PTE Reading Practice Fill in the Blanks Tips & Strategies Grammar Rules and Tricks

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hello good evening welcome back after the weekend some students are getting agitated for starting late today thank you so much for this much love good evening good evening i hope you enjoyed your weekend and you're all doing good i'm good to thank you just um finished the previous class a bit late today so that is i got late to start this one but that's okay thank you ashana my weekend was also good that's okay no problem yeah so those who were in five to seven class they know we got a bit late today there and that's why we are late here today so never mind now we have the test in front of us and the first question in front of you start solving two and a half minutes post your answers and we will start the discussion all right are we done very good good response we don't say engaged for volcanoes at times you have to select your answers based on your uh general understanding of what are the words that we use in this particular context so for volcanoes we say active and inactive volcanoes is it fine melon so we say active volcanoes for those who erupt which erupt very frequently and inactive volcanoes for those which have been quite uh which have been quiet actually for a period of time that they don't erupt frequently so that's the terms those are the terms that we use so in this question the correct answers so we have name of a volcano mount i'll have to move it off sorry okay so we have here mount westwich a volcano located at the ancient italian cities of pompeii and so we have two things so located it will be between because we have two places so it is located between the ancient cities of this place and that place and then this will now not read this part because that will confuse us so mount a let's say has received much attention because of its frequent and disruptive destructive eruptions the most famous of these eruptions occurred in this time the volcano had been dashed for centuries so now they are explaining that most destructive eruption that happened how do we come to know because of the tents that they had used the volcano had been because it means that everything that happened was happened in the past and it has finished that incident has finished the volcano had been dashed for centuries so as i said what is the language we use for volcanoes inactive means it was quite it was not erupting for centuries at that time there was little warming warning of the coming eruption although one account unearthed by archaeologists says that a hard rain and a strong wind dash the celestial calm during the preceding night so these two things hard rain and a strong wind dash the celestial calm so what did they do now as i said this is a past story which had happened so we have to select the answer just based on tense was disturbing will come when the whole story is going on past continuous form so they would have said the volcano was um inactive or let's say was not erupting for centuries then we will say was disturbing if they will use was an injury but they used had been what we have here is has disturbed has is used when we use want to use present tense was being disturbed as passive voice which we don't need we just don't need was in any way active or passive so we need had so these two things a hard rain and a strong wind these two things had disturbed the celestial calm during the preceding night and early the next morning the wall can report a huge river of molten rock down upon her colonial that's the name of the place completely burying the city and filling the harbor with lava dash on the other side of the mountain cinders stone and ash rained down on the other side of the or the other city that meant that was mentored in the first sentence so what will be the answer here mean time also mean by and hence hence is used when you're concluding something and that conclusion refers to something in the future but here it's not it's the same time that two things are happening it's one side of the mountain and the other side of the mountain so when two things happen at the same time what connector do we use is mean while mean time is used when you want to say for now for example we um sometimes we say to students okay um till the time mean time in the meantime you complete two questions so in the meantime means for now you complete this and then i'll come back and tell you what to do again what to do next so mean time means for now but we are not saying for now meanwhile means when something was happening on the one side on the other side at the same time this thing was happening so that is meanwhile on the other side of the mountain these things happened large portions of the city were destroyed in the configuration fire was not the only cause of dash so what was happening there was destruction because the language they used destructive eruptions in the first one as well and the last one also they said these heavy gases were not bind to the atmosphere and therefore sand towards the earth and suffocated people so when the whole city will be buried in the lava there would be lot of destruction happening so that is why we use that um fire was not the only cause of destruction not problems or loss or damage but destruction would be the right word because it's taking the whole city into it all right the first one was between because we have two names of cities second one is inactive because that is the language we use for volcanoes active volcanoes and inactive volcanoes are two types of volcanoes what is the meaning of idle otherwise idle means when you're sitting free we cannot say free volcano shift less not having any shift volcanos don't do ships like us engaged or engaged again is not the word that we use for volcanoes engages you're busy in doing something so that doesn't go for volcano third one we need had because we are describing a story which happened in the past and it has finished they started the story with had gave us a hint that this is a story of the past and that story has finished so we cannot use ing in that sense meanwhile is used when two things are happening at the same time in two different places or here two different sides of the mountain and the last one is destruction because of the language of the context that this has been frequent and destructive eruptions and then we are explaining one of those so obviously we will explain how much destruction it made in that event right anything else again after the second explanation so bhavin had is also past tense was would be the past tense when you are saying something in the recent past had is when it is a long time back when you are telling a story which has finished not is now that you are saying it was happening no it just happened at that time also chandrika doesn't make sense because also this happened also this happened that has nothing to do with uh these two things happen at the same time but here what they wanted to say was at two sides of the mountain at the same time these two things were happening or these two things happened so that is why it should be meanwhile bhavin it's not that they will give us wars in that particular sentence it is up to us that we have to understand the context that what time is the story going on so you have to understand the time of the story and select accordingly they won't actually give us balls in sentence if we have to use walls so was being disturbed ashok is the passive voice of was disturbing only if we don't want to say ing we cannot put being as well because that mean the same it's just active and passive way of