Лукашенко Команды шли от СБУ // Как силовики поймали террориста ГЛАВНОЕ

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Summary of results of the work week of the head of state PRESIDENT'S WEEK A BelTA project Conference on matters concerning the Belarusian nuclear power plant, 6 March 2023 The construction of Belarus’ first nuclear power plant is one of the biggest and most technologically advanced projects that we have carried out together with the Russians. A lot has already been done to implement this project. The first power unit was commissioned and is operating, supplying electricity to the power grid.

It has already produced more than 12.5 billion kilowatt hours since it was switched on. It allowed substituting over 3 billion m3 of natural gas. And saved the country almost $0.5 billion. Over $400 million. That’s not a bad start. The second power-generating unit is in the physical start-up phase.

In April 2023 it is planned to be connected to the power grid. I have repeatedly emphasized that radiation safety and operational reliability of the nuclear power plant is an overriding priority. You know why. We discussed these matters thoroughly when we were about to make the most serious decision on building the nuclear power plant.

We took into account the entire world experience. The highest technologies are used here. It is the legacy of our people. Therefore, all aspects of the construction and operation of the nuclear power plant require special attention and a balanced approach. I just want to remind the journalists, who are present here, not to forget this when you tell people about the opposition to the construction of this plant, especially in 2020, during the presidential election campaign.

You remember that all the alternative candidates that later fled the country promised to shut down the nuclear power plant if they came to power, although billions had already been invested in its construction. Our competitors pushed them to such rhetoric, first of all, unfortunately, our closest neighbors Poland and Lithuania. So what do we have today? Poland plans to build two nuclear power plants or maybe three. Lithuania also announced its intention to build its own nuclear power plant. Now think about it: what would have happened if we, having been carried away by political games, had stopped the construction or closed the nuclear power plant, or they had come to power and shut down this nuclear plant where about $5 billion had already been invested? That’s their true colors, just in case. From an economic point of view it is very important for energy security to ensure the efficient operation of the entire plant.

The nuclear power plant has to reach full capacity as soon as possible. I would like to hear answers to the following questions today. First, how is safety ensured? Are all the standards and regulations met during the construction and operation of the plant? I know that Russians sometimes complain that we put forward excessive safety and security demands. But they have to understand that we are a Chernobyl republic, that we suffered as a result of the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Therefore, safety is a number one matter, and we will demand the highest level of safety and absolute compliance with construction standards. What are the time prospects for commissioning the second unit of the Belarusian nuclear power plant? We have not hushed up anything and are not going to hide that there were certain shortcomings in the construction of the nuclear power plant, but these issues were very quickly resolved by Belarusian and Russian construction workers.

The delay is due to our determination to stick to very high safety standards. It is better to commission the plant half a year or a year later rather than under-fulfill something. What measures are being taken to speed up this project? After all, the foundation (reactor, framework) has already been put in place and fine-tuned.

Only 1.5-2% of construction work is left to do. When will we be finished and leave this site? I am absolutely open to your suggestions today. If you need my help, I am ready to make the necessary decisions immediately. Viktor Mikhailovich [Karankevich], please report in general on the situation at the final stage of construction of the nuclear power plant. Thank you. Dear Mr. President and those who are present here. The first unit was commissioned on 10 June 2021.

In 2022 the first scheduled preventive maintenance was carried out at the first unit and currently the unit is operating at nominal capacity. The overall construction and technological readiness of the second unit is about 98%. Preparations are in the final stage to start the chain reaction and bring the reactor unit to the minimum controllable level.

Which is 1% of the reactor capacity. Further work is scheduled for April 2023. The unit will be connected to the power grid and the first kilowatt hours of electricity will be generated, with the unit operating at 40% of the reactor power.

After that the reactor plant capacity will be increased up to the rated capacity and the necessary measures and tests will be carried out within the framework of the pilot commercial operation stage. The facility is scheduled to be commissioned (specifically, the second power unit) in the second half of 2023. Details of the capture of a Ukrainian terrorist and his accomplices, 7 March 2023 By March 8 we, men try to give you some modest gifts. And today we have not come to this holiday empty-handed. One can say this story is unbelievable.

I once again beg your pardon for talking unofficially and wanting to tell you about this exceptional and unbelievable gift not as the president but as an ordinary person. Everything began probably eight months ago or maybe six months ago. We have yet to find it out. We will find it out. The events happened in Kiev. Ukraine’s security service SBU, the leadership of the CIA worked out an operation against the Republic of Belarus either behind our backs or from the side. A terrorist was trained. He is a Russian national with a Russian passport and a Ukrainian passport.

He was born in Krivoi Rog and lived in Crimea. There are some relatives in Austria and some relatives in Kiev. He was recruited by Ukraine’s intelligence service probably in 2014. An IT professional or someone, who knows IT technologies well. He was trained to carry out terrorist attacks. A terrorist attack against Russian aircraft in Engels was carried out several months ago.

We saw cosmic imagery of results of the terrorist attack. The damaged Russian strategic aircraft. He was not tasked for it. Other groups, who had been carefully trained together with our so-called terrorist in Ukraine’s territory, were instructed to carry it out. SBU representatives trained him.

