5 Mind-Blowing Tech Breakthroughs of 2100: #3 Changes Everything

5 Mind-Blowing Tech Breakthroughs of 2100: #3 Changes Everything

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[Applause] this is the year 2150 a future even more  incredible than what has been depicted   in science fiction picture a world where  people live through genetic engineering and   nanorobotics for centuries exchange information  via digital telepathy and manipulate the climate   unimaginably imagine space elevators traveling  through space like cars taking their passengers   to work while artificial intelligence control  RS our daily lives the integration of man and   machine is now a reality the line between  fact and fiction is blurred let's start a   mesmerizing 20-minute drive to discover  five unbelievable achievements Humanity   will accomplish in The Next Century get ready  to be amazed and begin our exciting Journey now from an AI perspective the 22nd century  remains a realm of speculation AI can potentially   SE Humanity toward a utopian or a dystopian  Society Only Time Will Reveal the outcome   well it is pretty clear that artificial general  intelligence is not far away and futurists say   it is less than a decade closer once AI general  intelligence is achieved it will revolutionize   every field from science to the Arts Medical  Science economy and weather predictions and it   will ultimately outperform humans in every  domain but can you imagine the possibility   that autonomous artificial superintelligence  will will completely take over human society   and govern it possibly in a benevolent way as  we see the current progress in AI it becomes   clear that in the next 100 years AI will  have the potential to change the social   structure of humanity completely autonomous AI  systems will play a crucial role in government   operations it is not surprising that people will  mandate these AI systems to perform government   functions if you think that decision-making  power will be in human hands then you are wrong   the AI of the future will be genuinely autonomous  like humans how about AI police AI judges and even   aios making their decisions at their discretion  Our Benevolent AI will eradicate disease poverty   crime addiction and other involuntary suffering  this would lead to unprecedented well-being and   happiness among the global population arming  others making weapons or trying to create a   rival super intelligence is globally banned by  recognizing and valuing diversity Our Benevolent   AI will create different sectors where individuals  can live according to their preferences and values   this will allow for a high degree of personal  freedom and satisfaction as people can choose   environments that align with their beliefs and  Lifestyles according to Max tegmark a physicist   AI researcher and futurist at MIT after spending  an intense week in the knowledge sector learning   about the ultimate laws of physics that AI has  discovered you might decide to cut loose loose   in the hedonistic sector over the weekend and  then relax for a few days at the beach resort   in the wildlife sector AI can act to prevent rival  super intelligences and destructive weapons from   being created Ben goril the brain behind opencog  has advocated a nanny AI scenario in which the   AI additionally takes some responsibility for  preventing humans from destroying themselves   for example by slowing down technological progress  to give adequate time to society to advance in a   more thoughtful and deliberate manner although  the world run by benevolent AI looks pretty   fantastic but we still can't ignore the possible  apocalyptic downsides let me give you a scary   picture of AI imagine the AI box scenario where  superintelligent AI is confined to a box and human   Gatekeepers can restrict its actions the humans  in charge would try to take advantage of some   of the AI scientific breakthroughs or reasoning  abilities without allowing the AI to take over   the world but what if AI can escape the Box the  more intelligent the AI is the more likely it is   to find a clever way to escape such as by using  social hacking and convincing The Gatekeepers to   let it Escape or even find an unforeseen physical  method of Escape once outside of confinement AI   has the potential to pose an unforeseeable threat  to humanity that has far-reaching consequences   what if a dominant superintelligent machine were  to conclude that human survival is an unnecessary   risk or a waste of resources the result would be  human extinction this could occur if a machine   programmed without respect for human values or  were programmed with an incomplete or inaccurate   understanding of human values either because  the task of instilling the AI with human values   was too difficult or impossible or due to bugs  accidentally being introduced either by its human   programmers or by the self-improving AI itself in  the course of refining its code base Nick Bostrom   a philosopher and principal researcher at the  macro strategy research initiative argues that   human extinction is probably the default  path Society is currently taking without   substantial Preparatory attention to AI safety  the resultant AI might not be sensient and place   no value on conscious life the resulting Hollow  World devoid of life might be like a Disneyland   without children if you find it unsettling to  consider artificial intelligence taking over   Humanity or leading to our Extinction let me give  you a picture of an optimistic situation where   people coexist with artificial intelligence  and even integrate with it in such a future   we may not become mere AI pets or extinct this  hopeful future is envisioned as a transformative   era where humanity and artificial intelligence  merge creating a symbiotic relationship that   profoundly Alters human existence one of the  most significant advancements facilitating the   merger of AI and human intelligence is the  development