Путин в панике: Россия перед угрозой распада на "московитов" и "уральцев" // №433 - Юрий Швец

Путин в панике: Россия перед угрозой распада  на

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Hello friends Today is February 26, Sunday Today let's talk about Global things about China about the upcoming the collapse of Russia Putin himself started talking about it. about the other most important trends to date president biden speaking before ABC television company stated the day before yesterday that he doesn't really believe in that China will provide lethal assistance Russia and as you understand it its statement sounded a little unexpected in the midst of the statements and more than once who does not Blinken a the dangers of growing supply lethal weapons from Beijing to Moscow as well as Some remarks by the director of the CIA According to Biden I don't expect a major initiative from China on the of providing weapons to Russia said Biden in White House interview It wasn't even a day ago yesterday that the director expressed his former opinion which coincided with Blinken's opinion about that there is reason to believe that China is moving in the direction of adopting decisions in terms of providing possible and lethal aid to Russia again see How many modalities are there and how many subjunctive moods can't be ruled out he said Well I tell you so tell you you can't rule anything out at all in this world, so of course you can't rule anything out yet. just today since last February. it couldn't be ruled out that China fat would consider the possibility of supply of lethal weapons Moscow of course is not allowed purely speculative, yes, if you analyze in as a whole the nature of the relationship between the two countries The war that Russia unleashed therefore The only thing I wonder why these are the cautions that came up right now But let's keep our eyes and ears open. let's keep our eyes and ears open What's going on in China in the meantime from You are waiting for such villainy.

China's Global Times newspaper this recall the mouthpiece of the Communist Party of China which represents a strictly official point of view published an interview with a Russian ambassador Peking Margulov some interesting insights into the speech was about the coming and already on-going shipments of U.S. or rather let's say heavy tanks and NATO countries to Ukraine so the reason he was guarding in the first place he said that these supplies are an undeniable irrefutable fact confirming direct intervention United States and NATO involvement as he said in the conflict in Ukraine Although he, too, could be asked counter question What business is it of yours what what's going on in Ukraine and why do you care? got into this conflict Well of course the Chinese did not ask this question So the ambassador went on Further He promised tough measures in case these weapons including tanks will be used for attention-grabbing Russia's constitutional territory or a sub-caliber one will be used armor-piercing projectile by these tanks with uranium core then develops my idea of what is Russia's constitutional territory He clarified that it refers to an attempt to occupation of our territory i.e. strikes in deep into the depths of Russian territory and attempts to seize our constitutional territory That is. I guess what you mean is that Moscow now fear that these tanks are in some moment they will cross over to the Ukraine and into the Russian Federation. border and move forward into the territory of aggressor and will seize it there constitutional history here will make it us to take harsh retaliatory measures that concerns Uranium armor-piercing rounds core then according to the ambassador Moscow's concern is caused before primarily because The use of these projectiles results in the need to be used on constitutional applied on the constitutional territory of Russia, it is actually will be evidence of an application of nuclear weapons by Ukraine and NATO countries to take the toughest retaliatory measures. follows from the ambassador's statement that is

here kind of drew a red line coming from from which to beat the enemy in the territory Ukraine with these tanks and these briebolt shells core including the Emancipation constitutional Ukrainian territories which is the whole of Eastern Ukraine Donbass as well as the Crimea all from the point of view of from the point of view of Moscow is now apparently allowed And it should not entail any harsh retaliation of this kind is interesting interview published by the Chinese mouthpiece of communist party of China and generally means interesting things are happening in China first of all china which is wide advertised the publication of what they called the peace plan. the so-called conflict in Ukraine now they've moved out and now it's not a plan And this is just positional. position paper or document about China's common position on the of this so-called conflict That is this is such a significant downgrade in importance as they used to say historical The importance of this initiative is now in It's not really even an initiative. It's not a plan it's just a narrative China's position But it's not even an invitation to specific action So China understood that The swing was on the ruble As they say cotton a penny with this one with this positional paper next this plan when it was still a plan and announced it should have been announced by pin but it just so happens that comrade pin never made an appearance it is explained by the fact that it is to the west and Ukraine didn't accept it Well, now it's clear that Even even in terms of propaganda among countries of the so-called global south.

