56th Annual Convocation - Session 2

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foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] Arts and Technology I will now introduce the member of the Board of Governors who are with us today and I would ask that they remain standing if able until after the members of The College administration are also introduced Gene piccinato chair Warren Beck Paula Coro battagello gay Rye Gary Rossi Vice chair gideo Sovereign past chair and today's guest speaker Phil gratto alumni of Distinction 2023 [Applause] I would also like to introduce the members of The College administration president Dr Patricia France Waseem habash senior vice president academic and college operations John Fairley vice president College Communications and community relations and executive director Foundation Mark Jones vice president finance and Chief Financial Officer Ron Siegen vice president international relations campus development and student services Joe siriani Vice President Human Resources safety security and Facilities Management [Applause] vice president academic and registrar Dr Lindy prendy executive director Center for academic excellence and quality assurance [Applause] and from Sinclair College Alumni Association Adam Ibrahim director [Applause] I would also like to introduce and acknowledge the amazing faculty from the schools of engineering technology skilled trades and apprenticeships who have contributed to your success [Applause] I would now like to call upon Sinclair College president Dr Patty France to provide opening remarks thank you John on behalf of the college's Administration and the entire Sinclair family of employees it is my pleasure to welcome you to this convocation ceremony to our many guests who are in the audience or looking in Via or live streaming broadcasts and to the scholars who will be transformed from students into graduates when you cross the stage to receive your diplomas certificates or degrees bear with me as I tell you a little story please every year the college honors a half dozen past graduates with their alumni of Distinction Awards one of the 2023 recipients of that program will be addressing you shortly as our guest speaker I was surprised as I look back on some of her recent alumni of Distinction because some of them graduated from academic programs that have absolutely nothing to do with their subsequent professional careers for instance just to name a few one of this year's recipients was Bob belichicko you may know him as one of this area's most popular or TV broadcasters so Bob graduated from Sinclair's journalism program right no he earned his diploma in 1994 in business advertising but as far as we know he never designed or sold a single ad in his life retain gate of the electrical engineering technology program class of 1972 was named an alumni of Distinction in 2003 but not for his work in electrical engineering he was recognized instead for being the president of Toyota Canada maybe the most unusual alumni of Distinction bio is that of Dave mirhej who was honored in 2021 Dave graduated from the business marketing program in 2003 in the two decades since then did he become a hugely successful commercial entrepreneur or the CEO of a huge retail chain no Dave took his business marketing diploma and became one of North Americans top comedians and comic actors maybe my own story is pertinent as well my first post-secondary credential was from Synchro college and computer programming yet here I am today standing before you as one of Ontario's two dozen College presidents what's my point in telling you these rather interesting stories it's to emphasize to you that your college education your Saint Claire experience prepared you for more than the occupational field associated with your specific academic program we believe that we have instilled in you also the fundamental skills work habits entrepreneurial spirit and self-confidence to tackle unforeseen but exciting New Opportunities and advancements throughout your impending careers we also hope that we've created a love of lifelong learning so that you'll keep up to speed and up to date with all of the evolving Knowledge and Skills in your chosen occupations during the coming years so as we send you off into the world many initially on a professional path related to your Academic Program please remain open to the unimagined and surprising opportunities that will spring up throughout your life many of them may at the time seem to be off track and even crazy challenges but believe me they'll be worth the effort even the courage that you may have to exert to grasp them I Believe In You Sinclair College believes in you and I'm quite certain that the family and friends who are with us today believe in you just as they've believed in you and encouraged you throughout your recent academic Quest moms dads grandparents sisters brothers husbands wives significant others and friends today is also a very important day and as much as an achievement for you as well as we recognize the invaluable support that you have provided to these graduates during the past year or two or three of their college careers all of you have the college's appreciation and gratitude for your contributions to their success speaking of families as graduates you'll be joining a new one today as soon as you cross the stage and have your diploma in hand you will have acquired about 130 000 new relatives in the form of all