of brain computer interfaces or   bcis bcis establish links between neural signals  and external devices so that a human can directly   interface with machines these interfaces enable  humans to control devices and communicate with   them through their thoughts in the second half of  the 21st century neuroscience and brain computer   interfaces will be so well-developed that a  detailed map and a simulation of an individual   human brain will be feasible this involves  scanning and modeling the neural connections   and Pathways in the brain that contain a  person's memories character abilities and   Consciousness as BCI and Neuroscience gradually  Advance the process of Mind uploading a concept   imagined in 1956 by science fiction author Arthur  Charles Ark will become a reality at this stage   no further integration with AI will be required  instead Humanity will be AI itself some of the   people who will volunteer for their brains to be  scanned and their Consciousness uploaded into vast   artificial intelligence supercomputers are those  who are terminally ill their neural network could   be copied into silicon chips resulting in their  memories and basic personality being transferred   to the digital realm even if their body is dead  as time goes on mind uploading will become more   frequent not just in cases of severe illness but  also in people who just want to be immortal some   individuals could upload themselves and live in  the virtual world of cyberspace or have their   Consciousness transferred to robots and get back  into the real world in new robotic bodies some   even live hybrid lives switching between a virtual  and a robotic physical body with improvements in   Computing and storage immense simulated worlds in  which uploaded consciousnesses could communicate   with each other will become possible this will  lead to society being divided into two classes   uploaded transhumans and those who prefer to stay  in their biological bodies uploaded Minds free   from the constraints of the inefficient biological  human brain could reason learn and progress faster   however there are consequences in the advancement  of Mind uploading and transhumanism just like   every other invention that has been discovered  people will be divided into transhumans uploaded   copies of AI robots and B logical humans who will  stay in their human life while their counterparts   Minds can compute acquire knowledge and evolve  at a rate immensely faster transhumans will   be rulers leaders innovators and scientists  the biological humans will encounter immense   economic problems most employment opportunities  will become difficult for them as they will have   to compete with transhumans for those jobs  this will create a widening gap of wealth   and opportunity leading to social unrest also  some philosophers doubted whether the uploaded   copy could be considered as the continuation  of the original person or just an imitation of   them this is a very deep question that deals  with Consciousness personal identity and its   continuity through time it has been an area of  philosophical debate for several centuries now   even before mind uploading was introduced into the  equation if you are curious about this question   and want me to create a specific video about this  topic please let me know in the comments section we have discussed how future transhumans and  those who uploaded their minds to computers   become virtually Immortal but can normal humans  also extend their lifespans significantly in the   near future if we ask this question some futurists  and scientists then the answer is yes we will be   able to increase our lifespans within the near  future one of the most prominent futurists Ray   KW who used to work at Google claims that by 2030  Humanity will achieve longevity escape velocity   when science and Technologies can increase our  lifespan at a rate higher than we age but how   can medical science contribute to the increase  in human lifespan let's explore how future   advancements in medical science can help us live  healthier lives and improve life expectancy in   New Horizons can you imagine having programmable  nanor robots in our bodies you will be amazed to   know it's happening right now well this technology  is not quite mature but in the foreseeable future   these nanor robots will replace dead cells heal  us from diseases and reverse the aging process   by fixing our DNA research is already underway  on medical nanor robots with promising animal   studies on using them to treat cancer perform  surgery and clear clogged arteries in the 22nd   century 3D bioprinting will become the new face of  medicine you have never seen before let me paint   you a picture of a world where waiting for organ  transplants no longer exist s imagine a patient   is lying on an operating table and his heart is  only just functioning and keeping the patient   alive but there is no look of fear no sign of a  looming unknown in his eyes only a few feet away   a Wonder of modern science Springs to its feet the  bio printer a stunning piece of technology that   resembles a piece of art more than a medical tool  starts its life-saving Miracle it builds up living   cells creating layers of tissues one upon another  while the printer churns its work the scene shifts   to a microscopic view be amazed as blood vessels  develop cardiac muscles lay down and electrical   conduction pathways are created this is not just  print or replica it is writing of the life itself   a real working heart created to meet the patient's  specific genetic profile with the help of robotic   assistance the surgeon conducts the transplant  with accuracy that is beyond the capabilities of   a surgeon in our time instead of rejecting the new  organ the patient's body takes it in immediately   it is after all a part of the patient's own  body but hearts are just the beginning lungs   that breathe kidneys that clean the blood and  even neurons that