Right, we are back! We're back!! We are back! It feels like it's been forever guys, it's been horrible! I'm not 100% but I'm getting there so... but a massive shout out to all of you who have sent get well soon wishes it's it's been horrible but it's been quite nice at the same time because I have kind of shut myself away from work and I've taken a rest and a break so but yeah thank you to you all we are back and I didn't really want to come in straight away with a review video but I'm going to kind of what's the saying kill two birds with one stone Let's Resin have sent me two new bits of Kit one of them not so new it's been available for a short period of time but the other one is brand spanking new so you know what I'm like I give you an honest review on his channel I'm not going to lie to you and say that I've tested these bits of kit for a certain period of time when I haven't I I keep it honest I haven't even opened the boxes yet this is you know I wanted to and the plan was to do it before I got sick but things happen don't they we're here we're going to test these two bits of Kit out hope you enjoy them let's see what they are so first of all we have the new mixer I know you're probably thinking how many mixers do we need I mean guys if you got one you don't need this one but I'm going to give it a bash I'm going to give it a try and just see what it's like now next of all next of all next next of all it sounds right but it doesn't sound right next we have the new resin bubble remover machine from Let's Resin now this is supposed to be a very powerful bit of Kit and very spacious very spacious it's a very different design to what we're used to and many of you have already got one of these from a different company now this couldn't have come at a better time after what the previous company did to me um I can't go into all of the details but most of you who have been following me saw that post on the community tab a month or two ago I would not be affiliated with that company again but I love that machine uh but now I have a new one one that I can actually use without you know feeling a little bit h a bit yeah you know what I'm saying this one I can be proud of using so first of all we have the new electric mixer now this is USBC chargeable get the cable you get two ones two ones in the Box a big one and a small one ones paddles mixing stirring sticks whatever you want to call them there's two of them in there we have the device itself I haven't even turned this on so I don't know well it's turned straight on I don't want it to turn on yet sometimes it's really good when doing review videos to read the instructions before you commit to filming but there's no what's the fun in that e what's the fun in that oh shiny I like it so far right we have a stand I get it all set up to the side of me and you can see it all what's that oh look at that that's smart with the turn of a dial you can adjust the height I like that I do like that that is going to get covered in resin though no doubt and we have a base it's not very weighty compared to others that I have used but once you got your mixing cup on there it will weigh it down a bit silicon nice it's going to be that simple isn't it just click that click that into the base and there you have it now as for the mixing ones they just slot in like so okay so this just rests it's got like little slots so you can have it facing you can have it facing that way or you can turn it and Slot it in that way it doesn't turn because it's locked in and again we have this dial to raise it up or lower it down into position that's pretty handy so let's talk about the device itself we have an LED display we have three buttons on the side this is a direction button we have a timer which goes up to 15 minutes which is Handy if you're mixing a deep por resin and here we have an AI button stands for artificial intelligence lots of companies us using this AI feature on some of their machines I mean it is clever it's not just the timer I mean this this sets the device for 4 minutes but it also changes the direction every now and again of the the mixing wand um yeah just to make sure your resin is a bit more streak free so you've got fre power settings at the push of the button once the device is on and you've got your USBC charging port there so when you first turn the device on what this will actually do is remember the previous setting you used when you last mix so that's that's pretty smart so if I was to use the AI button and then I turned off the device when I go to use that next and turn it back on it's going to remember that I Ed that AI feature the same as the speed so if I turned off the AI if I had it on the highest speed turned that off and turned it back on again next time I use it it will remember it's got like a memory built in I'm loving this shiny though it's the small things so yeah I mean it's going to do the job isn't it so but we're going to test it out and we're also going to apparently it makes a beeping noise when it's finished with the AI feature so we're going to going to leave that running just just for the 4 minutes so we can hear that sound right any moment now it should tell us when it is finished hopefully okay I know I know do I need to acknowledge this does it stop on its own I've got a fridge I've got a refrigerator at home and if you leave the door open for too long it makes exactly the same sound just want I'd let you know so yeah it changes Direction every 30 seconds I noticed um it's got a a what was it 1,800 milliamp battery builtin takes 3 to 4 hours to fully charge but we're going