2023 Annual Meeting – Next Generation Technologies for Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage

2023 Annual Meeting – Next Generation Technologies for Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage

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okay as people begin to file in I'll begin my uh  my introduction of the the first panel of today um   so welcome back we'll now begin our panel entitled  Next Generation Technologies for carbon capture   utilization and storage uh known colloquially  as ccus our speakers will address direct   air capture direct ocean capture techniques for  transforming carbon emissions into useful products   and Innovative carbon sequestration approaches our  moderator for the panel this morning is Professor   Emily Carter the Gerhard R Andlinger Professor in  Energy in the Environment at Princeton University   as well as senior strategic advisor and associate  lab director at the department of Energy's   Princeton Plasma Physics Lab or PPPL she was the  founding director of the an linger Center and was   the director when I was hired about 10 years  ago and um she was then afterward the dean of   the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences  or SEAS at Princeton after that she served as   UCLA's Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost  and distinguished professor of chemical and   biomolecular Engineering before returning to  Princeton and PPPL a few years ago the author   of over 450 Publications and patents she has  delivered nearly 600 invited or plenary lectures   worldwide serves on advisory boards spanning a  wide range of disciplines she's the recipient   of numerous honors um including election to the US  National Academy of Sciences the American Academy   of Arts and Sciences the US National Academy of  inventors as well as the US National Academy of   engineering and the U and the European Academy  of SES please join me in welcoming Emily Carter well thank you all for being here it shows how  important uh that the the topic the topics of   today are I'm going to give a defense here in in  light of the uh of of the remarks of the keynote   speaker who said that CCUS is not needed uh  maybe it's that was a misinterpretation but   we can talk about it afterward it's clear that  we still need to get carbon dioxide out of the   atmosphere given the extreme weather and climate  change we're already seeing so there is definitely   a need for the work that you're going to hear  about today um we can have more discussion on   that later I would also just like to just take one  editorial remark to say that I am delighted to see   that Rick Andlinger is is here um who uh has been  instrumental since the beginning as has Paul Mater   um in in uh how the Andlinger Center has evolved  being being parts of the executive committee Rick   is the son of the late Gerry Andlinger who I had  the privilege and joy to work with um to realize   his dream he would have been delighted uh to  be here to see um what his his dream of this   Center has become so uh I want uh Diane to not  count any of those remarks as part of my time   um okay uh that's got to be said with that um let  me first uh uh say that it just Pro provides great   joy for me to have um Twisted the arms of these  three terrific individuals um who are at The   Cutting Edge of uh of the CCS part of the CCUS  um and so I'm going to start by introducing uh   our panelists Erica llant first of all Erica is  co-founder and head of Merv mrv um for those of   you that I I believe very strongly that in in  defining all acronyms one uses uh measurement   reporting and verification so she's the head of  me measurement reporting and verification and   environmental impact assessment at Equatic some  of you may have known it um in its earlier stage   as I did when it was first formed as Seachange but  it it it changed its name in the last year um an   ocean carbon removal company that accelerates and  amplifies the ocean's natural ability to absorb   and permanently store atmospheric carbon she is  also an assistant professor of Material Science   and engineering at the University of Colorado  uh University of California Davis she applies   her expertise in geochemistry to address many  issues in climate sustainability and the built   environment welcome Amic thank you uh our next uh  um panelist is Noah McQueen he is the co- U they   they are the co-founder of and head of research  at heirloom a direct air capture company with the   goal of removing 1 billion tons of CO2 from the  atmosphere by 2035 I must say that air heirloom   he's going to talk about this a little bit is  um is a um is is a central partner in one of   the recently announced direct air capture  hubs no's experience expertise surrounds   carbon capture and removal with a focus on Direct  a capture and carbon mineralization Technologies   Noah's expertise further includes technoeconomic  analysis and life cycle assessment to evaluate the   technical and economic feasibility of carbon  removal systems they hold a PhD in chemical   engineering from the University of of Pennsylvania  and a BS in chemical engineering from the Colorado   School of Mines thank you so much for being here  Noah uh next Erica came all the way from Norway   to be with us Sarah sorry sorry what sorry Sarah  wrong wrong went jumped to the wrong place Sarah   came all the way here from Norway to be with us  she is the research director and chief scientist   at uh in computational geosciences at Norse an  independent Research Institute in Bergen Norway   she currently leads the center for sustainable  surf subsurface resources a national Research   Center dedicated to providing new subsurface  knowledge and digital solutions to reduce   Norway's offsh offshore emissions drastically  Norway is really at The Cutting Edge in terms   of um the the sequestration um Technologies she  uh I added that you did you didn't add that she   she is uh an internationally recognized expert in  CO2 storage technology with with contributions to   understanding long-term migration and containment  leakage risk gigaton scale storage assessment and   storage in depleted petroleum reservoirs and  I must say I invited her because I heard her   speak at a International Conference in the in in  the spring and I was was really impressed and I   had no idea about this next little bit of the  blurb but it's icing on the cake which is Sarah   holds a PhD in civil and environmental engineering  from none other than Princeton University in 2008   a Princeton along so with that let me just set  the stage I've asked each of our panelists and   I will be representing because I work on carbon  utilization um I will be representing the carbon   utilization piece each of us is going are going  to take 10 minutes to talk about our Technologies   or our our our sense of the Technologies in the  areas of First Direct ocean capture direct air   capture and then sequestration and utilization and  then we will open it up for questions so with that   I'm going to turn it over to Erica thank you so  much Emily um so I have a few slides to describe   aquatic an ocean based carbon dioxide removal  technology the ocean is a the Earth's largest   CO2 Reservoir and currently it removes about a  quarter of our Global annual CO2 emissions um uh sorry um