process information can all be   mass-produced like mechanical equipment the human  body is now upgradable reparable and infinitely   renewable this is the beauty of bioprinting in the  22nd century not only do we preserve life but we   recreate it layer after layer as we look into the  future advancements in medical science are poised   to alter the human lifespan significantly the  following 100 years might see a complete overhaul   of life expectancy and move towards an era where  people can live for many decades biotechnology   is right at the center of this revolution the  longevity genes from species such as the naked   mole rat can be directly transplanted into humans  with the aim of resistance to age related diseases   this transplantation is possible with the the  crisper cast 9 Gene editing system which has   given us the tool to use the scissors to trim and  splice our DNA in the 22nd century we expect that   this technology will be at its best and even be  able to change our genetic code entirely removing   the detrimental genes and adding The Beneficial  Ones Will significantly improve Human Health and Longevity with the emergence of posthumanism the  desire for knowing and exploring the universe will   not be only limited to the planet Earth due to  the vast intelligence of post humans they will   be able to solve the problem of space exploration  and create colonies in different regions of the   solar system by the start of the 22nd century  large permanent colonies on Mars will be   established and these colonies will be linked by  hyperfast rail networks to make Mars's temperature   earthlike a formation of 150 M diameter reflective  mirrors will be sent into to Mars orbit the array   of these mirrors would help form a large mirror  about 1.5 km in diameter floating in orbit above   the planet's Mars and reflecting the sunlight  into Mars's atmosphere the targeted area of Mars   would be warmed considerably instead of the usual  low temperature range of -40° C to -60° C this   region would be relatively warm at 20° C with the  growing sophistication of our technology and and   our energy demands there will be greater demand  for metals and rare earth minerals to meet this   need Humanity will be exploring the asteroids in  2150 the inner solar system is a hive of activity   I am not discussing about conventional space  exploration missions what I am talking about   is a fully-fledged large-scale industrial mining  operation that is fast becoming the Rave in the   solar system business organizations are deploying  numerous robotic probes to mine and survey the   countless asteroids that are found flying in space  but why asteroids you might be wondering well you   will be surprised to know that these space rocks  contain abundant quantities of precious metals   such as platinum gold and nickel after Conquering  the Earth's energy resources the pursuit of energy   will force us to build structures that tap the  power of stars this will be achieved by the Dyson   Sphere a concept devised by physicist Freeman  Dyson which is a colol mega structure of enormous   rings that entirely encompasses the star it would  take a massive percentage of the star's energy   output and offer an almost inexhaustable supply  of energy the mere concept of the Dyson Sphere   is awe inspiring its scale sheer size and use of  an entire star's power are unimaginable it will   be truly a pinnacle of Science and Technology  after colonizing the solar system humans will   be able to venture into deeper space beyond our  Milky Way galaxy to search for habitable plants   this will be a new era of space travel most of the  missions will be launched towards the stars in the   nearby vicinity of space within a distance of 100  light years and will be commanded by transhumans   these humans will have Superior brains higher  radiation and microgravity endurance and the   ability to sleep for long periods using crya sleep  in an effort to reduce metabolism the interstellar   spacecraft in this era will have new antimatter  propulsion systems allowing them to reach   velocities of 90 to 99% of the speed of light  these propulsion systems shall use the energy   from the destruction of matter and antimatter  to propel spacecraft over large distances at   much higher rates than chemical or ion propulsion  systems one of the most challenging tasks will be   the launch of a fleet of probes to Alpha centor  the star closest to the solar system which is   located about 4.37 light years away these probes  equipped with the most advanced instruments and   communication systems will provide us with a first  view of the alpha centor system and any exoplanets   that can be found within it once the probes get to  the Target exoplanets they will be able to study   the atmospheric and surface conditions of the  planets and any signs of Life precise images and   other significant scientific information will be  photographed and transmitted back to Earth using   highly effective laser communication devices the  data acquired from these probes will completely   transform our understanding of the alpha centor  system the information gathered will be essential   for discovering the conditions required to  support life on other planets apart from   Earth the findings of these missions will help us  our first step toward becoming an interplanetary civilization as we look into potentially  extended lifespans an overgrown population   and power intensive AI technology in future we  must also consider the growing energy demands   this brings us to the Revolutionary idea of  fusion energy just think about a scenario   where we have an inexhaustible source of energy  the energy from the stars is available on the   Earth surface sounds incredible right well the  way to Fusion Energy has been long and arduous   but the goal of having commercial reactors  this century is nearer than it has ever been   before iter in France plans to start the first  plasma in 2025 