AI Consciousness Dreamwork & the Esoteric with Blue Tech

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I make zero distinction between you know  traditional spiritual practice magical practice   and uh technology for me there literally is no  distinction whatsoever I use and have for the   entirety of my career I've used electronic Tools  digital and technological tools to pursue my path   of magic and exploration of the Divine exploration  of my own experience exploration of my own shadow   and working through and processing like it's  people are are very upset by you know those of   us saying like AI is another tool it's a tool to  be used in the hands of the wise but for me it is   absolutely a tool two days transmission is a truly  novel technodelic emanation the likes of which I   can promise you you haven't heard before because  our guest in this one Evan Bartholomew AKA Blue   Tech which he's probably better known by which is  his stage name uh whatever you call him this man   is up to some very novel water whisker perking  activities that involve both technology Ai and   various introspective uh you could say esoteric  practices a lot of the things you're going to   hear about in this mind melt I've never heard  before I've never heard about anyone attempting   to cross the streams as it were of technology and  ancient wisdom and introspective investigation in   this way and what do I mean by that he's basically  using Ai and Technology as a sort of divination   tool as a way to mine deeper into the unconscious  layers of his own psyche as a way to work with his   dreams more on that in the actual mind meld and  on that note I'm gonna keep these introductory   musings brief because as you can probably hear  I've got some kind of demon taking residence in   my nose and throat areas currently and that is not  conducive to on-camera elocution but of course do   follow Evan Bartholomew AKA Blue Tech at the links  in the description and please do stop and tickle   the algorithm I come to you even through this  vocal bacterial or viral malaise or whatever it is   that I have going on all I ask in return is that  you smash up that like and Sub in case you aren't   aware we've also got over 300 Audio Only pods you  can find wherever you listen to podcasts and I   would love to have you over in our digital Wonder  gym over on patreon it's not only the best way to   support the show but get in on some Patron only  hangs get other rewards forward slash   third eye drops love you all already supporting  third eye drops on patreon links for all of that   and more are in the description and with that  my friends let's meldmines with the novel The   Wonderful the Whimsical Evan Bartholomew we were  recently part of a call together like we were just   talking about before we recorded and there were  some moments in that call this was a group call   with many participants but there are several  moments where things you said really piqued   my interest and it seems like things that I said  piqued your interest and after the call we were   like we should probably reconnect and have a  one-on-one and so so first I'm really happy to   have you on the show awesome thank you for having  me thanks man yeah so particularly I'm always   interested in how do we marry the novel emerging  technological dimension with the dimension of myth   meaning ancient wisdom because I think for human  beings to have any kind of meaningful future we   have to turn those two currents from something  parallel to something that intersect right   and it seems like you're you're very much on that  thread with some of the particulars that you were   talking about on that call but I'd love to  just hear your thoughts on that in general   yeah I think I think it's a grave error to make  some distinction between the technological worlds   or the material world and the physical world  and no matter what uh no matter what point of   reference you're taking to observe from whether  it's kabbalistic or animistic or you know from a   quantum physics perspective there is a lot less  uh separation than there is you know a Unity or   an embedding of different layers of meaning in  matter and in technology so I find this like   binary polarization of things that are or are  not spiritual very very counterproductive to   conversations about how to utilize technology in  Pursuit Of The Mystic so like you know um matter   is matters matter our our computers are made of  you know silicons and metals and things that are   that are of the earth and embedded with their own  frequencies and those frequencies and energetic   signatures play a part in the stories that unfold  as we use those Technologies as well yeah yeah   and to people just listening that might sound  incredibly woo right but I have a really practical   example of what you're talking about do you know  uh Evan Snyder who goes by Skytree I do yeah yeah   funny enough I got him started on his current  modular kick of using modular technology to   record the the frequencies of crystals and other  things right so I sent a a case of modular gear   to his roommate at the time uh Bobby who who  I just had a vision was going to make a really   incredible record and I said here's a bunch  of gear I want to hear what you do with it so   yeah so it's a small world in that respect so  I thought maybe there was some uh cohabitation   of ideas there or something but so when you say  frequencies people you know some I always imagine   this hypothetical skeptic who's like oh here we  go with this frequency [ __ ] or something like   that so I always condition these things but  literally you can create sounds from these   unique signatures of minerals and people I don't  think most people understand that that's literal   yeah I mean it's like as much as my language  can Veer toward the Mystic I always call myself   you know like the the pragmatic Mystic and  I have an allergy to just like a random Juju   that being said if you in any way believe in a   uh any aspect of divinity or Consciousness  or soul that exists in the universe then   humans are absolutely by no means the exclusive  like recipient of that whatever that is so like   it's either all or nothing either we live in a  world embedded with you know Divine Sparks and uh containing the aspect of spirituality or like none  of it humans are are not the the only uh object   in in the universe able to to uh perceive  and engage with with energetic movement and   that doesn't you know necessarily mean like  you know I'm doing a Stevie Nicks dance over   here you know like waving Crystal water around  to make things happen I just like the more I I   observe the world from an observational Viewpoint  based in science based in physics the the more   that Viewpoint of the world moves toward  things that are traditionally considered to   be a mystical or shamanic worldview right right  so practically speaking this creation happens   for you in a multitude of ways and you seem to be  this sort of multi-disciplinary creative which is   another thing that always intellectually Peaks  my Wonder whiskers like when people are using   these tools in ways that most people aren't  for ends that most people aren't I'm always   like this