Introducing Nextcloud 21

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welcome to this special event today we launched  the next big version of next cloud next.hub 21.   it's crazy to remember that this is the fourth big  product launch in only the last 12 months i made   huge changes in the world the next community  stayed focused on our goals and our mission   providing the best and most advanced collaboration  platform to as many people as possible   and we do this in a completely  decentralized way with open source   respecting the privacy and security of our  users this is completely different than what   our competitors do with selling your data  and trying to knock you into their clouds   education is one of the critical topics at the  moment copy 19 makes it even more important   we need to have a future-proof secure and easy to  use infrastructure only next door can provide that   so let's look into the big improvements  that we did in the last 12 months   it all started one year ago with next.hub 18.  it introduces the hub concept integrated office   flow workspaces file logging  and many many more things   just a few months later we launched next load  hub 19 with password-led authentication mail   priority inbox with machine learning and next  slot forms and just a few months ago in this fall   we introduced next hub 20 with dashboard status  features integrated search and many other things   so before we dive into the product announcement  that we have for you here today i think we should   cover a little bit how we actually achieve our  goals and for that i want to hand over to etsy this bumpy year has made it crystal clear exactly  how digitally dependent we all really are not only   to chat with friends but to get things done it  has become really inconvenient not to rely on the   internet to do basic things like call an ambulance  register at hospital or buy medication regardless   of the fact that half of the world is online  our institutions and our common infrastructure   like transport water energy healthcare have all  become dependent and intertwined with the web   private players are definitely part  of providing common infrastructure   however the interface between the public and the  private sector need to be designed thoughtfully   to make sure that strategic risk is brought to  reasonable levels for all players involved and   that they can enjoy digital sovereignty it  is possible to digitalize without compromise   there will be inevitably some central  points these need to be identified and   appropriate checks and balances need to be  introduced to these critical inflection points   the security of today goes well beyond keeping  out rogue malicious actors towards creating a   stable and peaceful interdependent system where  every party's power depends on the other and   therefore no one party can dominate this is not  a win or loser model it is a winner-winner model   although a global company the birthplace and  geographic location of nexcloud is relevant   europe has strategic leverage on a global  level on the digital debate because of   its strong and wealthy market i want to  be crystal clear here about what i mean   i'm certainly not saying that europe has some sort  of moral high ground and i'm painfully aware of   all the imperfections of europe as well as the  equally impressive advances around the world   the thing is is that european citizens are  comfortable enough privileged enough to demand   better this results in legislation around data  protection and competition that gives a framework   for multiple diverse players strong players to  push for alternative solutions the financial   model that drives next cloud means that dreams  can become reality there is an alignment between   the founding vision and the financial drivers  which is apparent in examples like open source   which are programmed into the fabric of of  the the company rather than an afterthought   next cloud have has proven itself the product  is live for several years in fields that i care   about like health and education it is  not a concept or a hope it's practical so now let's talk about next load hub 21. it comes  with a ton of improvements all over the place   for example next cloud group there we improve  next cloud made a lot with a lot of improvements   usability performance functionality the same with  next load deck our awesome project management   tools which also got a lot of improvements all  over the place but for this presentation today   i want to concentrate on two main areas first  is collaboration and second is performance   now i want to hand over to young to  tell us all about the collaboration improvements next down is all about collaboration  these days it's more remote than in person and   most of your listening probably work from home to  help with what for a lot of you is a new way of   working we have some really great improvements  for more seamless collaboration next our talk   is one of our biggest collaboration components it  features chat voice calling and video conferencing   including screen sharing and works with all your  devices i'm happy to present to you what the team   has been working on to make your life easier with  conversation visibility it's super simple for   people to join conversations relevant to them you  can set a conversation as accessible to registered   users like your colleagues on your company  instance and optionally also to guest users   if you have outside collaborators you can do  this when creating a new conversation or later in   the conversation settings others can then easily  find the conversations via the search and join it   conversation descriptions allow you to add  further info to a conversation you can find   this in the top of the right sidebar if you have  some current announcement a recurring meeting   or links to more info added there the new sent  and read indicators show you if a message is sent   to a server and if it is read a single check mark  indicates that the message was sent to the server   and double check marks that it has been read  if you prefer more privacy or you just feel   bad about leaving people on red this can of  course be toggled off in the privacy settings   if you are offering calls you will love the new  push to talk or push to mute when your microphone   is muted you can simply press and hold the  spacebar to talk your microphone will be active   only as long as you hold the space bar the other  way around when your microphone is on and someone   in the office