Open source for good the people and projects driving change - GitHub Satellite 2019

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Great. All. Right good afternoon. I, know it's a late. Session so, I hope you all have had enough coffee enough. Ice cream if, you haven't, I would be happy if you would go and grab some quickly, before we get going because, I'm hoping that we have quite an invigorating and exciting discussion. Today so. Thank, you all for being here my, name is, at Moscone, yoga I lead. The social impact team at github and the, mission of the social impact team is to activate, github, people, product. And platform. To, address the pervasive, and persistent social. Issues that we see in the world around us, it was, quite telling in this morning's keynote how. Not highlighted. The great incredible, work of Katie Beaumont and the larger team in discovering. The black hole image and that is, the kind of work and opportunity that open-source can afford us, we, know that collaboration, we. Know that the, multiple perspectives. And really the. Ingenuity, and energy, of developers, and others who are on the platform are, actually, being used to address really. Projects. That have incredible, social purpose for, the world that we see today and so, that is what today's conversation. Is about and thank you all for joining us, to. Have it I would, like to introduce our panelists. Before we begin. I'm. Excited, to introduce Hong. Funk dong who. Founded, Foss Asia in 2009. As a, community, devoted to improving people's, life through, sharing open technologies. Knowledge. And fostering, global connections, how. Was recently elected as, a board director of, the open source initiative, and she, also acts, as a second, job as the, inner source manager, at Zalando where, she helps to bring open source culture, practices. Within, corporate, walls and supports. The company to become a good open source citizen. Thank. You for joining us today huh. Our. Other esteemed, panelists, is Katherine Stiller, she. Has is the executive, chief. Executive, of the Open Knowledge Foundation and. Has been in that role since February of 2019. Prior. To this she represented. Scotland as a member, of the European, Parliament since. 1999. Quite. An interesting day today for you Katherine I'm sure as. Vice-chair. Of the European Parliament's, internal, market, and Consumer Protection Committee, she, worked on digital policy. Prioritizing. The digital single market and, digital skills better. Accessibility of, digital products, for the disabled, as well as citizen, online, data protection, and privacy she. Also wrote a number of influential, reports. And opinions, calling. For libraries to be included, in the copyright exemptions, that we talked about and Mike, link sayers panel. Earlier this today so, we're so excited to have Katherine, and her perspective to, join us today welcome Katherine. So. I. Invited. The panelists, to spend a few minutes just sharing about their work before we dive into the discussion, so I'll hand it off to Katherine, next. So. Thank you at mass and thank, you to all of you for being here today and it's a it's, quite bizarre as the first time I've never stood in the European elections I wanted to share a story with you my husband, is American, and he became a British citizen just.