to put it to the test anyway and the only other thing I missed out is that this silicon base lifts out for easy cleaning which is hand it and Pops back in but I think this is what we're all here for let's just lift that out with one hand hopefully nothing will fall out so there we have the Bell Dome or the lids the top we'll get that out in a moment and inside here we have I don't know I really don't know you're seeing this what's in there I presume it's the power supplyer yes very well packaged so we have power supply I have a US plug it's only available in the US at the moment it is coming to the UK I will let you know when but luckily I have a converter to plug that into and then we have the base let's get it all out so this is the actual base inside there is the motor there is your valve so it sucks the motor is inside the base so it sucks the air out from the the the the doy thing and there's the power so where's the vent out it's going to be there okay so it sucks the air through there inside the actual machine itself and it vents out through the bottom so we have a silicon base it's going to stop your your cups dancing around whilst The Machine's on we have our timer button and I think yep it's also a push button as well so that is the base and we have a silicon gasket that goes all the way all the ray all the way around the outside that is going to be important to keep that spotless guys for a good seal otherwise it's not going to work properly but it's pretty much the same for any vacuum machines it is important guys that I do stress this is a vacuum machine it's not a pressure pot this takes the air out and basically it removes the the bubbles from the resin of a a pressure pot basically puts pressure into the cylinder and it shrinks the bubbles down so that you can't see them basically this is a vacuum chamber so this runs in negative pressure and I do believe this is actually more powerful yeah this one goes down to 99 kPa which is more powerful than the other machine that I reviewed once before again I I will not name that company it's got a little bit more more power to it so as for the very spacious lid which sits on top it's very very thick and solid it does look like a bell and at the top here we have a handle for lifting it up and down off of the actual base so yeah I mean that just fits on to the base and then we power it up but that has got a lot more space inside and the good thing is it's flat so I'm liking this already now this does Apparently after running it auto vents so you don't need to kind of release any pressure after it's been running it does all that for you so there it is in all its Glory I mean you can see just how big that that area inside is now some of you may already have this Auto mixer now I never really did a review well I never did a review video on this because I wasn't too keen on the design but these cups are huge and they fit inside perfectly which is really really good that's a big cup and then you know just to give you an idea of space and these are the the Le resin cups I normally use when I mixing my epoxy now you could fit three of these in here again it's important when mixing epoxy that you don't mix too much at once because they can generate quite a bit of heat and you know flash cure so it's handy if you're doing bigger projects to to get to be able to get free cups in this at the same time now all we need to do now really is get it set up let's resin I am loving this baby blue together these are going to sit very very nicely on my desk here so we are going to be using the collab resin the Le resin Daniel Cooper collab resin which is a medium for osity wanted to kind of keep it in the Middle with a test like this um obviously if it's a lower viscosity it's going to work a lot lot better so here you can see the machine set up push the the button for the dial to come up I say for the dial to come up I mean the display so again you turn this and it increases the time by 30 seconds each turn or each Notch all the way up to 15 minutes but again 15 minutes is quite a long time for resin to be inside something like this because it will begin to cure so I don't think you're going to need that sort of time we're going to go with 5 minutes just to see how it goes with the collabor resing so once you've set it you just push the dial and it will just begin to vacuum out all of the air inside that chamber and it is it's really quiet compared to the previous machine that I've used used it's it's not moving around as much as the previous machine that I've used did now this one stays where it's supposed to and that will just increase or decrease to - 99.9 kPa and the good thing about this machine is that if you push the dial again it will drop some of the pressure out which helps with popping the bubbles on the surface and if you hold the button down what it will do is it will turn off the machine and then automatically release or allow the the air back into the machine ready to take the lid off with the machine that I used before you had a like a a rubber valve at the back that you have to manually pull out this is quite a clever machine it does it all automatically for you the only thing that I will say with the vacuum chamber I know Claire's going to touch on this when she does her video I think she already has is the worry of when you're lifting the lid or placing the lid back over that it could knock the the cup over so just you have to just always lift it upwards carefully and away from the cup that's my only concern at the moment um that I can see with this machine well more issues could arise