2023 06 05 Onboarding and Docs

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Bobbi Muscara: Good morning, everybody. We're just gonna give it a few more minutes for people to get Bobbi Muscara: I'm on in. Hello, Bobby! Hello! How are you? Akanksha Rani: I am good. But about you? How this is holiday region?

Bobbi Muscara: Well, it's it was wonderful it's just the weather was perfect. Finally, we've had such cold and rainy spring. It was nice to have a weekend that was just nice to get out and garden and do that kind of walk. The dog. Bobbi Muscara: It's like finally getting out of your winter. Bobbi Muscara: you know, cocoon. Bobbi Muscara: Okay, so can everybody see my screen? Arunima Chaudhuri: Yes, we can Bobbi Muscara: perfect. Okay, so I'll give until 5 after, and then I'll just start the meeting. Bobbi Muscara: Actually. Bobbi Muscara: Oh, okay, we have a like a big crowd, which is great. Today. I appreciate everybody coming. You've no idea. I got things a bit organized today. so we're going to get started in just 1 min.

Bobbi Muscara: Let's start it little after 9. Bobbi Muscara: So if you're seeing my screen, you're seeing the antitrust policy, and they all are welcome in the Hyper ledger community and a link to the code of conduct for Hyper Ledger. please take a moment to review the information on your screen. Bobbi Muscara: And just to remind you this call is recorded. So today for the agenda I don't want to

Bobbi Muscara: jump to forehead. I do want a chance to talk to everybody on the call. So we're gonna probably do that Bobbi Muscara: in a minute. we do have men who is one of the hyper ledger community members and staff in charge of the mentorship program. I thought, running one section of it. One Bobbi Muscara: one of the individual programs, was overwhelming. I cannot imagine what Min is going through trying to manage all of these programs? but she's going to talk a little bit about that and we are going to chat about our role

Bobbi Muscara: to assist the other Mentees. in the project. So again. I'm going to turn it over to men so that she can give us her information and get on her way, I mean. Min Yu: hey, Bobby? Hey, everybody? Thank you very much for the opportunity to. yeah, just to say, Hello, and see how? this group. And the the hypothetical mentorship program. And everybody involved in that program can collaborate together. Min Yu: yeah, not necessarily a presentation. I don't have any slides. Prepare more sort of like to say, Hi, and yeah, just to see if there's any feedback from this group, and how we can collaborate. just as a little bit of background. popular your mentorship program this year we have 30 projects. We will have 30 mentees, and Min Yu: probably 50 60 mentors. in the program. this actually, we just finished reviewing. all the mentee applications who applied formally to our these projects in our program. And this week we are.

Min Yu: sending out offer letters to the accepted Mentees. also, this week. We will also be opening up applications on our fax mentorship platform for 15 projects that are they're not in the mentorship program that we put them in the collaborative learning program. so Mentees will also have Min Yu: the opportunity to apply to these projects. the main differences. The mentorship program is a little bit more formal on the mentees who get accepted into a mentorship program. They will receive a stipend for kind of the work and outcome that they deliver for the collaborative learning program. They all also have, you know, a project, a defined project, and all already mentors who who raise their hand to be willing to mentor. Min Yu: The the structure will be a little bit less formal than the mentorship program, and the Mentees they will not receive a stipend. So that's the main difference between these 2 programs. So this week we're doing offer letters to the accepted Mentees for the mentorship program, and the next week we will be. Min Yu: I'm boarding the Mentees, and any mentors who were were available or interesting participating in that session. They're welcome to join as well. Min Yu: in the last few years. How I've done the it's a 1 h session where I kind of go through

Min Yu: kind of the purpose of our mentorship program kind of review. Who is who, you know? introduce the staff who are the mentors for the mentees just to show kind of the cohort, so that everybody get to know each other a little bit better. and then we just kinda give a few Min Yu: tips and best practices expectations. from both for mentors and mentees. And then we go through kind of the logistics for the program from A, you know. what's what are the dates? Evaluation schedule and stipend process? so more from a logistics perspective. And also just some tips on. Min Yu: You know, if you're a mentor mentee in a hypothetical community, how you can showcase. Min Yu: your contributions. So some, you know, marketing related things that you can do right to raise your profile and visibility. So that's kind of what I've done in the past. But I'm Min Yu: really open to suggestions and feedback. and also just, you know, obviously, I do that one on boarding session. But I understand. You know, learning is a continuous process.

Min Yu: yeah, you know, should there be. Min Yu: you know, extra sessions or other paths that we kinda optimize that you know, experience for Mentees specifically, and and mentors as well. So that's why I'm here to kind of, you know. Listen and hear what this group Min Yu: how we can collaborate. Bobbi Muscara: Well, thank you, man, I have quick 2 comments. The first thing is that I offered. There's 17 people on the call, and I think they're all staying for the entire summer for me to mentor this whole project kind of by committee, and and you'll see in a minute what we're talking about. Bobbi Muscara: So I'm hoping that, you know, maybe we can fit them into that other program you were talking about. Maybe make a a documentation section for that, too, so that it's a little bit more formal than we just saying, Yay, I'll enter you guys, too. that would be great for everybody on the call, I think.

Bobbi Muscara: yeah, put a piece in there for all the because all like there's 17 people on the call, and they they're you know, that would be great if we could run it through something formal rather than just this documentation task force kind of theory. Min Yu: Yep. So I just put the link there. so chat. So that's our collaborative learning program. It's kind of an ex. we're doing this for the first time piloting this this year. It's really just to expand the number of new contributors receiving mentor Min Yu: a and guidance to, kind of, you know, enter the hypnotic community and become a more per productive active contributor and the projects already defined. They kind of went to the same project proposal process. So you can see if you go on the left hand side. Min Yu: you'll see the I think we have 1415 if I'm correct. and we connected with the mentors are willing to mentor. So if you Min Yu: yeah. So if you click on the left, yep. Min Yu: So those are a collaborative learning projects program.