Last Year and so the irony being is this is the first time my husband has ever had the vote in a in an election in Britain and it's the first time I've never stood in that election, but anyway he voted so that's a good thing and I think as Maria, Chuck has said about voting how important, all is but, my route into, understanding. About open source was really through copyright, reform as you've touched upon and it, was through that experience however. Hard that was that, got me involved in open knowledge and when the opportunity, came along to come in run open knowledge I thought it was a perfect fit because we, really stand at this crossroads, between either. A, private, proprietary future. Where only knowledge, is accessible to those who can pay and who can afford or, we, keep fighting for an open future where, we want it to be fear, free, and open for us all that open world that we all desire and I think as, I reflect, upon this and the politics, around that I think it's very timely to come and talk about the benefits of open, source so. If we look at my next slide we've, got kind of three slides here if that's okay if some compute that one just, to kind of see about what open knowledge is we celebrated, 15, years on Monday. So we're so happy that that's that that's the case why don't I've got a button to and I sorry there we go I didn't. Politic somebody than that for me but I've got to do that and. But anyway here we go. But. Our, mission, is an open world where all non personal information. Is open, free for everyone to use build, on and share and also, importantly, we're creators, and innovators are. Fairly, recognized. And rewarded and, are three strands of focus, that we're looking at just now are in the relatable and that's something I think we will talk a little bit about on health, access to medicine, on education. And that brings in the copyright, work that I've worked on about open, access as, well and then on and work about, jobs and inequality, because our world is more unequal, than ever before and we've got to do something about, that and then, we look at kind of three of you asked to give kind of three things that we've been looking. At and one of those is certainly. What, open knowledge was, founded upon and which the Roofus doctorate of his Pollack who was the founder of all / knowledge to find the open definition, that used, everywhere, and I'm so proud that it's open knowledge that, led that then, we look at seek on that platform that allows all of the open data that could be out there onto, something that can actually be translatable, very, important, and then our new work on frictionless, data which, is described to me is what what. Shipping containers, aren't the shipping industry frictionless. Data is to the data world and it's some so proud to be part of our organization working. At the cutting edge of that so, I'm really looking forward to the conversation I've, all certainly not hold this microphone and I'm, gonna hand back to add Mercy's gonna introduce your next speaker so thank you very much for listening over to admira's thank you. So, it's interesting to have two mics at once so I'll give this back to you Catherine I, will introduce hung next to speak about Foss Asia. Hello. I'm not doing politics, I always have to click myself. So. I thought that I will start to tell, you about how I got, into open source in. 2007. My. Friend had me install Ubuntu. To replace windows, SP, editor. Also. Begin me no user. ID. Really, light it in a way that you don't get constant, update, all the time and you don't get virus, alert every day and. I. Love the fact that you can download software, from your terminal, by, typing of your command line so, that really got me excited like and then I started. To participate, in. The local Linux, user, group get together almost, every month when, I met amazing. Free software, contributor, who, taught me how to how. To drive light on how to use a very good software project, in. Scale how. The community, works and many more, but. It, was then the, software that. Got me inspired. I was, really surprised, how a person. Could. Contribute. Voluntarily. Into, one project over, 15, 20, years until so, excited, about it, how, so passionate, about what he is doing I feel.

That The. Best thing that could happen to anyone, at least to me is that the ability to be able to work on something that you love and be happy about it yeah. So, what, I try to say is it's the people the. Community that, taught me to in opens the door for me to open source and then, in 2009. I founded, force Asia together, with my partner, Mario, Bellini who always is also here today. For. Asia is the community. Of people from, everywhere who want to make a better future with, open technologies. Some. Of the core activity, of force Asia we develop, software, and hardware a drug education program. Organize, events throughout, Asia we. Have a very active online. Community on. Gita. Over. 3,000. Members so, you can just go in as any question somebody will be there to, to, answer these, are a few for Asia project. Developed by the community. Everything, hosted, on github I just, cannot say lie, of a few things on the list sue CAI basically. An alternative, to Alexa. Echo or Google home but, if you entirely, on open source. Um, you can actually build your own speaker, the, kinetics available on github and. Install. The application on, your local. Machine and make your own personal, assistant and I can. I. Believe. That everyone here knows Eventbrite. You, need a ticket to get to this event rain event. Yay is. A solution, open source solution, that offers similar, functionalities. And features, exactly, like Eventbrite. We. Are using it also to, organize our own conference, next, flower is using it and I hope that github. Consider. To try out this solution because a people by the open-source community and. It, hosted, on your platform. Github. Pocket, Sian laughs we started a project a few years ago they said our first, open, hardware project the. Aim of the project is to make Sian, affordable. And accessible, to, people in developing country, basically. It's a multifunctional. Device, including. Of Scylla scarf, we're generating a logic analyzer multimeter. And many, more I also have, the product here today but, I'm gonna pass it over out if you want to check, this out thank. You very much. Code. Hey visit one of our education.