sorry so it currently removes  about a quarter of our Global annual CO2   emissions um and there are various technologically  enhanced Pathways to accelerate this storage and   this includes increasing the growth of marine  plants increasing ocean alkalinity as well as   electrochemical separation of CO2 from seawater  and Then followed by direct ocean capture um it   is important to consider though that this same  equilibrium that allows the oceans to absorb CO2   from the atmosphere also implies that the  removal of CO2 from the atmosphere would   be partially offset by ocean de gassing and  there's one uh model that estimates that for   example if we have a pulse removal of 100 Pigs  of carbon um this will be followed by ocean de   gassing over a period of 30 years such that only  about a quarter of that CO2 that is initially   sequestered is actually permanently removed and  so with this consideration it's important to   think about technologies that also increase the  ocean capacity for storage of CO2 so aquatic is   a process that accelerates and amplifies this  natural ability of the oceans to absorb CO2 um   at a gigaton scale while also producing carb  negative hydrogen and so this uh production of   alternative fuels and carbon negative hydrogen  example to replace fossil fuels is important   this clean and renewable energy sources because it  would help us decarbonize industrial sectors um as   well provide electricity and provide alternative  fuels for sectors like Trucking and Aviation and   this aquatic technology which has been born of  about a decade of research at UCLA engineering   is describing this schematic so we have first uh  the application of electrical current in seawater   and this uh current then uh induces chemical  reactions that does two things so one we have   the the hydrogen that is freed up from the seawat  this hydrogen can be used to power the plant as a   as an energy source but also be sold as fuel  and then the other thing that happens is the   splitting of the water into two streams we have  an acidic stream and a basic stream in the basic   stream the calcium ions that is strapped in that  sea water reacts with CO2 already dissolved in   that sea water to produce calcium carbonates  and also we have the production of magnesium   hydroxide in that sea water and the sequestration  of CO2 happens when we bubble that basic stream   with air or with a point source of CO2 and this  allows the magnesium hydroxide to dissolve and   CO2 to dissolve that traps then the carbon in  the form of bicarbonate and carbonate ions and   then meanwhile in our acidic stream the acidic  stream is then used to dissolve rocks to release   or to replenish the culum Magnesium as well as  to neutralize that acidity and then the in the   end this neutralized sea water is then discharged  back into the ocean where the carbon is going to   be permanently stored so because we have here  the production the co-production of hydrogen   um this allows us uh for for cost deduction at  scale but also in addition to hydrogen we also   produce oxygen we also produce calcium carbonate  that could be use the Green Building Materials   another coproduct would be uh the softened water  that can be used for desalination and then also   minor metal co-precipitates that's extracted from  that sea water so um this aquatic uh technologist   and engineered CDR process that really combines  direct ocean removal and direct air removal so per   kilogram sea water has 2.6 milles of dissolved  inorganic carbon 11 milles of calcium ions and   55 Mill of magnesium ions the first stage of  the process can be considered as direct ocean   capture direct ocean removal where we have the  CO2 that is already dissolved in that water is   uh transformed to a new phase to a solid phase to  permanently store that CO2 in the form of calcium   carbonate solids and then in the second stage  this is an aater that is within the battery   limit of the plant so we do this within the plant  there's an additional sequestration of 100 milles   of CO2 that's then trapped in the form of ions  bicarbonate and carbonate ions so in total we   sequester 4.6 grams of CO2 per kilogram of sea  water um that we process so these two unique   Pathways there's two unique forms of carbon both  as solids and as ions have a stability that exceed   10,000 years so it's very durable means of CO2  storage so where we are now um we are currently   operating two fully functional Pilots one in Los  Angeles and one in Singapore each of these Pilots   has the capability to remove 100 kilog of CO2 per  day while producing 3.5 kilg of hydrogen per day   we are also on track to reach commercial scale at  100,000 tons of CO2 per year while producing uh   3.6 th000 uh tons of hydrogen and we recognize uh  this that for CDR for any CDR technology cost and  

scalability are interrelated really obstacles for  deployment of these Technologies but because we   have a single process that produces two valuable  products one is the carbon negative hydrogen and   the carbon removal credits then we are able  to drastically reduce our cost and increase   our scalability in the near term so our goal is  to reach gen to commercial scale of 1 million   tons of CO2 per year that's equivalent to 35,000  tons of hydrogen at this scale the hydrogen that   is co-producing the process is sufficient  to offset production costs and then if we   multiply this by a thousand times then we reach  gigaton scale at this scale the hydrogen that we   produce can fully decarbonize hard to Abate  sectors like steel and cement so companies   like Boeing and Stripe have already recognized  um the aquatics impact and in summary so we're   doing uh our vision is to translate science  to uh societal progress and we do this by   developing and operating these technologies that  are scalable that decarbonized today thank you thanks awesome um well I'm Noah and I'm going  to talk to you a little bit about direct air   capture and then the specific company that I work  with named heirloom so as a little bit of context   setting um the world requires permanent carbon  removal to stay below 2 degrees Celsius warming   so shown here is from the ipcc AR6 report it  see not only requires deep decarbonization of   our Global Society but also some level of removal  and that really serves two purposes the first is   there's a series of hard to Abate sectors um where  it's exceptionally difficult or otherwise unjust   to decarbonize there's also historic emissions  so we've been emitting CO2 at massive rates into   our atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution  and we need technologies that can take those   historic emissions out of the atmosphere so  before I go too much further I do want to make   a distinction between carbon capture and carbon  removal as they're often conflated um in carbon   capture you're actually avoiding emissions  before they reach the atmosphere so this is   similar to putting a sponge on the outlet of a  natural gas combined cycle to prevent those CO2   emissions from actually reaching the atmosphere in  a different lens carbon removal actually creates   negative emission so instead of going with where  CO2 is being emitted you're pulling it directly   out of the atmosphere um and this enables us to  have you know pull CO2 that's either