2023 06 21 Hyperledger Healthcare SIG

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Elisabeth Green: 200 Elisabeth Green: waiting for to turn on your audience, you can introduce yourself. Elisabeth Green: How do you like to introduce yourself? Alejandro: Hello! Elisabeth Green: Yes, I can hear you. Alejandro: nice to meet you. I'm Alejandro. Alejandro: Yeah, I am a project manager for a few to for care. It's Alejandro: accelerator we. We are a different different startup in the in France

Alejandro: and in Europe. Elisabeth Green: Nice. Thank you for being here. Elisabeth Green: there are a lot of startups in healthcare right now, that's for sure.

Alejandro: Thank you also for this opportunity, and I hope to to be here quickly, because I I am Alejandro: I I was in the different meetings. But it it is. It's no constantly Elisabeth Green: okay. Elisabeth Green: So do you have a Linux foundation? Id. Alejandro: Sorry. Elisabeth Green: Do you have a Linux foundation? I identification, do you? Are you logged in.

Elisabeth Green: logged into Hyper Ledger? Elisabeth Green: So Elisabeth Green: And do you want to claim the host role? See? Or do you want to? Elisabeth Green: to go to the Wiki page. Alejandro: Did you get it? Did you get an email for this group? Alejandro: Yeah, it's I receive each email for for each meeting. Elisabeth Green: Okay, would you like to go to your email right now and click on the view event? Button? Alejandro: Okay? And then put in your Elisabeth Green: the expedition. Id or Lfid. Alejandro: Okay, wait a minute. Elisabeth Green: Okay.

Elisabeth Green: because I just tried doing it 3 times and with 2 different email addresses. Oh, here we go. I'm getting a link now. Elisabeth Green: Your profile is missing a photo. It wants my photo. Elisabeth Green: You do not have a password set for your account. Alejandro: Hi, sorry! Elisabeth Green: That's what it's saying for me. So I'm

Elisabeth Green: That's why I'm going in here, and it's it's asking me to log in. and then we can go to the page that tells us what is on the schedule for today. Elisabeth Green: So we do them set this up. Elisabeth Green: And Elisabeth Green: he didn't. He didn't give us the Let's go to the calendar. You didn't get it. Elisabeth Green: So link to the key page for us to Alejandro: do the notes on.

Alejandro: Hmm. Elisabeth Green: okay. So I'm just gonna try going to. Alejandro: Okay, I'm I'm located. So

hmm. Alejandro: okay. Alejandro: it is the same. Elisabeth Green: Okay. Elisabeth Green: Share my screen. that is.

Elisabeth Green: do you see my screen. Elisabeth Green: Hello, Andrew. Alejandro: sorry I I I see yours when Elisabeth Green: okay. So I I was able to get in. So this should be an agenda on here somewhere Elisabeth Green: here. You see this patient subgroup. This is coming up on Monday starts at 7 am. it's a that's the one that I'm working on.

Elisabeth Green: I should tell you. Well, I can update that page later on. Elisabeth Green: The patient subgroup is working on a very interesting project. It's a I call it. The polluter payer. Health care not Elisabeth Green: where. it's the polluter that pays for the damages caused by the pollution. As you know, about 8 million people are killed every year by

Elisabeth Green: pollution globally. Alejandro: and those desk could be Elisabeth Green: prevent it if everybody got all the health care they needed. But the health care does cost money, because the kind of health care they would need is preventive, which a lot of people don't get because they can't afford it. Elisabeth Green: And so those people would be able to just go to. Oh. this app and donate their health data.

Elisabeth Green: And you know this is my before, and then go into like a clinical trial Elisabeth Green: and then get the the health care they need. Elisabeth Green: And then, after they would donate their after data. and then that is Then they would get paid. Elisabeth Green: They're having. It's integrate now. Elisabeth Green: especially if they were to make some kind of an improvement. So if they were to Elisabeth Green: save a rainforest or clean the plastics on the beach. They could do it before and after photo.

