Это БЫЛ ИХ МИР?! В Южной Америке Найден ОБЪЕКТ Который НЕ ДОЛЖЕН СУЩЕСТВОВАТЬ! Топ 20

Это БЫЛ ИХ МИР?! В Южной Америке Найден ОБЪЕКТ Который НЕ ДОЛЖЕН СУЩЕСТВОВАТЬ! Топ 20

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deep in the mists of time shrouded in the heart of the andes mountains lies a mystery that has puzzled historians and archaeologists for centuries welcome to sax aman an ancient fortress perched above the former incan capital a piece of engineering marvel that defies conventional wisdom this enigmatic structure is perfectly connected to each other without the use of the solution amazes even the most sophisticated imagination it looks so incredible that even traditional archaeologists can't help but wonder was it even possible for people of that era to build such monuments these stones are massive and crafted with such precision that even a needle cannot be inserted between them how these stones were transported processed and laid a civilization that according to conventional historical data had neither the wheel nor iron tools nor even a written language. Delving into the heart of the Saxons and Aman we embark on a journey through time. Exploring the ingenuity of the culture flourish in the harsh landscapes of Mary, we find similar monuments around the world that may well have been built. Nephilim who possessed

incredible technologies and now it's time to study One of such architectural monuments After all, this is what today's video is about This colossal structure known for its incredible size is a reminder of the architectural mastery of a bygone era and has given rise to numerous controversies and theories regarding its origin and purpose for sex Aman is the name in the Quechua language which translates as satisfied Falcon it is believed that this name symbolizes the Falcon's role in guarding the capital of the Inca Empire the location of the object overlooking the piece suggests its importance as a military complex however its exact purpose remains a subject of scholarly debate from ceremonial observatory the most intriguing aspect of the Saxon Amana is its construction is a feat that seems to challenge the technological capabilities of the Inca civilization the fortress is distinguished by large boulders of irregular shapes some of which weigh up to 200 tons fitted together with incredible precision also surprising is the lack of mortar between these blocks which are so tightly adjacent to each other that even a blade cannot pass through between them this fact has been for many years baffles experts such precision combined with the enormous size of the stones raises questions about the methods and tools used in their construction Although it is widely accepted that the Aman sax was built by the Incas, increasing evidence suggests that its origins may be even more ancient some researchers suggest that the site was built by an ancient civilization that predated the Inca Empire this theory is fueled by the architectural complexity and sophistication of the site which seems to surpass the known technological capabilities of the Incas the Incas were undoubtedly skilled builders known for their deep understanding of stonework and architecture however the technology required to mine transport and precisely craft such huge stones apparently far exceeds their capabilities at least according to official history such a discrepancy has led to the emergence of various alternative theories including the participation of an as yet officially undiscovered advanced ancient civilization for example the civilization of the antediluvian Nephilim children of fallen angels according to the book of Enoch born of earthly women the theory of the Dain civilization is confirmed by legends and oral traditions Many local legends, passed down from generation to generation, tell of times before the Incas when there was a more advanced a civilization that possessed knowledge and technology that has been lost over time these stories, although often referred to as myths, create an intriguing context that matches the mysteries surrounding the construction of the Saxon Amana the architectural features of this monument are impressive not only for its scale and precision but also for its design such a correspondence with symbolic and cosmological elements indicates a deep understanding of both technology and astronomy The mystery of the Saxons of Aman extends beyond its walls into the numerous tunnels and chambers said to be beneath it these underground passages Some of which only add another layer of intrigue to the place and there are rumors that they are linked sax Aman with other Inca monuments and even with the piece itself Although much of this remains speculative the Inca empire known as Tavan Tins was the largest empire in pre-Columbian America its historical significance from the 10th to the early 12th century is marked by outstanding achievements in architecture agriculture and government the Incas were master masons o The World Cup is evidenced by such iconic structures as Machu Picchu and of course sak Aman However, the history of samana may predate their civilization, which points to a deeper and more mysterious past. Historical information about sakma from Spanish conquistadors and chroniclers. According to these sources, the construction of sak Aman was ordered by the Inca ruler Pachacutec. The existence of structures and foundations that existed before the Incas is mentioned.

