5G Wireless - Cell Towers & Relay Boxes Everywhere - Smart Cities - Smart Grids - IoT

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This, is Dan Dix here reporting, for press for truth we're here in Spokane, Washington for. The red pill Expo, and I am joined right now by our good friends, at World alternative, media jeonse nice and now John. I wanted, to talk to you a little bit about this coming, 5g. Network because you are coming from a telecommunications. Background, you. You are very knowledgeable in this area so for, anybody who's maybe just. For the first time hearing about what, this whole 5g, thing is all about, what. Would you say is you. Know just break it down in a nutshell what is 5g, and why should people be concerned about this well sure let's let's, just by talking about 5ds let's just talk about what we have today like 4G for. Example so what we have today is we have a bunch, of antennas that are standing you know along highways, or their own buildings, or whatever they are, and that is kind of today's system they have like, a central. Node where, you have ports in it for every single person so they have like, their like a base station it's called and in just you when you pick up your phone and talk, or use your, texts or anything on it and communicates, with a port in that base station and then it, sends that information to, wherever you, are you know routing your information, so that's, how it works today the 4G, but the 5g, system what, they plan to do is they plan to just use those antennas. As a backbone, so just talking to each other without, talking, to the actual phones but. What they are gonna do is they're gonna place antennas, everywhere. And. The. Reason why they have to do that is because they're going up in frequency so for what a frequency, you need, when. You go up in frequency it's gonna go less. And less distance, depending. On the water so we're gonna have to have more wattage. Which is the radiation. The energy that takes to send that signal so. When that, radiation. Comes. Out they're gonna have to amp, up the the power and and, that is what the dangers when I was, back in Norway, I was climbing up in cell phone towers and you have to shut down the tower or else you're gonna get completely, fried your body, will. Be. Very destroyed and I have a friend of mine he he can't go through those naked body scanners and. Those radiation, chambers at the airports which I don't recommend, anyone do exactly, but, he actually, like, had to go through him once and he just, started puking because his inner workings. Of his body it's, gotten destroyed by the severe, radiation you, get but. Just going in front of one of those towers and, today's. 4G towers they usually send, out what at. 60 watts which is you know it doesn't sound, like much if you know what wattage is but. It has the frequency is so much higher so the radiation. Of. That frequency is, more, dangerous to you so, let me get this straight it sounds like what. You're saying is with the the, implementation. Of these new antennas. The current antenna system, are they going to be designing, like, a mesh. Like a like. A giant, invisible spiderweb. Of. Radiation. That's going to be raining down on people how is this gonna work well yet what, it's gonna do is you're gonna have to have an antenna like right at your door, almost because the, frequencies. That they're looking at running at is you know between six, gigahertz all the way up to 60 but the, problem, is today I I'm. Installing, with just with 4G I'm installing cell, phone boosters in people's home I don't recommend it you ever put that in your house because it's not we have a mini, cell phone antenna in your house which is not. Good for your health but, with. The new 5g, they're gonna have to completely. Like. Put these antennas, so close and so tight that I don't, know if I want to really, be around a, place that have 5g because you're, looking at that of course they're not gonna have, to send out that the 60 watt which fries people, but they're gonna send it out that they don't have to send out that a decent wattage, to actually, be able to penetrate into, the house because, most houses today the. 4G say is single, which is 2.1. Gigahertz here, in North America, has. Problems, to penetrate, already so with the new system and they're talking about, different. Aspects and ways to like, try to make it better and easier for them to penetrate. But I see, that as a danger, because now you're.