unlikely that this plan or position paper But you and I both know that Lukashenko is not God all over the world the magnitude of world politics to tear away master The Great Chinese People twice the affairs of state for as much as three days Chinese seal marks two large negotiation topics that will be there to be held with Lukashenko the first one is economic issues is noted that Belarus was one of the first to recognize the plan and took the plan to heart One Way one belt but also economic relations began seemed to be going well. Then they seemed to have paused in connection with the species and now It is noted that Belarus in the opinion of the Chinese comrades are very interested in in Chinese investment and in the turbulent developing mutual economic cooperation second as noted in the newspaper in particular Global Times second second group of questions This again, the so-called conflict in Ukraine war between Russia and Ukraine That's all They're putting an end to that. they're going to be discussing How does it fit in? Belarus Although on the one hand it seems Union State but we know what it is a union state when it should be at Union State And when it doesn't have to It's kind of a separate state in general sovereign So far so by and large Separate from Russia and what it will discuss in terms of this war in Ukraine It's a big question marking experience Belarus use sanctions against Russia to their economic development that is use of the territory of Belarus For smuggling prohibited goods West into Russia as well as for exports goods that have been banned from exporting from Russia via Belarus that at some point Belarus suddenly became the largest seafood supplier to the Russian Federation Federation In this regard, I would not rule out the possibility of discussing the issue of construction exactly on the territory of the Belarus of this venture to drone production about which lately talked about the possibilities of what he said Tony Blinkne and the director lately CIA Bill Burns this one needs to pay close attention. watch Americans on all channels already repeatedly warned the Chinese that it shouldn't be and apparently Chinese Here I'm both eager and prickly and at the same time somehow so dangerous I'll remind you that at The last vote on the general he On the resolution in support of Ukraine which demanded immediate unconditional and complete withdrawal of Russian troops from the territories of Ukraine two countries such as the most important Right now for Russia are China and India abstained Which is also indicative of the Americans also That they are not allies Russia in the full sense of the word but they are having trying to the fullest extent of take full advantage of the growing problems Putin's regime primarily in the economically, that is, they are ripping off like crap And on the other hand For virtually free hydrocarbons. which they are now receiving From Mordor they occupy such What's called flexible so called position on foreign policy and diplomatic issues and here just yesterday ended with a meeting in India of the leaders of the G20 countries which is again manifested this detachment or the special position of India and China I recall that this year India chairs the G20 so that's how the results of this meeting were not. adopted a single commentary that was

reflected the position of all G20 countries India instead as the presiding officer did what there footnote below the statement of general positions then a footnote at the bottom about most countries expressed concern if me Russia in the Ukraine and showed solidarity there with Ukraine and so on that China and India abstained not shared that is, did not condemn as they did not condemn in he so didn't condemn this time but also didn't supported the Russian Federation at all As for India, I've already mentioned that there's an interesting trend. that is. China the West is being criticized for its alleged Russian Federation's pandering to India which buys as much as maybe much less oil pro blocs about Russia no criticism absolutely because The most magnificent, unique, and unparalleled the mechanism that's been going on lately. has been augmented by more strange mushrooms this North African countries today came out with an article about where all of a sudden out of nowhere these countries North African steel large very large buyers Russian oil and then they and then they refine it and then they supply it to petroleum products already as their own That is, there is a mechanism in place that you remember months ago you and I were discussing what the Americans of the west for in order to financial and economic front say So pounding Russia for its aggression against Ukraine needs to keep oil lower 100 dollars a barrel on the other side should not be allowed shortages of petroleum products on the market because then it's the price going up and it's good for Russia that's why the financial genius came up with this price ceiling story and it turns out that India China now Russia China and these countries are an accomplice could they are acquiring questions in half the amount of buying means crude oil in the Russian Federation so so it cuts into revenues by two half of what Russia could sell prices The strongest blow to the treasury revenues Russian Federation and then recycle it and sell it as theirs. refined products to foreign market thus ensuring sufficient The amount of these petroleum products for development of the world including Western economy and the regulator is conditional faucet from this mechanism is in the hands of the United States of America because they can and of course the European Union because they can slow down the purchase of petroleum products from India and here these North African countries And then those in turn will be forced to slow down and cut purchases of crude oil from Russia Federation There and so on That's the kind of global situation is emerging at present day And then all of a sudden out of nowhere Out of nowhere Out of nowhere appears. Putin's interview with a Russian TV channel