The theory of The Don civilization that promoted the construction of adobe is confirmed by various testimonies. Firstly, this is the architectural style of the megalithic stones of the Saxon Amana, which differ significantly from the typical Inca architecture, which consists of smaller blocks of a more regular shape. This discrepancy suggests that this place could have been built in stages, with the foundation laid even earlier by archaeological sites. The finds in the region also confirm the existence of earlier cultures such as the Kilki culture who inhabited the region of Kuska from 900 to 1200 AD before the Incas came to power. This indicates that there were advanced societies in the area and that artifacts and structures attributed to the Kilki were found before that. not far from sax aman what hints at their possible involvement in the early stages the construction techniques used at sax aman are another point of intrigue some of the stones have up to 12 angles perfectly fitted to each other and are not found in other incan buildings this level of complexity suggests that the builders had a deep understanding of masonry engineering and perhaps even geology did the Incas inherit these monuments from someone astronomical aspect of adobe another interesting feature the Incas were skilled astronomers and many of their structures correspond to celestial events of that time adobe is no exception some aspects of its divut Sonia inst is Intera or the festival of the sun which celebrated during the winter solstice during this time the sun's rays perfectly coincide with certain angles of the fortress walls this alignment is not only symbolic but also served as a practical means of marking the change of seasons which was crucial for agricultural planning and religious ceremonies the layout of the vow with vast open spaces and strategically located structures It seems to have been designed to offer optimal points survey for observing celestial events large flat areas may have served as observatories where priestesses and astronomers could observe the sky and interpret the movements of celestial bodies these observations probably played a vital role in the Inca calendar determining the time of harvest and were an integral part of their cosmology and religious practices the heavens were not simply a source of wonder for them But also an important aspect of their understanding of the world The sun The moon and the stars were central figures in the mythology and religion of the Incas And their movements across the sky were seen as divine manifestations One of the main problems in understanding the design of the adobe zacha and the weight of the stones used the largest of these The boulders weigh more than 200 tons, raising serious questions about the methods used to extract, transport and lift such stones into place. The Incas, known for their

