EXAM PREP AZ-300 Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies BRK3200

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So. My name is Thiago and we, are going to get started to be certified, in. Azure. Are. You guys ready. So. Let's go so. I work as a independent. Contractor, which is a fancy name to, say is that I'm a freelancer, without, the free in the world. And. I'm basically, a cloud architect, and advisor for several, companies I'm, also a Microsoft. Certified, trainer, and, I also teach as you're in a classroom for. Some. Companies, mainly in. Europe so. The agenda for today we're, going to talk about is, a. Little, bit of other certifications. And overview about the certifications. We're going, to talk about the exam, talk, about the object domain of the exam and then, we're, going to review, and check Alki and you guys prep, and what. Are the most are topics. That you should be careful when you should study for the exam and. Of course some, of the action takes in the end that, we're going that. We're going to have. So. That starts with a certification overview. This. Is the tracks that we have for the Azure applications. And infrastructure, certifications. So, as you can see on the Left we start with fundamentals. Which, is a certification, that, is targeted. At people, that. Are non IT but they still need to have some knowledge on Azure and also. People that are starting their journey in, Azure and they really want to start from like the beginning of it then. We. Have another level that we call the associate. Level on the, associate, level we, have three, roles. That. We have over there first. Of all it is the azure administrator. Then. We have Azure developers, and also the security engineer. As you. Can understand, basically, one is for people that work and do and. Create virtual machines scale. SATs and do all the administration, stuff on Azure the, other one is target at Enterprise, developers. That want to take advantage of, all the cool services, that we have today in Azure so. That, will be for the azure developer. Certification. The last one it's. A very cool certification. In my opinion, it was the last one that I got which, is the security engineers. Specialized. In, security. A very odd topic, today in enterprises. And when it comes to cloud even more is a big concern from from from the enterprises. We. Also have the azure DevOps, on the expert, level. And also our. As, your. Solutions. Architect that's, what we're going to focus here today and then. Also in. Ignite. We are announcing that also. There is another, certification. Level that we call the specialties, and we. Start to have one now which is for Azure for, SCP workloads. So, if you work with ICP and you need to implement sa, p in your organization's using Azure so, that's a very very odd certification. For professionals, that will have that target, in their hands. So. But let's start let's, start to talk a little bit about the Azure Solutions Architect what what is our audience, for this usually. When we talk about this we talk about. Solution. Architects. That they. Really, need to talk with stakeholders, understand, what stakeholders in, companies, what they want and also. Ok. Try. To understand, and try, to translate, all, those business requirements. Into. Things. And documentation, that our administrators. And Azure developers. They can understand, and they will implement those things of. Course candidates. For this exam they. Should already be some, kind of proficient, in azure because. This is not a easy certification. To get and that's, why it's so valuable in, the marketplace because. We should already have some knowledge in, Azure administrator. Or Azure, development. Because we touch in both, in, both worlds, also, DevOps if you have also some knowledge on the DevOps industry, that's also that's, also good.

For This. Ok. So the, path that we have so, this is the only certification. That we have two exams to get to the certification, so. We have the AZ 300, which is the exam, prep session that will I bring here today, and we. Also have the AZ 301, so that means that you have to, pass in. Both. Exams. Okay. You, cannot choose one and it's, not you just you don't you need to choose you just need to take both and pass on both there. Is no specific order, in taking one or the other you can take whatever you want first, of course there is a recommendation, to, take the AZ 300. First because. It's a technology exam. So it's really and zon let's. Do stuff with, Azure okay, it's really hands-on when. We talk about the 301 exam. Well the 301 exam, is not so much ends, on it's more on the design level, so, it's a little bit more abstract in terms of the technology, so you really need to have some, experience, okay. Already with the services and I feel that when, you're prepping for the AZ 300, you also get okay, that kind of experience, so when you go for the 301 you're, more comfortable with. With. The technology. We. Started all this to do to talk about what's. An exam just. A small, poll we already took exams here Microsoft. Exams, okay. So I'll say like 50 50 probably less than 50 so, for the ones that didn't took so we have in these, kinds of exams we should have and you should expect 40 to 60 questions, you. Have three. Hours to take the exam which is two hours and a half for doing really questions, on the exam, thirty minutes that is divided, in the beginning and in the last part which, is in the beginning, instructions. For the exam, okay I. Really. Like that everyone, read the instructions. For the exam, we. Got some complaints that I didn't, knew that that was like that it's in the instructions. Okay believe me Microsoft. Is doing exams, for many many years the instructions, are really clear we, just need to read them okay. And. Then in the end we have some time that we can comment, on some of the questions that we did and we. Always like to ask, if you guys don't feel, that one of the question, was good enough or if one of the questions is wrong with a well, with, as you're changing so much that, might happen, Microsoft. Tries also not that to happen but it might happen comment. On that there are people in Microsoft, that they read the Commons that you do that, I do when, I take the exams too, so. We. Have 30 minutes for that part. All. The answer all the questions that we have to do if. You do a question and you get it wrong you don't get last, points, or there's no deducted, points on, questions, so. I always tell my students, and I'm telling you you'll also answer. Every, damn question, okay all, of them even if you don't know the. Answer you try to do an evaluate, it gasps okay. And you try to do your best to, to try to get the question, also. There. Are some questions in the exam that, they cannot be skipped so, this means that you're answering the question and then. You say next question, and then, you cannot go back to that question again this is very well explained, in the instructions. You, just have to read the instructions. Some, people don't read the instructions, because they are nervous taking. The exam which is fair okay totally fair but. That, is rare really, well explained, there so, some questions that you cannot go back okay and others, that you that you can go back you, can always mark for review so if you don't know the answer you're saying I feel that this is the answer but I want to review this in the end of this section you can always do that.

