5 YEARS living in a SAILBOAT full time: Lesson from the Ocean (Unforgettable Sailing)

5 YEARS living in a SAILBOAT full time: Lesson from the Ocean (Unforgettable Sailing)

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Hello, in the past five years, the world has changed a lot these images, of the refugee, crisis, have left a deep and lasting, impression, on our memories. Flames, brought down the spire, and much of the roof at notre dame cathedral, yesterday, entertainer, david bowie has died, after an 18-month, battle with cancer, humankind. Sometimes, progressed, with two steps forward, and one step back. There were extreme, weather events. Changing, power, people claiming for their rights. New technologies. Discovered. And a global pandemic. But we did not just watch the world to change. Instead, we decided, to change, our whole world. We are george and diego, we quit our jobs to renew a tiny 50 year old sailboat, to live on the sea, once we put ourselves, out there life made its turns and we moved to a more comfortable, home, just, to lose it a few months later to the biggest hurricane, in history we were already in love with both life and as a stubborn, sailors we are we didn't give up. 20, 000 nautical, miles later, here we are in unforgettable, tree, following our dreams, how far further, from where we started. Subscribe, and join our life at sea. Wow, five years living abroad, i did not see this coming, yes hello guys, so today in this video we want to give you, an honest, and honest, testimonial. On how it's been, to live on a boat on a sailboat. Five years in a row, it's a big milestone. And. We could not be happier. Yeah and i think this video is going to answer a lot of questions, we've received, along these years, so i hope it's useful. Before we started, i would kindly, ask you to please, give your thumbs up to this video. Share with your friends. Family and social media. And if you really like our content, consider, becoming a patron. And if you're not subscribed, to the channel yet. You know what to do, subscribe, click the bell the whole thing a quick summary then guys we left brazil, exactly. Five years ago, in november, 2015. We took a near sail in the brazilian, coast, we went to the caribbean. We spent two years in the caribbean. We crossed the canal, end up in french polynesia. And actually we sailed, all the way to australia. Around, 25. Territories. And countries. So it's been quite a lot, and 30, 000 miles. Yes. This is. Basically, around around the globe, would be enough to to say around the globe, if you follow the, equator, line it's been amazing. But of course we had many. Ups and downs in this meantime. We had many challenges, that we want to share with you. When uh we say that we are leaving aboard it's not just like a trip a holiday. So of course there's, ups and downs it's a bit of a roller coaster. And. The name of this game it's called life right, in a boat would it not be different. I i. Can highlight. The first time we, end up in a. In a very nice bay in brazil. And we learned what cruising was about. And uh that was before youtube, and before. Everything we just like experimenting. Experiencing. This whole thing. And there was like six, really good months. We had no commitments. No worries. And we're just like our only concern was just like to learn to leave a board. And that was, a great great moment that was in a baiji, la grange. Rio de janeiro. Coast. At that time we were just spending, the money we saved, yeah for the trip. Basically, a car that we sold, we saw the car and uh. We just like could use this money to survive. Arriving, in. Barbados. It was just not the crossing, but the days that followed, was, like. Some days to remember, i'll never forget, because. It was. First time getting to know the caribbean, culture. And like the, very crystal clear water. And uh so much fun and uh the sense of achievement, you know, i was really proud of ourselves. We made it we pull it off on a very small boat we crossed, uh, half an ocean. And we arrived in the caribbean, and that was actually. My first dream. Becoming, true. And after that we stayed like a one month in barbados. Having a blast. And having fun every single day. And then. We decided to cross to, santa lucia. It was a night passage, just like 80 miles, you can we could do it in overnight. And. As soon as we left barbados, just like, one hour. Offshore. I, stay. Broke. And. Yeah i had to come back and i felt really bad with that i felt really bad because i, couldn't take out of my mind that.