Min Yu: the project, seeing the program. So these projects. Min Yu: we will be listing them on effects. So you know that you can apply there as well. Bobbi Muscara: so this is great. And I want to just throw out one more offer. we meet every Monday at this time, and if anyone from any of the mentorship proper programs have any questions. We also work on which I'm going to show you real quick in a second other things that will help them. So you can kind of almost label the 90'clock documentation call open hours if you want for people with questions Bobbi Muscara: through the the summer, if they need help just to to put that out there. Bobbi Muscara: We'd love that we're and this is why I'll explain in a second. So we're responsible for as this task force slash mentorship program.

Bobbi Muscara: these 4 kind of buckets. And all 4 of them need user guides. Which is another thing we're working on for the summer. But the Github Repository more has to do with a lot of the mentorship programs. projects. Because when we're going through the mentorship. applications. Bobbi Muscara: These all had documentation pieces. Bobbi Muscara: so we have a lot of volunteers who are on the call, who want to help out with that And I was kind of thinking Bobbi Muscara: it was a little overwhelming for me to try to figure out how to assign by committee people to handle this, and I had this epiphany over the weekend. I think that it might, and I want to throw it out there to the get the consensus of the group in a bit but I think everyone should be assigned Bobbi Muscara: a project or tool and try to figure out the documentation needs through the through what's existing and coming in through labs and mentorships. For that project, so obviously like fabric, might have fabric has its own documentation

Bobbi Muscara: subgroup. So that would be like one person communicating with them and bringing the information back to our documentation group. Somebody would be assigned to Firefly. They would go to the Firefly meetings and go through men's list of of mentorships and see if any of them use Firefly, and we'll need documentation and reach out to them. So I'm going to. Probably hopefully, if the group agrees assigned someone to each project and tool that would be kind of their documentation specialist. Bobbi Muscara: it. Bobbi Muscara: And we'd like to introduce that at your presentation. Say, you know, we are here to help you with your documentation needs. We're going to give you suggestions on templates, how to make your git hubs into. Read the Doc. That Hyper Ledger accepts. You know what needs to be in your your Lab Github Repository. We have that template for you to that kind of information. So we want to just 2 min in your meeting.

Bobbi Muscara: Say, somebody will be reaching out to your project and asking for your documentation needs. But if you have any questions of us, join the 90'clock Monday call. Min Yu: Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. I'm happy to it, are you? Are you saying you? You'll be willing to come to the mentorship on boarding session just for like a 5 min. Min Yu: I will put together a yeah. Our group will. I'm sure there are people on this call who would love to make that presentation on behalf of the Documentation task force. so we could put together a a quick 5 min slide show, just suggesting what we're, you know, offering to do to support the ball documentation needs in the community. Min Yu: Yeah, that sounds yeah, I'll reach out to you, and we can coordinate the time and the material, and I'll coordinate the you know the presentation on this end.

Min Yu: Yep, sounds good. Bobbi Muscara: Okay, And so just let us know when you think that is, and I'll put it up on our our page, and we'll move from there. Min Yu: Sounds good. It will be sometime next week. So you know, we need to get a sense of the Confirmate acceptance confirmation this week. no. Who will be? You know, the recipients or the calendar re it's for next week's call, and then once I get that piece ready and I'll reach out to you so it'll be later this week.

Bobbi Muscara: That would be great. Does anybody else on the call have any questions for men or any questions about the mentorship program? Bobbi Muscara: Okay, well, thank you so much for joining us. Min Yu: of course. Yeah, have a good day. Thank you. Bobbi Muscara: Okay. So now we're gonna get back to the call. does anybody have any questions of me about what just happened. Bobbi Muscara: It's kind of like, okay, I'm volunteering. Everybody left and right. Bobbi Muscara: okay. So getting back to our call, here is

Bobbi Muscara: welcome an introduction. So let me just recap a little bit about what I said. So right now Bobbi Muscara: what we're doing. And when you introduce yourself, you? Yeah. If you have any thoughts about this just please bring them out. Bobbi Muscara: what we're trying to do is forth community. Obviously, we need to have 2 presentations. One is the mentorship which you heard is just going to be Bobbi Muscara: to the group offering and how we do that is up to us. If we want to have 6 people present as representatives of a project, or we, we can talk about that in due time.

Bobbi Muscara: But and then the Tooc. On June fifteenth or 20 s, I think it's more the 20 s. I have a feeling the Toc calls going to be cancelled next week or this week. So Just Bobbi Muscara: keep an eye out on those And again, when I was looking at our little buckets, as I've been calling them. I really couldn't figure out everybody signing up for everything, and I was like. Bobbi Muscara: it's like, blow my mind how to figure out how to do this. And so I I came up with this idea, and I don't know if everybody you know wants it. So again as the Mentee, I I said, I'm going to do the teach the teacher thing, and one of the things I learned when I was getting my masters in education is the best way is to break up into subgroups. Bobbi Muscara: So instead of doing our buckets I think it might be a good idea if we just do it around the projects. So in other words, Bobbi Muscara: we'll assign. Let's drop down the projects we'll assign someone or 2 people depending on how many we have or what the interest is in that particular project. someone to each one of these projects, and I'll pick up the slack and the mentor Bobbi Muscara: The mentee will pick up the slack for whoever doesn't sign up for one of the projects Bobbi Muscara: and what you will do. as that project specialist, so say, for instance, you become the base you you volunteer for Basu. The first thing you're gonna do is you're gonna go to the Hyper Ledger Foundation.

Bobbi Muscara: And again, in this community. It's due first. Ask later. Bobbi Muscara: So you're gonna go to the calendar of public meetings and you're gonna find the base Zoom Meeting. You could also have gone right to their project. Page. It's probably let's do that. That's probably way easier. Bobbi Muscara: You would go to their project, page. Bobbi Muscara: I'm on Apollo Bobbi Muscara: and find out, you know. Go to their discord. That's the best way. Discord is the best way. Go to their disk. We have a discord channel. They have a discord channel. Go to the discord channel. Bobbi Muscara: and introduce yourself. Say I am on the documentation. I'm a mentee for the Documentation Task Force. Bobby sent me over here. We want to know, what you you know, how we can help you with your documentation as a task force. We are not asking any project to go back and redo their documentation.

