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Dear friends Hello, everyone in China's historians it has been an open question is where the Xia Dynasty? [Records] in Xia Dynasty had documented more than [Records] ancient ancient books [Book] also describes Xia Shan Hai Jing] also said there Xia Xia Dynasty ruins but where? Where is the capital of the Xia Dynasty? Still an unsolved mystery, but the mystery heart of Chinese historians are not alone on this wall in the wall separating it slightly higher point is also slightly thicker point of the wall called the Kunlun Mountains Kunlun Mountains on the other Pakistan side also has the same trouble in 1922, they discovered a monument precisely, is a city of two ancient city called Harappa Mohenjodaro and later another one called these two sites is called civilization of the ancient Indus Harappa culture Pakistanis do not understand that this civilization in the end come later where the whereabouts until 1986 in Chengdu, China Guanghan City, discovered from the unearthed cultural relics is now clear view of the presentation of Sanxingdui the Central Plains culture and characteristics very different from the previous unearthed bronze with China not only in technology but also on the level of production are very different in style then the Samsung team of civilization has come of it? Well this next interesting it is that we have some of the Xia Dynasty historical records but does not find its ruins and Pakistan do not know Harappan culture had come from and do not know it later went where? And Chengdu, the Sanxingdui civilization playfully standing there as if to say, to study its people, "Guess you come from?" And even more interesting is that in the time between the three also has a certain degree of so the association is not with what kind of a magical link these three linked with it? Today, what I want friends to open a large hole in the brain back together to explore what would happen if we put all three together you will see what kind of ancient Chinese style over the years it's been what historians are looking Xia ruins hope to find some relics can prove the existence of the Xia Dynasty and later it discovered ruins of a culture inside is said to have called two possible Xia in China's Henan Province, is somewhere in the ruins but did not find any words because so experts can only it is found at the site of a former Shang cultural sites and is not sure this is the Xia Dynasty ruins or the capital of the Xia Dynasty so ah where to find so many years did not find evidence to prove a show for the summer Speaking towards the existence of ah I thought this is not looking too limited to the territory of China limitations do not forget too much time in the Xia dynasty can be no border and no Chinese concept in theory, summer North Korea capital anywhere in the world can not say it is not in China's Xia Li Bai of the capital we still remember it was born in the crushed leaves that place now is not in China you can not let go and Li Tang officials Mrs. Mrs. Lee to say your son do this the future of China is one of our greatest poets so you can not let this place were born in the years account can be a problem that you'd better go out and live it to move back to the country and if this is the case Lee Mrs. subject to such harassment during pregnancy may affect mood then the last born may not be a fix Li Bai Li Kui it is in trouble and looking for something to have a basic principle is this lost something somewhere before you can not go where you go blind looking like a couple of days ago I could not find a pair of glasses that is one of my favorite glasses now age may be relatively large eyes so it took a little old plus astigmatism when reading it be sure to wear a pair of glasses pair of glasses so I've been so lost at home since I can not go look for my neighbor to neighbor Qiaokai Men can not say I'm sorry to bother my neighbors came to me and glasses the results of rummaging to find some last is certainly nothing at most, a neighbor along a pair of sunglasses so ah lost something in it must be in place to look for can not be found or else let alone even said it might be found is a certainly a false fact, ah Chinese ancient books in a wonderful book [Shan Hai Jing] already pointed out the Xia Dynasty capital where [Shan Hai Jing] is recorded, said: "Kunlun virtual far below northwest Timor are "Kunlun virtual refers to the Kunlun mountains, but now this side of the Kunlun mountains in China last summer and did not find any sites that are at the other side of the Kunlun mountains of it? The other side may not in China but in the areas where India and Pakistan are now so there is no summer there are the ruins of it? 1922 Indian River Basin and found two civilizations site called Harappa Mohenjodaro's another call was identified as from about 2300 BC to 1700 BC, but this time just covering Chinese history the Xia Dynasty period in China's historians there was a Chronology project to determine the age of the Xia Dynasty in the 20th century BC, the total coexist continued for over 400 years is destroyed Sahara in 15th and 16th centuries BC Xia Dynasty Pa civilization which is fully qualified to be called civilized culture and civilization in general there is a difference in our previous example, we say the Hongshan culture Hemudu culture Ruins are called culture and civilization we will call civilization several important symbol which is important because there are bronze bronze represents the highest technological level at the time of the other one is text. If no written culture, then it can not be called civilized longer a product is to find some big cities but also large-scale urban development of civilization Harappa civilization fully meets these conditions it has many of its cities are great no matter bronze Harappa Mohenjodaro is still their city size can accommodate thirty-four people who have mastered the Jalapa pouring technique so their houses are brick with some of the fired up and they cover the premises can cover several floors of their household toilet it also has all the excrement it also has a special addition of sewage channel more strange is that they actually have an underground drainage system that even now many cities have not yet have such conditions they