historically   been emitted or been emitted more recently out of  the atmosphere atmosphere is a giant mixing vessel   so it doesn't really care um with that there's a  lot of different ways to do carbon removal so I   I'm going to talk specifically about direct air  capture but there there are several different   approaches such as aforestation re reforestation  direct ocean capture as was just discussed um as   well as things like carbon mineralization so  indirect air capture you're moving massive   amounts of air over these chemicals that have an  affinity for CO2 so that as they move over those   chemicals they bind to that CO2 and you get a  CO2 depleted Airstream coming through so when   that material becomes saturated with CO2 you can  send it into a regeneration process and in this   you're typically either elevating the temperature  lowering the pressure or some combination of the   two to both recreate that binding Mater material  as well as produce a pure stream of CO2 that can   be used for CO2 utilization permanent storage um  in particular heirlooms process actually merges   that process of direct air capture with a  process known as carbon mineralization so   in carbon Min mineralization um you have minerals  that naturally react with CO2 in the atmosphere to   form stable solids um the biggest uh challenges  with this type of approach is that it's hard   to Monitor and verify that you've pulled CO2 out  of the atmosphere since it's an open system that   carbon can go pretty much anywhere typically into  waterways um and the other piece is that it has a   large land footprint so in the heirloom process  we're actually using a mineral-based material to   do direct air capture which has the uh benefit  of being permanent and additional meaning you've   created a system it's clearly obvious that you've  had a climate intervention it has clear monitoring   reporting and verification because you can have  a flow meter on the outside of the process to   actually see how much CO2 you're capturing um  and has several other benefits of both direct air   capture and carbon mineralization so what does  this type of a system actually look like so in   heirlooms process we start with a mineral calcium  carbonate or Limestone if you're not familiar with   calcium carbonate it's really Earth abundant  and it's the primary ingredient in Tums so so   safe you can actually consume it um so we start  with that carbonate Rock and we send it into an   electric reactor in that reactor it decomposes  into two parts you get a calcium oxide and you   get Co2 that is then we partner with a storage  facility to permanently store underground so that   calcium oxide is kind of a sponge for CO2 so we  hydrate that to calcium hydroxide and we spread   that calcium hydroxide out on trays that are then  stacked up in the vertical Direction so increasing   the surface area for the CO2 to react with um in  nature this conversion of calcium hydroxide to   calcium carbonate occurs over months to years  heirloom has accelerated that to be a roughly   3 Day process so after 3 days we saturate this  mineral with CO2 and we can cycle it back into   that electric reactor to once again use it to  capture more CO2 so it's a cyclic process that   reuses the mineral um so the other question is  how does this actually scale to gigaton scale   direct air capture so there's there's three real  advantages with this technology set that goes back   to the pieces around scalability so the first  is the inputs so limestone is roughly 4% of the   Earth's crust and um that really enables us to to  leverage a highly available material at a billion   tons of CO2 removal per year this process would  use less than 0.1% of annual calcium carbonate   production since it's such a heavy input into  cement and lime Industries internationally   additionally this is a really cheap material it's  about $1 to $50 per ton which is thousand times   cheaper than other chemicals used for direct air  capture processes the second piece is modularity   when we think about gigaton scale anything we need  to think about Supply chains um modularity enables   Mass manufacturing the way we think about this  processes our fundamental level of modularity   is a tray and then you have a stack of trays and  then you have a bank of stacks and all of those   should be independently able to be manufactured  and kind of just propped up on site so as little   construction on site as possible which really  leads to the complexity of some of these quote   unquote Mega projects um that we build the more  modularity you can have the more likely on to   lowcost construction and then the final piece here  is learning from every every ton so we collect   tens of millions of data points every month um  the way we control that carbonation reaction   is really based on our fundamental understanding  of the reaction of CO2 with calcium hydroxide so   the better we refine that the more finely we can  control that we actually feed that into software   and algorithms that we can update in real time on  existing hardware and we've demonstrated this at   our F pilot facility in Brisbane California which  can capture at its entirety roughly 100 tons of   CO2 per year um yeah with that this really enables  the ability to achieve gigaton scale direct   air capture and I'm I'm super excited to talk  more about director capture and heirloom thank you good it's my turn now to talk about storage  I don't know if this is high in the pH light   everybody hear me okay um it's a little bit  odd actually to be at this conference which   is about next Generation Technologies because CO2  storage has been happening and is happening today   industrial scale for 20 some odd years there  have been 26 projects all around the world and   cumul cumulatively 200 million tons of CO2 has  been stored uh already today the figure on the   left is showing you some of the different types  of storage uh environments that have been tested   and and and piloted or even industrial scale for  example off the coast of Norway that Emily alluded   to and the one one thing all these projects  have in common is that well one they're all   very deep so a kilometer underground where CO2  is in very dense space so not gas phase CO2 uh   very low density but very high density CO2 700 to  800 900 kilog per cubic meter still lighter than   water or the other fluids that are there but again  uh efficient uh use of the of the poor space the   last thing they have in common is that they use  the natural geology the physical mechanisms the   natural mechanisms exploit what is already there  in nature to capture and trap the CO2 underground   very similar to the natural oil uh and gas  accumulations we call them natural because   they occurred by Nature that have been sitting  underground trapped in and contained over hundreds   of millions of years so we talk about thousands  of years containment 10 thousands of years it is   possible to store CO2 in this manner for hundreds  of millions of years if we know uh where to look   and of course we have the analoges from oil and  gas industry to show us uh the way there are of   course new things that emerge with CO2 storage  that the petroleum industry is not used to first   you have to put fluids into the to the subsurface  they migrate in different ways CO2 is