2 2 7 Lab - Explore DevNet Resources

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hello everyone in this video I will walk  you through the Devnet site using lab 2.2.7   from Devnet associate course from cisco this lab  has two parts and at the beginning in the scenario   like you have to understand what is available for  you to use so as a developer you should learn or   have a complete view about what are things that  you can use to develop or in your work what you   need to this to do this set actually you need only  a computer with internet access you don't need to   use in this lab the Devnet virtual machine let's  start directly with part one which is a find and   navigate a learning lab first we will go to  developer.cisco.com and login so we are here and then you can log in from here you can choose any of your accounts you have so  you can log in with github with google account   facebook with cisco and so on i'm going to  log in to login now with my google account and as you can see I am now logged in okay so then let's click to learning tracks as you can see here we click here  and then a new browser will open for   Devnet and it's okay we can see for example  scroll down and click introduction to Devnet you can go down or you can simply search   for the lab you want so I will click  ctrl and f and then introduction let's go down from here introduction to Devnet as you can see there is   another version in Spanish but we are going to use  the one in English and then let's click on this   and as you can see here we have the  lab learning lab here we have models each model has a labs so for example for  this one here as you can see I already   finished the first one okay let's keep going and  continue reading the tutorial so what is in this   lab and this is a beginner's track which  covers some fundamentals such as python coding   and network programmability these skills  will be necessary for sexes and discourse   this is a great place to start okay so now  that let's see the first model and overview   and Devnet resource beginner model this  is the first model it has two reading labs   as you can see this is log one this is the  second lap that provide you a quick overview   on the div net click the overview of div  net link to begin the first lab reading   the first lab reading the lab so  you can click here and you can start   reading the first lab here we have the objective  here we have about Devnet here we have some   instructions to do you can click next here like  this also you can continue the slab and then   here you can see here we have we reached the  fourth page from before the lab so then click   finally your tm bug to the Devnet introduction  to Devnet track so as you can see here navigate   to and read each page on the overview of Devnet  lab when then click the arrow at the button on   the last page to return to the introduction  to the next track so we returned here already   okay so let's start now with part two which is  about explore more resources and in this part we   are going to explore more resources in this site  so with step one let's explore the start now page   so we can go to the main page here and as you  can see here it says that as a beginner start now   link is a great way to get started so  let's start here with this start now and then we can click the networking part 101  again you can search here or it is this one here this is a combination of labs that teach you that  teaches the fundamentals of networking so how many how many labs are linked on this  page as you can see we have three   laps which what is the total length of the  labs so you can see here we have two hours and then let's return back to the home  page we can simply click on this one   so from this start now as a summary  or to rub up we have here many like   labs that you can start from here you can see here  the data center networking enterprise networking   coding and application programming interface  cloud and containers security IOT data center   compute and so on so I recommend you find which  one of them like of these you are interesting   on and then start to do these slops networking  here it is mentioning or it was mentioned here   in this tutorial because it's like a fundamental  so I also if you don't have any knowledge or you   need to review your skills and networking I also  recommend you to do this lab or these three labs okay let's move forward to explore the video  course page as you can see here we have a video   course click on it and here you can see are  some videos here module one module two and so on   and as you can see many people prefer  to use videos as a primary way to learn   videos can also help to reinforce the  content learning and in other ways however   from the Devnet homepage  click video course I already   clicked it you can simply or you can sample  any of the models by clicking any of the videos   and you can also play the entire model or jump  to any video of your choice so here we have a   question how many modules are available as a video  based as you can see here we have module one till module six so we have six   and the second question how many videos are  available in the network device api model let's search for model network device  api as you can see here we have one   two so if we are counting  them again so we have five here we have five videos   and then let's return here to the  Devnet home page again you can click bug okay so let's see explore or  step three it's about explore   the sandbox page now let's  click on the sandbox the sandbox and let's read a little bit about the sandbox  if you haven't hear about this yet so one of the   greatest things about Devnet is the sandbox this  is a place where you can run your code against   real equipment there are virtualized environments  simulators and real hardware available for free   some labs are always running while others require  a reservation okay so here you can have like an   environment when you can use devices or simulators  it's already there in the sand box or sandbox so let's we already clicked on the sandbox  and then which type of sandbox provide private   access to packaged lab so as you can  see here to learn more about the sandbox   it is mentioned in bar and b you can  click learn more and your page will be   opened about the sandbox here we have pros and  cons and here we have his reservation sandbox here   you can see the reservations and boxes are private  access environment and require a reservation   okay so the pre-packaged sandbox often  includes supporting equipment for the   highlighted technologies these samples contain  a network domain name resolution development   servers and more reservation sand boxes are  accessed by connecting to the virtual private   network and full administrative access is  granted to all equipment and the samples so to answer this one which was which  type of sandbox pro provide private   access to a package lab as you can see this  is the reservation sand boxes or sandboxes and here you can see where can you go or where  can you go for help if you have difficulty or   which to ask a question about the sand boxes as you can see here having difficulty using  sandbox or want to ask questions ask a   question in the divnet sandbox community form  so you can hear ask questions in this Devnet community form as you can see here you have  already some questions and answers and so on   so let's return back to the close the lab entry  10 to the Devnet sandbox stuff let's do this we are here again one more time as  you can see here in part d we have   the sandboxes are grouped by technology  type click data center a new tab will open let's go here one more time and  let's go and click on that center a new tab will open with some featured sandboxes  now to notice that the sandbox category can be   found on the left of the page this allows you to  open any of the other sand box technology type   so if you can click here you can see here this is  the sandbox catalog you can close it from here you   can