Caught in the Act 1993 Harrison Romance Thriller HD 10 million is mistakenly deposited account

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[Music] thank you for calling the hollywood bank of commerce how may i help you 12 million dollars is that what is your security code federal wire transfer your password please and what kind of would you like to send that account number you're debiting please what kind of wire what kind of transactions [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey wait a minute you can't go in there sir sir can i help you hey wait freeze lapd oh my god quiet everyone you on your feet move it you heard me move in uh i cancelled the wall spread oh i don't believe this just a minute what do you think you're doing shut up shorty sit down you over here where i can see you on the floor kiss the carpet i believe you have the wrong personal officer what's up are you doing marston eric marston you are under arrest for one count aggravated assault one count embezzlement three counts of wrongdoing i don't know what you want you don't know what i want i'll tell you exactly what i want i want the role of detective angelo when you're moving everybody uh this is scott mcnally scott this is our director derek marston our producer stan richards you mean to say that you're an actor you son of a hey hey take yo you're scott um mcnally right not if you're a bill collector okay i saw you do the zeus story with william hurt circle rap what was that 10 years ago 15 that long wow hey man you were incredible i mean you know her was pretty good too but you were great gee where you been what have happened to you whatever happened to me that that's a good question unfortunately i don't have a short answer and i only got a few minutes left on the meter and a parking ticket would reduce my current net worth by about 33 so maybe some other time good luck [Music] how could you do this to me i'm the only casting director in town i would jump through the hoop side to jump through to get you this audition and what do you do you pull a gun on the director it's just a cigarette lighter i didn't even send you what did you think you were doing come on making how these things go they call them auditions they're really just fishing trips cause most of the time these guys don't know what they want until they see it and that's all i was doing i was showing them what they want they're looking for a detective angelo i gave him detective answer well if you read well for marston tomorrow you'll be detective angela you mean they want me to come back marston does the producer would rather have you arrested for impersonating a police officer i knew i had marston yes yes i did it but i didn't you did it and if you ever do it again i'll kill you tomorrow eleven o'clock jacket and ty martin says if team look is wrong for you i thought we decided to keep things strictly professional from now on i love you professionally mate then act like a pro tomorrow play it straight with marston please stick to the script no funny business 11 o'clock sharp suit and tie don't be late [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] it's me hi is he here he's in the kitchen did you tell him i can't i tried then i'm gonna tell him no please you don't understand he doesn't have a clue about what's really going on you know what i think i think i think i think i stink all right what happened oh it's my fault i blew it i'm sorry myra my concentration is shocked give yourself a break let the rest of us beat you up comments please uh michael yeah uh i don't think that this scene is just about her telling her father that they want to get married i think that he wants to get into her pants oh god you got your brain caught in your zipper again no no he wants to break the engagement but i'm playing it like i already know she's going to fold there's no tension no obstacle that's a little more like it good class look acting is all about choices and strong choices demand great risks i want to see strong choices i want to see high risks i'd also like to see a little tuition not one of you deadbeats is current right now i'm all tapped out professor look i'm not kidding my landlord's gonna toss me out of here if i don't cough up some rent real soon now i need some money sorry scott they messed up my unemployment check again i've got a catering job next month damn it it's the same story every week can i help you uh are you scott mcnally yeah i was wondering is uh i was interested would it be okay if i were to audit your class i didn't hell why not nobody else pays to study with me why should you you don't think i'm trying to make a living at this do you oh no i'm the mother teresa of acting teachers sure come on in abbas good choice minefield definitely high risk you study and you struggle and you starve and when it comes right down to the wire it's that one part that makes or breaks an actor you know and that's what this detective angelo park could do for me because man i am down to the wire i mean i cannot do these parts anymore that have no meat in them it's like it's like like having sex with someone you don't love it's all just technique i want to feel some passion i need to be in love love is great but how are you supposed to survive in this town until the right part comes along that's my problem i had this crazy idea that teaching acting pay my rent i apologize for making you the butt of my exceedingly rude temper you just happened into my line of fire [Music] good glad there's no hard feelings [Music] rachel always remember your keys when you make a big exit like that it's not climactic they have to go back do you have any