Ninestar Products & Solutions Launch Review

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Hello everyone, welcome. We are so pleased, that you could join us here. Today, we've got some really, exciting, projects. And the innovative. Solution, announcement, to share with you, kelly, 19, has caused, serious, disruptions. Across, the globe. Bringing both humanity. And business, to their needs, here at nysta. We have taken this classes, as the opportunity. To innovate, our products. Business, models, and solutions. Our goal is to ensure, your business, continuity. In today's, turbulent, times. So today we are focusing, on three products, and solutions. That i'm sure you will be. Inspired. Unit smartphone, firmware, upgrade. G energy select. And my star mp is a consistent. Okay before our official, lounge i'd like to remind, everyone, who is watching this live stream. And we are giving away, 10. Amazon, e-gift, cards. Each is worth. 100. Us dollars. Make sure you watch till the end, fan out three questions, and answer them. Just leave your answer, in the comments. We will announce, winners, in our social media accounts. Now let's get started, with unit smart, for firmware, upgrade. Let's welcome, aventine. The expert, of unismart. Who has worked at apex, make for many years, and gained rich experience. Welcome. Hi ladies and gentlemen. Parents, and friends, how are you. I'm ivan from 9star. Very glad to meet you here. Due to kobe situation, this year. You can attend re max show as what you did in the past. Today i would like to introduce, you something, new. I would like to begin, my presentation. With a true story. In may. I received a phone call from one of my old friends in europe. Saying desperately. About. The latest firmware. Update news, he got from, the website, of original. Printer, manufacturers. What should i do. I bought some cashews. At first, in march. Then there is a firmware. Update. Then after we're working. Next firmware, update, happened. Now, i can see new ones on the way. I really cannot. Collect catches, with old chips, all the time. And the time on transport. And rework. Make it too difficult, for me, to do the business. The worst thing is, i lost my customers. Because they think my product, is not available.

And Not reliable. My friend is not, exaggerating. I believe. If you are in this industry. You can feel the same, as my friend did. Have a look at this diagram. The number of unreasonable. Formal, upgrades. Is climbing, on average. See. By 2019. 51. Former upgrades. Will affect. Aftermarket. Products. In other words. 4.25. Upgrades, happens. Every month. Last year. This number is terrible. It will kill your business. You may wonder can these annoying, firmware upgrades, issues be totally, solved. Or prevented. In advance. Here comes the cruelest, part. The answer is no. Taking a different perspective. The question, is, in current situation. What else can we do to minimize, the loss. At the end of a phone call. I told my friend to calm down, and maybe he can wait for me for more details. About a new weapon. Before, i unveil, the new revolutionary. Solution. I would like all of us to recall. How an aftermarket. Cartridge. Get updated. After. It was blocked. By the newly, updated, firmware. Firstly. You need to wait for the new chips, before you were working all caches. Which takes at least one or two weeks. Then. During your rework. You need to unpack, boxes, and bags. Identify, the cheap version. Replace, it the old chip with a new one. Finally. You need to pack everything, back again. The whole process. Is a nightmare, for everyone, in the industry. It takes time and money. Again, and again. To fix a problem. Now. I would like to introduce, neistat's, latest solution. Unit smart for firmware, upgrade. We can call it a ufu. With nicedas, ufu. Our problems, will get solved, in a convenient, way. So what is ufu. It is 9 stars, innovative, and patented, solution. To manage. Firmware, upgrades. This is how it. Works. So. Quite easy, right. Firstly. The package. Is specially, designed. So unismart, devices, can touch, the capture, chips without, you opening the boxes. Secondly. No need to fight with your suppliers. During the rush hours, after, new chips being available. Every time. Instead. You just need to connect a unismart. To a wi-fi, network. And click ok to update. Then the unit smart in your office, can update, the old chips, to the latest, version. Thirdly. The thermal, printer, together, with the uinsmart, can print a qr code sticker. And can show the version of chips. Inside, the cartridge, box. With camera, scanning. To better control your old stock. You must be interested, in how much you can save. Let's have a look. For example. Epson, t288. Inset. You need 170. Seconds to update the set. If you choose alway. However. If you use ufu. You just need 22, seconds. That's, 7.7. Times, faster. How amazing. Hp, w1105. Toner cartridge. Before it takes, 180. Seconds, while ufu, takes only 32, seconds. That's 5.6. Times faster. With ufu. You are leaving your competitors. In the dust. In addition. We provide different, cartridge holders, to free the hands of the team from contacting, and matching the chips, during updating, captures. Just put the cartridge, box. Into the correct cartridge, holders. And do the chip updating. Problem, solved. Furthermore. Our r d team, is working, on automated. Machines. Which can update, the affected, products. Automatically. A true hand free solution. So stay tuned, for smarter. Chip reset. Machines, rolling out. Lastly. I'm proud to say. This propriety. Technology, has been protected, globally. With 21, patents granted, and seven patents, applications.