Bobbi Muscara: We're just offering to fill whatever gaps they might have and offer templates for moving forward and best practice guidelines, user guides for moving forward to make their jobs easier so they can stick to developing new projects as opposed to writing about them. Bobbi Muscara: So that's our goal. So you would just probably join this, or find out when their meetings are maybe hop on their repositories. Bobbi Muscara: Make suggestions, keep all your work on your workspace that that that you created? But that's what I'm suggesting. And right now I'm gonna go back to our page. Why don't I have that much easier Bobbi Muscara: and ask people as they introduce themselves. So that's the first thing. So it's that and the presentations that's coming up. So as I go down the list for introductions. If you have a project you're interested in, or or tool or a library that you want to Bobbi Muscara: assist with documentation by doing a fact finding. Please let me know. Bobbi Muscara: But right now I'm going to go through the introductions.

Bobbi Muscara: And we'll start alphabetically with Agnes. Do I need to share my video? Bobbi Muscara: no, no, no, not at all. Just introduce yourself where you're from, and like why you where your interests are. Or if you've been working on something in this task force what you've been working on. Agnes: Okay that caught me up. Good. It happens a lot. So my name is Agnes. Agnes: I'm from Kenya Nairobi. Agnes: I have never done any project. This big is gonna be my first time. So I think I'm gonna have to go look at the projects and figure out what looks interesting from what I can learn.

Agnes: Yeah. So I spend a lot of time writing Agnes: some tutorials blogs around technology, some bits of time coding, learning. Agnes: Yeah. So I'm here to learn as much as I can and contribute as well. And I hope to learn from all of you. Thank you. Bobbi Muscara: Yeah, thank you. We will have a a huge need for technical Bobbi Muscara: we're not technical writers, but writers to help with the user guides to support all of our efforts. So thank you and welcome aboard. Bobbi Muscara: again, I'm gonna Bobbi Muscara: Akinasha, please correct me.

Bobbi Muscara: Oh, yeah, it's a I'll get it right one day. A conscious Akanksha Rani: yeah, no problem. So Hello, everybody. So it's been a long time now I think so that I've been a part of this team Akanksha Rani: because I've been attending the calls like since, like almost after it started this last month itself.

Akanksha Rani: And till since then I've been like understanding and Akanksha Rani: working on that documentation and the onboarding part of the Hyper Ledger, and I have been interested in both of the projects. Akanksha Rani: and I would love. I love to collaborate with all of you to work on the documentation project, and since we have the such an amazing mentor like Bobby, mom. So I don't think it would be of much problem because she is so. she just formulates everything. So it make, making it easy for everyone. Akanksha Rani: and other than that I have some. I have experience in technical writing since I have written some of the search papers which have been published, and I am also a friend and developer.

Akanksha Rani: and I would love to collaborate with all of you this summer and work on documentation and make this procedure success. That's all I have to say. Bobbi Muscara: Thank you so much. Arunima Chaudhuri: yeah. So hello, everyone. My name is Erinema Chaudhry. And I'm from India. I just graduated this month, and after that I will be joining my master's program at Tripolit, Bangalore. Arunima Chaudhuri: and I'm at. I am a part of this community since the last one month, and I have been attending calls. I must say I have learnt a lot from here. So it started with I have been previously a blockchain intern at Sulana Labs. So that's how my journey and interest, but doing more about blockchain started, and when I got to snow. That high Pulitzer is participating in the Lepage program I applied. And I started interacting with the community more.

Arunima Chaudhuri: And yeah, I I learned a lot from here. I make a lot of new people here, some of them I've connect. I have connected with them on Linkedin as well. So it's it's a it's a great feeling to be a part of this committee. And it's yeah, as a conscious that we will collaborate, and, you know, make this project a success. Arunima Chaudhuri: Thank you so much. Bobbi Muscara: Thank you so much. And I just wanted to extend our deepest sympathies. Our thoughts and prayers are with you for the horrible train accident in your country. just just awful. Arunima Chaudhuri: Yes, it. It happened at a place very nearby to where I'm staying so, and even my roommate is from that place. So I was very afraid that if, like a lot of people have died so I can feel that it's it's very, very sad.

Arunima Chaudhuri: You see, such a happening. Bobbi Muscara: So sorry. okay, so back to business. and thank you for being on board. Daniel. Daniel Olagunju: Okay, Hi, everyone! My name is Daniel. I'm from Nigeria.

Daniel Olagunju: and No doubt this is really a massive project. And It's really my first time getting involved in a project like this. So personally, I'm open to any of the projects. And I can speak for now. But I'm open to any of the projects, and I'm ready to dive in. Daniel Olagunju: Thank you. Bobbi Muscara: Awesome. Thank you. You should. Eeshaan: Hello, everyone. I'm shan So yeah, this is on my first documentation tasks this fall. But yeah, I'd like to introduce myself again to everyone. Why are you on this call? So I'm a Shan. I'm a computer science undergraduate Eeshaan: currently in my second year. And I, I live in India. And that, that is it. I'm very sorry for this project. great people, great mentors

Eeshaan: India. looking forward to get along with everyone. Bobbi Muscara: Oh, welcome! And Ezra. Ezra Okenda: Hello! My name is I'm from Kenya. a blockchain, developer, cryptographer, and the project I might be interested in the I parade and on mask residential switches. Ezra Okenda: where they feel where I'm more interested.

Bobbi Muscara: Awesome and what I might do for people to get a better idea of the projects and tools. if we have time at the end after I do the the things that we need to get done. I might just go over the projects and tools very quickly with you to give you an idea of what? they are, so that if you want to pick one to help with the documentation and then come back to the group and teach us about it. That would be great. Bobbi Muscara: So let's move on. Frank, I just talked to Frank this morning. He was so so so patient with me with the interviews on the Frank Joseph: okay. I'm frank. Frank Joseph: and then Frank Joseph: I haven't I? I know how to use it.us code and process. I think I will use that to go to and open sourcesource. Frank Joseph: So this is my first time, like, I said, getting your calls. I don't know if it's not available to select from.

Frank Joseph: Yeah. But I want to be a part of the Frank Joseph: thank you. I'm based in Nigeria. Legal state. Bobbi Muscara: Oh, welcome, Frank! Glad you joined us. Jian Luca.

