Ядерный ПРОРЫВ Белоярская АЭС на МОКС-топливе НОВАЯ ЭРА Атомной Энергетики

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[music] Good afternoon Dear viewers, listeners You know that our geoenergy project tries to cover all sectors of the energy sector, but this does not always result in a news agenda - these are mainly our hydrocarbons, coal, oil, gas, and so on and so on. I wanted to talk more about the news of the nuclear industry. remember after the trip to atomexpo there was a rather long pause, now after reflection they helped us think You see that we are in the atom pavilion at VDNKh Rosatom decided to help us in difficult times we do not have a permanent studio in Moscow But now We hope that cooperation will be proto [music ] at one time we participated in the assembly point project where we quite regularly met with Pavel Yakov, the permanent leader of the creator of the nuclear energy 2.0 project

, where we tried to inspect the new products, news of our nuclear energy, world nuclear energy, and I am very glad that Pavel agreed to resume this tradition. I hope that we We will meet regularly so that we can at least get a glimpse of what Rosatom has managed to do. The pace of work, in my opinion, is only increasing, there are more and more projects, but we will try because our summer is hot. Well, Rosatom, in my opinion, does not particularly affect anything by the time of year. I tried to count how many companies are in the circuit now after the fourth hundred, it got lost, more and more new lines of business do not stop, such as nuclear energy but also nuclear non-energy and energy but not nuclear in recent years it is no longer energy and not nuclear but still it is Rosatom which is often we are used as a lifesaver, this problem is being transferred to the hands of Rosatom, the problem is slowly disappearing, well, the news is at least really summer The only thing is the news on the contract for the construction of a low-power nuclear power plant in Uzbekistan I have already analyzed it, we are following the news, we are waiting for the construction start ceremony Well, this is one of those major news So what would you note? I would note the whole spectrum of news, both scientific and technological and globally international, but first of all. This is probably our pride in Belarus. A number of the most interesting news, of course, probably the most important news for global nuclear energy for radiochemistry scientists, Rosatom is testing on an industrial scale mox fuel Uranium pluton with minor sea anemone and is positioning this as a future service for afterburning these very radio points, which, according to their calculations, will help the radiation equivalent reserve to reduce it in the next 300 years, reduce accumulation, reduce and begin afterburning already accumulated waste, so Well, I’m in my traditional position Now I’ll try to decipher what Pavel said: minor anides are radioactive substances formed during the fuel session inside the active zorek clamped Hurray and decay and synthesis And many, many other things are formed, including these radionuclides, these are substances that do not exist in nature, they are of artificial origin so let's say this is that plutonium is heavier than plutonium and becomes part of the fuel; in fact , there are three of them called differently ; - to store them in such a way that they do not cause harm to either humans or nature. It is for their storage that geological burial sites are created with a service life of hundreds of thousands of years. So far this has only been completed in Finland. For these studies, more than ten should be

di here. Strangely enough, they turned out to be extremely useful. That is this is the most expensive most problematic Torah is that it is included inside the fuel assemblies of the fuel elements. This means that the Matrix is ​​calculated. So the presence of minor actinium on the operation of the reactor does not have any effect on their zone, then all sorts of radioactive processes occur and at the output other substances have a much shorter half-life much less active Well, instead of hundreds of thousands of years, how long is it, and within 300 years, Rosatom plans to refine the accumulated reserves of these highly radioactive minor anidos from already operating VVR reactors, first of all, well, they have accumulated what will be at the output much easier to bury And even if a storage facility is required, it will not require a service life of 500,000 years everything will be much simpler, so this is very important, indeed, theoretically, all this has been calculated many times, but from hardware to full-scale experiments, let’s say, but this is no longer an experiment because they tested it on critical assemblies at the institute, checked all the codes , now we are monitoring How long will it take? now experimental industrial operation has already begun, which will confirm at the industrial level the ability of these fuel assemblies with fuel and peaceful Anida to successfully maintain their stability and this is generally one of the global goals of nuclear energy to create waste-free production, this is the goal that was set in many ways and started from the very beginning these are the goals of radiochemistry for the nuclear sphere and this is an interesting direction that will help to really reduce the accumulated Legacy. Well, taking into account how much has accumulated, let me remind you that quite recently we celebrated the seventieth anniversary of the first nuclear power plant, but at 70 years old it was accumulated in one form or another in uranium-graphite reactors, it remained oblu nuclear fuel in NM there are minor anides at RBMK rectors in some quantities and this will have to be fought and fought Yes, but we will watch this. As I understand it, the entire fuel session will last 2-3 years, in my opinion it will last here inspection checks and also we can note another achievement of the Beloyarsk NPP Well, the growth of the energy atom and the entire complex of designers is preparation for the creation of design documentation already. The fifth I would like to especially

