from maximizing your battery life to mastering Fitness tracking and customizing your watch to Perfection with the best apps and accessories I'm going to cover it all this is 70 things to do with the new Galaxy watch Ultra so Samsung actually released an update which will actually help increase the battery life or efficiency at least of the Galaxy watch Ultra so first thing to do is make sure your watch is up to date second thing to do make your life easier by enabling auto updates whilst you sleep or your watch is on charge to enable auto updates on the Galaxy watch ult open the Galaxy wearable app on your smartphone navigate to watch settings look for and tap on watch software update and then you should see an option labeled Auto download over Wi-Fi toble this switch next to it and enable the automatic updates once enabled your Galaxy watch Ultra will automatically download and install software updates when connected over the Wi-Fi network and you can of course do this on your watch as well but sometimes it's a little bit easier to do these things on your phone number three explore battery life settings to suit your needs specifically the power saing mode it can be disappointing having to turn off features to get more battery but the truth is you really don't need continuous heart rate tracking on all the time or your GPS so head over to your settings and try out the new power saving mode as this could double your battery life number four find a nice minimal watch face with less complications preferably on a black background the less your watch face needs to display the more battery you will save number five is a hard one to hear for some of you but turn off your always on display it's a huge battery drain and you don't really need to use it you can toggle it on and off really quickly by dragging down from the top to access your quick panel and tapping on the watch icon tip number six toggle the raise risk to wake option this will essentially put your watch screen to sleep when you're not looking at it which really makes perfect sense if you think about it and will genuinely save you a lot of battery life to find this setting swipe from the top go to settings display and you'll see it just there tip number seven consider taking it one step further with the touchscreen to wake option this will likely help save even more battery life and avoid accidental screen activation you might have had with the raise risk awake option enabled this can be found under the same display settings number eight hand in hand with our last tip decrease the screen timeout try the watch out for a couple of weeks see how you use it and consider reducing the time out time to scrape back some of your battery life to do this head over to your settings display and scroll down to screen timeout and select your desired time there tip number nine try watch only mode but only when you need it Samsung's claims of 40 days of B life with this feature turned on are quite frankly pointless and we could try and make up scenarios where it could be useful but the long and short of it is if your watch is at 5% and is clearly not going to make it through the day you might as well turn watch only mode on so you don't have a dead weight on your wrist doing absolutely nothing number 10 use the sleep tracking function whil this won't directly give you more battery life it will help Safeguard your battery from deterioration most people will opt to charge their watch during the night time leaving your watch charging for 6 to 7 hours longer than it needs to too using sleep tracking will stop you from doing this hence stopping overcharging and protecting your battery life over the long term or else keeping an eye on your health anyway number 11 manage notifications and connectivity surprisingly one huge battery drain on any Smartwatch is notifications head over to the notification settings to manage what you're seeing and limit the amount of tasks your Smartwatch needs to action number 12 nice and simple turn off Wi-Fi when you're not using it when you're out and about it's a quick slide down from the top of your watch screen which will reveal the quick panel and see the Wi-Fi option just there number 133 in a similar fashion consider turning off your GPS it's another huge battery drain and unless you're doing a workout is likely not offering you any benefits again a quick slide down from the top will reveal this option number 14 is a really good one close all of your apps much like any smartphone you will more than likely have several apps running in the background swipe up to open your app drawer press this icon and then click close to close all of your apps you've left open do this regularly to help ease any strain on your smart SM watch and save a little bit of battery life number 15 learn which apps are draining the most battery life and consider what to do with them if you do go to your quick panel tap settings battery scroll down to battery usage you'll be able to see exactly what is draining your battery the most and just look how much you're always on display is taking away I've seen it go up to 30% before now use these tips to serve your needs and Lifestyles certainly don't turn everything off and take the fun out of your watch Ultra pick and choose what works for you number 16 let's talk about the best accessories for the Galaxy watch Ultra and customizing your watch in general and one cool addition I've got is this case from spigon I thought the case complemented the rugged aesthetic of the watch Ultra really nicely here and it actually comes with a strap attached to it as well so you get sort of two in one with this one I do believe it set me back around 20 for both so I will leave a link down in the comment section and the description with a star emoji and the number one so you can check it out for yourself number 17 is just a highlight by simply changing the strap of your watch Ultra you can completely change the overall look and feel of