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The footage you’ve just seen was released on the 28th of October Students from Inner Mongolia University of Technology A train departing from Hohhot to Baotou At 5 pm on the 28th of October, the train departed from Hohhot Normally, considering the distance from Hohhot to Baotou It's just over an hour's journey by train now It would be faster if it was a high-speed train But I didn't expect that after these students arrived in Baotou They were refused to leave the train at the Baotou station The reason is that students had a Covid-19 rapid test before disembarking the train It was suddenly discovered that there were some positive cases onboard This was terrible. People in the city of Baotou panicked Students are welcomed to quarantine here as long as they are negative But if the students onboard test positive Or some students get infected People in Baotou feared they would spread the disease Consequently, students were ordered to stay onboard Not only that but the doors of the carriages were also sealed Students are in real trouble now You see the pictures of those students onboard The hazmat suit made everyone hot and sweaty Although, it is already very cold in Inner Mongolia now Considering the situation where thousands of students with hazmat suits were required to wait onboard This must be horrible The other is that there were way too many students onboard In order to transport those students According to their own words, a few students shared the space of a berth Many students even stayed on the luggage rack Because of quarantine, many students also bring some luggage and bags So, the situation inside the carriage is very worrying. Many students collapsed mentally all of a sudden Because they don't know how long they will stay on-board They desperately call their teachers and text their friends Teachers couldn’t do anything In theory, the original plan was to send them all to Baotou However, they were rejected in Baotou When seeing this scene, the students began to cry for help On Weibo and Tiktok I also received some messages from some students They plead for help desperately Some of the students also know that after I graduated from the university I worked at the Inner Mongolia University of Technology for two years The Inner Mongolia University of Technology is of great importance to me So today we're going to talk about it When I saw these students in the carriages It reminds me of a film The film I watched when I was a kid was called "The Cassandra Crossing" This movie is about A secret government agent accidentally A secret government agent accidentally spread plague bacterium to a train travelling on the European continent Everyone in this carriage was infected with the plague Soon these people will die one by one All the countries along the way France, Germany and etc. The train was not allowed to stop Then finally governments came up with an idea The train was then diverted to an old bridge On the "Cassandra Bridge" They created an accident to have a complete wipeout I remembered this movie Now the students may call their train "Train to Busan" "Train to Busan" is a movie made in recent years Because today, not many young people have watched the movie "Cassandra Crossing" Because today, not many young people have watched the movie "Cassandra Crossing" But most of them know the “Train to Busan” "Train to Busan" is similar to the plot of “Cassandra Crossing” Because of a disaster Everyone onboard was deserted The recent Covid outbreak in Inner Mongolia Let's start with the Covid situation in Hohhot Hohhot is the home of ethnic minority Everyone knows that at the beginning of this year, the was a Covid outbreak Now it’s over But since October, there have been more reported cases than ever Then Hohhot started to call a halt to the entire city This "city of silence" Those buildings with positive Covid cases are locked down Those with no Covid case reported were not allowed to leave their compounds You can only walk inside the compound Although, you can go downstairs and exercise Not out the gate Then the shops and restaurants outside the community were all closed Hohhot started implementing such a policy on the 1st of October Although implementing such a strict “silence” policy, it’s essentially a lockdown But they didn’t stop Covid Then the number of infections rose quickly in recent days The highest number was about 500 or 600 cases On the 13th and 14th of October You can see that The number of positive cases in Hohhot dropped significantly Down to single digits Therefore, many people and citizens in Hohhot have always suspected that the government is cheating This means the numbers are unreal From a couple of hundred quickly down to single digit How could they contain the virus so quickly? If Omicron could easily be contained by the government If it was so easy to deal with, the whole country would have contained the virus a long time ago So what exactly happened? In October, students at the Inner Mongolia University of Technology There were positive cases reported on campus The most serious one is at "Jinchuan Campus" The Inner Mongolia University of Technology, let me introduce to you that it has 3 campuses in total The campus is in Mahuaban and within the urban area of Hohhot When I was working at the Inner Mongolia University of Technology I worked at the Mahuaban campus Later, two more campuses were developed One called "New Town Campus" The other is called "Jinchuan Campus" This time many cases were found at the Jinchuan campus "Jinchuan Campus" is more than 20 kilometres away from the main campus in Hohhot Historically, it was the Inner Mongolia Electric Power School Later it was taken for some reason It merged into the Inner Mongolia University of Technology It has become the "Jinchuan Campus" of the Inner Mongolia University of Technology Humanity and physics buildings are located in the "Jinchuan Campus" Then, positive cases were first discovered on the Jinchuan campus First, some measures were introduced The restaurants and cafeterias were forced to close their door At that time, the Inner Mongolia Education Department also talked about All canteens of Inner Mongolia University of Technology What do you do when the restaurants are closed? The student won't have food Then the staff of other colleges and universities in Inner Mongolia help them The canteens of Normal University and Medical University have prepared meals and sent them to the Jinchuan campus However, if they only have food deliveries In fact, it is difficult for