writing it was being disturbed also means you want to say it was this something was disturbing at that time but we are not see the difference is when we say it was happening so you will explain the story in pr continuous tense past and this was happening this person was coming then i was going and then i was telling this so this is a scenario explanation when you said i went he came and i talked this so understand there's a difference in the whole of the explanation so you have to understand what is the context is the context in ing form are you describing a chronological order in a continuous tense or not which here was not the case they just said there were so many destructive eruptions and one of them happened like this so you don't say one of them was happening like this no it happened because it has finished happening right mean time is used when you want to say for now all good with this one now has is present tense ashok like we say he has done the work that means presently he has completed the work that is has all right question number two take two and a half minutes for this yes post your answers okay let's look at this nature writing is non-fiction or fiction prose or poetry about the natural environment so this tells us that what is the topic we are going to talk about nature writing and what is it it's just like fiction or non-fiction poetry so you don't really need to understand what is prose just understand it is just the form of writing let's say you're writing poems is nature writing okay now stop writing and listen to the discussion nature writing dash a wide variety of works ranging from those that place primary emphasis on natural history facts to those in which philosophical interpretation predominate so what is nature writing is just a type of writing poems let's say and what they are explaining is a concept that what is nature writing so what nature writing is is same today was same yesterday it's going to remain same the next day in the future as well so means the answers should not be based on tenses that should be the first thing you should understand we are describing a fact here so nature writing dash a wide variety of books the options we have present tense present tense past tense now as i said we are not based on tense if we say it consisted means it used to consist in the past and now it does not consist that thing so we cannot go in past tense because we are explaining we are not saying what was the case or what will be the case contain cannot come because nature writing is singular so we cannot have a verb without s so two words got eliminated based on general grammar thing now encompasses means to include in it and create is just like creating something so nature writing cannot create it is not a human being it cannot work we cannot give nature writing a verb to do something so nature writing cannot create in it by itself something we can say that humans use nature writing to create poems on then it makes sense so what are we left with it encompasses and the meaning of encompasses can be easily understood that includes what is included in nature writing nature writing includes a wide variety of works ranging from this to this it includes natural history essays poetry and this and this and that nature writing often dash heavily on scientific information so we can eliminate the ly options to simplify the sentence nature writing dash on scientific information so can we say focused now again we are not going to select the answers in past tense because again it is a fact being discussed so it's not about what was the case now with relates the preposition that we use is relates to something with associates the preposition that we use is associate with something and withdraws the preposition that we use is draws on different things and what is the preposition we have here is on so the answer will be draws on nature writing draws on scientific information and facts about the natural world at the same time it is written in the first person so the sentence is complete without the blank that tells us that we need an adverb because written is a verb it is written in the first person so how it is written regularly repeated so we don't need ed we need l y frequently written or routinely written so routinely is not an academic language frequently written means the frequency of writing and regularly means every single day so we are not talking about regular means every single day we are talking about the concept that frequently means more after of the times it is written in first person it's not about everyday writing so most frequently it is written the first person and incorporates personal observations of and philosophical reflections dash nature so with reflections we always use the preposition upon like you must if you're going to universities you must get those assignments saying that in this assignment you have to reflect upon your personal interpretation of this subject so reflect upon is kind of a collocation so upon is the preposition that you use with the word reflect or reflections modern nature writing traces its dash to the works of natural history so whenever we talk about the word traces we always are uh trying to say the past that where did something originate from so we are talking about its origin or about its history or its roots so what do we have here is modern nature writing traces its roots to the works of natural history so we cannot say traces it's basic or traces its senses non-living things cannot have senses and traces its foundation it was not something which was laid the foundation is of buildings or something like that so this way of writing has its roots in the second half of the 18th century and throughout the 19th right the first one is encompasses which means what is included in it nature writing includes these things then nature writing often draws on because out of the options there's only one option that can go with preposition on third we needed l by so we generally want to say that more of the times or most of the times it is written in first person so we'll say frequently means often it is written in first person with reflection the preposition is always upon no doubt to that and we are tracing its roots means its origin it it is from the second half of the 18th or the 19th century now ask your questions if you have any the first one you have to eliminate consistent because you are talking about a fact and fact or the definitions are always in present tense so consistent is eliminated contain cannot come because you need s your noun is singular creates cannot go with nature writing because nature writing cannot create anything on its own create is a verb which is used for living things or you can say human beings use nature writing to create poems also and so otherwise nature writing cannot create by itself so what are we left with is income passes and the meaning of income passes is just like includes all right anybody else with any doubt in this question all good okay frequently because repeater is eliminated we need something with l by mariam routinely and regularly means you do it on everyday basis but we are just saying that how is nature writing written so we say frequently means most of the times we use first pronoun or first person means we use i and v when we write in nature writing so it's not online we use everyday inv it's about that generally when we use nature writing we write it in a first person so it's frequently means most of the times no there's no rule often with past form it depends upon the sentence like here we are not using past form we are using present tense uh what was it draws on so