250 Amazing Machine Operating at an INSANE LEVEL

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hello everyone modern heavy machinery  is increasingly developing today are   you curious about its performance and  working capabilities join us to learn about [Music] them 10 years after the release of the  first generation thewolf has developed a   modern upgrade of the ZK 4 based on feedback  from carrot grows and extensive research   with this automatic Harvester the machine  Builder is responding to New Market needs   and requirements with cleaning capacity  in particular being high on the agenda   DeWolf combines new features with proven  formulas such as stability in the field   a powerful and extremely agile machine  high quality Harvest and high processing capacity in short the manufacturer has designed a  carrot Harvester it's even more versatile than any   of its previous versions envo Dan has for many  years been supplying wheat burners to organic   farms and nurseries in Denmark and around  the world envo Dan's patented ether system   reduces gas consumption by up to 40% with an  optimized system that maximizes combustion   heat for highly effective weed control and  they've achieved significant reductions in CO2 all agricultural models here are  designed and built in collaboration   with customers so that they can be  adapted to the unique needs of the [Music] crop they said they wanted to design  this machine to achieve the greatest   efficiency in the growing process there are  five Wheels installed that make the driver so comfortable that the driver  doesn't feel that he or she is   driving on a rough field because  the driver is seated between the axles five Wheels give you even weight  distribution it supports the job of spreading wet   fertilizer on the field very [Music] evenly this  machine is well suited for mowing on wet slopes   and swamps they're not afraid of dirt moisture  and continue to cut vegetation even underwater   because the lawn marrow is designed with wheels  vehicles with special studs their task is not only   to provide traction with soft wet and loose soil  but able to reduce the mower's contact with the ground with the multiclean mulching brush  you can remove chots and control weeds in   the undergrowth without affecting the soil  structure multiclean has exceptionally low   vibration and has extremely strong and  smooth wire that's gentle on the vines   different sizes are available  for its different application areas the Car Series recycling sprayer captures  and recycles any spray that doesn't settle on   foliage back to the tank for filtration and  reuse at the start of the season this means   chemical Savings of up to 80% as foliage  density increases recovery rates obviously   decrease but you can still expect an average  of 30% chemical savings over the course of the season test run of the pack blast Air Blast sprayer  modification Agriculture and horiculture applications the machine has a capacity of  300 L fan size of 22 in and nozzle size of   31 in the diffusion is very detailed  and steady the liquid almost turns   into mist making it easy for spraying and  absorption by [Music] plants [Music] the   Pro Plus operating system is designed to  deliver the highest level of precision for   land leveling jobs this attachment comes with  three specific patents that only skier system offers adjustable traction level Superior flat  blade design center plate and upper Wing shaft   design the machine helps flatten and level  growing areas to best prepare for farming [Music] the current and future outlook for almond  growing and harvesting is very positive currently   there are not enough almonds in the world to  supply the market Global Armen consumption   increases every year due to the emergence of  emerging markets and the publication of several   scientific studies which highlight the benefits  of arm and consumption for human health modern   machinery has been used to grow and harvest  armonds to ensure enough output to meet human   needs around the world brown practice limited have  transplanted 29 anniversary trees at a care home   in Asar to make way for a new [Music] building  these trees are all 20 to 50 cm in circumference   and have been carefully pruned ready to be  transplanted into the forest path on the same site with the cap abilities of this tree  Digger transplanting trees is relatively   easy it makes it easier to move the location  of mature trees and doesn't affect their Roots   watch this video to see how easy it is to  lift a [Music] tree again another video of   the 2023 Corn Harvest in Northern Denmark  we were in vesul and we were watching them   harvest corn with a John Deere 9800i  forage Harvester the machine cuts to   the base of the Corn plant and then puts  it into the machine body the grinder in   the machine body will crush the components of  the Corn plant and spray it out with a spray elephant different tractors take the  silage to a nearby farm for silage processing [Music] the