Gonna Have all these antennas, everywhere and they're, gonna, constantly. You know give, you radiation because. The radiation that are dangerous they kind of miniscule II talked about it in the 5g white papers. That, oh yeah you're gonna have some but it's gonna be ten times less they're saying, and stating, but, with 4G you you, you don't even want to have this phone up to your head because you're gonna if you ever been, you know talking like this you've, had. Like. In felt you know the warmth and that's the radiation, that are you know damaging. Your cells well. Let me get this straight, and correct me if I'm wrong but, as, I understand, it, the. What, they would like to see is it be inescapable. Essentially. A global. Wi-Fi. System. Where anywhere. In the world you, would be able to log on to the Wi-Fi or they would be able to log on to you is, that true is that what they're going for here a global. Universal. Wi-Fi system, well if if, they are not planning on doing that they're definitely doing it it. Might, not be the conspiracy, but they're definitely like, that's where they're going with it and it's just an automatic I think, of governments, and everybody wanting well, of course there's huge convenience have, an access everywhere you are and we're so addicted, to our phones, today so, I, believe. That I'm. Pretty sure that you know at the implementation, of this it's not gonna be you know good for people's. Health because, of the radiation and in Norway for example you, have. Housing. Built like far away from just from the high voltage lines because that radiation is very damaging for you as well like people have been approved. To get cancer and and. Bad cancers like leukemia and, so on by you know being close to those antennae so it's it's not good at all to. Implement. This system but, it's super, convenient, I I would. Like to see more fiber optical, cables because it's just light and it doesn't, radiate, anything. Or damaging, you. Know with the, waters and the electromagnetic, frequencies, that comes out of these towers but. It's, not going to be as convenient, anymore, because you don't have Wi-Fi you know you you're, not so portable anymore, right, so it's, all about the convenience and people will willingly you know adopt it is because, it's, super convenient yeah I don't, see how we're gonna stop it because people are as, I said super addicted, so I think. The, implementation, of course the International. As working on you know putting. It out, legislation. And creating all this stuff for all over the world but, yeah it's it's, inevitable. I think that they're gonna try to implement actually in Morden. In Manitoba. In, new in, catalog. They're just, implementing, the f5g system, well. Is there anything to do in closing, here, that. People, can do to protect themselves, from this or to mitigate it somehow or to reduce the. Harmful. Effects. That are inevitably, going to be coming well, there's a couple of things you can do kind of course like shut off your phone and not like, not, wear like I have a right, now like close to your hair your. Private, parts like, just to make sure that you you. Know shut up but the problem is if you shut it off you're not accessible, so it's it's. Harder that way but I would say you've probably better, off in. The long run you know doing that you can of, course get devices, and little, cages that you can put around your phone to protect. Yourself from the radiation from them, and. Of, course if you have Wi-Fi at home you know we can shut it down with you don't use it you. Know to mitigate, the, exposure to the risks. Of the frequence, to the electromagnetic. Magnetic. Frequency, and of course you can build yourself a Faraday, cage around, your house but that's. A little bit extreme maybe but maybe. That's what they have to do in in the future they're gonna have to do it but. We'll. See where it's all gonna go I think there's, a lot of risks that are not getting talked about is especially the health risks and and it's kind of like it's come, out and in like in Norway where I'm from to you, know every now and then there's somebody talking about the cancer risk so cell phone usage but. Then suddenly just disappears, so it's a I think, of course the the big telecom, companies, doesn't, want to have anybody know that you know they can get cancer because they would first of all they get massively sued and. Then people might wake up to you know how how, dangerous, the. Overuse, of this is sure. Excellent, words of advice you. Know minimize, your usage, essentially, you, know this is something me my my girlfriend has recently implemented, a new rule in the house no no, cell phones in the bedroom we turn off the Wi-Fi. Before. We go to sleep. And you know it leads to some, some things that you never would have thought of like I'm reading a heck of a lot more you know I'm not sitting there in bed scrolling, through my stupid, social, media websites, then I'm reading instead so lots.