it is not any rule often doesn't make a difference it has to be what are the other tenses in the sentence that will decide your tense all right question number three two and a half minutes post your answers done okay let's look at the answers so this says the continued growth of world population is putting increased dash on natural resources this could be done based on understanding also we say that the population is putting a lot of pressure on natural resources but otherwise population cannot force natural resources or is putting increased compulsion is to make something compulsory and is putting increased necessity so we cannot put a necessity on something we can put pressure on something like the population is putting a pressure on the natural resources this has led to soil erosion deforestation and contamination of sea water with cultural runoff agricultural runoff these problems are exacerbated by globalization as countries become even more dash on one another for resources so countries become more dash on one another so what are countries becoming conditional dependent reliable or incapable so this says countries are becoming more dependent particularly for food so they said for resources so they are becoming dependent on each other for resources like food there are many advantages that dash from globalization so this was kind of a collocation we say the word result from result from means uh something which is as a consequence of or which um you can say comes out of so then we say as a result from there are many advantages that result from it won't be that happen or occur so for uh see grammatically also advantages means you have to have a verb without s so happen can come occurs cannot come based on grammar also and existed we are not in past tense we are explaining the situation which is current we are facing so existed cannot come and advantages do not happen so happen won't be the right word because we cannot say these advantages happen to me no so these advantages are result of and that is why we say there are many advantages that result from globalization result from is a collocation a dash of new technologies and industries have been made possible so it's plural so many technologies and industries have been made possible by the interconnectivity created by globalization so a dash off so what can be with uh we cannot put array because we need and for that a scope of new technologies have been possible if something is possible how can we say it is still a scope a range of or a degree of so degree off is how much then we use the word degree so degree won't come here because we are not answering how much so we say a range of means simply say many of new technologies so a range of means a lot of many of or a range of new technologies and industries have been made possible by the interconnectivity created by globalization allowing for faster communication and the sharing technology across the world dash this other problems that result from now see this was the language that they had used there and they use it again for you dash this other problems that result from globalization also need to be taken into account so we'll say despite this because for instance we need instead of this after this we are not talking about any chronological order and for a part we have to say apart from this you cannot simply say about this that is why the answer is despite this so reliable cannot be the answer because the context is not talking about trust on each other the context is talking about globalization which which means um connecting with each other taking help from each other depending on each other so globalization is international foreign trade basically that whatever you don't have in your country you can get it from the other country so that is the dependency it's not about you have trust or not reliability is when you are talking about trust on something all right any other questions in this one despite can be used without off as well chandrika so we use despite without off also fourth one is a range of because we want to say a lot of so for a lot of we don't have any other option for array we'd have to have an a scope of scope is not because they already said have been made possible so scope is for something which is not yet made and we hope that that thing can be made that is the scope and degree is the answer to how much so we are not saying how much of the technologies we are seeing how many of the technologies so fifth one is despite this because for all other options we need something like with instead we have to say instead of this after this we are not talking in any chronological order one two three four is not there and for a part we need to stay apart from this all right no worries and here you have your question number four cash if after will come when you're talking about first this will happen then this will and then this will happen so we are not talking about any chronological order so how can we say after this after means the previous thing should be before this and then after this that's for chronological sense yes like i'll say after this do question number five so that's me first do this and then do that okay so you have two and a half minutes for this question number four yes post your answers very good chandrika what tense are we in selecting your answers without looking for the tense is the biggest mistake you can do in the exam okay let's look at the answers for this one the highlanders still followed the clan system which dash in place for hundreds of years now this thing we have discussed a number of times those who haven't noted it down whenever we talk about something we started in the past and it continued all the years and is still followed or still in the same way we use perfect tense for that thing has have or had based on whatever the context is so when something started hundreds of years ago and we still follow it it will be perfect tense always to show that thing so here the perfect tenses had been means starting from that time had been means continued after that till a period of time not in the present tense but till a period of time the highlanders still followed the clan system which had been in place for hundreds of years the clan was ruled by one family from daesh its chief was drawn so it was ruled by one family from whom cannot come because we are not talking about one human being its family at the end from which we have to continue that will not come because we have used a comma and that comes if you will not put a comma so it will be from which so which here represents the family so the clan was ruled by one family from which means from this family its chief was drawn the kinsfolk and others who dash the clan live together so this is a whole story going on in the past tense so the kinsmoke and others who form form is present tense so we don't need present tense first of all we need past tense so it will be who completed the clan prepared the clan or made up the plan now what is the plan it is some kind of system right so they say the kinsmoke and others who dashed the clan live together so it will be made up we are not talking about who started or who finished or who completed so that is why it's not completed out of prepared and made up prepared is used when you are talking about assembling something to be used in the future so when you are doing something which will be used as uh in a different way in the future that is preparation for example i am preparing food so preparing will include a lot of raw materials and at the end it will come out a different dish then it will be used so preparing is used in that context when you