That Could just could have happened. On the passage. So, that struck me hard and uh. I think, i felt really. Fragile, and exposed. It took me, a few days to recover, it wasn't actually an easy fix. We got the parts and we fixed this tape but that was just like a nearly. Must failure. And, you know we had no insurance. And we had no savings to buy a new master at that point. Yeah so just the fact that that thing broke and, i didn't see that coming. It came by surprise. It kind of hit me hard and i. That could be the end of our just started, trip, yeah, we had other, really, hard moments. That was when we lost our boat to the hurricane. Now the second boat yeah yeah our second boat because. After this first one we had our second boat for just a few months, and then. Hurricane, hima destroyed, our boat, if you don't know the story guys you can check on this video here, and you'll see. Everything, that, we explain, everything that happened. But, so, we lost our second boat to our hurricane, then this was another, like. Well shitty moment i can say because we were really in love with cruising life we were enjoying. The caribbean. And suddenly, like, we don't have a boat anymore, like our boat is destroyed. And all that, that that months that followed the hurricane, we didn't know if insurance, would, pay us or not if we would have our boat back we got to in-depth, to buy a new one and then we lost it so, we not only lose our boat we had like uh, thousands, of dollars in debt to pay. So just like wow that's that's bad and that could be bad of course that was a low that was a very. Stressing. Moment. But, i, i don't know somehow, we managed to stay positive, on that we mentioned that before. And uh, yeah we overcame, that as well, yes. That affected, a little bit our plans, we had to. Stay a little longer in the caribbean. Look for another boat instead of be sailing around, and seeing the places we wanted to, we, just got a new boat feliz. Taco thanks. To. That's another high, yeah this was one of the big highest, i think. Everything, everything, aligned, so nice and we got unforgettable. Tree, which. For me was. Way way better than i was uh hoping for it's such a nice ball so i don't know i can spend, hours, talking with the bottom forget about it we've already done it so you can check also in this video that's hello link here. That we explain, how we bought our third vote, and we tell a lot about, her. Then after that, panama canal crossing, that was. Such adrenaline, rush that was super exciting, to see to cross the canal, with all that light in the night big ships, behind us in front of us and. The doors closing. And, people shouting, was, really really like they were super close to the goosebumps, yes, and a new ocean so that was super cool, and. After that we're getting ready, finally to go. To the. Across the pacific. And sail to the french polynesia, with which i think is uh, our biggest achievement as sailors, as a team i'm so proud of you babe, yeah me too. Great, captain. And. Yeah we had a great crew with us so. Yeah it was super nice, super cool after that, we got in french polynesia, and uh talking about another low, you know we're, there, and enjoying, a lot but. We we, we're not sure what we're gonna do next. And i felt kind of sad i thought about, giving up a boat life. Also. My mom had an accident, and broke her feet in, multiple fractures. And i was feeling really bad to not be around, so that was that made me sad. And that's. That's things you know when you are away, you cannot uh, participate, in your family life you see. Like uh. Life happening, on the other side of the globe and you are just away, yeah that's something that uh, that special. Particular, moment uh brought me down a bit, one of the, questions, we get the most, when we tell people what we do and how we live is like, oh what was the worst, moments. What did you get like very bad weather. And storms, and things like that. And. Many times, the worst times. Weren't, like a bad weather, or something like that many times. Things are just okay with the boat. But we just, miss people, in land we miss our families, or something is happening, and we are away. So, i think. Not necessarily. Like the worst moments, are.

When Something big is happening, yeah kraken. Uh sharks, yeah no no. It's more like a. Mental. Yeah being honest, and being real i know many people would love, would love to hear like, big storms. 10, meter, waves. You know, but. The real, the reality, of course it's bad when we get bad weather, or. Things break on the boat. As you saw in the introduction, of this video, we changed a lot during these five years, and we learned a lot also, what do you think are the main things you learned, i think life on the ocean has taught me to. Let go. Of the need of control. And uh to trust. On the, on the sequence of events you know and trust on your purpose, and trust. On your, on your dream. So, if you if you're following, if you're being honest and if you're doing what you love. Things going to happen in a very favorable, way, and i think that's the the story, that's our story you know, we left uh. Without, bigger plans or big savings. But uh at some point, we're really committed, to stay leaving aboard to stay exploring to stay traveling, and everything. Has been happening. In uh such a nice way. So. This was. This was, one, very good, teaching. And also, i learned that. We need way way less, to live way less to live, than i, and to be happy, yeah and to be happy. Then i i thought before. You know less. Consumer, is. Less gadgets. I was crazy about gadgets, and heavy and. All these, fancy toys and things like that, and now. You know it's just, i can spend, years. Without buying a new one. Just. Uh. Enjoying, myself with other stuff i think i've learned. Also a lot to surrender. You know because. Sometimes, you just want to have control, of the situation. And plan, everything. And then when you live in the ocean you just see that that's not how it works you can't have everything, planned, because. Your plans are going to change a thousand times. Sometimes they're going to be ruined, sometimes. They will work, but it just doesn't work like planning, everything, or having control, so. I think this was really good because. When you, when you. Like. When you just believe. And you. Put yourself, you know out there, things start happening. So. Sometimes, not the way you thought it would be but sometimes, even better than it than you thought you know. The, things you never expected, you meet people you never expected, to meet. And things just start to come so i think. I learned to believe, more, like just to believe in the unknown. Also. I don't know to be more like self-confident. And. Yeah just to be. How important, is to be, more in contact, with nature, with ourselves. And nowadays, i cannot see. Me living differently. You know, yeah i i learned that uh me and us we can we are very adaptable. We can adapt to, a very wide range of situations. And that's a good thing. We don't need to, we don't need to. To do things, on the way on the same way, we always done, we can discover, new flavors. Uh. And, i don't know new way to do stuff, we just. Don't care much about things anymore. We care much more about experience. Than people. And this is really. Freedom. I can. Say. I learned that the guy, on the boat next to you can become. Your your best friend. Yeah i. Also learned that you can rely on other people, sometimes, living in a big town you are taught to, not rely on anyone else and just like uh, be self-sufficient. And uh kind of self-centered. And uh. No living aboard it's a lot about community, about friendship, about uh.