not like   oil and gas it can dissolve in the water and also  there are other aspects like induced size myti uh   pressurization that are unique to CO2 storage uh  which have been studied now quite extensively for   the last two decades and we believe we have quite  a lot of knowledge uh to support a gigaton scale   uh scaleup a picture is always uh better than  words and this is actually showing you CO2 in a   tank of fill of sand the sand was strategically  placed there in order to mimic the real geology   I'll walk you through it in a second but I just  want to acknowledge that the the University of   Bergen have developed this uh room scale flow rig  it is approximately 3 MERS by 2 m wide so it's an   enormous uh from a lab perspective uh piece of  equipment and there CO2 real CO2 can be injected   and you can see uh the uh what would usually  be something that is invisible except for using   geophysical techniques to observe what's happening  a thousand meters underground we can see it uh   in real time the different mechanisms that that  actually occur so I'll walk you through a little   bit what you see here so right right away you see  there are two different injection points and I   mentioned before that CO2 is buoyant which means  it will rise unless there is some barrier and the   lighter color Sands there are fine grain Sands uh  that have um uh the capillary forces required to   uh enter into those Sands is higher than the boy  pressure from the CO2 so already we can see that   the natural systems have uh the ability by force  balance to contain CO2 um and in the subsurface   this two or three or four cmet gas plume that  is uh oop sorry uh that is accumulated under   this seal translates in in the real world to 100  meter thick CO2 plumes of bubbles of plumes that   can actually be trapped by force balances in the  in the uh in the subsurface so that is a and the   other thing that we see here are these fingers  that are are this is a photo that was taken at   about 5 days after experiment started and the CO2  is dissolving into the water I don't remember the   numbers you were using four gram per kilogram  of water CO2 dissolves by about 2 to 4% by by   mass and when it does so it actually increases  the density of water and this causes a density   and stability and you get convective mixing and  this is extremely unique to CO2 and some other uh   gases and that draws the CO2 away from this gas  accumulation that could be considered a leakage   risk and into deeper deeper into the subsurface  and after you've left the simulation run or the   the the model run uh eventually all of that gas  accumulation will have been dissolved um in real   time we can see in the lab over the course of days  in the subsurface things move more slowly uh so it   could take years to tens of years to decades  to hundreds of years but the the point is is   that over time that C2 will equilibrate with its  surroundings and be less and less buyant we use   all this knowledge uh to inform the models and a  lot of my work has been going and I know there's   a video here so I don't know if the AV people  can start that and we use that to inform the the   simulation tools and this is we need simulation  tools we can't perform many of these experiments   they're very expensive uh and we take all this  knowledge and we wrap it into into simulators and   and show that we in fact know enough about these  systems to be quite sure about what is happening   even though we cannot directly observe for example  this fingering would be impossible to observe of   underground but we uh have a good sense of that  this is actually happening and this is a work   done by by my group and and this is open source  simulation which is another very key component   here to differentiating CO2 storage uh from the  oil and gas industry that has tended to be less   and less transparent we are moving in the opposite  direction with CO2 storage which is good let me   bring you to Norway it was mentioned about uh  CO2 storage and Norway has been going on for the   last 25 years Norway is a country as many of you  might or might not know a lot of water exists in   the country and a lot of hydropower uh so there's  not a lot of emissions and the business model for   for Norway really relies on CCS scaling up and  building economies to scale around CCS there's a   lot of good mentioning about how how to scale up  the capture Technologies and how we scale up the   storage Technologies has to match the ability to  scale up on the capture side Norway sits on this   is showing you a geological map of some of the ba  major basins offshore Norway Bergen is there on   the west coast that's where I live beautiful place  everybody should visit uh and there's enormous   storage resource potential but the problem is  Norway does not have very many emissions this   is showing you a map from uh this is from Gus  which is the Geological Survey in Denmark from   last year or two years ago that shows you the  bubbles are the size of the emissions and Norway   has some bubbles but not very big mainly uh the  most of the EU metters are sitting uh uh deep into   the continent uh where the only options for CO2  storage would be on Shore and that of course has   not uh been a very publicly favorable solution uh  so the idea is to connect those emitters with the   offshore storage resources and this is not just  Norway it's also the UK the Netherlands Denmark   are all developing this type of business models to  uh uh remove the uh CO2 emissions from deep inside   the interior of the EU out to the to the offshore  already in Norway and and now similarly in the UK   and Denmark and and and Netherlands there have  been several licensing rounds uh this is very   familiar to the oil and gas industry and there  are now five uh license five licensing round and   you can see here highlighted some of the the  licenses are already being uh developed for   CO2 storage and the success of all of this because  it's Import and Export of of climate gases really   depends on a good deal of trust and reliability in  building These Chains uh which are quite extensive   and complicated so the the first such chain is  already started now uh Norway as actually the   world's first endend uh CCS project focus on  Pure Storage the US of course has been storing   CO2 for for 30 40 years in the form of CO2 e but  this would be the first in in in Saline aquafers   so Pure Storage as we would like to call it uh  Northern Lights is that uh business model that is   building infrastructure uh receiving terminal for  CO2 coming from the continent we're starting first   with a CO2 emitted from a cement plant uh on the  around the oso area and it's being shipped uh by   a barge around the coast of Norway uh uh uh to be  permanently stored off the off the coast actually   about 50 kilometers outside of Bergen the key  here is that they have linked this uh full chain   project only to hard debate Industries Bel lot of  talk about do we Bo CCS on fossil power all of the   first projects now are on process industry cement  waste energy um um fertilizer uh various different   types of industries that the processes themselves  emit CO2 Renewables will not um reduce those   emissions uh significantly um so this is part of  the uh the first ever and it's heavily publicly   financed