2023 06 01 ID Implementors

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Sean Bohan (Hyperledger): Just in case you 2. It was crazy and Char Howland: take it away. Shar, you've got it. Great. Thank you so much, Shan. Welcome everyone to the identity Char Howland: Special Interest group for June first 2023. Thanks for joining us today. Everyone my name is Shah Holland, and I'm a co- moderator of this group with Char Howland: they've been Marathon and Tim Spring. Char Howland: And let's see today on the agenda we will go over working group status updates, as usual, from progress in the community, and then we will hear a presentation from our speaker went into on Char Howland: the open wallet foundation. So really, looking forward to that.

Char Howland: let's see, we are Char Howland: in a Linux foundation call. So we are following the anti-trust policy, of course, and the Hyper Ledger code of conduct which are written and linked here as well. This calls being recorded and streamed to Youtube. And I will post that on the meeting page later today. Char Howland: And let's see. Char Howland: we can go over any introductions now. Char Howland: if there's anyone who would like to introduce themselves, this would be a a great time would love to hear what you're working on in this space, and when Jim feel free to introduce yourself now, or when you start your talk. either is is great.

Wenjing Chu: Yeah, I'll I'll pop up on And when I talk I can, you know. Wenjing Chu: spend a little bit of time on that Char Howland: sounds great. Char Howland: Yeah, Daniel, I see you have a a note in the chat. You'll moderate an open. What keynote at Identifier? And yeah, thanks for thanks for joining before that. We're glad you're here. Daniel Goldscheider: It is my sincere pleasure, and if it makes sense to join again and to coordinate it, I would be thrilled to do so. Daniel Goldscheider: I I just unfortunately, because I'm moderating. I have to prepare the panel and really have a hard stop in 26 min. Char Howland: Yeah, absolutely.

Char Howland: definitely understand? Well, we're here every every 2 weeks at the same time on Thursday. So you are welcome any time, and very encouraged to join So thanks for joining today. Tracy Kuhrt: And, Char, I'll introduce myself. So for those of you who don't know me. I think I know most of the folks on the call but my name is Tracy Kurt, and I am the Technical Oversight Committee chair for the Hyper Ledger Foundation. I am also the technical Advisor Council chair for the over Wallet Foundation Tracy Kuhrt: so wanted to join in the call. I know that there has been some conversations between the the 2 communities of Hyper Ledger Foundation and the Open Wallet foundation. Tracy Kuhrt: and I wanted to just be here to to make sure that I was adding support on both sides, and also answer any questions as we get to the the topic on the all the foundation. Char Howland: Absolutely. Thank you so much for being here, Tracy. Great to have you. I'm I'm not sure we've met directly yet, but I definitely seen your name around the community so great to have you on the call Char Howland: all right. Any other introductions that he would like to make.

Char Howland: We've also got, just a couple of announcements in June, early June. There, it's the Char Howland: digital identity unconference in Europe. next week. And then as well, the did. Hack decentralized identity. Hackathon looks like, there's a need for an areas developer to monitor discord, to answer participant questions. If I anyone is interested in that or know someone who might be interested. Char Howland: Are there other announcements or anything else anybody would like to to say before we jump into Sean Bohan (Hyperledger): our working group updates Sean Bohan (Hyperledger): Steven, Quran. we're go from Miranda and Patrick Salo. We did just a fantastic job over 3 and a half hours walking folks through it on credits. that has been Sean Bohan (Hyperledger): recording to Youtube. It's up on the Hyper Ledger Youtube now. And the Wiki page has all the links and the labs and the directions and the prep. So if you want to take it along with the folks who who did it yesterday, you're more than welcome to. We're also in the planning stages of a Aries framework Javascript workshop for later in June. Sean Bohan (Hyperledger): I'm coordinating with that team. But they've got a new release coming out shortly 0 point 4 0. And so we're really excited to support them in that workshop. And the minute I can.

Sean Bohan (Hyperledger): this is a me problem, not of that team problem. The minute I get that date lock down on my side, we're gonna let folks know about it. Char Howland: Yeah, thank you for for mentioning those that sounds. I was able to catch some of the workshop yesterday, and it was. Char Howland: it's really well done. So yeah, thank you for those announcements, and I also will drop the wiki link into the chat. Char Howland: if you would like to put your name down on the attendees list. That would be wonderful. Char Howland: yeah, for for my co-chairs. Vip and and Tim, do you have anything Char Howland: to say or or add before we jump into the working group updates? Vipin Bharathan: I would like to say it.

Vipin Bharathan: A couple of things one is. I did see Benjamin at the Dublin Vipin Bharathan: when ranging 2 at the Dublin, and I Vipin Bharathan: mentioned to him about the identity working group. And I'm so glad that he's here. Vipin Bharathan: The other thing is Vipin Bharathan: This thing is now a Vipin Bharathan: conjoined version of 2 parallel streams. One is.

