Запад ОБЛАЖАЛСЯ Санкции НЕ МОГУТ Остановить Арктик СПГ-2

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Kommersant Gave information that the Second Line of the Arctic LNG-2 will be delivered. How can you comment on this situation, taking into account the fact that sanctions apply there even to individual gas carrier vessels, and so on? Not to mention Linda, which has curtailed its activities, a German company that curtailed its activities on the territory of Russia Well, indeed the information has appeared. Oddly enough, there is no confirmation on the website of Novatek itself yet, maybe it will appear according to a message from a businessman on the night from Wednesday to Thursday, the second production line of Artik SP2 has set off, let me remind you that they are made on gravity platforms That is, this such a big Concrete box in which all the equipment is assembled, including cryogenic tanks, everything in the world is quite an interesting engineering solution, unusual But no one has done anything like this But this is experience, experience in construction, an LNG pit builds a plant entirely on the mainland, that is, on permafrost with all the ensuing burdens, this is one thing to collect technological lines in factory conditions, this is the village of Belokamenka near Murmansk, a huge plant, compressed, all pandemic problems are built inside the workshops, everything is assembled, delivered by Dodan tugs, we have already seen this, for example, the first line, if you look at how it was delivered from about a month, this route takes such a route, the design weighs many hundreds thousand tons, you don’t want to get into problems with ice, that is, carefully and leisurely in place, these gravity platforms load the soil below with stones, thank God there is enough for the pit, it becomes tight to the bottom, it connects with all the ground lines to the gas pipeline and, in fact, they are launched Linda really left the technology should have she refused to continue the contract only hearing that because most likely the actions of the government of the Federal Republic of Germany of my favorite hero Chancellor Scholz are force majeure circumstances, in principle, I think German companies should now write in all international treaties Scholz volcanoes earthquakes floods and many such natural phenomena, see in modern times, in my opinion, it is quite justified to tell how he did it out loud, he was not completed and the first line was Although Linda started from Russia back in the spring of 2019, and she started So only the heels sparkled, including and interrupted those contracts that did not fall under What kind of sanctions, what not about what ka, there are no Perera factories Nevertheless, she ran away How the litigation will end, we will see, so he remained silent from what was known how they fought the sanctions there, among other equipment on the same gravity platform, there should be an American company, and there is also no turbine, so to speak they are dual-purpose, they not only provide the electricity that is necessary, of course, but let’s say the technological chain liquefying supply Gas under pressure is also lower than strictly speaking and were convenient; we have turbines of similar quality produced by mono produced by Rostec and power machines they are designed for power plants, that is such maneuverability reduce the pressure increase the pressure in the design there is no way out to find a rather elegant one on the shore Yes, you have to maneuver, so to speak, paradise on electricity is also a separate topic, how the framework will be equipped, here the power plant seems to have begun a contract with Chinese manufacturers, but the terms that the Chinese experts proposed, but so they weren’t satisfied and now the industry is waiting for it to be placed on our domestic Russian market, there are no rates on the media, and so on. This is how I work on today’s news, we raise the key rate, then we are surprised that inflation is growing, an amazing thing, we are returning to sanctions, it’s really quite clear that what -politics is naturally sewn in there if you call a spade a spade in the year twenty-six, it is planned to commission a whole series of LNG plants in the United States and there is an opportunity to remove at least one competitor, they are doing this political flor - this is one thing, but let me really remind you that Arctic LNG is three technological lines of 6.6 million tons each, that is, 19.8 million tons, the weight of this project is quite a lot, it is more than 25 billion cubic meters of gas in normal condition. Why did they think of such a competitor in the United States? And having posted such rich demagoguery I mean transshipment bases. They are fully assembled, one in Kamchatka near Petropavlovskaya