note is the serial power unit that plans to establish a new series BN 1200m And which is planned to begin construction in 2027 and this power unit is already positioned as commercial Well, let me remind you the letter m because this is the word modernization The first attempt was, in my opinion, three years ago, the scientific council of Rosatom did not miss it, not because of the technology but because of the economy, so let’s say the cost of electricity production in fast neutron reactors with sodium coolant turned out to be significantly higher than in conventional thermal reactors. This was the main remark. This had to be eliminated and now the series of fast sodium reactors BN 600 BN 800 are experimental demonstration ones; they generate electricity. But all kinds of research work continues on them in order to bring this technology to fruition and As a matter of fact, today there is at least exactly the pinnacle of evolution, these are the branches of nuclear reactors. The task is to be able to put into operation the energy plutonium accumulated in the fuel, I always emphasize this is not plutonium 239, which is weapons-grade and allows you to create all kinds of isotopes in equal proportions 239 plutonium 24 24 it is impossible to separate them from each other in this form plutonium can be used to create nuclear [music] everyone objected only because these are new jobs and prospects for development and so on, so we will get more news from the Beloyarsk nuclear power plant, I think quite a few have been postponed with minor sea anemones for 3 years, as for the BN 1200m, I think the news will come faster. Yes, it is especially important to emphasize that Rosatom is positioning this solution as economically profitable and economically competitive, including at the construction stage. That is, it is

optimization and modernization that she emphasized the economic prospects of this branch of the line of reactors and You can also praise the Indian nuclear scientists Well, quite unexpected news, quite recently in the 2nd year, Indian specialists began building their reactor using their own technologies, it is clear that something has flowed from us, there is a constant exchange of scientific knowledge going on in this regard quite close cooperation, a license was issued to state regulators to load fuel into a fast sodium reactor with a capacity of 500 megawatts of electricity, now we just have to wait for this to happen and permission to launch the reactor itself has also been given permission; this is an achievement of Indian science, the President and Prime Minister Mode himself was present at all the latest ceremonies water commissioning of this facility and India also plans, like China, Russia to actively develop its fast nuclear energy, including the processing of Ayat Well, there are also moves towards a roaring so to speak energy industry. Here they are, if you look carefully at this message, the breeder reactor, that is, we load 100 units of fissile material extract fuel 102 from uluch units like this, for this, on the outer perimeter, the reactor core is surrounded by Blanke Tami, we planned from united Uranium in order to obtain the same energy plutonium at the output, Indian theme, they have very few uranium deposits, but a lot of them, the idea there is for Blanke to consist history in order to get Uranium Kotono at the output, the participation of Indian specialists is the opportunity to use the ri ri chain reaction does not support, on the contrary, it absorbs excess neutrons. That is, it can only be a reactor if the accelerator is working, which produces excess neutrons, then the energy output is negative, the energy for work and reactor and accelerator, more is spent than it is received at the output, but this option to develop conventional thermal reactors is an Indian branch of development. We did not develop it because there was no special need for it, so we have been watching the successes of Indian Builders for only 20 years and the last license, strictly speaking, is there is indeed an opportunity not only to load fuel but also to put it into operation, we are waiting, we are watching, we also have So we also have a project for a liquid salt reactor, this is a separate topic, just in case, I will remind you now from those areas in nuclear energy that have already operating and planned are ordinary thermal reactors to which, thank God, we are already accustomed; a separate branch of a low-power nuclear power plant; the same technology of a fast neutron reactor with Ur; plutonium fuel; smoke with fuel; this is nitride; Uranium nitrite; Uranium; plutonium fuel ; neutrons But with lead coolant and liquid salt reactors, this is also one of the new products, not so quickly, everything will work out there, unlike conventional reactors, well, something that catches your eye there is no fuel assemblies. There is a certain solution, liquid salt, the same one containing plutonium. allows us to support, we have received news that China has begun the same developments, we are looking at the successes that we expect from specialists in the city of Zheleznogorsk, aka the Rock project near Krasnoyarsk, almost literally near Krasnoyarsk, it is planned there and even ignition, special steel is being tested there now must withstand these high-context companies Bill [music] Gates and Denmark and Sweden Remy You can also add another line of high-temperature reactors that Rosatom had a backlog for them at OKBM there were projects and probably [music] [music] negotiations were very difficult but they were able to achieve this deposit is gold uranium on top gold from below Uranium, that is, you have to, I don’t want to, but first you have to extract the gold and only then get to Uranium, the license is held by the redmi gold atom, which now has a new name, I haven’t gotten used to it yet, protom subsoil well, I’m so used to Red gold, I don’t know I don’t like that such a renaming happened atomredmetzoloto, firstly, it reflects the essence, he really worked with rare metals and gold, he worked, and of course, with uranium, this deposit is Savina Chukotka, our most atomic region, if we count the number of reactors, then the whole planet continues to work The Belinskaya nuclear power plant operates floating nuclear thermal power plants; the Basque mining and processing plant is planned. They are all small.