Project, The reason why I want to mention this project, every. Season of code here we bring in over 600 new, user to, you know basically. We teach young developer, how to use, git, and github to contribute, to various force Asia repository. With the help of a faucet Asia mentor, everything. Happened online via, github and the, communication. And everything on guitar. This. Is a picture taken in, March at the. Celebration. Of force Asia ten years anniversary said. Our annual, event always happen, in March in Singapore's, so if you want to visitor. Check out the, website for the. Next year event, and. A. Week, from now on, Thursday. We're gonna organize the, open text submit here in Berlin in motion, lab so, if you are around later know the website open text submit dotnet I, think. That's all I have. Just. Get set up for our panel, discussion. And thank. You both for for, sharing a high-level overview of your work I think that's always helpful to set some context, for our discussion. So. My, first question to this esteemed, panel is, what. Are the barriers and challenges that. You face every day in your open, source for good work. Katherine. Would you start so. I think it's about what. We said before I've masturbated, relatability. And understanding. And I think that. With, people who understand, they're taking that technically able it's, great, but, for those that are not it is something that we have to translate and that's why looking. At projects, and giving, examples, and storytelling, around some of the great work that happens, it's, really important. Moving forward so, I think it is about understanding relatability. How. What would you say, so. I would say. Sustainability. And scale, up our check I understand. Any of us. Here contribute, to open source project, but it's always the question how, you can actually scale, up the development how, you can, sustain your community, it's, not easy to get individual. Who work from, everywhere, getting, together in one community. And, follow, a common, goal or common, practices. And. It's always the charge I mean challenging. For us at Faust Asia so we develop, common. Guidelines, and also. Recommended. Best practices, for our developers. So that we, able. To stay on all on track and carefully moving forward, so but I would say. The. Major challenge, of open source project, is scaling. Of the, project, and the community. Yeah. And you, know interesting time right now with our announcement, today about github sponsors. And I think one thing that we're really thinking about is how does it apply to projects, like this that have, some social good and social purpose and the world around us yeah. My, next question for you both is what are the opportunities what, opportunities, do you see in the landscape that will help deepen, and amplify. The impact of your work. Would. You start yes I can, say so, there's a lot of activities, in, open source for, insane because. Of open source we can learn from the best. People. The brightest my of all the amazing project, and can hope you know contribute, a lot in the ecosystem. How you get. People allow people to to, work on projects together, and another, opportunity, in the open source world AI CD to a company, cooperation, enterprises, started, to embrace open source a lot like, Microsoft released, so many amazing, tools and, the, company that I work with solando. Is a fashion, store but we develop so many our software and released so many software, in. Open source so that the, ecosystem getting. Better and better and is it a great opportunity for open source. Catherine. Thank you I think that there's huge, amounts of opportunity. And I think that when, you look at C from a policy, perspective I could just touch upon that and one. Thing that maybe can, so sooo boring but actually is so important. Is in public procurement if you look at your public procurement, if you can get open source as just, the standard way that business, is done then. The opportunity, and the innovation the creativity you, can get from that will, be I think a, fantastic opportunity, but.

More Than that I think if you think about how. Creativity. Collaboration, the. Whole innovation, piece is at, the center of what open source I think is all about and the. More people. That, we can convince the. Better and I think that's something we're as, someone who's quite new, to the open world but who is passionate, about it but maybe not is technical, as many of you are in this room I think, that if we can bring build, that bridge between the, tech and the, human, side of things we, were able to be more relatable it'll be able to be delivered better and, I'll be a force for good to, fight for an open world I want to see as a reality not as something that is just envisioned, but actually, the reality of an open a vote of an open place in an open world. I also wanted to emphasize what Katherine just said I would, like to call out for, the organization, like Open Knowledge Foundation. Open, Source Initiative and many more. Development. Cooperation that, try to educate. People in, lay open sort adoption. And policy, so, Dre work by the way thank you very much for. Your work. You. Know I'd love to talk, a little bit about something, that you just first brought up you've talked, about policy. And. You talked a little bit about this, idea of the ecosystem, as well so. As we think about different, pieces of that ecosystem you know one that I'm particularly, interested, is, nonprofits. Not, nongovernmental, organizations. As well as government. Itself, what, would be more helpful in, your work with government you talked about procurement, specifically. But. As you think about you know maybe how you can start and talk about your work with UNESCO what, has been helpful in really driving open-source. Contribution. Adoption, etc, with, supporting, organizations. Like that and I, think the advantage, of the, UNESCO is it is a global, organization so. It has a very, wide. Reach. To, to. The world to the community, and, we. Work with UNESCO on. Different. Hackathons. I an event, where we educate people they, also have their own force initiative, within the UN and we've. Been working with them life, for the past four years and, help, them to bring open-source education, to.