Elisabeth Green: and then they would be able to Elisabeth Green: get paid for clean cleaning environment. In other words, that we. they, we get carbon credit Elisabeth Green: for environmental credit for cleaning the environment. And then Elisabeth Green: that would pay for their all their health care. Alejandro: Okay. Alejandro: are you? Your, I mean admin over the this group, or you sort of I'm I'm the one who's been running it for the past few months, because Elisabeth Green: the guy who was running it for the past few years to stop coming. So he he gave me the password to take that group over. So I mean, I could go to the patience I group right here.

Elisabeth Green: Okay, patient. So. Elisabeth Green: okay. But then I just go back because there's more on this. Elisabeth Green: Then the the patient subgroup. Elisabeth Green: I don't. I? Yeah, I go there and we just talk. We just chat. We talk about

Elisabeth Green: whatever we want to talk about Elisabeth Green: the interoperability subgroup. As far as I know, it doesn't ever go. It doesn't ever meet anymore. Elisabeth Green: it's not. It's no longer on the calendar. Elisabeth Green: I'm going to work external resources. Number trajectory. Elisabeth Green: Here we go. 2023, meeting agenda notes. Updated June seventh. Elisabeth Green: Okay? Oh, I was there. Space contributed 15 days ago.

Elisabeth Green: Anna, so yeah, she goes. She comes to the Elisabeth Green: Oh, look, I'm on. Elisabeth Green: There's a this is interesting. I like this the Wiki page. I can change this Wiki page. And meeting agenda notes, we could click on that for fun.

Elisabeth Green: 6, 7. General meeting Elisabeth Green: agenda notes. Elisabeth Green: Okay. Elisabeth Green: well, let's see. Elisabeth Green: we're supposed to be able to add a meeting. Elisabeth Green: We can add a meeting, but I think what I'm gonna do is go back to my mail.

Elisabeth Green: Is there an add meeting here at it? Elisabeth Green: okay, you should be able to add the meeting. Elisabeth Green: Hmm. Elisabeth Green: Where? Where does it say? Add meeting? Well, let's just go to the Elisabeth Green: Where is my gmail Elisabeth Green: and Elisabeth Green: and search for Elisabeth Green: right that you how to Elisabeth Green: It's just hyper ledger health care.

Elisabeth Green: and then we'll see group notification for June 20. First, that's today. Elisabeth Green: Oh, there's a sick meeting on February fifteenth. Elisabeth Green: in-depth Webinar red date with red date to twenty-first. Elisabeth Green: Okay. what is red date, do you know? Alejandro: No, you know. Elisabeth Green: 10'clock Pm. CST. 7 Am. Et L. That's over

Elisabeth Green: 5 Am. My time. Elisabeth Green: Monday, June twelfth. It's a pay your subgroup. Elisabeth Green: okay? Elisabeth Green: And Wednesday, June seventh. Elisabeth Green: Hmm.

Elisabeth Green: Well, let's just see what was gonna happen on Wednesday and 7. Elisabeth Green: see, there's no Elisabeth Green: C view event. Elisabeth Green: Oh, look at this. So what is this call? This is the Elisabeth Green: health care to calendar 1712 to 19 June 20 first, that's today. Elisabeth Green: This is just the calendar. but it doesn't give you the the list of things that he was going to talk about today Elisabeth Green: that it Elisabeth Green: hmm, Nope.

Elisabeth Green: that event has been deleted. Elisabeth Green: Okay. it's always been deleted. Okay, what about this one? Alejandro: That event has been the. Elisabeth Green: I'm sorry. I'm bless you, right? This one. That event has been delete. What about today's that next week? Elisabeth Green: I think there's an error on this page somewhere. Elisabeth Green: Okay. Sorry.

Elisabeth Green: patient sub group meeting. There's a group. Pay your subgroup. Elisabeth Green: Okay, this might be it. On one of these there was a link, and you were able to go to the link, and it said. Elisabeth Green: but always going to happen. Elisabeth Green: Oh, this is a calendar.