have a lot of raw materials and in the future it's going to turn up something but made up is generally used you're making something so it will be uh who made up the clan lived together in agricultural townships that functioned like collectors or joint tenancy firms the land was controlled by the chief but leased from him by trucks tax men who rented it to tenant farmers who in turn employed quarters to help cultivate it tanged with feudal influences the clan was also very much a martial system grounded on the dash of its fighting men to provide military service for the chief now this what is this provide military service for the chief is this is an assignment obligation burden or charge so these people the clan was very much a martial system grounded on the is this a assignment to provide military obligation burden or charge this was kind of an obligation not an assignment or a burden or a charge charges when you blame somebody or something and put a charge so this was an obligation of those people to obligation means a duty or a commitment that they have to provide military service to their chief to whom they owed personal allegiance so it's because they owed them so it was their duty to provide the military service those fighting men were partly dependent on plunder gained from raiding neighboring clients to dash their standard of living so for standard of living what is the verb we use we simply say maintain my standard of living you won't say continue follow or pursue for standard of living for standard use the word maintain your standard right so these were the answers once again had has or have will be used whenever you want to say something started in the past and it continued till a period of time so had been means continuously followed or continuously it was in place then which because it's a comma and which is referring to the family that will come if we continue the sentence without the comma made up because it's simply making up something physically not preparing for something and then obligation because it was their duty because they owed them something so it was a duty to provide military service to the chief and the last is maintaining the standard because that's the verb we use with the word standard always no jolanda home is used for human beings can be plural as well that's fine but not for family as a term can be used for people yes any other questions in this one all good with this second one as i said is which because they said the clan was ruled by one family from which means from that family the chief was drawn so from here comes which that cannot come because we have put a comma after comma we cannot put that whom cannot come because whom is used for human beings for people if we say there were five people all of whom were my friends so that is how we use whom it cannot be used for family and who's again cannot be used apart from human beings or we say i think we'll we won't even put comma for whom and who's so that will be without comma that we select that those answers so home is when you're referring to some people that there were five people all of whom i know all of whom i knew so that is referring to some people that you talked about all right so chandrika that cannot come if you have used a comma if it is not a comma then you can continue with that that won't be the case maya they won't give you has been otherwise they'll give you another hint that whether it has stopped or it hasn't stopped okay two and a half minutes for this fifth question yes post your answers okay okay good attempt let's look at this this says after a long absence hallucinogens began to dash in scientific research so the sentence makes it clear that they were not there for a period of time for a long time they were absent but now these things these substances helium hallucinogens began to dash in scientific research so it won't be repeat uh come out reappear and reveal so they are not revealing anything it is reappear because they are coming back so redoing something means reappearing coming back that is why it is reappeared they began to reappear in the scientific research in the late 1990s the new studies which have investigated the therapeutic applications of hallucinogens for a variety of conditions have been conducted with greater methodological rigor and attention to patient safety than their predecessors in the 1960s most of the studies have been small since hellucinogens are still tightly controlled and the us government does not recognize any dash medical uses and dash does not offer any funding for it so from here it's important us government does not recognize any dash medical uses the options are any approved legitimate allowable or valid so allowable doesn't make sense valid or invalid is used in the context when something is right or wrong so for example um we say this is a valid reason for doing something means right justifiable or rather than justifiable we can say accurate and invalid is when it is wrong so here we are not saying right or wrong medical uses approved or unapproved the answer is legitimate legitimate means something which we cannot prove with logic and justification so u.s government believes that there are no uses no medical uses of um hell you need what is it hellucinogens which can be proved on the basis of logics and be given justification for that so that is why it is legitimate approved would simply be there are any medical uses which are approved by a body or unapproved by your body so it's not about approved or unapproved the way they sent they said is u.s government does not recognize it's not so recognition or not recognition is they don't believe there are any uh legitimate means any use which can be proved on the basis of facts on the best of logics on the basis of justification is when we use the word legitimate so us government does not recognize any legitimate means any factual logic based uses of this thing and dash does not offer so and does will come because and does means this means and because of the previous thing so we are concluding the previous statement and saying they don't believe there is any uh use of it in medicine and that is why they do not offer any funding for research so what we have and accordingly we are not talking about any way of doing things however we are not going opposite and although cannot come here and although so although will come when you have the opposite written after although but the sentence finishes there so and does means because of this reason they don't offer any funding but researchers have generally characterized their initial results as very dash so results are very dash so what is a word that we use with results is promising results we don't say hopeful results favorable or likely the academic collocation is we say these results are very promising for example studies on patients with terminal illnesses found that the mystical experiences induced by psilocysm silos sebind produced stronger and longer lasting dash in patients symptoms of depression so because they are giving positive result they said the results are promising so obviously there would be something good happening with patients so it will be they have produced stronger and longer lasting improvements in the symptoms of patients so their symptoms have improved they have become better and that is why we are saying the results are promising okay so going through it once again something which was absent is now re coming so we will say reappear legitimate as i said there is nothing that can be proved with logic that is why us does not recognize this because they don't have justification and that is why and does means