Ренессанс Атомной Энергетики Зеленая энергетика - ТУПИК

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[music] Hello The Renaissance of nuclear energy has become one of the discussed topics on the global energy agenda about what this term means, how the Renaissance is expressed and about the prospects for the development of the industry, our conversation today with the head of the geoenergy analytical resource Boris Leoni Martsenkevich Hello Boris h Good afternoon Boris novich Today there is a lot of talk about rethinking the importance of nuclear energy in energy supply and overcoming the negative ideas associated with it. what factors are associated with this rethinking of the attitude towards the industry with the energy transition using safe technologies in fourth-generation reactors or with some other factors? What is the determining dead end of green energy, aka the dead end of evil spirits 13 it is obvious that to build a unified energy system based only on climate-dependent generation it didn’t work out the cost is rising now they have finally given the opportunity to professionals if we are talking about the European Union the association issued this from the operators of the United Energy Systems of Europe fr about what needs to be done with the economy, if additional solar power plants are not built, then to balance the system, it is necessary to set the order of the euro if it is built additionally. So we will recalculate additionally. This became obvious when the energy crisis began, that is, in the summer of 2021, no matter what anyone says that it started Later, this is a lie, if someone doesn’t believe it, open the archived trading data in the Tif hub and you will find December 2021 $2,000 for 1,000 cubic meters But then it was already obvious that this was a dead end, that something needed to be done, and if we’re talking about dates, then on December 31 at 23:55 Central European Time, the decision of the European Commission on a green taxonomy for nuclear energy appeared on the official website of the European Commission. there were also for gas generation But this is a different story; there are a lot of all kinds of conditions; in accordance with the legislation of the European Commission, this decision can be abandoned was either a vote in the European Parliament by a qualified majority or in the event that out of 27 member countries of the European Union, 21 countries use the Veta right, neither one nor the other worked out, but according to the procedure it continued for a year at cop 28, in a large environmental forum, this initiative appeared about that it is necessary to triple nuclear capacity by 2050 ; now it is expected that a whole pool of financial organizations, including leading American banks, will join this creative initiative to triple the power of this connection as we would like to clarify, the international agency then the energy magistrate recently revised the forecast for the expansion of nuclear capacity and by the fiftieth year, having provided for approximately from a quarter to a half of the existing composition of energy facilities, that’s how it was said, depending on various scenarios, the modulation of which apparently took place. But in this regard, what would I like to see? I would like to ask,

it is planned to introduce new capacities in China India Japan Kazakhstan, which means that a number of other countries are quite well aware that in the market for the construction of nuclear capacities, Rosatom plays one of the key roles. Could this be the volume of expected orders? lead to demand for our company to receive new orders for the construction of power units or because of political obstacles this is impossible if we look at the database they list 63 nuclear power units in the state of construction they do not count by power plants specifically by nuclear power units including those included in this category two units of the Khmeli nuclear power plant, so we are talking about running one of them in the Brix countries pui 52, this concerns who to compete with, talk about what they will follow refusals for political reasons political reasons Unfortunately, they intervened in the nuclear energy industry, they actually interfered . At that very March forum in Brussels, not only was Rosatom not invited, in accordance with what the European Commission decided to build only those nuclear power units that have been tested for safety at the level of Europe of the European Union is fully satisfied with this stratem of the European Union, in fact, the units from the French power plant are a power unit based on reactor 1600 and a Belarusian nuclear power plant with DM reactors based on the choice is small or French technology is beautiful with French charm 18 years of construction in Finland, advertising is not bad and technology is from an American company, as if because it is registered in the United States, while 100% of the shares belong to Canadian companies there is also a Korean participant who [music] and they have an already built nuclear power plant of the United Arab Emirates of Barakah unit capacity unit per unit 14 MT Yes generation 3 PS is not certified in Europe the relevant tests have not been passed Europeans say not freedom from dependence otri agreements in open sources nothing appeared in ordinary cases agreement That you can take the technology from Westinghouse to increase the power and continue to use But Westinghouse came up with a statement that it can only be used inside South Korea, and abroad. Please be kind enough to coordinate it , and now it’s worked out so here it is there are two groups of venro companies, one around Gru Tori, collecting in Bruce, they have really good data, active participation of the asso world nuclear association, everything seems to be fine and it seems that now the issue of financing should be resolved, but it is not very clear what exactly they are going to finance all the available opportunities. I think listed That is, in fact, it turns out that if the Russians are deprived of the right to participate in all sorts of competitions, a kind of deficit will form in this market. Builders, they will have a construction deficit, and two groups alone seem to see the source of funding but do not understand what to build, but they are ready to talk about tripling the power of nuclear generation by the year 2011 accounting for the she y dere k se and ato Plum are being built but at the same time they are deciding Of course, the issue of financing how it will be resolved is difficult to say that the company sees new orders, this is also obvious after the market was the first real project of a low-power nuclear power plant has been launched, the negotiation process has gone faster, this is what I would like to say. So, one of the latest projects of Rosatom,