Gianluca Capuzzi: Yes, hi! I'm Ja. Luca Gianluca Capuzzi: a. I'm a software engineer from from Italy. Also, I have a Phd. In artificial intelligence, but I am fascinating, blockchain, and also in Gianluca Capuzzi: open source. So as well. So I love to contribute and join with this project. ipad Ledger. Bobbi Muscara: Again. Welcome. Gianluca Capuzzi: thank you. Thank you.

Bobbi Muscara: Good job. Kajal Kumari: Hello, everyone. I'm Karl. I'm from India and currently I'm a working on the like a github template and best practices the 2 task of the Kajal Kumari: documentation task force. And like previously, I have done open source contribution in our documentation and technical writing. Kajal Kumari: And I'm also a android developer. So I am looking forward to learn from this project. Thank you. Bobbi Muscara: Thank you for joining us. and parent.

Karan Verma: Oh, Hi, everyone! Karan Verma: My name is Karen, and I hear from Sport City of India, which is known as Karan Verma: So I have done engineering in computer science from North India. and I have been a part of hypologic communities. Karan Verma: 2,019, and I have been organizing virtual events and physical events for hypothetical community Karan Verma: and actively part of the, I believe Indian Chapter for attending weekly meetings to empower our community. Karan Verma: Now coming to the Documentation Task Force. I think through this project, not only I will Karan Verma: know about the documentation task force and hypology projects.

Karan Verma: but also improve my leadership skills to this mentor Chi program. Karan Verma: So thank you so much. Bobbi Muscara: Thank you again. I appreciate everybody who's on the call. Malcolm. Malcolm Connor: Hey? Good morning, everybody My name is is Malcolm Connor. a little background on me, I started learning about blockchain technology in about 2,018 with big calling.

Malcolm Connor: that's also when I started really learning programming and coding. I learned, like different languages, like C. C sharp, python, SQL. And etc., Malcolm Connor: 2019. I got more into python machine learning and data science. Malcolm Connor: then I got my first position in data analytics. After that, it was my first programming position. around the pandemic in 2,020 Malcolm Connor: Then, after that I went into learning about ethereum more and about, I I guess the end of 2,020 start a lender about ethereum deployed a couple of test net projects on polygon.

Malcolm Connor: did some web. 3 tutorials. They have some tutorials on smart contract security. Malcolm Connor: Then I got into one to n of t's, and learning about a theorem is what got me into hyper Ledger, so I know that the hyper legend Bsou project is one of the projects that are connect to a theorem. So Malcolm Connor: read a a book or 2 on hyper leisure, did a a tutorial through the Vs code extension. Malcolm Connor: and fell in love with the technology currently taking a hyper ledger course on edx Malcolm Connor: and using this mentorship program to not only bolster my programming expertise, but also to get some experience with contributing to open source as well. So I really looking forward to working with you all

Malcolm Connor: and looking forward to learning from you all as well. Bobbi Muscara: Great welcome aboard. who's next? Pratia? Pratyay Banerjee: My Internet connection is pretty unstable. I might drop up. I will try to rejoin in a minute. Will that be fine? Okay. thank you.

Bobbi Muscara: A. A. And again, I have to apologize. I'm from New Jersey, and I have the worst Jersey accent. So if I'm butchering your names. It's not on purpose. I'm try. I'm really. It's completely Bobbi Muscara: my. My New York accent is betraying me. sahil prasad: this is, tell her my name is Sahel. I've been contributing to open source projects since over a year, particularly in documentation. I know this, this what I have learned of the vortex. and I was. I'm looking forward to contribute any. I feel like as it's a blockchain. our organization and using the option technologies to make some really good stuff. That's it. So what what I think is we we what we was trying to explain that in this project, under this project there are different hyperbolic projects, so

sahil prasad: we can choose any one of these projects to work on the right. Bobbi Muscara: Correct. sahil prasad: So I was thinking that I am very familiar with Python. So, and I also walked under python for documentation. So I would like to understand that first, that in this project, if you board out there there's a drop down button. So whatever what are this incubating, graduated and project documentation? What are those Bobbi Muscara: we're gonna go over that more? Yeah, I I'm realizing that everybody needs that. So I'm gonna go over that in the next few minutes. so I will definitely do that. Thank you. trip. Tour. Tripur Joshi: Hi, Bobby! Hi, everyone.

Tripur Joshi: My name is Tripper, and I am from India, Ping City that start, and I'm in my last year, and I always wanted to contribute an open source. So this here I take the took the initiative and started with it. And I'm Tripur Joshi: I'm always interested in blockchain, and I got my first internship through open source. Actually. And that's how I'm making my way in the industry. I am a technical writer and a researcher Tripur Joshi: and currently working on a blockchain based paper. And it's about social media, and how we all want to integrate it with the blockchain, what it will Tripur Joshi: like, how it would be more beneficial. Tripur Joshi: And about all that stuff. And Bobby, I want to ask one question, can I like, tell you about the project that I want to choose right now.

Bobbi Muscara: Yeah, of course. Tripur Joshi: So I. Yesterday I attended the meeting of Sol, and and I get to my Tripur Joshi: and Bobby suggested to go around and like, attend the meeting and say her her name like she sended me, and I can attend any meetings. So I did. I. I took the advice. And I landed on a solar and meeting, and I really like the product. And what is happening in the team? And they were all like very welcoming. They entertain all my questions. Tripur Joshi: So if like, I want to do suggest that I want to go with the solutions project. Tripur Joshi: Awesome. Yeah.