There. Is more than, just multiple-choice. Questions. Got. It so there is not this, is not any exam, there's just multiple choice, questions, and you select and that's it so. There are different. Types of questions there are going to be build lists, there, are going to be all areas, they're going to be like for example pieces. Of code PowerShell, Bosch c-sharp. Code whatever depends, on the exam of course with, incomplete part and I have to click and you have to complete them you're, not going to write code that's not the idea over there but you have to complete, them okay so all of that will be there and also. We. Also have and that, was announced last year in ignite. Performance. Bayes labs and. Performance-based, labs they're coming for all the, role based certification. Exam, and that's. Really when you have Asher, in one. Window and you're going to have tasks, to do I have a slide on that and also. Case studies, the famous case studies yes I know okay, so we have sometimes a case study we have some business, requirements. You're, going to have some technical requirements, and usually, it is a lot, of tax. To read but, the, answers, will be on that, taxed so you just need to go to questions, and with your knowledge that you have studied for the exam and the context. That you got from the business requires the technical requirements you're able to answer those questions. The. Performance-based, labs, will have a UI like, that so on the Left you're, going to have the azure portal, on the right you're going to have tasks. And you, can expect, seven, to nine tasks, per lab and as, you can see over there just basically, expand, one of the tasks, and what, happens is that they are going to ask you to do something okay, you. Have to do that in the azure portal, you, can do it through the azure portal, you can fire up the cloud shell if you're good in bash and just tripe some bash commands, if your preferred powershell you, can do it in powershell, what happens is you have to do exactly. What they're asking in the tasks how do you get there, doesn't matter got. It and, then. There is something in the back that will check if you, really did exactly, that it's, pretty cool no huh, you, guys like that I. Love. Labs. To be honest okay so. Let's talk about an exam of review an objective, objective domain, that we have so, this is the objective domain, that we have for the AZ 300, so, what we have is deploying, and configuring, infrastructure. And then we have like a percentage, there that percentage, basically, means that, 25. To 30 percent of the topics, on the on your on that exam will, be about deployment. And configuring, infrastructure. Then, we also have the same thing for implementing, workloads, and security, 20, to 25, create. And deploy apps 5 to 10% implementing. Authentication, and secure data and then, develop, for the cloud and as. Your storage 20 to 25% and, this is where I want to get there. Is code, on this exam, there are developer, topics, and they, are ID Pro topics, on this okay so it's a mix on, administration. And development. That doesn't mean that.