Country. In Southeast Asia yeah. So, yeah so but it's. Definitely, a benefit. Show for also from community, to work with this global. Organization. You know to improve the reach and impact I, completely. I think, use the, whole aspect of the global. Nature I mean I manage a team know remotely, from Mexico. City Singapore. And and when I say that does from my study in Dunfermline in Scotland and people are kind of like that's, quite an amazing thing you can do that you can do that because the technology allows your know able to do that but, equally we. A community, over 15 years which is global we've, got people that we knew across, the world this, is something that is of great benefit. When we're putting forward our vision of this open world were your open sources the heart of that as well. But. I think that if you're asking us about, where. Does this go to how does it work fundamentally. It is this thing about how. Do we make it relatable how, do we get people to understand, we've had developed. A school of data about data literacy, but. It's just it's people. That say come to our website the people who would come anyway how do we get to people who, might, not see this but needless in, terms of where the future rests because we knew our kids at the moment I've got a 13, year old and a 7 year old and we know that boys it's something like one it's 80% of the jobs aren't create they will, be doing aren't created, yet and this is something I don't know if this ever happened before we're in this situation where the. Uncertainty, is an opportunity, but it's also uncertainty. And for many people can go this to ways of being a more closed or a more open future and we have to keep it open. Great. Thank you for those perspectives. One. Other question I have is the. Role of companies. Like github and open source companies like github so you talked a little bit about though advantages, we see is that the ecosystem is maturing, there's more resources is more language. But we still have far to go we still have a lot to go in terms of relatability, and accessibility. But. What could companies like github do to help. Keep. The conversation, going I mean I you're. Doing I mean this is a fantastic event you've got people I mean I. Got. To know github because of coffee. And. So. The great work that you do and I think this is something for you you have a role to play whether, you know how you do that is another question but I think the key thing is how'd you get reach beyond. Your, key kind of challenges, how we're going to get that relate ability to communities, that are non-traditional to, what you've used to been dealing with, yeah. So, I, think, Kim. Huff is constantly, doing amazing. Thing I was so excited, the, sponsor, feature that, you just announced, today we're, just talking about the. Challenges, which is slightly so the lack of resources in open source project, and community, so, if anyone, here would like to support Asia community. Go and donate, to our repository. This is a very good. Idea and again. I also, see that organized. Event like this an opportunity, to bring people together, to network how many fourth Asia, contributors. Are here. Yeah. Over there over there yeah so thank, you you know for bringing us together I think we have like nine ten people here today who come, from our community, and, I. Also say that you constantly, listen, to to the developers, you always have continual, conversation, what. Can, you make better for, the community which is critical. And if. I talk on behalf of post Asia I would say of course we want to scale up our project like wholly we want not only to, reach the people from. Particular region. But everywhere, that could be raised if we can work together we'll get up on that to teach more people about it and contribute. To various open, source project not only of course Asia but in, our. Organization. In the ecosystem. An. Incredible, vision, so. One one thing that you both talked about is this idea of global. Communities, and I think it's something that we think a lot about as.

We See the ecosystem maturing. As we, see opportunities that, incredible, visual that nacho. During his keynote about really, that open source contributions on github come from most of them really come from outside of the US but. Part of that conversation. Is really about inclusion, and what does inclusion, really look like in. A global from a global context, and so what are some of the ways in which you. Know you've thought been, very thoughtful and intentional about inclusion, in your open-source, work because I think those kinds of best practice, to this could be something that we can share even much more widely. I can. Say something so. Inclusion. So it's I think the key thing to build it to building an inclusive community. A, to. Trier's a very opening. And welcoming, culture. For. The community and this is not easy, at all we have people come from various background, in some time I feel. A little bit, uncomfortable by. Some of the. Reaction. Of maintained. Nerds or developers, online you know people get sometimes, impatient, when, new joinee are getting on board is false Asia we'd really try our best to to. Inform, the community a, lot, of conflict, happened because of misunderstanding. People, are not aware that we, all come from different backgrounds. And. Then, some people would get offended when, they just. Because we don't. See each other in a way that every how everyone, come from a different background so we constantly. Communicate. This message to, our. Community. And try to work, together with many different organizations so I think. The, thing that we did very well during, the past video. We. Develop, a. Community, at the same time we constantly, look out for, lesson. Good, practices, and assemble, for organization. Like. DPN. Community. Kinome. Foundation, so we actually like collaborate, with different open. Sort of around the world to learn what is the best way to draw the community, and. Talking. About inclusion, I believe that it is also somebody, in the audience, cooking on an open source diversity. Here in Berlin and it's like initiative, like this we. Always Park of this and we train. And try to to. Connect with people and another, thing about in English learners that I want to mention so, open source it not only about, software. Developers, of course, you add the most important, people but. In order to be. An open-source. Or to be a project we also need, people who, can't. Promote. The project who can tell us who can do documentation. And who can do design and may and many more yeah, and this. Is something that we want to focus on so we, try, to tell people that if you don't have the technical background or, knowledge there's so many different, ways that you can contribute to a project and, we.

