3 Things You Need to Consider to Prepare a Good Resume CV in Printing and Publishing Technologies

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really thanks to all I am engineers today I will tell you three things to consider before preparing a resume before starting the video you can support us for more videos by liking this video and subscribing to our channels before mentioning these three items I would like to add a warning footnote brands these three items will be valid for you if you fulfill certain criteria in other words these three items are not features that being you work on their own it will complement the elements that bring the job give a head to make this sentence concrete for example let's say a company job posting requires five years of experience if you don't have five years of experience fulfilling these three items will not work because they earned the priority of the company at the moment if you have five years of experience these three items will make it easier for you to gain an edge over other competitors first of all cover letter the first required element is the motivation letter the important thing in this article is that you should make your resume feel personalized you need to show each company you apply to that you really want them you must show that you know or or you are related to the industry they are in so why should you do this because every company prioritizes people who fit in with their story every company in every industry likewise all installations and organizations the opinion of the expert in Human Resources is the person who came hard should adapt to our culture and do his job as a part of the chain sometimes they might be there there may be additional requests suggests adding new layers to our system but this can also happen after addicting to the current culture of the company it may be difficult for you to learn the structure of the companies while preparing a job application but the websites of the companies often give us some ideas on this subject of course I exclude SME companies that don't have many names on the internet as a result the information starts about them in digital channels can be low at that point you can develop sector-based Solutions in odd reverse it's like writing a sector specific motivation letter not company specific and name it is separately for each company especially fans who are actively looking for a job complain about this advisor I am signing applications to dozens of companies am I going to write a motivation letter for each of them separately actually no you won't write letters for each of them separately but you will pretend to be it's not a lie it's the power to Market your knowledge at this point you can Define five or six different Target groups according to the sector of the company and the size of the company dividing companies into 3s corporates SME and startups many distribute them in several sectors you can you come across seven or eight different structures in other words you are expected to write seven or eight motivation letters but you won't write them from the beginning there will be a certain template you will revise headlines such as the size of the company and the feature of the industry this will be completed in three or four hours if it takes a maximum of half and hour for each I think for sure it's worth the time investment in your search another advantage of such letters or motivation letters is that while preparing motivation letters you will feel better about which sector and in which size companies you are closer to for example when I got a job at an SME company after my graduation graduation uh I made the right decision thanks to these motivation letters because while preparing letters for corporate companies and startups I really realized that my own expectations and abilities are more inclined for idealistic smes this allowed me to make the right decision at the beginning of my career in fact it's a good experience to write not only a motivation letter but in general experience this is not only for career management but also for personal development the other one references the second important point we want to mention is references I think one of the one of the subjects that I believe most in my life is Network not just in business life just like the writing I just mentioned this is a very valuable thing in butt or business and personal lives there is even a saying that I love very much about it network is your network the words porpedo and network are often confused in this regards and also networking is one of the sources of lifelong success for example there are some companies that make most of their new hires through friends of existing staff this is normal I think because you trust those employees you have a good point with that and therefore you want to choose people you know can vote the same path that you trust in between will inevitably affect your decision making so what action you can you take in this regards what you have to do is use the references in between to your advantage LinkedIn is one of the best channels for this in fact we covered this issue in our video called Nation strategy in five steps years during the university style students or recent graduate period you need to add someone from almost every sector as a link in this way your chances of knowing one of those companies in your job applications increase greatly of course this process doesn't proceed directly likes people won't refer to you or even care most of the time just because you edit them as links years ago you have to build that road first so how will you do this for instance send a message email to those links you edit on special days birthdays holidays Etc also if they share a development on Nathan don't miss your Congress really message when they get a promotion start a side job or share a good news about their private life in this way you will have established a dialogue with all of your contacts update a basic level you can use various tools for this it may be good to automate this kind of work with low fees of course this strategy is only part of the reference building process contact marketing is also important because you need to be able to establish small dialogues with some of these papers think of it like a fence level conversation with all your connections and you will establish a deeper connection with some of them for this it's important that you share content periodically it would be better if it is related to your industry otherwise there may be General personal development posts as well as we continue to do this over time you will have a coincidence working in hundreds of different companies those you will be able to benefit from them while Appling to companies and they will pass on different job opportunities to you over time of course you have to do the same for them our goal here is not to Simply range the references for example you wrote the general manager of the place where you did your internship for those references what will work especially if the sector of the company you want to work which is not the same as the company you did your internship this reference really doesn't matter your references there must be compatible with the company you want to work for in terms of sectoral or titles that's why a personalized resume is important you need to do this with an end-to-end approach when marketing your knowledge to the company