Russia 1 I think he said it all recently gave a message to the federal assembly but decided to to clarify another very important thing for countries According to his remarks, the West puts their goal to break up Russia and to take control of its former parts In this scenario according to Putin Russian people in their current form may not will not be preserved, but will be replaced by moscovite Uralian and others like this vladimir putin said in an interview with Russia 1 but he also said that this is the real goal now of the United Nations States of America this goal which backed up by their nuclear capabilities with this one can't be disregarded. Now feel the difference what he said on February 24 the day before of the invasion on February 24 of last year and here What he said now then it was such the moron of the whole world who decides strategic issues of the world order yes which hacks situation is discarding or is about to discard to this boundary 97 suppress the Outpost NATO in its borders represented by Ukraine which warns the western civilization that if they dare interfere with the implementation of the so-called putin's special military operation that they will suffer such a shock that they've never had in their stories in their history and here in The result of this putin's victorious war is now Russia's main headache of putin's Kremlin leadership personally that the Case is heading for the collapse of Russia that is no longer about Great power no longer even about to rise from its knees, not about tossing over the borders 97 now only to putin's rasha Rasha to save it so it doesn't show up there Muscovite Uralians and others said that Russia is so colonial country and a unique colonial in the time when such countries Colonial Spain all the time Portugal Great Britain was a metropolis somewhere There were colonies across the oceans Across the seas other russian territories this is all within its borders that is colonial empire where the metropolis is Moscow Well and to some extent St. Petersburg the rest of the territory is the colonies this muscovy that is muscovy robbed and now it's come to an end so real a danger of collapse of this colonial empire that putin following immediately almost immediately after speech before the Federal Assembly I have to specifically mention it Here where the threat to Russia now comes from But that begs the question Who in this Who is to blame for bringing Russia to this point? the state it was in not so long ago it would have been very different Russia already seemed to have risen from its knees and seemed to have money was good and fading everything was selling and here's one like this In this connection, I want to go with you to The topic of active activities that are here flows out of the fact that I'm telling you told you this if you remember it if you don't briefly recap reconnaissance work intelligence It has three components 3 global tasks first stage or stage one is to gather information Stage two is the analysis of this information To understand what's going on in the world and the third one is when you understand what's going on in the the world then a decision is made How do we can govern this world based on our knowledge and there is an active event That is to say, it's a delivery. targeted information to the corresponding objects That is to say, it is Or a separate personal political leader there and others or separate groups populations or entire countries there's all sorts of audiences come in all sorts of shapes and sizes information influence of psychological influence on a particular audience with to achieve their goals for the based on the analysis of the received information its analysis i.e. an active event It is considered the highest Intelligence product should say by the By and large I like this kind of will teach or semi-scientific interpretation these three steps in the work of intelligence but have to say that active activities are particularly active in its entire existence it was the Soviet intelligence service The West somehow wasn't doing much about it. as a form of informational psychological influence on other countries in any case not in on the same scale as the Soviet secret service so that's what I want to do two specific examples of recent literally active activities Russian secret services that is a consequence of this information that I just gave you which I've just described to you about the putin himself has already figured out that the country is on the verge of disintegration collapse in order for this the collapse needs to incur a military situation in Ukraine needs to be defeat In economic confrontation by the west and only then so there is this threat there. Already admits it all understands the whole

the whole point of this what putin said so let's move on to active measures sent to me recently then I didn't find his did not find the video link in the YouTube watched it posted two weeks ago it was made Judging by the it was made sometime late last year in Anyway, even before I started work to the fullest extent of the embargo on Russian crude oil imports to Europe which on December 5 was announced that is. at least it was made before 5 December and only now about two weeks ago it was thrown on the air. I'm not going to tell you the link because well I'm not an assistant to russian Special Services And this is what the video means it sort of explains the Russian father which is putin's nuclear electorate. explains the need for In order to get out of Ukraine so I'm not going to link to that who interested will find it called Trap 22 this video and released the site that published it on YouTube called real patriots here to real moments watched it I think there are 677 people there. only is made by a high-class That is to say, to assume that it is some kind of Patriots group House of Culture Patriots we know what Russia is like right now in the mainstream i.e. leftist patriots they are all defeated they are somewhere abroad they