you to cater for thousands of students on campus As a result, the students complained that they couldn't eat after being locked in the dormitory When the students at Inner Mongolia University of Technology broke the news to me earlier It's all about the food shortage On the first day of lockdown in the dormitory Sometimes they only had one or two meals But later, someone told me that there were many volunteers on campus After the students were infected, only the teachers were left Then the teachers were responsible to deliver meals to these students My former colleagues from the University told me that Since October, there has indeed been significant pressure on them The leaders of each department basically live on campus and are not allowed to go home Because the school has been closed Students are not allowed to leave at all Therefore, the teachers and leaders of these schools are also under great pressure Delivering meals to students every day and accompanying students to solve various problems But despite this, Covid has not been brought under control So, the student first complained about not being able to eat And the situation was not under the control The student’s reflection is that when Covid case was discovered at that time Students were forced to isolate in the classroom But those positive students quarantined with those negative students They are mixed together for isolation In the classroom, not in the dormitory What's the point of this isolation? Therefore, the virus continues to spread Then a few days ago Everyone knows that the Covid news in Inner Mongolia has been suppressed The leaders of Inner Mongolia are now very dissatisfied with the outbreak of Covid in the university On the 25th of October The leaders of the autonomous region went to the university for a meeting The leadership team has also changed, and two new principals have been appointed I don't know if it has anything to do with this All in all, what are the instructions given? That is, the students of the university need to be transferred elsewhere Transfer from Hohhot to Baotou Transfer to other places like Wuhai for quarantine Anyway, the campus of the university needs to be vacated Even in Hohhot, students were required to go to other places to quarantine On the 28th of October, Some students of the University were transferred to Baotou This group of students may have had close contact with Covid patients before getting on the bus In fact, they have been tested a week in a row The test results were negative That’s why they were allowed to go to Baotou But I don't know why after arriving in Baotou There are positives cases among those students They were stuck here They were not allowed to leave the bus and train After going back and forth It is said that the group of students eventually got off the bus in the early hours of the morning They were taken to another quarantine centre in Baotou One is the Sumeng School in Shiguai District and the other is Songshi School It was already 4:00 a.m when they settled down 11 hours from departure at 5 pm to arrival at 4 am And some students mentioned later that There was no Internet connection, and they couldn’t have classes online Basically, it’s the equivalent of going to jail And the bedding doesn't seem to be very clean But because of the trouble that day, there was widespread dissatisfaction on that day The teachers at Inner Mongolia University of Technology ordered the students on the one hand Delete all messages they posted online And they demand that no one can forward information about their own university On the other hand, some students have been treated relatively well under this circumstance Some students were arranged to go to hotels Then they posted the video on the government's social media account Did you see this? The students of the university were transferred to the hotel. The environment is very good The school asked a few students to come out for interviews You see, the quarantine centre is so nice, we are so grateful and happy about this There are fruits on the table, and there are pork ribs for dinner Some students said that it was so delicious as they hadn't eaten ribs for a month I didn't expect the conditions to be so good But in fact, everyone knows that it is a sarcasm Think about the students who haven't had pork ribs for a month Doesn't this mean that during the past month? The university didn’t offer enough support to students in terms of food supply and accommodation n But they don’t mind. They just wanted to get those positive messages

But they didn't expect this to bring new problems Why? Because of the relocation of the students to the university They were not just transferred to Baotou, but to many other places At that time, a group of students were transferred to a vocational school in Hohhot The parents of those students were angry about this. They said that First of all our children were relocated from Hohhot to another vocational school After a total of one hour's journey, they ended up spending 8 hours The vocational school didn’t want those students to quarantine They ended up staying on the bus for 8 hours They said that transferring students to another place is fine Then why didn't you arrange and plan everything in advance? Second, after arriving at the vocational school There is no heating in the place where they lived, and there is no hot water in the house You can imagine that the temperature in Inner Mongolia is very low now. Freezing I experienced this By the end of October and the beginning of November, it was already sub-zero Live without heating in the house? It’s impossible Third, he said, is there any positive case at the new place? No one told us anything They don't know how long they will have to stay here Can they go home after quarantine is over? I don't know, no one told us What is the policy, he questioned There is one more because at that time he arranged a group of students to live in a hotel Some students were furious at that time. How could they stay in a hotel? And we have to isolate this place with neither hot water nor heating Why is that? Since they are students of the same university, why are they treated differently? When they want to publicise their achievements by using propaganda They didn’t expect this chaos and the series of problems incurred Of course, the solution to this problem is simple Block all the negative news and only keep positive news Everyone would think that the problems of the students at the university had been solved already Isn't that the way we deal with problems? It has always been