your watch so I've bought this metal strap which matches the titanium of my Galaxy watch Ultra is really decent quality to be honest and I definitely recommend picking up something similar if you want this exact one there will be a link in the comments and description again I'll leave a turtle emoji and the number two next to it so you can find it nice and easily number 18 they actually make screen protectors for your Galaxy watch Ultra as well along with an easy applicator this one is also from spigon and you actually get two in a pack just in case you rough one up look for the camel emoji and the number three in the description to check these ones out but tip number 19 consider a docking station I find the magnetic Puck a little bit fiddly to navigate especially with the straps on so I went ahead and bought this coincidently also from spigon it sits on your desktop or bedside table and just makes life a little bit easier it also turns your watch into a bedside clock I guess you can pop the charger that came with your watch inside and you're good to go it's really nice and simple to set up this one one will be number four on the shopping list and I'll put a car Emoji next to it so you can find it quickly tip number 20 find a solid watch face there's hundreds out there and I've done countless videos on the best Galaxy watch faces but here are a couple of my favorite developers to look out for we've got bow Z s4u and JW Studio to name a few and tip number 21 you can actually customize your watch faces as well nine times out of 10 when you do buy a watch face you can actually change the colors complications or the overall Style just press and hold on your watch face go to customize and cycle through the various options it has to offer tip number 22 switch out Bixby for Google Assistant completely up to you but I know myself and many others much preferred Google over Bixby to do this go to your quick panel by dragging down from the top settings buttons and gestures scroll down and then you'll see Bixby is currently selected click this and choose Google Assistant 23 whilst in the buttons and gestures section set up your quick button that's a one in the middle and I'd recommend the start action being the double press to avoid accidental activation and I have M set to a running workout so I can start it straight away without having to scroll through all the workouts 24 also whilst in this section scroll down slightly and turn the siren on this is really handy if you are vulnerable and could be a lifesaver if you're caught out walking home alone one day 25 scroll down again from here and you'll see your gestures you've got the knot the double pinch and shape to dismiss notifications all very handy when you're exercising and can't stop to fiddle with your watch some of them you can match to certain apps and actions which is really handy so definitely have a little play with that and customize it to your needs 26 adjust your quick panel to your needs not only can you rearrange quick toggle settings but if you scroll to the end and click the plus icon you'll also see a few options you can add to the quick panel like NFC and Bluetooth for example which are missing by default number 27 customize your tiles tiles give you quick access to Vital Information and quick controls for apps such as Spotify and can be really handy when running so make sure they're in an order that's shoots you to change your tiles swipe across from your watch face press and hold and the tile tray will appear press and hold again on a tile to move it or tap the red minus icon to delete it to add old tiles back or new ones not on there by default scroll to the very end using the touch bezel tap add tiles and have a browse through third party apps such as straa and Spotify also come with their own tiles and Samsung Health has tiles for just about everything and this is where you can find them once you're done press the home key and your new setup should be up and working number 28 Master the wearable app often overlooked but you may find that changing certain settings and even rearranging your tiles and editing watch faces is much easier through the wearable app on your phone you can also use the find my watch function here if you have misplaced your watch which is a really important feature number 29 let's explore some basic Advanced and hidden Health features and for our 29th tip input your height and weight if you do this right at the start Samsung will be able to give you much better results when doing readings so don't make it up actually go and weigh yourself and measure yourself and input the correct data which brings us nicely to tip number 30 try out body composition bio electrical impedance analysis gives you a great insight into things like your body fat percentage muscle mass and water percentage and it's my number one recommendation for anyone starting a health kick you can fluctuate in weight for various reasons and a lot of us jump on the scales see you put on a few pounds and then give up for example one of my weigh-ins I jumped on the scales and realized I'd actually gone up a kilo it wasn't until I put my watch on and did the body comp composition analysis I realized I'd actually put on muscle mass water and lost body fat to find the body composition analysis you can either use the Samsung Health body comp tile or go to apps Samsung health and scroll right down to body composition tip number 31 off the back of body composition set reminders to measure so you always have the most upto-date metrics that way Samsung Health can give you the best overall data it can possibly give to do this I'd recommend using the default reminder app that comes with a watch and setting it to once a week at the same time every morning or whatever you feel comfortable with bonus tip if you are sick of Samsung constantly telling you to move when you're sat at the desk at work you can turn this off by going to Samsung Health app settings and then toggle