Pending. This is aftermarket's. First ever, innovative, solution, to manage, original. Formal upgrades. A true solution, to many master laws. So what are waiting for. Contact, us to make the switch. And we're looking forward to hear from you. Thanks for evan's introduction. Very informative. And inspiring. With ufu. You can really get rid of stress, from firmware, upgrades. Okay, here comes the first question. Please have a look at this screen. You can write down your first answer, on a piece of paper. Until you get all three answers. Tap them in the comments. Make sure you watch till the end. Because the question, originates, from speaker's, presentation. Next, let's welcome, junction. G energy. Global, branding, manager. To introduce. The global, rollout, of gmg. Select. Greetings, dear friends. Welcome to the global rollout, virgin g select. My name is zhang chen. Under the weight of the epidemic. Three quarters of 2020. Has passed behind. During this period. We learned, about their business, conditions. From our global, peers around the world in this industry. Business, already, at a loss. Although some companies have won, several, price wars. Endless, complaints. Caused by inferior. Products. Have called them in shackles. The inventory, is high. It is hard, to escape. While some companies, financial, reports. May seem normal. But there hasn't been no growth, for three to five years consecutively. The crisis. Is dormant. The pandemic. Has only accelerated. The inevitable. If one wants to survive. And develop, under the current situation. Unilateral. Efforts, will not be enough. We. Need to work and change, together. Without the support of manufacturers. Local distributors, are like a tree. Without, roots. Without an efficient, local network. Manufacturers. Are beyond, reach. Overseas. Manufacturers. And local distributors, need to. Co-innovate. To meet the challenges. Therefore. Nysta, meticulously. Prepared, the gmt selector, program. The purpose, is to, provide answers. To the above mentioned, problems. And help our global partners. To tide over, difficulties. Select. Is a new, sub brand of a gng. Behind, which, is the support of a nine star platform. As i mentioned above. To do a good job, in a high-end, market. It is not enough to have strong local forces, alone. It is necessary. To connect. Both the battlefront. And home front. Which means to combine, strong, manufacturing. Advantages. With agile. And efficient. Low code distribution. And service networks. With 20 years announcement. Of both the market. And the technological. Understanding. Nysta, has integrated. Leading, technologies. In both the original. And compatible. Industry. We are ready to share that with you. In addition. The high-end, channel penetration, experience, obtained, in china, and beyond. Can also. Be shared with you. Select, will facilitate. A strategy. Different from usual. To make sure, our distributors. Have higher margins. We will work with you, to customize. Policies. Sustainable. To the practices, of each targeted marketplace. And case. We firmly believe. That nine star, is your best partner. For high-end, business, development. The principle. Of select, product selection. Is a quality, above quantity. This concept, is based, on, jng's, 20 years accumulation. Of a product technology. And understanding. Of users, needs. More high quality raw materials. Are selected. Key components, such as, toners. Opc. Rollers. Plays, etc. Are sourced, from well-known, suppliers. That have long-term, cooperation. With oems. The remain, products of gng select, use european, and american, v cores. Which means they are reused. For the first time. Select's, full range of products. Meet the requirement. Of the eu, rose and reach directives. And weee. Regulation. But did not stop there. A further application, of the ehns. Standard. Deployed, by oems. Has been carried out and verified. Successfully, for gng select. In the aftermarket. Currently. Only nine star, has, the original, background. Which delivers, a more, accurate, comprehension. And effective, implementation. Of this standard. With regard to quality control. The select. Has strengthened. Inspection, in sqe. Iqc. Ipqc. Fqe. And other qc process. With 11 procedures, in all, it has. Zero tolerance. For quality, problems. That may occur during the process. In addition. We also can, conduct, inspections. By third parties, agencies. According to your needs. With raw material, optimization. And strict, quality control. Let us take a look, at the actual performance comparison, data, between gene g select, and original, products. We can see here. The page use of the gng select, is conspicuously. Higher. Than that of original. The color density. And transfer, rate, are almost the same. As the oem. And the color gamut. And brightness, map. Basically. Coincide. With the oem. Gng select not only caters to your requirements, on quality performance. But also assurance. Here please find, the array. Of some hours certificates. And compliance.