idea how hard it was for me to walk into your studio and ask to audit your class you have no right to humiliate people like look i said i was sorry and i meant it how'd you know my name keyring what's your last name coleman how did you do rachel coleman not very well i'm tired i'm hungry my car was stolen today i'm sorry you already said that this town has a way of kicking people when they're down no kidding you know you build up all this internal rage and then something happens and you blow and you snap to somebody who doesn't deserve it exactly are you getting my face full of white wine i'm sorry about that good that makes two of us how about i buy a hamburger and then we'll both feel a whole lot better thanks but um kind of sick of hamburgers what are you hungry for what i heard in your class you can't afford what i'm hungry for oh yeah well you'd be surprised what i can afford [Music] would you like a drink before dinner sure right this way sir yeah white wine spitzer for the lady and a vodka on the rocks for me you got it what are we doing here at glen gibbons uh tatami foam futons shoji lamps and partitions roger ovalthorpe rattan waterbeds uh how you doing tonight nice to see you and this is mrs oh hi there uh nice to meet you uh shoji lancer partition glenn gibbons here you go thank you best things in life for free you're a party crasher all i like to think of it is a good acting exercise bill mintz imported lacquer and leather sofa systems guy starbuck macrame wall hangings and redwood nightstands and this is mrs stark mrs starbuck nice to meet you and where are you from honey altoona pennsylvania we flew in from pittsburgh but the plane was late so we missed the wedding ceremony and then they lost our luggage so we had to come to the reception looking like this for crying out loud can you believe it 3 000 miles from home and we don't even have a toothbrush oh well that's awful are you friends of the room or the bride right right room actually we know them both he knows the bride and i know the groom oh look darling it's priscilla and rodney whitehead excuse us hi she's a beautiful bride [Music] what are you thinking right now [Music] i'm not you right now [Music] i think i'm dreaming i believe in dreams especially when they come true those are the only kind to have so what are you doing in my dream [Music] what are you doing in life it's getting late maybe i should take you home maybe you should where do you live [Music] [Music] i used to have a place up in laurel canyon but i couldn't swing the rent on that in a studio too so i just moved in here where do you sleep in the master bedroom where is that stand right here [Music] ah so [Music] voila everything you stand right here [Music] [Music] your turn [Music] [Music] no fair there's room for two [Music] is are you there listen marston has to catch a noon flight back to new york we need you to come in at 10 instead of 11. i don't trust this crazy machine of yours call me please tomorrow looks even better good aircraft detective angela angelo nypd green san bernardino and san fernando valley with slightly cooler temperatures at the coast detective nypd detective angelo nypd good morning did you tell mr marston that mr mcnally is here you're late what are you talking about it's 11 o'clock on the dot don't you ever check your machine your audition was moved up an hour to 10 o'clock marston had to catch a noon flight back to new york what i didn't see any message on the machine i told you to get a new machine months ago why didn't you call me last night why didn't you don't you dare blame this on me i called you as soon as i had the information so is he coming back he's not coming back scott he's gonna cast detective angelo out of new york it's over no no can't you no i can't i'm always making excuses for you i sat in a room with that british twit for 40 minutes making excuses for you you and your high standards you won't do this kind of work you won't do that kind of work and then when i finally find the kind of work you will do you don't show up i don't know why i care i don't know why i can't help you anymore i'm tired of leaving these messages you don't have the courtesy to answer a telephone i'll find you sooner or later and you better have my rent molly messages you didn't get the part huh didn't even get the chance to get the damn part what are you doing here i was on my lunch break i wanted to see how it went i'm sorry you didn't hear the phone ring this morning no when i was in shaving you didn't hear the phone ring and somebody tried to leave a message on the machine i don't know what do you mean you don't know i mean i don't know i was asleep look i hate buses i had to take two of them to get over here and i didn't come to be your punching bag i'm sorry you didn't get the part but it's not my fault sorry i'm sorry i seem to have a knack for taking things out on you well i'm a real winner huh you know what i'd do if i were you yeah take the rest of the day off take you on a picnic think fast picnic where here here at the beach i hope you like cold lobster and fresh melon balls looks like chicken on rye and potato salad to me and this beach looks a lot like a studio i owe three months ran on we can pretend can't we we can pretend that this is the beach and that's lobster and we're rich i am tired of pretending tired waiting for the big break i'm tired of being poor come on scott we don't have to have a bottle of champagne hey hey if we're gonna have a picnic at the beach let's have a picnic at the beach let's do it with style [Applause] what i don't believe this what's the matter there's an extra 20 000 in my checking account [Music] excuse me something wrong with my checking window number two no no see there's twenty thousand dollars window number two if you'd like i can write it down for you [Music] i'm sorry there's been a mistake [Music] excuse me there's 20 000 in my checking account that doesn't belong to me [Music] excuse me there's 20 000 in my checking account that doesn't belong to me there is yes there is i like to give it back if you don't mind why it's not my 20 grand it's in your checking account right yes so it's your money i wish it were you should wish for brains you already got the money wait wait wait do you work here no i'm waiting for my husband he's been on that line over there since i was your age all he wants is a dozen penny wrappers what did they say window number two window number two it's like their mantra did you tell them forget it you know it's their problem not mine let them figure it out you have to tell them i tried to tell them what are you doing [Music] scott you can't do this it's not your money i'm gonna take it all out just enough to get you the best lunch at the beach that money can buy you don't have to do this for me well you're taking the afternoon off work and you can't afford that i want to do this for you what if you get into trouble don't worry about it okay it's just a loan i'll pay it back with my next residual check it'll be okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] damn i wish i was rich really rich [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] i want my rent mr mcnally who the hell do you think you are the gestapo three months three thousand dollars you owe me wait a minute you can't just barge in here like this i told you no more hide and seek i won my rent money i want it right now i don't have it you don't have it then i want you out of here today wait wait what am i talking about i got it scott no no i'll write you a check no no no no more of your funny checks i want you out of here today both you get out no no way mr axe union wait wait a minute mr congenian mr recognian i got your money okay the bank opens in a couple of hours i'll go and i'll get a certified check you're out today you're out of my center me will throw you off damn it you can't do that don't tell me what i do to you i have my rights oh yeah we you can't evict me without do notice this is your new notice you're out your bum you're out i'll have a certified check for 3 000 on your desk before noon today so you can't do squat to me what are you looking at [Music] i mean what if the bank finds out it made a mistake three thousand dollars is a lot of money scott but this studio is the only way i have making any money right now i'll just have to get tough and collect on all the past due tuition everybody owes me i'll pay it back somehow just seems like this money is too good to be true you know you're too good to be true your answering machine doesn't seem to be working it's dead i i killed it but um i'm sorry about i i i wasn't very professional i wasn't professional at all i know how important that part was to you and i know you didn't get that message i made it all about us about me i'm angry because you're not perfect and i'm mad at myself for loving you even though you're not perfect but i do i just do all right so where's my morning coffee happy birthday egg meg oh i'm sorry i feel terrible no tom meg and i been over for months just slow learners is it your birthday today no it's next monday meg was never very good with dates well i guess i'd better go to work right hey how about a date tonight you sure yeah okay what time you want me to pick you up eight o'clock okay okay hey what's your address oh um i'll wait up front because the door buzzer's broken okay me too oh hell okay so i make this payable to the bank no make it out to the party it's going to and then i'll put the certified stamp on it does my account reflect my last deposit uh your last deposit was a corporate wire transfer good i'm glad they they did a wire transfer this time you know i think a wire transfer is the only way to go don't don't you agree oh my yes especially with large sums of money checks can get lost or stolen and they can take days to be cleared why transfer is posted almost instantly really i mean i knew they were fast but not that fast well basically why transfer is just one bank's computer calling another bank's computer i'd just like to check because a computer can make a mistake right oh it happens but we're not supposed to talk about that i'll bet hello stranger paid in full [Music] yes [Music] so [Music] come on it's only a couple of hundred dollars more what's the big deal i told you i'm gonna pay it all back anyway there's this great sushi restaurant that i'm dying to try you mean expensive sushi restaurant yeah yeah i don't want anything to do with this it's just like a game of monopoly you know it's like that uh that chance card bank error in your favor don't sweat it look what just just look look [Music] all right i can understand a twenty thousand dollar mistake but a ten million dollar mistake how do you think somebody be paying attention with that kind of money what are you gonna do i'm gonna go to the bank tell them what's going on before i get too far right over my pin shaped kit well i can help you pay this no no no no this is my problem not yours i don't want you to get into trouble i'll get it it'll be all right i'll just i'll i'll plead insanity it's not a big deal i'm just being paranoid 1965 mustang register put your hands in there scott mcnally repeat that's your hands away from your body 39 years old you're under arrest for murder in the first degree caution why would i