of your fellow graduates from the college's 55 years of existence today you'll automatically become a member of the Sinclair College Alumni Association please stay in touch with the association in the years to come because we want to track your adventurous journey through life if you're ever to be nominated for alumni of Distinction award I am confident that there are potential countless rewarding exciting career achievements that await you congratulations once again graduates thank you foreign thank you president France Gene piccinato chair from the Board of Governors and will now deliver greetings from the board [Applause] on behalf of Sinclair College Board of Governors I congratulate you on your graduation today your hard work dedication and perseverance has paid off you should be incredibly proud of your accomplishments as you walk across the stage you will receive a tangible symbol of the effort and determination that you exhibited as you work to earn your certificates diplomas and degrees you have proven to yourselves and the world that you have what it takes to succeed and we are privileged to have played a part in your journey at Sinclair College we believe in Rising above the ordinary our marketing and branding slogans reflect this with phrases like Saint strong and start here go anywhere we strive to provide students with an exceptional educational experience that prepares them for success in whatever path they choose since 1967 Sinclair College has been committed to providing our students the tools they need to achieve their goals we are proud to have been part of your journey and look forward to seeing all that you will accomplish in the future as you progress in your careers remember the lessons that you learned at Sinclair College use the skills you have acquired to positively impact the world and continue to strive for excellence in everything that you do I want to personally thank the friends and family that are here today or watching online for their encouragement and support throughout your time at Sinclair College We join together to celebrate your accomplishments the board would also like to acknowledge and thank our faculty and staff for their role in your journey once again congratulations class of 2023 on your graduation we wish you all the best in your future endeavors and we look forward to seeing you rise above the ordinary thank you [Applause] thank you Gene I would now like to reintroduce John Fairley vice president College Communications and community relations and executive director of Sinclair College Foundation who will introduce our guest speaker [Applause] this is the 30th year in which the college has recognized the successes and contributions of former students who have excelled in their vocation and contributed to their community each alumnus of Distinction have been on a unique Journey since they graduated from the college today you'll hear from Phil Grotto he's from the class of 1997. should have said that okay you look very young for that 1997 mechanical engineering technology he is the advanced projects technical lead at stellanis Auburn Hills in Michigan Phil is an accomplished automotive engineering and Technical leader passionate about developing exciting Dodge and G products that generate the brand passion and higher customer satisfaction he currently serves as advanced projects technical lead for the next gen e segment SUVs at stellanis where he leads the engineering organization to develop Innovative and high quality vehicles Phil also joined the company when he joined the company in 1998 he's had various engineering positions and with increasing responsibility within product development where he's worked closely with Global Engineering teams notable roles include chief engineer for the 2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee L and Senior manager for the vehicle cost engineering he was performance manager for the 2015 Jeep Renegade in the Fiat 500x vehicle integration and supervisor for the next gen CUV Compass Advance vehicle engineering you're a whole car lot you've got everything on there Phil's education background includes a diploma of mechanical engineering technology from us here at Sinclair College a bachelor's degree in engineering and master's degree in Business Administration from Lawrence Tech at University please welcome our 2023 alumnus of Distinction representing the School of Engineering skilled trades ladies and gentlemen Phil Grotto [Applause] thank you John Furley president Patty France the Board of Governors graduates loved ones and distinguished faculty members it's an absolute honor for me to be here with you today and I'm so grateful of Sinclair College for allowing me to share a few Thoughts with you directly the 2023 graduating class from Sinclair College I'd like to begin by saying I am a proud alumnus the Saint Clair College graduating I stated earlier in 1997 from the mechanical engineering technology program I currently work at stalantis in Auburn Hills Michigan as the chief engineer where as the chief engineer as mentioned I launched the Jeep Grand Cherokee L as we know today I also had other projects that were quite exciting including the Jeep Renegade today I lead the next generation of esuvs through our development programs which would be our future programs or we come in the next three to five years I've been married for 23 years have three beautiful daughters my passion is cars period and given my responsibilities