they won't write that at all the logic of the territory is so contained in this video it is alien left wing so to speak Russian politics I mean this such about putin's would say about The Kremlin's I mean those are the people who I call patriots them even from a technical point of view it is impossible to make such products i.e. this is a professional video at about 10 minutes where worked In serious analytics this is not means that everything is perfect there and the analysts and falsifiers all together but apparently a serious the team there is going professional video sequence absolutely I mean it's possible to show it on the big screen as a stained glass documentary film the author's voice is clearly stated All this reads out and so on That is. it's not a self-made one that's a band comrades gathered like girkin and to read against the background of some rag which they call the flag of Novorossiysk or something or other so that's why I can only assume here is the analysis from a purely technical point of view performance point of view this video can conclude that this is most likely special service especially when you figure out What month there is contained now let's move on to message means Russia has fallen into the trap that she had prepared for her Joe Biden is that scary awful the man who saw back during the campaign when he was struggling with the Trump he said if I become When I become president I will put putin on the place and I'll tame him and he won't be frighten the Western Europe Ukraine with his there I missiles There and so on And how he just became president right away the administration announced terrible sanctions against Russia in Kiev have now realized how I am winds blew from the patak in summer already passed the law of territorial defense Americans Sneaking missiles into the country javelins stingers Russia began to slowly become indignant After she began to resent the ukase from Washington the Kiev regime. started regular participation in shelling territory where the civilian population of Donbass lived So the threat grew and grew swift threat that Ukraine will become an outpost of NATO itself Russia's underbelly, and further waiting was it was impossible to wait and Putin announced in order to save Russia in this situation announced a special military operation and this happened big mistake he got trapped in why should have missiles and bombers that would be the end of it It's over but Putin led the troops Here That's Russia's Fatal Mistake immediate and decisive action Now let's analyze it says Voice-over who is winning in this war but Ukraine clearly a country The ruined economy has collapsed terribly inflation 7,000 houses counted destroyed facility destroyed for reconstruction is necessary by their estimate $217 billion. that even the West doesn't have, but here they retreat someone will make no mistake because the 340 billion that are now is frozen Russian Here they will go will go including they will go to reconstruction of Ukraine but nevertheless In order only to rebuild. Ukraine will need decades it is not a victory again will do retreat here is completely wrong.

conclusion because at the end of the World War II, a significant portion of the of the territory of the Soviet Union was destroyed a large part of the territory Europe has been destroyed but not at first what Germany lost and not the Allies despite the destruction as well as the fashion itself the enemy has inflicted these sneaky strikes against Infrastructure sector kills tens of thousands including civilians In Ukraine this does not mean in any way that Ukraine can't come out a winner Victory It's a victory for the armed forces and the Moscow in the Kremlin understands this and that's why spoke perhaps dubbed the dismemberment Russia but God forbid they come to the conclusion that Ukraine cannot be victorious Russia all the more so not can be the winner of this war because Well first of all Instead of push back NATO, now the territory has to be separating Russia from NATO due to the Finland's accession to NATO in Sweden reaches up to 1,200 kilometers additionally and there the strongest army Swedish and Finnish armies are also in the strongest efficient i.e. a threat on the contrary is escalating Russia has lost huge number of people by the way the authors this masterpiece they don't believe these numbers which about the Russian losses said shoigu as they say hundreds of units destroyed that is in terms of military military capabilities the country's economy has been dealt a terrible blow economy They understand the so-called true patriots that sanctions work For a strategic perspective Where in the Russia has no chance She expresses cut out now from the International division of labor from the technological trade other chains, this country has already Outcast country and that's all taken together Of western institutions at a significant degree expelled and everything leads to that if this continues to go on. Russia is turning into an insignificant minor state is correct conclusion perfectly correct so who wins now A wins. it turns out the United States of America Thanks to Joe Biden's ingenious plan.