and this is a vast difference to what's  going on in the US right now with the IRA Norway   has come out and funded 80% publicly financed  of 25 billion region croner project compare   that with the EV electric vehicle policies which  have been high successful I think Norway is one   of the largest per capita owners of Tesla in the  world and that has cost the government 20 billion   Norwegian croner just divide by 10 for those of  you who want to get it to dollars in loss tax   revenue from those incentives every single year  so this is actually fairly cheap project compared   to the Eevee all of it of course is needed it's it  Dimensions such that this can scale up to gigaton   uh uh within the next 20 years so the storage  facilities on Shore can receive much more CO2   than the initial um phases of the project I'll  skip ahead uh the US model as I alluded to for   gigaton scale storage permitting this is showing  you the uh the pipeline of permits on the right   uh that are currently under review by the EPA  class six well permits and it has increased we're   talk about exponential growth there are now over  what is it 57 storage license applications for   class six permits under review there's actually a  bottleneck in the EPA review that may not have the   Manpower for that but in that sense you can see  the explosion uh and what it means is that there's   many different mechanisms and vehicles to get CCS  really off the ground the European model is to   fund publicly funded uh uh common infrastructure  uh and the US model is much more decentralized but   both will probably work so I think I'll I'll  stop I think the discussion will be really   interesting just want to leave you with the CCS  train has left the station it is going to happen   it is happening uh and it's really just a matter  and there are no technical showstoppers but it's   really just a matter of managing a lot of this  uh um you know emerging um technical challenges   and Engineering challenges around clustering  and infrastructure and various things uh and   I would say that CCS pretty much enjoys quite  broad bipartisan support not just in the US but   also across Europe so that is really comforting  because if it's very partisan it could be very   easily flipped and that has happened in the past  two decades now we see enjoying bipartisan support   for something that not so often happens uh public  acceptance could still uh be something to be aware   about but we can certainly talk about in  discussion and I alluded to transparency   that's key to all of this differentiating CCS  from the past sins of the petroleum industry   we have to be extremely transparent about  what we're doing so I'll stop there thank you well thank you Sarah I think your point  about bipartisan support is we we'll have is   is an interesting one it's it's likely to be true  but the public acceptance piece is something which   I think is is a is of concern still okay anyway  um so what I'm what I'm going to do oh sorry   being reminded okay what I'm going to do is very  briefly tell you uh I'm here representing in fact   uh I chair for the national Academy's uh study  that is ongoing it's a three-year congressionally   mandated study on carbon utilization uh carbon  dioxide utilization and actually utilization   related to Coal waste as well um and I'm going to  give you some just a very brief set of of findings   associated with uh our first report we're in  the midst of of writing a second deeper dive   this was a a first report done very quickly to  inform infrastructure investments in the United   States so um first of all if we think about CO2  utilization uh the scope of what we were asked   to think about was not things like uh carbonation  of beverages or enhanced oil recovery which are   just physical Transformations but actually to  focus on chemical transformations of CO2 into   um useful products either from point sources uh  or from the atmosphere or water um into market   marketable products so uh the one of the the  important points is that uh when we think about   whether to use C2 for uh utilization rather  than storage it really its impact its climate   impact will depend on the product life time  it'll depend on the CO2 source and also the   emissions from other inputs such as electricity  and hydrogen and how those um H and what those   Footprints are with respect to CO2 and so if  we think about for example we've already heard   about mineralization CO2 plus minerals making for  example uh cement or other building materials uh   in various ways that can lead if you form a solid  that can lead to durable carbon storage and uh and   so that that's extremely attractive especially  for building materials that are needed on on a   massive scale on the other hand most fuels well  I would say all fuels and chemicals are going to   have lifetimes that are less than a 100 years and  and so if you think about that all you could the   best you can do is a circular carbon economy um  in terms of taking CO2 converting it to something   which then ultimately will be released back to  the atmosphere so there's an important point   about CO2 source and product pairing in order to  have sustainable CO2 utilization in particular   if you have a fossil source so if you're thinking  about the power plants which emry lovens pointed   out should should be going away um so that won't  be a source uh but they'll be potentially they'll   be around for quite some time whether we like it  or not and of course there's uh um those fossil   sources um really have to be used in longlived  products uh in order to be Net Zero emission uh   compatible um the point is that fossil CO2 to  short live products which is the other option   just delays emissions okay they they eventually  get emitted to the atmosphere on the other hand   if you have Co 2 that is uh sourced from direct  air capture or direct ocean capture like we heard   or from biogenic CO2 sources like ethanol plants  then you could imagine making both short-lived or   long-lived products and if you make longlived  products you're you you are really going net   negative which we will need to do for a while and  uh but if we make short live products at least we   are Net Zero compatible and so fuels and chemicals  in the future if we're going to make any of them   from CO2 and that's still a big if must come from  these other sources not fossil sources direct air   capture direct ocean capture or biogenic CO2 so  one needs to do a real life cycle analysis to   make sure in addition to technoeconomic analysis  to make sure that one would actually build out   some CO2 utilization um uh industry okay I'm not  going to go through all of this this is just to   point out the complexity of the problem of the  infrastructure needs for CO2 utilization it   involves the same infrastructure needs associated  with ccs that we've already talked about um in   terms of capture we didn't really talk about  purification but those are big issues as well   as well as how how One Transport Sarah mentioned  uh transporting by barge uh the cheapest mode is   pipelines but building out those pipelines is  um there are many things we can talk about with   respect to that purification on the on at the  end it's more it's much more likely that what's   going to happen in terms of any CO2 utilization  