because of the previous reason they don't offer any funding so the results are promising and what is promising in the results that the symptoms of depression are improving in patients right yes any doubts with does and i use third form no does is present tense why will we use third form it does there's no rule like it does we have to use third form does its present tense as government in sentence word gives sense but who look like no no it's not that it's that they are not accepting it because they feel that there's no logical use of this drug when uh an explain when we can use does is when you're concluding something then we say does growth in the symptoms will mean that the symptoms are increasing raj so if you say growth in the symptoms that will mean the symptoms have increased favorable because there's a collocation promising results is a collocation we don't say favorable results we see favorable results has a meaning that the results are good but what is the word which we generally use when we talk about results of something we say the results are very promising that means it holds a lot of opportunity for the future means this thing is important and we can research more on its use then we say that the initial results are promising so that is how it is used all right anybody else with any doubt yeah now we want to use chandrayikas you have to understand uh if approved is the answer then approved should also fit are they talking about that us is not accepting something because it is unapproved or approved no they are saying us does not recognize any dash use of this particular drug and that is why they are not giving funding for research something which is still in research how can that be approved or unapproved right so it was that they don't believe it is logical to spend on this research and that is why they are not giving the funds for that so it is logical justifiable use that means legitimate use right okay okay it's your first uh reorder question and you have two minutes for this please note down hints in every single sentence create question for yourself that why are they saying this or what is the meaning of this and then create a story forward one sensible person in the class you won't really say from today that reorders are difficult very bad can we really start a reorder from example let me say for example something and we can start by giving an example for example okay so sometimes um students ask me that how do we know that this is the first sentence because the language is very tough and we really don't understand that this is the first sentence or not please understand that finding the first sentence is not always to be done in every question that is one way of finding the answer to find the first sentence first if that way is not helping you don't trick don't get stuck to it because that's only one way as i said so your purpose is to solve the question not to find the first sentence so try and different methods of solving the question here they said the clearances so you should create the first question because c is capital means they are referencing to some kind of clearances so what clearances are they talking about are generally regarded as having come in a series of ways whose nature and circumstances varied according to when they happened where they happened and who was involved advised that his interior land so his means which is the human being who is the human being they are talking about he evicted thousands of families burning their cottages and establishing large sheet farms the subsequent disruption of traditional life and dispossession of land that occur over roughly the next century became known as the highland clearances so the answer to the first question has been found here which clearances are these these are the highland clearances the full name was the highland clearances and they have been referred to as the clearances so one pair george granville grow uh go over later duke of sutherland for instance means this is the example the sentence is an example sentence but this is the answer to who is he this is the name of the human being the first sentence was c simply based on one pair full name and half name and then based on the name of the person and the pronoun he and i don't want to give any comments any further but i'm sad to see this i show what did we discuss two minutes back he asked me how have i done this what is all this thing that we have done so when you are reading the sentences you should create questions for yourself though clearances c is capital means they are referencing to some type of clearances so you should create a question and then he or his we need to find the name third is the highland clearances and this is for instance so we can never start a sentence with an example so that was the only hint you should know that d cannot be the first sentence all good second question two minutes and please open your eyes and do it okay should be done by now post your answers who is left okay let's look at the hints now stop writing and just look at the hints it measures 55 kilometers by 72 kilometers so it who is this or what is this and 55 kilometers by 72 kilometers i hope you understand that kilometers is not a very small inch or centimeter it's kilometer right so 55 kilometers and 72 kilometers and what is this over the past 17 million years or so successive eruptions have flooded lava over wide stretches of one two three four five places forming a string of comparatively flat zeldas linked like beats as the north american plate moves across the stationary hot spot so one is we have a time period 17 million years or so then we have given an explanation of flooding of lava over some areas as the north american plate moves across the stationary hot spot so what is this the stationary hotspot means they are talking about one hot spot particularly one hotspot and the means they are referencing to the hotspot so we should find out where have they introduced this hot spot only then they can refer to it as the hot spot the yellowstone chaldera sometimes known as yellowstone super volcano is a volcanically active region in yellowstone national park so here we have two names and the definition what is this this is a region in yellowstone national park yellowstone like the hawaii islands is believed to lie on top of one of the planets few dozen hot spots where light hot molten mantle rock rises towards the surface so now here we say there are few dozen hot spots one of the planets few dozen hot spots so this is on the top of one of those hot spots the yellow stone hot spot has a long history so now this is the name of one hot spot which is which we talked about here the yellow stone hot spot has a long history so the only sentence which did not refer to anything was c which was your first sentence that yellow stone known as also this and this is a volcanically active region in a national park am i audible okay sorry okay okay that's fine okay let's come back the only sentence which did not refer to anything else was see where we said that this is a region in yellowstone national park and these many kilometers can only be the measurement of a region 72 kilometers cannot be one volcano or cannot be one anything it's all obviously a region an area of 55 kilometers by 72 kilometers so it means this region measures this much kilometer and then you have one explanation of 17 million years ago and you have one uh sentence which says a long history so long history will come first and then you will explain the history but before that these all of the sentences are using the hot spot the hot spot so which is the general one where