Well, first of all. Russia kicked out of Europe's gas market now the United States is number one there America U.S. gas exports increased by 50 percent to Europe And now they are number one oil there as well. most arms sales yes American sales arms sales because of how skillfully to use these weapons with the army they took off at least double to 50 billion dollars From 20 or 25 times And that's not yet limit on how many times how many years how many years United States administrations have asked for Europeans to increase their military budget by 2 percent was never going to happen a now for the past year only in At the state of the draining flank of NATO Military budget has been increased from 60 to two to over 200 percent i.e. happened

tremendous increase in military power Eastern flank of NATO i.e. where not look everywhere failure what to do withdraw immediately Here's the important thing How if we are now, and again I say that it was done somewhere Well here's to 5 December that is, after they got out of Kherson saying now gotta get out of here all the way to the border 24 February 20 last year And then we retain to some extent our military potential then sanctions will be lifted from us otherwise the voters in the west will not understand Russia Has withdrawn its troops Why the government Western countries is holding back sanctions because the recession is coming and so here come the analysts again of the real Patriots somehow they don't real Patriots somehow they don't understand that these sanctions are serious AND for a long time because Russia is cut out of the here is the international division of labor and will be there for the entire foreseeable future and there is no recession in the west yet so costs of further assistance Ukraine they made a count there some unfortunate part of the Pentagon's budget and the GDP of the United States with the help of Ukraine is 0.21 percent of GDP is nothing at all absolutely nothing But nevertheless it means they think that and sanctions will be lifted and everything will be fine a Most importantly They say We won Why Yes because we never set our sights on acquiring Ukrainian territories we set as our goal to settle the threat that emanates from the Ukraine a military threat to Russia now Here's after Ukraine has incurred such losses of the armed forces of the economic B more economic losses than economic losses now Ukraine can not threaten for a long time poor poor peaceful Russia and here it must be taken away immediately feet Let's fix the most important thing here Conclusion I told you everything that you understood the move. the thoughts of these people of this audience by the way

I'd like to add I think that to this at any rate financial to the organization Medvedchuk took part in the video sequence Because when it was describing those the horrible things that were being told to do. of the evil Biden did in Kiev it was mentioned there by the way that at medvedchuk also got here his party there was dispersed well it would seem here global issues are solved by the world of all of the universe and then some Medvedchuk what Medvedchuk what not Liapkin that is in vain they are him put it there because you can see that there at least the dough I mean, here's the thesis of the active the event is for absorbent cotton they're preparing now they're going to spin this video The masses of the Russian Federation cotton that we have to run away And it will be our victory But I would point out the other thing there's the very idea that it's time to wind down ropes She's a good bad idea here about Before the borders of February 24 last year. That's why I want to get your attention. Your attention to another active event which is associated with his transferred through another channel I'll start with a little historical background under Yuri Andropov when he was chairman of the KGB there was such a figure in Moscow his name was Victor Louis you can look up wikipedia interesting this destiny To an adventurer of the highest caliber he served time in the gulag under Stalin then he So also he was recruited may been recruited before, but at Yuri Andropov when he was chairman of the KGB came to mind ingenious idea or someone from assistants made him the only channel for leaks from the Kremlin to the west when it needed to be done he had a luxury dacha at Bakovka then and there. Whether it's somewhere else in the Peredelkino In Peredelkino he had some posh apartments for those days right in the center of Moscow in upscale neighborhoods he has a fleet of foreign cars this at a time when almost no one else has them.

rode Tretiak goalie third Vladimir Vysotsky drove a Mercedes and this one has he himself boasted that the park western cars including rarity cars he had more than the Leonid Brezhnev How did it work This mechanism worked through him he had at the cottage gathered were going to western correspondents Western diplomats of any other for these would have been tied up and to the Kolyma. they'd send him off and he'd be fine and for that he was allowed to To smuggle currency then icons paintings and especially him dabbled in selling manuscripts of all kinds Here is Khrushchev's memoirs which were recorded on audiotapes in the West transmitted by him But for that, from time to time he did the right thing. leaks of information And he never through him was only given an accurate information exclusively never out of his mouth was any misinformation so we knew exactly once Victor Louis all understood all understood all on West that it was a KGB mouthpiece but he was telling the truth. The collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1990s nobody needed it People had other people's headaches privatization Privatization then again under putin they started to remember the old ones, but as usual what's new was bad it's a mimicry or a dud a bad knockoff of the old and now instead of one Victor Louis has been created many of these Louis and here is one of them that's been used since the '90s for conveying information to the Western audiences he's been hanging out at all the receptions in the including at the American embassy Well and communicated directional information 844 I want to call him I want to call his name last name Let it go on information let's call him the word "Sirionya" let's give him an alias like this like this like this somewhere two three weeks ago the "Sirionya" gave interview in which he referred to the completely reliable sources explained what the Kremlin thinks and plans during this year could be the beginning of the next one we're talking about as well as this video which also just told about the withdrawal of the Russian troops However, not until February 24th but the full withdrawal Russian troops from the whole of mainland Russia Ukraine including Donbass That is up to 24 last year and in fact before 14 borders of '14 so to speak mainland the main part as far as the Crimea then there is supposed to be a transitional period of about three years during the of that time during the first two years power will be transferred to the civilian power Civilian power will be address the issue of the bases was also it was said that there will be no use of nuclear weapons Since there have been made the mistake of starting to baptize with nuclear followed by calls from everywhere they should assume in the first place but where The Kremlin was told guys don't give God forbid or you will be alone And you and then you'll be screwed then not through one country in the world you won't get around these sanctions and you will die you will be strangled you will be kicked off the security council Well they just won't let you become a police officer. entrance he building and russian representatives won't be allowed in there and at this time will be Security Council meeting where you don't technical problems, you won't be able to get to the Security Council meeting. and a decision will be made to announce