You Have to be like, an expert, in both but at least in one of them is recommended. That you can excel in one of the fields so that you can take the exam and pass, okay. So. Deployment. And configuring, infrastructure. Then as you can see divides, and you have like some subtopics. Over there all, this information. I have in the end of the slides we. Have a page in Microsoft. On Docs on microsoft.com, where. Basically. It is everything. There there's a PDF document, that you can download that comes with every. Small dark. Detail, of everything, that you need to study and you need to know for. Passing, on the exam, okay but in, terms of subcategories what, we have is we analyze resourceful. Ization and consumption. Storage. Accounts, virtual, machines a lot of stuff inverted about virtual, machines every. Deed networking. And also I'd rate hybrid, identities, okay so let's just start we, talking about analyzing, resources. And utilization and consumption. Basically. We talk about azure alerts and, we talk about the common experience, of azure alerts so this is something that you need to understand, you, need to know how to create as your alerts you, need to know that signals, are based okay. On the resource, type where you're creating, your alerts, then, you can create and manage those. Action, groups okay, and then. Also, you. Can define action, types and action times could be just send an email okay. A push notification for. Your app that, you have on your phone for. The Azure administration. App okay, webhook. Called, an azure function. Call a logic, app you, name it okay so all of this can. Be and will be okay, in in. The exam, when. It comes to Microsoft, storage, so, Azure storage accounts, so, important, topics about Azure storage accounts, first, of all understand. All the differences, between v1. V2 and blob, storage. Okay so understand. That for. Example in. V. 1 and V 2 we have all the services, okay we call it containers, which is the old blobs okay I don't know if you notice but they change this a, couple, of weeks ago they're, not called blobs and yahoo portal, anymore they call it containers, which is kind of makes sense okay, then. We have file shares tables, and queues in general purpose v2 we have the same services, but in blob storage. We don't have the other ones we only have blob so containers, and. Blob. Storage bring, brings, us something. That is in my opinion, pretty cool and I, implement. This in my customers, really a lot which, is basically. Tearing access T rings so I can have odd storage cool storage in archive. Storage also. Kind. Of important, to understand, that cool storage you do a 30-day, committeemen, archive. You do an a 180. Day commitment, if you don't if the your files don't stay there for that time okay, when you move them to another tier, you're still going to pay those 30 days that, you, commit, with. With. It. Also. Important, is to understand, what that yeah I can create this through what through the portal, but, this year I just bring this for, the Azure storage accounts, okay but what. I'm going to explain is all for all the services, that I'm going to explain you always need to understand, how to create stuff in a portal and you, also need to know what PowerShell. And you, also need to know bash so in terms of PowerShell, you need to understand that first I need to create what a resource, group so, I'm calling the new AZ research group. Command. Let and then I need to pass a name and a, location, okay. Basically. Then, I can create an azure, storage account, with a new - AZ, storage account I pass a resource, group name, location, ask you name and a, kind, so. We have to understand, this. For. Bash same. Thing okay. A Z group create we. Pass a name we, pass a location, and then we can create an azure. Storage account, basically, same. Arguments, you see over there name resource, group the, location, to skew and then, the kind sometimes. You. Have differences. In the arguments, here that you see there like for example skew, correct, and if I go back there is queue name so, you have to understand, that one is skew the other is skew name because that's very easy to confuse if it's a very easy to confuse that gives me a good question to make. Ok, so be careful with those kinds, of things, got. It. So. There you go then also. Redundancy. Option for Azure storage so. I can understand, what is local, redundant, storage that I have lot three. Local. Symmetric. Copies so, basically, all. The copies are the same and I have three in, the same mod same, as your region data center, ok then I can have zone redundant, storage only, available, where, I have, availability, zones on Azure so, it's still a limit a little bit, of limited.

Service. Because not all the azure regions, have availability, zones. And. I only have those in those, and also zone redundant, storage is only available in. V2. Ok, storage. Accounts because v1 storage accounts they don't have, availability. Zones zrs. Then. Understand, that that way that is three copies, by the way and is one in each ok. Zone. That, I have in my availability, zones, understanding. GRS, G redundant, storage I have six total. Copies, three, in the, main region and then we always have three, others that is symmetrically. Copied, to, the pair, region. Of the, main region where you decided to put your stuff. Then. We have the read access GRS which is exactly, the same but I have what an endpoint. That like the same name says I can read from. The pair region I can go there and I can read, understand. That now because, Microsoft. Is always putting new questions, on the exam ok that, there are two, others there are still in the preview ok but probably, when, they get to GA ok. They, basically might, get also on the exam so if you don't take the exam this week probably. Is better also to understand a little bit dose alcohol, gee redundant, storage. And. Basically. Zoned. Redundant, storage and then, the read access, zero, zone redundant, storage okay. They are pretty pretty. New in, the natural. Talking. About virtual machines always. Important. And things, that I need to consider when, I'm going to create a virtual machine she's. Something that I love cuz most of my customers in, the beginning there's just oh yeah we need a VM and just go the portal just started to create a VM right like, come on just hold on okay I know that you're excited to, create virtual machines but. First. Let's see what. Will be a good. Naming structure, for my virtual machines. Location. There. Are a lot of things, that might ok. Make. My decision, to put one virtual machine in one ok. Region. And not on another region, for, example if I have a very awesome latency. With, region, a year, but. Then I have a legal requirement that, say hey you cannot use region a yeah. I need to put in another region let's just call it region, B this. Is the kind of questions, that you, should expect, for another architect, exam on an ax for example on a case study things. Like this got. It so, you have to understand, this kind of stuff then of course sizes, of the virtual machines look. You don't need to know all the 200, or 300, size I already, lost, the number I don't know how many they have anymore ok, but let's, just say that I have like 200, and a lot of 300, you don't need to know them all of them by heart ok don't don't. Worry about that but it's nice to know that well, we have some that are GPU, Bader's, are computer optimized and and still understand, the families, ok which, families, are in which category. Correct. But then you don't need to know ok all the dark details that you have in each one of them. Operating. System, love the support of the machines and then we can understand, that Windows for example we cannot do in-place upgrades, ok. You. Have to create another one with a new more modern operating, system, and then you can move your workloads, there but, for Linux machines you can do, so, things like this we need to understand, to configuration. Of the VMS after it starts, so I can call extensions. In Azure and, I can have like PowerShell, DSC, I have my script extensions, that I can put some PowerShell, and I can just call that and, of course related, resources, that the VM will need understand. That, can attach data discs to the virtual machines that, I can put also more than one NIC to.