sophisticated engineering techniques, did not have access to the wheel or use animals capable of moving such massive stones. The mystery has led some researchers to speculate about the use of advanced but unknown technologies or methods that were apparently lost, the true level of their skill is revealed not only in the size of the stones but and in the intricate details and features that mark each block these features from curved walls to unusual markings convex mysterious protrusions challenge official history shocks the view of ancient Builders and stone processing methods and raises intriguing questions about the tools and methods used in construction one of one of the most striking aspects of the saxophone architecture is the way some of the stones are curved at the corners this feature is not only a testament to the builders aesthetic sense but also an indication of their deep understanding of structural integrity the curved stones give the walls strength allowing them to withstand the seismic activity typical of the andean give these massive stones such the shape so that they fit perfectly into complex angles and curves requires a level of precision and experience that is not possible today with modern technology the unusual tool marks found on many of the stones in sax aman is another feature that puzzles both researchers and visitors these marks indicate the specific tool used in in the mining process But what was this tool and how has it been used to this day? remains a mystery, which allows us to assume that the builders had not only modern tools but also a standardized method of using them, such a level of uniformity and precision is a clear indicator of the high skill and technological capabilities of the Builders of the Saxons of Amana, but this is far from the only monument that we should take a closer look at Let's move to another part peace to Japan Japan is a country with a rich history there are incredible megalithic structures of those times that have long been lost these monumental objects often created with amazing precision and in accordance with astronomical phenomena suggest complex knowledge and capabilities that the VM prom in the middle of the forest remained giant granite blocks weighing 800 tons carved with extreme precision as well as huge tombs surrounded by moats with water that will never be excavated these are colossal quarries covered with traces of machine processing and carved with jeweler's precision there are also massive stone mines were found in Peru and Egypt blocks that even today cannot be moved from their place with the help of our modern technologies this civilization left its traces not only on land But also on the seabed near Japan Mount Noka-gire located in Chiba Prefecture in Japan is the site of a huge Japanese aptly named this place Saw Mountain because of the traces of cuts resembling saw marks used this quarry in quotes as a quarry since early period of eda from 1603 to 1868 However, the actual age of the mountain on Kogri Yama and quarry remains a mystery By the way, if you are a fan of alternative history of conspiracy practices that today we are then be sure to subscribe to our Telegram channel because there is always fresh information and interesting facts link in the pinned comment under the video many features of this place allow us to assume its much more ancient and possibly prehistoric origin hinting at its creation by a lost advanced civilization the theory that the mountain on the square could have been an ancient quarry of the Edda period is supported by the ideal cutting of the stone which is distinguished by amazing precision these cuts are exceptionally smooth which suggests the use of advanced tools or technologies that seem inappropriate for the known historical period of operation quarry According to the official history of the Eda period in Japan, the technology and tools available for quarrying river stone were quite simple, using chisels and hammers, as well as wedges and spikes. When these traditional tools and methods are compared with the precise and machine-cutting seen on some ancient stones at such sites as the mountain on the kogri yama one can notice the discrepancy in the capabilities of those people who lived at that time We also have to take into account the incredible height of these walls which in some places reach approximately 30 MT The accuracy of the ancient cuts suggests the use of technologies that allow for consistently producing straight and perfectly aligned cuts regardless of the height What is difficult to achieve with the above mentioned traditional primitive tools is curious that the precise cutting of the stone on the mountain on Kageyama is strikingly similar to those found on other ancient sites around the world where the same jewelry craftsmanship indicates sophisticated stone processing skills, for example take a place called Puma Punku in Bolivia is known for its incredibly precise stonework, the cuts and holes in these stones are so fine and precise that they have caused some to speculate on the possibility of the existence of advanced prehistoric Incan stone processing technologies if Punka was built by a highly developed civilization and the Incas then simply inherited this place Is it possible that the quarry on Mount Kagi was originally developed by the same civilization the features discovered at this site are unusual for example there are areas where the exact roads of Ire in s monumental the strangest anomaly of this place is various vertical notches that are completely parallel to each other if you watched the video on our channel in which we examined the prehistoric megalithic monuments found in China these vertical cuts will probably seem familiar to you we showed you these same cuts on various unexplained places in China such as the Yangshan quarry where giant stone blocks were carved and the vast networks of the Lun caves and the Huashan grottoes all of these vast sites were centers of monumental construction and stone mining processes that removed millions of tons of rock for simple Bronze Age cultures equipped with primitive such tasks were tools precise vertical cuts are not achievable they are very similar to those produced in modern mines using advanced drilling equipment look at these lines found on the mountain noka Grima and compare them with the traces left by our modern machines the similarity is simply amazing e wonderful works of art such as this giant Buddha this is an impressive sculpture dating back to 1783 it was carved directly into the rocky side of the mountain its height is about 31 m making it one of the largest statues of Buddha in Japan next to it there are more than one and a half thousand stone statues of Buddhist disciples less known as rakan these statues are scattered on the slopes the mountains have intricate carvings each of which has a unique facial expression and pose they depict followers of the Buddha each of whom is captured in different poses of meditation and contemplation but again these artistic decorations were most likely added years later and this is not considering all that we have looked at so far It's time to ask yourself: Is this really prehistoric? the site was generally used as a quarry the main purpose of a quarry is usually to extract the maximum amount of stone using the least amount of labor and energy in the shortest time However, the picture we see here is later proven if the workers did not have equipment and had to make parallel cuts by hand This indicates that they extracted as little stone as possible while expending a significant amount of energy and labor, moreover, why would they create perfectly polished and precisely positioned 90-degree cavities in the