What we saw in the course of the operation in Belarus was something truly incredible. Most advanced technologies were employed. He had spent months training for it. After training he was routed (as the KGB says) into our territory.

Naturally he could not reach Belarus by crossing the Ukrainian border. That border is closed. This is why the route Warsaw-Brest, Warsaw-Lodz-Riga-Pskov was chosen. And then he came to Minsk. I want General Lappo to find the Belarusian border guard, who had steadfastly refused entry into Belarus’ territory for the terrorist near Brest. He was offering various excuses, crying and wailing that he would suffer a mischief in Ukraine if he was denied entry. But our guy did well. And although he could understand the terrorist as a human being,

he told him that things like that don’t happen in Belarus: "If you enter Belarus using the Ukrainian passport (he had a Russian passport and a Ukrainian one), then I will have to register you here." The terrorist didn’t need that. He returned to Warsaw. Ukraine gave him a backup route.

Warsaw-Lodz-Riga as I’ve already said. And he crossed the Latvian-Russian border there. Unfortunately, the Russian border service let him through. Although they were supposed not to. He was travelling using a Russian domestic passport. Russians have passports for foreign travels. He had no right to cross the border. Nevertheless, he went to Pskov and then came to Minsk by bus.

I am not going to reveal the details of how the crime instruments, these drones were handed over. They chose a small drone. If they had opted for a big drone, then surely our tracking systems would have spotted it. But this small drone of Chinese make is also available in our stores. We've found out that this Chinese drone was sold in the USA and then transported to Ukraine. Well, naturally.

And these two drones were used in Ukraine, this man was trained as well as the others, who were helping him. We will tell you about that later on, too. This terrorist attack was prepared.

You know the results. Fortunately, the aircraft was not significantly damaged except for, I am told, scratches and one hole in the body, which does not prevent the military aircraft from doing its job. We’ve demonstrated this aircraft to you. I am told it even escorted the president.

Nevertheless, we asked Russians to take this aircraft for maintenance and send us another one. So they did. What kind of an aircraft is it? It is not a Russian aircraft in Belarus’ territory. I asked the Russian president to send an Air Force group to me so that we could keep an eye on the perimeter of our Belarusian borders and practice certain skills as part of the Belarusian-Russian regional military force.

This aircraft has never flown into the territory of Ukraine. It didn’t even get close to the border (it doesn’t have to) of Poland, Lithuania – all these bastards that work against Belarus today. We worked very carefully. We didn’t give anyone a reason for it. After the completion of the terrorist attack and the attempt to blow up this expensive reconnaissance A-50 aircraft, routes to exfiltrate him [the terrorist] from Belarus’ territory were created.

We understood that he was a very valuable person for them. Upon my instruction even before the business trip to China (you’d probably guessed it) the strictest orders were given to defense, security, and law enforcement officers. They are here now. I swore at you and spoke obscenities back then. It is erased today. But don’t forget it. Security at Belarusian borders was beefed up. But we understood that the Belarusian-Russian border is our main problem. We have no military units over there. And there is no border between Russia and Belarus.

And to prevent him from exfiltrating into Russia was our key task. Because it would have been very difficult to find him in huge and bottomless Russia. We understood it. This is why hundreds and possibly thousands of military personnel of all units were put on alert in order to close Belarus. Certain steps were taken. An antiterrorist HQ was deployed under the leadership of Chairman of Belarus’ KGB Ivan Tertel. We provoked Ukrainians by showing them that we were conducting some operations over there.

They fell for it and practically demonstrated with their actions where they wanted to extract this terrorist. Naturally, Lappo locked the border. They noticed they would be unable to cross the border. And they switched to a backup extraction plan.

But they had to create a new channel before extracting him. I was stunned by the use of cutting-edge technologies during this entire operation. They created a special program for him. Most probably, the American CIA did it. He was given special telephones that allowed them to watch his every move in audio and video modes. They saw where he was travelling, who he was meeting with and talking to, and so on. And then there was a twin phone. It is very important. It is the second thing that surprised me.

We made a small mistake when he left this phone in the apartment (we didn’t know it, we were not aware of it), took the twin phone and they controlled him through this phone from then on. The SBU ordered him to do it so that they could see us right away when we entered this apartment following his trail. So it happened. Honestly speaking, I was in China back then and after your report I started doubting we would find him fast.

My second unbelievable surprise happened when you found out his location by analyzing thousands of calls, negotiations, meetings, and conversations of all kinds of scoundrels inside and outside our country. You just found out his whereabouts in an office. Two locations. When you reached this location where he was lying low and waiting for a new route, you captured him in this first apartment in some dacha community outside Borovlyany. In the basement there was a printing house with all kinds of white-red-white rags and other literature. Well, a dirt bag lived there.

Feel free to make a conclusion. I’ve always said that we must never calm down. The SBU sent orders to fugitive oppositionists staying abroad. In Poland in this case. They contacted local scoundrels (it was a medic in this case) and helped him hide here.