Bobbi Muscara: thank you so much for doing that. And Victoria. Victoria Johnson: Hello, everyone. Good day. I'm Victoria from Nigeria. I'm so happy to be here to be part of this huge project. I'm it's sort of a developer and a technical writer. I look forward to meeting amazing personalities. Hey? Thank you so much for me. Bobbi Muscara: Thank you. Let's see if that worked. Of course not. Bobbi Muscara: It's too easy. Bobbi Muscara: okay, so that's great that everybody's here. And it's some people I don't want to miss out anyone. So I'm just gonna do this hold on a second. Bobbi Muscara: because again, I'm not. I have to write things down. Also, I I can't keep track of them. And this was

Bobbi Muscara: don't like. So now what I was saying, it would be probably the best thing for everybody involved if they picked a project. So again, a lot of people are new to the community, and they're like, What are you talking about? Pick a project? So I'm going to explain it to you. Bobbi Muscara: So Bobbi Muscara: I write the tech. I write the edx courses for the Linux Foundation for Hyper Ledger, and there's a new course, coming out, called Hyper Ledger. And this is going to be part of that course. If you want, it's a free course. Go take it. It's I just finished it. I think it's great. But you know. Bobbi Muscara: whatever you think, anyway. So I'm going to start with this picture up here if you can see it. This is what's called the blockchain tech stack. Bobbi Muscara: again. This is my opinion of what is the blockchain tech stack, and the first is the protocol layer, which is the blockchain itself, the distributed ledger. The next is the consensus layer, which is the Bobbi Muscara: mechanism that they use to come to agreement Bobbi Muscara: as to the state of the ledger. The next is the data, whether it's security data, whether it's off chain on chain data data storage in the cloud off the cl, where are you going to put the data that supports this blockchain? The next is logic, the smart contracts. How are you going to get this data to dance. What are you going to do? And then, finally, is the application layer, the layer that

Bobbi Muscara: we see or we use? And I'm always gonna refer back to a project for an example, the giving chain which, if you want to see what I've been up to in the community. It's www, dot the giving chain.org I've tried to do a community social impact project I've used saw tooth. I've used firefly. I'm still up in the air as to what's next? but it's an interesting project. Bobbi Muscara: And we built all these layers, which was really fun working through it. So I, as you see, any project you try to figure out what layer it's in. Bobbi Muscara: So the distributed layer, like ledgers that are in graduated status are these. So I'm just gonna put this graph back. So now it's a room size. Bobbi Muscara: So first we're gonna go over the first one which is hyper ledger fabric, and that was the first one that came out. And it was offered by Ibm. It was with Saw Tooth as the beginning, as you can see here for the fabric information. It is a graduated Linux Foundation project, open source with an Apache license. Bobbi Muscara: this is the best press practice badge which which our group will have to deal with. This over here document passing, we need to make sure everybody in the community knows what those documents are and what they need to look like to pass

Bobbi Muscara: But anyway, so the current releases of fabric here are links to them. It's 2 5. Bobbi Muscara: Here is the code based languages for fabric. So if you code and go, that's a project that maybe you'd understand. here's a history on the contributors. We're not going to go over that too much. Bobbi Muscara: if you click this graphic, which isn't very clear in my screen, you can Bobbi Muscara: on. Bobbi Muscara: Yeah, okay. Here we go. Move, move, anyway, you can kind of see, Ibm is still the main contributor for fabric. but you can see this, and this is also in the community somewhere.

Bobbi Muscara: We should just Bobbi Muscara: sorry about that. Okay. Bobbi Muscara: I'm playing with my screen. So that's fabric. and fabric is basically a permission for consortium. It offers members services. In other words, in order to do fabric, you have to have your identity defined. You have to have what channels your organization. can play around in and what smart contracts they can see what smart contracts they can use Bobbi Muscara: consensus is decided by the group. and the models are plug and playable, so you can take out. You switch your consensus models without having to interfere with your entire network. Bobbi Muscara: here are some of the components. Bobbi Muscara: they offer peers, which is different. people who have rights. You can be an endorsing peer. You can be someone who is committing the transactions to the ledger peer. There's all kinds of roles. Bobbi Muscara: and that's just basically the the workflow of fabric. So if you're familiar with fabric, or want to get to know it.

Bobbi Muscara: This is the place to go now down at the bottom here. Bobbi Muscara: If you go to the fabric. Wiki Page. This is where I got all this information. you can click and see what their current documentation is. You can see what their Github Repository looks like Youtube videos on it, Wiki pages, websites and discord. Again, if you want to pick this project to help them out with our documentation efforts, which there's a lot of sub projects in the mentorship project for for fabric like different pieces of it. go to the discord, introduce yourself Bobbi Muscara: and and do its report did just join the call and say, Hey, Bobby, said me, we're on the documentation. We're here to support you. We need to know, you know the status of your, you know documentation.

Bobbi Muscara: whatever the the community is looking for help. So no one's gonna say, Oh, my God, they're here! They're gonna be. Thank you. You're here. So that's fabric. Bobbi Muscara: And I'm going to do this quick. Bobbi Muscara: just to give people an idea. and that's a case study on fabric, which is, if you haven't seen this case study. It's Walmart. There was a poison in the food. It took Walmart 3 weeks to figure out what farm it came from before blockchain. Now with blockchain. If there's a disease, any kind of a food board disease, they can figure out what farm it came to and shut it down within 3 s. Bobbi Muscara: so that is one of the used cases that is still working. And then again, here's saw 2. It's a graduated project, same licensing, same things. Bobbi Muscara: Here's its latest release. It's written in rust and python. So if you're used to those languages, this is something you'd understand in the control in the command line.

Bobbi Muscara: what this is more for is supply chain. So it gets a lot of different people involved in transporting goods and services. The first time we wrote the giving chain we wrote it on Saw Tooth. Bobbi Muscara: and bitwise, and the Linux Foundation and Ruckers, University and Accenture are big contributors to this project, and this is just this quarters, contributors. Bobbi Muscara: if you dive into the project page, you'll see that there's more than just these. These are just the people who have been working on it this past quarter. Bobbi Muscara: again, key components. You can take the class. It's up on edx complementary. Here's kind of the saw tooth workflow. Bobbi Muscara: And then again links for the saw tooth deep. Dot could be found on that Wiki page. And they did a medical control. They're controlling your electronic health records. So there's only some things in your electronic health records. You want people to see

Bobbi Muscara: Saw tooth is also used to the providence of medicines to make sure that you are getting the correct medication, and it was transported in the proper temperatures in the proper way. Bobbi Muscara: Indy, the new one, the buzz one indie is the identity management, and with I triple I saw somebody when I was going over resumes had worked with I triple a this would be a great project to you to attach to Indie is again. The Dl. T. Bobbi Muscara: Aries is the data piece the wallet piece for it. It used to have Indie, which was the security piece, but more people wanted to use Indie outside. I mean, I'm sorry Ursa was a security piece more people wanted to use outside of Indie, so now became a Bobbi Muscara: deprecated project and the components of are being added to different projects as code base to make it more available. Bobbi Muscara: so Indie has. like, if you're doing, Indie. You might as well do Aries, too, or team up with someone who's doing Aries, too, because they kind of go together.