Elisabeth Green: Okay, we have a file that I cannot open. Elisabeth Green: nice. Elisabeth Green: There's nothing on here about. Well, let's try view events on this one Elisabeth Green: same thing. But Alejandro: did you talk with the Elisabeth Green: no, I haven't spoken with them about 4 weeks. I think it was. Elisabeth Green: this is the same thing.

Elisabeth Green: one of these had. I did get it. I got something from him Elisabeth Green: 2 weeks ago. Let's see. on the seventh. Okay, yeah. I wanted to go to the meeting on the seventh. Elisabeth Green: but something came up. But I did get it said something about what was going to be happening there. Elisabeth Green: Yeah. Well, that isn't working. So let's try going back to

Elisabeth Green: let's care. See what I'm doing. What we do during these meetings is we can come in here and just change this Elisabeth Green: through the meeting while the meeting is happening. And then it's usually a link that says. Elisabeth Green: start Elisabeth Green: a new meeting. report, or something like that. Do you see a link on here? Alejandro: Yes.

Elisabeth Green: to start a new Elisabeth Green: hmm! Elisabeth Green: Well, I think the pay pay. Your subgroup has one. Elisabeth Green: Oh, go to Link. Thank you. Elisabeth Green: Try a meeting index and summary Elisabeth Green: create meeting. Note. Elisabeth Green: Okay, that's fun. So turn my phone sideways. Elisabeth Green: Create Elisabeth Green: 8 today is June 20. First.

Elisabeth Green: it's asking me to Elisabeth Green: set a meeting for today. Actually, the date that we had that meeting was Elisabeth Green: on the twelfth. Elisabeth Green: I see there should be a way to do this on the on the other page.

Elisabeth Green: But this is how you do it, as you can change this to 6 12, Elisabeth Green: right? Isn't this nice? I'm actually changing a page on the hyper ledger. Elisabeth Green: So let me change this. Elisabeth Green: But maybe it'll change. Elisabeth Green: Okay, at a person at, and they'll be notified.

Elisabeth Green: So these are the attendees. Elisabeth Green: So the notes for that they were 6 12 Elisabeth Green: Sara Crawford. So Elisabeth Green: I put her name down here. She she will. Elisabeth Green: It's supposed to put the at sign first right and then put Elisabeth Green: okay, and then so she'll be notified. And then I could do another one. Right?

Elisabeth Green: Excuse me, why did it disappear? Alejandro: Do? How are you? Elisabeth Green: Okay? Elisabeth Green: Okay. Then the third one. You have to do that. Elisabeth Green: See if there's anybody else here who's A Molly? Okay, she's interesting here. Elisabeth Green: And Marcella.

Elisabeth Green: copy Elisabeth Green: is. I don't think she's a member Elisabeth Green: next. Oh, thank you. Elisabeth Green: How do you do this? Elisabeth Green: Well, maybe it'll disappear. Me, too, so great. There you go this. So you gotta put it on your own name, and then you gotta do that. Elisabeth Green: And then there was someone else who showed up to. But if I an a su, yeah. Elisabeth Green: and she definitely is a a member.

Elisabeth Green: So Elisabeth Green: You put the pound sign first, or you just put their name Elisabeth Green: because it didn't do the pound sign for there. Oh, Sarah, conference isn't a member. Elisabeth Green: so she's a member, so Elisabeth Green: it should notify her. Elisabeth Green: Those objectives. Elisabeth Green: so a way to identify the parties responsible for injury or illness. Elisabeth Green: This is our goal Elisabeth Green: the next week. Elisabeth Green: okay.

Alejandro: And then what did each person do? Elisabeth Green: Oh, shoot? I should kept saying. Elisabeth Green: Jenna name. Okay. Elisabeth Green: oops.