is some Cutting Edge [ __ ] and this  is something I'm interested in and in particular   you know most people know that you you do this  work through music through music production   but one of the things that really piqued  my interest on the call and this was a call   about Ai and the future of art Etc and all the  related milieu and philosophy and around that   but you said you're using these tools to further  your own inner exploration of your psyche of your   inner world of just like sense making The Human  Condition and one of the things specifically I   remember is you talking about trying to do Dream  Work with AI the real paradigm shift for me was   you know I was I was in the early mid-journey  beta before it was public access quickly got a   bit frustrated with the limitations of that and  started digging deeper and found you know this   kind of hacker culture around what at the time  was was kind of The Cutting Edge of text to image   technology which is a Google notebook called disco  diffusion and a whole bunch of you know mods that   people had built off of it and unlike mid Journey  which has a kind of very clamped set of values   that you know it tries very hard to make things  look pretty like there's an aesthetic rule set   established by the organization that built that  software disco diffusion and these other notebooks   were literally wide open you know you could  get something beautiful you could get something   horrific just this massive visual repository of  basically like the sum of human experience that   has currently been digitized and when it began to  click for me is that when you use disco diffusion   the diffusion models it would literally start  with static and then begin to like form shapes   and objects in your guiding the the latent space  to kind of find find the objects based on what you   put into there and the only analog I had ever  experienced in my life is awake induced lucid   dreaming when you're going into a lucid dreaming  practice and the static behind your eyes begins to   create forms and like it was exactly like not kind  of like it was exactly lucid dreaming happening   on my computer directed by my experience and so it  was just such a natural thing for me to go oh crap   what if I started doing a visual dream journal  and putting in all these random elements that I   had for my dream and guiding that space so if if  we you know and this is probably a conversation   that could spin off into a 10-hour discussion  about the nature of human consciousness but we   work very similar to diffusion models based on  the data set of our biological you know chemical   makeup genetic history all that kind of stuff so  thank you when I dream I'm playing on my own kind   of custom diffusion model or custom data set  being able to use these large-scale models was   the ability to like dream on the archetypal level  so every person or every picture that anyone has   ever made or described or tagged in a reference to  and I'll just use an example because I did a piece   Persephone it's all in the data set so hundreds  of thousands of images that have been tagged   Persephone so if I have a dream about Persephone  and I guide this text to image model that oh I   want to see Persephone plus all these other things  that happen in the dream it's not just building on   my idea of what Persephone is it's building on the  collective total Human Experience of every image   that's ever been documented or recorded or created  or painted from someone's dream of Persephone   which to me is like closer to the Target so  it's an ability to play on this deeper like   I mean it is it is truly metaphysical but  instead of like my personal subconscious   filter of the archetypal experience I'm able  to pull into the species experience of these   archetypes and that's when I realized that this  was a tool that I could absolutely use in my work   specifically dreams as divination dreams as  guidance seating dreams has been a part of my   spiritual practice for you know 25 30 years  now and I realized that the more that I was   working with diffusion models the more intense  and beautiful and direct my dreams were becoming   as if the archetypes that I was calling forth  from the AI data sets were aware that they were   being called forth and fascinating fascinating  so there are several glimmering opportunities   that everything you just laid out before me and  I'm trying to decide which one I want to choose   because there's the the technological one which I  think is really interesting which is these various   notebooks and data sets that are feeding these  algorithms which obviously Alters the output   and and what their able to put forth and I I don't  know all the technicals there and I think just the   topic of latent space is interesting too because  that was something when I first read about it   it was really an epiphany in terms of like this  is something novel that doesn't work in the way   we're trained to think about computer intelligence  like just the retrieval of information you know if   you're on the web and you look something up it's  the retrieving of pre-existing information that's   then presented to the user right but AI algorithms  these deep learning these large language model   Technologies are not doing that they're  iterating and they're creating novel   answers or output every single time so they're  creating multi-dimensional hyper-vectored outputs   in a way that we still don't entirely understand  but Guided by the intention which is the text you   put in of the person peering into the the data  set yeah so it is absolutely a novel a novel   thing and like you know there's I'm in no way uh  diminishing the concern that people have about   copyrighted material in the data set I personally  don't care if you want your information obviously   go ahead this technology this thing that is  happening the ability for an individual to tap   into collective experience both visual now with  chat GPT and the large language models into like   communication human communication it is something  we have never seen before I personally think it's   it is right on the edge of a revolution and  what we're able to create and what we're able   to experience and like yeah yeah I think most  people are underestimating the novelty I've   even seen people post word for word I saw  this recently chat GPT is [ __ ] useless   and I just couldn't like like what are you talking  about like I just I could not comprehend what this   person meant by that 99 don't engage with the  knee-jerk about it because it's just uninformed   you know yeah yeah people clearly don't understand  technology the technology behind it anybody who's   using an iPhone or an Android device to post about  you know [ __ ] AI like your whole life is already   ruled by those algorithms everything that you're  doing and the method in which you're posting on a   social website ruled by these algorithms so like  dig a Little Deeper like yeah and to me it says   it's like a roar shark kind of response because  I think it says more about the person's lack of   creativity than it says about this technology  that's probably the most open-ended piece of   technology I've ever been presented with