Bobbi Muscara: and Indie is, it's not releases 1 one and it's rust and python as well. Bobbi Muscara: major contributors, again, are a lot of identity foundations. And this is just this quarter. so that's definitely a project to watch, because identifying yourself on a blockchain is usually the first step especially in our enterprise environment. Bobbi Muscara: Let me talks about, did this or the decentralized say, Jennifer identifiers? in my opinion, here's a summation of I triple Lea. What they're trying to do for identity on blockchain and Internet management is just like, if someone in the United States wants to get a phone call, you dial one which tells people it's the United States. And then, if you do, the next area code, which Bobbi Muscara: 609 is New Jersey. if you see 6 or 9, you know it's New Jersey. Then the extension. The next 3 numbers are my town, and the last 4 numbers is my personal phone. Well, they're trying to get that kind of standard like we have for the phone for identity. So the first piece would be like the type of identifier it is. The next piece would be who issued it? That kind of thing. So they're working on trying to get the standards for identity in place

Bobbi Muscara: before too many people are using it. and verifiable credentials the whole trust triangle where you get an issue where you're the holder of your identity certificate. So if you want to verify your diploma or your medical record, you no longer need to contact your old school or your doctor, you own it, you can supply it shared any way you want with your identity wallet. Bobbi Muscara: And again, here's the information. about Indie. If you want to go, you can just get it off the Wiki page and their used cases the verifiable network, which is a British Columbia Bobbi Muscara: sort of looking for the word Bobbi Muscara: ranking of businesses, so that you know you're actually using a a a correct business and that they've been certified through the state or country.

Bobbi Muscara: again, a Rowha is for easy mobile application development. Bobbi Muscara: it's a graduated project. Same stuff. It's more written in C plus which is is great for people who are are using c plus It's contributors are so sorry, Moto. From Bobbi Muscara: a long time. Intel is another one. so this is an interesting project, too. It's easy to develop. In other words, if you want to do mobile apps. it's it's out of the box, kind of mobile development. and again, information for indie, or I'm sorry a Roha can be found on their page.

Bobbi Muscara: So finally, the newest, and in my opinion, the most interesting is the one that crosses over into the public domain. it uses the theorem virtual machine it bridges can tokenize, can use npts can do all that fun stuff that aetherium does in a permissioned environment? Bobbi Muscara: so the latest release of that and the new standard. For I think this is an nft kind of standard where you can Bobbi Muscara: build in royalties for the Creator. and again, this is a Java based program language. code. Bobbi Muscara: It's by consensus in the ethereum foundation. again, consensus biggest contributor.

Bobbi Muscara: and this is kind of what it does. you can also go get more information on Basu here. Bobbi Muscara: again. So that's based, you know, the tools kind of work off that we don't have time to do the tools today. oh. Bobbi Muscara: show a hands. Who wants to do the tools, or who wants to just talk about the task force in the chat show of hands. So the first raise your hand if you want to do the tools.

Bobbi Muscara: Okay. So I only saw 4 hands for the tools. so let me go back to the task force meeting and show sign ups and stuff, and then, if we have time, we'll do the tools. Bobbi Muscara: So again, here is our page for Bobbi Muscara: our documentation. come on, save it, save it. Bobbi Muscara: I'm waiting for it to look back. Bobbi Muscara: or documentation task force. It's linked on the mentorship. If you go there that way, I will also. Everybody probably has it because you put your your name under the mentorship. If you don't have a work page, please grab one. It's a great way for me to know Bobbi Muscara: if you are interested in attaching to a project, and don't want me to assign one to you. Just kidding I'd love to see everybody. put their name here, and what all you have to do this week is an assignment for for this, if you want to again, it's completely optional Bobbi Muscara: is go to the calendar. Public meetings

Bobbi Muscara: find a call this week that interest you. I we didn't really even talk about the special interest groups. Those are consortiums of people building solutions on these tools. We could use that, I Someone in there to find their documentation needs to the one I suggest because it affects every single person on this call is the carbon accounting and certification work group. Any help we can give them. Please join their group. Please spread the word. It is important. Bobbi Muscara: other than that. There's health care today, a non cred. That is the new I know we're also wound up in a in a project. So that's an interesting brand new project. if you get in on that one. You're not late for the game on that one, because it just started a few weeks ago. Bobbi Muscara: this is the interoperability tool trying to make all these blockchains talk to each other. that's one of the tools. This is a lab. So this isn't even a project. Yet if you're interested in new stuff. We also are supporting the lab efforts. Bobbi Muscara: so that's something to keep in mind. And again, we've already been. We've already had a representative on the so laying call, So again, all these calls are here. Just join one. Say, I sent you. You're here to get some documentation information. Firefly is another great call. That's blockchain as a service. That was the second time we did the giving chain. We used Firefly Bobbi Muscara: and again, you more than welcome to come to the Toc. Calls. Those are more the Hyper Ledger management calls everybody's welcome. So getting back. That's how you join one of those

Bobbi Muscara: calls or that for collaborative learning. That's not what I'm on this Bobbi Muscara: and what I've also done. So again, we also will be working over the summer on the documentation Bobbi Muscara: issues. So I gave a page to each one of these issues. So, for instance, best practices has Bobbi Muscara: a link to a survey I created asking you where you're from. If you're interested in best practices. this is not the best practices, task force or mentorship. This is just the documentation piece for best practices. Bobbi Muscara: where you're from and what what what time the call would be best for you. And I'll show you what this trello is. This is where each group, subgroup and committee will keep track of their work again. I'm going to teach a new software programs. This is a free program. Everyone can can download it. I use it personally, and professionally.