Vipin Bharathan: of course, the strategic outlook. Vipin Bharathan: which means not just focused Vipin Bharathan: on identity, but how it's used in the real world, which is very important, I believe. Vipin Bharathan: and that is what the original identity working groups Vipin Bharathan: Ames Vipin Bharathan: the other, of course. as ably led by shar and by King Spring Vipin Bharathan: was the implementers Vipin Bharathan: working group.

Vipin Bharathan: That was also part of the identity working group. Now we have joined forces as a identity, Sig, and we do not have split meetings anymore. And Vipin Bharathan: I'm so glad that Vipin Bharathan: Shar and Tim are taking leadership over this. Thank you. Char Howland: Yeah, thank you. I then it's it's great to have

Char Howland: join forces and and merge direct groups. Wenjing Chu: And and thanks for that in. I was looking at the the the Wiki and just realized oh, this name seem to be going in alternate thanks for that background introduction. And it was very nice meeting you there in in in in Dublin. Wenjing Chu: So taking me a little bit. But you know I'm I'm here today Char Howland: absolutely. We're really glad you're here, went in and looking forward to your talk. So thanks for taking the time

Char Howland: all right. Unless anyone has any other announcements or introductions to make, we can jump right into the working group. Updates Char Howland: starting with in the contributors call on our latest call. Last week we reviewed open issues on Indie, node and planum part of a larger project to clean up the ndp both, and So d discussed and commented close Char Howland: those which was good progress. Char Howland: let's see on the Aries working group. let's see, I see, Sam joined. Would you want to

Char Howland: give a brief Update on the last couple of meetings in that group. Sam Curren (TelegramSam): Sure, the Sam Curren (TelegramSam): last the call yesterday was mostly focused around more like a an update from a philosophical perspective, while it versus agent, scope, work, etc., Sam Curren (TelegramSam): and the the call or 2 previous to that, it was mostly focused on discussions around the Open Law Foundation, which we'll hear from Jane. How about you? Char Howland: Great thanks for those updates. Let's see, did anybody on this call attend the areas by fault user group last week? Char Howland: Looks like they're going over. I had a talked about the bifold updates, working on cleaning up some Char Howland: technical debt and bugs and then next been working on accessibility and documentation.

and then as well, the status of the Npm publishing update. Char Howland: So Char Howland: let's see, in the A's collection Python user group. Char Howland: we gave a a quick update on the PC of code with us to update akabytes to the hyper ledger and on kids Char Howland: implementation. we've updated the amount because ours build we've also updated some sales file handling which solved the circular dependency problem that we're encountering really, close to Mvp on revocation, working with issuance and

Char Howland: presentation. So Wrapping up the final bits there, also did some merging and talked about converting from unqualified periods to did pier 3. Char Howland: All right. Anybody attend the area framework? Javascript meetings last week or the week before. Char Howland: Looks like in that group as well. They've been talking about the future of Aries and discussing as as well the Char Howland: the, the the topics. Recent topics in the areas working group calls that Sam mentioned as well as how to how to create resources that make getting started with Afj most helpful and and welcoming to newcomers. also working on Char Howland: Ios support. It looks like on the they got a status update on the shared components.

Char Howland: and oh, it looks like. They also had a presentation from, I believe, Karim of animal on the future future architecture of Char Howland: all right. Anybody attend the any recent or some meetings. I guess I'm not sure they've had any Char Howland: recent synchronous meetings. I do know that the end of life pr got merged in Char Howland: I believe Tuesday. And so now that now our site is in the Hyper Ledger archives. But those no new repos have been created under Hyper Ledger. The indiebl signatures. Rs. The rep, the python rapper for that as well. A non-cred Cl signatures and Aries bbs signature. So those are all moved into their respective projects.

Char Howland: And did anybody attend the pipel to a non- meeting last week? Char Howland: They, of course, had the the big workshop yesterday. But They've also been talking about about like they got an update from the 9 could be 2 working group. looks like next week. They're having the presentation, or they're talking about presentation data models. And they also had a presentation from Ibm Zurich, research group on a revocation scheme. Char Howland: specifically, Vb revocation. Char Howland: the veto Burial Club. I definitely not saying that right? revocation, which is a dynamic accumulator based revocation schema and there are slides there. You'd like to learn more. And then also getting updates on the An Oncuts. Rs implementation, progress. Char Howland: all right. Looks like those are all of our hyper ledger groups that we keep an eye on Char Howland: moving over to the trust over IP foundation as far as I could tell. there haven't been meetings in the last 2 weeks from the the All Members meeting student committee but for those from from 2 Ap. On the call feel free to jump in and correct me. Char Howland: Let's see.