Mind you, during the initial stage and during the final stage of our operation. And possibly god helped us and a miracle happened. Thanks to our operatives of the State Security Committee, the Internal Affairs Ministry, and the border service we found him and captured him.

So far over 20 accomplices in Belarus’ territory have been arrested. More than 20. The rest are hiding over there [abroad]. To prevent speculations, I want everyone to understand and I don’t deny it that several days ago, even before this operation I ordered to cleanse the entire country mercilessly. It is a lesson for us. They are hiding and lying low.

They sit and wait for something. Things will be the way they were in 1941. There is nothing to hide: when the Nazi came here, there were these cells and there were collaborators. They joined up and worked together with these fascists.

Nothing has changed. This is why we have to find them. And I want to tell them to get ready. We are already coming for them. Our guys are already at their doorstep. They should get ready.

The best option is for them to come and surrender. It will be a salvation for them. We will identify all of them. We will cleanse them from our society. They have understood nothing over the two years and a half. They still don’t understand that we approached them humanely: if you have come to your senses, feel free to come back. And it cancels nothing. There are crazy and addled people over there. They may come back.

We are already getting applications. But those, who committed and particularly who are committing such crimes and aid terrorists, we will find them. Their actions to blow up the aircraft and the rest were of no military significance.

Even if something had happened to this aircraft, it is not the only one. Everything was intended for mass media consumption. And everything was connected like links in one chain – a terrorist attack here in Machulishchi and events in Bryansk Oblast where a sabotage and reconnaissance force of about 40 or more scoundrels came from Ukraine’s territory, shot civilians and injured a child. You are aware of it. Those were links of the same chain.

In order to demonstrate to the West what they are still capable of. They need money after all. And our fugitive oppositionists expected to get funding in exchange for it. Since reporters are present here, I'd like to ask mass media to show every detail of it. Show these scumbags, who sit in Poland and Ukraine and are ready to destroy in exchange for food. Not betray the Motherland but destroy our people. We have to demonstrate the dynamics, how they claimed that everyone, who committed the terrorist attack in Machulishchi, had already fled the country.

By doing it, they prompted us to believe that they are still here. If they had been abroad, they would have shown their face. Then I told the security agencies: "Look, he is here!" They just failed like the morons they are. And we started an active search here. It is good. It was a brilliant operation. I can hardly believe you’ve been able to find all the accomplices and arrest them within merely 4-5 days.

A needle in a haystack. But we must always stay vigilant. One conclusion. I thought that Ukraine needed peace, that Zelenskyy is concerned about his nation. President Zelenskyy is just a scumbag. Just a scumbag!

Such operations cannot proceed without the authorization of the country’s leader and the commander-in-chief. I say it to you as a president. A scumbag because he runs around Belarus, sends people to us, and, as I’ve already said, wants us to sign a non-aggression pact, make a deal since we have no problems between us.

But I said in response that we are not going to attack them. "No, let’s sign an agreement under the aegis of the United Nations Organization with a promise that you will not attack us." You’ve heard all my statements about that. And meanwhile… Well, we’ve been challenged.

If they expect us… After all, I know that they want us to get involved in the war upon orders of Americans… If you think that by challenging us you will pull us into the war, which is already going on all over Europe, then you are mistaken. I want to stress it one more time, particularly for the local dirt bags and those, who fled: all of them have been identified, we will find them over there, abroad. And I tell the fugitive opposition once again: get ready, we are already coming for you.

And don’t cry. Don’t post in these messaging apps. Our nerves are strong. We know what needs to be done. This is why I want to start this ceremony with something pleasant. The key actors, who became pale, red, and blue during this week when the operation was in progress, are Tertel, Kubrakov, and Lappo. Today I have decided in favor of presenting government awards to you.

General Tertel has been awarded an order. First class. General Kubrakov. General Lappo. I ask you and instruct you to nominate for government awards everyone, who carried out this operation and participated in it. Even if thousands of our guys took part in it.

Support them financially if necessary or morally if you like. Any way you want. These guys must not be forgotten. You’ve done the unbelievable. It will go down in textbooks. Don’t forget about it. We should not forget such people. Ceremony to present government awards and shoulder boards, 7 March 2023 It is difficult to think of an event that would be more consonant with the spirit and meaning for the Year of Peace and Creation than today’s joint ceremony. In line with a good tradition, in the first days of spring we celebrate the country’s most successful women and the most courageous warriors.

But why does our society particularly respect the women, who choose the difficult path of motherhood? Because motherhood is the highest purpose and meaning of life, the affirmation of unshakable human values, the basis of everything on this Earth. After all, everything on our planet rests on unconditional maternal love, big women’s hearts, their inexhaustible energy. Dear ladies! Those who are present here and those, who will hear us today.

I heartily welcome all the mothers of our country represented by you. I bow low to you for your heroic maternal deed. Just like men you successfully develop science and technologies, bolster the industrial potential, ensure the country's food security and financial security, build houses, create works of art, teach and cure people. And you also glorify our Motherland at the most prestigious forums and leading theater stages of the world. You preserve and augment the cultural legacy of Belarus. And everything men do in this life they do it for your sake.