they say many hot spots so yellow stone is uh believed to lie on top of one of the few dozen hotspots means out of many this lies at the top and then the name of it is the yellowstone hotspot which has a long history and what is the history from 17 million years or so there have been successive eruptions and flooded lava over all those areas moves across the stationary hot spot the means this particular one which we just talked about the yellowstone hotspot got it so this question makes it very clear that how important it is oh and though they make all the difference in your selection and at times you have to apply your brain as well 55 kilometers 72 kilometers what can this be this will be an area obviously by these many kilometers so some some sort of interpretation when you read okay it measures so it's something we have to find out and it's in kilometers so it should be something like a big area right any doubts in this question anyone so e cannot come before d because d is the one which is telling us that there are few dozen hotspots and this lie on the top only then you will name that when you have already named then how will you say this lies on one of the many first you'll say it lies on one of the many and then you will give its name is this and moreover this sentence the yellowstone hotspot has a long history once you say this you have no point to go back and and again explain where is it situated because the sentence should talk about the history after that all right few dozen hot spots kashif they say yellow stone you should read it as they hear said yellow stone lie on top of one of the few dozen hot spots so here we say it lies on one of the many and its name is the yellowstone hotspot so which is general it is on one of the many and then one what is exactly its name then it will come further because it's one and there are many so you take one out of many not many out of one all right okay the next one two minutes for this yes anybody left to post the answer okay look at the hints so here they said vesta like earth is composed of rock in its crust and mantle and it has an iron ore iron coat so here we are talking about composition what is it composed of and also we say it has an iris so its crust and mantle is made up of core made up of rock and its core is made up of iron it has an iron core with a diameter of about 330 miles it orbits the sun between the planets mars and jupiter so with the diameter means we are talking about the size of it how many miles is its size because of its large size and because vesta has a crust mantle and coal so before this sentence we have already talked about the size and we have already talked about trust mantle code because of two reasons it is considered a planet estimal the asteroid vesta is the second largest asteroid in our solar system so here we come to know what is vesta it is an asteroid this is the first sentence so in here we were talking about largest means we are talking about size so we have one more sentence which talks about size that should come second because you're on the same topic second largest and what or how much large is it it is about 330 miles right two things and then here we introduce that it has crust mantle and it has an iron core and then we'll say because of size and because it has a crust mantle and core it is called planet decimal got it so just which sentence is referencing and which sentence is introducing was important and with what is the context so here we were talking about largest means we were talking about size in this sentence also we are talking about what is the size so they will come together and after that we will say the composition and in the end we'll put together both of the things the size as well as the composition which we have already talked about and then we'll conclude that it is called planetesimal any doubts anyone go to attempt sahil and here you have question number four and you have two minutes for this okay so this is one of the questions which we have discussed in the uh video for reorders that whenever you have questions about researchers they're very easy because you only and only have to focus on the verbs because they go in a chronological order obviously first they plan the research and then they uh do something and then they find something and then is the overall result of the research so they always go in the same pattern let's see what are the verbs here they found it's important that all birds exploited wind and uplift to reduce energy cost during flight even adjusting their migratory routes to benefit from the best atmospheric conditions so in these kind of questions it's not important what is found it is just important that which is the conclusion which is the process which is the introduction so the found word is the most important here researchers at this institute of this and this in germany have identified how large land birds fly non-stop for hundreds of kilometers over the open ocean without taking a break for food or rest this is your topic this is the research that they are conducting and using gps tracking technology the team monitor so what has the team done this was what they did they monitored the global migration of five species of large land birds that complete long sea crossings this is the most wide-ranging study of sea crossing behavior yet and reveals the important role of atmosphere so this is the revelation means kind of what what was the conclusion so it reveals the important role of atmosphere in facilitating migration over the open seas for many terrestrial words so your first sentence was b what is the research how the research was done what did they do in the research they monitored what did they find out in the research they found out this thing and overall what the research revealed or what was the result what what came out as a conclusion was it reveals the most important role of atmosphere in facilitating migration over the open sea for many territorial worlds and a lot of you have done it good very good done it correct very good still any questions anybody d cannot come after any i just said that whenever you conclude the research it comes at the end reika you should use verbs in this you have to follow a chronological order what is the research how is the research done what did they find out out of the research and what is the overall conclusion of the research so it goes in an order okay firstly what is the research what did they do in the research what is the process followed what is the found what did they find in the research and what is the conclusion of the research simply like we do researches guys what do we do we first plan we perform then we get the result and then we conclude it so when whenever we do researches first we plan that what will we do then we do it whatever we have planned we do it we put it into action and then for example in researchers we are researching something 100 people so we tell those 100 people to perform like this sleep at 3 a.m or whatever eat fruits only in a day only take liquid diet so whatever the research is we tell them to do that thing and then we ask them what how did you feel so that is your findings of the research once you find when once you take all the findings from everybody then you conclude whatever your overall purpose was to find out whatever you wanted to find out then you find that thing out of that and you conclude that okay this is the result so this is how researchers are done all right the last question for reorders two minutes for this as well sometimes to select the answers you have to go on how you generally will place these two things like which is a general