Blah, Blah. Yeah i think this is also i can i can. Assure that for me the same like this was one of the main things like one thing that i'm really happy for. Learn to. Like, that you can count on people. And sometimes you just forget that but. That's what we are for. Yeah, yeah so. Yes i think it changes, you a lot of course we learn a lot of. Practical, and logical things also, like fixing stuff. Oh yeah no yeah no i'm not that into that that would go forever, you know. We learned how to say yo well we're still learning and we will be learning forever. But. You know, how to live together. Having small space, i haven't learned to play guitar yet though, no, yeah i haven't tried it. You can you can start doing it. Surprises. Along the way. Well, i i used to, to dream a lot and to, try to. Draw, this. These years aboard, you know. But. I. I never thought that we had, had we would have crew on board with us. And. That would be so, so incredible. We, had crew, constantly. Along these five years. Some people for days. Some people for months. But um. Also we're really blessed. That uh all our crew members, were always, the best, yeah by the way thanks to everybody that have crewed with us and for trusting, us, another, question, that, many many people ask us all the time yeah what are our favorite, places, the favorite, places we've been, and i always give the same answer, basically. Because, because, it is, it's just like each place is different, and each place is special, for a different reason. So, some place one place would be the most beautiful, we've been according, to the. Standard. Standards. And extenders, like white sand, clear water. Other places, are just special, because of the people, you meet, they're so cool, other places. You know i don't know i have great experience, in one place and may sometimes, another cruiser. Experience, another place so tell us what's your favorite places, for me the places i like the most. The, the one i i can say for sure is one of the most beautiful. Places we've been, is french polynesia. Because, yeah that kind of spoiled. The trip for me because. That place. Is, incredible. It's so beautiful, it's so, so beautiful, the water is so clear. Like lots of water. About a lot of, life, under the water, yeah there's lots of water, but it's just different from everything we saw a lot of nature green, viatos. Lots of. Underwater. Life so it's nice to dive to narco. People is super friendly, and they have their culture, so like rooted. You know that's so beautiful. I also had great time in the caribbean. I loved barbados. People, people are so happy. And. Fun, grenada, too people very welcoming. And, lost ruckus. Venezuela. That's really, beautiful, nature. And the snorkel, was amazing there too, so for me these were the highlight, places. Oh it's hard because the bee guys is really beautiful. Yeah yeah okay. If i start it's just like, i'll keep going everywhere, is nice. But yeah, oh of course there are a few places that are not very nice.