But there are many. Small, but there is also a medium size. Well, it is only in projection for now; this is something that is already possible, and also by the way, for the Far East and for Kolsk, VVR 600 is also planned . my v600, yes, that is, in the next 20 years, Rosatom will have a line of a wide variety of modular capacities available in series for every taste and color, so to speak. low power TM 200n in Uzbekistan, I know you talked a lot about this, and studied it really for the global market of nuclear technologies. This is the first contract in the world that has already been signed and construction is expected to begin very soon. Well, the main thing is that

this is a serial order, that is, yes, we are under construction power unit based on rhythm 200 in Yakutia, but there are piece products. Perhaps there will be two reactors, but it will be the same as one position the power unit and here they are talking about Shersha right away and it is possible that a continuation will follow, as the General Director of Rosatom noted at the ceremony, the issue of building a large nuclear power plant is not removed from the agenda when communicating with Uzbek power engineers. I know that they still have places where there is not enough electricity and it is possible that if this project with low-power nuclear power plants goes well, then there are still places where they have enough, the demand for electricity is growing really very very seriously from 4 to 5%, let me remind you in Russia in normal cases from one and a half to 2% per year there is three four times faster Everything is happening so it is possible that cooperation with Uzbekistan in this direction is just beginning and perhaps this will continue in Kazakhstan and Armenia and Kyrgyzstan Well, in Kyrgyzstan, most likely yes What will happen in Kazakhstan is known only by citizens of Kazakhstan who have a referendum ahead acceptability of nuclear energy for the country As such, this was the decision of the leadership, it’s difficult for me to comment on it; a foreign country makes every decision on its own. Here is my personal point of view.

Kazakhstan, a country that has firmly occupied first place in the world in the extraction of uranium ore for the second decade, does not have its own nuclear power plant. I can’t wrap my head around this. Well, it must be especially since there is a school and the first fast neutron reactor BN 350 worked on the territory of Kazakhstan. That is, they have everything and a branch and a branch

and experimental reactors continue to work and have not stopped; they have already been transported to acceptable fuel used to be enriched above 20%, by the way, also a joint project with Rusatom, now 1975, everything is in perfect order, they are ready for anything, but in any case, we are waiting for a referendum, it seems there was information that this should happen before the end of the year, but so far no one has an exact date I didn’t mention that there is already a series of hearings taking place in some districts, but a national referendum Yes, it seems that they are planning in September, but maybe we can too. We can only watch from the sidelines and see how and what will happen if we follow the statements of the Minister of Energy of Kazakhstan, he believes that nuclear energy is just necessary if you look at the opinion of Kazakh experts, they approach this even more harshly because the Ministry of Energy of Kazakhstan has published a forecast for energy shortages by year 3; by year 3, an energy shortage is expected in the amount of installed capacity of 2.4 GW and the experts politely ask while we are thinking about construction nuclear power plant of two blocks, we have already eaten it if we want to grow further we need a second and third minister of energy agree with this that in order for the balance of Kazakhstan [music] to be a referendum it will be interesting to watch how the tender will proceed to the final there are now four companies with their technologies Rosatom, this is understandable Chinese consortiums, one of them there are three of them I'm afraid to get confused In the names Of course, brilliant French nuclear scientists Magnificent with their charm and South Korea But this is all for the future in the event that the referendum gives a positive result, let's look at the successes of our construction projects in the world, well, in fact, construction continues Despite the fact that it’s summer and it seems like it’s time for everyone to go on vacation, not a single project has been stopped, let me remind you that construction is now simultaneously proceeding from the fact that it’s dry, in addition to the fact that we have construction going on in Russia on Kursk nuclear power plant fuel trainee literally 2 weeks ago at the First Nago block of the VVR, that is, the unit will soon begin the commissioning period simulators are the same fuel assemblies by weight by size but without uranium content in order to check how all the hydrodynamics work to evaluate the work of the circulation pumps of everything else so that there is no longer any doubt that when the real fuel is loaded no problems will arise. Well, construction is going on, so from left to right we were taught from west to east Hungary Egypt Turkey India China Bangladesh Well, something is happening in Iran. What is it about? Neither Iran nor Rosatom like to tell us, but construction is clearly underway, that’s all we can say, let me remind you that an agreement was signed on the construction of the second and third phases Asher power plant, the ceremony of pouring the first concrete, we saw nothing else, we don’t see anything else. But