is going to piggy back on C CCS projects I think   or or or very very likely um and then there are  many different Pathways for CO2 utilization uh   and then ultimately if you've made something you  have to transport that product and you have to   weigh which products you whether it's better  to transport the CO2 or transport the product   in terms of whether you decide to do centralized  or distributed CO2 utilization and so one of the   one of the things that the committee uh came to  is people should recognize the opportunities for   collocation to minimize transport instead of  having to build out these the you know a large   pipeline Network the US has 5,000 uh miles of CO2  pipelines right now um but it's basically for uh   enhanced oil recovery right now so it's in only  one and so they're not located essentially where   one could imagine uh both the sources that of CO2  as well as um the um the utilization that that you   could you could uh that that one could Envision  so uh it's very important to be thinking about   that and to recognize that if you think about  that collocation you could imagine for example   building materials uh marketing uh near existing  Point sources um and product uses so near cities   um and otherwise for example direct air capture  facility cited already next to existing chemical   manufacturing infrastructure would make a lot  of sense this is a way to eliminate the pipeline   need um and so the committee found for example in  terms of near-term opportunities for investment to   focus on uh potentially uh sustainable Aviation  fuels using as a CO2 source for example ethanol   plants that that generate um CO2 uh and bringing  in clean hydrogen and clean electricity uh so   that that some of that work is already going on  there are companies that are that are engaged in   in that kind of work and then there are a lot  of companies that are engaged in um using sort   of any source of CO2 plus minerals um and we've  heard a little bit of that here today already   uh to uh to create building material so that's  sort of the lwh hanging fruit um over the next   decade uh in addition so this is sort this is the  issue of sort of of piggybacking you see the the   the um the mention of geologic sequestration  um essentially utilizing CO2 bringing again   the collocation the idea of having industrial  clusters this is a big topic and is being um is   is is being realized in the EU uh already which  is to recognize we should take advantage of the   fact that there's already an infrastructure um  for chemical Transformations and think about   essentially uh piggybacking off of whatever is  built for ccs to uh to have it be collocated   near this kind of chemical infrastructure and uh  and then be able to take uh both fossil sources   to have to make Long Long Live products as well  as um direct air capture direct ocean capture   biogenic sources to make both long-lived and and  short-lived products so uh with that I actually   saved us a little bit of time and I'm um happy to  open it up for questions or I will also uh I also   have my own questions for the panel as well  and you can also ask questions of me so thank you okay I see uh um maybe we can start in in the  front here for a moment or no no but but we   want to make sure that people can hear here you  go and please identify yourself this is it's   a it's a best practice to identify who you are  and and I'm team Fox a adjunct at at ruter and   at Columbia sea uh but a regulator for my whole  career utility and environmental uh my question   is specifically and I'm doing a class on there at  Columbia in the spring with SE not just this with   with sequestration which gra organ from Carnegie  Mel say you use sequestration and not storage well   European thing he got yeah he got all over blame  it on Europe but but anyhow uh the issue I ask   is for instance USGS or EPA they regulate this  for the us and it doesn't seem like they have   standards or regulations as to where you can put  it and where you can't put it underground uh for   instance would you want to put California where  there are earthquakes so I just wanted to know   about that and leakage and how is that handled  Technically when these are cited okay um no I   mean Regulatory Agencies aren't in the business of  telling companies where to go discover resources   right I mean I think the companies have to find  those resources we do know oil and gas exists in   accumulations in California so we know that it  is possible to store buoyant gases underground   for hundreds of millions of years in seismically  active areas and their seismically active areas   is also in southern Europe so I mean there's  a good understanding of of how to avoid the   worst of the seismic activity and uh and move  your way upwards a little bit farther away so   I think it's it's a lot of good uh understanding  uh underpins these decisions about where to put   CO2 storage but I don't think it's the regulatory  agency's job to what they do is a um they storage   atlases in Norway it's it's the same regulatory  agency that actually produces es that show okay   here are some of the potentials but they're  very very rough numbers and it's it's up to   the the companies to refine those numbers  into commercial um reality so I don't know   if I answered your question but it's oh yeah and  about the leakage yeah I didn't really allude to   leakage at all here it is um possible of course  it can never rule out leakage these are natural   systems that that are imperfect in their own  way and uh and of course our knowledge of the   surf subsurface is not perfect um but I would from  the estimates and and the and the the work that's   been done and also the analoges that we have for  CO2 is leaking uh from natural systems all over   the world uh it's hard to say that it would be of  any consequence from either a climate perspective   environmental perspective or human health and  Public Safety perspective but you can't rule it   out and that and that's the kind of about the  transparency part I think if anybody stands up   here and says it will never leak they're either  lying or they're or they're ignorant I mean it   you can't say it can't it won't uh but that's a  really important part of being transparent is to   say it it might but we can manage it we can  monitor and we can identify uh more serious   anomalies and this has happened already in the 26  years of CO2 storage there had been anomalies that   had been managed and it was never any threat to  environment human public health or safety uh so   it's like any industrial engineering activity  there are some risks but as long as they're   manageable then we should be able to as a society  accept them so I hope that answer your question I   think the issue I think the issue that was great  I think the issue is more with respect to and   again this gets to the discussion about public  acceptance which I think is is really important   you know EU has already done the experiment  they're not going to to to first order have   injection underground there is some discussion  I guess in Switzerland of doing something soon   but you know who knows but um and it's because  people are concerned right and offshore it seems   much safer and so that decision has been made in  in the EU that decision that conversation is