Of Benefits can come from. Reducing. Your exposure to. Radiofrequency exposure. And just a cell phone in general so John, once again man thanks so much for talking to us links, will be located in the description below. You. We. Live in a connected world mobile. Technology, allows us to stay in touch run, our businesses, and capture, and share the moments that count wireless. Technology, is so abundant it's difficult, to imagine not being connected these. Connections, bring news joy, success drama, and humor there. Are billions of connections made every day on t-mobile's network from, calls texts. Videos and, pictures to gifts and emojis that's a lot of cat videos, to. Meet the may on t-mobile is constantly, adjusting, and expanding, our national network we. Keep your mobile world moving, it. Takes an endless balance of hardware software and feni's, radios and indoor and outdoor technologies. Wireless, depends, on wired ground-based. Infrastructure. To connect customers. How. Does it work well, imagine, watering a landscape, you spray, water so it properly saturates, the ground flowers, trees and shrubs however. You, wouldn't use the same pressure to water a large field as you would a delicate flower garden, and debrief, mist does nothing, for an evergreen or oak tree. Like. Watering a landscape, robust, wireless networks must use the right technologies, and antennas, for the best wireless connectivity, depending. On the carrier's needs and local conditions large. Macro, antennas, can distribute, a signal far along roadways and adjoining neighborhoods. However, in populated, areas that same signal might have difficulty, overlapping, with the signal from the adjacent cell site radio. Signals, that are too weak or too strong can, result in bad coverage, dropped calls or poor clarity the. Same is true with a lawn sprinkler dry. Patches happen, when a sprinkler, misses, part of the grass t-mobile's. Challenge, our, always mobile customers have skyrocketing. Demands one. Way we're meeting this demand is with smaller lower power and more numerous antennas, and radios small, cells. We. Have to take in consideration the. Noise that's in the network a good example of this is is that when you go to a coffee shop in here the first one in there you clearly can hear, anybody, that's actually in that coffee shop so as a coffee shop starts, to fill up the. Noise begins. To rise and. The only way you can actually enjoy the conversation. Now with individual. Is actually get closer together and, have that conversation so, it's quick it's clean without interruption, in the network is the same principle we, actually have to get devices. Closer to the customer so, you get good throughput, and quality, of service as zero. As your network grow you need more capacity now you need to come up with other solutions that can strategically, put, them put the the capacity where, you need it that's what a small assault comes in even, though their footprint may be smaller than a typical macro, site small, cells do provide coverage in areas because they are closer to the people that are actually holding those smartphones small, cells are typically deployed in, dense, urban areas, where we have a lot of foot traffic outdoor. Shopping areas, indoor, and outdoor, venues, and. Tennis are very small they're probably the size of a toaster you can actually put the antennas on an existing utility.

Pole Without replacing, those existing, utility, poles or existing. Features, in the street you can actually touch those antennas, you. May not notice them due to their slim form factor but. Thanks to low power small cells you can enjoy uninterrupted, wireless services where you live work and play even. For retail shops small cells can be extremely, effective. Businesses. Of all sizes depend, on mobile coverage, mobile. Technology is absolutely, an advantage, in our community, for business development we. Try very hard to attract new business, and we try to retain existing business, and one of the main issues is connectivity, to the extent we can provide the, best connectivity. We're gonna keep new business. I'm gonna keep cutting ribbons our. Cities and communities rely, on a wireless network for convenience, safety and quality of life in, every municipality, the. Residents, want, connectivity. They want calls, that aren't drunk they want to make sure that, wherever they go all their tools are gonna work small, sales actually, play, a great, role on those residential, areas, low, power small cells bring reliable, coverage to large campuses, venues, and sporting events, wherever, crowds congregate, and people want to communicate. Small. Cells will also work well with five g 5g, is it's going to allow us to do many. Great things like Internet of Things when, you're starting to look to provide connectivity to cars to refrigerators. Even. The washer and dryer. Faster. It will be more like a real-time is speed they're gonna be able to see it stream videos, faster, smart, homes and smart cities and and, autonomous. Vehicles so 5g, brings together a, lot, of what, we, use every, single day. For. Business owners families. Friends and everyday conveniences, living. In