7.28.2020 - 2. Government and Industry Perspectives

7.28.2020 - 2. Government and Industry Perspectives

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All right thanks will can uh everybody see my screen. Looks great charlie. Great so uh. I'm charlie tahan. I've. Just taken on this role about a month ago as the. First director of the national quantum coordination, office which. Leads the national quantum initiative. Part of that is being within the office of science technology, policy. Um at the white house. So i'm going to tell you a little bit will ask you, to talk a little bit about what's going on in the governments. In terms of coordination. My job is really to try to coordinate, the us, government response. To quantum to the national quantum initiative, and to. Qis. Or broadly. You know. In some sense that's easy you know the us. Its universities. Its. National labs, its companies, are already world leaders in quantum technology. You know our goal at ostp. And in the nqco. Is to accelerate, that lead as much as we can to expand. American leadership, and qis. And that really boils down at least to me to four. Main areas you know first. Accelerate, the science, you know tackle the hard science problems first. Second you know grow, and inspire, the next generation, of. Workforce. And, future scientists, and engineers, and entrepreneurs. Third you know, protect, our research environment. As we invest more and more into this technology. So that. The american people can take advantage, you know can can reap the rewards, of this of the new technologies, that come out of it. And um. You know if we can do. Those things i think we're gonna we're gonna be successful, so let me go through this. Hopefully, this will work okay so if you look up back in time. About two years. The. 13, agencies, along with ostp. Released the national strategic, overview for quantum information, science. So this is a uh you know a, this is what we mean by coordination, we get the the experts. And. Senior technical leaders across the government, to sit down and work together. And try to unders, try to you know work out, what's the plan, for. Um. Accelerating, our, our. Um, our leading core information, science and, there were seven main thrusts that came out of that. First is the science first approach. So there's still many questions. In quantum computing, what i'm sensing in quantum networking. That need to be resolved, before this becomes a real. Economic, driver. When will a quantum computer be useful it's one of the, course first questions, that, we'll ask, that's still an open question, you know, how can, quantum sensors, um beat what's already out there, and being used every day, how can quantum networks, you know enable new applications, what are those applications, there are so many questions. And the, the best way to get to. Relevant technology, soonest. Is to solve the hard science problems first. Second the workforce. You know, uh. These are unique skills. Uh. To be able to contribute, in all these different areas of quantum technology, it's a very broad, field. You know how do we inspire the next generation. Convince them that these are there are amazing, careers, in this field, for people to go into over their you know, their work career. But also how to educate. Mid-career. People, into, being able to contribute, to this new exciting technology. Industry, so a key a key part of this is how do we nurture.

And Grow. You know startups. Existing companies, new entrants in the fields. How do we get them to work together. Um, to. Hire new people, and to you know make. Transition, from academic, to, actual technology, so industry is an, important one. What is the infrastructure, we need to do all those things. You know how do we maintain our economic, and national security. And, you know how do we take advantage of our, international, agreements, you know our friendly partners. To make all this happen so those six threats are really what govern. Um what we did we released, this board about two years ago. When, i was still executive secretary. And it still, holds true today so i encourage you to take a look at that. So shortly after that at about christmas, president, trump signed the national quantum initiative act. And here, uh congress legislated. A few things, first, new quantum information, science centers so doe, will be setting up. Qis, centers they'll be announcing them. Towards the end of the summer. Nsf, just announced, three new. Qis, centers, quantum leap challenge institutes. And are expected hopefully to do more next year. Nist was called on to set up an industrial, consortium. To engage. The nascent. Industry in this in quantum. An advisory, committee was called for and, coordination, across all of government, you know this is a national quantum initiative, was called for you know so all these agencies, who have an interest. Either as end users, as creators of the technology, as funders of science. Work together to make this happen. Okay so what does coordination. Actually mean. Um, you know. The government is a heterogeneous. Place you know there are many different agencies. Each of them have their own mission. Uh, you can i encourage you to go to their websites, and look you know. Some some agencies missions are to protect the country, some are to invest broadly in science, some are to, pursue, energy science research and associated, technology. Every agency has their mission and objectives. It's our goal within the national coordination, office, and ostp. To coordinate, them and try to create a unified, response, you know find out if there's missing pieces when you look at the science, are there missing pieces that no one's covering, you know. And then ask an agency to try to implement those pieces. And so there's a few, few formal ways that we do this. One is through the subcommittee, on quantum information, science which was legislated, in the nqi, act. That is co-chaired, by doe, nsf, nist the civilian, agencies. Another, is the, essex, subcommittee, or economic, and security implications, of quantum science subcommittee, this is co-chaired, by dod. Nsa, and doe, because remember, doe, has two parts the office of science. And the, uh, the part that focuses on nuclear security, so there's two parts of doa. And this, the intention of the essex subcommittee, is to really talk about, what are the economic and non-security, implications, of this new technology, like any new technology. It can be used for good it can be used for defense. As well. Um so that's important. And then there's the nqco. So the nqco. The coordination, office was legislated.