Today in this hall we also traditionally honor the true men, officers, generals, who also embody the Year of Peace and Creation, because they reliably protect our sovereignty and independence, or, to put it simply, our quiet and calm life. In times like these, people begin to understand the true value of seemingly simple things - peace, order and calm. We present awards and new shoulder boards in recognition of great personal services to the Fatherland, acknowledgement of your exceptional professionalism and a token of great trust of the Belarusian people. I am sure that you are also well aware that it is your duty and mine to ensure reliable peace in Belarusian land. Whatever it may cost us.

I believe in every one of you, in our army of men in uniform, all those who wear it today. I thank you for your honest work, professionalism, fidelity to duty and patriotism. I sincerely want to congratulate everyone on their high awards. And our esteemed women on the upcoming spring festival.

I wish everyone new great successes in their personal lives, good health, happiness and prosperity. As I’ve said, everything we, men do today, we do it for you. To you. To the kids you have given birth to. I hope you will birth more. Although those, who are present here, have done their duty in full. Dear Aleksandr Grigoryevich [Lukashenko]! Dear audience! In this hall are representatives of various professions. Each of us contributes to the development and prosperity of our state.

But regardless of the occupation, we all raise and educate children. By the way, I will say that today our children in different parts of the country, including our Polesie region, just like children in big cities, can go to well-equipped kindergartens and schools, sport sections and hobby groups, and simply live in an excellent, well-groomed, beautiful and peaceful country. It is very honorable and pleasant to receive this award from the hands of the head of state on the eve of International Women’s Day in such a pleasant atmosphere. Dear ladies! With all my heart I congratulate you on a beautiful spring holiday, Women’s Day! And to all those present here I wish good health, happiness and prosperity.

Peace and harmony to you. To every home, to every family. And to our motherland, the Republic of Belarus. Comrade Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus! On behalf of all the officers, who have received state awards and the rank of general today, I would like to thank you for the high appreciation of our work and the work of the teams we are in charge of.

We recognize the high responsibility that rests upon every one of us, especially today amid the complicated military and political situation evolving at the borders of our beloved Motherland. I would like to assure you, Comrade Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, that Belarusian soldiers, officers, grandchildren and great grandchildren of the Victory soldiers will do their utmost to ensure military security of the country, to protect everything that our wise hard-working people have created and to ensure peace and quiet in our common home - the Republic of Belarus. Thank you! Dear friends! Once again I congratulate you on your awards and women on the upcoming holiday! I wish the men not to let our women down, at least on their holiday. I think our representative of the valiant artillery was here. Did I get it right?

Yes, a general already, as you can see. Well done! A bit of joyous news for you. We tested a Buk missile for our air defense missile system the day before yesterday. It flew where we wanted it to fly and did everything that was necessary.

This is why you are about to get your own terrible weapon against flying vehicles. A lot has been done recently to equip the Belarusian army and security and law enforcement agencies with proper weapons for the sake of decent protection of our Motherland. I just want to wish the women not to worry! We will do everything to preserve peace and calm in our land. So that you could calmly raise your kids. To those, who don't have kids, I wish to have as many kids as those, who sit in this hall, have. I wish you happiness, prosperity, and success in your life.

And most importantly, good health to you and your children. May success attend you! Meeting with the secretary general of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, 9 March 2023 Mr. Secretary General, you know our goal. For us to legally become a full member of the organization, Belarus needs to carry out certain legal procedures. We must accede to the decisions taken by the Shanghai Cooperation Organization earlier. We have set ourselves an ambitious goal to complete this work this year, before the Delhi summit. It’s a fast pace, a serious pace. But if you support us, it will be a good example for others.

Moreover, Mr. Secretary General, as an observer, we were seriously preparing to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Therefore, we will definitely be able to get things done by June, by the time we meet again in Delhi. You know our goals. All Shanghai Cooperation Organization members are aware of our capabilities.

I would only like to ask if you have any concerns or questions to Belarus as we are undergoing the process of legal accession to the organization. Dear Mr. President, good day! It is a great honor and great joy for me to be present in the Republic of Belarus on a visit.

I thank you for your warm welcome. I thank you for the hospitality you have extended to me and to members of our delegation. I have good impressions from our meeting. On the eve of the SCO summit we had a very constructive dialogue. Back then we also discussed accession of the Republic of Belarus to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. It was the key topic of our talks.

I have the impression that the Belarusian side pays great attention to the accession to the SCO and to the completion of this procedure. Belarus’ efforts in this area also deserve a lot of attention from the SCO member states. And last year, in June, after Belarus officially applied to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, all SCO members and states began working on this issue with the coordinating role of the Secretariat. And after 2.5 months at the summit, as we see, a decision was made to start this procedure. It was unprecedented. I mean unprecedented in terms of the speed of decision-making.

It shows that all the member states appreciate very much that the Belarusian side shares values and principles of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. And over many years as an observer it has played a very important role in cooperation within the SCO. At all stages Belarus has actively participated in the work of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

Both as a partner for dialogue and as an observer in all dimensions of the work of this organization: political, diplomatic, trade and economic, and cultural and humanitarian dimensions. I will give just one figure as an example. Shanghai Cooperation Organization countries account for about 70% of our trade. As you see, this figure confirms the importance of developing the economic dimension of our cooperation with the SCO member states.