I believe I do have one of the best jobs in the world at the moment over the past 26 years my journey is not one that has been necessarily planned nor expected it was a culmination of events and principles that I was taught from the halls of Sinclair College and from work mentors all along the way in fact I recall a specific turning point in my life while at Sinclair College that I will never forget you see back in the day I like to party a bit and Skip classes from time to time so one time because of that it induced the ball in an exam I went to my professor and I asked for some extra credit to improve my grade this professor told me straight son if you're not going to take this program seriously perhaps Sinclair College is not for you what he was saying was you are no more special than anyone else here and we will flunk you this moment was a turning point for me because he was right I wasn't any more special than the rest of the class I was not getting any special treatment all I knew was that I loved cars and Sinclair College was my path to fulfilling that dream this realization of course was enough to change my mindset and remain motivated on the path to success because in the end there are no free rides so don't expect them luckily I like you arrived at graduation and it's important to look at how much you've accomplished so far your teachers your friends family your life experiences have defined the person that you are today directly or indirectly they help to achieve this important moment in your life stop breathe and be proud enjoy this moment the next chapter of your story is about to begin so right now many of you are likely having some mixed emotions or worry anxiety indecision curiosity questions like are my career plans after Saint Croix College good enough to make a good living and will they allow me to do the things I want to do in life will I even like this career what if I hate it with everything so expensive these days will I have or will I make enough money these are the thoughts and feelings I had 26 years ago and now realized that it was good to have them of course there was also the immediate question where is the graduation party tonight and who's going again mixed thoughts and emotions but looking back I realize that those concerns was what drove me to continually seek advice ask questions talk to people doing the work that I was going into I can't emphasize that enough talk to people that are going to do the work that you're going into it's really critical and I want and I was still learning even after I left St Clair College because the Practical nature of the education that I received was instilled in me I am here to tell you as living proof that the older you will benefit from what Sinclair College has instilled in you that is not obvious today believe me it will shock you when you look back one day in the future many of you will lead significant important projects projects that will protect lives or how people feel at ease by removing the stress of a leaky pipe or an out of control robotic arm at an assembly plant that's destroying millions of dollars of material and the older you will nurture the Young by teaching and passing along your life lessons donating local charities just because you want to give back and say thank you for this great privileged Journey you've been on you can't see what the future holds but I can tell you the older you will be grateful for this graduation day and this significant and specific accomplishment as you travel out in the world here are a few words of advice always treat people with dignity and respect and thank people for what they do it's free and goes a long way focus on what's in your focus on what's within your control and do your best every day the rest will take take care of itself don't worry about what's not in your control of course Follow Your Passion but I'll tell you there will be times when the project or job will be frustrating push through those challenges because they will be temporary and will become your most memorable and rewarding experiences trust me I know and of course this is an important one be a little selfish and keep adding skills to your toolbox learn as much as you can as fast as you can once you get comfortable in a position change job positions get uncomfortable again so you can quickly learn more and add more tools to your toolbox money you've heard this a thousand times don't worry about money as your toolbox grows so will your paychecks I promise your finances will balance out if you live within your means remember the old cliche the more you make the more you spend it's true I've had roughly the same amount of money in my spending account for the last 25 years they might have something to do with my wife and daughter and the Amazon accounts and the guy visiting every day but nonetheless we live within our means and we're fine lift those around you as you climb you are going to climb as you go through your careers make sure that you bring those and help those along around you that help you with your new positions that's how the best teams are built so in closing the final few words your potential is untapped your future is Unwritten and you will have a journey to take that to take that is not limited by anyone or anything you just have to buckle up and focus above all enjoy what you do take pleasure and satisfaction in what you achieve this is the foundation of in key to a happy life whatever your next