disc pre-t trimmer is available  in two models depending on the height of the   cutting strip 45 cm for the pr 650 model and 65  to 90 CM for the pr 950 model the front trimmers   are applicable to tractors equipped with a front  lifting mechanism or flange equipped with a power   distributor with control unit electric control  two bar vertical cutting system height adjustable rack hydraulic system 50 L flow rate 40 L [Music]  minimum this is a harvesting kit with a vibrating   head and reversing cell that's paired with a  tractor that's been equipped with a front loader   provided with a hydraulic circuit independent of  the rear oil tank it's actuated by the tractor's   PTO the best solution is to utilize the existing  excavator dry frame turning it into a combine harvester we're testing the tech Noma s140 during plowing this land is very dry a little rain  will help soften the soil a lot [Music] today we discover a brand new  fent 828 nature green we see   that here at The Rotary Harrow  with the 6m wide Lenin [Music] Harrow video with Oxbo 7420 C propelled  Harvester harvesting cherries with a vibrating [Music] [Music] Harvester introducing a must half for  every fruit farmer this labor saving   Harvester comes with 25 horsepower  cubola diesel engine for four wheeel   Drive fully automatic steering and  balancing system let's observe how it works 4K HFN aggro intelli roboti 150d autonomous  robotic tractor weeding near [Music] ipswitch   [Music] this tractor is doing the job of  fertilizing your Vineyard when the soil is very [Music] dry Buckey Soil Solutions can adjust  the height as desired for spraying corn in this video [Music] let's watch this  robot harvest strawberries   using a sensor system that identifies standard [Music] strawberries [Music] [Music] fruit tree drilling machine  agricultural mechanization Movic hole   puncher drill press drilling machine there are  many names for this very simple but very useful machine the andex 155 is designed  for heavyduty and high-intensity   use ideal for customers looking  for an advanced high-capacity [Music] scraper plant processing in Sweden the  machine is further equipped with grapple   failing grapple hpro fg4 and is also  shown with the usual standard [Music] grapple Dutchman's 50-in tree shovel  is manufactured in both 25 and 30°   models and is designed to create a ball  that safely covers trees up to 5 in in [Music] diameter [Music] harvesting watermelon by conveyor  machine combined with human labor [Music] the wonderful pumpkin seed Harvester  integrates the function of collecting and   crushing to make fertilizer for the fields  the machine is harvesting peanuts on Monday   September 21st 2020 and they're preparing  for a further production [Music] process their fall leaf cleanup schedule  has officially begun and they had   the opportunity to use their newest  equipment in a real life situation [Music] today [Music] caffini focuses all its experience  on the production of technologically advanced   sprayers a typical example is the  Easy Rider self-propelled [Music] vehicle this corn Harvester  not only helps separate corn   from the stalks but also separates its [Music] husks [Music] this machine is spreading lime on  the field in preparation for the next farming [Music] work the first machine in  today's video is the D te air assisted sprayer it has better coverage and  requires less work to achieve great   results than conventional [Music] sprayers  the pilot has been doing this job every day   for the past 30 years his job is to spray on  the wheat field the aircraft has a pratt and   Whitney pt6a turbo prop Engine with this  approach farmer spraying work has become faster such large machines often appear  in developed agricultural [Music] areas   the United States is a leading country in the  development of machine [Music] technology with   a capacity of 300 horsepower a working  day of the machine can till about 10 [Music] hectares America's highways are  always clean and beautiful because of   the hard work of such machines  give the machine a [Music] like [Music] do you know what beats are processed after   being harvested that's the kind  of sugar we use every [Music] [Music] day regardless of day and night to work   he's so hardw workking the machine he  uses has a very good lighting [Music] [Music] system the seed after being planted  can grow stronger if the soil is made like this the machine will plow  the soil to help plants grow best this is also another type of cultivator the   development of technology has invented many  different types of machines to serve many [Music] farmers if you have an even smaller field use this   smart Rob but you just need to control it  remotely and it'll help you get the job [Music] done let's see this year's beautiful wheat [Music] Harvest [Music] in addition to the  work of pruning the leaves of the   vineyard plowing the soil to kill  weeds is also very important let   the vineyard be able to develop  the best for a Bountiful [Music] Harvest next is another type of  weed killer for the vegetable   garden do you see agricultural  Machinery getting more and more [Music] modern even growing  onions now has such machines   this has helped Farmers a lot and saved more time wow wherever this machine goes  it'll crush the trees it passes through do you love Farm machines please let us   know what you think so we  can make better videos for you the cutting speed of the machine is 5 km per   hour it's much faster than the  farmer's previous manual method [Music] this robot has a very special shape  however its productivity will surprise [Music] you its common name is the helicopter on the ground  it's been working for 5 years but still works [Music] great he has a very large field and  has used such modern machines for farming [Music] are there such machines in  the countryside you know these are   the most modern machines today [Music]  just a lawn mower but its engine power   has 160 horsepower with that power  this machine can easily work in the [Music] grasslands [Music] they're expanding their fields  thanks to this excavator the work will be done [Music] [Music] [Music] quickly modern agricultural Machinery is not only developed on big machines  but also extremely intelligent [Music] robots [Music] this guy has been  interested in agriculture since he was a child thanks to the machine he was able to help  his family prepare for the composting of the [Music] [Music] livestock this grassland is so big he shared that it took about  2 weeks to clear all this grass a Vineyard or more grows better  if the leaves are cut on a regular   basis this work is done by them using  machines instead of the previous manual method this is the fastest way to harvest ever a day  can Harvest about 50 tons five times more than [Music] before let's take a look at last year's pre-  Christmas scene the farmers they celebrate   Christmas with their [Music] machines the  robot AED Abbot is considered the most   powerful agricultural robot it has the ability  to work automatically but bring extremely high [Music] efficiency this machine is called a  machine of Destruction its power over trees is [Music] [Music] terrible machines are getting  more and more modern how to harvest so   fast helped Farmers a lot in farming and [Music] harvesting grinding the root system and  stumping the soil is the second stage   of phow field treatment to bring  phow Farmland into crop rotation this is the perfect combination of excavator  and Crusher this machine does so bringing very   high work efficiency I really respect whoever  invented this [Music] machine this Russian   made machine can dig trenches up to 1.9 m  deep and instantly like cables or [Music] pipes wow a beautiful cotton  field to be able to harvest   quickly into efficiently they used modern  agricultural machines to replace humans [Music] he said that this year is his biggest  sugarcane Harvest [Music] ever do you   like this smart farming robot it'll  replace you doing farm work quickly [Music] we're seeing a super tree cutting  machine with a capacity of 272 horsepower   a traction force of 210 KNN and a crane 11.7 M  long with a lifting torque of 197 KNM operating   weight about 26 [Music] tons to keep track and  roadway in good order railroads will sometimes   use Jordan spreaders to reshape ballast Rock and  soil along the tracks the machine will push to   the side s so that the track drains properly so  that the track stays in better condition and lasts [Music] longer during the snowiest months in  Minnesota the railroads are definitely failing to keep the tracks for the trains railroads  across the state use their plows to shovel [Music] snow to build a long and beautiful Road  the appearance of these machines is [Music] indispensable [Music] are you a lover of agricultural  Machinery let us know by [Music] commenting now take a look at the Almond harvest in   California this one harvesting  machine can do the work of 20 [Music] workers [Music] the carts are doing their daily job of  pushing the grass to make silage for the [Music] cattle this is the main source of raw  materials for cows and goats raised [Music] nearby do you find this blade special with the   same way of cutting it'll  not cut other columns and [Music] trees what follows is an entirely   new system of crop cultivation made  possible only by the latest tech iCal developments the 1100 horsepower neat tractor  also known as an interchangeable vehicle is   used in a combination of [Music] equipment  don't forget to press the Subscribe button   to receive the latest notifications  of videos about modern agricultural machines [Music] in front of us is a machine that's  been operating for 10 years do you feel it's [Music] durable [Music] such good fat cows  are partly due to the work   of this lawn mower that provides  them with food every [Music] day I'd love to own such a machine  so I can clean my [Music] garden it has a capacity of about 250 horsepower a   ble to crush anything it passes