Bobbi Muscara: what is going on? Maybe I'll show that to you in another time. Bobbi Muscara: I don't want to log in to cello right now. maybe I'll show that to you guys tomorrow or next week. when I have it more Bobbi Muscara: down pat, anyway, so Trello is a board where we can keep track of our tasks. And I'll show that to you. as soon as I can. And then the same thing with Github.

Bobbi Muscara: If you're interested in working with the make, the docs read the Docs and the Github Repository. Bobbi Muscara: as well as attaching to a project. please sign up for your time zone. I will try to get to the invite. I thought this was an invite to the Trello workspace. You just might have to log in, and then you'll be at the workspace Bobbi Muscara: and put your name down here Bobbi Muscara: templates, we're going to be revisiting and rewriting the the templates for the community, whether it be white papers used cases Bobbi Muscara: again. Time zone. Here's a a Google Doc. Bobbi Muscara: I think I'm on edit. That's not gonna work. I'm on edit. Bobbi Muscara: Okay, that didn't work.

Bobbi Muscara: All right, I have to go back in and put the Bobbi Muscara: link to the documentation committee. Survey for everyone. I will get that done by the end of the day. so that link will be instead of to edit. The survey will be to take the. And I did the same thing for onboarding. Bobbi Muscara: And I added, 2 because people are gonna have to write user guides. And we're gonna have to have a workspace for the presentation. So our first presentation again is going to be to the Mentees Bobbi Muscara: coming up next week, and that's just gonna be, you know, if you want to go look at those projects and attack yourself like, if your fabric, saying, Oh, there's 3 projects that are gonna have fabric. I want to do a slide at the mentorship program to introduce myself to those fabric people and say, Hi, my name is Bobby, and I'm going to be doing documentation and helping you out through your project for your documentation needs. Bobbi Muscara: Here's my email. Let me connect with you on discord. Whatever. However, you want to, you know, get that connection going? Bobbi Muscara: But those are the 2 presentations coming up so again. It's all about signing up for stuff this week. I appreciate if that is what happens. So before I've talked for an hour, which I didn't really plan on doing. I'm going to ask if there's any questions

Bobbi Muscara: we can do the tools next week. Bobbi Muscara: Oh, I have a chat. Oh, thank you, Malcolm, on the edx course. I appreciate the Bobbi Muscara: post. It blog it. Tell everyone it's a great course. Use my name.

Bobbi Muscara: all right. So it is 5 more minutes. I guess I can show you the tools just to give you a little familiarity. Bobbi Muscara: That's perfect. Bobbi Muscara: Okay, so okay, go ahead. Daniel Olagunju: Yeah, plus I think one of the first features she wants us to do is to indicate. which of these options will be working with Github the templates the onboarding. Is that correct?

Bobbi Muscara: Correct? Daniel Olagunju: Okay. So we had to click on any of the options and Daniel Olagunju: other details. If I, if tested, is that it. Daniel Olagunju: For instance. Okay, we add that it is here. Then we open the form to freely to align on the meeting times Bobbi Muscara: correct. But I have to fix the form because it says edit and I have to get it. So you're taking it and not editing it. Daniel Olagunju: Okay, got it. So we have to wait a few, maybe in an hour or 2. Yeah, exactly

Bobbi Muscara: it. Now, the second thing I get from this meeting is Daniel Olagunju: okay. Bobbi Muscara: I'm just gonna do this. It might be so much easier.

Bobbi Muscara: Yep. Daniel Olagunju: yeah, I think that's Daniel Olagunju: thanks. Yeah. Bobbi Muscara: And again, these are just Bobbi Muscara: Eastern daily times is because that's where I am. And I I apologize for being so centered. but just put your time down down in Eastern, so we can get an idea. And there's going to be 4 different

Bobbi Muscara: and we'll focus on an actual 20'clock 3, you know, whatever that means Bobbi Muscara: when we get more people. So just put your preference down to one of the 5, Bobbi Muscara: and I mean morning being like Eastern time, 8 Am. To 11. afternoon is kind of Bobbi Muscara: or I'm sorry till noon, and then afternoon is like noon to 3. Mid afternoon is like 3 to 6. Early evening is like 6 to 8, and late evening is like 8 to 11. So if you have a preference for those, put your time down down. so I am. Eastern daylight time, and I would prefer Bobbi Muscara: morning. Okay. Bobbi Muscara: okay, so instead of going to the survey, we can just do that. Thank you for bringing that up. So yes, I want you to do that. But you're kind of signing up for 2 areas, this area with the best practices and the and the Github stuff is going to take off a little later, but getting familiar with the project is going to happen first. So

Bobbi Muscara: back on the Documentation Task force pages where you could. So you kind of sign up for 2 things that interest you. everybody should be familiar with one of the projects or tools and then Bobbi Muscara: focus in on the documentation task force. So here I'm going to put Bobbi Muscara: next. We will even add us a time for Bobbi Muscara: like to teach the teacher kind of thing where you'd report back. so you'll tell us what the call was about and what their documentation needs are, or just that you attended it and kept quiet. That's fine, too. I mean, you don't have to

Bobbi Muscara: be loud and, boy, you can just listen to the call. So you know, I'm just here to listen, and they'll, that's fine, too. So Daniel Olagunju: okay. Bobbi Muscara: when you Bobbi Muscara: when you drop down the projects, just pick from one of these choices. Okay. Daniel Olagunju: yeah, I got it. So I take it, the priority, as well as to get from. You know the projects and pick which project will be interested in.

Bobbi Muscara: Yes, and put your name here, and the project you're interested in, and then try to attend a call. Go to that, you know, calendar public meetings and see when they meet Bobbi Muscara: and join a convenient call. All the calls are open to everyone all the time, so don't be afraid to join a call. Bobbi Muscara: Does anybody else have any more questions.