steps I invite you to see your studies here as part of a lifetime of learning congratulations thank you for your time enjoy the ride you already have a great start [Applause] thank you Phil I would now like to call upon Gene piccinato to present the Board of Governors medal and the governor General's medal [Applause] thank you the board of Governor's medal is awarded yearly to a graduate who demonstrates the most outstanding academic achievement I would ask Ronnie and Tracy to please join me on stage [Applause] on behalf of Sinclair College I'm I am pleased to announce that Ryan Tracy as the recipient of the 2023 Board of Governors medal Ryan is a graduate from the mechanical engineering technology Automotive product design program Ryan maintained a 4.0 GPA during his three years of study all while participating in additional campus initiatives Ryan is an enthusiastic program Ambassador who volunteered during the college's open house where he supplied a sophisticated major virtual product for program promotional purposes to help recruit future students into the ADP program Ryan demonstrated an ability to work independently and collab collaboratively within the program Ryan is described as an active learner who handled the regular rigorous program with ease often providing support to his peers Ryan acted acted as a tutor Mentor for several Junior students in the mechanical engineering technology ADP program we are grateful to Ryan for his advocacy efforts on behalf of all the students and its commitment to his program and Community we rich Ryan the best and continued success as he continues his studies in mechanical engineering at the University of Windsor congratulations Ryan [Applause] the governor General's medal is the highest award that can be conferred upon a full-time graduating student and recognizes outstanding academic achievement on the part of its recipient I would ask Felipe Mansour Namar to please join me on stage thank you on behalf of Sinclair College I'm pleased to announce that Felipe monster krunauer as the recipient of the 2023 Governor General's medal today Felipe will graduate from the electromechanical engineering technician robot robotics program during his two-year program Felipe maintained maintained a 4.0 GPA while

providing tutoring sessions to classmates Felipe expanded the tutoring level previously offered in this program in the programmable robotics controllers in robotics lab Felipe often remained after class to review lessons and engage with his peers to ask thought provoking questions and is described by his faculty as a remarkable student with a deep passion for learning in Open Lab time in the robots one course last summer I like this part Felipe wrote a robot program to pour simulated coffee into a Tim Hortons cup stir it and even put a lid on it a demonstration video of this robot program was taped and uploaded on LinkedIn and received almost 1500 views from industry professionals worldwide he has pushed the limits of what is possible within our labs his creativity and projects drives others to be better and try harder each of his projects has a friendly competitive nature and has raised the bar for all on behalf of Sinclair College I am proud to present this medal in recognition of Felipe's academic achievements and his commitment to his program congratulations Felipe thank you I would now like to reintroduce senior vice president academic and college operations Waseem habash to acknowledge our award winners [Applause] good afternoon Saints The Faculty academic award is designed to recognize a graduating student in each Program full or part-time who has best demonstrated academic excellence the student leadership award recognizes the graduating student in each program again Fuller part-time who best combines academic achievement and Leadership the recipients of the faculty academic award and the recipients of the student leadership award will be acknowledged when their names are announced during the ceremony I would like to congratulate the recipients of these special Awards [Applause] graduates convocation is a formal recognition of your achievements you have worked very hard so celebrate this accomplishment it is very well deserved there is however one other group here today that also Reserve deserve to be recognized these are the remarkable dedicated faculty here at Sinclair College who have contributed to your success graduates I would ask that you please join me in thanking your faculty for all their efforts to make this day a reality for you thank you we've now come to the formal part of our ceremony where the diplomas certificates and degrees will be awarded and become official documents of the college with the graduates please stand if able I would like to call upon president Dr Patty France and vice president academic registrar Michael savagi to the podium graduates please stand good afternoon Madam president it is my privilege to report to you that the candidates here assembled have qualified in all respects for diplomas certificates and degrees by successfully completing curricula offered by several divisions of Sinclair College they have been recommended by The Faculty to be awarded diplomas certificates and degrees in recognition of their academic accomplishments by virtue of the authority vested in Me by The Board of Governors of Sinclair College I do hereby confirm confer on you your respective diplomas certificates and degrees with all of the honors