since there are no bad symptoms, it means construction is going on, but in the situation that is around Russia around Iran, I think that’s when it comes to cutting the ribbon. Due to the fact that the reactor has started working here. then we will find out the next piece of news and we can also note the uniqueness of the current first Glock SBR which was built by root using the VVR technology based on the German Siemens project, this is most amazing, in general, it seems to me the ability of our nuclear scientists to realize those goals despite someone else’s technology, that is, all the real estate was calculated on completely different dimensions on a completely different technology, the most complex project was, but in my opinion the entire Middle East was watching us and our further successes in this part of the world are connected with the fact that Bushehr was really completed despite the difficult conditions in the nineties, moreover, that is, one Of those projects thanks to which our nuclear industry was preserved, there were not so many of them at that time, that the construction of the first two units in China, the Wan nuclear power plant, from such large orders there was a busher and, in fact, nothing else came, that is, the industry was in the nineties, but we all in the nineties, it was known where Hungary delivered its proprietary melt trap technology to the Russians to the site of the first power unit of Paks 2, as we know, two power units will be built there, preparatory construction work is already underway and, in my opinion, it is expected in the very near future, maybe before the end of the year all reviews received So, as for the melt trap, it is structural if something similar to what happened at the Fokusima power plant goes beyond the design basis, the fuel overheated to such an extent that it melted, fell to the bottom of the reactor vessel, it went into the ground, and so it was affectionately called corium, no one is completely sure they don’t understand what about sotto in this race there was natt in nuclear fuel it was exploited there accordingly and lu nuclear fuel all the structural metals that were all collected and somewhere deep down there it went and it’s not clear how to stop it Well, I think that in Rosatom when observed if people of faith were baptized quite often because for the first time a melt trap was used during the construction of the first second unit of a nuclear power plant, this is for a design basis accident that causes huge problems in Japan, we managed to think about it a little earlier Let's just say Well, actually That's about things like transporting a melt trap need to be filmed We will spit from Volgodonsk right there Masha a product weighing 740 tons along rivers seas again along rivers too what is it to film from all sides I think it’s beautiful yes very beautiful especially along European Hungarian villages like it floating there is a video of Rosatom very atmospheric pleasant also The trap was delivered a little earlier nal Daba first for the first Nago unit in Egypt Yes, and the construction of the world's largest nuclear power plant construction in Turkey is also actively underway, the company began installing the reactor protection control system for the first power unit just the other day I concreted the foundation for the pumping station of the power unit, very beautiful photos from there. I never knew that foundation slabs for pumping stations could be so massive and so large, they are not only large, they are unusual in shape. It’s not just a rectangular cube somewhere

poured in there. quite a peculiar form Well, news from India is also related to fuel for Build a nuclear power plant in Kudankulam, as a reminder, when they say for the test of a nuclear power plant in India, this does not coincide with the sites for the construction of nuclear power plants in Hungary, for example, in Hungary, a large site, a major event for the whole country d reactor 1200 nuclear power plant kudankulam one torus sites India is a slightly different country Well, the battle there should still be loaded before the end of this year the fifth fifth is being built the fifth the sixth is being built there in four stages, that is, the first stage was completed in 2017 and the second stage of the third started at the same time the fourth reactor a little later than the fifth sixth, that is, they are moving neatly there, the problem is the seventh year of construction there was a break just for the duration of the pandemic, just in case they stopped everything altogether. Well, accordingly, there was a time delay there and there were protests from the local population, but now it seems like this situation has already become irrelevant, and TL also announced the supply of a new modernized fuel, TVS 2m, which will work immediately on the monthly fuel cycle for, that is, the fuel inside the core will remain for 18 months and a year and a half on one fuel load more economically more efficiently deeper burnup Further and so on That is, completely new and this has not happened in the history of Rosatom usually The first twelve-month load then a gradual transition to an 18-month cycle here that is, little by little, even the traditional direction. We usually monitor the breakthrough, we monitor the new