As Part of the nqi. Similar to, what happened with the, national nanotechnology. Initiative. Um and other type, national type initiatives. It's hosted, at ostp. In the, eisenhower, executive office building where i work. I'm the director, the first director, we have we have detailees, from other agencies, who come. To help. You know enact and push forward this vision, and we do a lot of different things we. Create working groups to tackle some of the scientific, challenges, to understand, where the age where the missing pieces are. We, you know we write reports, that reflect, what we're hearing back from. From the nation. In terms of these uh. Legislative, acts, we hold events. We we, create new partnerships, and so on, and these are the 13 agencies, we see here. So in terms of implementation. The trump administration. Is a very strong reporter. Supporter, of, industries of the future. And has made you know very significant, commitments. To increase, funding overall. Um, in quantum information, science in particular, so. You know particular. Uh one is you know. The commitment to double investment in quantum. R d by. Fy 22 which is a big invest, big increase. Across, all the agencies, working in quantum. And it's going to have a lot of big impacts that's what's funny, a lot of these new centers. So do we i just said it's going just last week so they're going to announce their new centers at the end of the summer. Nsf, last week announced their new, quantum leap institutes. One in sensing one in computing, one in networking. The ue also released their blueprint for quantum internet, which is a guide for them for developing, new programs for quantum networking and distributing, quantum entanglement. Which may be useful for sensing, or computing. Or communications. The quantum economic, development, consortium. Which is what came out from that. Taskedness. To, create an industry consortium. That has almost 200. Companies, signed up which it's really amazing over the last 200 years, two two years, almost 200, companies have signed letters of intent to join that. And they just released. Um. Their website, uh earlier this month calling for official. Official sign up to their partnership, agreement so that's very exciting, charlie, uh we're gonna move on to our next speaker. Yep so that's the last slide i'll just leave you with you know we're working to. Get your feedback, and and, work on the government efforts, so thank you. Great thanks a lot charlie, uh.

Really Appreciate that now. Um. Let me, now introduce, dr eric lucero, who's quantum engineering hardware, lead, and site lead at google santa barbara. With the google. Ai quantum team so eric take it away. Thank you for that introduction, well. All right. Bring up this uh presentation, here. All right you all seeing this okay. It's good eric thanks. So great my pleasure today to uh, uh, be talking with you all thank you all for uh for coming out and thank you willow for the invitation. Um, i'm gonna talk today about some of the activities, going on at google. Um. I thought i would start with, uh, just mentioning that it's my honor here to be representing, the work of a huge team at google. Um, and uh, it's a list of every all the cast of characters. Um. Currently that we have on the team today. And if you are interested, in any of the work that we are doing at google and you want to learn more you want to, join the team, we are hiring. Uh there is a link here, uh that you can write down and also there will be one shared in the chat here. For everyone if you can take a look at that as well. I thought i would touch on some of the academic, programs. That we are participating. In. And, some of those that touch directly, to mit, specifically. So. In general we have internships, at programs, at google. We typically, host. Between 10 and 15, for the quantum, team, every year, of course this year it is virtual. But i want to make sure everyone is aware of. Applications, start in the fall. For this next year of 2021. So please, check out this link for more information about our internships. I want to do a shout out for our phd, fellowships, as well. These are specific, fellowships, that actually support. Uh graduate, students in quantum. And a special shout out to amy green who's at mit, who's actually one of our, phd, fellows from 2019. Uh i'd also like to note that we are a founding member of mit's, qsec, program, uh, again thank you will for the invitation, to participate, in that, and we're really excited about offering. Early access, channels, to our hardware. Via this. Qsec, program so we're really excited to kick that off with will, and uh and colleagues. And depending on where you are in your career or if you uh graduate, decide that you want to go become a faculty, somewhere. Please keep google in mind we have a lot of visiting faculty, opportunities. And we're always interested in supporting, research, abroad. Uh so as an example, we have some of our other funding opportunities. Right now currently just the past two years.