one and which is more specific like we do so like a c ca is based on which is more general which is more specific like how will you say that um this room is not for general public it can only be used by the presidents so we'll say like this no it is not for everybody it is only for presidents so first we'll generalize and then we'll give the specific thing of that the same way it was here so all of you have done the first one correct b is your first answer first sentence and d is your second one after that comes a because you'll say the area is not accessible to the general public and is under 24 hour surveillance the only use of the installation is as a flight testing facility so first a general sentence it's under not accessible to public is under 24 hour surveillance and the only purpose you can use it for is testing facility so those who have put ca i believe they must have put it looking at the on the installation but it's the same the installation or the area holds equal relevance so you have to go with the context that which context is general and which is more specific because you always flow in from general to specific to more specific to more specific so you cannot give a specific thing and then generalize you always generalize first and then give the specification all right what a drug meet so generalizations first and specification second okay good no problem so here goes your first question for reading blinds and you have two minutes to do this yes post your answers good time management justin breathe good attempt very good okay so all of you have done it correct as far as i can see here the world health organization is responsible for declaring the pandemic means they have the duty to declare it who monitors disease activity on a global scale dash or network of centers so how do they monitor their monitor through a network of means their sources or their means of monitoring are they have a lot of centers located in countries worldwide and has a pandemic preparedness plan that consists of six phases of pandemic alert phase one represents the lowest level of alert and usually dash that a new emerged so what do they do they indicate so phase one indicates what the what does it indicate it indicates that a newly emerged or previously existing virus is circulating dash animals so it is among because there will be so many animals with low risk of transmission to humans phase six is declared when an outbreak is characterized by globally dash so when it is spread in all the countries it is spread throughout the globe that means globally widespread then phase six is declared right it was well understood actually but a good attempt all of you just just try that in these kind of questions if you can manage your time even better that would be great for you still any doubts anybody all good okay let's move on to number two and this is your second question okay a good attempt again uh accomplish the borders what is the meaning of accomplish the borders okay what is this this is it is easy enough to agree that human beings all around the world have certain basic requirements that must be dash so with b comes third form of work let's look at the third forms we have remained persisted and fulfilled so for requirements we will say there are requirements that need to be fulfilled in order to ensure survival to ensure their individual and collective well-being however history has shown us that it is not so easy to form societies or communities that fulfill these requirements so it was given here for all members the fight over human and civil rights has dash for hundreds of years so it has have had comes third form of verb so we have two options left now the fight has remained or the fight has persisted the meaning of persisted is continued so here the answer will be the fight has continued to exist for hundreds of years so that is why it will be persisted the fight has continued to exist for hundreds of years and remains alive today both dashed the borders and internationally so it was simply both inside of the borders and outside so inside of the borders will mean within the borders and outside will mean international scale it has led to large-scale social dash and reforms concerning issues so reforms is plural we need plural here large-scale social movements is the only plural noun that we have large-scale social movements and reforms about the issues of this and this and this okay any confusions anybody remained so we won't say the fights has remained fights has continued for years when we say the fight has remained for years it remained is used in two sense one is the remainder thing what was left that is remained and other remained is uh when you talk about place it remained there that is for a point of time not for a period of time black v2 and v3 what is black v2 or v3 and it knows why any word doesn't come first blank with b comes v3 third form of verb comes with b and last one is inward inward is when something is coming towards inside then we say inward or outward is going outside of something then we say outward so here we say within means inside not coming or going inside means in there that is uh within and international means outside the borders in word and outward means movement all right so here you have your third question and you have two minutes done let's look at the answers social media of sites like facebook so this is comprises of twitter and instagram which social media users can create profiles in which they use in which they used to share content with friends the content can be anything from normal updates to images and videos the negative effects of social media are seen in many ways most of which includes the dangers of social media dash and cyber bullying so the dangers of social media addiction because it's a bad thing so it's dangerous to have social media addiction and cyber bullying social media addiction is defined as spending dash time on social media so when we spend excessive time that is more than required some of you have put uncontrolled what do you mean by uncontrolled time even if i'm spending 10 hours or or 12 hours that cannot be called uncontrolled it is in my control i can stop it i can log out of it so uncontrol would be something which is not in your control and excessive is more than required so when we get addicted is when we start spending more than required time on social media that is excessive time or having an emotional dependence on social media despite its dash so we depend on it despite its consequences means drawbacks or kind of negative outcomes consequences of spending too much time on social media sites are narcissism anxiety and depression the causes of these consequences are dash to both social media site and the user's behavior so attributed to is used when you want to say caused by but you since buy is not written there and it is two so when you can't use caused by you can say attributed to so these consequences are caused by the social media site as well as the behavior of the user these two things are responsible for the consequences right any questions first not includes with include you don't use off the roof so with includes off is not required you say social media includes sites like this and this all good fifth one is attributed attributed to means caused by all right okay moving ahead to number four two minutes for this very good anybody left to post the answer so this one says the tactics dash by each separate army on each separate occasion depend upon circumstances so the tactics adopted tactics is like techniques kind of thing that that the armies use when they are fighting with an enemy so means