We see great prospects, great potential for this cooperation, and we expect to participate actively in all the dimensions not only in trade but also in manufacturing cooperation. At present production sector and energy issues are on the agenda of the organization. There is interbank cooperation, and alternative methods of settlements are being worked out, which are very important for overcoming those illegal restrictive measures used by Western countries. A lot of work is being done in the field of transport and the establishment of transit logistic chains, which are necessary to maintain the necessary level of trade and economic interaction between the countries.

Belarus’ current status as an observer does not allow us to fully participate in all formats of this organization. In particular, some of the meetings that take place... Even the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs includes only representatives of member-states of the organization today. The same applies to other formats. There are also many formats in the field of security, defense, economy, and interbank cooperation. So, naturally, full membership will open the door to this organization more widely for us and let us fully participate in all formats of the organization without exception.

We see serious prospects not only for economic cooperation but also for political and diplomatic interaction. This is very important today, because the SCO is one of the main pillars of a multipolar world. In other words, it is very important to be truly involved in multipolarity strengthening from the SCO position.

The same is true about the cultural and humanitarian dimension. There are also serious prospects over there, on which we could work more actively as members of the organization. Naturally, we stick to the accelerated format of accession. There are technical points that we regulate with the SCO member states. We expect to complete this process in 2023. Today the organization’s secretary general confirmed Belarus’ very active work in the observer capacity.

You know that many initiatives put forward by the president of the Republic of Belarus have been supported. In particular, the organization of a joint summit of the Collective Security Treaty Organization and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to discuss the situation in Afghanistan in 2021 is a good example of how Belarus’ initiatives are also reflected in the organization’s work. A Council of Ministers session, 10 March 2023 In the middle of last year we agreed that we would evaluate together the work of the economy following a meeting of the Council of Ministers in the format of the president's constitutional powers. You know which ones. You and I lived through the complicated year of 2022. As you know, we experienced pressure in all areas.

Key export industries, 40% of our traditional target markets, transport and logistics corridors, and a system of bank settlements were affected. It is totally understandable that this is not just an intention to paralyze the Belarusian economy. It is a consistent attempt to deprive ordinary people of their livelihoods. The ultimate goal of these efforts is to cause a social upheaval, which would put at risk the very existence of our state. Like before, I want to assure you: our country will remain on the political world map. And it will only get stronger. All attempts to destroy Belarus economically or politically have failed and will fail.

In such a complicated situation the main task for the prime minister, the government and the entire power vertical was to ensure effective work of the economy, stability in the social and labor sphere, and maintain the population’s living standards. Everything revolves around the economy. All security matters, the fight against drones, bandits, terrorists - everything is about the economy. If we are doing well economically, we can handle all other issues. Throughout the year, we held a number of meetings, developed preventive and compensatory measures, evaluated their effectiveness, found windows of opportunities.

In this way, we have gained a wealth of experience even in such unprecedented conditions. Therefore, we can say with confidence that we passed the test for economic sustainability. Based on the documents presented to me, I will focus on some of the most critical points requiring special attention.

Upon my instructions expert groups coordinated by presidential aides in the regions conducted a repeat monitoring of regional economic performance in January. About six months had passed since the first inspection and the specification of tasks. It’s enough time to draw conclusions. And I can see that the situation has improved compared to the summer one, albeit not by much.

Unfortunately, genuine restructuring to accommodate the pressure of sanctions has yet to complete. Some executives are looking for and find opportunities for working effectively. Other executives show wait-and-see attitudes and hope for better times. Yet some other executives decided it doesn’t concern them. And they hope purely for state aid. I am very glad that there are so very few of those. In August the government was once again tasked with restoring the volume of investments while prioritizing the establishment of import-substituting, export-oriented manufacturing enterprises that rely on local raw materials. Nevertheless, I can see from the reports that there are practically no new enterprises.

But investments, especially in the regions, mean the development of the population center, jobs, decent salaries. It is something that concerns everyone and gives them confidence in tomorrow. The prime minister promised to me that he would assign objects and people responsible for them in order to start the implementation of at least one such investment project in every district. As I understand it, you have already approved the target plan? Today I would like to hear how it is being implemented. What is the expected and maybe already real efficiency of your projects and ideas? In 2.5 years we will have to report to the people on the implementation of the five-year program.

If we fail the program, people will not need our excuses about difficult times and draconian sanctions. As I often say, there is no war in progress in Belarus’ territory. Therefore, increasing the number of jobs, the population’s revenues should be the key marker for realizing this year’s goals for the government. Yes, in December we saw an increase in real salaries and even maintained the dynamics at the beginning of this year. But it was not accomplished due to quality changes in the economy.

It was a result of corrections of the pricing policy. Plus, the traditional corporate year-end bonuses were added to the statistics. We have to think where to find reserves in order to keep salaries growing.

