300 Most Satisfying Agriculture Machines and Ingenious Tools

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hundreds of millions of tons of agricultural  products are created every day thanks to human   creativity intelligence and hard work people are  increasingly technologizing devices with their   intelligence when using the power of machines and  gasoline to replace human labor join me to learn   about them now plowing the soil at an average  speed of 13 to 14 km per hour and drilling   later with rapid a at an average speed of 20 km  an hour gives us excellent plowing productivity hey Harvest took place in 2020 with  the dots agrotron k120 and class liner   2600 grass streaks during the second  and final cutting of this year's hay season 10 hectares per hour is the productivity that  this spray can perform on this large field of ours today we went out to sew barley  we sew 10 hectares of barley today [Music] Ernesto Cruz an agricultural engineer known as  the king of corn in South America introduces   to a centrifugal spreader for agriculture  with the ability to work efficiently and [Music] accurately at a certain point of growth The   Vines need to be weeded at the  base to ensure final yield and quality the silage spreader does what a  conventional push blade can't and allows   users to make the most of the space  in The Silo as the hydraulic rotating   head allows them to spread silage  onto the walls of the silo [Music] hay collector and B are doing hay  harvesting by the company hofstetter   acaba service AG Modern Machinery  has assisted them a lot in this [Music] two fent 936 with bassini 25 cubic  M transport box the fence 724 with hose   [Music] reel and longrange nozzle provided  enough fertilizer for our large Fe [Music] [Music] fertiliz crop land with a fent 930 vario  S4 machine with Samsung pg2 31 mud tank   please observe the development  of Machinery in agriculture [Music] the working parts of the cultivator are  equipped with five multi-purpose vibrators   spaced 60 cm apart its working width covers  the entire width of the the intercropping row the Syma PK 4000 Costa Square Bor is  an excellent machine for harvesting straw   which is also successfully used in collecting hay  Optimum design excellent operating parameters high   durability and operating reliability make this  product dominate the Polish market in its segment [Music] can you believe that this hundreds of hectares  of field was fully sprayed in just one day this machine is doing the job of  cleaning cow dung this amount of   waste will be used for crops in  the nearby Field convenient isn't it can you guess what the machine  is doing that's crushing wood and   sorting these wood chips leave a comment to let me know the driver of the class seran saddle track  Maneuvers the Monstrous combination of a   tractor trailer and a dual axle  liquid manure tank across Lanes   the black design of the entire fleet  attracts photographers from all over Europe this corn Harvester keeps the corn  intact and removes the cornstalks very cleanly the benefits of V plows are  less ground disturbance and   pipe placement closer to the desired [Music] location [Music] this tree Crusher is processing tree Stomps in  the forest and perhaps they'll use this land for farming [Music] not only potatoes but all underground   tubis this machine can Harvest  them cleanly for you at great speed plowing the soil has the main purpose of improving  the quality and mixing of the soil creating   favorable conditions for the growth of roots and  plants this improves the yield and quality of the crap in modern agriculture the traditional plow  has been replaced by modern agricultural machines   such as self-propelled plows specialized plows for  each crop plowing depth is usually from 15 to 30 cm using modern agricultural  Machinery helps improve production efficiency the use of herbicides is an  important part of weed Management in   modern agriculture used to control overgrowth  of wild grass helping to maintain cleanliness   and efficiency of growing areas  this helps increase crop yield and [Music] quality using a weed killer saves Time and  Labor compared to killing weeds by hand it   has a compact and flexible design easy  to operate and adjust to suit a variety   of crops and terrain this is especially  important when applying to large planting areas the production of lettuce in the US this  year is about 1.08 million tons it's one of the   popular vegetables and has many applications  in cooking from salads to dishes therefore   growing and harvesting lettuce can provide  an attractive business opportunity according   to statistics the yield of lettuce can reach  about four to 5 tons per hectare harvesting   with modern machinery involves cutting the  tops from the upper part of the plant to   encourage regeneration and continued growth this  helps increase Harvest efficiency in the long term due to controlled environmental conditions  vegetable yields in green houses are usually 2 to   10 times higher than Outdoors small machines  help increase Harvest productivity compared   to manual work which is very suitable for  harvesting in green houses or small and medium Farms these machines cost from  $800 to $2,000 us are designed to   work precisely help protect agricultural  products from damage and maintain better quality next we'll talk about another  vegetable broccoli broccoli has a strong   growth ability yields from 30 to 40 tons per  hectare about 1.5 to 2.5 kg per square meter   its nutritional value is high with about 30 Mig  of vitamin C per 100 G to meet food needs and processing using this semi-automatic