Kamchatsky, one near Murmansk, the idea was to have very expensive gas carrier tankers with reinforced ice class ak7 international classification Max, a separate name It is clear for what project they were developed, they were created like this, up to Met a lot It’s really possible to increase the navigation period without icebreaker support. The design is also very interesting. The propeller columns allow the vessel to turn around its axis. Go stern forward in free water. Move bow forward. Everything is fine if it hits ice fields; the speed is lower. Well, what does the thickness of the hull look like too? it’s clear from here and Well, at the time when they ordered tankers, they ate Mak, the price for conventional, so to speak, gas carrier tankers was about 160 million dollars for such a workhorse of 170,000 cubic meters, the volume of Yama Mak tanks was exactly twice as expensive as 320 million, and before the appearance of these transshipment bases it turned out that such a vessel Max reaches the end consumer, that is, it delivers products, that is, it not only passes through the waters of the Northern Sea Route, but also further along the southern seas, of course, this is not the most correct approach. If the ship was made to sail in the Arctic, let them go there, that is the idea it was simple, they loaded onto I spsh transfer ba, they poured it further with regular tankers for delivery to end consumers, it can be delivered, it turns around and goes back to the Arctic. That is, it does not leave this Ice situation at all.

Of course, it increases productivity, reduces costs, and so on and so forth, the company that was created as the owner of the operator of these transshipment tanks under sanctions under sanctions are really separate, in connection with which, in fact, the problems began to grow according to the plan, four gas tankers were supposed to be put into operation last year, our shipbuilding corporation company Zvezda in the Far East was shifted to the right being confident that part of the order was placed in South Korea, we’ll take them, we’ll pull these up, well, the combined shipbuilders found out that they cannot give the ship to the customer because of sanctions and it’s also impossible to say that South Korean entrepreneurs are very happy about this event because everything is ready to be given away, you can’t sell it to the country, it’s clear that there will be fines for deadlines, and so on and so on, it’s also impossible because this tanker is not only x times larger, but in operation it is heavier, and therefore the costs for it are higher Well, such a pause, that is, roughly speaking, a samovar We have it, but there is nowhere to put a glass First line it was delivered, it was installed, the liquid went at the end of last year, that is, those who were responsible for the installation have done all their work Well, now everyone is up to date, how will we fight this? It’s difficult; we have a lot of words on the air about how we will build new ones. Next is the aircraft the horse is good at sound, in fact, we have not yet seen any feasibility studies for a single project. And even if we start building these shipyards right now, when all this is over, first we need to build a plant, then the plant will start building the ships themselves, to nowhere.

Special thanks to those who developed the development strategy shipbuilding from the corporate hotel company, almost if you call it by its proper name, was in a pre-bankruptcy state. That is why it was transferred to operational management for 5 years just to sort out the finances. What happened there included many shipbuilding ship repair plants everywhere, orders were recruited quite troublesomely and I will I’m just glad if our bankers, as if engaged in a non- core business, will manage this; financial discipline was not only at zero, it was even a little lower. Well, so what are the two lines ready to do? In our beloved Western press, there was information that the black fleet was being bought up it used to be just dark gray, but then they have it there. They love this gradation in the color of the pants. The banks through which our money flows have become gray, and the fleet has become black or dark. In general, how very complicated it is, some companies registered in the United Arab Emirates, unknown to anyone but in principle, we open Avito, look at How much can you register what class of company in the United Arab Emirates, we are working, we have started buying gas tankers, which we immediately receive permission to pass through the waters of the Northern Sea Route, unlike oil tankers, there are not many gas tankers in the world; this is a relatively young line of business; there are now about 700 of these tankers, and if we don’t touch on the maximum unique ones, there are such ships of the AK 4 class, which is up to 30 ice, they are in demand because there is an ice situation in Canada; Norway has a plant located quite far in the north, that is, this is what they have; will they save the situation with Arctic SP2? Well, it’s hard for me to say; it’s clear that we won’t get any comments from us on this matter. due to the fact that the situation is as it is, but what could it be ta4 this is twi