Prices. A Council of Ministers session, 10 March 2023 Prices are the number one issue for people. The kind of the price hike that happened last autumn cannot be allowed to happen again.

Use whatever methods you want (monetary, regulatory and administrative ones) to keep the corridor at around 7%. This figure should be a red line for businesses, manufacturers and retailers. Otherwise, the toughest measures will be taken. We cannot allow prices to go out of control. Prices should be fair.

It is equally important to maintain a broad assortment of products on store shelves. Food, medications, everyday goods and household products. Everything should be in abundance. The priority should be given to domestic manufacturers.

Therefore, the primary task of the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade, the Agriculture and Food Ministry, the Belgospishcheprom concern, and municipal authorities is to ensure uninterrupted supplies of goods, including foodstuffs, to the domestic market. Feel free to export what we don’t consume. Make money over there. Help subordinate organizations to optimize costs.

If you sort things out, you will work efficiently even in the most stringent regulation. And people will understand us and will be satisfied. Every minute you have to remember that all the social commitments to raise living standards of Belarus’ population must be fulfilled unconditionally. This is a social contract between the government and the people. The priority tasks for us are to increase the salaries of public sector employees and the military, to support families with children and pensioners.

Just like it was in 2022 when Br32 billion was allocated for these purposes or Br3 billion more than in the previous year of 2021. No matter how difficult it is, the state must find resources for this. Civil engineering. A Council of Ministers session, 10 March 2023 It is necessary to pay more attention to the civil engineering industry.

The instruction applies to major unfinished projects, in particular those abandoned by international banks. And, of course, to the construction of housing, including rental housing, with the possibility of transferring this housing into ownership to certain categories of citizens under certain conditions. The architecture minister is responsible for every square meter and for the amount of construction and installation works. Keep it under control. Excuses that you tried but failed will no longer be accepted.

All the government’s obligations to create infrastructure in the regions that were declared at the Belarusian People’s Congress and laid out in five-year plans must be fulfilled. The government must find resources for it in association with the National Bank. Oblast administrations and the Architecture and Construction Ministry are responsible for building the infrastructure itself. Export. A Council of Ministers session, 10 March 2023 Another important task for our open economy is export growth.

Objectively, we have not yet been able to fully compensate for all the losses. As I have been briefed, about 80% has been redirected to the markets of friendly countries. So the situation is not dramatic. But! This year we must make up for everything that we lost last year. Just like we promised.

By now we have increased trade turnover with our main strategic partner Russia. We have increased shipments in physical terms and enjoy high profit margins. However, there are unresolved problems, in particular, with the passage of Belarusian woodworking products through the territory of the Russian Federation.

But our export to third countries depends on it. Within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union or through other channels but logistics issues must be resolved as quickly and efficiently as possible. The success of the export strategy directly depends on well-organized transport work.

In 2023 close attention should be paid to the development of transportation through seaports. It is necessary to continue work on building effective transport and logistics chains in the eastern direction. We need new routes to expand trade. We need further renewal of transport infrastructure.

We need to work together with Russian colleagues to abolish the permit system for all types of freight transportation and irregular passenger transportation by road. In 2023 I want you to enable domestic companies to perform inland transport operations in Russia. Everything I had to do has been done. A few small steps are needed, and this problem will be solved. China, as you know, remains the main strategic partner among remote countries. China is the fulcrum in the entire vast Asian region for Belarus today.

The willingness of the Chinese to cooperate is colossal. As you know, as a result of the recent visit to Beijing, about 40 contracts worth more than $3.5 billion were signed. Now we must not waste time on endless elaboration and approvals. Which means red tape. We have not only to increase the flow of goods, but also to take technology, to create cutting-edge manufacturing enterprises here. We have to make the best use of it and restore the activity of Chinese businessmen in our territory, increase Chinese investments by several times over.

The Celestial Empire has a huge interest in Belarus. I would like to address the Ministry of Foreign Affairs separately. You need to continuously convey to the business community of every country where Belarusian diplomatic missions are present the position that Belarus is an open, honest and peaceful partner. Serious businessmen are smart and pragmatic unlike many Western politicians. They are ready for mutually beneficial cooperation and are even now looking for opportunities to restore old business ties and create new ones.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs should informally approach the resolution of problems in this situation. One rivulet you can restore or establish can produce a huge river in the end. Belarus should not limit itself to the USA and Europe, which are openly hostile to us, although these markets should not be disregarded either. Africa, Latin America and Asia are our trade interests, our new potential. Our accession to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the intensification of cooperation with ASEAN countries have already opened doors to the most rapidly developing and promising markets for Belarus. And the Eurasian Economic Union should increase its significance as a significant center of regional interaction.

Although talks about the work to remove existing barriers and restrictions, about the collective response to Western sanctions have already become rather worn out, but they do not lose relevance. You have to work on every position and as fast as possible. Belarus saw record-high net foreign currency earnings in 2022. The nature of it is obvious: a favorable state of the export market and predictably halted import of equipment and technologies. Such deficit and pent-up demand may result in increased pressure on the currency market within the next few years.