My To my virtual machines but I have limits, on this, and limits. Are, basically. Based on the size of your virtual, machine ok I understand, a little bit that. Because, if you have a scenario where you need three NICs you, might need to go to a bigger VM even if you don't need that so that you can put the, nix over there okay then. Ultimate. This understand. How it runs in PowerShell how. It does in bash so as your CLI. Also. With arm templates. And we're going to see arm templates, or a really big thing on the exam and also. Through the azure portal, that I can do also this and I can do all of them too through, the marketplace, images, or I can, have my own, images. To over. There and also through. Code, there. Are SDKs. With fluent API for c-sharp, Java and Python that. We, can also create. Create. Virtual machines with that technology. Talking. About automated. Deployments, of virtual, machines so basically, there you go I'm just doing here in. The azure portal, I go I start. To type template, deployment, I basically. Get the template deployment. UI. And, I, can basically add it this and as you can see I can basically add, a resource, through. The board through the portal, and I can choose there a Windows. Virtual machine, and, then. Basically, I can also even select, - from the github repos. That we have from the QuickStart, template, wrapper if you don't know you, should know that it's, a really awesome wrapper, where we have hundreds. Of harm templates, to, create other resources. It can be a good starting, point even, for your for. Your consulting, parts that you need to do and then, basically this will load ok, the arm template. Talking, about the arm template so what do we need to know and about arm templates. We. Need to understand that they have a structure, schema. They have the content version we, have parameters, okay. And then we, can have variables. Based on those parameters and then, we have resources, and resources, where I'm going really going to create my, my. Part of my the. Resources, that I want to create okay I, give. An advice everyone just review some of the the. The script sorry the arm templates, that you get on the QuickStart template, github. Repo it. Just, have a look at the best ones like to create storage accounts, virtual machines there, have a bunch of them for vm's there for sequel databases - - all of them so that you're comfortable with arm templates, and start to create your own arm, template, so that you're comfortable with this talking. About I availability. Also, super, importantly I availability. Part so, you need to understand, that a single, VM we can have 99.9. In SLA, but, all the disks there's a catch here that all the disks needs to be what premium, storage I cannot. Have like 10 disks, premium storage inand a, standard. Database there you, lose the SLA, okay, then. Also availability. Sets I can create an availability set that can go up to threefold domains, depending, on the, azure region, where I'm creating this and also. Up to 20, update domains. And. If. I have two instances in. Here I get. 99.95%. Of. An SLA, again, this is the kind of questions, that I expected, a larger architect, to know by heart is that, if I give you a case study that I need a need, 99.99%. Of. An SLA, hey, look there's only one answer you need to go to what you need to go if you were talking about infrastructure, you need to go to availability, zones so you need to select a region where you support availability, zones and you, have three zones per region and each, zone has independent. Power cooling and network. Got. It so it's it's it's really a big thing and of, course because of this you, get. 99.99%. Of. An, SLA, of up I'm SLA, and also. You have also, low latency, across the zones so what is in the Azure documentation. Is that you get less. Than two milliseconds of, latency between. Regions. Okay. I have customers, that they have more than that in their data centers, okay. Deploy. And configuring, VM skill sets so understand, what a skill set is so, I can create this, and I starts with two virtual machines that size then. I will put some workload, in here and then I can put what scaling. Configurations. On this I can just say hey I want just for example X number of instances or, I, can enable auto scaling, configurations. And if you enable out of scaling configurations.