Elisabeth Green: They're back. Elisabeth Green: It's not gonna go back in copy their names again. So what I should have done Elisabeth Green: okay Elisabeth Green: that it's it's great Elisabeth Green: agenda item, well, it wasn't really on the agenda item. okay? And then what? Elisabeth Green: Then? How do you get the next agent next one over Elisabeth Green: at? Have you add one? Elisabeth Green: Add, Oh, there you go, you go to the corner and invite people to edit.

Elisabeth Green: There you go so I could invite you. Elisabeth Green: Let's work together on this page. Would you like to do that? Elisabeth Green: Yeah. Elisabeth Green: it's their own one. Oh, here you go. Click on this.

Elisabeth Green: Oh, what? Elisabeth Green: do you see? A way to add somebody else. Elisabeth Green: Hmm. okay. Elisabeth Green: okay. Well, anyway, I got that far right here. Elisabeth Green: It's great. Take your task here to assign a user and select a date. And then I was able to

Elisabeth Green: changes saved, and then I could publish good. See? That's how you change it. So now I should be able to go and do this with the other one. Elisabeth Green: But I'm going to show you what we what some of the people are doing. It's it was a lot of fun. So Amy Marcella works on this project. 1,000,000,002 web, 3 initiative. Elisabeth Green: And here is her Elisabeth Green: play. Elisabeth Green: Okay, so here it is Elisabeth Green: our website. Elisabeth Green: So let's see, she has a a met her. Elisabeth Green: and I guess you're supposed to go in and zoom.

Elisabeth Green: Why, it's important to learn web 3, Elisabeth Green: so we can go back to. and I see it is Elisabeth Green: founder and director of any World innovations. Elisabeth Green: She had a Elisabeth Green: project that she Elisabeth Green: published it. I wonder if you could find that Elisabeth Green: so your way to search. Check the search Elisabeth Green: for a Elisabeth Green: see if she has a Wiki page.

Elisabeth Green: Send search results Elisabeth Green: about your health care. Oh, it's even she shows up. Elisabeth Green: Yes. Elisabeth Green: meeting notes. So she's on the meeting notes for

Elisabeth Green: with me. Then here's her optimize. If here's her project Elisabeth Green: program that she's got Elisabeth Green: this in team fall tolerance consensus library for her that your fabric which you guys end up security. Elisabeth Green: I can put with low latency and high scalability. Elisabeth Green: Okay. so she. Elisabeth Green: wow. we have a publication.

Elisabeth Green: Okay. Elisabeth Green: so isn't. She consensus Elisabeth Green: it starts off with 3 people.

Elisabeth Green: they propose, do you see the Alejandro: she would ch. In the middle. They they propose. Elisabeth Green: and then they write Elisabeth Green: to each other, and then they accept from each other. Elisabeth Green: and then the smart contract is executed. Elisabeth Green: So this is. it looks like this is sending messages. Elisabeth Green: And then there's a decision, the decided queue where the output of Elisabeth Green: all the messages are, and, as you know, with Byzantine fault, tolerance.

Elisabeth Green: all 3 parties? Elisabeth Green: No, a secret that only one of the other parties now. Elisabeth Green: and once all their secrets are Elisabeth Green: once all their secrets are exchanged. and then they're then they're sure that they are who they are. Everybody knows who everybody else is, and then they can make that Elisabeth Green: they can use their public key to sign the Elisabeth Green: the contract, and then the contract is as executed. So that's why it's so. It you don't have to just trust, because nowadays you can.

Elisabeth Green: You can sell your wallet, your whole wallet to somebody else. So if you think you know somebody's wallet, address it, it might no longer be their wallet address. Elisabeth Green: So that's why this is really important. Elisabeth Green: and Alejandro: could you send me the link? Elisabeth Green: Okay? Well, if you go to the Wiki page. It's Elisabeth Green: you can search for it. But let me put this in the chat Elisabeth Green: copy. Okay. Elisabeth Green: okay, well, now, just so happens to be that. my zoom.