This is why we just have to supply ourselves with technologies. Sanctions. A Council of Ministers session, 10 March 2023 The current situation has taught us a powerful lesson of how sanctions-fuelled pressure should be offset.

All the best Belarusian brains, scientists, and product engineers should work not simply for the sake of import substitution but for the sake of the country’s import independence. The Academy of Sciences, the State Committee on Science and Technology, specialists of manufacturing enterprises should address every blind spot in real time and identify all the needs of the real sector. Get small businesses involved. It is a genuine reason and a stimulus for scaling up small manufacturing enterprises. You have to create and assimilate Belarusian products everywhere where import substitution is practical. But with products with improved parameters instead of blind copying.

It is necessary to minimize dependence on Western technologies and components within 2-3 years. In addition, we need to accelerate the implementation of import substitution projects together with Russia as much as possible. Those are manufacturing enterprises of crucial importance for both countries. Particularly microelectronics. Russia needs these products. I am told that shipments of Belarusian microelectronics to Russia increased by several times in the last few months. But we cannot stop. We have to conquer and hold on to the Russian market for future’s sake.

And we have to penetrate new markets in the future, too. Oil refining, potash and tobacco industries have been hit by the sanctions much more than others. The goal is to restore production volumes and to find alternative markets for these products that are in demand in the world. All in all, the tasks for the manufacturing sector are the following: all non-sanctioned industries should ramp up output by 4-5% and reach the maximum level of capacity utilization. At the same time, those industries that performed well should look for opportunities to do better. Agriculture. A Council of Ministers session, 10 March 2023

We’ve received a truly record-high harvest and record-high export earnings. But mainly thanks to crop farming. We are working to improve the animal husbandry industry this year. It is necessary to advance our agriculture to new heights. The conditions are favorable:

a good harvest yield, the feed availability may not be 100% but it has been increased. Although I am told that half of the country’s districts are still unable to stop the decreasing cattle numbers. Gather all the strength into a fist and enforce iron-clad production discipline. Everything here depends only on discipline.

Every year the State Control Committee also reports problems with stabilization funds. Bad storage conditions, low quality of products, and excessive stock in storage. Once this winter period is over and before the new harvest, I want a report on how well the government and the oblast governors have performed in this regard.

The inquiry will be serious. Every governor will have to answer for every rotten apple. Of course, there will be no demand and no reduction of the stock in storage if everything withers away or gets rotten by mid-winter. I want oblast governors to explain who evaluates conditions, in which the products are stored.

But if things are different in your area hopefully, I will be only glad. But it is just one side of the coin. How are retail chains integrated into this business? We’ve already talked about it. We want farmers to work extra hard in order to provide the population with quality Belarusian foods at affordable prices while retailers have no obligations to sell what is grown in the native land. I want the oblast governors to seriously look into this problem. On the whole, it is necessary to advance Belarus’ agribusiness to new heights and all the reserves are available for it.

It is necessary to put more efforts into land amelioration, reclaim these lands fully, and keep them in a proper condition. Volumes of reclamation work have been approved and financed like never before. A nationwide seminar took place in autumn. Everything was explained in detail then. Just go ahead and do things. God forbid if these lands become swamps or become overgrown once again. Heads of municipal administrations will be held personally responsible.

A sowing campaign is ahead of us. It has to be organized without a hitch. Food production is a highly profitable business today. Prices are crazy. They have never been that high and may not be that high in the future. This is why you have to think today where we will store products if we have to store them till next year’s spring. Economic emancipation. A Council of Ministers session, 10 March 2023 It is necessary to reduce the unprofitability of the public sector.

If there is a profit, then the enterprise works well. This is why profitability and profit growth should become the main criteria for evaluating the performance of executives of any level. Close attention should be paid to the discipline of transactions. I have repeatedly stressed that if debts are a mess, the economy will be unable to operate well. But the problem is still there. And the biggest problems are in the agricultural sector, which receives enormous support from the state.

I think that the speed of making of economic decisions is important in any sector of the economy. As the monitoring across regions has shown, it is vital for enterprises to be able to make their own decisions. The over-regulated environment in which they work today slows down the whole process. If we want to develop further, we must nurture the economic mobilization environment and simplify all procedures as much as possible: from procurement to product certification. The Belarus President Administration has to make proposals on the emancipation of regions and enterprises by 1 May.

All decisions should be taken on the ground, by oblast governors. There is no need to take all issues to the top, to the level of the president. Banks. A Council of Ministers session, 10 March 2023 According to results of the monitoring, enterprises, particularly those located in the regions, also criticize the work of the banking system. There are two main complaints. Insufficient help from the banks in finding the ways to make payments.

Even consulting support is poor. The second one is the long processing of loan applications. Often banks do not even bother to inform the applicant about the result. I warn you, Pavel Vladimirovich [Kallaur, Chairman of the Board of the National Bank]. Our banking system is like a state within a state! That is what I have said many times! It should not be like that! This is why it is necessary to set up a common center for facilitating payments of enterprises. The procedure for financing the enterprises should be carefully revised where it is practical.

Enterprises cannot spend weeks and months waiting for a bank to approve or turn down their applications. The banking system must generate optimal resources in terms of timing and cost to meet the demand for loans. Our every step must be verified and calculated today. Everyone should see the future and act strategically.