Char Howland: So it looks like governance stack working group. Had a a recent meeting Char Howland: 2 weeks ago. Did anybody on this group. attend that meeting. Char Howland: Looks like they had a presentation of the rosy system, which is a documentation system targeted towards governance. it's an automated content management system that unifies and maintains concurrent, decentralized, authentic content across ecosystem. So sounds like a really interesting presentation. Char Howland: how about the technology stack working group and the Char Howland: the many task forces underneath that. when. Jen, it looks like you're involved on the technology architecture task force. Wenjing Chu: Yes, and I I believe in the last maybe more than 2 weeks. 3 is potentially that's being, mostly a lot of people are traveling in the conferences so this is, hopefully, the last week after that, Annivers, I think we will. We will start to have a new updates again.

Char Howland: Okay, thank you? Char Howland: Yeah, it seems like it is Char Howland: conference season that's going on at once great lynn, it looks like, you have your hand, up. Lynn Bendixsen: yeah, just skipping back a little bit there. The governance architecture task force had a meeting last night that I attended. I haven't been there for a while, but it they were. They were talking about some great things regarding trust, and a little bit about Lynn Bendixsen: governance. Sorry. What's the the governance where it's all automated in your code. And they had some comments on that. So if anyone's interested in in, in some of that, there was some some great contributions and conversations, and Lynn Bendixsen: I'm not sure I agreed with all of it, but it was. It was interesting and and fun to hear what they they say about trust, and a little bit about trust registries, and some of the

Lynn Bendixsen: that. Some of their comments on the the governance work that in Dcos working on so if if anybody's interested to go, they have a recording of it. Char Howland: Oh, great. yeah, thank you for for mentioning that if you happen to have a link to that recording Char Howland: feel free to to send it my way, and I can put it on here. Char Howland: so thank you for mentioning that. Char Howland: All right.

Char Howland: let's see, it looks like there's lots going on in these technology stack working group task forces. Char Howland: looks like, and Lyn corrected me. If I'm wrong. Looks like the utility foundry group is still on hiatus working, working currently with the governance architecture task force. Lynn Bendixsen: That's correct.

Char Howland: And let's see anybody attend the ecosystem Char Howland: boundary working group or concepts and terminology meetings. Char Howland: All right. It looks like the ecosystem foundry group hasn't met this past month, but concepts and terminology has been talking about the Char Howland: that's terminology. Engine v. 2 and then as well, the terminology design workshop for the trust spanning protocol

Char Howland: and the Tip glossary Workspace. Char Howland: Are there any to it announcements or updates that anybody would like to give Char Howland: all right moving on to the decentralized identity Char Howland: foundation. looks like the the did come spec working group since they meet on the first Monday of every month we've reported on on their recent goings on in our last meeting. Char Howland: but it looks like there was a May 20 s meeting from the user group Char Howland: was anybody able to attend that one? Char Howland: Sam, were you involved in that one? Sam Curren (TelegramSam): I was. There wasn't one on Monday, but there there was the previous week, and we talked Sam Curren (TelegramSam): about a number of things, including some marketing efforts around did come as the technology as well as the potential Sam Curren (TelegramSam): or actually, this is likely perhaps to happen. even independent of an owf move. But just more did come protocol work happening in the user group Sam Curren (TelegramSam): rather than in areas where some of it is happening. Traditionally

Char Howland: interesting. Great, yeah, thanks for that. Updates. Char Howland: let's see, in the this Interoperability group they met Char Howland: recently. It looks like it was mainly introductions of of new people to the group and kind of free form Char Howland: discussion. Char Howland: And let's see anybody attend any recent IoT special interest group meetings. Char Howland: Sorry did I hear somebody speak up on that? Char Howland: All right. and then, lastly, we have the the W. Threec. Standard on the did working group or community Credentials Group. Anybody attend any of these calls who would like to give a brief report Char Howland: or any other Char Howland: general working group updates feel free to jump in Char Howland: before we move on to the next segment of our call. And Lynn, thank you for

Char Howland: thank you for dropping the link in the chat. I will make sure to add that to the the meeting page. Char Howland: All right, if that is sufficient time for people to jump in with anything else they wanted to say. I think I will go ahead and Char Howland: turn it over to Winchen for your presentation.

Char Howland: and I'll give up the screen share for you if you'd like to to use it. Wenjing Chu: All right. Wenjing Chu: all right. So it probably you know a quick introduction to myself. Wenjing Chu: I a Senior direct technology strategy at the future way.

Wenjing Chu: And I'm going to reuse some of the the exact slide that I just used in open source summit. Wenjing Chu: so my work probably intersect with lots of you on here in Hyper Ledger, in trust of IP, Wenjing Chu: and hopefully in open wide foundation as well. So my most of my work is in open source, or sometimes standards organizations at at future way. Wenjing Chu: the a little bit of a quick history on Wenjing Chu: the open water foundation. And I want to, you know. Thank you for for this opportunity to come here. Wenjing Chu: I I think there. There are many organizations and and and communities working on very closely related problems. And I I think we should do more of this. And and I hope in the future we'll have a more regular interactions like this. Wenjing Chu: The open wallet foundation I think Daniel is still here.