Privileges and responsibilities pertaining thereto Madam president on behalf of the graduates not present today I request that you confer their diplomas certificates and degrees in absentia I so do congratulations graduates [Applause] please be seated during the next part of our program we will present the graduates individually to the Board of Governors and president France to receive congratulations while the first of our graduates are making their way to the stage I would like to tell you about the stool and the hood the soul in the hood have a long history within academics originating in 15th century Europe in the ages of great artists Scholars and explorers of the Renaissance today the stolen Hood symbolize recognition of an individual is now prepared to assume a responsible and creative role in the community Sinclair College graduates of one two or three year certificates or diplomas receive a custom stole that is draped over their shoulders to signify acceptance into the alumni community and denote achievement in academics Sinclair College graduates of a four-year honors bachelor's degree receive a custom hood to signify acceptance into the alumni community and don't denote achievement in academics the color of the velvet trim indicates the area of study in which the degree was granted both the hood and the stool are specifically designed for our graduates and celebrate tradition within Sinclair College and Saints Nation members of the Board of Governors on the recommendation of our teaching faculty it is my pleasure to present you the graduates for diplomas certificates and degrees from the School of Engineering Technologies I have the honor to present the graduates in the architectural Technology Program Ethan lahu Firth Joanne Lopez Romero [Applause] Santiago pass Ramirez Brendan Berg Matthew Charbonneau Connor loft house Brooke digiovanni Landon kipfer Ryan Lamarck Evan fields Jeremy Burch Olivia Bernie graduating with academic distinction also receiving the faculty academic award Carly snaden receiving the student leadership award Jose Gamaliel Gordillo Jimenez Mirna Saad graduating with academic distinction basma yuno [Applause] Miriam Jamma [Applause] Fiona Draughn muddy shocker [Applause] Rand calloff Yusuf Fatima Chalker Zahara al-janabi [Applause] aicha Sada [Applause] ragged omran [Applause] Shaheed al-haik [Applause] biomedical sorry I have the honor to present the graduates of the biomedical engineering technology equipment and devices receiving the student leadership award Samantha charlito [Applause] Brady ogerman [Applause] Daniel mileski [Applause] Deacon Classen [Applause] Jacob Fitzpatrick [Applause] with some Musa Toma [Applause] safe Nev [Applause] Doreen jukpen receiving the faculty academic award obiwali [Music] [Applause] Nicolas olalore I have the honor to present the graduates in the chemical laboratory Technology Program Chantelle ciprian [Applause] Jasmine elkeb [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Peter Sheena [Music] [Applause] Kayla Slyman receiving the student leadership award Shelby Roselle Henry Kling Julian alfuente [Applause] I have the honor to present the graduates in the civil engineering technology program [Applause] Justin wiebe [Applause] Michael Youssef Josh Jamison [Applause] Betty graduating with academic distinction also receiving the student leadership award Rafal Nissan graduating with academic distinction also receiving the faculty academic award Rafael Ruban supawadi matsumat [Applause] Catherine tattoo [Music] Miriam Catu [Applause] Ilias Osman [Applause] Muhammad al-rabak Hunter Porter in Martin fatty [Applause] I have the honor to present the graduates in the civil engineering technology sorry the construction engineering technician program Sergio De La Cruz receiving the faculty academic award [Applause] Luis Delgado Garcia [Applause] Raphael Xavier writer arbaz Abdul khadir Malik [Applause] parth chicalia [Applause] deep Rakesh Kumar udwaria [Applause] Smith Kumar paresh Bhai donda [Applause] Yogi Ramesh by jassani [Applause] [Applause] Patel [Applause] Patel [Music] Prince Raj janak Raj rathod [Music] [Applause] satwinder core receiving the student leadership award Vandana shridhar [Applause] Park Iran harkaran [Applause] vikash Singh [Applause] Amit Amit Kamal Kishore [Applause] Andrew alcayat [Applause] Renee Adolfo men hivar Morales Zachary dick [Applause] Pedro Torres arrido [Applause] Elias Munoz archaea I have the honor to present the graduates in the construction project management program but here Hajj Khalil graduating with academic distinction also receiving the student leadership award and Maria Jose aparna Jose Mahesh [Applause] Muhammad zayan mansori [Applause] Ivan Meadows tahada [Applause] abinesh muthamani vidi subashbai Patel graduating with academic distinction Phipps graduating with academic distinction Jewel prakash monil ravani Vikram Singh takor [Applause] Samuel chidosier uzoma [Applause] Kumar [Applause] diara weed super de Campos receiving the faculty academic award [Applause] I have the honor to present the graduates in the electromechanical engineering technician robotics program [Music] parth Patel [Applause] kaushik Bharat by calculoter [Applause] maharshi Kumar panchal [Applause] harsh Kumar Patel [Applause] Sagar Kumar bayani mitul dubaria Anwar buarsh [Applause] Owen Kavanaugh [Applause] Vinci Lam [Applause] Felipe monsource krumenauer graduating with academic distinction also receiving the governor