Need To push, more on this Eric's and I believe. Anything. To add coming. From a non-technical background myself, is is interesting to come into and I have to be I mean it's been a real eye-opener, kind of how, Co. Collaborative, I guess coming out of politics, we're at the moment it's not particularly, collaborative. But coming to community where is community, driven and it is about, trying, to do the best and to learn from each other and to share and to create, that sense of being something bigger than, just what you are working you're hearing, this and that is really powerful and I think actually open source it you, know we talked about we talked a lot about collaboration. In terms of innovation but actually this, is actually happening and I, think that's a great strength, because, you've got the agility to. Look at things to, develop things to react, to issues. That are pertinent that moment, and to do some good which, it would maybe take in policy. Terms years, to do that and that's where the challenge I think the risk is that so many policymakers, are. Just I think my grades are seeing that I'm touching upon that are, just so far behind what's the reality and by the time you meet the policy, is already whatever many years okay and this is going to be moving, forward I think one of the big challenges we face in terms of inclusion and community I, think, this is something which is a great advantage that you all have and I really do think in, terms of open, knowledge foundation with. Their networking. Community, out there it's something I want, to tap into in. A better and a more constructive way the Mobe we've done that in the past. Interesting. No. Absolutely, I think that these best. Practices, you know thinking about leveraging, those this, idea of like really valuing, all different, kinds of expertise, being, very intentional about, community, building I'd, love to talk a little bit about community, next, so you know what, has that been like I know you've only been at open knowledge foundation for. A short while but I'm sure you understand, sort of the history of community building over, the, past you. Know over the past ten, years of the organization, the, you know Hong you've done this you know really grassroots effort. In building communities, you know what what does that journey really been like. Catherine. I think the whole thing about not being in control I think. The whole thing about the, fact that the community goes out and does and grows and changes and, develops, and that's the creative sense of it and I also think I mean it's just I did, a my. First week I did an article and the, community in Brazil translated. Into Portuguese or, something and I was like this is amazing and, it was just this sense of being part of this there's, a bigger, world there's bigger picture, that, you can see and people relate to that and I think at, the moment bit frankly the, politics, been so paralyzed, and broken, we, have an opportunity to. Talk about this world that we want to see and we can do that through, some of the the work that we're doing in, terms of some of the project work there certainly you've been doing but, also just. In terms of what we see as the future so. It's um I just feel so blessed that I've got a community out there this global and I can talk to people from all over the world across, all these continents, and we all, share this common vision that's, so powerful. Yeah. So, the. Lesson, that I learned from. The. Foster community, the past ten years I. Think. Something, got to do with empowerment. Yeah. So we. Have. I'm a developer, of here who used to be the, student, and then. Become to be mentor, of the neck project, and also for Asia intern, that kept together with, very senior, developers. - sitting here so that's actually there is no. Hierarchy. Or barriers between the. People in the community, and what we try to achieve is, in order to sustain the community. Constantly. Need to give, the responsibility, for. The younger, developer for for. The younger, generation. So our, student, our interns. Move, on to become mentor, after. Some years and they tacked on the responsibilities. To change younger, people at the moment we own the work we also a mentor organization for google code-in which is the program for. Force. For, young student between 13. And 17 years, old that, show them how, to work, and how to work, open. Sort and contribute to the community in a very young age so I think another. Key is, start. With education, yeah. It's never, too. Early or too late to learn something yes, empowerment, and education are, some that. I believe is the key of drawing community. So. My next question is, how, can developers or. Users or, social, scientists. Or scientists. Or others, get engaged in your work. Well. I, always, tell people we, are on get help we also have, a community, on.