as you know, is the project of a low-power reactor in Uzbekistan, which was like our reactors six reactors yes yes six nuclear power units to the level of 330 in total, but if we talk about the market for small nuclear reactors in general And here in general What combination of players the market is excellent extensive implemented project one piece Yes, 100% there are a lot of projects in total state regulators in different countries of the planet are considering more than 50 projects; more than 50 projects are still being considered for approval from the state regulator and it seems that one of the English companies is going to even where x has decided to develop nuclear energy on the construction of the first nuclear power plant and after that made a statement about the creation of the so-called international consortium on the creation of the first nuclear power plant, which means is this scheme even viable without identifying a certain main participant of the contractor? Well, the question is who will be responsible for safety if all the companies that have come out participate to the final of the tender, the company reminds you that if a decision is made in their favor, then well, for the next 20 years, Kazakhstan may not have to worry about nuclear safety because there will be no stations just stations, this is clear, one option, the second option, the company is the same South Korean cap if the choice is made in its favor, it is not my business in any way to advise Kazakh experts from the Kazakh Ministry of Energy on how to make a choice, I just remind you that South Korea does not have its own decommissioning technology for the production of natural fuel, South Korea does not have a technology for processing either commercial fuel, but a choice can be made Why not, if a decision is made, two more participants are Rosatom and one of the three nuclear corporations of China. China is big, there are three corporations, in this case, Rosatom has been working with this company since 1999. That is, you think that is, if we call it a consortium on the closure of all nuclear power units, the emphasis is on renewable energy on the creation of gas Tez as balancing generation, can we say a year after this decision was put into effect that this is a decision Germany had some basis has some validity or the result of this refusal from nuclear energy is rather negative your opinion Well, if my evaluative opinion is this Excellent decision we see a recession I hope that it will go into depression depression into recession unemployment will rise and the government will close down What Nastya wants is for the votes of the voters to go to this brilliant party so that he wins again so that he leads again My grandfather is in Berlin There is a lot that people haven’t completed They will complete the Armed Forces that is possible It’s already known, if we’re talking seriously about how we won but will win back. Yes, there are already estimates that what to do with dismantling, returning it to operation will be a little faster and much cheaper, especially since there are plants for the production of nuclear fuel on German territory. That is, it’s as if the complex has not completely disintegrated But what kind of decision was made so that it was possible to really compensate and balance this climate-dependent generation by gas power plants, it is necessary to carry out some specific policy in the gas market too We don’t see it If so Quite honestly, we don’t see any desire to build this gas policy.

Of course, not a single energy company will invest in the price volatility that we see. Moreover, no one is talking about a green deal. And where do you want to find an investor who will invest in what is needed this year? we also need to build a power output system that will be closed in 20 years. We are allocating 20 years for the construction of the Oka. Accordingly, we see how it ended, the purchase of electricity from Sweden is under contract. Moreover, in Sweden part of the power plant belongs to the company unip, which has now become state-owned after nationalization in 2022. All the neighbors are groaning a little because the lack of wind in Germany guarantees an increase in electricity tariffs just instantly for everyone around it. And I would like to touch on another slightly different aspect topics

recently nuclear energy is gradually beginning to be drawn into sanctions, which seemed completely impossible just a year ago; this is beginning to manifest itself primarily in the field of nuclear fuel. The United States, as we know, decided to ban imports Russian Uranium The Russian Federation responded in a mirror way by imposing restrictions the consequences of medium-range shorts can have solutions like these Let's first understand the terminology there is no Uranium the decision of the US Department of Energy is not the decision of the government Russian there is an enriched uranium product Yes an enriched uranium product is not just different words if we cost We take uranium ore per unit, then the cost of the enriched uranium product has a coe principle, deliveries took place in 2013 when the mining agreement expired New highly enriched Ur low enriched Ur Auger Megaton in megawatts began the period of signing normal commercial agreements with American companies nuclear energy in the USA is not public private after an international treaty ten-year contracts they basically all ended and, in fact , here Mr. Biden did what he did Of course, this is a free market, especially since the United States has a free NOC, so the quota for the rim of these 20% will not become It would seem but the law which was adopted by Biden in July of this year, there is a clause. The Department of Energy can provide an exception to this embargo if there is no similar product on the market or if the absence of such a product threatens the national security of the United States. American companies understand perfectly well that in general this is what to do. especially