Then the year 2023 will be another step in our development. If we miss something now, it will be hard to catch up later, it will be even impossible. GDP growth. A Council of Ministers session, 10 March 2023

A 4% decrease in the gross domestic product is a lot. If it was 1-1.2%, it would be more or less acceptable from the political point of view and from all sides. But 4% means you misunderstood what I told you: you and the National Bank stopped in the end of Q3-Q4 2022. It is necessary to restore everything and do better this year. That’s the first thing.

The second thing I want to point out. Inna Viktorovna [Medvedeva, Chairwoman of the National Statistics Committee] said that things were fine on the average, everyone hit their performance targets. Don’t forget (we will pay close attention to it this year): the overall picture may look kind of fine but how many enterprises, how many thousands of people don’t work well? The average temperature in the hospital is okay but how many underperformers do we have in the economy? This is why you will not be able to hide behind total, average figures. Keep it in mind. The problem of excessive stock in storage was correctly pointed out.

You are right when ministers, heads of enterprises are trying to convince you that they tend to create stockpiles at the beginning of the year and the rest. This stock in storage depletes floating assets. It is dead money if it is in storage. And then what do you mean by saying stockpiles? We calculate things as against the level of last year and previous years.

And it is growth in dynamics. Why is this growth necessary? There can be no justification. Social sphere. A Council of Ministers session, 10 March 2023 I want to draw your attention to the social dimension. You say that we will build healthcare facilities, schools and so on.

You know, the situation in healthcare and education is not critical in this regard. Let's say, there is some serious mess in healthcare. I would like the minister to team up with the group that is now traveling throughout the country. - We are working. - I know how you are working. Enough of these hospitals. We need to put things in order in existing ones.

We have started to build facilities in some places (in Grodno or other regions). Let’s finish them and let’s not start new construction projects. Especially schools. There is no need to build schools in places smaller than an agrotown. You’d better organize the transportation of kids to a normal school. To an agrotown.

What kind of school can you build far outside an agrotown? It is necessary to sort out the existing hospitals in a similar manner. We have a hospital in every district. Certainly, doors need to be repaired and it is necessary to make sure there is order over there. And then there is the personnel problem. They tell me they visited a hospital and saw an ideal rural health post. Good workers and the rest. A young girl works there and the rest.

She says she will work for the mandatory period of five years and will leave. Why? How so? She doesn’t want to live there. She intends to get married in Minsk. She says she can handle five years of suffering. She was on employer-sponsored education contract. We actually provide free education.

People sign employer-sponsored education contracts. You have to make conclusions based on the situation if there are shortcomings. Natalya Ivanovna [Kochanova], you should look into these matters soon. You know this area very well. We need to take a serious and objective look at the social sector. Objectively. Instead of the government evaluating it we need to set up a group of people because you have more knowledge. Roads and housing. A Council of Ministers session, 10 March 2023

Roads are an extremely important task for us today. Everyone drives a car. Some issues need to be resolved in the housing and utilities sector. The day before yesterday a deputy prime minister told me that he has embraced the practice of building concrete roads in every village. Concrete, not asphalt. Because asphalt does not last long. And in general, we agreed to use 10% and more cement for it. But this task is not being fulfilled.

We need to make roads where it is necessary in the first place. If there is a village with two people, it will be enough to polish the roads over there. There is no need to lay concrete there. We need to make new concrete roads in agrotowns, district capitals - where it is very necessary and where people will live tomorrow. That is the only way we should act.

This is why it is necessary to take care of roads and housing. Just like I said: housing for military families and families with many children. Let's build housing for them! They resolve the key problem for us, after all. We need to build housing without going overboard. We want people to also invest their own money. Don’t go overboard!

Economy and frugality. A Council of Ministers session, 10 March 2023 We need to save money. You see, it’s not the first year that I’ve been working, and I have intuition in this regard. Yes, you complained about sanctions, about objective complications. But now you are complacent. Everything seems good. It is not good.

Complacency is the most dreadful thing. We must not let our guard down! I asked you to ensure economic growth. The government, oblast governors, and the entire power vertical are asked to contribute to the economy. We will solve all other issues. So everyone should be mobilized and keep doing what we did in mid-2022 or early 2022 when we were stunned with these sanctions.

We know where to go. Well, we have to polish it up. We will cope with the situation. There is another topic I'd like to draw your attention to. The Labor and Social Protection Ministry has an institute or a university for advanced training.

If you want to improve the qualification of your personnel, why don’t you use regular universities? Why do you have to set up independent bodies and finance them? Wake up at last and look at how you spend money. An ice hockey match against the Brest Oblast team, 11 March 2023 Everything will work out today! Go, go, team! Let's once again welcome the athletes! The fight is starting! And the crowd goes loud! And it is the first goal! Our season has never seen such tempo! And it is a hat trick! It is a hat trick, ladies and gentlemen! And it is the second goal of the Brest Oblast team! This is the third goal against the president's team. PRESIDENT'S WEEK A BelTA project


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