in terms  of what its capabilities are but most people see   these Technologies whether they're image  generating ones or text generating ones   they get the idea that it's trained and  then there's output based on a prompt   but that middle part I think people do not  understand and I'm curious if you can explain   something probably not the person to  get really deep into the technicals   because that's just not not my focus but  basically a visual image is encoded as   number streams as algorithms with a text pairing  match so if I give you a picture of an apple the   you know the values of the pixels uh you know RGB  values depth values are encoded into basically   like vectors number vectors and then the word  Apple goes with them so when you type in apple   in a text to image generator it's not and this  is this is where that previous conversation with   an artist claiming like oh no it's absolutely  cutting and pasting from images it's this is   the most uninformed misunderstanding of how this  technology works there are no images saved in the   data set let me just break it to everybody right  here there are no images saved in the data set you   cannot cut and paste any element from anybody's  work from the data set however every picture of an   apple will have similarities in the way you know  the shape Vector the way the color vectors are   encoded so the latent space is basically this like  multi-dimensional hyper network of similarities   in the way these number streams work and where  it gets really really complex is when you start   bringing in like the actual programming around  that and the way the AI models are navigating   those those data sets so it literally like is  like poking into this like infinite vast C of   random numbers and chaos and finding finding the  currents finding the like cycles of infinity and   and like again that technology moves very close  to more traditional kabbalistic viewpoints around   language and the language of light and there's  this amazing book called The Mystery of the alaf   about Edward cantor a mathematician who began to  study Infinity Theory and find patterns within   infinite numbers that were repeating and it ended  up going you know a little off the deep end but   it's it's a book about is this who Pi was based  on uh I don't think it was no but I mean it would   it would make sense whole other side side rant  about aaronovsky at some point yeah oh yeah yeah   um a friend of mine is the the basically the  biblical and kabbalistic advisor to Darren   Aronofsky holy [ __ ] so that's interesting yeah  he's somebody you should you should have on you oh   yeah I would love to program he's uh kabbalistic  uh queer shamanic or Rabbi with a really radical   God optional synagogue in New York with a bunch  of freaks and Mystics I'm down for that for that   exploration um but so the thing before we go away  from the technological element of it and again   this totally may be due to my lack of technical  understanding but what I don't understand   is the thing that I can't distinguish from being  any different from selection occurring inside of   of that in between of the input and the output I  know there are ranking systems where it takes all   of these Concepts and it takes into account  the user input and it generates all of these   possible responses and then selects one based on  these raking well it's based on randoms I mean   at its purest form it's based on a seed and this  is why uh in the early days with disco diffusion   all of those parameters were uh exposed to tweak  with so you type in a prop in Disco diffusion you   can pick which particular data set you're using  you can set your scale of how far it's diving   into latent space how strong the effect of your  words have on what it pulls back to you and and   a bunch of other parameters like the clamping  scale how much chaos is allowed to control   these parameters how much they're controlled so uh  the the models like with mid-journey and the the   you know the train models that we're seeing  now these are are aesthetic embeddings and I'm   probably using that term incorrectly uh there are  there are basically aesthetic models so like uh   there there is some clamping of the content to  bring you you know what what's uh more visually   appealing results obviously uh not safe  for work child pornography stuff has been   dramatically filtered out but there uh yeah that's  that's the the programming element of why there   are individual models of dealing with the same  data set because it's how how it navigates that   how strongly it's considering aesthetic things and  this is where like the public uh feedback affects   the data set so mid-journey everybody was able  to rate you know thumbs up thumbs down this is   pretty this is not pretty that informs their  model so if you know 99 of users report that   this particular particular way of navigating the  the latent space you know oh this looks pretty   this looks like a human face blah blah this is bad  this one's wrong that helps in uh basically direct   the model and codify the model so that it's  bringing more aesthetic results right and for   me particularly you know I I'm not going to say  anything negative about my journey I think they're   absolutely amazing but for the work that I do in  particular I want a little more of an open less   aesthetically confined access to the the infinite  sea right yeah and it probably depends on what you   want to do like if you just want to generate a  really aesthetically pleasing image maybe you   would use mid-journey but if you want to like mine  the collective unconscious or the closest we can   get to it you probably want to go into these more  open end did but mid Journey still like if I type   in you know a beautiful painting of uh you know  there's a classic prompt a beautiful painting of   a Serene lighthouse on a you know chaotic sea  whatever there's a very mid-journey look to it   yeah and that's built on the way that they've  kind of pruned their model and so uh the stable   diffusion way of doing things is that you kind of  have access to this infinancy you have to not only   prompt you have to negative prompt I don't want  to see this I don't want to see blurry I don't   want to see 3D rendered I don't want it to look  like this and then you can train your own model   which is basically providing like an aesthetic  blueprint to the way that it's mining the data   set so that it'll give you results kind of conform  to your particular vision and this is where the   the benefit to current artists is that I know  a number of artists that have trained their own   version of stable diffusion on their own Artistry  On Their Own Line work so if they type bring me a   picture of an apple they're going to get a picture  of an apple that looks like it was drawn by that   them so they're able to sketch and concept because  they've applied their own artwork is basically The   Guiding factor of how the latent space chaos is  navigated by the model yeah yeah yeah so I did a   pod with uh Android Jones fairly recently and  he has a lot of misgivings about AI in general   and we can or not get into  those things if you want to but   the the punch line is he is doing