Western direction Where will LNG and natural gas be poured into the tank of these gas carriers, taking into account the fact that the distance across the Gulf of Ob between Arti sp2 and ma LNG is 70 km That’s somewhere -he took it somewhere and poured it in the western direction Yes, everything is in order. In the Eastern direction it is more difficult because the first oil tankers went completely in the VOM direction. The ice situation in the east of Dikson is completely different. That is, if we really

manage year-round navigation from Murmansk to Dikson, will there be enough icebreakers for that? so that at least during the navigation period of the first class of leaders, the deadlines were shifted to the right, the state program was to build two one lead ship on which, so to speak, to train, then the second should also have been built, funding from the second was withdrawn from the Ministry of Finance Well, it was necessary for us to have money somewhere disappeared not so long ago But there is government funding for the construction of two additional icebreakers La K6 2222 Leader, if that’s what they officially call it LK 120, here it is shifted to the right, then Stroitelnaya Ver Zvezda understands the situation, but we’ll wait to see if the information that a purchase is underway is believed, we don’t confirm, we don’t comment None of our experts None of our official minds there is a gray black gray brown-raspberry fleet so that no one knows anything about the NM, it is more or less precisely known that permission to pass the Northern Sea Route for four such tankers was issued, that is, Well, at least it’s not air they really exist, will there be more of them? Will only four be enough? We’ll watch, we’ll watch, understanding that the company has more than Serya’s projects with tens of billions of dollars, if such risks are involved, it means there is some kind of plan that we are, well, or not, we are our children in some way they will read the books when all this is completed; the high-risk ones do not tell us; again, the reason is clear and completely incomprehensible. Will the plant in Belokamenka continue to operate because there is production capacity there to simultaneously engage in the installation of two lines at once; the work was going on; the second and third stages of C2 were being carried out at the same time; again, it’s difficult to say For example, for example, in Belokamenka, there is no one to call; the installers are not working there, but one of them is left free; here’s how they will use it; let me remind you that the Murmansk LNG project was agreed upon; again, three technological lines also amount to 20 million tons. But no longer using someone else’s technologies, but using our own patents there is for large-tonal liquefaction and as in the Arctic version, that is, where the first line of liquefaction is provided by the Yamal ringing Frost, the very reason why Nama LNG specialists from Qatar flew with surprise from other countries Well, here we are sitting in the studio, there is some volume of air there as it make it liquid compress lower the temperature more compress further lower the temperature Well, wait a few steps Well, it is very rough, but how could it be different if we are talking about the Persian Gulf about Qatar production of the Northern Dome gas at a temperature of p 354 Nama highest temperatures record highs in area sobe sometimes reaches plus So the First liquefaction line is called Open the window and cold - this is also the Production part of the production chain and since this is quite an expensive undertaking, the same specialists from Qatar gas said that in terms of cost we will not catch up with you, although you are where here is the polar night and in the south there are bears and everything, but we can’t do anything about it; to get to zero, we need to invest money; we really asked: What will happen if it’s like this again? The heat in p. 10 is like that time on what was phlegmatically kneaded? Well then, just take it bucket and salt water, it freezes in minutes Don’t worry, we’ll find something to cool off here But this is one technology, the second it’s actually so all-weather nske will also work, friend, once again I remind you of the languid knowledge of the channel Independent analytical online magazine geoenergetics info and the word independence after monetization from the tuba side was turned off, it became a dear, valuable loved one for us in order to maintain independence, you understand perfectly well that in our troubled times we need, first of all, an alternative to find a sponsor who will set our news agenda; our so to speak strategy of tactics does not seem to us the most convenient Therefore, I remind you that you can see us primarily in our Telegram channel where we try to report all the news related to our work, our new projects, you can see us on the VKontakte portal, you can see us in Zen, you can support us due to what we have page on sponsr all this will be in the description under this brief introduction of mine with a reminder that if you want the geoenergetics info project to continue to develop, we need your help and support. Thank you very much for