Harvester  is capable of harvesting up to 90% of the   planted area with a yield of about 1 to 2.5  hectares per hour machines have the ability   to work continuously helping to optimize  Harvest Time and bring products to Market quickly cabbage is a fast growing and  high yielding crop on average 1 acre of   cabbage land can produce 20,000  to 30,000 9,000 to 13,600 kg of cabbage [Music] using machinery and cabbage harvesting  helps to harvest accurately and evenly minimizing   errors and waste some machines are equipped with  cleaning systems to remove dirt and post Harvest [Music] residue next is the Cucumber Harvest globally  cucumber production is about 80 million   tons per year China India and Iran are the  largest cucumber producing countries in the world the time from sewing seeds to  maturity is usually about 50 to 70   days depending on weather conditions and  variety cucumber harvesting machines are   usually high efficiency can Harvest  one to two lines of cucumbers at   the same time this saves a lot of  time and effort compared to manual work these machines can Harvest many  different types of agricultural products a harvester like this can Harvest 2,000  to 4,000 kg of carrots per hour carrot   slicers are capable of cutting carrots into  uniform sizes and shapes making packaging   and later processing easier in addition  the machine is also capable of combining   many functions such as cleaning  and packaging carrots right on S side peanuts are one of the most important food  crops in the world peanut production is   widespread in tropical and temperate regions  worldwide peanut production is estimated at   about 46 million tons per year equivalent to  more than 177 billion US the introduction and   development of peanut harvesting Machinery  has enhanced performance and productivity a   machine can Harvest and split seeds from 2 to  10 tons of peanuts per per hour in addition   the machines also have the ability to move  flexibly in the fields making it convenient to harvest late August and early September  is onion planting time for many Dutch   farmers in the past onions were often  harvested manually however today machines   have helped optimize the harvesting  process and reduce dependen on manual labor worldwide onion production in 2021 was  estimated at around 105 million tons with the   use of proper techniques and Technology harvested  onions can be stored for about 6 months to 1 year this Massie Ferguson 7616 with pishon  TCI 16800 tons is spreading the mud which   effectively provides nutrients to the soil  and plants this mud spreader allows the   user to adjust the amount of mud to  be spread according to the specific   needs of the field or crop this helps to  optimize the supply of nutrients to the plants harvesting garlic in bulk in Spain  t20b is a two row forklift with a 6 ton   cell system for continuous harvesting over  a long period of time please leave a comment   below which machine you want us to make a  video about the Toof turnu single excavator   arrives to bury a waterpipe to connect  a trough in a field in the south of the US next we come to a complex of heavyduty  spreaders in the field in the US this spreader   is designed to spread fertilizer evenly and  efficiently over the field or growing area the   machine is equipped modern technology such as  automatic control system and sensors to ensure   fertilizer is distributed accurately and evenly  this technology helps to optimize fertilizer use   the class lexian 8900 is a harvest width of  13.8 M and 790 horsepower that allows for a   large amount of wheat to be harvested in a short  time this optimizes the harvesting process and   saves time the 100 Acre field isn't big  enough it only takes 6 hours to harvest Oxbo 8840 sweet corn Harvester is one  of the modern machines widely used in   harvesting sweet corn Oxo 8840 has  the ability to harvest sweet corn   in a large width from six lines or  more the machine is equipped with   an advanced highquality harvesting system that  collects sweet corn from the plant quickly and efficiently he's howing a field of  about 10 hectares to grow morning   Glory the advantage of this combination of  machines is that it's very light and very precise by sitting on an open tractor  near the hoe it can drive very precisely a machine often used in Demolition  and dismantling works it's operating in a   residential area with a 24 M long boom  and an 18 quintal NPK tractor Ducan PMI   460 is designed with great strength  durability and versatility in mind   to perform tough jobs such as smashing  concrete cutting steel and dismantling   large structures this corn leaf trimmer is  a prime example of modernizing Agriculture   this equipment has had a positive effect  on the cultivation and production of maze instead of manually pruning leaves  the corn leaf trimmer automatically removes   unnecessary leaves saving Farmers time and effort the styish spreader and compactor is one of   the advanced applications in the  field of animal and poultry feed processing the spreader and compactor  helps to combine the ingredients in sour   feed in a uniform and efficient manner  ensuring that the nutrients are evenly   distributed and in the right proportions  thereby improving the quality of the feed Brazil is the world's largest coffee   producer accounting for about a  third of global coffee [Music] production the technology of rapidly  harvesting coffee with machines has   helped this country harvest  in large quantities in a short time the tanko 3 blade lawn mower is a   modern and efficient tool used to  maintain Lawns and grassy areas triple blade design with 8.9 M  cutting width ensures efficient   and uniform mowing reducing the need  to cut multiple times on the same area John Deere 7530 combined with dosar  DX 6.05 forms a large capacity alone