through  how do you feel about the power of this [Music] machine McConnell's new Robo cut product  line features a tried and tested concept   that draws on Vision Innovation and cutting  it technology to lead the mar Market thriving   in challenging terrain as it its areas  and restricted access areas McConnell's   new robocut product line helps you work  faster smarter and harder than [Music] ever the 2021 rap seed Harvest at Agro  Kowski is on your screens the machine   harvests and separates seeds right in the  field the remaining stems are put through   a grinding system and sprayed directly into  the field as fertilizer for the next crop   this Harvest takes place day and night to  ensure timely progress for the next [Music] stage a few weeks ago I had the opportunity to  shoot this amazing set in the north of Denmark   here we have a John Deere 7R 330 with John's  equipment straw mulch spreading straw over   carrot to protect them from frost in winter  weather on top of the John Deere we have a   specially built transport bridge that carries  four bales to break the layer of straw which is   then covered over the [Music] carrots the  conver c485 lawn mower has fully electric   operated tools this lawn boat comes sounded  with a powerful and reliable 35 KW diesel   engine the engine can be shifted hydraulically  ensuring High stability in addition the conver   c485 lawn mowing boat is also equipped with  a single or double hydraulic anti-torsion [Music] drill deploy an HSS injection module for  agbot 2.55 W3 that can send messages to   the A application and portal monitoring  function these notifications will appear   on the screen in your hand and help track  and analyze your [Music] tasks Pete harvest   in County West meath Ireland the Pete was  harvested using a fleet of New Holland and   fent tractors and leair bulldozers in June 2018  the machine scraped the Pete and put it on a   conveyor belt transferring the Pete directly  to trucks and transporting it to the staging [Music] area Bosley backpack tractor mounted  corn Harvester just like other giant corn   Harvesters this machine also supports cutting  corn plants harvesting corn cobs and grinding   the stems and leaves as fertilizer for the  next crop it's called a backpack tractor   because it has a compact size it can Harvest  one row at a time not six to seven rows like   other larger [Music] machines the Brewer  Robo Max JD is a oneperson operator that   can easily back out of the cutting line drop  the pallet and continue harvesting tur when a   for isn't available breu as Robo Max JD grass  Harvester demonstrates our commitment to the   efficiency of your business this one operator  grass Harvester is simple and [Music] modern   it's capable of producing a pet after pet  of small 16in 23in or 24in rolls even in   tender [Music] conditions a simple robotic  stacking system gently transfers four or   five rolls of turf at a time to re mounted  pallets for easy forklift [Music] handling the Oxo 7450 is a high-capacity top load  style Berry Harvester used in blueberries   raspberries and other small fruits available  with Dino Max the 7450 leads the industry in   Fruit quality integrated technology and field  productivity the Oxbo 2340 provides a full 40 ft   of pickup 40-in wide conveyors and dual conveyor  Drive Motors oxbow's largest merger is not only   wider but is built with the capacity to make  consistent wind rows in heavy crop improving   hay harvesting productivity rolling the grass  helps the grass dry faster for silage [Music] production September 11th 2017 contractor FS  from bluejam Harvest sugar bees with the agria   Za 215 eh a very effective Harvester and  soil separator the container can hold up   to one ton of radishes for this field with  only three returns to the warehouse you'll   have finished [Music] harvesting number 12 today  h vanon is fertilizing pastures with a pull hose   with the new shooting combination and the new  shooting gigant g413 remote controllable and   controllable motor pump this tractor doesn't have  a tank instead it's designed with a very large   and long hose up to 1 km this hose is directly  connected to the fertilizer tank which helps the   vehicle not have to return to the tank to refill  fertilizer for the next application this fruit   picker can pick up all kinds of fruits such  as apples pears nuts walnuts hazelnuts peans   oranges lemons Etc the machine has a rotating  rotor like a broom that sweeps the nuts it   touches and the middle part of the machine  body collects the fruits and puts them into a container thanks thanks for watching  the video to the end what was the most   impressive moment for you if you have  any suggestions for us please leave a   comment down below we welcome all  suggestions and comments it helps   us to improve the next videos so all  you need to do is click like share and   subscribe to update the latest videos from  us thank you and we'll see you again soon


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