Wenjing Chu: And Wenjing Chu: How this start? Probably first gathering. Would it be the OS you in Dublin. Wenjing Chu: in in September of last year, and then quick forward to the official launches in February this year. So it's a very new organization. And and Daniel, really is the key for us to, you know, have a foundation at all. And his energy and vision. Really, when all of us together. Wenjing Chu: I would say that from that day in Dublin fast forward all these several months on on the way. I personally learned so many different aspects. And I feel Wenjing Chu: that a lot of the issues become much more clear and the needs for open wall. It becomes much more clear over these these months. So hopefully, I would share that that we see all today, and also want to say that most of the Wenjing Chu: you know that the material will be very much like. you know, people we've been discussing in open one foundation anything I could. I will try to add my personal view as well. But I I was trying to keep the balance between the 2, and maybe reuse mostly. it's in material. And then

Wenjing Chu: at later, in in open discussion. you know, I'll share what I think that some of the you know, tough questions. There may be Wenjing Chu: the open work on. This is also part of the Linux Foundation Digital Trust Initiative. So that was announced in Vancouver as well, and populator, Dave Trust, of IP and C, 2 PA, for example, and other confidential computing is another one or all in in this space, showing you how interdependent and and related they are. Wenjing Chu: so I have some sponsorship and and community membership Wenjing Chu: that that is this is probably one month old. I don't know where that new ones, but basically you know a lot of the names that you would recognize and and some of them very respected and active in in this. you know, larger community. So what is Wenjing Chu: wallet and an open wallet? So this is my understanding. This is a a diagram a little bit older, or or a presentation I used back in

Wenjing Chu: open source finance forum in December last year, and I was trying to see in very high level. Wenjing Chu: we have wallets that proprietary, and that's very commonly seen in both Ios and and enjoy ecosystems. And also we have a open source or and open standard base. The wall is so that's one way to think about it the other way to think about it is of a specialize the wallet versus a general purpose wallet. Wenjing Chu: So in, I think, in both cases for for these 2 wanted to show them they are a general purpose. You could have multiple type of things or assets or object types in the wallet, and then on other side, you may have a very special wallet that's designed for a specific purpose. It could be, you know, from a single bank. Wenjing Chu: for example, or it could it be? Let's say, only to show a certain type of id so that would be you know one way to look at it, I think, Open Wallet Fund is trying to look at a more general purpose Wenjing Chu: erez agmoni, and also open source and open standard based. So this type one would a show. The, you know, all the many different purposes, one Wenjing Chu: different asset types. within the wallet container itself. So one way we'll look at it. Would it be a wallet as a container? but also many different assets or object types that's within it. So the when we look at the scope, I think I I I read about the you know the Wenjing Chu: the debate in Wenjing Chu: in a hyper ledger. wallet versus agent, and I think the the way we use the world wallet is a more in in Tennessee, I guess. so you would mean, of course, the agents and other functionality or standards, for example, and protocols behind it that support these data types? Right? so from a consumer point of view, it will be seen as

Wenjing Chu: various type of wallet implementation or products that's based on these, a core component. And that, they implemented some, you know, combination or subset of of these potential, these types. And they going to show up in various formats, whether it's on, you know, a a mobile phone, or his, or some kind of a hardware token or desktop. Wenjing Chu: The top cloud all those are a valid, you know, variations. And so the analogy in you know, it's not perfect. One we always get to is a a browser construction. And again, the browser typically have a good quality open source engine as a starting point. you know, when we dig deeper. Of course, these analogy don't work that way up. Wenjing Chu: But hopefully, the the idea is the same that you have standards. You have, you know, open source implementations and potentially various kinds of

Wenjing Chu: application can come out of it. So one thing I would add myself, would it be like instead of just browsers. These engines are actually commonly useful for various applications that people don't necessarily link that back to process. Right? So this is quite common nowadays to build the You application where there's mobile or on, on, on, on desktop side or service side, that is essentially behind, the same as a open source engine of some kind of browser in zoom running there. Wenjing Chu: So so that would be perfectly good way to think about this as well. And so we we want to sort of a position open wallet as a as a a a neutral place that that these type of open source software implementations can happen. in in open source Wenjing Chu: which was a support of various kinds of standards. I think these names are. Wenjing Chu: I just, you know, pick that certain time. But the There's a quite a bit of a different kind of stance which you support. Different type. I I, you know, I I've been calling it a digital ass as or object types. there's a another instance of rules or regulations.