your attention. For this project, the necessary supply of gas was concluded with an agreement with Gazprom that a gas pipeline is being built from Volkhov to Murmansk , also a very necessary project, in fact, not only for the Murmansk region, which has been waiting for 50 years for it to finally be dug. If you remember there were deposits there, start developing gas from there, bring the Nanskoye field shifted to the right for a variety of reasons, like I would like to emphasize briefly Yes, but the point is that it is not clear how the economy could play with the gasification of the Murmansk region. It is necessary, but the whole region relies on fuel oil

heating, so you can tell different things about carbon dioxide but hot fuel oil - This is definitely not something that brings great joy Let it be they are consoled in Sweden in Cyprus, it’s as if it’s not appropriate for us, but to lay a pipeline, to lay a pipeline from those pipelines that come to the Leningrad region, this means we need to move the territory of Karelia with its granite soils, all this is possible, but the whole question is not a question as always If the demand is in the Murmansk region and in Karelia was collectively considered in the volume of 8 billion cubic meters of gas of the state economy, it was possible to flog a nail, put a ple at your own expense, put this gas pipeline but not under 8 billion cubic meters per year, under 30 what is needed in the Murmansk region Karelia Yes Figure it out 20 billion cubic meters for the LNG plant was info that is, there is nothing clear in open sources that the engineering problem is so completely non-trivial it is necessary to solve it, it is clear that we should engage in blasting work in order to lay a pipe later. It is unlikely that accordingly we will have to build some kind of overhead line, also such a task, we are silently waiting in case we find out the news that the plant in Belokamenka is busy again with work, which means the project is moving Well, or vice versa, we will learn from the EU. New that some movements have begun on laying this gas pipeline, which means there will be work in Belokamenka. Let's hope that at least from somewhere we will hear information like this the situation such thoughts on this matter is that we do not have enough reinforced Ice class gas tankers, it is obvious. Will the Zvez shipbuilding complex be able to get into a working rhythm, too, let’s not immediately say that

the curator of this project is the company Rosneft, a well-known shipbuilding organization. Well, that was the organizational decision, that’s how I think it is exactly for this reason, it acted as it is prescribed in all sorts of textbooks on how to do it, we take the most accessible technologies, we start, even with screwdrivers, at least with some, but gradually they took foreign computer technology away from the French company. Although such a not very simple technology is certified, the newest most fashionable, most economical in fact, the Mar 3 model is 0.8 evaporation per day, that is, almost nothing on fuel oil and diesel fuel and LNG, such engines are produced by a very small number of companies for our Far Eastern plant, a Finnish company was invited to excellent engines there within 90 seconds they switch from one type of fuel to another, the Finnish company also left the composition with a separate split into itself. The wok can rotate and, accordingly, put in

can move sideways backwards as you like, see the situation needs to be combined, will the words that we need at least two new shipyards turn into one in the Far East, one in the European part? We can only observe for now, but if briefly, if briefly Yes, almost half an hour Well, the project is like this in fact, for us, the development of the Northern Sea Route This is a strategic issue, it is clear that the president’s task is that by 2024 cargo turnover should reach l disrupted disrupted for a variety of reasons, while summing up what happened where mistakes were made Where are our mistakes where are the influence of the pandemic the influence of sanctions no one didn’t let down this analysis, it’s just not and our officials are confident in this rhetoric that was back in December last year, in what year there will be 80 million tons, last year it turned out 36.6 is normal, in the literal sense of the word it’s normal, and it’s not like it’s n times more what cargo turnover was in Soviet times, that is, a very serious achievement is not Summing up, all our respected politicians, leaders have switched to new rhetoric, by this year the cargo turnover will be 200 million tons Dear viewers and listeners, the tuba policy is still continuing unchanged, there is still a great risk of that that YouTube will cease to function as one of the New directions of the geoenergy project, we will try all the materials we have in one form or another, edited, it is possible to post on the Yandex portal, after all, it is still our Domestic platform, you can work there without, therefore, the director of some of the videos that contain the word Ukraine, we are forced to censor, there it will be in full, maybe it will seem more interesting to you, more lively, links to our Yandex Zen are in the description Subscribe, comment, express your comments, wishes, we will always be happy to respond to them Thank you all for your attention


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