pay my rent if i was going to kill my landlord it doesn't make any sense that's why they call them senseless murders on the tv makes sense to me peggy jenny and evict you you and he have a fight on the sidewalk outside the front of your building then a few hours later you go over to aggregation's office and settle your account in more ways than one look i'm sorry that the man is dead but i did not kill aggragenian i didn't even know he was there you put a check on the man's desk but you don't see the body lying on the floor behind the desk i wasn't looking for a body lying on the floor behind the desk well we have a parking ticket that says you were parked outside of veganian's office during the time frame of the murder what do you say to that i say i was just running in to drop off the check if i was planning on sticking around to kill the guy i would have put a dime in the meter the coroner says that agagenian's head was crushed in with a tire iron when's the last time you used your tire iron scott this morning i had a flat tire and after you changed your flat what did you do with the tire iron put it back in the trunk of my car you put it back in the trunk of your car yeah well we checked the trunk of your car and it's not there so where did it go did it just disappear [Music] oh [Music] are you okay i don't know i don't know what's going on listen i talked to a bail bondsman and he said that he can get you out for 35 000 his office is right across the street it's called fairweather bail bonds and he said that he could take a check i can't do that did you tell the police about the money hell no not enough trouble look i just i just don't think that i should spend any more of the money until i've talked to a lawyer i think you should get out of here first and then you see a lawyer [Applause] i know where you live what are you looking at pretty much [Applause] how can they just impound your car like that this is not my car anymore it's their evidence are you hungry let's just go back to my place i need a shower it's cam 93 what license plate oh it's my roommate her initials kam kathleen and moore is your cheerleader high school yeah how did you know that um sounds like a cheerleader oh the lock's been changed great that's just great you can stay with me oh kathleen's family's in town you can't there's all right i'm allergic to roommates anyway get away from me lapd that's enough he killed my father they killed my father no we know that's why we have courts you want to press charges against junior here nah say thank you to mr mcnally i'm going to kill you you suck hey thank you to mr mcnally thank you all right good home [Music] you okay fine you yeah all right you say you're an actor but i've never heard of you so how can you afford 35 grand to make bail huh where'd you get that kind of money it's an inheritance why don't you play it straight with me i mean it would save us both a lot of wear and tear i didn't kill again then why did you hide the tire iron what are you gonna do i don't know i don't know the money has to have something to do with agentian or with him being killed with my tire oh god what was i thinking how could i spend that money i guess what i should do is get myself a good lawyer right now all i want to do is just find someplace to hide [Music] you mean run away you're just tired we'll figure something out [Music] we i love you scott you're the only person in this town that means anything to me whatever you do i want to be with you [Music] i love you traffic ticket certified check on the desk fight on the sidewalk it's all just circumstantial evidence but they could still make a strong case against you and if they find your tire iron with samples of your landlord's blood well they could ask for the death penalty i i i'm not quite sure what what you're saying but i guess what i want to know is can you get me out of this well i'll give it my best shot tom it's scott scott you'll have to excuse me i have a luncheon date well listen th th th there's something else that i wanted to mention see there's uh there's 10 million dollars in my checking account i don't know where it came from come again uh it all started a few days ago first 20 000 showed up in my account and then yesterday i found another 10 million in there and and and for a while i thought it was a bank error you know but now i'm not so sure have you spent any of this money well uh yeah some of it how much uh a lot more than a thousand dollars ten thousand twenty forty fifty fifty is in the neighborhood but thirty five that was bail so you know i'm going to get that back and is part of it this 10 000 retainer yeah apart from the mysterious deposits do you have any money of your own well uh no well what we have here is a possible murder one and probably several counts of grand larceny very serious charges for which you would have to be tried separately which would involve a great deal of time and expense years and hundreds of thousands of dollars so i suggest you find a lawyer who's willing to represent you for free because neither i nor any other attorney can be paid with stolen money [Music] they have laws against that is pat o'brien dead yep well no wonder he's not in the listing here i need a flinty irish grandfather how about uh heart carney not kearney that's good thanks he still works doesn't he yeah i think so i'm thinking of quitting myself you you could never quit acting you did i wasn't as good at it as you that's debatable you're just gonna start your life all over again that's that's what i'm thinking you really love her that much look meg i'm you don't have to tell me you're sorry because you're in love with