Wenjing Chu: so this one. I think we are still experimenting or understanding what exactly it need to be, and how this may be implemented. And I think, if Wenjing Chu: you you mentioned in the update on Kyi's governance structure of awful meeting, you know, policies one or governance rules right? And so those rules and how fast you would be program. How that should represent is is a very interesting and and new areas that we need to tackle on. So this is a, you know, explicitly recognized. That is a is important to task that we need to do in in a Wenjing Chu: anyway. So this has been I saw this has been, you know, posted in many places. Are we trying to come up with a a a a simple mission statement? It's probably not as easy as it is. But here is is the the test we have so far, and the there's a a and now a a few, I think. Important point one is collaboration. And and and it to drive for global adoption. Wenjing Chu: so interoperability and the the ability to adapt to different regions different regulations. While you'll keep open, secure, and interoperable. Those are important goals to have. And as a part of that, the challenge that we thought a Governance Advisory Council, would it be very useful? And we at Daniel was that we model this Wenjing Chu: on the itfs. And you know, icons similar structure so hopefully, involvement of these governmental entities in the in this console. Would it help us to at least recognize and hopefully help solving the problems that combine governance? And the technology? solutions together? So that's that's one as best for that. Wenjing Chu: The other, I think, is also quite interesting or important to understand. It's goals and and scope is the the the last them. When you know about the best practices on these with standard waste and that the issue rose wallet providers relying parties essentially all the parties in the ecosystem. Why, for for a solution.

Wenjing Chu: 10 used to bootstrap the the implementations for for their products, and that pro preserves user choice security and privacy. so this I think this implies that that the scope is a lot bigger than a narrow sense of a of a wallet. We also need to the things that there was inside the wallet, but also other tools and infrastructure systems that may be needed in order for this to work. Wenjing Chu: So in a way, that's my reading of like sort of understanding of what the at the mission statement look like. Wenjing Chu: this structure is very, very similar. so I'll probably skate. Most of this is a very similar to high pleasure. I think this must be copies from the letter. the primary. I think the new thing here is the Government's Advise council that we we mentioned before. the rest of the Wenjing Chu: set up, I think the local very similar. the other difference is that we've chosen to host this in Linux Foundation, Europe itself a very new thing. And it this is to recognize that there are a lot of European effort trying to get a digital service. ei, this and others. And and there's a consolidate, you know, a organized effort right in Europe and European Union Wenjing Chu: to push for a standard way of doing this so identity and many of to support many times of the digital services. So for that reason, for many other reasons, in order to sort of diversify our membership base? you know.

Wenjing Chu: being more welcoming and avoid any kind of a geopolitical concerns that some of the members may have. we have chosen to host it in Europe. Wenjing Chu: Okay, so Wenjing Chu: so start from this slide and forward my personal understanding. so just want to put that forward and and welcome any input and and the feedback we think to wallet is only important in the future. Digital economy. Wenjing Chu: because it is the key component to overall trust framework. Wenjing Chu: it. It is a a very general sense of, you know. We? We look at that. The world wall it! What does it mean? It means, I think it. The original meaning is that knapsack is something we keep things valuable. Wenjing Chu: it's quite open open-ended to thing right? And so the it can be credential money, that sort of thing, but also can be any type of digital updates. it's also a place for

Wenjing Chu: people to exercise control. So you know, for example, consent, selective disclosure assigning it is a, it's a it's a. It's a way to exercise control. And both of those things are very important. And so it's not just the sort of a a safe secure stories. But also you know, how do we use these things in order to enable applications and in enrich and make a digital services much safer. Wenjing Chu: a a and and and privacy concern about conserving. So those are, I think, one way to look at them. And then it is also the most direct personnel interface. we think we're gonna have. And so it's very personal. Why, this is a is a is a mean for for people to take the to control better control of their original life. Wenjing Chu: and and so it is. For that matter, it will be very important, for you know, for agency, for the the sort of a convenience of use which is, I think, equally important. So I think the burden of so called choices and complexity is, say, impediment to a lot of these goals. So those, I think, are to me right. I think it's important to to fall into the scope as well, and Wenjing Chu: and so and so Wenjing Chu: the the wallet there for host, the key to this trust, and and all the new wave applications that we need that trust, and so that can be more value aligned. And in in the privacy centric Wenjing Chu: and people see on the authentic with high level trust. And so those will be like, I. I look at the W. What is the wallet and what we need to do. how hope these are more?