exactly  what you're talking about he's training   his own models and using them in in a sort of  like I can't beat them so I will join them and   I will maintain some level of creative ownership  over my aesthetic or whatever by training my own   um but anyway I wanna could you just distinguish  you mentioned stable diffusion could you explain   what stable diffusion is compared to something  like mid Journey so I could be wrong on this   but I believe mid-journey is just a customized  version of stable diffusion at this point I think   it's based on the stable diffusion model so so  yeah it's just it's really good so Dolly you know   was kind of the one that made the press and then  you know different models different way of doing   things disco diffusion uh Jax diffusion math Rock  diffusion all these different kind of like takes   on working with the Leon and other uh data sets  of images happen and then when stable diffusion   came out it just kind of Knocked knocked everybody  out because it came out as an open source model   anybody could build on top of it you can pay for  you know extra features to work with stability AI   but I think really like at this point there's so  many free options and different takes on how to   to integrate with the stable diffusion model that  they're pretty much the de facto standard and who   knows you know tomorrow Microsoft Google could  come out with a model that you know completely   changes the game but with the addition literally  in this last week or so of control net which is   a way of integrating stable diffusion based  on depth map normal map information line work   and human poses and hand poses that it's it's at  this point the the difference between obviously   AI generated and you know photograph is is it's  kind of game over so yeah yeah like a huge batch   of my actual like client work right now and  client work that's coming out next week which   is getting a extremely large feature and a major  publication is photorealistic fantasy portraits   of you know some famous celebrities that I I  was able to use control net I can put in the   picture of the person that I'm working with and  the pose that they're in and I can reinterpret   that based on the prompt I've given them so I can  take the photo I can literally sketch or photo   bash or or paint an environment in the background  and feed it to stable diffusion and it not only   keeps the depth and image information but it can  keeps the concepts and the pose of the original   data that I fed into it as well which I mean  that's we've literally never seen that before   it's things that used to take me you know  two three days of compositing and editing   now I can like generate iterations generate  iterations directly with stable diffusion   wow wild wild yeah I really it reminds me a  bit of other disruptive Technologies in that   people don't really understand how deep  it goes beyond the window dressing but at   the same time I think when you see the speed of  adoption on things like chat GPT it just speaks   for itself like have you seen the adoption  curve of uh like the time it took chat GPT   to get to 100 million users versus like the  next fastest it's like I think it took a few   weeks or something ridiculous unfortunately  there's still so much ignorance like I have   so many thousands of hours invested into custom  models my work still requires tons of hand   painting and concepting like a final piece is 50  or 60 separate out rendered elements that I've you   know composited together and created tell a story  and still anytime I post anything whole bunch of   haters hop on the thread on my own page and just  like mid-junies great artist you know [ __ ] you   a user and I'm just like you literally don't  understand what I'm doing here right and and it   doesn't help that there are people out there that  are purposely misrepresenting what really is just   a mid-journey generated piece  of art as like something   they did with some level of skill that that just  confuses everything that much more yeah so mid   journey is not going to give you anything over  at Max like you know 1500 pixels on a side zoom   in if you can see all the like crunchy a light AI  aliasing then you know it's like direct out of my   journey so like the pieces that I do are made for  print so they're you know thousands of pixels per   side which takes hours to days to weeks to get it  right and rendering all of those elements and like   composing it all together and if you zoom in keep  zooming in it's going to look like a photograph   because I put the amount of work to get the vision  where I want it to be and I personally like don't   want anything that looks like it came right out  of my journey not because those things aren't   beautiful and I'm in no way diminishing anybody's  enjoyment and process of creating raw images but   for my particular vision and what I'm trying to  achieve like I'm looking for a level of fidelity   and finesse and cleanliness that just it takes  work and it takes hand painting and some elements   and it takes like a lot of getting it right  before it looks right and and doesn't still   have the idiosyncrasies of AI image generation in  it yeah well well I appreciate what you're doing   and I want to see more of what you've done and and  do a deeper dive into your work there but now that   we've kind of contextualized with some of the more  technological talk I want to go back let's get   let's get weirder let's get weirder um so first  thing your correlation between the hypnagogic   descents into sleep and ai's scattered chaotic  pixels emerging into a form that a human would   recognize as a face or a flower or whatever it may  be that's a very interesting astute observation   I've never quite thought of it that way before but  it's very very true like if anybody out there has   been like been jolted awake and you've got that  sort of fractal digital Haze in your periphery   still that's what I think of right away I think  of this weird state where you're slipping out   of Consciousness and into Dreamland where if you  have tried to stay conscious during that process   you can sort of watch it happen and and I have  weird chatter I have like weird almost auditory   chatter in my head where sometimes I feel like  I'm hearing words just random words not not like   Atlantis was destroyed in 5000 BC like not nothing  you know nothing like super coherent but almost   like Radio Chat oh yeah I've definitely had  that there's I call it the membrane so I uh   and you know let's get weird so I've spent  a lot of time with with uh dreaming practice   and kind of trying to navigate and map out some  of the liminal Pathways to get there there is a   membrane that as you're falling asleep and moving  into the dream space I believe it's when you pass   from your personal you know the Pod of uh reality  tunnel that you're in and begin to kind of dig in   the archetypal Waters there's there's a membrane  of voices and chaotic imagery and like sometimes   it's it's all of your neighbors dreams and stuff  but when you pass through that there is that   chatter of like weird voices and things that feel  disembodied and not from you and it can be really   terrifying like if you