On This, basically. You can put some rules there well, if for, example I, have more than 75%, of, CPU I get a new instance if I have last and ax okay, for example have a last one one. One, instance, so that you can go up when you have the demand but also you get down when, you don't have that that. Demand, so something like this, you, can also limit, as you can see over there instance, limits in the middle of the picture minim. Maximum. And a default number of instances, so you can say there I can, go up to ten and no more than ten and I always need to at least ok I don't go less than to two. Instances. So, we can do this and it's pretty pretty. Cool what we can do with scale set I don't know if you already use scale set or not but this is like really. Really cool for some legacy systems that still need infrastructure, as a service to run this with scale sets. Implementing. Solutions that, use virtual machines so also. Our topic, is about configuring, Azure, disk encryption for virtual machines with. The help of the key volt at your key volt so, basically, I need to understand that I need an access policy, like, you see over there so, basically that will enable ok, the, encryption, of your desks, and also. Again so, talking, topic, 0 will be also networking. Group. Policies, and tears don't forget tiers of virtual machines this is like super. Ok, it's super important, on the exam to understand the families, of the, of the virtual. Machines ok. Then. We talk about what we talked about creating, connectivity. Between green, ants so. Which. Of course we need to know a little bit about virtual, networks but then, the hot topic will be like creating, this and we have two big options to. Connect to virtual networks the first is to create a V not to V net which you see what you see in the picture. And. Basically, the other one will be what will be V net peering, so, understand. A little bit that, the. Building method of peering, is just based on traffic but you pay every time everywhere, even in the same region, peering, is paid okay, and you paid the two ways you pay in bound and outbound but. You just pay the traffic, and that's it and it's super, easy to set up and use thrust on the azure backbone. V. Nets to V Nets is fully encrypted and, what. Happens is that you need and you can see over there that VPN, gateway, in one side you need a VPN, gateway, on the other side, okay. So and also that those two devices that, you need to have - there's two appliances that you need to create over there they're, going to be paid plus if you're, doing this across, regions, you. Also need to pay of course the, traffic. But it's not that hard to implement but of course yeah if your net peering is like something that we do like in 30 seconds, we have V, net peering implementing, between two V Nets is really really easy to. To. Set up talking. About networking. So public IP addresses, private, IP addresses. Understanding. The differences. Understanding. That an IP, is, separated. As your, resource, so it's not something that you put on a VM an IP and it's just on that VM you can then detach, it from a Nick and then you can just attach it to another place so, things like this that we need to understand, public, IP addresses I can attach to virtual, machines I can attach to, instance load balancers, VPNs.

Or App, Store app application, gateways. - I. Can. Also have a DNS host name resolution as, you can see on the picture of Eric and just try to find. A, free. Okay. Oh stem, something that is available and you can create also that so you can live without names instead of living with the IP address, itself also, private, IP dresses, they are allocated to the subnet, range where, you put them again, you can also have dynamic, you can have static, knowing the differences, on this okay. So this we, also something that there's a lot of questions, about this again also, out to create IP, addresses. And. Public. Private using. What bash, PowerShell. So, understanding, those those two parts okay also something. That is important. When. It comes to as you're ready. We. Have understanding. That we have a flat structure understanding. A licensing, model so, we have the free ones and then with a free license model and then we have the premium the p1 and the p2. Try. To understand, what comes in the p1 and p2 ok, like multi-factor, authentication I, only need p1, if, i'm using pim for example i already need to, have p2, p2, accounts, this is just the main features. That you have on this because, again this is the kind of questions that you can get on a case study or even in a straight. Question ok. Understanding. Also password. Management so when I configure, a hybrid identities. Understand. That I can configure pass-through, ok. I can basically configure. The password ash, synchronization. Understanding. All those those models, and also the other model which, is using, a DFS, so that all the authentications. Happen, on pram ok using the old a DFS, model, we. Need to understand a little bit the differences. In ear so that we can answer, all, the questions, and also. Very. Cool feature that, is self-service, password, reset for, Azure Active Directory. So. Also understand, that. We need and we can implement this if we, implement, this of course we don't need that and we can save some money because, we don't need to run this on Prem anymore if we use something that will synchronize. Also the password this will do the right back of the, password, again, to. 2. Hours - sorry - 1 Prem and you can rely, only on the self-service, Password, Reset, massive. On Azure you don't need to create something for your users on. On-prem. So. Ibrid identities, all this we can also do this with a 3d Kinect understand.