Elisabeth Green: this over here. Elisabeth Green: Okay. Elisabeth Green: okay, it's in the chat. Thank you. Elisabeth Green: That's the paper that they wrote that it's really fascinating. I think she's brilliant.

Elisabeth Green: so she's She's trying to. The Hyper Ledger has a a mentorship program Elisabeth Green: and she's trying to Elisabeth Green: She's trying to get mentees to help her work on this project? and then he will, as you, you have a company. Right? What was the name of your company again? Alejandro: Yeah.

Alejandro: can you put a link in the chat to that, please? Alejandro: Located in? Elisabeth Green: And maybe, would you like to share your screen? And that's project? Elisabeth Green: Stop share. So now you can share your screen. Alejandro: do you? Do you? What do you want to see? Elisabeth Green: Would you like to share your screen more about your project because you didn't put a link in the chat. You just put the website address so I can't click on it because it isn't a link. Elisabeth Green: It has to have the Http ahead in front of it. Alejandro: Okay, the Alejandro: okay. I I send you the link. Elisabeth Green: Thank you. Elisabeth Green: So all I have to do is go over here.

Elisabeth Green: I share screen. Elisabeth Green: Okay. Elisabeth Green: some waiting for it to look. Elisabeth Green: How many people are you working with right now on that? Or is it your self proprietorship. Alejandro: Okay, we we have, almost a 40 startups in in our Alejandro: building. And team we work with, we. I work with the 1015, 15 person who are who are in the team. Alejandro: And we we have Alejandro: for their start up to grow on to to meet a new.

Alejandro: You people who want to would like to invest in this to start out. Alejandro: we we have an insert that that work with blockchain. Alejandro: And basically, I, I working with the different it projects, and we help the other start start up to to grow Elisabeth Green: nice. What kind of help to give them? Besides a place to do work at. Oh, I guess I called office Elisabeth Green: on the whole. Alejandro: Sorry.

Elisabeth Green: What do you give them besides? And the Google. Elisabeth Green: your office space Alejandro: in in Paris. Elisabeth Green: Okay? And do you give them technical assistance as well? Elisabeth Green: Like what projects to Elisabeth Green: you help them? Code, do you have? Do you find people to code the projects for them.

Alejandro: We have a other start that you grabbed. Our founders are for big companies, Santa Fe or Orange Alejandro: generally. that I can help Alejandro: as with the different connections around the world. to to get investments for other startups and to to expand the the work Alejandro: for for they. And basically we have, we, we have the startups with the, with the all facilities facilities in the in the building, on also with the another connections experts the different projects that can get. Had this start up to to grow

Elisabeth Green: nice. Alejandro: Where where are you located? Elisabeth Green: I'm in California. Alejandro: California. Okay. Elisabeth Green: are they all tech Hi tech Elisabeth Green: company? Elisabeth Green: So Elisabeth Green: do they all have a technical co-founders, or do they share to technical talent.

Alejandro: Each founders or partnership have their the experts that that could come to or building to to have the other startups, and they offer their experiences. And maybe meter or make it different relationships with the with another companies. Elisabeth Green: Okay. Elisabeth Green: so nice. Alejandro: Youtube is disabled. Yeah. In the

Alejandro: Hello. maybe Alejandro: scroll up. Elisabeth Green: I scroll up Alejandro: Uk.

Elisabeth Green: nice. Elisabeth Green: Oh, I feel like I've just been in the theater. Elisabeth Green: Do you want to go through this? Is this news? Alejandro: Yes.

Alejandro: there, we have a team that Alejandro: share with different startups. And we, we have. Alejandro: we help the started to take A to express their needs and also their solution. Elisabeth Green: Okay? Elisabeth Green: Oh, my goodness about fake news and the American dream. So, yeah, but what about fake health data?