Across Our hardware and software, efforts. In eight different countries. And i thought i would just kind of highlight a few of the topics that we are particularly, interested in in the quantum group. Uh. We are also building a quantum computing service. So, i thought i would, uh, run this quick little video here to give you an. Idea. The idea, well typically, we have. Uh we look for things that might be running at uh. A 10x, feed for example or ways that we can get a 10x, gain, and so i thought to give you some kind of idea of what it's like to work at google, i would, show you the installation, of two of our, quantum systems, in our quantum data center at roughly 10x, the speed, so you have some feel of what it's like. With, our research scientists and engineers, on hand working on these systems. Of course we had to ask why we wanted to build one of these systems so why build a quantum computing service when we're hanging out in the quantum data center in the shell here and we put our frames up, uh, we decided, well it's for you all we wanted to make sure that we had provided access, to, a new tool for humanity. Ultimately, so that we've brought drive more people into this field. With more people more smart people like you all we can drive innovation. And together we hope to have a nist discovery of impact, this noisy intermediate, square, quantum, era that we are in now. With these smaller devices that are not yet error corrected. So to just kind of codify, that in our mission, um we want to make best in class quantum computing tools available to the world, to enable humankind, to solve problems that would otherwise be impossible. Our practice, here now is to actually grow our research platform to you all to our collaborators. So you can use circ. To call the quantum engine api, and access, our hardware, to actually run jobs on such a more processors. So what have we built today. I thought it would be nice to share an image of one of one of our systems in the quantum data center today, i hope this becomes one of your quantum computers, for nist discovery.

Um. And out of the box performance, so just to summarize, and kind of a data sheet form. Uh, what it looks like on our system today so this is one of our systems that we started with there's a 23, cubic, grid. It's called the sycamore, system and a rainbow processor. Uh i try to give you a table here of one of the relevant metrics, and some of these, uh these were important that actually will mentioned earlier was not only the coherence, time but gates, and how fast we can do gates, i'll give you kind of a nice table to summarize, on that in a moment, but it's important to know what errors we have in each of those systems, and how fast you can do, the actual experiment so what's the repetition, rate of the experiment. And down below i just have kind of a fingerprint, graph these are the integrated, histograms. So we're plotting error on the x-axis. And on the y-axis, we're just. Integrating, over all the qubits in that system. If you were paying attention, i actually grew that grid from 23 to 51, which is what we are going to be offering. In our. In our service, and as we roll everything out. And notice that things really didn't change much, so that we were, delighted, to see that as we went from a 23 qubit get to 51. The system performed basically, the same. So. Happy to answer more questions about that but i won't dive into too much of those details, right now, instead, what i'll show you is some of the achievements, that we've made on this system. So just to highlight, some of those on the 23, qubit rainbow processor. A couple of these are already now submitted papers, that we have. You can see on the archive. And three more are in preparation. And this is just that nice table that i was alluding to earlier, if you look at just the number of gates that are run in some of these systems, you know we're topping 5000. Gates, that have been run in this experiment. And we're seeing depths approaching, 500. And this is for, particular, uh gate sets here so we have the square root of i swap but of course we plan to roll out uh the controlled, z, here in a few months. Uh so how do you access google's quantum computers. Uh so this is what it looks like uh we have a number of open source tools these are a bunch of libraries, like open fermion, for like say quantum, chemistry, simulations. Um we've just recently opened up tensorflow, quantum. And then ultimately, like things like qsim, allows you to do simulations. In circ. Um so you program insert, and you actually touch down to the quantum engine, which would allow you to then run jobs, on sycamore, processors. And with that there is this new early access, partners that i wanted to bring up this is our actual. Unveiling, of our public service. So if you are interested. Uh please email quantum computing. Access, at google.com. Um definitely interested in your your proposals, especially, considering, student support as well. And with that i will conclude, and thank you all i'm excited to hear your questions. Cheers, thanks. Great thank you very much eric. Um. On to our next speaker, um ms liz root, um. Is the general manager, of quantum engineering, solutions. At keysight, technologies. And she'll speak on control software and hardware. The exciting solutions, that they're developing. Take it away liz. Great thanks will. Can you all see my screen. Looks good. Great thanks, michael, light on your face liz would be good. Yeah. I um, unfortunately, the lighting conditions, have changed, so let me let me try to move here. Is that better.