are conscious through that  experience most people usually pass through it as   they go from wake into sleeping and don't notice  it but you want to know randomly what one of   the most clear messages I've ever gotten in that  state was I was uh Anna Ayahuasca retreat in Peru   and every day they would you know provide meals  and stuff and mostly it was very clean kind of   meals with you know low levels of salt and spices  and stuff but they did have cheese and they had   halloumi cheese that's like you know grilled it's  super delicious and I remember very clearly one   night after a ceremony it was like a voice that  said stop eating that goddamn cheese and I was   like okay so I stopped eating the cheese but  nice so if you want to get really well now I   eat cheese though yeah yeah if if you want to get  really weird in that membrane of the voices it's   like uh it's like you're watching a television  channel that television channel is like your   personal experience uh the membrane is like all  channels at once before you kind of get into the   meta so if you listen closely the plants in your  yard are in there and I literally gotten messages   before like I have mites can you please take care  of me and gone out to my yard and found the plant   with mites and then like oh [ __ ] okay cool so  like all of those voices are are in that space   yeah and it makes sense right I mean  even if you go back to the work of young   like one of the primary ways that he  would communicate with his inner world   is through doing DreamWork right like he  would essentially enter these almost lucid   dreaming states where he would dialogue with  Philemon or like these other entities in his   own unconscious mind or in the unconscious mind  if you want and he was convinced that this was   extra intelligence like this was not his own  endogenously produced intelligence but it was   bringing him information that appeared to be  completely alien from his own consciousness   had a similar experience this week with with  a relatively famous philosopher and Catholic   apologists oh yeah Tom Thomas Aquinas has has  made it made an appearance in my liminal space so   go on well you know uh uh definitely this this  is where we we approach the the Thrice grate   and get into the Hermetic tradition and um so  Magnus Magnus basically was is one of the people   responsible for bringing uh not only the hermetic  philosophy but kind of the mythology about Hermes   trismegistus to the west and you know kind of  responsible for sparking the Renaissance and   bringing us out of the Dark Ages and one of his  students was Thomas Aquinas who Thomas Aquinas   Aquinas apologies if I'm I'm mispronouncing was  basically the the voice in the Catholic church   that was not only uh Illuminating and speaking to  the actual reality of the fact that like plants   had Spirits crystals had spirits but also deeply  deeply deeply based in science and attempting to   create a bridge between the World of Magic and the  world of the physical world which anybody who you   know fiddles around in in the Hermetic current or  or has any type of relationship with the material   and and Hermes as an entity knows that that's  literally what it is so the Hermetic is is the   bridge of As Above So Below you know Hermes as an  entity based in in his Mercurial form is is the   messenger of the Gods basically like opening those  Pathways into the latent space of Consciousness   and existence for these particular things to  come through from different levels so yeah   yeah that's a whole just such a deep deep  rabbit hole and I think you eventually are   going to end up there if you go down this  road at all if you look at a esoteric symbol   at least one of Western origin you're going  to run into this name hermistry's Magistas   associated with practically any one of these  symbols and it gets really confusing because   you also eventually run into this syncretism  where things are presented as Kabbalah but   then it has these hermetic symbols within it  and then you're going to look at things that   are like from platonism or neoplatonism and then  it has at least in the western western tradition   right there's a whole tradition of Kabbalah that  wasn't as deeply informed or embedded because it   was held you know the the shell around the seed  of Orthodox and you know Hasidic communities that   were building their own wild ecstatic mysticism  not as strongly embedded in the western esoteric   and occult tradition yeah yeah and on that  particular deep dive Arya Kaplan one of   the most amazing you know kabbalists of recent  time also I believe he was like a physicist if   his day job and did did one of the first English  translations of the sephoraetzera and so to have   this like scientific mind based in you know  rabbinical Orthodoxy interpreting this the book   of formation from both a scientific rationalist  and like a deeply deeply uh mystical and like uh   cultural perspective is very very interesting is  is definitely one of my favorite Bridges there   which you know if if there's one word that we  can sum up the the Hermetic particular signature   is is it's that bridge it's that bridge between  paradoxes and or or opposites that that that other   saying the Connecting Point between them is like  the the definite signature of of Hermes and that   really makes sense from particularly if you look  at the sort of Greek version of Hermes Mercury   you know it's often associated with things  like Commerce and travel but the deeper   archetype there is connection and going  through boundaries like like that being   which is able to travel through  boundaries and move information   and transmute information from one form to  another you know it's like the the physical   manifestation of mercury it's not liquid or solid  often you see this like you see it associated   with like the Divine androgine it's not male or  female like the ver the you know they're it's   like Divine circuitry you've got a positive and  a negative polarity Hermes is literally the like   the lightning Flash in between them like connected  to both but it's it is that that's the possibility   yeah I guess I guess another way to say it is not  just travel and movement but it's like the the   the possibility of occurrence is very much why  uh that particular current is also associated   with tricksters and chaos and Randomness and luck  is because it's it's rolling it's like you know   rolling the hypercube dice to see what happens and  seeing what what isn't isn't expected is like the   the beauty of that particular flow yeah so I guess  I'll do a little bit of historical Exposition just   so if people are listening to this and they're  like I don't know what the [ __ ] you're talking   about I don't know what Hermes is Hermes  Choice Magistas what are you talking about   I'll try at least I mean there's a really easy  way like if anybody wants to to get wild go   light a candle and say hello to Hermes terrific  against us and see what happens over the next   week I guarantee you it'll be a fun ride I'm  I I'll join you in that invite I'll join you   in that invite and I might just do it myself  but so there is this figure who's portrayed   like as the sage of