or at home asks something or there's  any loud noise you can press and hold the spacebar   to mute and another helpful feature for  calls is the ability to raise your hand   when you want to say something simply go to your  own controls and raise your hand from there this   shows an icon next to your name so the moderators  and other people notice you would like to talk   this is very helpful for moderate discussions  webinars and remote learning because these   improvements are of course not all that we have  for you in next slot 21 there are more nice new   features across next cloud to ease collaboration  document templates make it easier to get   started being productive especially on recurring  documents like meeting notes invoices and slides   templates work with text documents as well as  office documents spreadsheets and presentations   we created some beautiful default templates  for you and you can of course also use your   own just put them in the templates folder next  our text which you might know is our integrated   collaborative editor if you haven't heard of it  yet it supports markdown for formatting syncs   with your files and enables live collaboration  when you collaborate on a document it is now very   easy to see who is working on which changes with  the optional author colors you can simply toggle   them from the participants menu in the top right  additionally you can open the sidebar and discuss   or even have a call right there without leaving  the document let's walk through the improvements   we introduce in next slot 21 beginning with  next slot talk you can add descriptions to   conversations to give them more context just go  to the right sidebar and add further info there   in the conversation settings you can make the  conversation visible for colleagues as well   as for guests so other people on the server can  find it and join of course you can still simply   share a link for the conversation so people  who do not use nextcloud can join as well   the lobby is useful when you organize an  event with many participants like a webinar in the conversation messages now  show if they have been read or not   one checkmark indicates that the message  was sent to check marks that it was read   if you prefer not to share your red status you  can of course disable this in the privacy settings   during a meeting you can now use the space  bar to temporarily mute or unmute yourself   you can also raise your hand to get the attention  of other participants that gives a quick idea of   what is new in talk for next cloud 21 let's  look at the collaboration improvements we did   templates help you get started with  documents spreadsheets or presentations   we prepared some nice ones for common tasks  like meeting notes invoices and slides   if you don't know it yet this is next  cloud text our collaborative text editor you can now enable author colors so  you can easily track who wrote what in the templates folder you can  simply edit templates or add your own this is how collaboration will get even easier  with next cloud 21 but there is more let me now   get to our biggest upcoming edition we are very  happy to announce next cloud whiteboard this is a   fully collaborative whiteboard inside of nextcloud  you can see the curses of others draw lines and   shapes write text add pictures and annotate  together since the whiteboards are saved among   the regular files you can collaborate however  you want you can have a call in nextcloudtalk   and work on a whiteboard with the participants  and you can even share a link with people   outside of your next cloud it's just as easy a  presentation mode makes others follow your view   so they are automatically focused on  what you are talking about or noting down and of course we included two templates for the  whiteboard as well to get you started one for   swot analysis and an impact effort matrix we work  together with the open source whiteboard software   space deck to integrate all of this  nicely into nextcloud we are very   excited about nextcloud whiteboard and we  look forward to see what you will do with it   thanks a lot over to yours for another set of  big improvements we have for you in next.21 for nexlar21 we wanted to do introduce an  improvement that would benefit all of our users   better performance so we profiled  and optimized next round in the next   few minutes i want to go through some of  the most significant changes that we did   so nexro is a very modular platform that  means a lot of its features come in apps   and on the page load these features have to be  loaded from the apps and with more apps came   longer loading so we reworked this code not  skilled with the number of apps but always go   equally quick after loading off the apps each  of the apps have to load this translations   and with hundreds of languages available for  nexrad they started to take more and more time   so we centralized the loading of translations  which made it up to three times faster nextrod   is also very nice theming support including the  dark mouse that can follow your browser settings   so we now no longer check and update the theming  on every single page slot of course the fastest   workers work you can completely avoid and this  is double true for database requests we worked   hard to eliminate several database requests that  happen on every page load we also noticed that   loading of the comments took a while for every  file and folder there had to be two requests and   we optimized this to only need a single database  request for all the files in the folder as you can   see in the graph here with more files this means  a lot less requests compared to how it is in xlr20   now of course some requests are unavoidable but  we still manage to make those ten percent faster   so all in all this next flat release should  significantly reduce the load on the database   now for big servers we also introduce the change  configurable update interval for device tokens   these device tokens are used to check session  activity users can see if their browser or their   desktop client has been active and  this is checked once every minute   but on big servers this adds up so we allow the  system administrator to reduce this load by 80   by decreasing it to one check for five minutes  and next i want to talk about a couple of very   specific improvements we made but first let's talk  about php 8 which is supported by nexra 21. this  