in active time off or even toggle it on if you do want to be reminded to move more number 32 set Target on your phone go to the three little dots on your phone and tap settings you can then set a Target weight for example followed by a Target time frame and Samsung will even tell you if it's a realistic goal or not number 33 adjust your workout settings let's use r as an example I'm currently trying to improve my 5K time so I've set up the workout to stop automatically as soon as I hit 5K you can also toggle various other settings in here that might make your training life a little bit easier number 34 add more workouts there's a small chance you might be into a really quirky sport that's not already on the watch by default so to check out the other workouts go to the Samsung Health app exercises scroll all the way to the right and click add you can then have a search for your workout like archery for example and add it here 35 Samsung's new multi sport mode if you are a very serious athlete definitely spend some time setting this up you can set up things like your cycling running and swimming to work in quick succession so you have all the metrics you need at the end of the event measure stress continuously if you're not precious about your battery life and want all the data you can possibly get I definitely turn on continuous stress tracking to do this go to your stress tile click settings and choose measure stress continuously that way you'll get live updates on how stressed you are 38 whilst you're there try out a breathing exercise you can set the time and follow the onscreen instructions to try and calm yourself down a bit and get that stress back to a normal level I definitely recommend trying it out cuz it really does help 39 check out your Advanced running metrics once you've done a decent length run head over to the Samsung Health app select the workouts from the week and pick an exercise you've just done here you'll get info like your V2 Max and more interestingly you'll get your Advanced running metrics which basically tell you how good or bad of a runner you are and even give suggestions on how you can improve and exercise recommendations to help your form using these metrics I've actually shredded around 5 minutes of my 5K time in just a month I'm clearly no serious athlete but I'm genuinely really proud of myself with the progress that I've made and to be honest it's all down to the Galaxy watch Ultra tip number 40 turn on Advanced sleep measurements in the Samsung Health app go to sleep scroll down tap advance and it will open the page on your phone you'll then have three options to tap to make sure you're getting the most out of your Galaxy watch Ultra and sleep detection for serious conditions like sleep apnea 41 C customize your Samsung Health app to suit your needs and interests go to Samsung Health on your watch scroll down to edit on your phone then tap and drag to reorder Samsung Health once finished this will update on your watch 2 and you can get all your most important bits at the top so it's easier to read 42 whil you're here check out the new ages index on your Galaxy watch Ultra this uses data from your sleep and various other things to give you a sense of your metabolic health and it's a new feature on the Galaxy watch Ultra as is number 42 the energy score in a similar fashion this will use your sleep exercise stress and more to give you a score for the day you'll also take into account how much exercise you did the day prior and give recommendations based off how much rest it thinks you need 43 as well as just setting off a workout Samsung actually has coaching available if you swipe through the workouts you'll actually see a running coach if you are struggling to get started this can be a real big help to get you going using the data from Samsung Health 44 measure everything rather than going through absolutely everything as an individual tip here are other things you can measure with your Galaxy watch Ultra so we've got ECG which no longer needs your phone which is a great addition to the watch Ultra blood pressure which does need to be calibrated with a blood pressure machine heart rate blood oxygen stress water intake which does require manual imput the same as coffee and calories although the Samsung Health app does allow you now to search for foods and even scan barcodes which makes counting your calories a little bit quicker and easier last you can also track things like your Cycles steps sleep and the rest we've likely already covered in the video now tip number four five join a group and create challenges in my opinion this feature needs a lot of work but for families serious about their health or friends wanting to get fit together you can set steps challenges and create /join groups inside the Samsung Health app and use this tile on your watch to keep track of your leaderboard tip number 46 is time to move away from the health bits and cover some productivity features and if you didn't know already you can make and receive phone calls on your Galaxy watch Ultra either with or without your phone if you do have a SIM card or simply connect to your phone via bluo to and you can make and receive calls via your watch like that 47 you can also send text not only on messenger but also via WhatsApp and the speech to text is actually pretty good on the watch Ultra I definitely recommend adding the WhatsApp tile once you've downloaded the app to make your life a little bit easier number 48 Samsung actually have their own walkietalkie app which may be fun to some of you if you're running or cycling for example if a friend of yours has a recent Samsung watch as well you can use the push to talk button to communicate with each other over a relatively decent distance I don't have any friends though so so I have not tested this feature out 49 control your smart home devices with smart things you can control things like your light bulbs and even things like robotic vacuums if you