General's medal and the faculty academic award Jason gerage receiving the student leadership award Matthew fields Utah Yin Dottie Daval Kumar Raj [Applause] kuwar Naveen Chandra [Applause] jaswinder Carr [Applause] we put them on sing [Applause] H preet Singh [Applause] Alex pandian Ilya Raja [Applause] Sanjay jayabala Krishnan Priya [Applause] Christie Jose coriapoli Jacob [Applause] kritpal Singh Sandeep Kumar shubham hasmukbai sadhu Vikram Vikram [Music] dimple Kumar Patel [Music] [Applause] rajvir Singh hasmuksin parmar Patel [Music] janil Kumar Patel foreign Aditya Rajesh Kumar panchal [Applause] Karam tofi [Applause] Manpreet Kaur [Applause] Ulysses Ferry jumbi tumcho [Applause] shrey paresh Kumar Vayas [Applause] Cody cassaninden [Music] [Applause] [Music] I have the honor to present the graduates in the electrical electronic engineering technician Industrial Automation Muhammad iskander [Music] nimesh Sharma [Applause] I have the honor to present the graduates in the interior design program Jamie Valens receiving the student leadership award Mackenzie Doucette Serena Oliveira [Applause] Catherine Ferguson [Applause] nor al-karagouli graduating with academic distinction also receiving the faculty academic award Russell [Music] [Applause] Megan Goodman [Applause] I have the honor to present the graduates in the mechanical engineering technology Automotive product design program James Horton Joshua kwatkowski [Applause] Cody Malone [Music] [Applause] Kyle Fair [Applause] Ryan Tracy receiving the board of Governor's medal and the faculty academic award and the student leadership award Joseph degotti [Applause] Thompson Franco dingy Wong [Applause] Justin Johnson Muhammad al-bawadi [Applause] this concludes the graduates from the School of Engineering Technologies [Applause] members of the Board of Governors on the recommendation of our teaching faculty it is my pleasure to present to you the grad the graduates for diploma certificates and degrees from the school of skilled trades and apprenticeships I have the honor to present the graduates in the automotive service technician program gaseem elnor [Applause] I have the honor to present the graduates in the general machinist program Jacob major [Applause] Jeremiah gamponia [Applause] Cynthia Cooper Oliver swainson [Applause] I have the honor to present the graduates in the hair styling program Laurie Lynn Garen [Applause] I have the honor to present the graduates in the pre-apprenticeship truck coach and heavy equipment repair George Allen Bruce zarur [Applause] I have the honor to present the graduates in the pre-apprenticeship CNC industrial mechanic Millwright program Justine Allen [Applause] Jennifer Holland receiving the student leadership award [Applause] Tracy Muhammad [Applause] U [Music] Madison Boyle [Applause] Cassidy Atkinson [Applause] makawadi [Music] thank you [Applause] I have the honor to present the graduates in uh tool and die maker program Dennis Mendoza receiving the student leadership award I have the honor to present the graduates in the carpentry and renovation techniques program Zachary claudier graduating with academic distinction Marie lease demena graduating with academic distinction Megan dereze graduating with academic distinction khalib Lowe graduating with academic distinction [Applause] Teresa Soliere graduating with academic distinction Robert trudell graduating with academic distinction Joseph Wilkin [Applause] I have the honor to present the graduates in the electrical techniques program Emma Al Tamimi graduating with academic distinction Trevor Miller receiving the student leadership award [Applause] Joanne ulickny receiving the faculty academic award [Applause] e demirci [Applause] Jackson olasky Kevin De tomases [Applause] Aiden pie Joshua vanderlan [Applause] Khan [Music] [Applause] I have the honor to present the graduates in the heating refrigeration and air conditioning technician program Hunter Edwards [Applause] John dinh Dakota flax Evan Fortier [Music] Muhammad halawa Lawrence Hannah [Applause] suleimanjaro [Music] [Applause] Nicholas maragudakis [Applause] ranya Muhammad [Applause] Christopher Moore [Applause] Hadi musamani Daniel Nguyen Hassan nizam Amrit pal Singh [Applause] Andrew Pham [Applause] miles philcox [Applause] Mateo quatrini [Applause] Abdul rasul Samurai receiving the student leadership award Leslie Turnbull gurk care Paul Singh [Applause] anmol tiagi Riley Tremblay [Music] [Applause] Ravi Kumar Ramesh by Trivedi [Applause] Christopher Siegen George wothier Justin Saint Pierre Owens Stafford Jackson Cuthbert Dylan chapsky [Applause] [Music] Gabrielle Angelini [Applause] emir alamiri escho broblia I have the honor to present the graduates in the Landscape Horticulture program Sydney bachmeyer Chelsea Lynn Cartwright [Applause] Caitlin DeVos [Applause] Rasika galage graduating with academic distinction also receiving the faculty academic award Thomas kogel Daniel Langlois [Applause] Arena Lee Andrea Nickerson graduating with academic distinction Mackenzie eyles [Applause] Tyler Ross graduating with academic distinction also receiving the student leadership award Irene samanovich Singh I have the honor to present the graduates in the mechanical engineering technician industrial program Ashish pardwaj Augustine gemfy [Applause] Samuel tesfaya [Applause] Vivek Kumar Anil Bhai ahir AJ sin upendra schwet Kumar Chowdhury neet Kumar jayash Kumar Patel dhruv Patel akshil Kumar amratpai Patel Patel nil