Wenjing Chu: maybe emphasize, but hopefully more Wenjing Chu: open and and broad view of what while it need to be. it's it's a better way to. I think it is quite the scope. I have probably Wenjing Chu: let me see time to to one or 2 more slides. One thing I want to also show is in terms of the importance of a wallet is This diagram, which is from the Wenjing Chu: A Rf. Is an architecture reference framework

Wenjing Chu: of you use the digital identity where? Wenjing Chu: the pink governance rose. So we've talked about governance and why it's so important. So these are, for example, national accreditation. Body like that will be a governmental, probably organization there. and then the yellow the primary rose. So these would it be? Wenjing Chu: a a provider will be a provided for accreditation or assertion. Sorry. A test station. Sorry? Why so credential? issue us? Wenjing Chu: The relying party is on the right side, and then wallet provider will be, you know, our customer. Who? So our yeah, some of our community? Who would it take to be open source code and produce these? So those will be the providers and device manufacture and user in the middle so you can see the Wenjing Chu: The diagram shows both the so the production of a wallet, but also the used cases around it. But the center around all of this is this purple Wenjing Chu: component. And that's the wallet. So hopefully, this graphically shows the central role that a wallet will play. I I really like this side where, as you deep, you know, dive deep into it. It shows a lot of relationships and and what the wall they need to do. 150. Wenjing Chu: We've got a huge amount of experience and learning from DC government, and and they're You know this, this, this is a I. I love to see them all the presentations in in Vancouver.

Wenjing Chu: a and a a a proper functioning wallet that you can download and be able to, you know, support all these features. So that's a great example of that I have a slide going into many different kinds of things. We think the Wenjing Chu: an open source wallet can help to you know. help implementation implementers as well as the deployers to really make. this ecosystem, what? And so that's the you know, different kind of a applications we're looking at. Wenjing Chu: there's a lot of new opportunities. Once a Wenjing Chu: such a wallet will be in billions of people's hands. I I think they opens up a lot of new opportunities. to this. So the last 2 slide, I want to basically report back a little bit on where we are. so these slides let me stop the slides, and it probably would Wenjing Chu: go to a Wenjing Chu: each here. Wenjing Chu: That's how to get involved. So this is the open wallet foundations Github Page.

Wenjing Chu: And the best way to really get involved would be these ones right? So you have a mailing list discourse Github, special interest groups task forces. Wenjing Chu: the since the let me see the February. So now Wenjing Chu: we've set up most of the processes. Our first 2 projects

Wenjing Chu: just got approved. So the main process on the life cycle goes. Wenjing Chu: hopefully, we very Wenjing Chu: familiar to you as well Wenjing Chu: into these 3 stages. So that will be last growth and impact. Wenjing Chu: we have 2 Wenjing Chu: at lab applause. Yes, let me click here. this is the of page we are by. Wenjing Chu: sorry. This is what I'm trying to look at where our membership overlap. Wenjing Chu: let me see. Okay.

Wenjing Chu: so I don't have a open here, but while we go into of there and maybe Wenjing Chu: So this is the except currently, both of our projects are in lab stage. So here are the 2 of them. Wenjing Chu: Oh, Tracy. oh, okay, yeah. So we have. Wenjing Chu: it's the jot part one, and the second one is the jot Wenjing Chu: python. Correct? That's correct. Yeah, we're waiting on the python one to get things like Dcos set up on the repository before we transfer it over. So we're working with the Tracy Kuhrt: a proposer of that to get those changes done before we create the repository here in the open Wallet foundation labs area Wenjing Chu: exactly. And there are. I'm running special interest groups. I think the one I want to highlight Wenjing Chu: which I was doing earlier is the Wenjing Chu: the architecture sick.

Wenjing Chu: and it's having many of the meetings, and that you will recognize many of the topics as well. and so that will be, you know, for a a, a, a general audience. This will be really good place to get started. Wenjing Chu: the tech meeting and all others. I think it better to look for in this page where I was earlier on the Wenjing Chu: on this list. So we use this code. have we created the okay, we have.

Wenjing Chu: So we have a architecture, special interest group Wenjing Chu: and a credential format comparison, especially in just group Wenjing Chu: love to see that to get started. That's brand new at just approved yesterday. So Wenjing Chu: we are still growing, and I hope Wenjing Chu: if I could go back to the page, I think there is a Wenjing Chu: interest in seeing more sponsorship and community our community. I think overlap very much a lot. And but we will see hopefully, in the next few months or so that our support group will grow. And you know the the community gets more organized and more mature. Wenjing Chu: And I I think I want to stop here and maybe see, Tracy. And if if Daniel still here have anything to add. Tracy Kuhrt: yeah, I think those are good sorts of Tracy Kuhrt: overview, I think. Sandy has a couple of questions that he's put into the chat. Tracy Kuhrt: That is probably good for us to talk through and and answer. So I'll just say, do you? Wanna do you want to ask them verbally? Sandy Aggarwal: No, not that crazy. thank you I think might just put my questions over there. So this way, you can get them when you get there yet.

Wenjing Chu: Yeah, let me see the 2 questions. One is, what's being done to looping current major players like Google pay apple pay, some some paypal and so forth. Wenjing Chu: current presentation. I in python. Oh, sure, yeah, I will get it the second one for us, this this one this little, my part. So the second one on current to the 2 projects in python. I call them for Sd. Jot for anyone who is not familiar. Wenjing Chu: It's a see off this sorry, selective disclosure as Sd, and so it's a a a. A job based on Wenjing Chu: web, token-based mechanism to support selective description of colleges. And so that's the current. the 2 projects. We expect a lot more process would join us. That's more broad, and it potentially give the coherence, for example, for the supporting structure of a wallet, etc. Wenjing Chu: And so until those happens. currently, these are the 2 projects you want to see in our website at the Github side in terms of Wenjing Chu: you know, major players. if Daniel's here, then you can say more. Are you still here?