major new release introduces several improvements  that can make the performance up to 10 faster   so all these changes help every single nexon  server out there and now we want to talk about   a couple of specific areas where we made  even bigger performance improvements like   storage and user management so the text app  is used a lot for collaboration with notes   and a lot of customers say that their users  have often multiple text files open in tabs   and each of these text files introduces a constant  load on the server by checking every now and then   for changes we eliminated this by introducing  idle mode after 30 minutes we also worked hard   to decrease the impact of an extra session by  over 25 percent so all in all the load for next   text on the big server can be decreased by  50 or more and these large servers are often   used in object storage we optimize the number of  common operations so for example a copy operation   is no longer going through a next. server which  can increase the performance by up to 100 times   for object storage we also introduce a setting  to skip the bucket check and this can save of   12 milliseconds of every request to the storage  we also optimized certificate handling which at   one customer showed 15 better response time  another customer saw that the trash can get   pretty slow if you have a lot of files like tens  of thousands or even millions and we optimize this   to be more than twice as fast we also optimize  user group handling maybe three times faster   and there were many more improvements for example  installation and updates up to twice as fast as   some database optimizations updates to account  like changing your username or not 10 times faster   the app store page loads faster and many many more  so all together next world cup 21 is a lot faster   you just need to update to get all the  benefits from this improved release   as a system administrator means you can add more  users to your server without having to upgrade the   hardware and that's really good but we wanted to  do more that is why we are introducing the high   performance backend for files now let me explain  a little bit what this does the nextrod is built   on the most popular technologies on the web and  this brings many benefits it is easy to deploy   administrators know how to scale it up as you  can see for example by how easy it is to build a   cluster for tens or hundreds of thousands of users  for next cloud it also enabled us to build global   scale our innovative architecture that allows a  single nexus to scale across continents to tens or   even hundreds of millions of users but there are  constantly new technologies emerging on the web   and these new technologies bring new opportunities  and we wanted to bring the best of both worlds   to our users so we are introducing today an  optional high performance backend for files   and this backend is written in rust and allows  permanent connections to a desktop client   so what is the impact of this change well first  of all for a user it means no more waiting   normally the client would check every 30 seconds  if files have changed on the server but with the   permanent connection the client is immediately  notified and can start syncing right away   this also impacts notifications  because they are also instant right now   so when a file is changed or shared with you  or when a notification is generated because   somebody commented on a file or even an incoming  call you will now right away from the desktop   client so for an administrator there is also  significant impact of this change so a client   would check in almost 3 000 times per day with the  server to see if there are any changes and we're   reducing the interval of that from once every 30  seconds to once every five minutes we decrease   the number of requests in the server by 90 now  as a bonus we also introduce this for our web   interface which also means instant notifications  in the web interface and less load on the server   at the event cloud three dozen educational  and research institutes are using next flat   and we did some measurements there in a 15-minute  period 250 000 requests were made from clients to   the server and this represented two-thirds  of the network connections to their systems   to hear what this change can mean let me introduce  you to dr thomas hiltmann he is responsible for   the cloud infrastructure of these three dozen  universities and research institutes at tu burden hi i'm thomas edmond from tuberlin we are  providing excel for about 24 000 users at   our university and more than 30 other members of  the dfn the german research network with about 40   000 users recording this you get about 400 000  requests at the last 15 minutes on our web front   ends more than half of them are prop find requests  from the clients if we could decrease these   requests this would not only lower the load on  our web front and also our network components like   firewall and load balancers would be spared we are  very excited about the upcoming release expecting   performance improvements by decreasing  requests and load which will allow us to   scale up without having to purchase more  hardware while giving the users a better experience well as you can hear from dr thomas  hilman there's a big opportunity for improvement   here and we look forward to see the results of  our high performance back-end other customers   and users so all in all nexon tab 21 is  faster more scalable and more responsive   for users that can mean up to twice faster  loading of pages for administrators it can   decrease the load on the server by up to six times  let's go back to you frank so what is the summary   next.21 brings significant improvements in all  areas for example in groupware where we have   complete new version of next.mail with a lot  of new features and performance improvements   we have a lot of new things in excel deck  which is our project management tool we have   significant improvements all around collaboration  specifically next for talk we have a lot more   functionality a lot more power what you can do  and of course we have the performance improvements   which our new high performance backend we really  helps to make next load hub faster and also more   scalable especially for very big installations  so as always everything we do is open source   and it's also available today so you can go to  our website and download it and host it yourself   so this is all what i wanted to share with  you today so thanks a lot and have a great day you


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