rock if their only goal was to extract stone? Tae yours suggests other motives or goals behind titanic moving from the harsh landscapes of the mountain on kagir to another important place stone quarry oya in utsunomiya very similar quarry in this place we can again see precise cuts and parallel tracks of machines on the stone Is it really emet with the help of some advanced ancient machine technology the idea of ​​existence such technology is confirmed by the accuracy and consistency of the markings, which was difficult to achieve with traditional tools of that period attributed to these places What distinguishes the stone quarry oe from the quarry on the mountain to Kagiris depth of about 60 m This is a monumental structure by any standards The interior of this man-made cave is notable for its perfectly flat floor precise cuts at an angle of 90 ° in various parts and again parallel to the groove this place looks exactly the same as the Lun caves and the Huashan grottoes in China but how is this possible given the distance between the Oya quarry in Japan and these sites in central China since the distance between them is about 18 this measurement does not take into account the additional distances that may be added by the land or sea routes needed to actually travel between these two places anything is possible these objects were built by the same global civilization that had advanced technology and complex knowledge that allowed them to build structures unknown what caused the disappearance of this civilization but most likely it was some kind of catastrophic event if we visit the city of tasagar hyogo we can find more one incredible megalith is ishino hodan also known as the flying stone this unusual and strange creation was carved from a single piece of tuff stone tuff is a type of rock formed from volcanic ash thrown out during explosive volcanic eruptions this giant megalith weighs about 500 tons these parameters make this stone larger than any of the stones used in the construction of the Great Pyramid in Giza the largest of which weighed 80 tons to this day the origin and purpose of this ancient relic is a complete mystery as there are no inscriptions or markings on it according to estimates the construction dates back to the pre- historical period Dumont later the Japanese built a Shinto temple around the stone and the Megalith became traditional known as the floating stone because of its unique placement the design of this stone is quite unusual it resembles a component of a huge machine almost a cupola with a pointed end on one side it has a precise cut sharp clean corners and smooth surfaces which indicates advanced processing techniques by its builders it represents two vertically oriented flat rectangular the parallelepiped has a projection on one side resembling the top of a pyramid but how could a prehistoric hunter-gatherer society cut extract and transport a five-hundred- ton block of stone the origins and methods of making such an exquisite work of stone art remain a mystery the connection of this unusual megalith to groundwater leads some to speculate that the site may to be a kind of energy generator that interacts with the water underneath it locals also associate the Monolith with healing from illnesses in many cultures including Japan water is often seen as a cleansing element and is commonly associated with spiritual renewal and life the presence of running water underneath the Ishino Hodan may indicate its value because it is treated with reverence, perhaps this place was originally chosen because of its natural feature, because of the presence of water here, seeing in the source a symbol of endless life or a direct connection with the spiritual world, also the possibility that the constant flow of water coming out of the ground is not a natural phenomenon and a kind of developed hydrological system. In addition, local residents claim that the water under Ishino Khodana never dries up even during severe drought. We know that most ancient megalithic monuments are associated with constellations and celestial events the mysterious tyuy the illusion of hovering over water fascinates people thousands of years after its creation another interesting discovery in the same area of ​​aske were massive granite sarcophagi found in the Kurgan ue yama fun the design of these coffins is very similar to megalithic stone ishino hodan actually strange handles on granite boxes and massive handle on ishino hodan bears striking resemblance to various handles found on other megastructures two horizontal granite chambers lying side by side were almost identical to other granite boxes found in egypt as were granite sarcophagi in egypt sarcophagi in japan also distinguished by ideal 90° angles, smooth surfaces and extreme precision of design, as ancient primitive tools could give pink granite, for a second, one of the most complex and hard materials on earth, such precise and smooth shapes, there is also a large piece of granite with careful carving and channels that are too precise and smooth to be made with primitive tools in Japan there are many more mysterious stone structures the origin of which is mostly due to safu isi Mysterious artifact also located in the Asuka area this massive stone structure carved from a single piece of granite is about 3 m and in shape resembles a boat or a trough stone hollowed out which led to many assumptions about its use and purpose underwater monument guni - This is a huge object measuring and me in width located on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean near the Japanese island of the same name this underwater pyramid was accidentally discovered in 1986 a diver who was diving into the sea to observe sharks from that moment on the previously unknown object began to cause heated debate that continues to this day off the southern coast of the small Japanese island of Guni located approximately 120 km east of Taiwan now the area of ​​the island of Ya Nagu is one of the most popular places among lovers diving who come here specifically just to see the mysterious object with their own eyes some researchers including Masaki Kimura believe that the monument is a man-made pyramidal structure the remains of a vanished ancient civilization hence its name Japanese Atlantis Kimura is convinced that the Guni monument is of artificial origin which indicates that in ancient times people or someone else lived here during numerous underwater dives kimura collected his evidence that this ancient structure was created by man and not nature in confirmation of his theory the japanese geologist noted several specific features of the monument he discovered traces of tools drainage channels gates stairs two sculptures in the form of turtles carved from stone as well as the remains of a massive bas-relief with silhouettes of animals Kimura also claims to have found the ruins of several buildings including several small temples possibly the Arena and the outlines of the roads that connected them In addition, a Japanese geologist UZhD that the topography of the island of Guni testifies about the existence of the once ancient city that disappeared under the thickness of sea water today we we can only guess who exactly built this structure there is no doubt that it is man-made civilization has scattered a huge number of megalithic clues all over the world it remains an indisputable fact dear friends of the article thumbs up to this video if the information was interesting for you also Subscribe to our Telegram link to which is in the pinned comment below this video and share it with your like-minded people Bye everyone [music] [music] 2

2025-01-26 23:07

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