still   going on in the US as to what will happen but I  think this the issue of trans of transparency and   understanding of risk will be really important in  and early Community engagement to discuss how it   would be managed if they're and how and monitored  to mitigate against any leakage yeah exactly yeah because right environmental USGS right in the back wait wait wait wait for the microphone  and please introduce yourself thanks uh hi my   name is EMT I'm an undergraduate at Princeton um  is heirlooms technology used for carbon capture   rather than removal and if so in What proportion  no it's used solely for removal yeah okay right   there too might as well hi I'm Edmund Downey I'm  a third-year PhD student in the school of public   policy um I wanted to ask Sarah specifically  about transport uh and the relative sort of uh   competitiveness position of Norway compared  to other uh actors in the North Sea area UK   Netherlands Denmark um how big a sort of share  of the overall uh process costs is transport and   how does that affect you know from proximity  standpoint how do you guys compete against   some of these like maybe Danish sources that are  closer to German sources or something like that   no it's a very good point yeah it's um let's say  you can Envision this being a very competitive   market uh where the cost of Transport would be  the deciding factor but actually once you put it   onto a into a tank er uh the distance the tanker  sails is less much it's not the biggest factor   it's getting it onto the tanker and offloading  the tanker and all the infrastructure around   um in fact uh some people are worried that  Iceland which is even farther away uh nobody   has mentioned Iceland at all Iceland has a very  Innovative approach to uh carbon sequestration   I will use that for this crowd um uh which is  direct it's carbon mineralization in situ and   they inject carbonated water uh very cheap um  they have abundant basalts which are volcanic   rocks that react within days and months uh  and permanently sequester that in minerals   underground and and they can probably even  out compete what's happening in Norway even   though they're farther away so transport is I  don't remember all the numbers but it's on the   order of 10 to 10 10% to whatever storage is also  around 10 to something per all the cost is in the   capture because it's an energy intensive process  um well some of them are energy intensive I mean   they're all but but to varying degrees the early  ones early ones we're very energy intensive and I   think that's getting better but it it costs  energy to do this so so yeah so proximity   Is Not the the deciding factor here it's how  cheaply can you get it under the ground okay here hi I'm Sue dward uh I a masters of carbon  management student at Colombia finishing up this   semester and Jim Price over there um installed  my heat pumps so I was happy to see him um I   also the uh sustainability cordinator at raren  Valley Community College so I have a question   for Noah um I I love that you guys got the doe  awards for the dag hubs that's huge huge uh step   for you know a startup company I'm wondering  what challenges you face as you look to uh Pro   you know move those projects forward and and  also speaking to the energy usage for your um   your regeneration with the heat how how you're  addressing that thanks yeah um I'll start with   challenges in scaling the technology up so you  know we did recently receive a director capture   Hub award in collaboration with Batel and clim  works another direct air capture company that   uses solid sorbent engineered materials to remove  CO2 from the atmosphere um in that we've actually   you know we're in Southeast Louisiana which is  a a part of Louisiana that has been historically   devastated by industrial activity um so one of  the biggest challenges actually is going into   the community and trying to educate on what we're  going to do and gain public Buy in and acceptance   and it's a really critical piece of any type of  project development ideally you're going in years   before the project has even begun engineering  just to make sure and engage with that Community   um Community benefits Agreements are something  that we are working with communities to develop   so what do those communities actually want to see  from Technologies from companies and oftentimes   it has nothing to do with the technology it's  access to health care or food security um and   how can the company coming into their communities  actually provide them with that level of security   so often times um the challenges being faced  in this regard are not necessarily related to   the technology itself um from the other part  of your question around energy consumption   so we've designed a system that runs entirely on  electricity um as we've stated capture of CO2 is   an energy intensive process it becomes more energy  intensive the more dilute the CO2 is in your   Stream So in the air 410 parts per million you're  you talking somewhere between 5 and 10 gigles per   ton of CO2 that you remove from the atmosphere  so for a million tons of CO2 removal you're   talking somewhere between two and 300 megawatt  of energy generation required for that level of   removal so I won't share our numbers exactly but  that's ballpark for for direct air capture more broadly oh my question I'm Mark martiz from  Princeton plasma Physics laboratory my question   is for Erica uh so the knee-jerk uh criticism  about um electrochemical CO2 mineralization   is of course uh what are you going to do with  the acid stream and of course your company uses   calcium and magnesium silicates from Wonder  stand so the reaction is is the the mining of   those minerals going to be sustainable and is  there going to be enough to actually for you   to achieve the the gigaton scale that you're  proposing yeah I think that uh the advantage   of this technology it's scalable because we need  seawat we need rocks and we need renewable energy   source so with rocks which is your question um  there are enough U calcium silicates magnesium   silicates to neutralize their acid stream and  yes we need to be strategic on these sources uh   if we could utilize spine tailings for example  that's already ground uh there's energy that's   required to grind these rocks so they can  be more reactive uh so we can collocate find   locations where all of these these resources  are in one place and that would be our best bet than wherever thanks so much I'm Ela Weber I'm a  professor here in the anling center and also   in public policy and in Psychology and I want  to bring the discussion back to uh the public   acceptance that Emily already raised a few times  uh and yeah at this point the American public and   all in Europe don't know very much about carbon  capture and sequestration they don't have strong   opinions it's a real opportunity to shape public  perception rather than be mour it after the fact   when it's too late like we did with nuclear  power and and other Technologies so maybe all   of you could say a little bit about what kind  of initiatives maybe are in place what kind of   initiatives are to be in place and also maybe to  guard against political polarization because even   though it's bipartisan at this point that is no  guarantee for the future who