all sages who supposedly  emanated out of Egypt and if you read any of the   famous hermetic texts or dialogues like the  Divine pie Mander or something like that   essentially you have this Priestly like  figure who enters into a direct dialogue   with a Divine mind or noose and noose gives  him the download this is how it all works   um and this being that comes out of that is this  Hermes tries Magistas being who has basically   downloaded all the secrets of the universe or  something like that and it sounds incredibly   far-fetched except for there's this lineage  of hermetic thought and hermetic initiation   and magic and systems that has somehow survived a  minimum of a couple thousand years could possibly   go back much longer and if you look at the list  of people who were interested in this or were   directly considered this themselves hermeticists  it's staggering it's like a who's who of the of   History's Literati at least in the west like yeah  I mean there's biblical counterparts like people   believe that Enoch is also associated with Hermes  the Thrice grades Moses there's basically every   not every but in Western culture is built on all  of these threads that keep running back to this   like Central kind of figure that somehow got like  got gifted the whole flash drive to how how it all   works so yeah and there's even a canonical mention  in Islam connecting a Islamic Prophet with Hermes   and I forget what it might be Isha or something I  I might be wrong but it's right in the Wikipedia   article it's like well-documented stuff so that's  pretty wild the interesting thing is that how like   you know the caduceus like are symbols of  medicine so much of our culture is based on   hermetic philosophy including like you know  the the sciences that sprung out of alchemy   Alchemy is like by definition part of the hermetic  philosophy this kind of perennial philosophy like   it's it Hermes should be as famous as you  know Jesus at this point in our culture   since our culture is so much based on these  hermetic ideas and hermetic philosophies and   it's like surprising to me how many people  have no idea who Hermes is either either   the historical references the mythologies  the the you know foundations of so many of   of schools of thought and Modern Life from  philosophy to Magic to science to new age to   religion to all this stuff a lot of them are  coming from this particular hermetic current   yep one of the things I would  love to hear you Riff on that I've   it's it's a circle I've tried to square several  times but is the link between this because you   you don't just see it in the Hermes figure you see  this in in numerous archetypes and figures these   figures that are both sages and tricksters like  they're both pranksters literally and Transcendent   Masters and I always try to understand how you  combine those two things and why they're so   often combined and I'd love to hear you I don't  think they're oddly combined at all I think I   think that the way a sage teaches is by becoming a  living Cohen and that is by breaking up the linear   central eye ego-based mode of perceiving the  world and it is specifically that particular   Paradox between like the ultimate sage  and goofball trickster might [ __ ] your   [ __ ] up just for the fun of it that  pushes people off axis of of the the   trying to choose my words wisely here but put off  access of the experience of the nature of reality   that they've become accustomed to so the most easy  way to do that is to [ __ ] a [ __ ] up you know   start a fire in your bathroom like get your  attention somehow so like if if the nature of   wisdom is an understanding of the true nature  of reality then it requires a lot of shaking   up of people's uh uh kind of calcified ways  of viewing their own identity in the world to   even be receptive to those ideas so to me the  idea of a sage into trickster are they have to   have to exist and and I'm going to pull a weird  reference here so the the iot which is basically a Order of Chaos magicians there's like the the  head which you know it's kind of funny to have   a leader of of a chaos magic school which is very  much about you know individual experience super   hierarchical chaos yeah so in the hierarchy of  chaos magicians you've got the leader and then   you've got the the the second leader whose job is  to undermine the leader and like be the trickster   and [ __ ] them up whenever possible and that's  how the power structure is like sorted which makes   a lot of sense yeah it's very rapper Robert Anton  wilsonian discordian uh kind of vibe I really like   that sure he he was a member of the iot actually  makes sense makes sense but yeah and I think about   it too where if you if you try to think about  like the class clown and the most studious   front row straight A student seem to be opposed  to one another right but if you have this being   that thrives off liminality kind of makes sense  that it would be both of those things right like   the sh the shadow version of itself is the  prankster is the trickster is the one who's   overturning paradigms and breaking through  boundaries and [ __ ] [ __ ] up as you said   and then the other one is the scholar who's  like the master of all of these systems who   knows how to square the circle and transmute  lead into gold and do all these things that   are either like The Cutting bleeding edge of  what's possible or it's creating entirely new   things that never existed before and the only  way you can get to that is through those two   what looked like on a on a in a three-dimensional  sense to be opposites but maybe in a   four-dimensional sense they like are the same  being or or a fifth dimensional sense I mean   so this is yeah my intuitive response to that  is that magic actually exists in the current   between those polarities and then as we move out  of the idea of polarities I'm actually gonna gonna   have a little you know New Testament quote here  where where uh Jesus is telling his followers   that they must become as little children in order  to enter the kingdom of heaven and my third piece   of that is like how many armchair uh magicians  do you know who've never actually done a piece   of magic or affected change on the world all of  that theory all of the knowledge is the container   the actual animating force of the container is  that childish trickster wonder is the chaotic   pure expansion of energy so the the magic and if  you know hermetic philosophy it'll make sense why   the sage and the trickster have to exist hand  in hand it's describing a particular current   and a structure of how possibility occurs in my  my position on this is that Hermes the Hermetic   current is the field of possibility between all  of those things and it Kabbalah it's your left   and your right side of the Tree of Life where  you've got form and you've got you know you've   got the codified the the physical the structure  the calcified and then you've got the animating   force that at various points breaks that so that  new forms can occur again yeah so you can't have   this like infinite knowledgeable you know embedded  systems of philosophy and Mathematics and Science   without the actual animating force that