you will apply for experiences references cars or certificates root all complements each order you shouldn't use irrelevant references in sector a and use them in sector B because it won't contribute to you if I were a human resource specialist I would expect to expect you to convince me about my industry for this it's also important that your references write you a few sentences where did you meet meet how does he evaluate you what features do you bring to the Forum for this reason it's necessary to see leaking as a long-term investment easier to turn to the people you meet their interferences over time you will see that you know someone in almost every industry here two we often get a question like this then my favorite previous references don't matter at all the academics the places I did my in French internship the people I met in the social environment there might be benefits but I don't think that including it in the CV we contribute much I think I have a pragmatist point of view on this issue so I am utilitarian those references have nothing to do with the business structure of the company you are applying for therefore they are not the people who can refer you to that job you are a hard worker in your classes so the professor who took your class wrote you a reference letter this is a very good station but having your professors right to you a reference that doesn't provide you with knowledge about the industry you are applying for lastly social media or third and last item is social media is enough competition competition is much more in every files there are probably dozens of or even hundreds of people applying for a job you applied for unfortunately most of them are eliminated it begins especially large companies use algorithms in this regard and if the algorithms cannot find the basic competencies they already throw away those results among the remaining resumes the human resource officer applies some filters HR officer or recruiter this title may change depending on the structure of the company for example he or she looks at what you have done before what kind of value proposition did you present for the companies you work for in addition social media is gaining importance when I say social media of course I do I don't mean that you have shared weird full photos what do you share about work do you offer a business value proposition on social media I am thinking about this I think you should have one or two social media channels to Market your work while you are still in the student or recent graduate periods it doesn't matter which one I think you should choose whichever you like to produce content mode in this channel in these channels only the work you do your comments on the market your determinations Etc this channel will become your portfolio in the coming years behance is a good example of this portfolio what is behance a catalog by used a catalog used by people in departments such as architecture graphic design and environmental planning to Showcase their projects in this way people can present their own 12 cases without trying to convince each company they go to and companies can have a foresight about that candidate the plus of social media according to big hands Discovery Trading is or Discovery Commerce is more prominent in social media in other words people related to your Market can see your contact via browsing social media and can offer you a job spontaneously without the need for your job posting this is our aim in the medium long term to be able to Market our work to companies because my friends the information itself isn't important anymore believe me it's not important at all it's been 14 minutes since we started this recording and in that 50 minutes 15 minutes terabytes of data or each topic has been produced what matters now is the power to Market that information so whatever your department is focused on the ways you can Market that knowledge as well as the knowledge I think Twitter is one of the best channels in these guards but depending on your requests it can be Instagram or tick tock I would like to give an example to explain this subject a little more take for example a typical job interview a typical job entire job interview and it takes between 20 or 30 minutes and the questions to be asked are clear why did you leave your last job where do you see yourself in five years talk about yourself blah blah blah however social media is unlimited people who are curious about you can best review you and follow your opinions when you try to express yourself in a short time you will always be incomplete social media prevents this the HR officer or company official who will hire you says yes this person really named the industry he or she or non-binary has a Visionary approach and new ideas on this subject that's work with this person at this point I would like to expand on a part that I have briefly touched open because it's very valuable for them in fact you may receive of offers from many places without your knowledge now this is one of the new trends in the carrier world my friends now the officials of many companies do the hiring directly and don't write on career stats Etc while doing this it first started in the entertainment world and continues to find its way into more add more Industries of course that doesn't mean that the executives themselves about have started recording so there will be no need for career stylists as I mentioned at the beginning the cake is much bigger now and it's not possible for us to run this cake with the materials at hand there are many more companies many more job postings this Market just needs new materials career sites will continue to operate maybe even growth but on the other hand New Generation requires will also take their share from this Market at this point your task is using almost all channels on the road to success sometimes several of these parts can come together in the same Journey for example when you go to the a job interview you can open a topic on your social media channels and increase your chances of getting that job I say this because I have experienced something similar the equator had a job interview I want to say that he was following the current Absolution and was curious when he or saved it on his research my reason we talked a lot from there he said that he taught the page was actually a team involved and he was surprised when I said no I'm on my own afterwards there was no job for other reasons but we had a good bond with that person I think it was more productive than an average human resources official interview of course one last Point needs to be emphasized again these items should be your thoughts after meeting the minimum expectations at the company not before example if the workplace is too far from you and you are sensitive to distance the other three items don't matter experience or something else it doesn't matter your priority should be the main needs of that job pass team this is what I am going to say in general if you have questions comments throughout and or criticisms about the subject you can set them in the comment section if you think that you are fed by video if this video has contributed something to you you can support us or to our Channel like which subscribe moreover if you have new topic suggestions you can always send them as comments have a nice day see you in the next videos


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