What A 3d, Kinect is. Do. Sum up the passwords sync and the passwords, right back understand, that right back you, need what it's just a checkbox that you put on a as your ad connect right but, there is a catch that we need to have a premium, account to. Make that happen okay. So all of this that. We need to understand, for for azure ad Connect, then. We have another topic which is implementing, workloads. And security, so, we need to talk a little bit about migrate, servers, to Azure, service. Computing, load balancing. Role based access control and, multi-factor, authentication those, are the arts topics. That we have in here so, migrate servers, to Azure understand. That. Companies. Today they really don't want to. Focus on, having. Those super. Expensive, refresh. Cycles, in in the data center, that they have sometimes. To basically refresh, 50. 60, percent of the hardware, of the, of, the the data. Center, in just that single year it's, a lot of money they, need to do a capital, expenditure, I don't want this so, understand that that will basically with Azure we can try to. Go around a little bit this because we start to have an operational, expense, instead, of a capital expense, and. Of course. Understand. All that enable, resource recovery scenaries, is also nice when we come for, this port so that we have some stuff, on primer, and we can do that, with Azure okay, we can use this for disaster recovery scenarios. Okay. Migration. Phases, so not, all the companies, they can migrate. Straight. Away okay for the best, design. Architecture. That we can have in Azure on that on those applications. So, usually we have several phases the first phase we'll just discovered, let me discover what you have let. Me discover your applications. How they work okay. What. Are the dependencies between. Servers. That you have in virtual machines that you, and for this usually we use a service, that is called Asher migrate okay. And with Asher migrate we can do that phase when, it comes to phase two we, talked about let's do the migration itself, and over there we have two options, okay we, can who's ASR. So Azure side recovery, to do that or right, now we can also use Azure migrate, to, achieve to achieve those. Migrations, it's also a, new feature that we have on our migrate, ok. Also. Then, we can optimize fine, tune or as your based workloads, so. That we can basically, get, a good, return, on investment form, our. Customers. And and. This is very easy to do because usually. Companies they have those very very large machines, to, keep up with peaks on the demand, when, we move to Asher this is one of the things, that a we don't need that super. Very large machine we, can leave with a smaller, one because like 95%. Of, the time that, machine will be enough for, the other 5%, you. Can have what if you have predictable, demands so we can just scale more instances. For that machine for, for that scale set for example or if, you don't have predictable, loads. Well you can also use outer scaling, to achieve okay to achieve that. VMs. Are cool but. This is for me it's the coolest feature that, I can have today in Azure it's like service. Because. With servlets it's not that we're not going, to have servers of course we always have servers in the back but, I get abstracted.

Okay, From, the servers that I have so I don't have any infrastructure, to manage I don't, have to have any, skill, ability rules and of, course be this I have a fast time to market, so I can build my apps I can just put it to run in service. What, do I have to respond to service I can build logic, apps I can. Use logic, apps in a very design, way very. No, code almost no code experience. In, a visual workflow management, that, I have I can have connectors, to, more than 200. Software-as-a-service. Applications. And. You just need to connect them configuring. And then you can those kinds of workflows, that you see over there also. As your functions, and as. Your functions, started, to be a developer thing but today even. We. Did we basically, we can, run now this with PowerShell even, there and bash and things like that this. Is the new experience okay. That we have for. For, customers, to run for. Example, like our automation, stuff, why not running, on Azure functions, that's also an opportunity for us to do this and it's very easily I can have an alert calls a function and the, function you, pay for what, you use you, did there is nothing, in the back you, don't have to say oh this is this instance, ok this size and I have two of them and I need to configure scaling, know you can run in service, mode that, basically, are trusting, all that Microsoft. Azure and the capabilities, that as you have to, scale this on you. And you don't have to worry and of course you're going to pay for exactly. What, you use and not for the capacity, that you had reserved, and, also. Event event, grids that, is very easy to build event-driven. Applications. And things, that happen on Azure ok, then I can call a function I can call a logic, app I can call and I can just put a message on a service. Pause message, on a storage message, all of this also, some, some questions about event, grade then. Talking. About load balancing, so when it comes to load balancer, we need to understand that we have as your load balancer layer, for basic. And standard tiers. Talk, about the limits ok so 100, machines for basic 1000, for standard, basic. Is free standard, is paid and, I can have features, like port, forwarding, and I can have public or private load balancers, depending, if the IP that I attached there on the front is what, if it's a private or a public IP, address that's what makes a public load balancer, or a private load balancer, also. The azure application. Gateway understands. The layer 7 a, load. Balancer and I can also do stuff like SSL. TLS termination. With a's i can, have rules. On it I can, do URL, based routing ok, all of that cool stuff and, of course under, I have a bunch of third-party, load. Balancers. In the marketplace, of other, companies. That. They probably, have. You. Already have some of them in your own data, center, and probably, you want to keep up using, those devices, in. Azure okay and like most brands are there and they have appliances, on, Azure that if you don't want to use those to one of those two you can also use those third-party load, balancers. Integrating. On-premises, networks, with v-net so I can have site-to-site VPN connections. Understand, I need, to have a device, on Prem I need to have a gateway in, your, in your v net and with all the well licensing. And money that you need to spend to have all that and understand. That I can establish basically. A site-to-site VPN connection. We don't Prem and, so really start to use this as an, old network, and a, very very big old network and parties in Azure in another part will, be ok it will be in your own Prem site. Understand. I can also have, basically. A point sorry, point to site VPN. VPN. Connection, this is great if you have like developers. Or, administrators. That they are working remotely and you, want them to bring them inside a sure so they don't there's no need for appliances. You just need your rely on a software, on a VPN, software and you can establish, a, connection, also, to your v net then. Also talk about Express, route they don't do that much questions, on Express route but just understand, a little bit that, air can have basically a dedicated, connection. To my partner, edge and then my partner will have a very, good relation, with azured.