Alejandro: I worked as a project manager for it projects. Alejandro: I, I work basically with the team, the team feature for care. And we have another area that it's the project manager, This area I have the other startups to to go down to Alejandro: their their business. But I I work basically with the with the Alejandro: future for care project to, to. Alejandro: to to get a new ideas and new partnerships, and maybe to new projects in the it it department Elisabeth Green: that is so nice. There are quite a few startup right here on hyper ledger meeting together just for fun, just to learn just to meet people Elisabeth Green: and sometimes just to Elisabeth Green: their own startups develop, you know, find developers or find code.

Elisabeth Green: find out a way to progress. Elisabeth Green: You don't really look for Elisabeth Green: investors here at Hyper Ledger. But we do, have I? The I heard, was 40,000 open source coders to attend these meetings. Alejandro: Okay. Elisabeth Green: so it it's a great place to meet people like you. Alejandro: Thank you. Alejandro: and also, this is, start up. Some of this is, start out also our pricing in the United States.

Alejandro: And maybe Alejandro: the the next year we we will open a new building in German. Elisabeth Green: Okay. Elisabeth Green: my possible. Elisabeth Green: So you have. This was, is this one? health care Elisabeth Green: start up that you have Elisabeth Green: my platform. Alejandro: Sorry.

Alejandro: So is this one startup that you have. Alejandro: You know, redesign health. Elisabeth Green: No is redesigning health. I start up. Alejandro: No, it's a, it's basically the same idea. But it's an accelerator in the United States. And basically the the same idea. Alejandro: the global, the same global idea. that future for care. that it's located in the United States.

Elisabeth Green: No, I didn't know about it. Elisabeth Green: do you want to send a link into. Put a link into the chat for it, and I'll click on it. Alejandro: Okay. Elisabeth Green: pitch book. Elisabeth Green: So she has an online medical directory and search platform designed to allow patients to find free medical and a medical experts. Wow.

Elisabeth Green: is this globally or just in France? Or just simply. Alejandro: I, I I think it's globally Elisabeth Green: 100,000 users already. Alejandro: Me speak to you French.

Elisabeth Green: Sorry! What Alejandro: do you speak French? Elisabeth Green: I'm sure I'm not. Elisabeth Green: You can choose your Elisabeth Green: I may I? I don't know if anybody would be able to understand us on this Elisabeth Green: if we were to. Elisabeth Green: continue French. Elisabeth Green: her rare diseases.

Elisabeth Green: Okay, cool. what's that? Elisabeth Green: Oh, podcast? Elisabeth Green: Do you? Did you put something in the in the chat? Should I go there? Elisabeth Green: Sorry. Elisabeth Green: Did you want me to continue going through this, or should I go through another? Alejandro: No, if you want to, I I can continue with the same. Elisabeth Green: This is a Elisabeth Green: this is her story, and then her. Elisabeth Green: just that Elisabeth Green: 70% of chronically all patients hesitate to move with a fear of not having a real follow up.

Elisabeth Green: Well. that's a a huge number Elisabeth Green: patients like 75% of patients lie or are refused bank loans because of their illnesses. Elisabeth Green: cap code is that a health care Elisabeth Green: company? Alejandro: Yes, they Alejandro: they make all the Alejandro: you get a lot of information of the, for example, e social websites. And you know more about passions. They paying the pain points for patients, and to to get Alejandro: at that, that quicker Alejandro: add a value for for industries.

Elisabeth Green: Add value. Oh, okay. So who gets all the data Alejandro: they get to the data? Alejandro: Thanks to Alejandro: the Patience Association. Elisabeth Green: Oh, what Elisabeth Green: 30 of French citizens acknowledged, having already relayed fake news.

Elisabeth Green: You see this information as a crisis communication topic. It's already too late. It's, of course. Elisabeth Green: persuasion. That's the problem. Elisabeth Green: Emotional. The dimension of persuasion is is the problem.

Elisabeth Green: It's it's Elisabeth Green: taxes. Elisabeth Green: the help. Elisabeth Green: There you go. We have a health tax that's going on right now. You put put out fake news are requiring people to pay for it. By they go. They go through this emotion of reacting to fake news. Elisabeth Green: and then Elisabeth Green: that's they have to pay for paying. Elisabeth Green: Would they rather pay money than paying with their health.