our connected world you. Need a mobile device and the robust network technologies, that make connectivity, possible. You. Will. Be the result of decisions, we must, make. Today. Everyone. Knows the government agencies, are corrupt, it's common, sense it's, clear that the system is broken and they're all crossing the line Homeland. Security IRS, the USDA, the, Treasury, the EPA all of, it bs but, rarely is it so, blatant, as it is with the FCC. The Federal, Communications. Commission, because. Well, very, very few. People pay. Attention at all to them, hardly. Any resistance was, put up against net neutrality rules, and that was a fairly big media story almost, no one said anything about, the mergers, between the giant telecoms, and the general complete, takeover, of communications. There really wasn't any resistance, to the 1996. Telecommunications Act. Which opened up a whole can of worms a whole set of Pandora's, boxes, but the NSA and everyone else and. Now they've, opened up the floodgates to, massive. Corporate, control over our lives a total, surveillance system, on the part of government, agencies and their contractors. And the very near blanketing, of the entire, population. Literally. Of. Everyone. In, the, world, literally. Of. Everyone. In. The world. Autonomous. Vehicles. Smart. City energy, grids, transportation. Networks, and water, systems. Immersive. Education. And entertainment will. Come from the cloud the driving, force of. The. 21st, century. Will. Be powerful, processing. Centralized. In the cloud and. Wirelessly. To defend clients, all of whom will be saturated with gigahertz signals, literally. Everywhere. They go on the planet, and no one as permission. The United, States, will. Be the first country. In the world, to. Open up high. Band spectrum, for. 5g. Networks. And applications. And. That's. Damn. Important. And. Will generate tens, of. Billions, of dollars in, economic, activity. Big. Surprise, since, this FCC, Chairman now a former, chairman was appointed, by Obama big, surprise, since. He used to be the president of two, industry.

Lobbyist, Organizations. Tom Wheeler was formerly, president of the national cable and Telecommunications. Association and, the CEO of the cellular, telecom, and internet Association chairman. Wheeler put the entire fixed, and mobile broadband, industry under a stricter, regulatory, regime. He. Has done so many things that have angered his former employees, at employers. At the NCTA, and CTIA. Have. Sued the FCC, during his tenure he explains. His actions by saying I used, to be an advocate for corporate, interests I hope, I was good but. Today my client is the American, people and I want to be the best damn advocate, for the American people that might be so. He represents, the industry, he, got appointed to the position and, he just Fox and henhouse the whole thing, he just prostituted. It all so it's no wonder that he gives a no-holds-barred. Full. Force, push, to, Usher and 5g. Everywhere. Upon, everyone, to swiftly, and fully silenced, any and all dissenters, to ignore, all the real questions, and to make sure that the safety data to make sure that safety studies, don't even happen, unlike some countries, we. Do not believe that we, should spend the next couple of years, studying. What. 5g, should be or how, it should operate we won't wait for. The standards, turning. Innovators, loose is. Far, preferable to, expecting, committees, and regulators, to. Define the future and to make sure that questions, about the biological, effects, of non ionizing radiation. Are kept to an absolute minimum. Off the table out of the public eye and nowhere, near the FCC, conversation. They're. Gonna rubber stamp this thing right through no doubt about it, they already have and what, else would you expect from a lobbyist the trade-off gives. Total power, to, these companies, to, various, government agencies and. To anyone in between who's, interested. In spying hackers. It opens it up for everyone and as technology races. Forward and what is already a world dominated by cell phones of people looking, lost into little screens, it will now be completely. Saturated. With high-speed connections. The next generation. Of wireless. Must. Be mobile. Fibre. Ten. To a hundred times. Faster. Than. What we're used to today we. Need to speed the, deployment, of 5g. Here. On our, shores, yes, 5g, will connect the internet of everything if. Something, can be connected, it will be connected, in a 5g, world of hundreds. Of billions. Of microchips. Connected. In, products. From pill bottles, to. Plant waterers. You. Can be sure of only one thing. The. Biggest. Internet. Of Things. Application. As, yet every. Sacrifice and, appliance, and manufacturer, is being fitted with the two-way communication. Device and it sends data back spying, and surveillance is, completely. Built in it's a total, default, and it's the given location tracking, health, data, audio, and visual recordings, text, and everything, else is going to be continually, collected, and Tom wheeler of the FCC, freely, admits it he thinks it's great because, it's gonna make everything faster, and it's gonna make more money we.