fast sodium for something else. And here TL is engaged in improving traditional fuel, giving more and more interesting interesting economic results. Well, Mr. Mo’s visit in particular to this pavilion is also here where we are now, literally right here, and the Minister of India was there. Yes, and then there was such a hint that negotiations would begin and on the second site for Rosatom, let me remind you that the site could end up either for reactors or for less in India, somehow there is no demand for electricity in this Hugely modest Russia against the backdrop of one and a half billion in India, it’s hard, well, the Leningrad NPP is approaching this size, so to speak, larger in the northwest Yes, only the first two units of RBMK thousands have already been stopped and the same fate, that is, after all, the Leningrad power plant is a replacement station being decommissioned from the operation of RBMK Unfortunately, I really love these reactors, beautiful, good, it’s a pity that this direction will be closed completely Well, at the Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant I’m working on preparing the foundations ahead of schedule, I also have to give credit to the concern Titan 2 apparently trained at Voronezhskaya on Kurskaya on Leningradskaya already like this The pace has gained that it is able to outpace the stipulated deadlines, which is generally pleasant, usually during the construction of nuclear power plants with deadlines in the opposite direction, everything is going in the opposite direction now I have to say something in French, but unfortunately I don’t know French. By the way, on the issue of fuel, it is also necessary I also congratulate the TL A company on testing the maneuverability of nuclear reactors on a daily basis [music] checking the maneuverability of nuclear reactors is no longer theoretical but practically the same problem that for a nuclear power unit the optimal load is the same and does not change for 365 days a year and accordingly the French had questions about this problem somehow managed the morning peak of demand, lack of demand at night, what to do about it, maneuvering power, here the new fuel TLA allows, in my opinion, to reduce it by up to 60%, and painlessly without any overloads on the nuclear power unit itself, the scientific research institute is a nice research institution where six work simultaneously research reactors, in my opinion, there are no other such sites in the world. There are all types of reactors you can think of and new international fast research reactors are being built, and probably for our government I especially want to say a special thank you for the strategic support of our industry and the adoption of a new Federal national project called new nuclear energy technologies with a budget of more than 2 trillion rubles until 2030 Well, I’ll probably do a separate analysis about these national projects here, and the previous one has not yet ended if you believe the documents. But really, this is an event