open it one more time you can see here there  are IOT clouds networking data centers and so on   let's close this and let's move forward and click  on aci simulator in the right side a new tab will   open with the details about the lab known as  blue print so let's move to this aci simulator as you can see here when I click  on it a new type or a new tab will be here and this is called a blueprint and here you can see the center of  the page shows the topology of the lab   if there if there is one this is here  and the right side of the page shows the   resource structure of the lab if there are any  additional resources in the log the overview or   instructions for the lab are on the left side  of the page there are also details about how to   connect to the aci server here we have the  overview and here we have the also instructions okay so here we have a question what is the url to  connect to the aci server to the to start the lab   this is here as you can see how to connect  to the sci server and this one is here   so this is the url to answer this question and why  it why is it important not to upload very large   resources to the lab as you can see  here the answer can be extracted   from here this aci server resources is shared  this means that you can see other developers   resources and they can see yours please do not  erase resources you have not created yourself   do not upload very large resources or you may  drain capacity from other users also do not   perform do not perform performance testing against  this shared instance of aci so here we have   like some instructions that we can answer  here why it is important not to upload   very large resources to this lab because  it is drying capacity from other users okay so let's close the aci simulator  sandbox tab we can close it from here when you would like to begin your fair  sandbox on your own time you can scroll   down to around the middle of the sandbox  page and click begin hello world this will   walk you through getting set up and  connecting for now return to the net   homepage okay so if you would like  to start your own you can see here begin hello world it's it's here  like a tutorial about using sand box let's click on here and we see  what is there here we have also   hello world here we have also a tutorial that  you can use to create your own sand box we are   not going to do this we are going to turn them  back to the home page let's close these tabs and we stay this with the Devnet home page in step 4 we have explored the code exchange  page we can go and click here directly   the code exchange page allows you to work with  all kinds of code related to a cisco technologies   there these are github projects that help you  build and cooperate on projects you can search   for specific repository or browse by technology so  under this page you will have like a repositories   from github that you can there download  to the to your machine and or copy them to   your machine and then work with them then you  can test them so there are here many projects   under the code exchange so let's fix our steps  to the tutorial here so from the Devnet homepage   click code exchange i'm already here click explore  repos we can click here and we can see here   like categories we have python we have one volt  and so on so let's choose the cisco webex category and here you can choose any repo  let's choose let's say this one   this page tells you all about the project so  here you have information about the project as you can see here we have owner we  have contributors we have also categories   languages and so on so let's ask here  for example let's from here we can   also have a view on github so if I will open this  in a new tab I will have the project in github from here you can get the code or copy from this  project and then you can work on it but let's   answer the questions here what is the name of the  project it's the name of the project is awesome   web box what category or category is  this this project fall under it is here collaboration and here what support option  does this project provide   you can also find from here support options and then let's return to the Devnet form  okay let's return back but here you can   just choose another project so let's see here  for example another one which is python called   samples network you can see here the code  or the project on github here we have resort   categories and here we have python like you  can go to github and here we have the code we   can get the code here we can get instructions  from here and so on however the github like   as a tutorial will be a lab in this course so  if you still don't have an account on github I   recommend you to do so and open a new account  for there prepare it because we will have a lot   on github now how to use github okay so let's  return back to the home page let's close ours and now let's explore the ecosystem exchange page  now we will move this one is here echo system aqua system exchange let's click  on it and then let's return back Devnet is much more than cisco technologies alone  the ecosystem exchange connects the ecosystem   of cisco partners to provide you an aggregation  of the solutions by cisco partner based on cisco   platforms you can search for a specific  listing or browse by technology areas   so here we have under this ecosystem exchange we  have like technologies built by cisco partners   and here we can like search about them we can  learn from them we can develop them or you can do   like some experiments or projects with them  from the Devnet homepage click echo system   exchange I already did this and I have got  this page here scroll down and click mobility here we can see technology area we have IOT  cloud networking data center security analytic   and automation we have corporation  and we have mobility but   let's stick to the tutorial  and let's click mobility and here we have click any solution let's click for example vnet rtls platform and here you can see this  page will provide you with a description of the   solution and a way to find more information such  as requesting information website or even support   so here what is the partner name so we have  this solution and the partner name as you   can see here this mid mark here you have  request information or see partner profile what are two ways to get more information about  the solution you can request information or   here I think you can also get information  about there the website is there also   and we can also see the support here   support coverage hours here support hotline  here we have support italias and support url and here let's return back to the  home page again so this is all about   the Devnet ecosystem and here let's explore  Devnet platforms Devnet organizes even more   information around different platforms from  the Devnet homepage click the category or of   platform you are interested so let's move down  and you can see here we have platforms again we   have IOT cloud networking services collaboration  mobility and so on so let's click on networking and here you have to click on there any  platform check this for example this one   here we have networking Dev center  here we have getting started then network programmability we have video  and so on so under the platform networking i I already select clicked on networking you can  click on data center you can click security but   let's do this networking and then  let's click any platform you are   interested here and let's click this one  let's see what information we have here and which category did you choose I   chose networking and what platform did you  explore i'm exploring this network and so on open   is open for businesses and here we have  platform capabilities listen click on this   let's see here what we have internet or intent api  here we can read more about it and here we can do   some also experiments so that's all for this lab  thank you very much and see you on the next lab


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