mower with a 98 horsepower engine and a  weight of 6,000 kg this is also a tractor   that helps the process of raking the  grass into a row for Bales to take place effectively agbot is an automatic  robot tractor for standard and   specialized implements designed for  type 3 rear hook and type 2 front hook machine working width  up to 6 M depending on the   type of implement used and track width up to 3.2 M the ux 11200 extended sprayer with its huge   11,200 L tank capacity can easily  deal with high pressure to cover an acre this leveling machine is working on  the roads in Africa to build a new Road   near agricultural land to make the Agricultural  Development process where the land becomes [Music] stronger this is the process of harvesting  sugar beats in the state of Virginia USA   Terra fellis 3 is the most modern  sugar beat cleaning excavator in   the world with a pck with of 9.50 m a load  range of 15 M for fast and continuous work   helping increase the Harvest capacity  and improve the productivity of the farm the average cabbage yield in the United  States is estimated at £ 39,600 per acre in   2020 the total area of cabbage Harvest  is 58,60 Acres this cabbage Harvester   is equipped with synchronization and  Rain protection making it the most   modern semi-automatic cabbage this cabbage  Harvester is equipped with synchronization   and Rain protection making it the most  modern semi-automatic cabbage harvesting machine we're seeing the fent 930 Black Beauty  combined with the New Holland big Bor 1290 high   density which is an advanced and high performance  farm equipment designed for bailing hay straw and   hay this Bor is specially designed for the  production of high density Bales allowing   to pack a lot of hay into each bail resulting  in reduced storage and transportation costs Poland's grain Harvest is on track to head a  record this year remaining the third largest grain   producer in the European Union the wheat Harvest  is expected to reach nearly 13.5 million tons up   11% from last year thanks to Modern agricultural  machines that help optimize the harvesting process Farms with some form of irrigation  account for more than 50 4% of total us crop   sales while irrigated land while irrigated  land accounts for less than 20% of harvested   crop land irrigation systems this ensures that  the farmer's Tree Care process is guaranteed and easy the Western Panhandle region of the West  Texas desert where Valencia peanuts are grown   are usually harvested in the fall each year  or 90 to 110 days after planting to make the   planting process here go smoothly farmers will  use these bed making machines to grow crops more   efficiently please subscribe to my channel for  more useful information about agriculture in the world this cabbage Harvester has a wider clamping   belt and can Harvest cabbages up to 40  cm in diameter the driver only sets the   altitude steering is done via GPS and  doesn't require any further steering correction this slurry is being carried out  on a farm in mid Canterbury New Zealand the 4X Case IH tractor and  venu mud truck are top of the line   heavyduty Farm machines with 300  horsepower for more efficient mud spreading marger is a machine designed to shake  and clean to harvest cherries and plums [Music] do you find this harvesting process very special   it almost doesn't affect the  tree but still brings a high yield irrigation facilities must be maintained   continuously so that they  can perform their functions efficiently enag green and 2x  dosar are working on a gutter   system in the Netherlands making sure it's up and running Cherry in the Netherlands  yielded 149,90 HG per hectare this   year 0.122 per higher than last year  this Cherry harvesting machine is a   very used product in the Netherlands and  its price is about 1 million pln net about [Music] $250,000 Browns is a  first class cider dating from   South Devon Circa 1895 this wine  is harvested with apples of good quality in order to be able  to harvest to make sure the   apples don't go bad they'll use this machine to harvest this job used to be very hard but  since having machines it's become easier the outstanding strength of  this machine in harvesting beets   is that it can Harvest 12 rows of  beets at once that's twice as much   as most commercial sugar beat  Harvesters this saves time and effort there are machines with very special   and different designs but its  work efficiency is very good what a beautiful scene this machine is plowing  the ground in the snow huh I wish I could be here in the process of improving the field  it's impossible not to mention this   machine a machine with so many functions in it this is one of the first production models  that the Dutch manufacturer produced last   year in limited quantities the machine is  powered by a Volvo Penta 550 horsepower   engine and has a 22 cubic met tank the tank  can be filled at a rate of up to 13.5 cubic  

m per minute behind is a 12 M wide shoo and  spider disc injector thanks for watching the   video to the end what was the most impressive  moment for you if you have any suggestions   for us please leave a comment down below  we welcome all suggestions and comments   it helps us to improve the next videos so  all you need to do is click like share and   subscribe to update the latest videos from  us thank you and we'll see you again soon


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