because if you take 100% of the planet’s enrichment capacity, then Rosatom is 46%; if you look a little more closely at the remaining bees, you will find China there, 16% up to the world market that has never sold anything anywhere as soon as the law came into effect two exceptions in the United States two companies have already received permission now [music] iro permission suddenly a Chinese enriched uranium product appeared on the American market with it they were surprised to find that Chinese corporations significantly increased orders for Obon products of their own Uranium enrichment technologies [music] simply the gi of a European company is European for the reason that Uno capital is strictly proportionally divided between the governments of England, Holland and Germany, according to the head’s estimates, in order to cope with such dependence it will take 78 years and the efforts of everyone in this is interesting enough here su [music] it’s just about nothing uranium product of the Russian Federation in some short term Difficult to replace or not replace at all well 10 years, I would still say a medium-term perspective, and the general director of Magat speaks about the same thing: it takes about 10 years to compensate for the departure from Russian technologies Boris Novich I would also like to look at the situation in the Russian Federation, as you know, the development strategy until the fiftieth year is now being discussed energostroy strategy role in general This document assigns the nuclear industry And in general, what are its tasks in the internal contour, at least to outline the contour Well, I am not the head of the subjects of the Federation, not the head of a large energy company, this is where the discussion is taking place. The Ministry of Energy believes that this is quite enough to develop an energy strategy until 2050, and as we know, all previous energy strategies developed behind the scenes within the department gave brilliant results; there is a discussion at international forums where representatives of the Ministry of Energy are discussing some parts A in open sources No, but the Ministry of Energy believes that it is discussing this with experts; I don’t know exactly the experts. No, well, it’s known, it’s known who our governor is. Well, well, somehow call them to send a copy chick No, it didn’t occur to me

So what will be there in that strategy, in some of these in official estimates, let’s say, and recently we had a meeting in our studio with a representative of the State Duma Standing Committee on the Fuel and Energy Complex That’s what they say a possible increase in the share of nuclear energy in the energy balance means the approximate numbers there, in my opinion, are 2325 until some time period, just like that, if we say at a discount, this is generally a real prospect, this is realistic, this is very tough, of course but this task of the president to bring the share of nuclear generation in the balance is quite clear for now, this very establishment of new atom ecos is tough. But this and our river replacement station must be completely decommissioned and what we saw in the comprehensive general layout of Gene facilities is something there - then what needs to be done is to build, the energy shortage there is growing, China sees it, something needs to be done in our south. Thank God that next summer the company agreed that Georgia and Azerbaijan is reserving power When we start to have a real blackout again, someone has to help us out, we helped them halfway since we helped them out for several previous decades, now the situation has changed, it turns out we can’t cope with our electricity supply and we’ve already run out of it, thank God, for more than 100 years we need to develop a new one but we are still developing an energy strategy for the period until 2050 and I think that it will be completely successful, just like all the previous energy strategies. Yes, not too much. Of course You are optimistic about this document, but nevertheless, it generally seems to me that if it is possible to summarize during our conversation, that it is still possible, of course, to talk about the renaissance of nuclear energy in the West, but without the participation of the Russian Federation in all stages, in all sectors in in all segments of the nuclear industry, it’s probably impossible to talk about any kind of renaissance. It’s impossible to talk to you in a democratic country. How can we prohibit talking? If we talk, it’s gradually emerging. Well, at least the big three were such a big nuclear three

during the historical materialism of the USSR France United States of France The United States left they had some other decisions here on the part of Rosatom there were no intrigues under letters of black pistols really now they are building Chinese corporations as part of TX pieces and the South Korean corporation itself is showing quite good results but they there now, too, the previous president believed that nuclear energy - This dead end required it to be closed, the president has already gone somewhere to the impetus there are some difficulties with his own technologies for the first time Iran began to build nuclear power units well If it works out because the more variety they have a base power of about 750m there is a middle post [music ] financing to solve technical problems in indie there megawatt taka Poly is recruiting VS this is what I listed this Brick PS actually not a solution but a proposal from Rosatom to group in order to exchange experience, exchange technology, specialists this year reported that in their nuclear universities in their technical academy they managed to train 12 foreign specialists in a year. This is good because these are people who live in our engineering school in our scientific school. These are not our ambassadors in large numbers they travel to all countries for our atori tuit prepared tour of specialists these are our ambassadors Thank you very much for the conversation Boris Levich [music]


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