that we don't solve problems, we only deal with those who created problems At the same time, there was another policy in Inner Mongolia They advise the university student in Hohhot to go back home and quarantine It is to return home in an orderly manner. To put it bluntly, don't stay in Hohhot and go home now With the students of the university relocated Students from the Normal University and Medical University Now they are all starting their journey back home Why do I want to discuss this Not only because of my special relationship with that university In fact, all those students return home This thing itself is worrying Why? It's been nearly three years since the start of the pandemic This group of college students who entered university three years ago is likely to spend the entire four years of college In the midst of a pandemic I'm wondering what impact the pandemic will have on this generation of college students In the future, there may be a saying "university students in the Covid era" You can imagine Some time ago, at a university in Lanzhou Those students were quarantined on campus and nearly clashed with the local government Students at the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics are transferred When I mentioned that news a while ago There was a girl on the brink of collapse She’d been in quarantine for months And now these students in Inner Mongolia are simply sent back to their homes You may know that university students in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia They haven't been to the campus for more than half a year Since the start of the last academic year, namely last September They stayed on campus for a month and there were Covid cases Then they were not allowed to leave Then quarantine, relocate and eventually return home Imagine this, an entire year gone So, what can these students learn in school? I’m wondering if that "College students in the Covid era" may have such characteristics in the future First, although they are university students They haven’t been educated systematically throughout the year They either had online classes last year Or stayed on campus and got tested multiple times every week And then endlessly fear relocation and quarantine What can you learn in that environment? Some social science and humanity courses can be taken online, but what about those science subjects? The Inner Mongolia University of Technology is an engineering university There are many experimental classes There are many courses that require experience and experiments Now that online classes are taken, isn't the university equivalent to remote learning? Correspondence universities course were not good as normal courses delivered on campus Many "college students in the Covid era" have never learned anything on campus This a point Second, maybe they don't have normal social interactions University students are in their heyday Most of the students of my generation first fell in love at university Build the first social network of our life Many of our best friends in life were made on campus But friends can be made Because our university offers a variety of social activities There are various clubs and societies on campus We got to interact and know people Then formed the most important friendship of my life But now, after quarantine, can those students still have these activities? Impossible. They can only isolate in their dormitories Not to mention societies, clubbing and going out You can only fall in love with the person in your dormitory This is not good for your mental health This is the second point Unlikely to have some social activities Third, in their memory It's basically about the pandemic and all about social control Every day they hear testing, quarantine "Isolation, transferring and press conference When will the lockdown end? Can you guarantee the food supply in lockdown? These concepts are developed How would they understand this society? They will have a very deep understanding of how much power interferes with them They can't build their own personality How do they develop their own personality? They didn’t grow up in a free environment When between the age of 18 and 22 For university students in China It is an important period to form their personality and have their own values Because most of our kids are basically studying at high school There is no time to carry out personality education Therefore, more comprehensive and general knowledge can only be learnt in a university But after entering the university, they had Covid tests every day instead Endless requirements to contain the virus What they have experienced are endless arrangements Can you build a free personality? Not possible This is the characteristic of "university students in the Covid era" I guess in the future It is very likely that there will be such a group of “students in the Covid era” If the Covid measures in China remain in the next couple of years There will be several classes of students with all their higher education experience spent During the Covid era In the end, I want to go back to the film “Cassandra crossing” Including the film "Train to Busan" In those two films, although human beings are threatened by an epidemic A train running in Europe or in Asia People are abandoned and face the threat of disease and death But there is one thing in common in the films There are heroes to save those who are suffering There are always heroes to save us When the whole world is full of conspiracies When they want to abandon these people, those heroes will come forward This is the hope of human beings If no one steps forwards bravely to save us We will be those people on the train Think how desperate we must be But let's talk about the train in Inner Mongolia Did anyone save those students on board? No. They are subject to any change in policies. They are vulnerable

On Sina Weibo, a university student once said something like this He said the Jews were full of hope when they boarded the train But they didn't expect that when they got off the train, it was Auschwitz awaiting Another person said this He said, you often say that the world is ours and yours But we didn’t expect you to desert us This is the metaphor that this train brings to us If there's really nobody on this train standing up to save them They are forever in a state of abandonment and neglect After all, for the passengers on that train Even if one day they come out of quarantine Their hearts will be filled with despair 本期字幕:DONG、秋田、骑士、Wendy 校对:DONG


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