Elisabeth Green: So there you go. That's why this would work, because somebody would rather pay money then and get real news. then to pay Elisabeth Green: with their health for fake fake news. I don't know if it's real or not. Elisabeth Green: Is there a link to this? I guess we have to. Just okay. Elisabeth Green: Okay? Elisabeth Green: Oh, this is interesting. Elisabeth Green: The experience shared by patients and social networks a lot.

Elisabeth Green: And to highlight their care pathways Elisabeth Green: a weak signal. Elisabeth Green: This is sort of like a patient monitoring system. Elisabeth Green: Like to know more about that? Elisabeth Green: Do you know what a what weak signal, what what are the units of Elisabeth Green: measurement of a weak signal in this case Elisabeth Green: can be predicted by the online detection of weak signals Elisabeth Green: a case study based on Elisabeth Green: and it is not working. Oh, fill out the form. Oh, so you have to

Elisabeth Green: download the white paper. Okay. okay. Elisabeth Green: not very transparent. So is there another one Elisabeth Green: find here the press release. Publish. Okay. Elisabeth Green: all right. Is there anything else you'd like to share?

Alejandro: Oh, no. maybe. And you would do you have something to to share. Elisabeth Green: Oh, I don't have a company. I'm just. I'm working on a lot of different projects. And Elisabeth Green: Jim Mason said that I was supposed to share something with hyper ledger community coming up soon. So we'll see.

Elisabeth Green: I guess there's a we would go to the Elisabeth Green: Go to the calendar for that. Elisabeth Green: A research. Elisabeth Green: What's on the calendar next? Gc, calendar.

Okay. okay. Elisabeth Green: my calendar. Elisabeth Green: It's not my calendar. Let's try.

Elisabeth Green: This is ongoing work. Okay, here we we do have links to external resources. Elisabeth Green: Where's the go to Link? Elisabeth Green: That's interesting. Elisabeth Green: So I'm supposedly Elisabeth Green: that Elisabeth Green: future for care, I see. So what I need to do is go over to this one. Elisabeth Green: I see you Elisabeth Green: calendar. Elisabeth Green: So I think what I'm gonna do is start a new one.

Elisabeth Green: And we're gonna look at the calendar public meetings and see what's going on. Elisabeth Green: June 20, third. Elisabeth Green: So see Monday, June 26. We have the Hyper Ledger Elisabeth Green: health careare, subgroup meeting. Elisabeth Green: and then on Tuesday Elisabeth Green: climate account.

Elisabeth Green: climate action and accounting sick meeting. Okay? Elisabeth Green: And because I'm working on a Plut repair health care. Alejandro: We're about this public sector meeting. Elisabeth Green: Let me click on more details. Elisabeth Green: She should get an email about this. Elisabeth Green: These are both Zoom Meetings. Zoom, zoom links. Where's the public sector? Wiki page?

Elisabeth Green: Okay. Alejandro: this is fun Elisabeth Green: on the Wiki page Elisabeth Green: meeting zoom links and a calendar of public meetings. And I want to find out what's coming up Elisabeth Green: upcoming meetings. Fridays at 10 Am. Past meetings. June ninth. Okay, here's what's coming up. Hyper Ledger meet up June ninth, which that's passed.

Elisabeth Green: May this? Oh, we're going in the wrong direction. Elisabeth Green: I don't see a an Elisabeth Green: anything for the future. Elisabeth Green: Upcoming meetings. Friday at 10 am. So I guess we have to go to this meeting, and Friday's at 10 Am. To find out.

Elisabeth Green: Yes, G. And blockchain. I go into that. Elisabeth Green: Okay. So Friday's at 10 am. Back Elisabeth Green: of right? It's gonna end. Elisabeth Green: Is that 10 am. My time.