also have text historians pipe their text called stamp characters If you take the stamp characters are compared and China unearthed Oracle, then will find a lot of similarities to some scholars it to stamp characters were more in-depth study If after the discovery of more than 400 stamp characters plus the Five Elements now known ear, nose and mouth and other radicals can form a lot of Oracle so yeah some scholars believe that Oracle's predecessor stamp characters actually think it is not unreasonable it is, after all, Oracle should not be created out of thin air certainly has a development of Chinese ancient books has a section called [Biography] have been recorded from Gao Jing, Gao Jing is the capital of the Western Zhou Dynasty to the Kunlun virtual distance, if converted into today km then is just to Jalapa Jalapa so there are many scholars believe is the capital of the Xia Dynasty of course this view is certainly not the view of most people but can not be the official conclusion many people can not accept the capital of the Xia Dynasty in fact, ah it would be "no ancient country" in foreign countries it borders ah this is a product of modern society in ancient times is not this limit so I think if the capital of the Xia Dynasty is the case now seems to have no foreign strange then there is probably a lot of people do not accept our descendants how can i become a descendant of Indians do I want to say here it is Harappan culture is ancient Indus civilization is not what we usually refer to our civilization India commonly referred to as the Indian civilization in fact refers to the civilization of the Ganges basin and not born in the Indus Valley Harappa civilization of the Indus and Ganges rivers are two important South Asian subcontinent they are originated in the Himalayas Indus northeast direction has been finally into the Ganges River flows southwest Arabian Sea during the Harappan civilization, civilization has not yet rise from Ganges Indian civilization after civilization is Aryan invasion of India entered the Vedic era gradually formed only after the fact, ah our there is no body in India it is easy determination of this gene do not measure what dna long drink Ganges water if you have diarrhea the next day you can not prove that you have the basic Indian origin of this approach should be much more convenient than a blood test Jalapa Civilization reached the 17th century BC Slowly began to decline and finally is completely gone before is very different views prevailing view of what causes is thought to be due to the Aryan invasion also stated that because of the flood was said to be volcanic eruptions and so on some archaeologists also found that there seems to be happening a planned evacuation of the city's dead because a few million people in cities thirty-four only found dozens of bodies of some valuable ritual vessels are not found then they are evacuated Where did it go? At the time no one can answer this question, remember that two years is a rise of Harappan culture time is disappearing in the 17th century BC, two years in the 23 century BC, then I will mention in 1986 in Chengdu, the Sanxingdui civilization discovered the ruins shocked the world in 1986 in Chengdu, the Sanxingdui civilization discovered the ruins of bronze which shocked the world has shown a distinct style and culture of the Central Plains and years and unearthed bronze earlier than 300 years time so is the 17th century BC Sanxingdui civilization in the end is how come it? There are three ways one is nothing less than to one is from the sea to the other one is gone from the land came from the sky a lot of people say that is not alien brought from heaven? This is what I think is unlikely to say the Sanxingdui bronze level although at the time China region is the absolute leader in the world but if we look at it is not unique at the same time is seventeen ten BC eighth century, when their time bronze civilization Sanxingdui civilization is comparable to 23 300 at the time of the ancient kingdom of Babylon West Asia time should be enacted in the Code of Hammurabi: 12: 19,100 -> 00:12 : 19,000 and then further west we mentioned in the previous program Minoan civilization Mycenaean civilization has entered its bronze may even above the level of the Sanxingdui civilization of ancient Babylon and later defeated the Hittites even in BC 20th century, is said to have mastered the production of iron so yeah highest level of Sanxingdui civilization in the world at that time, it should be just about average on Earth are very similar to the civilization so it seems there is no need to put things side-tracked by alien people who come from the land and sea should be impossible because there was no large-scale steam engine and the boat and the sea so it is not Sichuan region is probably the largest to come from the land so that they are from where it came? In Sanxingdui Pit and II pits found a lot of ivory and shell these shells by experts identified as belonging to the Indian Ocean endemic species and those who do a total of several thousand ivory tusks in Sichuan Province and even in China certainly is not so much the elephant Where are the most elephants? Everyone knows that in India or Southeast Asia Myanmar area so ah this time a lot of people's eyes to invest in the west to invest in India and Pakistan are also a lot of people immediately think of Shu poisonous piece in existence 10,000 years ago About Road Shu poisonous Road, before I was set in the Han Dynasty Zhang Qian she had mentioned the Han Dynasty Emperor to report back to when he mentioned before he opened the northern Silk Road has been a Southern Silk Road existence is itself toxic Shu Road, this road was already in existence for thousands of years Shu naturally refers to the poisonous Sichuan Tianzhu like India and China are ancient title of India's addition poisonous also comes from a region in Pakistan the name of this region it is now called the Sindh province of Pakistan is one of the sites of Harappan culture is magic Hengzuodaluo Speaking of faith in the province ah, I believe many of my friends have already guessed what I have to say the right Sanxingdui civilization could be that the Harappan civilization disappeared and now we certainly accustomed to Chengdu into the category