as we're using it let's find out so so again for these tests I'm going to be using the clab resin this is a higher viscosity which means thicker it's a thicker resin than the standard um Le resin epoxy which you're probably more familiar with it comes in the bigger containers so this is slightly thicker resin so I want to see how it works with with this one and I'm just going to mix up a total of 4 o because I want to use my little frog mold so there it is just over just over 4 oz of resin you can see there it's not been mixed see that dividing line from the two parts ready to go so we lower down the bit of Kit before turning it on like so then going to hold down the power button to turn the device on and it's already gone into AI mode which is what I previously used there's a little bit of a wobble there but it's not it's not going to go anywhere cuz it's locked in in this part here so I'm just going to leave that running and go into hyperap mode okay I'm going to turn it off to stop the beeping there we go so it is always important when using an electric mixer to also scrape the cut now one thing I have noticed with this particular stand is that the the paddle doesn't go all the way to the bottom I'd like to see it go down a little bit more but I'm just going to leave that raised out of the resin for about a minute just to drip off any excess and then I'm going to scrape the cup and just give it a quick step I want more bubbles in there there's not enough bubbles in there for me to do a a decent test on the the so the bottom cuz I am a you can see the streaks coming off there this is why it's really important see those streaks to do this even if you are using an electric mixer because they they don't touch the sides of the cup and if you go pouring that without doing this you're going to end up with uncured areas in your resin art which you don't want because it's a waste of a whole batch of resin so now I'm just going to mix in quite a few bubbles just to really show the the vacuum machine working so going to lift off our lid and I show you the the bubbles in the resin before got some black card here hold on there you go you can see that a bit better now I'm going to put that black card behind the machine as well so we can see the bubbles coming up a bit better again lowering that lid down care carefully onto the top and I'm just going to set this for 5 minutes and then we will go into [Music] hyperlapse for [Music] so you will see during that process I increased the time because there were still bubbles that were stuck on the bottom of the cup and what I didn't want to happen was the the machine come to the end of the the timer then release all the pressure so then I have to basically restart again because it can take 2 minutes to around 2 minutes to reach maximum negative pressure so by doing that I'm also cutting down the time that the resin is inside the machine so you can do that I mean I'd recommend just keeping an eye on your resin I didn't realize it would do that so yeah keep an eye on your resin if it's still not as bubble free as you want just increase it a notch and I think that added 30 seconds per turn so yeah I mean that's that that's pretty smart in itself as well so I'm now I've got a couple of surface bubbles but let's have a look again lift off that carefully and then we can inspect the resin I mean there there's a couple in there but it's definitely doing a very very good job those surface bubbles I can just get rid of with some heat yeah I mean I'm super super impressed with that for a first run super impressed again I just pop those surface bubbles with my torch or long those lighter would be better so that's to pull so I'm just going to pour that into the mold and we will be back for the demold so as for the paddles I intentionally left the resin on there just to dry to see how easy it would come off but ordinarily as soon as it's dripped off the excess you would use something like an alcohol wipe to remove and clean the paddles but whe forget to do things and and to clean things after we've used them just it just happens but it is it is picking off but just yeah definitely definitely clean them up before the resin sets as with any resin mixer I suppose just to keep it clean but it is peeling off really easy actually I've had some that I've had to take a a sharp craft knife to it just weren't cleaning up but these just don't use anything sharp because that will scratch them and then you'll have even more trouble cleaning it up next time so I always find something that's made of wood works best even like a a wooden steering stick would be better clean up much quicker than using a pick like I was definitely easier and as mentioned for the mixer base made of silicon really easy so our frog is all cured and ready to demold as always guys give the video a thumbs up drop me a comment if you haven't subbed hit that button for me help the channel grow tell me what you think in the comments as well about the two pieces of Kit let's see just how bubble free this is I did have to pop a couple on the surface about 15 minutes after I poured come on I'm I'm so used to just making quick and easy jewelry pieces in my cabash mode not used to making things in fiddly mods like this just hope I don't ruin the mod there we go right there's a couple in there well I can see three four but that's that's mainly because the mold they got trapped on the underside I should really have used my small stick to manipulate those out but I'm super impressed with that machine the mixing machine it's a mixer the main thing was the the de bubbling machine