Alejandro: I think. Yes. Elisabeth Green: Let's get back to Elisabeth Green: okay. Elisabeth Green: It isn't letting me copy or copy link text Elisabeth Green: link address Elisabeth Green: 2 pm.

Elisabeth Green: it's it's 10 Am. Eastern time. I think 2 Pm. Would be more like 7 Am. My time, California. Elisabeth Green: So 2 pm. Elisabeth Green: for British time.

Elisabeth Green: Okay, so that would be a great meeting to go to, because they they have these meet up groups. Elisabeth Green: Oh, past time. Thank you very much for your time. Let's go and see what's going on right now. we go back to Monday. Today happens to be the 20 first or Wednesday. Elisabeth Green: So at 8 Am. There is nothing going on Elisabeth Green: but at 9 end there's Hyper Ledger, Los Angeles building and scaling real something Elisabeth Green: real. What? Elisabeth Green: A real enterprise! Consortium that what is a real enterprise consortium? Elisabeth Green: I I think that. Elisabeth Green: that you might be interested in this, because this is where it's it's Elisabeth Green: a group of companies or corporations get together to accomplish a goal in in common.

Elisabeth Green: So this might get just a few happening in 1 h from now. Would you like for me to put the link in the chat. Alejandro: Yeah. Alejandro: okay, so what I'm going to it is 7 pm. Alejandro: I don't know if you see that. Or.

Elisabeth Green: okay, this is for Elisabeth Green: the one that's on Friday. Elisabeth Green: this this one and this goes to Elisabeth Green: 7 am. Elisabeth Green: Then we go back over here to Elisabeth Green: okay. Elisabeth Green: okay, so this new link is the one for Elisabeth Green: okay. Elisabeth Green: Friday. So this other link up here is for Elisabeth Green: in the notes.

Elisabeth Green: okay, it's a useless link. Alejandro: Oh, no, it's fine. I put it in there. Elisabeth Green: Okay, this one word works that. And then this one. Elisabeth Green: oh, oh, yeah. So you you put that link in there. What was that for? Alejandro: I send you? I think I try again.

Alejandro: Okay, so this one will work as well. Elisabeth Green: Then redesign health. Alejandro: that. It's another project project in the United States. It's similar to the future for care.

Elisabeth Green: All right. Okay. Oh, wow! That is so so true. Elisabeth Green: No. Alejandro: even now the I don't know the project.

Alejandro: Maybe maybe you you hear about that, and that I don't know. Alejandro: Okay. Elisabeth Green: so did you put another link into the chat for this Amazon news, whatever this one is supposed to be.

Alejandro: this is another event, but Alejandro: I don't know why this Elisabeth Green: expires at 2 it it's 7. This more expired already an hour ago. Okay. Elisabeth Green: or put a different link in the chat, and I'll share it. Alejandro: I think you have to. Alejandro: She stopped. As your sharing. Elisabeth Green: I can just stop to. So you go ahead.

Alejandro: Hmm! I can do that. Alejandro: Oh. Alejandro: so about that.

Alejandro: It's today at the 7 Pm. Elisabeth Green: I see it now. Elisabeth Green: Red date. Yeah. But see 707 Pm. Elisabeth Green: Oh. I see. 7. And I'm thinking, 7 Am. Alejandro: Yeah.

Elisabeth Green: 7 Am. Eastern time. That's 4 am. In California. Elisabeth Green: you'll probably be able to catch the recording. Elisabeth Green: Okay, Elisabeth Green: thank you very much for your attendance. It was a pleasure to meet you.

and I hope to see you in an hour at the other meeting. Elisabeth Green: Would you like for the the chat to stay open, can you? Elisabeth Green: So you can get the link right now. Alejandro: Okay? Elisabeth Green: Because when I click on that link, I'm going to exit this room and enter that room and wait for that meeting to start. If it will let me wait. Alejandro: Thank you. Alejandro: Well, thank you very much. And see you, they their meeting.

Elisabeth Green: Excuse me. Thank you. Alejandro: Yeah. Elisabeth Green: thanks.


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