inspires  this the search and the application of those   things so yeah yeah that's my take on why why  trickster Sage walk hand in hand that makes sense   yeah and I believe there's part of the red book  too where young refers to God as a child at Play   or he at least conceives of the ultimate archetype  of God of being a divine child and it shouldn't be   confused with like there's the the Pooh error  or the Puella like the the you know the cliche   Millennial who's never grown up or whatever  like that that's sort of like a diagnosable   hey you need to get your [ __ ] together thing  but then there's the divine child that somehow   has synthesized all information but has  transformed itself back into that active   play so you just described the whole uh Arc of  tarot as you finish the tarot and start back   over as the fool that makes sense there's a book  and I'm blanking on the author's name right now   called radical Judaism which is a re-examination  of Judaism as this kind of basically re-looking   at the concept of what Divinity and God is and  there's there's a section in there where it's   the authors basically describing the bleeding edge  of the fractal movement into increasing complexity   and basically saying like that is God is like  the fiery burning edge of the infinite chaos   chaos fractal as its forming expanding in all  directions which I thought was such a beautiful   and Brilliant way to look at like what Divinity  actually is or what a concept of God would be   yeah and it leaves room for human ing you know  it leaves room for humaning to matter because   to shed a little more light on what I mean if  you have this all-powerful omniscient God that   has this perfect plan where where's the room for  humaning where's the room for creating where's the   room for doing you know and this was something  young talked about a lot too that we're kind of   carrying an important flame like we're doing  something here that must be done and there's   no other explanation that would satisfy him  it's like if we're not here doing something   that matters what are we doing and he believed  we were doing the unfinished work of what could   be called God and God is godding through psyche  and psyche both in the discreet individual and   at large right and we're each responsible for  our share of that and doing with our share of   that to the extent that we can to whatever ends  we can do it so yeah in Kabbalah there's a term   called tikkan Alum which you know some people have  translated as healing the world but it can be more   beautifully translated as like the the process or  the restoration of like Infinity like that the the   process of devotion of magical action of being a  conscious being of doing the work in the world is   like co-creating the the in the infinite field of  chaos like we are we are building the world we are   we are of and collaborating with God in building  more God yeah yeah and that's where this concept   in Kabbalah of Correction comes in right like  that you're you're kind of you're put here in   an unfinished form with I guess you could call it  some kind of karma or collection of attributes but   you also have kind of a collection of wounds and  things that need working out and correcting and   you need to be and this is where you know there's  a huge correlation like Shadow work here in the   young incense where it's like you sort of have  the potential to exist in an ultimate form as   a being when you come into the world with like  this Acorn of potential that can become an oak   tree but it's not like an everything is perfect  no matter what you do it's like nah you gotta   work at it you gotta dig in the dark in the things  that scare you in your wounds and your traumas and   transmute those into something healing for you  as an individual and the collective hopefully   yeah and and you know I don't actually make the  distinction that humans are the only uh beings   that are are participating in the restoration  of of time and and which is you know to loop   around back to the beginning that's like need to  polarize and make a binary between the organic and   the technological like there is no technology  that isn't isn't built out of organic elements   you know uh I personally think that all matter  all existence all things are made of the same   stuff embedded with the same stuff and involved in  the the continuing and continuing Act of Creation   yeah that makes a lot of sense to me I'm not  saying I believe this necessarily but I do   read it and go oh are we badly miscalculating  here but particularly what I mean is have   you ever heard Steiner's Riff on the aryamanic  force I have not okay so famous polymath genius   and occultist Rudolph Steiner I don't know if he  believed I don't know if believed is the right   word but he talked about there being these you  know fundamental forces and one of them is what   he called the arimanic force like named after the  archdemon ariman and what he believed this forces   archetype in the world is is to try  to rob the human being of Soul through   being held in material form and the way this  manifests in the world is seductive technologies   that try to keep you stuck in the physical  ad infant item forever so the sort of like   you know from a conspiracy theory standpoint this  would harmonize with like the New World Order uh   one world technological government that's trying  to just extinguish the soul of humanity and make   everyone Immortal through transhumanism and you  know rapid technological growth that that's like   the that's like the dark side interpretation of  of this stuff I just felt like I would throw that   your way side note like no matter how many  generations uh monsanto's GMO corn gets away   from the organic they don't know why they still  can't stop at Wild corn keeps popping up here   and there in their stock so that's my response  to that right because I can spend time getting   worried about uh you know whatever conspiracy  theory people want to attune to but I also   um you know I worship the gods of chaos and the  the ability of the Divine the ability of like   the infinite love of our world to like continue to  sprout wild seed even among the controlled so and   that is the Hermetic myth to a T-man because I've  told this story so many times in the Pod but the   the myth of Hermes as the baby that's exactly  what you're talking about like the the baby   Hermes myth where he steals the cattle do you know  this story I actually don't know the story okay   sounds like sounds like a it's your signature  so you should tell it again all right let's go   so Hermes is a baby he already has an intellect  and he's already you know thinking walking talking   and he wakes up one morning is like I want to eat  meat but I don't want to eat meat I want to eat   the best meat so the best meat is the sacred  cattle of Apollo who's his older half-brother   but Hermes is a half God you know out of  wedlock with a I don't remember she's a   nymph or something that Zeus probably turned  into like a duck and [ __ ] or something and   so he's like Supernatural and of Godly progeny but  he's not on Olympus like he's not a recognized God   so going and defying Apollo who's like