Take Our most significant. Step, yet. Down. The path, to. Our five-day future, others, have covered it as well but this is an issue that is not well known enough, 5g. Is a huge, upgrade to, the system, is a complete. Overhaul, compared, with 3G and 4G it's. Not only dramatically, faster speeds, which. Is what they're gonna play up to sell it to consumers, and tell everyone want a great convenience, and advancement, that it is but it is also a, literal, complete, infrastructure. Overhaul, now to make this work five, the 5g build-out is going to be very. Infrastructure. Intensive. Requiring. Massive, deployment. Of small cells. The. Big game-changer is, that, 5g, will use much higher frequency, bands than previously, thought viable. For mobile broadband, and other applications. Such. Millimeter, wave signals, have physical, properties, that are both a limitation, and a strength. They. Tend to travel best, in narrow, and straight lines and, they. Do not go. Through physical, objects, as well. This. Means that very narrow signals. In the urban environment tend. To bounce around buildings. And other obstacles making it difficult, to, connect, to, a moving point. But. Brilliant, engineers. Have. Developed new, antennas. That. Can aim. In amplify. Signals. Coupled. With sophisticated. Sophisticated. Processing. That. Allows a moving, device, to. Pick up all, the signals that are bouncing around and, create, one, coherent. Connection. They're going to put up boxes, on telephone, poles or, at least that's what the articles have said they're gonna be on ground level sites, and everywhere else and it will completely replace and, now obsolete cell, towers, that you've seen around and you've got used to see those, are obsolete these. Are coming in very, quickly the cell phone and wireless companies, are spending billions of, dollars they're, racing to complete installation of, the system by 2020. And that's now only three years away, Verizon. And AT&T tell us they'll begin deploying, 5g, trials, in 2017. First, commercial, deployments, they're talking about are expected, in 2020, they're fueling, money into cities and private, owners where the towers will be installed, they're paying them off and they're moving so. Fast that, there's, gonna be very few places that are free at all anymore I don't. Want to add paranoia, I don't want to make people fearful but, basically, where, can you run from this once, the system is fully launched. And up it's it's gonna be just like the Terminator, Genisys, system, it's gonna be the rise of AI and, it's. Gonna be like there's no looking back we, must reject it. That. The 5g, future, will. Be the sole province of, urban. Areas, the. Five revolution. Will touch all corners. Of our country we are the pioneers of, a. New respectful. Frontier. No. One gave permission for this because, most, people don't fully understand, what's happening, or why it matters, they're gonna click on little, agreements, on their cell phone for the different sites they visit, and they're gonna have no idea, how, much it's going to be taken from that but. It's clear, that this is not a good bargain and people need to be warned they should try to oppose this in their local cities, and where they can and, try to challenge these companies because they don't want to face resistance and they don't want a population that. Knows about the dangers, and the risks of this technology, but the capabilities, of this technology are absolutely. Unfathomable. I can't cover it all in this video go look it up for yourself now I'm not going to get into dr. Ross a day of UCLA, right now do a more in-depth video later on or a lot of the other brain doctors, and neurological. Researchers. But Ross a day was working with the CIA and exchanging. Technology, and study, data with Russians, back, in the 60s and 70s and, even further back and he, figured out scientifically. Demonstratively. How non ionizing radiation. Had various specific frequencies, from, microwaves, are from other signals, how they could alter, human, and animal behavior for, instance a simple ten Hertz wave could put someone into a stupor, within a couple of minutes using, neuroelectric. Devices, that they developed, and, by the 70s, they, could put individuals, or entire, towns, to sleep on command, they can aggravate, people, they can alter their sexual preferences, they could delete their memories, they could turn on desire, they could turn on repulsion, and they could otherwise hijack.