Great, Thank you. All right. Great, well good morning everyone my name is liz rooch i'm with keysight, technologies. I'm located, in santa rosa california. Been with hp. Agilent, keysight, for, 26, years. And i've been with quantum, since the beginning of 2020.. So just gonna go through a few highlights, on keysight, in quantum. So many of you may be familiar, with keysight, technologies. We've operated. In the. Aerospace, defense, and wireless, communication. Spaces, for a number of years. And more recently, have. Gone into some adjacent, spaces, like automotive, and iot. But you may not be familiar with us in quantum. Keysight, itself, is a startup. Of five years, with an 80-year, history. And about a 4.3. Billion, dollar, annual revenue, stream. And one of the areas that we're investing, in for the future, is in quantum technology. Now one of the things that you might not know about keysight, is that the composition, of the company, has been changing. Over the past, five years we've actually acquired, 10 different companies. And many of them have a large, software, base. So where we've been traditionally, known for doing physical, layer. Test and measurement, solutions. Over the past several years we've added, companies, like anite, ixia, and prisma. Extending, our software, up the software stack, all the way up through layers 1 through layer 7.. In addition, we've been making some investments, in quantum. Several years ago, with the acquisition, of a company called cignadine. Primarily. For, their, hard, virtual, instrumentation. Technology. As well as their pxi. Awgs. And digitizers. Used in quantum control, systems. And more recently, labr. Which is a software stack, part of the software stack used for quantum. In order to set up instrument control. Perform. Measurements. And visualize, data. And what's exciting about labra quantum. Is as a product it was actually designed, by quantum physicists. So, a great addition to the keysight, team. Another way that we're investing, in quantum, is in key, partnerships. So as will mentioned, in his presentation. Uh we made a donation, to the equus, team. And we will be excited, to get the chance to get our hands, on, real qubits. Cryogenic. Environments. As well as access to researchers, working on various, types of qubit, technologies. So we're looking forward to seeing, how our solutions. Can. Can be tested in this environment, and providing, the best solutions, for our customers. The second is that we're building out a quantum, research, center, in cambridge massachusetts. Located. Uh, very close to mit. And so we are hiring, as well, if, you're interested, please uh please contact, us. Now keysight. As will mentioned is also focusing, on three primary. Uh submarkets. For quantum. On. The bottom left you can see quantum computing. Where over time we see. Significantly. Higher channel counts in terms of the number of qubits, required, for uh, these systems. And we're also looking at quantum communications. And quantum sensing. Where cubic control, is also necessary. But perhaps at a lower channel count at least at the beginning. In addition, not shown on the slide we're also interested. In quantum. Materials, measurements, which seems to be a hot topic with our customers, today. So just a brief view of the keysight, portfolio, in quantum.

Some Of the things that you may not be familiar, with. Again one is our labra software, which has recently, come into the portfolio. Along with our pathwave. Fpga. Toolkit, and we'll be introducing, some quantum ifp libraries, in that environment. The second, is, we've got a lot of customers, using our eda, tools, for quantum simulation. For things like device, modeling, as well as electromagnetics. And last but not least we've even got some. Low noise systems, to measure one over f. Which you can see, alongside, some of our parametric, test instruments. So a lot of a, lot of opportunities, for us to help advance quantum. In both, university, environments. As well as commercial, environments. And. Aerospace, defense. Customers. Great thank you very much liz, um. And now to our fourth panelist. On quantum algorithms. Uh let me introduce, dr christopher, savoy. Uh. Christopher, is the ceo, of sapada, computing. A startup company. Take it away, christopher, thank. You. Oh here we go now you can hear me that helps. So yeah i'm christopher soboy i'm the uh, ceo and co-founder, of zapata computing. Uh we're. Actually maybe, an unusual, uh, uh animal in this in this, industry, this nascent industry where a lot of it's about hardware but we're a software, company. And uh some people might think that's kind of uh unusual, to be a software, company in a place where the hardware, isn't really out there commercially, yet. But the truth is even to start working with these systems. Uh, you need software. Uh. And you need algorithms, uh, to actually make this stuff work and uh that's what our company was founded, to. Work on, uh specifically. And concentrate, on on on the software. Side of things, uh we're named after zapata, salazar. The. Revolutionary. Who promulgated, the the, mexican revolution. Uh with the peasant revolt. Uh, and uh we're we're. We're named that, um, because of uh.