Guiteau There's so many projects under. Foster you. Can check out the repository, we actually constantly. Need help and I also pass, around our products if you have any ideas, to. Help improve, help to build the, next, open source closer no assistant, or have to be a solution, that can replace. Event. Price or you can start to you infirmed write for your own events. I. Think. You said. Something there about can, ever be education, about open-mindedness. And I think that's something that's really strong, and you know being open-minded and, being able to see, the opportunity, but, I think you know in terms of sharing, ideas of, being there being out there being, able to, communicate. We've, got different, ways that we can communicate different. Different, and. Certainly. Different communities but certainly, ways. That you can give ideas and share that I think. Though that for the future, I think, that certainly from you, know the only being that open knowledge for 14 weeks or it's, just it's, a start and it's a journey but I think for for us it's getting back to what we fundamentally, are, and that's about open knowledge and somehow, along the way we, got caught, up and the data to be which is part of our. DNA. But it but equally it's about knowledge and that's what you said as well it's knowledge that, it's important, as we move forward it's that it's somehow, we. Kind of lost the whole thing about knowledge society knowledge equality you know is somehow lost and some of the debates that we've been having we need to grab that back and see why that's important. Because that is them poem and that is what will take us forward. And this. Is where open source is so important, so I'm excited and, I'm, learning and it's always you've, always learned I guarantee you know and that's the thing is to make sure people always, have that opportunity to, learn, so.

I'm Also curious when you ask us like what can get have new. To the community I want, to ask they're back to get up the question so this prepend know about open sword for good what, are the initiative, at. Kickoff could you share a little bit with us happy. - happy - and I think that you know part of the the work to date has really been about fostering, conversations, like this and and how do we start to build a narrative that. Open source is more, than just, about, you know freedom, of expression it's more than just about you know the opportunity, for developers, to contribute, around you know you. Know programming, languages, that there is this bigger purpose. Towards. The technology, that many Aversa building, that has an impact in the real world around, now, this, is a completely. New idea, for, us I think that we are starting, to see and it really came around after we, started to see this incredible, organic, evolution, of activity. On the platform, of individual. Developers, who were developing, or you know working with many others on code to address this particular issue that they saw in their community, you. Know such as assistive, technology, because somebody and their family, was disabled, for example, two. Large philanthropic. Organizations. Like the Gates Foundation who. Are using open-source to expand financial inclusion for, the world's poor and this, was completely organic it's not specific, outreach that we did but I think as those, of us who are sitting in the social sector are starting to understand, technology. Can be an incredible, asset for, social change and open, source has a really incredible, role to play in expanding, technology for that use it lends, itself actually really, really well to addressing these issues because, one it brings in diverse perspectives, that are truly global -, it's based on collaboration, the, social, problems that we see in the world around us are persistent. There preserve, a Civ they're not going to be solved by silver bullet solutions, like we need and, all of us hands on deck to be working on them and. I think three-d-- really harness is this incredible, creative energy, that you, know developers, have that, those are on the platform, have, and in, a way are starting to harness, to, use for, these purposes, and so what we're thinking about the program is in a couple of ways I think one more narrative, building, work like this how, do we get the story out around, the incredible, work that's happening on the platform, it's not our work it's work like the work but that both of your organizations and your community, are doing so how do we amplify.