Someone's, Spontaneous. And natural behavior, they could literally, hijack. Your nervous system and, your brain and that, was 30 or 40 years ago now, things, are very advanced, they're very precise, and they're very far along there's, discussions. Now at the Davos World, Economic Forum. That have broached the topic of, mind-reading, and literal, mind control and these, devices, the capability, to do it is built into everything every, handheld unit every laptop mobile device that everyone's carrying around and once, things are fast enough with 5g. All. Bets are off the, constant, ubiquitous. Connection, with these next generation 5g. Towers. I mean, what, else can you say you. Either see it or you don't. Fully. Autonomous drone work on behalf of John and attainment. Of, charge controller. John it's a little more than. 25. Years I know the drone we didn't even know what cell phone was we look. Today and. We can actually just, our life is kind, of evolved around the, technology it's life changing this. Drone is life changing. We're. Finding out daily not in the quarry side of things but, in the construction, side of things and other uses. We've. Actually started to other businesses, of all the, same girl just, using, in a different light so. That's my opinion right now drones are becoming very powerful - I see where they're lifting people I don't, know about the level of safety there but I see that also, I guess they could be lifting very heavy material. This. Astronomy particular is about just being able to fly parrot intelligence, is really fun and being able to deliver that to the user a way that they weren't able to accomplish before, so John's able to get that work done and literally, minutes, after the drone flies versus. Usually will take him two days of just manual, labor to be able to accomplish that's a partner fantastic, job. Thank. You. Lando. Yes mr. president I'm going to tell you everything you need to know about 5g. Technologies. Things. Brooms. Honda's. Cars require, different, levels of speed environments, networks if, you come over here this is a residential, neighborhood, if, you want to get the kind of speeds required today he's. Like we. Have to take five with every one of these houses to get that kind of bandwidth what 5g does says. Forget about all that fiber out here get fiber tennis, this is amol Salvage.

Marcel. Is going to show you here this small cell will broadcast this. Kind of bandwidth to all these homes okay if you no longer need to run fiber so. You can have speeds, that are involved opposed to what the fastest cable technology can deliver today, into, the home with wireless technology, if, you move into the city, what's happening, you, wouldn't get that bandwidth, in there the same thing. Takes. A long time they're gonna close fringes, inside, the box and so forth by. G. By. G says the wolf pack. All you need are small cells inside, the city and we collapse these buildings, here as well right but. Then as you move to, Wi-Fi we. Have Wi-Fi to point these buildings all over the place so custom concluding in how the arrangement. You can see the old big cell technology, sitting. On top of buildings broadcasting. About the city but, now the street, level the customer is big but whatever network gives it a batch of speed, this mean autonomous, car. So. If the car moves it gets moved back and forth between the network's into the 5g, deployment, and you're getting these kind of multiple, gigabit, speeds throughout. The city without all the fiber having to be deployed into all these rooms really, accelerates, it makes, us get the. Market, much bad time so, five, years ago ten years ago you could. And. This is 2018. We'll deploy this kind of configuration, seventies. In Iran and, in 2020. It becomes, a bowl so, this handset will begin so, there has to be a tremendous, construction, center it's. A huge construction. Saving you don't have to deploy all this fiber you see this little cell site here we're, going from deploying these big cell sites and towers to deploy overseas. 275, billion dollars, of investment in, the next seven years they. Create 3 million new jobs and, a, contribution of 500 billion to the GDP of the United States what. Is different, between 40th. 1940. Those were enormous, towers that look quite always to. Be millions. Of this hundreds. Of thousands and millions of small cells all, over the United States the, problem that we have is, he takes one year to get a city to give us a permit but he takes for one hour to install one unless. We can stop the middle class. We. Do a recommendation, to the cities of the country, and. Guarantee a little bit faster because. This is truly a great process, but why. Don't we do a verse from letter of recommendation, so they can get. Sometimes. 15. To 20 years to a furnace to build a small Road. Tried. To break it down to one year maximum. One year and, you. Have a say this, is much easier than salt this is really much easier, it. Was is a theory 14, we. Lost reaching, every. Country China, Europe, listen, is streamlining, the process to get there this will be going these have many other matters but. Other companies. We, only, operate in the US and work well into basically, we wanted us to lead our team because of the speed because with job creation we don't like immediately, parents at all John has much, less trouble getting permits. You.


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