and it's a powerful powerful machine but I can always finish this off with something afterwards maybe add some of my glitter paper underneath do have a video coming of this some really really good ways of using glitter in ways that we couldn't use glitter before so keep an eye out for that video it is coming soon so yeah I'm I'm very impressed obviously we've got a couple of bubbles in there but again we did have a few in there didn't we just for the test so what do I actually think of these two pieces of resin Tech we'll start with a mixer shall we which was kind of an unfair test on my part user error I should have used the bigger paddle not the smaller one the bigger paddle fits in this cup perfectly I probably would have got a better much better or would have got a much better mix of my resin using that instead of the smaller one in that big cup we learned from our mistakes guys I think it's just one of those things I was too excited to get the video filmed apart from that I would suggest pausing again with any mixer stopping the the mixing halfway through scrape the sides of your cup and and then restart it not leave it till the end like I did so apart from that the only thing that I would change about this device is the memory function or not even so much the memory function I would like to be able to turn on the machine and then select my function before the motor kicking in the reason for this is that I mean I don't work with epoxy much as it is especially deep P epoxy but if I was to use this for a deep p on a high speed for instance um and then I forget to lower the speed before turning off the device say a week later I work on a different project with a higher viscosity resin and I I lower this down and turn on the device is going to kick in straight away at high speed which is going to cause some resistance on the paddles then that is also going to introduce a lot more air bubbles into my epoxy so that is the only thing that I would change I'd like to be able to turn that on select my function and then push a separate button apart from that guys it's it's a really good bit of Kit I love the display loving this new copper design and the baby blue loving the Simplicity the ease yeah it's a it's a good mixer it doesn't I've I've tested mixers in the past that haven't got this loot design in the top and the resistance what's happened with some of them is the device itself turns in the stand which can be a problem so I'm loving that the fact that it locks in and it doesn't turn so all in all I love the dial it's a bit clicky but I think over time that will probably I don't know click a little bit quietly a little bit quieter whatever you get what I'm saying other than that it's a really good really good mixer now for this it is a beast that additional power that I'm not used to makes a massive difference the size it's it's incredible the only problem I can see is again possibly knocking over a cut but we're all adults we know I think we we'll make the mistake once once and never again but yeah just lift it up and place it back down but you know designing something like this to have that amount of space inside I think it's the best design that they could have gone for to be honest with you the dial really easy to use loving the clicking loving the copper the only thing that I would say is it's going to take time to get used to with the epoxy that you're using for the amount of time that's needed to set this to because again if this re counts down from say 4 minutes and then the machine Auto um basically Auto vents you then if your if your resin isn't bubble free you then have to add extra time and it can take up to 2 minutes to reach full 99 minus 999 kPa and that 2 minutes can be a big thing so I would say keep an eyee on it and yeah definitely use that feature of being able to add on an extra 30 seconds if it's not quite ready because you don't want it to get to the end vent out the pressure or vent in the pressure and then have to go through an additional 2 minutes that you know we need that 2 minutes when working with resin sometimes you don't want to flash cure so yeah that's the only thing really it's a really powerful machine again it's I think this is going to sell out really really fast so I can't find any other faults with this it's quiet it's spacious it's good looking and yeah it does the job really really well so I think that brings us to the end of this there's going to be lots more testing I'm going to have to do with these it is early days still but there's going to be so many videos out there on these so just go and give them a watch people might touch on things a bit more than what I have it's always good to get other people's opinions before you decide if you want to commit to something like this but all in all I love it it's it's my new Beast I like it I'll be using these for every epoxy project I know it's rare on my channel because I do use mainly UV resin but even for UV resin I can very very quickly just pop a pot of UV resin in there and get the bubbles out really really quickly and I haven't got the risk of flash curum with with UV resin because it takes light to cure so yeah that brings us to the end of this this little double tester with two bits of resin kit let me know in the comments what you think if you've if you've reviewed this and you've got a channel yourself and I've missed anything also drop it in the comments it would be really good and that will also give other viewers the ability to go and check out your content too so yeah I will see you all all for the next one bye for now
2024-09-30 18:26