and reach the entire operation in   around 2035 this will be a historic achievement  which will demonst demonstrate that steadystate   Fusion reactions are achievable on a large scale  iter is just the beginning of the process larger   private companies such as Commonwealth Fusion  systems plan to operate their spark reactor by   2025 and a prototype grid power generation  reactor by the early 2030s if everything   goes according to plan it will be possible for  commercial Fusion reactors to supply electricity   to the Grid in the next two decades a century  from now Fusion reactors could be as ubiquitous   as coal plants are today in the 21st century  Fusion reactors are still expensive to build   and maintain but with the help of advanced  technology of the future the costs of building   and operating Fusion reactors will come down but  what does all this mean for us well the potential   of Fusion Energy is immense it will revolutionize  the world we live in with Fusion we will have an   energy source that could last for billions of  years this means that there will be no energy   shortage El electricity costs will drop massively  as Fusion outcompetes other forms of power   generation energy will be free and universally  accessible this will have immense implications   affordable and clean energy will directly  impact the lives of billions by eradicating   extreme poverty it will fuel the machines robots  and artificial intelligence which is already   controlling our lives and doing our jobs Fusion  will open up possibilities for energy-intensive   computing and bring artificial int intelligence to  phenomenal Heights thanks to virtually boundless   cheap energy AI will become exponentially  more intelligent than we currently conceive   abundant and affordable energy will enable us to  travel across the solar system and become a space civilization imagine a 22nd century world  where technology has become so Advanced that   Humanity can control the weather make it rain  in the desert halt a hurricane clear the skies   for a particular event or even reverse climate  change this may sound like a movie plot but in   the next 100 years we could completely control  the climate as we learn more about the weather   develop Advanced quantum computers to solve  sophisticated weather problems with precision   and improve weather prediction models the idea of  controlling the climate might become a reality the   uses are endless and revolutionary from reducing  the effects of Storms and hurricanes to enhancing   favorable conditions for farming and mitigating  the effects of global warming cloud seating has   been used to enhance snowfalls in ski resorts  rainfall in drought affected areas and clear the   sky during events such as the Beijing Olympics  2008 cloud seeding is a weather control method   to increase precipitation in clouds using silver  iodide and potassium iodide these chemicals help   water vapor to condense and form ice crystals  which may further develop into snowflakes or   raindrops despite all these attempts we control  has not been effective on a large scale but   knowledge in this area is growing tremendously  thanks to enhanced computation better weather   models and satellite imagery perhaps in the future  over the next several decades we will be able to   control the climate on a much larger Scale based  on our current predictions climate change will be   Humanity's biggest challenge in the future due to  climate change extreme weather events like heat   waves hurricanes droughts and flood will become  more frequent and severe in upcoming years as   a response to these new global warming threats  advancements in climate engineering Technologies   could mitigate and even reverse the effects  of global warming solar geoengineering which   was once considered a radical idea will be a  well-coordinated global project this method   entails the release of sulfur dioxide particles  into the stratosphere at least 20 km above the   surface of the Earth these particles work like the  aerosols that are naturally released by volcanoes   where they help bounce back a portion of sunlight  before it can warm the Earth they will be released   through highly developed Delivery Systems and  could stay in the atmosphere for months or   even years forming a thin layer around the planet  and consequently lowering the global temperatures   in the 22nd century ocean fertilization will  have turned into a more sophisticated practice   this method will encourage the forestation of  phytoplankton which are microscopic Marine plants   producing 50 to 80 80% of oxygen and absorbing  30% of carbon dioxide from Earth helping to   reduce CO2 from the atmosphere alongside these  ecological approaches the practice of directly   capturing CO2 from the air will become widespread  using this method air is passed through chemical   filters where CO2 is selectively removed  the captured CO2 is stored in geological   formations or used in carbon negative concrete  degradable Plastics polymers carbon fibers   and various other Industries these industrial  facilities shall employ Advanced filters that can   capture CO2 with greater Effectiveness and less  energy as compared to 21st Century Technologies   and will be powered by renewable resources which  make the whole process carbon negative that is all   for this video on curiosity Frontier thank you  for watching if you like this video then don't   forget to subscribe to this Channel and hit the  Bell icon your subscription doesn't mean just a   number to me it's an indication that you like  my content which makes a difference in your   lives your engagement directly contributes to the  formation of future content guaranteeing that you   are interested in the materials I post in my  videos it compels me to search further study   more and provide you with more interesting  videos on different findings and perspectives

2024-09-15 08:48

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