That Message, and what role do we have especially as sitting, at the center of this ecosystem to, do I think, to is really thinking about inclusion, in open source and I think that you know we know from. The research that you know open source is not necessarily, as diverse, as you know technology itself, is not necessarily as diverse as the world around us and as, the world is changing, as we see the, fact that future developers. Are not going to be coming from the, same places that they come from today that. We need to encourage this burgeoning and emerging, communities, in Southeast, Asia in Africa, and Latin America there's, an important, critical. Piece of this that is how do we make open source a place that is, inclusive, that is inviting, and that, also can leverage this incredible, talent that we see across the world and so starting to think about that is really critical as well and now you'd say the third prong is really thinking about ways in which we can deepen, the capacity, of nongovernmental. Organizations. To participate, it over an open source and that's really all kinds, of nonprofits. Or non-governmental, organizations. Form the, mom and pop nonprofit. That is you know needs, to use an open source volunteer. Database, for, managing their volunteer, programs, to, large philanthropic, organizations. Who are starting to pour in an incredible, amount of resources, into open, source that we can leverage and partner. To. Government, I think also that's another critical piece of this I think with. Government, the open source movement is a little bit further, ahead than with nongovernmental. Organizations. But they're critical, part because of we're. Seeing incredible ways where government is using open source to help citizens, connect with their government, to get benefits, etc and, so, those are sort of three ways in which we hope to start to impact open source in this way but. It's very nascent and I think today is very one of the first steps to doing that yeah. Great. So we, have. Just a few minutes left, I think, before I started this panel, they said that we couldn't do any audience QA but, I'm gonna take a chance cuz, we do have time and we, do have handheld, mics so I wanted, to open it up to the audience if, there are any questions. That you may have of the panelists. And. I'll, run to you. Okay. So I have a question I what's your opinion on Khan Academy this. Is the learning. Tool that actually I feels. That. Maybe you're familiar with. Could. You repeat your question. Yeah. So, Khan Academy is a I. Think it's an open source. People. To learn music so, you. Asking about Khan, Academy yeah. Well. I think it's a great platform so, very so, a new platform, that foster. Grimas. Education. And, by, chance at, love for Asia some wealth we just announced, the force Asia Academy, with. Condor offer online. Courses. That. Teach. People. More. On. Open, source so when I study, in, Vietnam and I understand, that, they. Actually don't teach the. The. Idea about open source in school of course you learn how to write higher and you, learn different programming languages, but there is not a particular, course, that that teach. You how to behave or high in a community, or how to contribute the, community, but but I totally, if. You asked about my opinion, about Khan Academy I, used. To think a few courses there I think that any more. And more people, so that is a platform that allow people, from everywhere can share the knowledge in London, remotely, it is and Ray it is a ray initiative, no. Any. Other questions. Yes. Right, here in the front and we. Do have a runner now. Hi-yah. What. Social causes or social. Areas. Do you guys think that open-source is mostly still not. As good. In I. Think. That's that's. Quite a hard one unless you look in specific, project, I think that more gen and the general, basis of it I just think, it's about explaining, what it actually is what, it means what it what why why, would why. Would someone be interested, and I keep thinking about somebody. Told me a story about a fridge and, about the fact that you know we buy a smart fridge you, buy a the physical fridge but, the software in the fridge is not yours but if there's open source it would be yours and there's, something about owning something but, not owning something that actually brings value and this is going to be more and more of a debate so I just I threw, the French thing out to use it was not, having a conversation with a foster carer, and she got it by the fridge example, and I thought well we have to give more and more examples about, why, this issue. And, area is so important, to individuals, who we would not be touching otherwise I, totally. Agree, with you I think this is a really hard question and, people, open it okay so you do open source what kind of social. Problem. Or challenge that you have, to improve what, area in the in. The society, that you actually have, an impact so I think, open.

Source Is, like. A tool so we're not talking about the. Specific, problem but this is the, basic ability. That people, have. The resources and knowledge to, fix any problem, that I have implies it depends on the community and the people decide, for themselves what, kind of social problem, they want to fix but open source is the idea of collaboration and, many people feel, you empower, them to see that they can always find our solution. By working together in a more collaborative way, I. Would. Agree, so. Anyway, we are out of time and I hope they aren't any burning, questions, but you're welcome, to you know perch any one of us and our panelists, before we end but. Incredible, conversation, about accessibility. The. Importance, have been. Able to build, communities, in ways that really harness the global nature of open source and ways, in which we can really bring social sector organizations. Like NGOs, as well as government into the fold so thank, you both for joining us today for this great conversation and, for your time and audience, please join me in thanking them as well.


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