that indicates that the government has begun to understand more about what it is doing Rosatom Will it be only nuclear energy technologies or will there be something inside? Rosatom will have a lot of non-nuclear and non-energy that the country no less needs is additive technologies and a new direction related to lithium-ion batteries, and the entire chain from ore mining to production lithium batteries and it seems that we are already moving towards the production of all other equipment for electric cars, and so on and so on Yes, absolutely amazing news, I have already touched on it, indeed, ours about the Homeland of our nuclear project, giredmet and neither their nor chemical technologies, the two of them in cooperation developed a processing technology lithium-ion batteries and after all checks are ready to enter industrial development with the following fact that the plant processing of lithium batteries will be built they already have, so it is possible that this direction will also be Well, indeed, with the closure of the entire cycle from lithium mining to the processing of lithium -ion batteries with the production of sodium and cobalt lithium extraction of battery frequency, this is a separate topic Well, probably it should be separately as -it’s important to disassemble what is really suitable in such a complex, not only to extract ore and on this aircraft to get concentration about the aircraft, forget no, batteries will be produced and Apparently, everything related to the movement of an electric car and the final stage of processing those batteries that have served their life instead of recycling some dull mountains of creating new reserves of waste, we would like to go through the points of this national project Well, hear the numbers, yes there are Its two parts are new nuclear technologies and new energy technologies, but first let’s talk about energy technologies and oil and gas equipment receives 200 billion 180 projects and lithium storage devices 185 billion electric power industry 146 a Solar and technologies for liquid natural gas 32 this is the second part of energy technologies, now we are moving on to nuclear technology a The first largest investment project in the direction is the serial reference of large and small power plants, almost 1 trillion rubles are invested here it is emphasized that this will only be extra-budgetary funding, sources can be very different, both funds from Rosatom and funds from investors, and then there is new nuclear energy, here is new nuclear energy. As I understand it, this could be a previous or current federal project where 377 billion is involved in the breakthrough 22 products next will be the direction of the experimental bench base for the development of two-component nuclear energy technology 229 billion we just touched on mbira here it is Yes And then comes a very interesting position of thermonuclear energy technology 236 billion until 2030 11 products this is as we know and the future of TT technologies this modernization of the institute, construction of new stands, it could be participation in VTR and perhaps plasma engines in space will be The first acquaintance can probably be called a presentation of this meeting that took place, it will probably appear in more detail with a full layout, we’ll have to wait a little, we’ll see, it’s surprising that not a word has been said about reactors for nuclear icebreakers It seems to me that this program will continue now, it is the anniversary of the restored Main Directorate of the Northern Sea Route, which was created at the beginning of the 10th century. It seems to me even a very long time later, then this is how development went on, then it was forgotten for a long time. Yes, now this unit is no longer the Council of People's Commissars of the People's Council Commissioners And in control, but nevertheless, emphasizing its support for all our Arctic traditions to its management of the Northern Sea Route, Rosatom gave this name to 2,600 voyages During the first 2 years of work and the world’s first piloting of a light gas carrier of one of these less adapted to tactical conditions, but those no less than Rosatomflot and this department have learned to guide lighter Ice class tankers through this with their ice class 7 AK 4 are really lighter but they have passed what will make the Northern Sea Route more accessible more attractive, including from international partners the same China, which, as we discussed, is planning to create its own production facilities. Perhaps even for the development of the Northern Sea Route. Well, let’s actually see,

a little and alarmingly, Roma’s analysis shows that in order to maintain the pace that must be observed, 166 reinforced Ice class vessels are needed as of today, 36 in stock 30 are being built, the question remains Where to get another 100 in June an agreement was signed with a Chinese company I don’t remember Now on the discount the name says that in ROSI in Russia all the available shipyards are occupied, the order is more than enough, but this is not reinforced The ice class in our country deals only with Arctic ships the star shipbuilding complex in the Far East, its capacity has already been fully selected, that a new shipyard is needed [music] or something like that really. If we talk about the most important Success. For me personally, this is a completely subjective point of view: these 2000 600 postings, not a single accident, not a single case for the ship Vmerzlazyevsky [music] I had the honor of visiting the museum of the new museum of the world's first station, a little similar to this museum, of course, also unique, had the opportunity to communicate with different generations who took part even in the launch of the construction of the Obninsk station, a great achievement for Obninsk Obninsk is developing an international nuclear education cluster is being developed Obninsk tech is planned to battle Coast campus IT A production plant is being built for Karpov's drugs with the largest line of products in Europe Well, for Russia this is generally a big step forward because we have learned to produce and flood Quite a long time ago a lot of a huge palette Now finally We have moved to a new stage, we will create the radiopharmaceuticals that doctors need, we do not export the isotope, then we purchase ready-made radiopharmaceuticals, but we do all this at home, this is really a huge step forward. Well, Olinsk is the first association for me - this is the Institute of Physics and Energy, scientific support for the BN 1200m, huge support for the project breakthrough it was on the fairy stands that they tested mixed nitride nitrite Uranium plutonium fuel work they have a lot of fairies Obninsk city of miracles But you can talk about it probably for a week without stopping the city of the first the city of the first the first science city Peaceful science city well, reactors floated out from there, flew into space it went out went out Yes, by the way, they are even planning to create a Museum object TS3 transportability in the years VOX It is possible that there will be a return to this project, in any case, Fairy is definitely ready for this In general, you can really talk about fairies about Obninsk for a week without stopping, but also with the 70th anniversary years of not only the first nuclear power plant in Obninsk, not only the first nuclear power plant in our country, but also the first nuclear power plant on the planet, nuclear energy has celebrated its first 70 years, the nuclear project is separate. It came out of the soldier’s path, now the atom is 70 years old, this is already a serious period. Yes, Once again, happy holiday, if anyone from Obninsk

sees us, they will hear us, please accept congratulations Pavel, thank you very much for stopping by, I hope that we can return to regular meetings again and thank you all very much for your attention. Thank you very much


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