East Asia as it is in the territory of China but we do due to the geographical conditions such as barrier ah Qinling mountain range in Sichuan put in isolation Li Bai outside the Central Plains region had a poem called "Seoul to forty-eight thousand thousand years, not through densely stuffed with Qin," said Sichuan so then it is more of it in Sichuan South and Central Asia are part of this category are and from more closely between the Harappan civilization, so it appears in this place at that time, not a surprising thing we can try to imagine such a scene in the Xia Dynasty capital of Jalapa one day the 17th century BC At that time the Xia Dynasty monarch and its ministers have realized the destruction of their civilization has been undone because of war or enemy attack came soon or because of natural disasters hide no hiding that they have no hidden helplessness next they can only make a painful choice is to leave most of their home with their subjects and those weighing country important ritual embarked on a piece of poisonous Shu Road, or the way they walk or boat and elephants and a large number of cattle and other livestock consigned these bronzes and a lot of their precious supplies through Myanmar into Yunnan and finally into the Chengdu Plain later, for some reason we can not know that they put these important ritual along the southern foot of the Himalayas those items weighing on the country buried in Chengdu, the Sanxingdui and shipment of these items elephants cattle have finally completed their mission is also buried the truth is these are not the Sanxingdui I just said this was slain near future but of course it's hard to say just now excavated Sanxingdui less than two thousandths of a large number of excavation work to be carried out there will be more discoveries and this is not to say I come up I said before I'm just a history megaphone knowledge of this argument is a lot of domestic non-mainstream historians concluded their mainstream historians certainly will not accept This argument because it is bound to subvert the local origin of Chinese civilization and on this point it is the historians have always had since we have been side-tracked by the Harappan culture wander the ancient Indus civilization, then we might then pull the farther Wen Mo Ming Xalapa itself was also no sign of the strange it appeared in the subcontinent appeared on the show as a dazzling look as if a child is born with a forehead archaeologists found Jalapa culture does not seem to be a gradual process it appeared, its civilization has reached a very high standard so the question becomes Harappan civilization is where he comes from so it would no longer do we digress for a moment in the view of modern molecular anthropology think all of us on the planet now are from 65,000 years ago, Homo sapiens from East Africa that is tracked out of the head of our ancestors is a man as to what the previously mentioned China people from the Upper Cave man Beijing that it Shaanxi Lantian man in the view of molecular anthropology, this is not possible, whether these cavemen Lantian man or Homo erectus do they have naturally died out and we do not have any relationship 65,000 years ago, those who come out from East Africa and later to around 4500 BC on the development of the Sumerian civilization in the place it is now Mesopotamia Mesopotamia in the West Asia region is that the United States and the Soviet Union Seoul is the world's oldest civilizations of Sumerian civilization call themselves black people from the East to their black hair from the east to the west is the Sumerian civilization first developed out of the ancient Egyptian civilization developed and Kerry ITM tin Nigeria Sumerian civilization is the civilization of the Aegean region then it's a bit like the later Chinese Warring States Period pattern princes also disputes continue later it was another alien invasion Sumerian civilization began to decline to the 23 century BC Sumerian people left Mesopotamia they gone? You may remember this year it is the rise of the Harappan civilization in 23 century BC So yeah Sumerian civilization from West Asia to the Harappan civilization in South Asia and later in Chengdu Sanxingdui civilization we seem to see a civilization is liquid like water flowing in the process of civilization is also from a higher level to the lower flow months before there is a professor at Harvard university called Davis Reik it writer wrote a thesis on the analysis results for Central and South Asian populations gene Jalapa found in human blood have a lot of cost from West Asia Sumerian so it also proves that from one side to the close ties between the Harappa culture and the culture of Sumer mentioned the Harappan civilization the stamp character and stamp characters, the predecessor of many experts believe is likely to come from Sumerian cuneiform if the Harappan civilization that is not anywhere to be found in China's Xia Dynasty is the case then before the Sovereigns and Five Emperors Xia Dynasty is in where? By the way there are two gods called Enki called Nyingma they are brother and sister who are also husband and wife who first snake which can not help but remind us of Fuxi in ancient Chinese mythology, in Sumerian myths and legends of Fuxi and Nuwa Enki Nyingma and Nu Wa Fu Xi and Nu Wa this is the modern pronunciation if placed in the ancient sound of words and then the Sumerian myth of Enki, Nyingma very similar this time I ah now that we can not help but want all the ancestors of modern humans can be classified in a person's body so that our nation will be one or several other national shared a common ancestor I've heard it said that such a statement produced in brackish and fresh water meets sea fish taste very delicious at the intersection of civilization it is in fact the truth of two civilizations, the collision, the integration is to stimulate the development of civilization biggest driving force behind it a really powerful civilization does not lie in its row instead of it lies in its compatibility like that poem I once quoted a "asked him what so clear, the only water flowing" that's all good thank you for watching this episode we welcome point Like, subscribe and see you next time

2021-10-12 10:20

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