Uh, Partly because of our uh the mexican, heritage, of our, uh my co-founder, uh alan asparagus. Um. Who is now at the university of toronto but was at harvard. Uh, where, he, uh pioneered. Uh some of the very uh. Um, important algorithms. Near-term, algorithms, uh, in. Quantum computing. One of which was the first. Variational. Algorithm, uh, vqe, is what it's called it's a, chemistry, algorithm. That runs on these nisk, near-term, computers. Noisy intermediate scale, uh computers, that's every quantum computer. Right now is, still, um, in this noisy, class of uh, machines. And we, uh, were, some of the pioneers. In, uh, learning how to write algorithms, for these noisy machines, don't have a lot of time to go into the technical details of how that works but, um if you get involved in the program, i hope, or you take. Will's course here at mit. You can learn about nisk algorithms, and why they're important in this phase of, quantum computing. Uh but we have uh because of elon, and, his students, including, a lot of the team who do software at google and. At intel and other places have been trained by alarm. We were able to attract. A bunch of people. On the software, side of this equation. To our company. We have. Over 18, now, it's growing. Daily we are also. Recruiting. Uh top talent phds, from the field. With over, 40, 000 citations. Um from employee publications. In total so if you're familiar with how h indexes, work and whatever you can kind of compute that and, really realize that we have a lot of the a plus plus players. Uh all under one roof, in software, in this, thing and we're also uh backed by a bunch of people, who do enterprise, architecture. Uh for enterprise. Software. Solutions, so people have done, big data, uh solutions. And, and ai. Machine learning solutions, for real. Uh industrial, applications, in production. As well, um so it we have the science side. And, the industrial. Enterprise, software, side, uh kind of covered here. In one company. And, uh we have over 38. Major international, patent families already under our belt. As a company, uh after just two years of operation, so you can do the math on, just how much we're churning out, uh in in, patents, and i p in this area. Um. We, actually. To do our work. Um had to go out and create an enterprise, uh software. Uh solution. That would allow us to work with uh our partners, like, google with the sycamore, chip that was uh mentioned. Um, and, uh work with their, circ libraries. And, and also microsoft's, q sharp, uh language. And, the open firm young libraries, that, that that are available, uh penny lane from, xanadu, all these different uh. Libraries. And languages. Uh are actually useful and they all have really good features, um. Uh also classical libraries like tensorflow, and now we have quantum, uh tensorflow, quantum. Uh available, um, as well as uh chemistry, libraries that are already existing, in a workflow, you have to be able to use, your. Uh, site for your games, and whatever to and quant lib and all these other libraries. The problem is none of these things talk to each other so we had to go out, and create a platform, which we call orchestra. That allows us to use bits and pieces of all of these languages, in task libraries, and workflows. That will work, together. In unison, so you can put some things in kisket. Some things in in circ, and some things in q sharp, and right as a team, uh in a workflow. And have it run on. Uh google's machines, or honeywell's, machines, or ibm's, machines or all of them and test them against each other so that you can really experiment. Uh without having really to to choose among platforms. Uh, and you can go, as deep as you want if you're um. A researcher. Into the into the metal if you want to do more sourcing, gates. On an ion track computer if you want to, do something, specific, to. Um the sycamore. Uh platform, and it's uh it's set up, uh you can do that with some of the exotic, goods that google will be offering. Um so. You can. Uh work on a layer of abstraction. Which is nice. Uh but you can also go deep down into the metal uh when you really want to get serious and we will also be uh, a sponsor and we're one of the founding sponsors, here of the program. Uh, and we will be offering, uh this software, um to the researchers, who get involved in the the companies who get involved. Um, uh. So that they can have access to this, um, and uh be able to start experimenting. Uh with these near-term. Systems. Um so. We allow people to be hardware smart not just agnostic, you'll hear a lot about being agnostic, let's run everything on every computer, well it's not so simple. Each of these things uh are are different and we can you know get into that detail maybe in the q a but, you know super conducting. Qubits, are very different in a lot of ways from, iron trap systems, and, have different features they can be taken uh advantage, of um in each of those platforms. Um, and uh, with this kind of platform, we hope that we can help uh.

People Who are looking at use cases and looking at algorithm, development, to be very quick in what they're doing and also do it at scale do it really. At scale where you know. You can ask questions about, how many qubits do i really need to be better than. Uh my current classical. Machine learning algorithms or my other uh chemistry, algorithms. And answer those questions in a real way that's. Uh. Really, uh. Cognizable. By the c-suite, to really figure out what your roadmap, needs to be, and when this stuff gets really real, um industrially. Um, and hopefully. Allow you to start uh training up your workforce. Um, i think that this is a key part of the program here is to is to develop, the workforce. And develop your capabilities, here, because yeah it's going to be a little bit of time. Uh we don't know is it three years is it five years, is it seven years before this gets really disruptive, commercially. And we can argue, until the cows come home about what that time is in some sense it doesn't really matter. Um because it will disrupt, you someday, and what you cannot, do i believe is. Just wait around, until that happens five years from now or seven years from now or three years from now, and then show up and think that okay now let's just do quantum, you need your infrastructure, to be in place you need your workforce to be in place and you need to have some, probably. Intellectual, property in your domain, area of expertise, and this program we hope will, help you to start developing that workforce. Uh and we look forward to partnering with will, and and mit, here, on, doing that, um to to to, and to use our tools to to help uh promulgate, that kind of workforce, development. And learning. Thank you.

2020-08-06 17:32

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