We Wouldn't advise, you to anyway, okay so class was really cool too, sunglasses, was really cool. Okay let's move to another topic. Another, question, that we are frequently, asking, is what we miss, most, about. Life on land. Me as brazilian, i can state that, i miss brazilian, food, and. Not the food itself but the. Devil, availability. Of food. Like throughout the day you go to a bakery, and there's, everything, you can think of. And. You go to a grocery, shop and there's just lots of veggies, lots of fruits. And of course, we've been raised. Eating, this kind of food brazilian, food here it's uh. It's rich it's diverse, it's cheap. So that's the thing. I miss a lot. And. Of course. Friends. Family. And to be able to keep a steady routine. So i miss that you know just uh. I'm not uh. 100. Discipline. Guy you know. So. If i'm like uh. On the run, if i'm not. In a settled. Routine i cannot keep with, sometimes, with exercise, or studies. So i miss that a bit, but, not that much. Yeah i'm kind of the opposite, i really don't like i study routine. So i know you mean just for some. Some things yeah for that i would like to. Just like. To be easier to do exercises. Or like things like that but i really love to don't have a routine in days of the week. But i think i would say what i miss most, is people. Yeah it's family, and friends. To have because, we meet so many nice people along the way. But, we are always moving, so many, people we meet, we get together. We we become nice friends and then we leave or they leave, or like, you know so it's hard to have like a long-term. Friendship. Yeah and that's what i miss, because, when you are, for a long period in a place. You have your same friends. You keep meeting new, new people that's really great but you have your friends that you can, rely, on and you cannot let's hang out today, let's, have dinner tomorrow, you know it's just easy. That's nice like because sometimes, we just get attached, and then suddenly. We are leaving. But. That's what i think, it's one of the, the parts i, i miss. In the beginning, i could say i missed the comfort, of a house, to, have. More water, to take a shower and things like that, but after, five years, i, can proudly, say that i don't miss it anymore, yes of course it's nice when you have a great shower with hot water, but it's just like okay i'll take this shower today. And, tomorrow, i don't have this anymore, and it's fine because it's not a big deal anymore not a big deal you know to save water. To, to save energy. You're proud of me. What advice. Would i give, to, my, five years ago, self. Does make sense, well i would tell him, to. Not for a moment, take things for granted. Because to be to be. Sailing, to be traveling. It's. An amazing, experience. It's just like a blessing, and i'm, very thankful for that and i try to. To, be thankful for that every single day, but sometimes. You just uh. You get. Complacent. And uh. I would stress myself to don't, for even a second. Take that for granted. Enjoy. Every day as it was, as if it was the last one. And. This is the way i could enjoy because sometimes. Of course. We have. These, periods we talk about highs and lows. And you don't realize. How good your life is. And uh how. Special, these days are. So, i think that would be the main thing, another one would be nice. Another one would be, reef earlier. Yeah you know just like, leaf earlier. And. This is a good advice to everybody. Yes. But they say if you. When you think about reefing you're already late so, yeah refiller, they could, could have. Saved me from, some hard moments. Don't worry, showers, are overrated. My advice to georgia five years ago would be. Yeah do it, do it you won't regret. And. Yeah, since i did it i'm here i'm really happy. And some practical. Maybe some practical, advice. I would tell, georgia, to. Take some sailing lessons, before, starting, maybe this would have shortened. The learning curve would be faster, to learn. Maybe, lose some fear in, earlier. You know. But, yeah don't give up, keep going. You'll feel fear. You will, feel seasick. But these things. Are gonna. Pass along the way not completely, but they will just be smaller and smaller. You can do it you're capable. And there's no reason, why you cannot do it. So how we see the future from here. Something i learned sailing also is that we cannot know what's going to be the future. We just, can. Think what we want it to be and, i want, we keep, my, what i want is that we keep sailing. As long as we are happy. And we are enjoying, it because this was always our goal if at some point we are not happy or not enjoying, it we can change, but i see a nice future, sailing a lot, there's, many many places i still want to visit.

Build A family, on the boat. And. Yeah, see the world, as we've been doing, meet a lot of nice people. And keep sharing this with you guys as much as we can the most honest, way we can. And. Yeah. I think that's it. I see the short-term, future is rain. So we learn we learn we cannot fight against the weather, so, but yeah let's, wrap it and i see the future, if, we are now very. Not very but. Somewhat, mature, sailors. So i see. With lots of miles ahead. Maybe a growing family. And uh. Keep exploring. Keep developing, our new skills. Keep improving, as sailors, as travelers. As uh as people and uh, lovers, and nature lovers. So, i see us in a good track. And i just. Want to see us. Keep going, yes. Please let it now i'm curious, just let us know how you see our future what, you would like to see us doing maybe in the future, this would be really, a cool, and fun thing to to read, read here in the comments. Thanks for watching this video for taking the time to listen to us. And i hope it. Yeah, you just, maybe inspire, you a little bit. Yeah if you are if you are considering. Living aboard, and moving in a boat and doing a, long term travel. Yeah i think it's a, very very rewarding, experience, i feel really blessed, to be able to do this for these five years, and thank you so much for watching this episode. Two here. Again. Uh, please leave your thumbs up share these videos with someone you love, and, consider, becoming a patreon thank you so much see you next week yes all of this helps a lot our channel thank you so much guys. Bye. You.

2020-12-05 09:46

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