adopted by them the tactics or the techniques used by them would depend upon circumstances like this and this dash while circumstances and purposes vary the fundamental principles of tactics are eternals like those of strategy so here they wanted to say however means yes it depends upon lot of things uh so you can say however the fundamental principles are eternal means they are the same they are not changed every time so that is why however comes because in a way we wanted to do we wanted to present contrast to what we said that is why we said however the that the fundamental principles of the tactics like that of strategy they are eternal like they are the same at bottom they derived from the fact that in war two forces each of which is free to dash its independent will so we have two words with two first form of verb use or exercise what is the difference between them exercise also means to use something but exercise is more used with abstract things whereas use is used with physical things for example exercise is used with control control is exercise with power power is exercised and here we have independent will will means their own um wishes kind of to be very plain so it will be exercise here because we want to say use but still the thing is not physical it's abstract so we'll use exercise and for use for example we'll say use the mobile phone to make a call we won't say exercise the mobile phone so that is the difference i hope it makes sense now so they are free to use their will so we'll say exercise they will because it is abstract meet in an attempt to destroy each other while dash attempting to avoid being destroyed so it was meaningful you have to attempt the enemy while at the same time you have to defend yourself so while at the same time you have to attempt to avoid being destroyed to achieve this double aim they can either rely on force or gill assuming the two sides to be approximately equal so we will not read this to this we'll say assuming the two sides to be approximately equal a dash of both of these things is necessary so a combination of both of these things because it just makes sense you have to combine both the strategies and then we'll it is necessary to combine both the strategies and use them so for the first one if we want to use used there we'll have to put say it as used by the tactics used by we cannot put use there can you please explain black number sword so blank number four was based on context whenever there is a fight the uh army has to do two things one they have to destroy the other um the enemy and at the same time they have to defend themselves it was the same thing that you have to attempt to destroy each other while at the same time they have to attempt to avoid being destroyed so it was based on the context simply and we have the last question for today number five two minutes for this always see what model the sentence is using most of the times you should be using the same so here they say you may picture sand and dunes when you dash off a desert so all of you are correct saying when you think of a desert we think of sand and dunes everywhere but deserts can occur in colder areas too there are cold and frigid deserts also which they have given the examples of they frequently dip below freezing during the colder months of the year in addition one dash large desert exists so what comes here is one if we read the sentence it is complete one large desert exists so we have to say how much large it is so we need an adverb so it would be one extremely with l y one extremely large desert exists whose sands are actually made of water it dashed the whole of antarctica we had two options it stretches or it spans stretches is used in two ways one is stretches over used with the preposition over another one is it stretches from and two so here we don't have over we don't even have from so it will be spans and the meaning of spans is extends across so it will be it extends across the whole of antarctica means in a way it covers a whole of antarctica uh dash coastal regions receive about 7.9 inches of precipitation so we follow the sentence um the way of writing so we will select whose coastal regions receive this much of precipitation per year while its interior receives less than this much and then they say for many people the sahara which stands some this million square miles is the world's largest desert however one could certainly argue that a 5.5 million square miles dash be considered which is miles antarctica dash be considered so it should be antarctica could be considered because it's just a possibility we are not giving the suggestion we are giving a possibility that it is possible that this could be considered the world's largest technical desert okay so this is all spans means spend uh extends across means it covers um yeah it is given the context as well but still stretches is used in want to say stretches over or stretches from and two and spans means extends across now show this when you are giving suggestion that this should be done but could is that when you're saying this is a possibility that this can be the case but this is just about argument no they haven't said that this thing they said one um we where we start from for many people sahara is the in three point three two million square miles is the world's largest that's it however one could argue so we said that is the one but we can argue on this that this is a possibility that maybe this one is the world's largest technical desert who cannot come how can you use whom here it's not about uh one can certainly um write it down they say one can certainly argue so argue means you can present this as an argument that this antarctica could be considered that there is a possibility that this could be considered as the world's largest technical desert who won't be used you just said antarctica so you will read this as however one could certainly argue that at 5.5 million square miles antarctica

home be considered what sense does it make you just say antarctica home be considered so just said antarctica no common nothing after that okay whom is when you're referencing to something which you mentioned let's say in the previous sentence or previous part of the sentence this is just the previous word and there's not even a comma so show this when you give suggestions for example is i generally say that you should do 30 questions of reading and writing blanks that's a suggestion i am giving and if i say you could actually do more than that so that is if there's a possibility then you can do that's not a suggestion that's kind of a possibility or this could come in the exam now okay this is easy if i say this should come in the exam means it is my suggestion that this should come and this could come in the exam means there is a possibility that this can be the case stretches can be used bhavin in two ways one when you have the preposition over stretches over or when it says stretches from without these two words you cannot put stretches right done with this one any further questions okay so these were all the questions that we had to do today and yes okay sorry so these were all the questions for today those who do not have any doubts or any queries or do not have anything to ask or talk about yes you're free to leave i'll see you tomorrow at 7 pm for the next session please do keep practicing and try to use more of the hints more of the strategies more of the tips that we discuss in this these classes in your practice things only then it will make a difference okay and those who are going good night see you tomorrow


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