global sanctions against you in the world The scale of the Security Council will accept it and all end very realistic by the way because that's how it was at one time the fiftieth year the U.N. decision on Korea was made when North Korea attacked South Korea The Security Council met overnight a Russia there the Soviet Union did not was present because the day before in Soviet Union had been offended by something there and said it would not attend the next meetings for some periods they did not show up Here without them the decision was made to the necessity of introducing UN troops into Korea and those troops were United States of America Here we go. after that the war and so on that is to say here is also absent she may absent police officers didn't let it in good idea by the way very good idea In short just like Seryonya described it's pretty much a total bust. and that's why I'm telling you all this. I'm telling you then that having a good professional experience in the field of active events I present in the development of many of the of them in the mainstream is American direction I can say So this is the video. which told it unconditionally active event is someone from government officials Who are not anti-putin because here's describing the whole dire situation the authors of this video have not been abandoned nor the slightest pebble at putin that this dummy actually weighs the situation created not Evil there ingenious Although very clever Biden a exactly a butt and a pale sea is the culprit but nevertheless neither his name was ever mentioned there negative that is, it's more of a most likely very similar to the secret service russian secret service the same serious more serious is one hundred percent me I can guarantee that such a speech as I just described it is voltarianism and free-thinking siren would not use even in his wildest dreams if he had not been expressly instructed to do so. So it's a 100 percent flush tank.

who sometimes makes a fool of himself. But roughly never wrong that is. he cannot be compared to Victor Louis. because the information there is unambiguously Victor Louis it means unambiguously a hundred percent adequate Truthful Information Here can't be said to be 100 percent Because Louie was leaking information to the Kremlin one power one master said it all once so it is, and here I see it now as at least three factions upstairs In Russia, it's the Kremlin with the other side of the secret service the third is the military and between the two of them is not very good right now relationship And I get the impression that the military and the intelligence services have been getting closer lately. closing ranks, and it's happening before to the point where putin is already seriously scared and they are very concerned about the spring and summer offensive of the VSU has them very bothers tanks Ural armor-piercing shells tip really bothers them long-range missiles that already have and there will be even more of them at the disposal of the VSU so they're preparing with fear for this this this period and they don't know what to counteract because with nuclear weapons here with this nuclear with their jerks, they have already been warned and There's nowhere for them to go so I see Here's this call by desperate putin through Two days after the message of the Federal The budget of the federal assembly is desperate message the country is on the verge of of collapse and only me sitting there in power is as if I were the one person who can hold this process means here's a further development So he was talking about himself to stay the hell with it how it's all going to play out there but just don't take me out please here the main implication of that message that sent putin in his interview Rossiya 1 TV channel all this Gentlemen said in order for us to have an idea of the real situation in country and in the world there are no caps for the no sentiment and there shouldn't be the army must be prepared I'm sure they do it To the most intense and necessarily victorious battle spring/summer campaign if it succeeds I don't doubt their skill I just I hope that the west is on full display. will be able to put all those weapons which is necessary for the Victory and then we with you will be present at the crucial situations by about the fall of this year.

it's not a prediction it's not a wish but it's so it follows logically from the fact that I just told you about real facts on this dear friends Let me end this video as Always Glory to Ukraine Armed Forces the enemy will be defeated victory will be ours to you dear friends of hope endurance firmly believing our Victory Until we meet again

2023-03-02 17:59

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