spent the time setting it all up so definitely have a play around with Samsung smart things on your Smartwatch number 50 listen to music offline most of us use Spotify and with a 32 GB of storage on the watch Ultra certainly get enough songs on there for a solid workout to download them onto your watch go to library and hit the download button on your playlist you want to download I recommend creating a playlist purely for your watch so it's much easier to manage number 51 hand in hand with this connect some earbuds to your watch Ultra for a full phone free experience now obviously Galaxy buds would be best but most bluetooth earbuds will work fine just go to your quick panel tap the Bluetooth audio button and scan for your device if you can't see the Bluetooth audio button scroll to the end of the quick panel and tap plus and you should see it there number 52 try downloading some offline maps and make use of the barometer and compass for phone free hikes you can do this through Google Maps app on your phone and the pre-installed compass app with the Galaxy watch Ultra 53 off the back of this use the track back function this option will help you retrace your steps if you do happen to get lost along the way on your hike number 54 likely going hand inhand with hiking again the watch Ultra has a much improved weather tile so I'd highly recommend adding this to your tile selection and checking it out if you're about to do a big hyp 55 use the camera control app to take photos without being near your phone not only does it have a shut release button you also get to see a live preview on your watch so you can get the perfect shot number 56 you can actually take screenshots on your watch Ultra if you did want to screenshot an impressive workout simply press the top and bottom buttons together at the same time and your watch will take a screenshot and upload it straight to your phone 57 your watch has a flashlight that's super quick and easy to access drag down from the quick panel hit the flashlight button and then you can change the brightness here as you see fit 58 also located in the quick panel is that important find your phone function press this to give your phone a buzz and it will ring even if it's on silent 59 is a pretty important one to be honest set up Samsung find a much more advanced version of the find my phone shortcut Samsung find actually lets you use the watch's GPS abilities to track other devices and allows itself to be discoverable so if you do leave your phone or watch at a coffee shop for example you can check it still there or worse if it has been stolen you can follow it and give the information to the police number 60 download the best apps for your watch Ultra starting with straa straa has all the bits I wish Samsung heal did and it's a great way to either add a bit of a Competitive Edge to your workouts or add some accountability to your weight loss goals you can follow friends and even me using this username and we can all try and get fit together number 61 if you have just joined stra you might be interested to know that you can add previous workout data saved in Samsung Health to your stra account simply go to your workout in Samsung Health click the three little dots and explore support the GPX file upload this to straa and it will show all your metrics to your friends sometimes there are small discrepancies but generally it'll get everything right number 62 our next great app and one that I would consider trying even if you don't like audiobooks is audible sometimes I use my workout time to learn and listen to a good book and audible actually works really well on your Galaxy watch Ultra you can actually get some free books or even a free 30-day trial using the link below I will leave a buck Emoji next to it just remember to cancel the subscription straight away to stop any auto renewals and you'll still be able to use your free bck and your 33-day trial number 63 is stoward I've actually talked about this app before and I've had it on my smart watches for years this is an app that lets you store all of your loyalty cards on your Galaxy watch Ultra simply scan them in using the app on your phone and it'll automatically transfer them to your watch app 64 wow Mouse this is a really exciting one that turns your watch Ultra into a mouse you can connect to compatible devices like your phone for example and use your wrist to control the cursor and pinch gesture to click 65 gboard you can actually enjoy a more minimal Google style keyboard by downloading this app if you do want to customize your watch even more and it's also pretty handy for your phone as well number 66 why not try a game there are tons of optimized games for your Smartwatch but one I particularly enjoy is infinity loop it's one I've had on my SmartWatches for years again and it's just a nice little brain teaser if you do happen to get bored number 67 is one that's often overlooked and not many people know about but try the Samsung goals app you might might be surprised to know for a small donation you can get your hands on some limited edition watch faces and support a really good cause whilst doing it it will likely be pre-installed on your watch and this is the icon here tip number six in contrast to that is actually delete some of the pre-installed apps you don't need although the Samsung gos app does offer some really nice watch faces and support a good cause we really don't need it on our watch faces so remove that and Bixby while you're at it and you might also want to remove smart things if you don't have any use for it this will just help free up a little bit of extra space on your Smartwatch 6 9 click in the top left or right hand corner now to give you 25 of the best digital analog ultra realistic and free watch faces for your Galaxy watch Ultra for now though I've been Alex this has been Tech it easy thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next one I'm aware that I can't count
2024-09-02 04:46