Char Howland: It looks like Daniel had to drop Wenjing Chu: very productive and active discussions with some of this. Wenjing Chu: we have very positive response coming from them. So we hope to have at least Wenjing Chu: some of them major ones join us in the in the near future. we. We're looking forward to that. We are in active discussion and learning quite a lot about you know, different aspects of this ecosystem. Where are they from? We also in naturally, very closely. discussing many of the Wenjing Chu: this large number of parties in the EU's digital identity. effort there. And so we also in very close contact with those groups. And and Daniel, you know, would would that be able to say much more eloquently on the progress there. But I would say that we we definitely looking forward to those Wenjing Chu: Tracy also mentioned that we are not leaning, and you only. And if we I can go back to this picture right? because of the way we deform wallet to be very much general purpose and and open, and again similar to a a. A browser engine.

Wenjing Chu: I think part of it. The problem of today's open source browser implementation is that it's too monolithic. It has lots of things packed into one. So using them as a embedded component tend to be Why, it's a very heavy weight, at least. And and could it be difficult? So we want to, you know, hopefully avoid those problems and be more more modular Wenjing Chu: and and the the operating system we're looking at definitely. Not enjoy. Only we hope that that can be going to both the sort of Wenjing Chu: gms, you know, featured enjoy solutions as well as all the other more open source solutions can be supported, and we will see how Ios will work. And there's a probably very interesting question on where those at the framework will look like for supporting different operating systems in the mobile side, but also on the non mobile, you know, on the web cloud Wenjing Chu: and other hardware and and and devices as well. So those are the Wenjing Chu: can you see? We would.

Wenjing Chu: Yeah. So we would definitely hope to a part is to join us on supporting other operating systems, and I think I've been at least a personally been talking to quite a few of them. that have expressed a very strong interest in doing exactly that. Wenjing Chu: So modularity will help us. and the framework will help us to. hopefully. Better solve that problem. Wenjing Chu: Any other questions for me.

Tim Bloomfield: This is a Tim. Here I have a question. I something caught my eye on Slide 7. I think it was. Tim Bloomfield: Talk about a government. I may be wrong. How and what it was. Once I talked about the structure. You had a government advisory Tim Bloomfield: on Government technical advisory. Yes, I sorry. Government Advisory Council. I'm just curious about how you get how to possibly get involved in that. I I think government has very unique requirements around the issue of credentials that

Tim Bloomfield: we are. We're different from from. So they're private private sector, and I don't know if you have any insight into how that that council is formed, or what the what the process is. Wenjing Chu: Yes, so We've had several discussions. And There's a proposal, I think, being reviewed to several times already, so we will hope to publicly announce it. By the way, and if you could send me a new contact me directly, I would introduce you to this. I will wait for the governing board to approve the Wenjing Chu: you know the charter and and all that Hopefully, very quickly, with shortly, potentially. Next meeting, I believe, and and and get that started. So we are in the you know, corporation stage of that Tim Bloomfield: awesome. Thank you very much. Tim Bloomfield: Yeah, this is a great project. Wenjing Chu: a, absolutely. And we want to get that, you know, as a broad representation as possible. in in this space. So we've look at it. How other group trying to run this and learn, you know the best

Wenjing Chu: processes and experience from those groups. and if if anyone has a suggestions or recommendations or feedback, how to better to do that? we all is we we trying to get this started as soon as possible. Sandy Aggarwal: That guy. I think somebody else has come gone. Sam Curren (TelegramSam): Yeah, sorry about that. on a a couple of sides down. You had a diagram with a list of things that while it's doing the middle and then I think I don't remember which slide it was but I had a question about that. The Sam Curren (TelegramSam): the Sam Curren (TelegramSam): it was. It's mostly black and white. Keep on.

Wenjing Chu: I keep going. Sam Curren (TelegramSam): Yeah. Wenjing Chu: So that's the bottom. Let me go back for us. Sam Curren (TelegramSam): It it might be up further, and I just missed it. Sam Curren (TelegramSam): This one.