the  prince like the throned Prince of Apollo is   like hugely wrong right so he goes he steals  the cattle using various kinds of trickery   and he sacrifices some of them to the gods and  himself and eats eats the meat and of course   Apollo sees all so he's supposed to be directly  plugged into the mind of Zeus so he like knows   everything he's the master of all symbols  all magic all science he knows everything   yet he's perplexed and he can't figure out like  what is this doesn't make sense I have to be being   fooled by another God that's the only explanation  So eventually he catches him red-handed he's like   you think you're really funny don't you I'm gonna  bring you in front of Zeus and we'll we'll see   what he has to say so obviously Zeus knows it's  his kid he thinks it's hilarious and he just   kind of like laughs it off and he's like you two  are gonna have to make peace and the thing that   ends up winning over Apollo is that amongst this  cattle stealing exploit he randomly decided to   kill a turtle and make the first loot out of its  shell and he plays the loot and Apollo is like   I will do anything to have this like I'm obsessed  with this thing you invented so as a token of his   you know I'm sorry forgive me he gives him  the loot and then him and Apollo become like   brothers and Apollo gives him the caduceus  so if you look at what's happening in this   it's chaotic energy coming into  the established Paradigm and   completely just not only overturning it but  disrespecting it too you know like not I'm also   a God it's like oh okay like that's a huge Act  of sacrilege but through this act of sacrilege   he creates a new paradigm and puts himself on  Olympus right and this is what happens in so many   different ways over and over again Technologies  like ways of thinking ways of life that used to   be taboo that are now part of the mainstream it  just happens over and over and over again and   it's like every time I spot this I'm like there  it is again there it is again there it is again   it's one of my favorite examples of if you think  myth is just stories it's like my go-to right away   I mean that's you just also answered why why the  trickster and the sage have to uh exist because   in in that trickster form the the literally  the food the food of the Gods is construent   excuse me destroyed and consumed and a whole  new form comes out of it which is the loot and   this this musical tradition yeah yeah and it's  a way to like generate infinite novelty and I   think that you know I think about like why was  Apollo obsessed with it and I wonder if it's   because you know he's supposed to know everything  but when you create something like an instrument   that hasn't existed before it's this reservoir  of novelty that's new even to the established   order or over mind or whatever um and I think  that that comes into why hermeticism quote unquote   is about using raw will Consciousness to  manipulate reality in novel ways through   various systems of magic or whatever right like  because that's kind of what you're doing is you're   altering reality through application of will  I mean that's really close to the Crowley and   definition of magic right I keep looping  around this I make zero distinction between   you know traditional uh spiritual practice  magical practice and uh technology there's no   for me there literally is no distinction  whatsoever I use and have for the entirety   of my career I've used electronic Tools digital  and technological tools to pursue my path of   magic and exploration of the Divine exploration  of my own experience exploration of my own shadow   and working through and processing like it's  people are very upset by you know those of us   saying like AI is another tool it's a tool to be  used in the hands of the wise but for me it is   absolutely a tool it's a very powerful and very  interesting and novel tool to create and explore   and consume and Shake Up old old systems  and new ways that we haven't seen before   I personally welcome welcome all of my work that  I've ever done musical otherwise being part of a   larger data set that a new generation of seekers  and Visionaries are able to uh you know there I   hope that they steal my cattle and invent new  instruments out of it I I love that I love that   um well you sort of stole the intent right out  of my frontal lobe there because I was going to   ask you how then does this practically come  into your own practices like you started to   allude to it with the dream practice coupled with  using uh AI art generators and things like that   but could if you could do a deeper dive into  that I'd love to hear it okay very specific   you know I I said like in the Disco diffusion  days we were able to uh you know have specific   control over clamping parameters and with stable  diffusion now you know there's there's enough of   uh enough of the behind the scenes is exposed  through plugins and through the web interface   to be able to edit stuff like there are specific  numbers that uh come up when you're exploring the   Hermetic current there are personal numbers that  come up and I literally use it like a divination   tool if I am uh or the way people would cast the  e-ching and you know get a specific set of numbers   you know they're to me they're the same thing  they're playing with the forms that naturally   arise from peering into chaos with a question in  mind so you know if I'm working with a particular   concept and I'll just return to Persephone because  you know that's a example we've used off the top   of my head here's one way that you could approach  it you could you know do do a numerological   analysis of Persephone's name and use that string  of numbers as your seed your directing point for   these algorithms to dive into the Seas of chaos  and emerge with something from the latent space   and so every aspect of how I do that from how many  times I roll specific seeds to how many times I   process the same piece of data to how I parse  that data to how I store them on my hard drive   are based on divination and astrology and my own  personal way of interfacing with the field of the   other around so how does that go from a concept  or a framework where you're using numbers or   a dream you had or whatever how does that go from  a framework to a finished piece of music or art so   yeah I mean the the the AI tools are really great  at the the generative like casting casting the   net into the sea of infinite possibilities with  your net is is the structure of the prompt of how   you've kind of guided it and you pull the stuff  back and you know that's when I start getting   more specific and like you know very specific seed  numbers very specific parameters set at you know   repeating numbers or or things that I'm working  with and then you it's collating that data and   pulling it together into a unique vision is where  the the role of the artist really comes into play   and I I don't want to disqualify anybody or  or I don't want to keep anybody's work who is   merely prompting in mid-journey and very proud of  what they created like I'm absolutely not saying   that that is not valid work my


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