would like to speak   to that first um I mean I'm happy I'm happy to  take a shot we actually just released um a I guess   an opinion editorial on high road carbon removal  and kind of what it means to do this responsibly   so I I think the first step is that there needs  to be a dialogue between not only technology   developers but also uh policy governments and that  needs to happen at a federal state and local level   um the the thing you know in in this kind of High  Roads carbon removal principle we have things like   you know we will not use any of our CO2 molecules  for enhanced oil recovery which is actually   injecting CO2 in the subsurface to recover more  oil that would otherwise be unrecoverable so I   I think we really need to start some of those  conversations about what does it look like to   responsibly deploy these Technologies and what  standards do we hold Technologies developers   to um so additionally there we have transparent  monitoring reporting and verification as a tool   for justice so ensuring that we're not only  being transparent with Regulators but also   with communities this is what we're going to be  doing this is how we're going to do it um and   getting feedback from those communities as well  it needs to be a two-way conversation not only   on the monitoring reporting and verification but  also on the community benefits agreements um and   then you know the final thing is working either  with with union labor or otherwise to make sure   that you are providing quality jobs quality high  paying jobs in the region that you're actually   deploying so you know that's kind of the framework  that we laid out but we really want to start a   conversation more broadly um and that needs to  extend beyond just the technology developers and   individual communities but also into a framework  for how we approach that more broadly that's great   I I mean I would just say that in the the report  that I alluded to we talked a lot about the need   for this early engagement with the community  and basically sitting not not going in with   the attitude that you're you're there to educate  them because you're the expert but in fact going   in to understand their their experience their  um their concerns and be able to sit down and   talk about how um and their fears right um to  to be able to address those concerns and fears   and and to talk about how it is possible to um to  address them and to recognize that there are that   that it doesn't mean that every project will  go forward you know but to put in that early   investment long before your you're doing it and  and build trust and have essentially identify   people within the community who can be who can  help essentially be a translator right and and   a goet in terms of um making sure that there's a  trusted person that they're hearing from who also   has has gained the trust of the developer yeah I  I'll add to this discussion I showed this picture   of this experiment and in fact the University of  Bergen um has now built a mobile unit for this and   they go around to all all manner of places and  have visited actually uh Berlin recently and I   think part of it is just showing people what  this is I mean for CO2 storage it's thousand   meters underground even scientists I looked at  those pictures the first time it's like oh wow   right you you start to get a grip of what this  really means um and and people are you know smart   enough once you explain some of the physics and  the science with pictures and and to see you know   things happening in real time there was a at the  Museum of Bergen it was part of a big exhibition   exhibition about poor media science in general  how important that is for our world not just   uh sub Sur CO2 storage but also Medical Science  and all manner of things where por media is is   intricate to to understanding po media is really  important uh schools getting kids interested in in   stem you know and and showing them that that  there are jobs here uh it doesn't have to be   in the oil and gas industry is a very similar um  science behind all of it and they can take their   competence and their their education and go into  CO2 storage underground hydrogen storage energy   storage compressed air I mean you name it there's  all manner of things that you can use these uh so   the more we up and down the society bring uh the  message about you know uh what is really happening   and what are the physics behind it um I think also  helps build Comfort level that this is some off   the you know out of the blue we where do we come  with this from so it's it's an important part of   it communication and I was a scientist generally  speaking are poor communicators so it's uh it's   also on us to uh understand how to communicate  to different audiences y I'd like to augment   this very useful information by getting confused  on a higher level about economics uh what these   efforts have to compete compete with in some sense  is efficient use which is cheaper than buying the   fuel renewable Supply which is generally cheaper  than buying the fuel uh and of course some some of   what you're describing is particularly challenging  because it's kind of fcking a fight with entropy   it's like un peeing the swimming pool but  uh there what what could change that is if   the recovered carbon uh can create exceptional  value that more than pays for capturing it in   competition of course with natural systems which  already produce value and are designed to in a   self-perpetuating way from capturing carbon so  has somebody published perhaps in your committee a   kind of supply curve of quantities and values for  uses to which captured carbon could be put so that   we can look at the net value of doing what many  of you are describing uh and see whether there's   there's some hidden gold there yeah so there I  mean there have been uh there have been various   papers that have looked at technoeconomic analysis  of different Technologies producing different   products um and uh uh you know and and our our  committee also spoke to that and we speak to   that in this next report in more depth um I think  you know a a a good example could be uh because   you're absolutely right I mean one of the things  that that one has to be concerned about is I mean   obviously we're made of carbon and water to first  order okay and so we and food is carbon uh and so   carbon you know this concept of decarbonization  drives me crazy it's not you know we're we're not   we're we're not going to decarbonize our world  otherwise we'll all be dead um but but the point   is that it's the question of where does the carbon  come from and so one has to ask the question does   it come is it best to come from biomass is it  best to come from recycled Plastics is it you   know I mean there's lots as opposed to carbon  dioxide or from coal waste or whatever because   carbon dioxide is you know down here in energy  and anything you do is going to cost energy to to   make it better so it has to be something that you  you clearly see that there is a value to make it   worthwhile so one area that that I particularly  think I mean so you either do something that   you make very cheaply um and it's just needed in  mass quantities which is concrete pote

2023-11-12 13:18

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