Sam Curren (TelegramSam): Nope, it was a it was a. It was a whole long list of all the different types of things that well, that one right there it's 5. Sam Curren (TelegramSam): Oh, number 50, this 10, yes. Okay, yeah. So the question I have is that the the list of all the things in the middle? Here are all what you might call credential, focused of one form or another Sam Curren (TelegramSam): meaning. It's a it's a piece of of signed data that it's more or less, and being a little bit imprecise here, but it's a a piece of signed data that is, is then past 2 held, and then and then acted on by the Sam Curren (TelegramSam): you know, by the by, the user that holds it in their wallet. none of the things listed here are Sam Curren (TelegramSam): separate from that Sam Curren (TelegramSam): meaning. There's no user to user communication or other types of interactions that might be between different Sam Curren (TelegramSam): parties in the ecosystem. But but don't necessarily focus on credentials. Can you come in on the scope of

Sam Curren (TelegramSam): the open Wall Foundation's goals, as it relates to non- credential related activities? Wenjing Chu: Yeah, I think. this this problem comes up quite a bit. I remember in the trust of IP discussion as well, because, you know, in in trust IP. They want to say that with the scope in their the technology that Wenjing Chu: it's not purely for credentials. And people have difficulties trying to sort of put a name on those things, and they not be credentials. and and so this is a and not a uncommon challenge. And this diagram probably shows that the a as well. I I would say that that the if you look at the some of the other slides I use. Wenjing Chu: that's not the intent. so it it when we come up with a decent names and examples. It might show a little bit of that way, but it's not the intent. the I guess we'll just say like, usually the the answer is like, for example, money is not so in in that of payment.

Wenjing Chu: and and quite a debit cause not. credentials. Why so potentially the pen ft are not credentials. but nevertheless, I think you're right that it is, sometimes hard to put the other names in in this. So that will be very good. The feedback, I would like to, you know, maybe improve this diagram, so we don't give that Wenjing Chu: in in precise impression that way. Wenjing Chu: And and the the but I you know the the way I look at the a wallet again. It's not just a a a a container holding stuff, but also a way to exercise control at that couldn't mean Wenjing Chu: Messaging couldn't mean, you know, just as a way to sign stuff. it could mean controlling your data. So there's a various kinds of implementations, I think proposals out there of how do I keep the private data essentially have a direct control of how this harvest data?

Wenjing Chu: distributed and use, etc. Right? So all those I want to say in scope, or this type when intend to show that may not be doing the best job. Sam Curren (TelegramSam): Thanks. Wenjing Chu: thanks, then. Wenjing Chu: and I hope that also put the the question the debate about wallet for us as a agent in in some fashion as well, and clearly noted these objects. And in, you know, in the what it app eventually work all the agent, it potentially, it's it's it's probably the the essential call of that implementation

Wenjing Chu: And now, not ever a problem. I need to include all the components in it, but that a the the the agent, potentially. Could it be the center of it? That's the one that everybody would need to have? Wenjing Chu: you know, you can imagine a different data types or different protocols as a somewhat of a plugin into that the overall implementation, and which produces this, what we call a wallet. Is that? Wenjing Chu: It's a beyond a secure storage. But if the actual engine for the application itself Wenjing Chu: so what the you know Ariz community call agent, I think, naturally is the core of that wallet.

Wenjing Chu: And now we run out of time any other. Wenjing Chu: Oh, yeah. So Tracy mentioned, there is a sick Wenjing Chu: the blob that when use? Case, yeah. yeah, I used to use that diagram as well which goes into these software structure. I don't know. It can show it quickly. Wenjing Chu: should I see that link doesn't work? Okay? In a way, it's just a.at the end. If you take that off. It'll work. Wenjing Chu: Yes. Wenjing Chu: Oh, I see.

Wenjing Chu: Okay. Wenjing Chu: And then bumbling into the one place. So if I could go there. Wenjing Chu: yeah.

Wenjing Chu: here. Wenjing Chu: Oh, okay, great. This is the first time it's in this picture. But there's an architecture picture in similar sense. And this is really the used cases picture as well. Tracy Kuhrt: and I think the one that you're looking for when Jing was under the architecture folder, there's a conceptual architecture Wenjing Chu: diagram as well. Okay, here. Here's the one I think it shows up relate to the Wenjing Chu: agent. And and while it has, you know, storage and protocols, and the policy agent. I like this one da da da, I think this is a lot of interesting thing could happen here. So again, you know the how do we express those policies? And how do we actually make them become a placable component into the overall implementation architecture? Those are very interesting questions. Wenjing Chu: Yeah. So I I run out of my time and I'll probably stop here. if there are any other last questions.

Wenjing Chu: No. Char Howland: yeah, it looks like it looks like we're at the just over the top of the hour. unless anyone has any final questions jump in with or things to say. Char Howland: Wendy, and thank you so much for joining us, and for a great presentation and discussion. Really really appreciate you joining us this morning. So thank you. Wenjing Chu: Thank you all, and and and I'm glad to be here. It's it. Send some audit to present here for open wallet and Hopefully we can keep this conversation there. Char Howland: Yeah, absolutely absolutely. thank you. Everyone else for joining and and giving your working group updates and reports. And we'll see you all in 2 weeks. Wenjing Chu: Thank you.

Char Howland: Bye.


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