someone else i appreciate the thought but when are you leaving probably tomorrow that's one thing i always liked about you what's that you know how to think on your feet some of us have a hard time making choices yeah well doesn't mean i always make the right choice i didn't say you did rachel rachel rachel johnny's high is rachel coleman there rachel she got off at 6. no i don't we don't give out home phone numbers sir sir you could be ed mcmahon from the publisher's sweepstakes and i wouldn't give out the number hello scott rachel there you are listen we need to talk the man with the tire iron wants to talk to you what the man with the tire iron wants to talk to you in person where are you 548 laporte scott he says he'll hurt me if you bring the police rachel no rachel good idea yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] stop watch out [Music] [Music] ugh [Music] oh my god you had a gun by me when i left the restaurant and he brought me here and he kept asking me about you and asking me if you were having fun spending all that money so when you knocked the door i tried to scream out to warn you i have to call the police no no [Music] no no that just arrest you for murder [Music] too he works for my bank steven reinhardt vice president of money transfer operations we have to we have to get out of town we have we have to think of some way to take the money and run what about the tire iron that would prove that you didn't kill your landlord the only fingerprints on that tire on her mind he was going to blackmail me with it for the money in my account then we have to find it don't forget it's a waste of time that's how your earners with 10 million dollars to him it's not gonna be any place so we can find it someone will find that buddy if we don't get it out of here come on give me a hand [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so i killed him dear god what did i do you saved my life that's what you did scott we have to get out of here go someplace like south america or those places that the nazis went after the war like uruguay or argentina or some place like that okay i'll take care [Music] i just need to figure it all out let's go to bed have a busy day tomorrow and i want you to go to work i want anyone catching on that we're leaving and how do you wish to deposit this 10 million dollars mr mcnally by wire transfer by wire transfer to buenos aires don't you think that's the best way the only way of course then you just have your bank here in los angeles wire the funds to our buenos aires office and they will immediately post the deposit to your account that's it that's it so this movie you're producing in argentina what is it called the easy life i love buenos aires this time of year don't you now here's your ticket and your companions ticket and you have the itinerary and the receipts in here okay now you need to arrive at the airport at least one hour before departure so you can get your parking lot at lax this afternoon airport police officials speculate that a thief broke into the car searching for valuables then fled leaving the trunk open when the body was discovered the yet to be identified male victim was wrapped in what appears to be a shower curtain would not confirm are you okay well you got your tickets your receipts and you're all set great [Music] is rachel here sure is she's on a break back table over there rachel we got trouble i need your passport right away hello oh i'm i'm sorry i thought you were rachel what do you mean i am who are you no no i mean uh the other rachel rachel coleman what are you talking about i'm the only rachel coleman around here what do you want with my passport are you from immigration or something hey i'm an american citizen for crying out loud [Music] yeah is there a rachel coleman living here rachel coleman i i picked up a woman named rachel coleman the other night who who lives here never heard of her she has a roommate uh kathleen kathleen and murphy never heard of her are you sure i've lived here for 30 years what more can i say more kathleen and more never heard of her either have you got a customer a regular named kathleen no kathleen anne moore nope damn it well it was uh kathy used to come in a lot it was like a year or so ago yeah she worked down the street at the bank [Music] yes hi uh you got a kathleen moore here yes we do your name tony uh work in a garage downstairs we have a little accident with her car oh no [Music] her line's busy i'll go get her hey uh i was supposed to detail uh mr reinhardt's jag for him today he's out sick oh he hurt his back playing golf again i don't know miss moore didn't say [Music] it was just here just a minute ago [Music] sorry miss moore [Music] hi can i have sweet 405 please sorry mr well then please tell mr mcnelly that rachel called and i'll be there in about an hour an hour uh-huh thank you thank you kathleen moore operations banker of the year lake tahoe 1991 i want the tutorial i don't have it i know that i looked for it where is it i didn't kill again steven did that i didn't know anything about it until after it was over that's the truth scott you and reinhardt were using me to move the money out of the country that's what this is all about isn't it yes the cops found reinhardt's body a couple of hours ago according to the news they haven't identified him yet get dressed we have to get back to the hotel before hallihan puts out an apb on me or we'll never get out of town you mean you're still going through with this what choice do i have we'll be together scott i'll make you happy i promise get dressed i love you when we get to buenos aires we'll split the money 50 50.