With A Microsoft edge, that. Is redundant. Okay. And. Then I can have. Basically. Connections, up to 10 gigabits. With. With this and this is a more reliable, connection. Than, just go through the internet, in a side-to-side. VPN. Connection. Understanding. Arbok sir role based access control and. Understanding. That not. Everyone. In your company, that, deals with azure needs, to be a global admin. Got. It yeah. I would, like that my customers, will be in this room I don't feel that they are all of them okay. But yeah. Understanding. That I can use role based access control to. Just give, the right permissions, to, the right people. Also, understand, that I can use this through the azure portal, PowerShell, CLI. And also. Through arm templates. And then, if the. Roles that Microsoft, provides, you they are not enough you can do built-in. Roles. Okay. Again. This is a JSON. File, that you have to create and, you can do this and you can do exactly the. Permissions. That, that external, consultant. Like me when I'm going to companies, I will, get, instead. Of being global admin. Okay. Correct, so doesn't, make any sense that. Also. Talking about MFA. Multi-factor. Authentication. Configuring. Your user accounts, for MFA. Conditional. Access policy. That's like a freaking, out topic, there okay. Like so be careful, with that understanding. That yeah you need a premium account to do that by, the way if you're studying for the exam you can also do a trial of ap2 account, you have 30 days I think and for, 30 days you have 25. Licenses. Or 100, licenses, as. A p2, so you can always try and you can try these cool features so. Conditional, access policies, I can do stuff like when. I go to a specific application okay. I can, basically say. That well when you go here okay I will give you access but. You. Have to provide multi-factor, authentication so, I have to provide the second factor, so, that I can give you access to this like, for example when you access where the. Azure portal. Correct. So, that's always the best practice, to have. Creating. Web apps so here we talk about the app service, and when you talk about web jobs I have continuous, web jobs I have triggered web jobs, understanding. The differences, understanding, that I only have to model which, is continuous, intriguer I don't have more. Understanding. That, I support, files like command executables. Power shell bash, files PHP. Etc, and I, can also run if you say that you. Want this to be triggered, then you can do triggers. Based on on. A schedule, and those cancel, will be those cron. Expressions. And I will ask everyone here to review cron expressions, for the exam. Then. Understand, that I have a bunch of tears, free. Share it etc what. I really want you guys to understand, is that the first two that you have over there they, run on Sherrod, Hardware all. The other ones is dedicated, hardware so you have to choose I want a machine this size and I, want X number of instances, of that machine, etc and. Understanding. The main, differences. Between terms, and feature wise like. For example I can have custom, domain starting, on the Sherrod but only the basic, allows me to have.