Patel [Applause] Umar piyush Kumar Patel [Applause] darshan Kumar Mukesh Bhai Patel [Applause] Yash Kumar Dinesh Bhai Patel Yash Suresh by prajapati foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Thomas Quinlan receiving the student leadership award Kyron Davidson [Applause] Aaron Kuipers Colton gagne [Applause] Braden TL I have the honor to present the graduates in the mechanical technician CAD cam program Mark as a party receiving the faculty academic award [Applause] Raj Desai [Music] [Applause] Milan Kumar arvind Bhai goti [Applause] Marissa Haslam Jason James Vikram jaswal Rahul jangri [Applause] arshvir Singh career [Applause] Dinesh Kumar [Applause] Kenny Quan [Applause] subham man [Applause] I mitesh kumarune [Applause] atish Patel Patel [Applause] Patel [Applause] Vishal Kumar manilal Patel Ram akshit Manish Kumar Shah Shah [Applause] davinder Singh [Applause] gurpinder Singh [Applause] harpreet Singh jasraj Singh manjit Singh [Applause] rajpreet Singh [Applause] vishwajits in Mahendra sin solanki [Applause] Akash Suresh [Applause] devash Guilty by vorah [Applause] darshio shayam Raja Kumar [Applause] Kate quateroni [Applause] I have the honor to present the graduates in the mechanical techniques Precision metal cutting program David novakovich [Applause] I have the honor to present the graduates in the Motive Power technician program receiving the faculty academic award [Applause] darson dharmarajan jilson George [Music] receiving the student leadership award Jensen Matthew Smith Patel [Applause] jobanpreet Saab [Applause] tirth harshad Kumar solanki [Applause] Nathan Stevenson Aiden Wallace Brooks [Music] Christian prinslow [Applause] I have the honor to present the graduates in the plumbing techniques program Muhammad al-salama receiving the student leadership award [Applause] chevane Brown [Applause] dilpreet Singh Hari [Applause] Noah Kovac Liam Lenahan Ethan parent Warren Pinkney [Applause] I have the honor to present the graduates in the welding techniques program Dylan Bernardin [Applause] Eric Justin Carion graduating with academic distinction also receiving the faculty academic award Robert Camden Finley [Applause] Carter huson Bianca kambale [Applause] Cameron Linds [Applause] Sarah McLean Nicolas Arturo Nolan Rollin [Applause] Ryan olubusi graduating with academic distinction also receiving the student leadership award Jack Pavlich graduating with academic distinction Bradley Penner Roger Ramos [Applause] leaf runnels [Applause] Jack Scott [Applause] I have the honor to present the graduates in The Woodworking technician program Diego Bernal [Music] Shawna Boucher graduating with academic distinction also receiving the student leadership award Matthew Clark graduating with academic distinction Devin Cote [Music] Jalen Dudley [Applause] Kai Dutton [Applause] Justin Edward [Applause] Giovanni giliana graduating with academic distinction [Applause] [Applause] Jeffrey McAvoy [Applause] so winging graduating with academic distinction also receiving the faculty academic award Ivy Nguyen [Music] Chantel Patrick [Applause] Devin robach Cornelia scheibner graduating with academic distinction Victoria scoils [Applause] Sydney Whitehead [Applause] Genevieve Wimmer graduating with academic distinction this concludes the conferring of diplomas and certificates at this time I would like to reintroduce Adam Ibraham director of The Sinclair College Alumni Association [Applause] greetings graduates of Sinclair College Class of 2023 on behalf of the alumni board I want to tell you how proud We are for you graduating from your studies here at Sinclair College during these unique times you are now officially members of Sinclair College Alumni Association [Applause] you may wonder what that means for you it is so much more than the years of wonderful memories of Faculty friends and other events at Sinclair College you have been on the foundation of graduates since 1967. you now have a huge network of alumni this alumni family of a hundred and thirty thousand graduates provides you with a special connection wherever you go you will be surprised by how many people you meet in your future who have graduated from Sinclair College our graduates not only live in our region but also across the province of Ontario many places in Canada and around the world so please stay connected with us follow us on LinkedIn Facebook and Instagram watch for our monthly newsletters that will keep you up to date on the life at the college and what's happening in the stories of many alumni the Alumni Association holds annual events just for you our alumni we will launch an alumni Perks app with the college Affinity partners and businesses that will provide discounts and services for you to take advantage of watch for our announcements on our social media platform the Alumni Association is proud to call you family I it will stand it will stand with the college for networking upgrading and meeting your needs as you jur as your journey officially begins from Sinclair College and decades to come you are now part of the nation Saints Nation Where We Are All Saints strong congratulations [Applause] thank you Adam at this time I would like to reintroduce Dr Lindy prendy executive director Center for academic academic excellence and quality assurance thank you John could the audience please rise if able for the closing reflection please join me in this closing reflection together we ask all our graduates be filled with joy and peace