and that'll be the end of it [Music] oh i don't like surprises scott you didn't tell me about that 10 million dollars in your bank account that's quite an inheritance d.a is gonna go back to court tomorrow and see that your bail is raised i don't trust you i don't trust you either i mean what's your story are you a gold digger maybe an accomplice after the fact say do you know anything about a missing tire iron i don't know what you're talking about or you don't well i thought maybe you were a mind reader read my mind go on read it yeah you see i'm smarter than you think we're gonna be on you like diaper rash so don't even think about blowing town good night i think the couple at the end of the bar is watching us my diaper rash is right those two look like they're barely out of diapers themselves how are we gonna get out of la with the cops following us everywhere trust me how are you moving the money by wire to an account in buenos aires do you approve either uruguay or argentina would be fine but you made the best choice considering you're the expert that's quite a compliment who doesn't money belong to an international holding company in london they routinely make large money transfers from there to here by wire your account number was identical to theirs except for the last digit it was the safest way to divert the money that way if the deposits were discovered we could have passed it off as a bank error simple slip of a finger on keypad the first 20 000 was the bait right right we wanted to see what you would do and i took the bait right then we knew we had you what made you and reinhardt so sure that i'd moved the money out of the country for you that was my job i guess i made it easy for you didn't it too easy i want my name on that account in buenos aires i want the tire iron i told you i don't have it i don't know where it is well if i put your name on the account how do i know you won't kill me when we get to buenos aires and take all the money trust me i think we should talk about what about us what about us were you telling the truth when you said you love me were you yes yeah well i guess i'm just gonna have to take your word for it i want you to know everything i know everything i need to know it wasn't supposed to happen like this it's just a 10. [Applause] [Music] i'm not pretending i am scott scott what do you think i left for argentina without you i guess you don't trust me i think we're being followed i know let's go ah good morning good morning there you go thanks a lot i'm across the street now i see that i better not go inside somebody might recognize me and stay in front of the door where i can see you yes sir get a copy of the wire transfer i want to make sure the money goes into the right account yes ma'am [Music] so [Music] you have a phone book yes on top of the refrigerator finish packing this stuff for me i'll call a cat why can't we take my car just do what i tell you yeah i know trust me caps here come on here now leave the suitcases let's go you need to leave the suitcase i got a plane to catch the point i'm sorry she's gonna come with me or not don't love the doors you tend to scott that doesn't make any sense yeah you're still a bit of a mystery to me too [Music] sovereign hotel [Music] [Music] why don't you just have the cab driver pull over and you go tell those idiot cops everything why don't you just turn us both in why are you going through with this i don't have any choice you know that unless i want to go to jail and i don't finished in this town this town is finished with me it's more like i'm 40 years old i'm broke homeless carless careerless i've lost someone i cared a great deal about i thought you and meg were old history i'm talking about meg i'm talking about rachel coleman hey where are you going going to the ladies room would you like to come with me grab my bill please i'll be checking out yes sir i'll wait you wanted to talk to me i've got something you want [Music] [Music] so [Music] you had a match no [Music] so [Music] oh oh damn i forgot our plants we wouldn't get far without them would we hold on a minute [Music] hey head freeze your bail's been revoked come on get in the car both of you come on nice try pal oh my god come on come [Music] out on the car get out of the car do it [Music] [Applause] you're going the wrong way the freeway to lax is the other way we're not going to lax i just wanted the cops to think that we were play we're catching the buenos aires leaves out of san francisco in two hours what about our luggage i paid the cabbie that picked us up at your place to go back and get the bags he's gonna meet us at the long