Covering Manufacturing. Process. Product technology. Environmental. Friendliness. And social, accountability. We'd like to work with you in the future. To expand. This certification. And compliance, family, as per your local markets demand. And this. Is our plan for the gmt, select, product architecture. One of them include the standard, use, and increased, use cartridges. And copier cartridges. And on the right. Those are our innovative. Products. Such as jumbo cartridges. Ecosaver. Ink cartridges. And anti-firmware. Update series. In the center. Our customized. Products. For vertical, industry users. As for the needs of a local market, we can develop corresponding. Products together. To widen, the assortment. Okay now let's take a closer look how it looks. In terms of appearance. We have adapted, a large, area, of deep blue. In addition to, giving people strong, sense of business, visually, it also demonstrates. That we, and our partners. Innovate, together. Leaving, the troubled waters of a price wars. And heading, for the blue ocean, of high-end, market. Its slogan. Be selective. Applied with gold stamping, process. Highlights, the universal, philosophy. Of not conforming, to the crowd. And pursuing. Quality, constantly. At the same time, it also conveyed, that on one hand. Gng. Pays, stricter, attention. To product selection. And on the other. As an encouragement. To our partners, and us together. To make our mutual, business, sustainable. In the long run. We must choose channels, and strategies. Particularly. Furthermore. Gng, select, has upgraded. The external, box material. With a better appearance, and texture. It is more convenient. To unpack the box. And the packaging. Is tighter. With a stronger, resistance. To, damage, during transportation. Dear friends. If you, are painting. Under the pressure for 2020. If you, want to break through the predicament. And open up a new incremental. Scenario. Choose, nine star. Choose, gng select. Let us co-innovate. And sail to the vast blue ocean. Let's do gng, select, we have prepared, far, more than this. Contact, our global business manager. Or. Send an email. To, info. You will get to know an exciting, profit model and a lot more details, not disclosed, in this presentation. And i heard, some products. Are undergoing. A half price, campaign, the deadline, is three days later. So. What are you waiting for. Thanks for just, impressive. Presentation. We believe. Gmg, select, products, will see more opportunities. In global, high-end, channels. Now is the time to our second question. So far two of three questions, have unveiled. Make sure you get the right answer, for them. Watch till the end to find out the answer for the third question.

Last But not least, welcome, akili. The project, manager, of 9star, mps. To make announcements. Of ecosystem. Of nine star mps. Let's see, how nice the mps, ecosystem. Can help your business, grow. Welcome, eric. Today, we would like to live stream the latest. Innovation. And strategies. Of nysta. Hope you will be inspired. I would like everyone. To think about this problem, before i start my presentation. Where mps. Died. If more companies. Embrace. Telecom, muting, and the remote, working. Well. Data shows, home trending, demands. Climb, while pages from nps, channel. Have dropped more than fifty percent, due to the influence, of kuwait, 19.. You can see mps, is dying. But our answer, is no. On one hand. In the context, of code, 19. Oem, have, increased, the development. Of small businesses. As well as contracted. Household, users. On the other hand, the companies, here have to pay for their staff, training, cost. No matter, where staff locate. Thus, management, that staff planning, tasks, definitely, helps the company's. Sustainability. Especially, given situation. In the current. Colonial, violence. In other words. Mps, want to die, but companies, were looking for nps, with, more competitive. Edge, to maintain, their sustainability. So my friends. Do not miss the incremental. Potential, lying, in mps, sector. This is the ideal, time to lay out and expand, your mps, business. This is also why i'm here today. To introduce, neistat, nps, x system, that how it can help you to keep business, close. We all know that mps, business, includes, four major, models. Equipment. Consumers. Management, software. And service. Around which, mention software, is a key that linked all paths to be. One. Through management, software. Our devices. Consumers. And maintenance. Services. Are formed, into an organic. Hall that can be continuously. Improved. And expanded. Nasa, is the owner device, management, software, we call ndms. And dms. Would be an ideal, tool for customers, who wanted to start, mps, business, ndms. Offer a low battery for new cams to entry when compared. To other mba software. We ask for no cost for ngms. While our competitors. May charge you as least as 3000. Us dollars, as onboarding. Phase, you are welcome, to contact, us to learn more we will give five customers, with six days for a trial. First, come first, served, well if we see management, software. Is the common, center, of the, entire, mps business. Language, device, is linked, to, is a soldier. Currently. We have two types of devices. Available. First of all, i would like to introduce. Nice, gng, planter. It is one of the, 33. Ppm, desktop. Monochrome. Leather printer, series. Launched, by nice nice group's, giant chip brand. Which is also the first, gng, desktop. Printer. Moreover, this device, integrates, various, special function, models, such as.

