiences, quite dramatically in the last 12 months Microsoft. Comm slash learn, not. Learning Microsoft comm, slash. Learn is where. You can find bite-sized, chunks of things to help you, there's, nothing at the expert, level yet, but there are lots of areas that cover expert, level material so, as your active directory's in there DLP's. In there lots of little things you can sign up and set yourself a Learning Path if. You want to know more about that head over to the hub go and see us at, the, Microsoft. Learn area certification. Area. Events. Like this help obviously, you'll find you should find local, events in your area that can help you train up and learn things Microsoft, are now doing quite a few. Customer. And partner courses, for a Zed 900 and MS 900, if you're fairly new to the environment, classroom. Training obviously keeps, me in a job if. You're, local and you know. A good training provider, use them always, very good to. Sit in a classroom but, you learn the way you find, best and then, to validate it certification. Again. I'm a trainer I have to be certified in the things I teach so I need to go and take exams. By. The number of people here you all think exams are important as well which is good. As. I said at the beginning go, to the exam page download, the or take off the. Objective. Domain. And. Start. Working through it and. Then. Especially just. For this, ignite. You. Can take two free exams now the first free exam. Might. Be all sold out so you can take them on site go. To the certification area I think it's two to two, just, outside the hub, all. The scheduled ones are sold out but you may be able to get a walk up just, turn up because some people just aren't turning up and, if there's a space they will put you in but. If you go to this location afterwards, it will explain what you need to do up to six months after you leave ignite you were every, attendee that's, thirty or thousand attendees will have one free exam, you.

Need To sign in with, the email address, you used to register for, ignite, which. For a lot of you won't be the email address you use for exams but in that process you can link the two and it, will recognize that a or an exam taker and B you were ignite and there won't be a voucher it, just still have a zero value when you register for the exam and. It's. Not registered within six months the exam must be taken, within. Six months. So. What do I recommend you do now as. I. Said go to the learning booth come and talk to us get some individual. Advice and help go. And shedder your exam if. You, think you're nearly ready, over. In the hands-on labs area which is next to the learn area, our, eighty, machines, where you can take practice tests for this and other exams as well. Which. Is from measure of the Microsoft preferred provider, and. Then. Go ahead off to the Microsoft comm certification, site to see what you're doing next, there. Are 18 of these sessions we're. Rapidly, running out of them because it's now Wednesday, they'll, all record it their all stream live if you want to do other exams, as well head across to those. If. Your, topic isn't there it may have been there last year in, which, case get on to YouTube and search so I did a server one last year there's no server ones this year but. There's been several years, where we've done the same technologies. Which. Leaves the customary four minutes for questions. Any. Questions anybody. What. Have you all asked them. Don't. Be shy. Okay. You can follow me on Twitter, if you want to add bacon 1965. Or, connect. Me on LinkedIn you'll find that most Microsoft, trainers will help outside of their classrooms, just ping me with any questions yes sir you've got a question can you come to this mic I. You. Have to come to my I can't hear you properly. Thank. You very much the rest of you where did you see the practice music exams. Are hands-on lab area near learning, thank. You very much everybody and have a great ignite.


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