beach airport and then we'll catch a flight to san francisco from there why did you and reinhardt frame me for aggregate's murder i told you i didn't have anything to do with that no more lies no more games i want the truth now i'm telling you the truth stephen killed him because because why because he saw that i was falling in love with you he no longer trusted me come on it's the truth the tire iron was steven's insurance to make sure that i wouldn't double cross him and run off with you he wanted a way to get rid of you i i killed him to protect you that was a setup you staged the whole thing you were gonna kill him all along that was just a way to do it and put me in your debt no the original plan was just to dump you once we moved the money the night i killed stephen he told me he was gonna kill you once we had the money there had to be other suckers with similar account numbers to mine why me why'd you choose my account to divert the money there were three others with account numbers that would have worked but you were perfect he had nothing going for you nothing to lose you erased that message and meg left on my answering machine about the audition did you yes you were behind it all everything you played me and reinhardt like like puppets wasn't supposed to happen like this i wasn't supposed to fall in love with you oh you know you you really should have been an actress instead of a banker because you are good really good i was an actress before i got into banking why'd you quit i couldn't make any money at it [Music] the white cells [Music] here's your stuff mister [Music] hi 1641 to san francisco okay you'll have to hurry they're getting ready to close the gate through your tickets and your boarding passes gave four hurry and i'll call them and tell them you're coming [Music] what's the matter no i'm not going why i killed him kathleen i'm a murderer you didn't have a choice i had a choice i just made the wrong one i have to come you can't stay here no go on go it's a joint account you won't have any trouble getting the money once you get to buenos aires i'm not going without you oh just the play's over to save it i love you scott i never lied to you about that i stopped it you still love me i know that you have to come with me i'm begging you i don't care about the money i want you [Music] let's go [Music] for alaska airlines [Music] put your changing keys in here and step back through the gate please we need to open your bag sir what would you open your suitcase for me please [Music] sir open the suitcase please [Music] [Music] don't make a move hold it right there [Music] need a match [Music] suspect is in custody palm beach airport what do you mean you didn't believe i was really a cop i just thought that you were kind of phoning it in uh at least i got her to give me the tire iron well i had an inner monologue going you were just doing your eric estrada imitation here's your stuff mister the accent was all wrong i was doing brooklyn i got to work on my sense of [Music] place you're a good actor too better than you ten million dollars you were right about the money it was too good to be true we could have had it all we were good together and i was right about you you were too good to be true [Music] what you doing in here taking a nap rewinding the tape yeah did you get everything yeah i got it all right well let's uh get her to the car my pleasure [Music] say how did you like my death seat not bad a lot better than that uh diaper rash routine you pulled last night i'm still seeing stars well that was my first performance i mean you told me keep it real i mean i think i'm a natural a few acting lessons will hurt well i might take you up on that for you there'd be no charge professional courtesy really thanks thanks for for trying it my way thanks for believing in me well sometimes it takes an actor to catch an actor see in the movies yeah [Music] [Music] um you think this'll hurt my career what career well i guess i'll have to start all over again think i can sure if you have the right connections you know show business it's all about who you know well i had a friend this woman who's a casting director she always believed in me no matter what had a friend have a friend that's the right kind of friend now as a matter of fact she's the best friend i have in this crazy town [Music] so maybe there's hope for you maybe your friend can help get you work so you can pay back the bank i made a deal with the bank why would they make a deal with you you'd be surprised what some people would do for 10 million dollars [Music] you


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