may they have success and happiness throughout the years may they bring honor and wisdom to their own lives their families their communities and our country and may they be filled with a desire to learn new things throughout their lives we ask this according to the terms of your individual faiths please be seated well this concludes the second session of the 56th annual convocation of Sinclair College we ask that the audience please remain seated until the faculty and graduates have left the main floor graduates your faculty who are in attendance are making themselves available for pictures with you please look for your program sign in The Concourse level graduates guests family and staff please enjoy today's reception sponsored by your Alumni Association immediately following the ceremony congratulations class of 2023 [Applause] [Music] [Music] so here at Sinclair College we pride ourselves in the variety of programs we run here trades that we run are construction Industrial Service two-year three-year programs some of the programs have Pathways to University degrees that we've had articulation agreements with the universities so you you can take the first two years here and then you can carry on to the university and finish the program there and get your degree engineering Technologies I guess is an extension really of the skilled trades it's more along the lines of the design and you know the the startup process of manufacturing so you're going to be more involved in the design aspect for instance Automotive product design where you're designing the product you know the fascia for the car the dashboard for the car you would be involved with actually coming up with the concept and designing that product so it can be manufactured so the robotics lab that you see here behind us you know we really pride ourselves in the equipment that we have here because it gives the student the ability to do the the Hands-On component and actually experience exactly what it's going to be like in the field so as you see here what the robot is doing it's actually simulating spot welding and you see that out in industry and that's what the students learning so when the students finish this program they're pretty much Plug and Play into the industry and it gives them a huge advantage in getting a job in this industry Power Engineering is another very popular program very good jobs in the power engineering but again very much in demand we have a steam lab here with a full scale boiler again you get your hands-on experience on site but with power engineering you also have placement components so you have to go to a facility and run a boiler and you get your placement hours and then you complete the program and you're ready to start your career the field is very broad but every program that we run here I can tell you right now that the demand for jobs is there [Music] this is an extremely exciting uh Venture that this community is embarking upon it's a pilot program that is supported by oven with 500 000 that will allow us to bring stem training into great schools and high schools so there's going to be over 800 students that are going to get trained through this program primarily in grade sevens and nine and um this is going to be done with Hands-On Robotics and the program is being developed the curriculum is being developed by some of the folks back there faculty from Sinclair college students from The Faculty of education at the University of Windsor and it will be delivered by students from Sinclair college students from The Faculty of education at University of Windsor and the teachers in the um in in all the respective schools and to prepare for that we are going to run a summer camp we're going to be working with them on initializing the curriculum and training them and hopefully that opens up their minds to say I want to take this program I want to get into stem into the future so vitally important for the Vitality of our economy especially here in Windsor Essex that we have more technical education across the board that's where the jobs are that's where the opportunities are and quite frankly it's where the rewarding careers are and that's why I always do my utmost steer I the young people that I work with into the applied sciences there's so much opportunity to have pride in your work say I built that I had a hand in making that happen and so when there's a program like like like this one that where all the partners come together in Windsor in Essex County great things are destined to happen and we're going to have Innovation and all kinds of uh intellectual property reaching right here from from the brightest Minds all they need all our youth need really that that motivation that confidence and that this type of investment that that's being made locally with all the partners is is going to get us there so on behalf of Premium Ford uh Minister fideli and the entire Ontario government I want to say thank you for all the work that you're doing to make sure that what we say is a strategy is actually happening on the ground it couldn't be done without your hard work and I can't thank you enough for making it easy for the government to take credit it but the credit belongs to you for for doing the hard work at the ground level to make sure everyone is well equipped for a great technical education thank you very much [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]


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