SSL. TLS, certificate. For that custom, domain ok so check, out, those. Features, and those differences, in the features, on the app service, tears when. It runs containers. Understand, also for example the azure container registry. Understanding. That I also have three SKUs the. Basic, the standard, and the premium, and for, example understanding, again the difference is the premium one, of the cool features that it gives me it gives me juror application, so, I can just say hey I also want that ACR, over there up there over there over there and it does all the synchronization. Of the image, containers, that I put over there and, again also very important, ok understand. The bash part. Of this. And also, understand, a little bit of Booker, because, those are the things that you're going to do like a docker pool a darker push so, that you can push some, some images, for, you or for your registry, ok so you need to understand that too then. Implementing, authentication. This is easy it's just understanding open ID and O out understanding. The registration, process, for your applications. No, more than no more than that. Then. The last bit understanding. Cosmos, DV this is like also a very, our topic. As the product is very out there understanding. That I have a global, distribution. I have elasticity, Kasich, scalability. Okay, and also, understanding. That consistent. Models, that I have on this and understanding. A little bit the differences, between between, all of them, then. About, sequel, so, about sickle, I have three. Big opportunities. With sequel sequel databases, managed. Instances, and sequel server running on a virtual machine. Understanding. The differences, between all of them and sequel. Databases, and managed instances, they are managed services, so backups, patching, recovery, all done by, the service, when you go to virtual, machines well you, have to do it yourself. Understanding. Also the limits on the sizes, of the databases, okay you have the limits over there understanding. That the parity, that you have between, this and a full product they make questions like this they, can do questions like this. Understanding. That the other two are compatible okay, but if you, really really need full compatible, with sequel server version, acts like I don't know like 20. I, don't, know like 14. Or something like that 2016. Yeah that, needs to be that needs to be running on site a virtual, machine ok, also, understanding, that when I buy, sequel. Database, and I have to building models need, to use and I have V cores and, understanding. That if, I go for example for for the VT. UI I can also create. Elastic. Pools I can, create a big elastic pool AED to you pool and then I can put several databases over, there and basically. I can run all the databases running inside, the same EDT. You, basically. Component, and of course they will share the resources. Last. Bit. Understanding. The differences, between the messaging, services, event, great event. Hub and service. Boss so. Event grid is reactive, programming is. To react a status, change something, that changing, your Azure subscription etc. Event, hubs is very using IOT okay. So if you have telemetry, data streaming. Because, this will have basically be an event, streaming service and then service bus traditional. Messaging, service you got a message you put there done, okay and then you can consume, the messages, that's it. Auto-scaling. We already talked about auto scaling but understand, that the cloud offers the scalability, okay to use the unlimited power, that. We have with Azure and understanding. That if I have apps that I have like those, patterns, that you see over there like, of course makes all the sense okay. To use auto, scaling, on those applications, so you have to go for a service that can handle that. Can handle that and we, have as your auto scaling as a common approach for, several services, so the features and the way that I configure, will be the same across, different, services. So. This is basically, good. Overview about what it's all on the topic where you need to focus how, do you prep. So. We have. Also. For example the Microsoft. Learn where, you can get a very cool, experience. There. You have a lot of resources on learn I'm a huge fan of Microsoft. Learn so check it out they have Pat's for. Exams, and things like that so and and, they are always being updated you. Can also go to events ok training events that Microsoft, does, so.

There's Also a very, nice opportunity or you can go to the classroom, so there are several training, companies, I'm sure that all of you here know your, local training companies, and you can go and have instructor-led. Training done. By Microsoft, certified trainers, and they will help you in, achieving the certification. So. This is basically, the, link, that, you have with, all the stuff for the exam so doc start Microsoft com learn. Certifications. Exams, and then AZ 300. Then. You have a PDF there that you can download that has all the, things that you have there ok, and. Then. Some. Tips and tricks that I've saved, for the last, analyze. The exam objectives and, then, based. On learn instructor-led. Training some, video based learning, training, etc choose. Your learning materials, set, small goals like, this week I'm going to learn this tomorrow, I'm going to learn more, I'm going to study that okay. Do your do your your. Learning, experience, what do you want to do every day. Then. Practice, and then. Schedule the exam for, a further day but schedule, it right away so that you have a target, okay this is the data I'm going to do the exam so until there I have, to know my stuff, got. It because if you don't schedule the exam you're always postponing, your study etc, and, you're going to take forever to take the exam but if you schedule it right away okay, I have to do it that's the day okay and of. Course relax, in the. Exam, okay, there. Is no problem. If you fail on the exam you can always take it again, okay. That's usually what I say to everyone's not the end of the world everyone. Fails. On exams okay I don't have any hard. Time saying I already failed on Microsoft, exams, yeah I did okay. It happens happens to everyone okay you didn't wrap you're, nervous on that day etc manage. Your time when you take the exams be, careful with the labs the labs can take some time to take to take okay. And, of course I don't know if you already know but you. Have a free, certification. Exam just for attending ignite how cool is that huh. So. You can go to that link okay can basically register. For your free exam. Okay. So. There that's it okay, by the way this is the some other session, some other exempt reps. Okay. I can go to the slide. Okay. Okay. This was the best slider okay I got it. Did. Everyone got it yeah. If. Say key SMS, free free exam underscore, Microsoft, okay but, basically out but then I will move okay to the other slide where we can have a list of other exam, prep sessions, and if, you have questions, that will be here okay thank. You very much.


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