Akanksha Rani: yeah, I had a question Akanksha Rani: I had to ask like, when will like to regret the mentors for on boarding things since of managing the documentation part. I had some like doubt saccadic on boarding partner. Bobbi Muscara: So I'm not running the mentorship for onboarding and my onboarding task force is again Bobbi Muscara: This is the information for the onboarding task force that I'm helping out with the Toc. This is not the mentorship program, for on boarding the mentorship program, for on boarding has a lot to do with developing the website and all that stuff. Akanksha Rani: Okay? that's why I just wanted to ask, like, this is the call right there. The th that will be discussed, or there will be an yes, but, John, carpenter is not here today. Bobbi Muscara: Okay, okay. So from next week he will be joining or like. Yes, and if not, I'll find out information for you on the onboarding task force and the onboarding your mentorship program again. Our job for onboarding Bobbi Muscara: is there's 6 spots. The community joins Hyper Ledger. Whether it's the discord, the Linkedin, the website, the Wiki. There's 2 more Linkedin and the and Github And there's 4 personas we need as our task force. We need to supply the information so that everything those 4 person is need is 2 clicks away. User got whatever they need.

Bobbi Muscara: we have to determine what they need. So that's our job this summer is trying to figure out what user guides Bobbi Muscara: those 4 personas need on those 6 locations. Akanksha Rani: Okay, okay, I got it. So like, since you said, like, you have to choose a project. So can we choose documentation with on boarding? Bobbi Muscara: Yeah, no, no. Choose a project. What what I mean by that is as an you. You've just joined the Hyper Ledger community, and you're going to be working with with Hyper Ledger on

Bobbi Muscara: suggesting that you get familiar with one of the projects, and the only way to do that is, attend one of the calls. And then, if you do that, you can come back to the Documentation task force and say I attended the Bobbi Muscara: they sue call, and they have a real need for templates for their documentation. They were complaining the whole time you come back in, or you go to fabric. And you say fabric doesn't need any documentation. They have their own task force. We should use them as a model. That kind of information. Bobbi Muscara: Okay, okay, I got it now I got it. Thank you. So, and no worries. And then so here on this page is where we would know who's gone to what call. So you would put your name Bobbi Muscara: the project, whether it's a special interest group, whether it's a tool, the library or one of the Dlts. But the name of it here, and the date you attended the call, and that whether you're willing to tell us what you learned about their documentation.

Bobbi Muscara: Anybody else have any where a few minutes over. So I was wondering if anybody else had any more questions. Go ahead, Victoria. Victoria Johnson: Okay? So my question is, is there like a guide where we can go to like for now we can sign up for best. It's Github templates on board the user guides and presentation. So is there like a like a guide or so where we can go. Okay, this is what we have to do. If I, if I sign up for best practices, is what I'm going to do for to the so my, if I send out for Victoria Johnson: so we can, and then on. Sorry. Is there? Can we? Is there a limit to Victoria Johnson: what we can do like if you're a sign of for best practices, how we also for for github something like that.

Bobbi Muscara: The only thing I ask is that. Bobbi Muscara: if you sign up for something you complete it. So, for instance, if we have sign ups next week for the presentation for men, and you sign up to do a slide to support the Mentees. Bobbi Muscara: who are working with fabric, that you do do this slide. So if you sign up for 20 things and don't accomplish any of them. That's no good. But if you sign up for 2 things and accomplish 2 things that's fabulous.

Bobbi Muscara: so it's up to you how much work you want to do I? The first time I signed up in the community I almost worked full time for 6 months. Complimentary it. It was a college education for me. I learned so much. That's why I did it. And now I teach it. so you'll get again. Whatever you put in is what you'll get out Bobbi Muscara: Let me go to the dashboard again. So each. Bobbi Muscara: if you go to your Lfx mentorship dashboard, each project has Bobbi Muscara: Oh, I'm in github well, Hyper Ledger has a github and all of the information you were asking on the task forces which have been running under the Toc for months, even before the mentorship program. Bobbi Muscara: You can just and all the project reports for every project is here. So every order they report to the Poc. You can read what they reported. governing documents. Where's task forces? Bobbi Muscara: Okay? So here's the task forces. I can put the Bobbi Muscara: what they're working on. So you can just scroll through the Hyper Ledger to see Github Repository. That's one way to do it. You can look at the mentorship program

Bobbi Muscara: again. I was running the onboarding task force. And again I was just looking at the documentation piece of it. Bobbi Muscara: The onboarding task force has a lot to do with Bobbi Muscara: doing the interfaces for those 6 spots. The people come on like what the buttons will look like. We're kind of supporting the user guides for those buttons, if that helps you. But again, you can always go to the Wiki page, which Bobbi Muscara: that's all. Wiki Page Bobbi Muscara: and the task forces are here on the Wiki page, so you can search them here, and you can get their links. Bobbi Muscara: The search button is great, so that if that helps you answer your question, Victoria. Bobbi Muscara: anybody else have any more questions.

Bobbi Muscara: By the way, this is the learning materials working group, the old archived working group. Here's the templates that need to be revised. Bobbi Muscara: Thank you. Bobbi Muscara: Excuse me. Daniel Olagunju: I said, a quick one. I have a very

Daniel Olagunju: to collaborate Bobbi Muscara: absolutely. This is our group. We can do whatever we want. I am not in charge. I'm just facilitating. You guys can offer at the discord again. I'm not a huge fan of discord. But let's go there. Bobbi Muscara: Yeah, same. Here. Use the discord channel for meetings if you want. If you need a zoom link meeting, reach out to me and I'll send you one. But discord. You can just do meetings on impromptu Bobbi Muscara: and let me see if I can just drop the link to the discord in the chat. Bobbi Muscara: If that helps you. If you reach out to someone on this call and say, even in the chat right now, you want to hook up later and talk about doing basso or whatever we have. Bobbi Muscara: Oh, the old working group is still there. we have a task force Bobbi Muscara: again. These are where you can talk, to reach out and talk to everyone on all of these. there's all the labs. It's it's a fabulous discord. If I can find where I'm going, it would even be better.

Daniel Olagunju: Okay? what I'm asking is because I have a suggestion. I think that's to everybody here. maybe a set for you, Bobby, perhaps but apps We should take time to look through the projects. Then maybe we should meet. Then we should pair ourself to help us a little bit more of a planning Daniel Olagunju: kind of system where we can agree. Okay? Oh, I understand this project better


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