Fine Printing. Poster, model. Clone modem, and the mute model, etc. So to facilitate. The users. Most importantly. In order to promote, this machine. In commercial, office, use. Nasa has launched, a rental, sharing plan based on the idea, of co-innovation. Providing, our distributors. With the most. Cost-effective. Equipment. Rental, service. In this solution. You can get a much, higher, return, than selling comfortable. Consumers. Yet without. Spending, a penny, on equipment. Or consumers. The only thing you have to do is developing, local, customers. Operational. Management. And maintenance. As mentioned, earlier. Gng, plan targets, at a small, and medium-sized. Business. And, telecommuting. Household, users. Our goal is to meet the. Brandiness. Of small planting, occasions. That are high, efficiency. High, quality. Diversified. Yet economical. If you are interested. Please, contact, your regional, manager. Or drop an email, directly, to our info mailbox. We will introduce, this plan to you in detail. Next. Let's take a look at this big guy. This is what we call we can offer. Refurbished. Copier, recall. Npc3503. Looks like a new one, right. Actually it is a remanufactured. Device. Especially, offered for copier, rental market. Unlike, the making, second, hand copiers. Where we standardize. The whole copiers. That means we not only have its exterior. Being reconditioned. Interior, cleaned. Key one level, past replaced. And repaired. But also have the consumable. Components. Standardized. Recycled. Which allows, the entire, device, to regain, more than 90 percent, of the performance. Of a brand new one once more, we will also provide, various, replacement. Units. It takes maximum, 10 minutes, to complete, the entire, maintenance. And replacement. Without interrupting, the end users, from using it. Since the maintenance, timing is reduced, greatly. A maintenance, personnel. Who may take care of. 115. Before. Now is capable, of doing 200. Or 300. Devices. Obviously. It gives, better payoff, with less input. At the same time. We provided, the same package, of copious, leasing, solutions. To our partners, to meet their products, and service, demand. As gng, plant, package. Range from low speed, to high speeds. Monochrome. To color. Our one-stop, solution, packages. Are economical. Stable. And practical. In general. Nicely, copious, solutions. Are focused, on providing. Oem-like. Product, quality. At a more economical. Price. In the context, of declining. Current development. In global, mps, channel. Economic. And cost-saving. Will be the lucky demand, of customers. That's why nysta, launches, these products. Against, the chief. Of course, we can provide, brand consumers.

Suitable For nps, channel. For leather, desktop, costs. Nysta, makes, our effort, to develop, jumbo, products. Our jumbo casualty, lines. Cover from hp, to brother. Here sera, and other brands. We're very confident, to provide, you with up to 60, percent. Extended. Yellow cartridges. Which is allow you to gain more competitive. Edges. For copiers. We have giant, reborn, and generated. Top attack. Cng. Reborn. The manufacturer. Casually, for use in rico, is available. Gng, top attack, technology, prints. Better, replacement. Toner, bottles, for canon. You can enjoy this patented, oem, equivalent. That won't hurt your machine. At a better, price. Why not give a try. Don't be surprised, if i say business, integrated, product, is gradually. Taking on nps, world. I'm not lying. Due to the technical, improvement. And the course advantages. Of interjet, business planner. It has gradually. Take a share of nps, markets. We believe it will become, a major, change, of oa. In the future. But a blue ocean at the moment. Now we have a budget, of business, intelligent, products, available, for mps. You are welcome, to learn more. Owning, all, nasa has done a lot of work in mps business. And related, products. We would like to be your facebook, solution, provider. To help you achieve, a better profit, growth, we embrace. Change, and keep innovate. Thanks. Thank you eric. Thanks again for the about experts, and their presentations. Now comes the third question. It is also the last question. Please, have a look at the screen. As you've got all the answers. Enter your answer in the comments. If all your answers are right. Congratulations. You have a great chance to win a hundred, us, dollar, amazon, e-gift, card. We will announce the winners in our social media accounts. The livestream, today, is coming to an end. Thanks again for joining us today. We hope you will find something, valued and get inspired. Stay safe and have a nice. Day.


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